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Dr. Ken - Season 2 Dr. Ken - Season 2 is a hilarious and heartwarming television show that aired from 2016 to 2017.

Dr. Ken - Season 2

Dr. Ken - Season 2 is a hilarious and heartwarming television show that aired from 2016 to 2017. Starring the brilliant Ken Jeong in the titular role, this sitcom will have you in stitches with its clever writing and incredibly talented cast.

With a keen blend of comedy and poignant moments, Dr. Ken follows the life of Dr. Ken Park, a brilliant physician who is also terribly inept when it comes to social skills. Each episode explores Ken's struggles to balance his challenging medical career with his chaotic personal life, creating a perfect recipe for comedic mishaps and heartwarming moments.

Leading the cast is the multi-talented Ken Jeong, known for his roles in movies like "The Hangover" series and "Crazy Rich Asians." Jeong brings his unique brand of humor and charm to the character of Dr. Ken, making him both endearing and hilariously awkward. His comedic timing is impeccable, and he effortlessly delivers awkward punchlines that will have you bursting with laughter.

Playing alongside Ken Jeong is Suzy Nakamura, who portrays Dr. Ken's no-nonsense wife, Allison. Nakamura's portrayal of Allison brings a grounding presence to the show, often playing the straight man to Ken's comedic antics. Their on-screen chemistry is palpable, creating a couple that you can't help but root for.

The talented cast doesn't stop there. Dr. Ken's colleagues at the Welltopia Medical Group include the talented Jonathan Slavin as Clark, an eccentric nurse with a heart of gold, and Albert Tsai as Dave, the sharp-witted teenage son of Dr. Ken and Allison. These characters add depth and humor to the show, complementing Ken's unique personality with their own quirks and idiosyncrasies.

As the series progresses into its second season, the writing only gets sharper and the characters grow more lovable. Dr. Ken's relationship with his daughter, Molly (played by Krista Marie Yu), is explored further, showcasing the challenges of parenting a teenager and the importance of family bonds. Each episode delves into relatable scenarios, like navigating embarrassing social situations or dealing with difficult patients, all while maintaining a lighthearted and humorous tone.

The success of Dr. Ken can be attributed to its ability to balance comedy with genuine heart. It tackles serious issues like cultural identity, family dynamics, and everyday challenges with sensitivity and authenticity. While the show is undoubtedly hilarious, it also offers insightful moments that will resonate with viewers on a deeper level.

If you're looking to experience the laughter and heartwarming moments of Dr. Ken - Season 2, you're in luck! You can easily find and stream the episodes on various streaming platforms. Additionally, you can download these sounds and watch the show at your convenience. Whether you're watching it alone, with friends, or as a family, Dr. Ken - Season 2 is sure to provide endless laughter and entertainment.

So, gather your loved ones, grab some popcorn, and get ready to embark on a hilarious journey with the Park family. Dr. Ken - Season 2 promises to deliver side-splitting laughs, relatable characters, and heartwarming moments that will leave you wanting more. Don't miss out on this wonderful television show - it's the perfect cure for a dreary day and a surefire way to lighten your mood. Enjoy the hilarity and joy that Dr. Ken - Season 2 has to offer, and let the laughter roll!
A "welcome to the family" handshake.
A And try to smile.
A bald, handsome monster.
A baller with brains?
A big, old, crooked jigsaw puzzle
A blanket with two holes.
A bunch of folding chairs for his concerts.
A couple of days ago, I posted a picture
A Doctor Without Borders to Guatemala.
A festive fruit bouquet.
A fire extinguisher.
A fire extinguisher.
A ghost story on Halloween? Groundbreaking.
A human baby catalogue model who grows up to be a nudist.
A human baby who's a catalogue model?
A job that makes a difference,
A kid trepreneur!
A Korean soap opera.
A letter of recommendation?
A link to my website where you can watch my performance.
A little bit, we did.
A little healthy separation sometimes.
A little help?
A little less impressive, like maybe my wife.
A little more pertinent like Welltopia's
A little privacies?
A little.
A long time ago, there was a boy named Hyun
A massage?
A message that couldn't be any clearer.
A portal to Korean hell.
A rag. You're wearing a rag!
A recommendation to Stanford.
A silk blouse, and a chartreuse belt
A strike would shut this whole place down.
A typical day in an HMO as seen through the eyes of a doctor...
A very good man who respects my judgment.
