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Sanford and Son (1972) - Season 1 Sanford and Son is a classic television sitcom that aired from 1972 to 1977. Created by

Sanford and Son (1972) - Season 1

Sanford and Son is a classic television sitcom that aired from 1972 to 1977. Created by Norman Lear, the show revolves around the lives of Fred Sanford and his son Lamont, who operate a junk business in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles. With its humorous portrayal of a father-son dynamic and its clever social commentary, Sanford and Son became a popular and enduring series.

The cast of Sanford and Son is led by the talented Redd Foxx, who portrays the cantankerous yet lovable Fred Sanford. Foxx's comedic timing and quick wit bring Fred Sanford to life, making him one of the most memorable characters in television history. His ongoing battles with fictional heart attacks and his frequent bouts of feigned illness are a constant source of amusement for viewers.

Demond Wilson stars as Lamont Sanford, Fred's hard-working and responsible son. Lamont often finds himself caught between his desire to succeed in life and his loyalty to his father's business. Wilson's performance showcases Lamont's patience and determination, serving as the perfect foil to Fred's often impulsive and eccentric behavior.

Another key member of the cast is Aunt Esther, played by LaWanda Page. Esther is Fred's sister-in-law and Lamont's aunt, known for her boisterous personality and her no-nonsense attitude. Her constant confrontations with Fred provide hilarity and memorable catchphrases such as "Watch it, sucker!" and "I'm comin', Elizabeth!"

Rollo Lawson, Lamont's best friend and frequent companion, is portrayed by Nathaniel Taylor. Rollo, a laid-back and charming character, often finds himself unwittingly involved in Fred's schemes and misadventures. Taylor's portrayal adds a lighthearted and jovial touch to the dynamic of the show.

Sanford and Son also features a supporting cast that includes Bubba, played by Don Bexley, a loyal and hardworking friend of Lamont's, and Julio Fuentes, played by Gregory Sierra, the quirky and often eccentric neighbor who regularly visits the Sanford household.

Throughout its six seasons, Sanford and Son tackles various social issues and offers unique insights into the African-American experience in the 1970s. The show addresses topics such as racism, poverty, and generational conflicts with honesty and humor. Its ability to balance comedy with thoughtful commentary earned Sanford and Son critical acclaim and a strong following.

The theme song of Sanford and Son, titled "The Streetbeater," was composed by Quincy Jones and is instantly recognizable. Its catchy and energetic melody perfectly captures the lively and vibrant spirit of the show. If you're a fan of Sanford and Son, you can easily play and download this iconic theme song and other memorable sounds from the series here.

Sanford and Son continues to be beloved by audiences of all generations. Its timeless humor and relatable characters make it a must-watch for sitcom enthusiasts. Whether you're discovering it for the first time or revisiting the hilarious antics of the Sanford family, this iconic show delivers endless laughs and heartwarming moments. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the wit and charm of Sanford and Son.
A Beginner's Guide to Better Bowling.
A Bible? Pop, you stole a Bible?
A car. What do we need with a car?
A cat yowling at midnight means there's gonna be a death in the house.
A cold you can get rid of in three days. A speckled hat you'll have forever.
A couple of days at the ocean will really do you good, Pop.
A fella stayed in the house all night with a coffin...
A lightbulb. You swiped all this stuff. What'd you do that for?
A little brandy will be just the thing for you.
A little Chico Hamilton.
A little joke from my profession.
A little? He said 9:00, and it's after 10:00.
A lot of men wear 'em nowadays, so what's wrong with that?
A man like to believe that's him in the ring winning...
A new color TV.
A real dummy.
A ring.
A scientist dug up a mummy 3,000 years old.
A system, like.
A thing of beauty, class.
A victim your age taking on four assailants.
A whole lot of people like to wear it like that.
Abraham got married when he was over a hundred.
Absolutely not.
Absolutely. He should have familiar surroundings.
After all, he is your father, and you ought to show some respect.
After I got that jerk standing next to me to take it for 1,500.
After I've worked for you all these years, I'm getting thrown out the door.
After subject was discovered wandering aimlessly in downtown area.
After that last fight, I couldn't get you out of my mind.
Ah, here it is.
Ah, Joan!
Ah, yeah.
Aha. Here it is. "Dear sir, we are happy to inform you...
Ain't gonna be no preachin'. Just gonna be some drinkin'.
Ain't got no beer on tap...
Ain't got nothing to do with superstition. I just wanted them out.
Ain't no law that says when you found something...
Ain't no nonsense. It's a bad sign.
Ain't nobody in there. Dummy checked.
Ain't nobody marryin' nobody.
Ain't nothin' gonna happen to me. Please let me get some sleep
Ain't nothin' in the world sadder than an old black man...
Ain't nothin' on earth uglier than a 90 year old white woman.
Ain't worth nothin'. How long you been with me now, Lamont?
Ain't you gonna get dressed and go on out to work?
All he gotta do is say it, and I'll do it.
All I do is just join all that pipe together...
All I got is this old truck, and the springs are gone...
All I know is that there was no supper.
All I know is that you broke it.
All I know is that you forgot about her. Well, I didn't.
All my friends thought I was getting my clothes from a fire sale.
All of a sudden, James Cagney say, "They got me, dirty rats. They got me. "
All of a sudden, there's this woman standing out by the curb...
All our pipes, Pop. He ripped out all our pipes.
All our plumbing is gone.
All right, come on. Get down here.
All right, darling.
All right, fine. Why don't you have a seat right here...
All right, just don't drink it. Let's get out of here.
All right, keep the card, and I'll take the hat back.
All right, make it a hundred and fifty.
All right, Mr. Sanford.
All right, sit down.
All right, that's it.
All right, then let's hear it your way.
All right, then you do it, you're so smart.
All right.
All right. I'll bring this thing back once I'm settled.
All right. I'll just set the table.
All right. I'm not gonna say another word about it.
All right. It's forgotten.
All right. Okay.
All right. Right this way.
All right. See, you have to start bringing in better stuff to sell.
All right. We got rid of the stuff and everything's been taken care of.
All smashed up and