A water ghost who uses her long arms
A way of getting what he wanted.
A wonderfully bright young woman,
Aah! Allison!
Aah! I hate you!
Aah! She got in the house?!
Aah! She's still here?
Abdominal pain plus depression like symptoms.
About all the problems I have with you.
About Allison's work woes,
About becoming a doctor,
About excess calcium in somebody's blood!
About how they're finding new uses for statins?"
About keeping things professional in the workplace.
About making it work with you.
About one little visit with my parents.
About our personal life, okay?
About the possibility of us working together,
About the two guys who stole a calendar?
About this change of plans.
About what? That was so much fun!
About you being asked to bomb... I mean host.
Absolutely not.
According to my A.P. psychology textbook,
Acetaminophen overdose.
Actual text.
Actually doing anything.
Actually, Dad, Jae's an artist.
Actually, he can. He's been cleared.
Actually, I do have one party related job for you.
Actually, I just need you to sign this DMV form
Actually, I take that back.
Actually, I was just passing through.
Actually, I've never diagnosed it.
Actually, it was my idea.
Actually, my profile's better here.
Actually, that doesn't really...
Actually, they could use help down there if any of you...
Add to that everything I have to do around here.
Adumbrates a good SAT score.
Afraid they wouldn't like him,
After her SAT setback,
After I said drinks go on the right?
After school, we go to barbershop.
After three weeks?
After working a double shift in our understaffed E.R.
After you, Professor.
Again, some of us are still in uniform.
Ah choo!
Ah, and your face is looking better.
Ah, any excuse to bring him up.
Ah, come here.
Ah, give me a second.
Ah, great.
Ah, I love watching the Sharks crush the dreams
Ah, I'm just gonna see what comes up.
Ah, if only our scientists could build a machine
Ah, it's as much my fault as yours.
Ah, it's just a little one. Come on.
Ah, never mind. I'll think of something else.
Ah, pure silence.
Ah, right.
Ah, shrimp, son?
Ah, thanks, Clark.
Ah, that's amazing.
Ah, well, slap my knee and call me Kathy. Me, too.
Ah, yeah. We're taking care of it.
Ah, yes. Play the strong, silent type.
Ah, young Park. This is my friend Curt.
Ah! It's still up there!
Ah! Tell him Scottsdale.
Ah! This place is a mess.
Ah. Ah, that's not so bad.
Ah. Damona, I'm sorry.
Ah. Hey.
Ah. Mrs... Pae?
Ah. Respect.
Ah. Sit down, Ken. I'll deal you in.
Ah. That checks out medically.
Ah.You may be right.
Ahh, I really thought the whole school spirit act
Ahh, I wonder who they got to host the banquet.
Ahh. Mim oh so close.
Ahh. Pay attention, you two.
Aimless, more loved in another era,
Alba just asked me to stop yelling at that apple vendor
All because I wanted to wear something nice to work for once.
All but one of those things seem really hard.
All his tests came back negative.
All I did was suggest an experimental
All I really want for Christmas is for my mommy and daddy
All non medical personnel must wear scrubs."
All of your basic everyday medications.
All right, all right.
All right, and as my first act of friendship,
All right, Dave, let's go, buddy.
All right, have a seat
All right, I'll keep you po... oh, she already hung up.
All right, Ken, you're gonna have to give me an exam.
All right, pal, move it along.
All right, people, let's come back to this tomorrow, all right?
All right, there's no Cheryl.
All right, you caught me.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. CAT scans.
All right. Give one to Lori.
All right. Let's go, Dad.
All right. Remind him I'm his boss.
All right. Well, it's definitely hives,
All right. You know what?
All the way around your other wrist?
All the way down to the zucchini muffin
All the way into the Management Training Program?
All they had was each other and that's what got them through.
All you can do is accept it.
All your problems stay outside the door.
Allison and fun in the same sentence.
Allison is very thin skinned.
Allison made us do it!
Allison, I don't know what you're saying right now,
Allison, I promise I will never dote on you again.
Allison, I was building it up.
Allison, no, it's not their turn.
Allison, our marriage is in trouble!
Allison, Pat Hein here.
Allison, you have a walk in. You want to take her?
Allison, you in?
Allison's Jerk Chicken 'n Meditation Hut.
Almost forgot.
Already covered.
Already did. He's on the way.
Already remembered my birthday.
Also works here as a psychiatrist?
Also, she wanted to apologize to you.
Although he's a little more business casual
Although if you can get hold of a slice of pizza,
Although if you can get hold of a slice of pizza,
Although you are a big presence at Welltopia,
Although, he wasn't wrong.
Although, historically, you and I have spent
Although, I'm divorced,
Although, if you should happen into his grandpa's barbershop
Always eavesdropping.
Always have,
Am I actually gonna be negotiating
Am I in his lap?
Am I Legolas from "Lord of the Rings"
Am I right?
Am I right? Am I right?
Am I sending it too early?
Ambitious, beautiful,
Among other findings.
Amy. Molly, move.
An amazing boyfriend,
An E.R. nurse who became a patient
An easy cry, a fussy eater,
An educational one that saves many lives.
An emperor once used this, you know.
An idiot.
An increase in pay and bonuses,
An old stone well.
And a bunch of times since then
And a comedian, Allison. Oh, man.
And a glass three quarters filled with death water.
And a more reasonable nurse to patient ratio.
And a really good one. You should see his stuff.
And a whole battery of tests to rule it out.
And about his other family.
And all of the dedicated nurses that take care of them,
And allows me to bring home sweets for my sweetie.
And already it's helping his symptoms.
And always with one eye on the old college application.
And as the club motto goes,
And be Janelle Monae.
And because of you,
And become an employee.
And believe in him no matter what.
And brought them up to Hugh Jackman level.
And by that, I mean she totally did,
And Cheryl... oh, Cheryl... Cheryl is...
And clever, and it is hopeless.
And collapsed and died right there on the court.
And Damona will be happy to handle your appointments.
And Dave loves it, too.
And Dave will be my elf.
And Dave's are just about how great he is.
And Dave's easily getting straight A's,
And Dave's starting middle school.
And did you tell her the truth?
And do you know how many people
And do you know what she fixed her face to say to me?
And do you know what she said to me?
And doesn't think about it afterwards.
And don't come back!
And don't ignore the card! It applies!
And ever since they raised my office rent,
And every other noteworthy documentary
And find him in the middle of...
And for that reason, I'm out.
And for you, ma'am?
And for you?
And found someone so much better?
And friend.
And get at him.
And get this... he is a dish soaker.
And go hit Hometown Buffet?
And got his daughter a plum internship"?
And guess who got elected.
And having her here would just be... so brutal.
And he and Grandma are both fine.
And he can't do the "Achy Breaky Heart" on crutches.
And he kept thinking I was playing hardball.
And he lo...
And he saved Thanksgiving,
And he should like you.
And he told me on our first date,
And he wandered right into a cemetery.
And he was very thirsty.
And he's gonna make a full recovery.
And he's just a teensy bit curious
And he's never had an issue.
And he's pre med at UCLA...
And head back to the Park Tank?
And help salvage burned up finger foods?
And here I was,
And his eye was doing that twitching thing, so he means business.
And hit automatic alert.
And hopefully one day,
And how are the legs so... short on you?
And how does that make you feel?
And I am so sorry that charred octopus
And I appreciate you.
And I bet he makes it to school without incident.
And I can assure you the front line is anything but mundane.
And I can't have Blotches here making me look bad.
And I cozy up in denial
And I did.
And I didn't have half
And I didn't tell you 'cause I didn't know how you'd feel.
And I do mean forever.
And I don't know if I'm going to be able
And I don't know where this is going,
And I double checked with Molly.
And I ended up all the way homeless
And I gave up the practice I built
And I got a muffin 'cause I'm a monster.
And I halfway ran away
And I have a lot of projects in the works.
And I have a real job in the meantime.
And I have a real job in the meantime.
And I have the temperament of a colicky baby.
And I haven't heard from him since.
And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart,
And I keep telling her, "No, no, no, no, no, no."
And I know I can because you always make me better,
And I know there's this guy, Christophe,
And I know what you need...
And I likes what I see.
And I noticed the length of his fingers,
And I quit.
And I realize I could use that to my advantage.
And I saved it.
And I saved you $12,000 in deductions.
And I say, "Long live The Hot Legs Duvet!"
And I see the mailman delivering our mail...
And I sneak off to my office for a nap.
And I spot that beautiful girl across the restaurant.
And I think I like her, so could you just play along?
And I told you I am coming and that my sister is a chore.
And I turned out amazing.
And I wandered into a shelter.
And I want you to be there for them and for me.
And I want you to know how much I appreciate that.
And I wasn't there for her.
And I wouldn't trade it for anything.
And I'd always be in your shadow.
And I'll actually be able to enjoy the banquet for once.
And I'll always be here to support you.
And I'll always be here to support you.
And I'll buy you a beer?
And I'll have no further part in it!
And I'll present her to Connor at the party.
And I'll see you back in a week to treat your split sides.
And I'm a partner here at Welltopia.
And I'm gonna do my solo.
And I'm gonna join him.
And I'm gonna leave it at that.
And I'm gonna prove I'm right.
And I'm in charge of the plus ones.
And I'm needy,
And I'm never gonna be the one
And I'm not going to lie to you,
And I'm not raising Molly that way, either.
And I'm not sure I'm ready to let it go
And I'm really grateful to you for this, Clark.
And I'm really sorry.
And I'm sorry I wasn't more gracious
And I'm sorry. I...
And I'm stuck with a fake girlfriend
And I'm supposed to believe barn owls are magical?
And I'm... I'm sorry, Megan.
And I've got nothing to learn from him.
And I've got the keys to everybody's office.
And if it's a disaster, it'll stay with him forever.
And if it's for the best...
And if my wife finds out, she'll kill me.
And if you don't get that,
And in retrospect, it was probably too much.
And in the meanwhile, why not do it with us...
And in your version, Dave is Dumbo.
And instead of being honest with you about it,
And irritable and all over the place.
And is being followed up with appropriate treatment
And is wondering if I could take a look at him.
And it brought her back to life.
And it escalated and he moved out
And it hit me...
And it is our own Dr. Park.
And it is so stressful.
And it should be important to you.
And it snowballed into...
And it turns out they're playing at Agave Springs Casino tonight.
And it turns out we are not good at it.
And it was a disaster.
And it was Thanksgiving in Cooperstown,
And it wasn't good for him.
And it's a good way to challenge Dave.
And it's an actual consult, not sex.
And it's great exposure for Welltopia.
And it's important for him to recognize
And it's more prominent than this morning
And it's time for a new challenge.
And it's too late to cancel.
And its surrounding blood vessels,
And just yell at some water... then we'll have plenty of ice.
And keep the pesky IRS off my back.
And Ken had a strong reaction.
And Ken is a... good dad.
And Ken's replacement if all goes well.
And leave the house without me.
And less desperate man's comedy.
And less of the rubber faced clowning that is your trademark.
And let her get derailed by Asian Banksy?
And let's face it, it's like she found a way to date her dad,
And Linda's gonna be okay with you leaving?
And made a game show buzzer at me,
And made the effort to see us.
And major exports... in Spanish.
And mix some Korbel with a little SunnyD.
And my dad?
And my nice jeans.
And no pressure, but our grandfathers are outside
And nobody has ever laughed.
And Norma Rae over here wants to shut the whole place down.
And not a problem between you and me?
And not even a one on one, like with Ellen.
And not just book club funny... HMO banquet funny.
And not just dots!
And not just for the one thing.
And not just me... everyone.
And nothing... nothing is more important to me
And now I have 29 minutes.
And now I must serve her forever.
And now it just feels like too much time has passed.
And now she's playing golf again.
And now wants everyone in costumes so she can show off.
And of course, every one of them
And offensive.
And on the floor of the ambulance.
And on top of that...
And our date only just ended moments ago.
And our roles flow in reverse, you know?
And overhearing Mom and Dad talk about it
And paid for them to live out their days
And pick up some In Touch's while you're at it.
And playing basketball could result in cardiac arrest.
And pledged to do better.
And real dinner plans.
And recommend a treatment protocol if necessary.
And risk having a fight? No, no.
And said he'd stop when he was dead.
And say, "Congratulations, it isn't easy stealing a job
And scotch, was it?
And secretly get some intel...
And see what our baby would look like.
And she didn't like it.
And she had her struggles
And she is a whole mixed bag of 'em.
And she never got credit for it.
And she told me that she never loved me.
And she took a cab to the wrong address in Canoga Park.
And she would not bite.
And she's the reason we have perfect basil.
And ship him off to Happyville.
And show Virginia there really is a Santa Claus!
And silly me, I defended you.
And smile all the time.
And so, Hyun wandered,
And some of us have it.
And some... Oh, my God, is that a pinecone?
And sometimes that just means me missing the backstory
And sometimes that's the same day.
And split my pants on a crowded boardwalk.
And still throw a kickass party.
And studies I've seen back me up.
And take me back?
And tell him how out of line he was.
And tell me how many fish you see.
And tell them they're not sheep?
And thank you.
And thanks for inviting me.
And that closure felt great.
And that hope helped me
And that is a nightmare
And that meal gave me hope.
And that was before my legendary performance
And that's fun.
And that's the moment he learned not to act like a man
And that's the problem
And that's the score you show them.
And that's why I love you.
And that's why I love you.
And the banquet's in a few hours.
And the biography of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
And the crumble was surprisingly heavy.
And the Event Committee still hasn't called
And the guy who cancelled it.
And the heritage thing, honey.
And the irony of that is that the harder I try,
And the legal department just e mailed me.
And the mail strike is over, thank God.
And the next day, but medically speaking,
And the not timely washing of them.
And the problem's been solved.
And the truth is, I really only care
And then at a certain point, you're gonna go home, and...
And then had three days of, you know, bubble guts.
And then he walked out,
And then I walked.
And then I'm gonna shove your smug face in it.
And then if the drunk guy we had bet on was able
And then it's been all nerds on deck.
And then no.
And then release them.
And then sleep in your clothes.
And then somebody else says, "Banana," and you just...
And then the irony is,
And then told the cops he was late to deliver a baby.
And there's no more Internet,
And they also say, "Happy Opposite Day!"
And they called it "Refreshing!"
And they didn't care that I was gay.
And they had a daughter and a son
And they halfway kicked me out
And they have strict rules for this sort of thing.
And they invited me to come on the show!
And they really want us to drive up this year.
And this has never come up before?
And this is a mural I did for a friend of mine
And this is you, um, dropping out?
And this isn't just any breakup.
And those are clearly high roads!
And try and keep a top coat on for more than three days, okay?
And try to bat me around like some sort of cat toy!
And two seconds later, he starts screaming.
And until you get your own nurse,
And Virginia doesn't trust Uber.
And watch the Lakers game tonight?
And we accept each other for who we are.
And we all saw it!
And we are a fantastic team,
And we get to spend it together.
And we were not on it.
And we'll be right back with "American Health..."
And we'll be right back with "American Healthcare."
And we'll have access to my office
And we've been seeing each other for a couple weeks now.
And went to live with that... that Realtor.
And what consistency your peanut butter is.
And what is the capital of Peru?
And what's your name again?
And whatever doctor cleared you didn't know to look for it.
And when a case gets remotely interesting,
And when it comes to my family, you're all about you.
And when she comes in here for her insulin management,
And when she feels pressured into doing something,
And when you're done with that,
And while I'm on my apology tour,
And while you don't have all the qualities
And while you're at it, check the buffet!
And who can blame them?
And who knows the capital of Argentina?
And who knows? They might love his idea.
And why am I in a sailor suit?!
And won't tell anyone why.
And wondered what he should do next.
And yet, you turn down the perfect opportunity
And you didn't like it.
And you don't come across many Dave Parks.
And you don't say anything?
And you guys can ignore what I'm saying,
And you guys have homeroom together.
And you know that thing where somebody says, "Banana,"
And you know what selfish Allison wanted?
And you named her Cheryl?
And you need to break up her!
And you never would have let me date someone
And you opened my eyes.
And you seem like a wonderful person.
And you seem like you're in high spirits.
And you should have listened!
And you think I'm gonna stand by
And you were like,
And you were marshalling the troops.
And you, kid, you're dead to me.
And you'd be on record admitting fault.
And you'll find yourself again.
And you're gonna do great.
And you're his friend, too?
And you're Molly and Dave's favorite grandparent.
And you're not disappointed
And you've got studies?
And your body's nice and warm but your legs get too hot?
And your happiness is all that matters to me, Molly.
And your imminent mugging and... your situation.
And your parents are right, too.
And, as promised, a letter of recommendation
And, despite what our grocery list clearly states,
And, I mean, fortunately, the patient's in stable condition,
And, let's face it, a good 80% of the parenting.
And, more importantly, for your friendship.
And, most importantly, with me?
And, uh, happy belated birthday.
And, uh, this is especially wonderful
And, uh...
And, um...
And, well, we do have an opening
And, you know, jerky and stuff, you know?
And, you know, we still have the house to ourselves.
And, you know, you're pretty set in your ways.
And... action.
And... and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.
And... and my hammies are on fire.
And... oh, and... here.
And... oh.
And... open!
Answer what?
Any boyfriend of Damona's is a...
Any minute now.
Any unusual stressors in his life?
Anybody with a mouth.
Anyhoo, good news about you and Damona
Anyone have any ideas?
Anything you want to tell me about Dave's conference today?
Anyway, bro, good luck at the championship game Friday.
Anyway, here's Dr. Ken Parks!
Anyway, I decided to go lives over laughs
Anyway, I do have some news.
Anyway, I met the most amazing woman over the weekend...
Anyway, I think he's the one.
Anyway, I'm thinking of trying it before work tomorrow.
Anyway, in a shallow part of the lake,
Anyway, my dad and I got into a thing
Anyway, since we all will be on camera,
Anyway, there they were at the well.
Anyway, to this day, whenever I hear "Black Water,"
Anyway, you better clear up that situation
Anywhere else, and I might have to reach for it,
Anywho, Pooh Bear is at lunch.
AP Bio?
Apology accepted.
Apology not accepted.
Apparently, the zoo has been relocated to my bottom.
Are generous enough to endow our psychiatric wing,
Are going to get to see him on TV?
Are just making it up as you go,
Are my patients and their needs.
Are there ghosts up here?
Are there Reese's Pieces on this?
Are these my issues,
Are things ever...
Are we about to get another update on the Lions?
Are we done here?
Are we having people over on Thanksgiving?
Are you actually suggesting
Are you alone?
Are you an Errol Morris fan?
Are you asking me?
Are you feeling effervescent today?
Are you feeling okay?
Are you fighting with me?
Are you gonna go secretly eat that in the men's room?
Are you happy being a doctor?
Are you hooking up with Pat?
Are you inside the Diamonds' house?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding? This is gonna be great.
Are you looking for neighbor girl?
Are you making coffee?
Are you okay with this?
Are you okay, honey?
Are you planting a tree?
Are you quoting Connor?
Are you ready to get started?
Are you scared?
Are you Sia? Sia's grandmother?
Are you stepping on my screen time?
Are you sure it was the smiling that didn't go over well,
Are you sure you want the tuna?
Are you sure you're a Park?
Are you sympathizing with her or mocking her?
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Are you trying to hide something on your computer?
Are your grandparents still together?
Aren't those the cutouts
Aren't you his nurse?
Aren't you only two weeks into that psychology class?
As a doctor, he's legally beyond reproach.
As a documentarian.
As a Jamaican restaurant. Hey, wait a second.
As a man who was married 50 years.
As a med student, dude! As a med student!
As a parent, I refuse to allow...
As just someone who knows you, I would say,
As someone who's tried to push you beyond the basics,
As to why you always cry at car washes, but...
As to why you wanted a letter of recommendation
As we say in the library, "Shh."
Ask anyone. I killed.
Ask her.
Asked me to emcee is... I made them.
At first, the basketball team played around cones,
At least get the degree, then decide to go be an artist.
At least keep up with basic ornithology.
At our wedding, he gave me
At some kind of time portal mirror.
At the homeless shelter downtown,
At the Korean barber.
At the legendary Laugh Factory.
At the tech startup in Silicon Valley?
At this moment or in general?
At work, anytime something personal comes up,
Attaboy, Dad.
Auto texts. What a terrific idea.
Aw, I feel awful.
Aw, man.
Aw, man.
Aw, sick! That's perfect!
Aw, thanks for asking.
Aw, thanks for keeping us safe, Papa.
Aw, what are you talking about?
Aw. Sad and mournful?
Aww, looks like you got a little toner on your look.
Aww, thanks.
Aww, you see how she cares for me.
Aww. Thanks for lying.
Aww. Thanks, Dave.
Aye, Captain. Good to be here.
Baby, I am so happy for you.
Baby, thank you so much for bringing me breakfast.
Baby, that is so sweet.
Back in Korea, I was gruff and serious.
Back middle!
Back to the salt mines.
Bad advice. Did not go over well.
Bad news... our mail got shredded by birds.
Bad. We didn't come all the way down here
Ball goes up, ball comes down.
Bam! Sweater.
Based entirely on looks.
Based on what?
Based on your long history of not handling things.
Be scared, little man.
Bear in mind they will want to speak
Became the most powerful ruler of his time.
Because he loves the phrase "poetic justice."
Because he would've been too scared.
Because he's already blazing the college trail she'll be on.
Because here at Welltopia,
Because I am not a savage.
Because I love him!
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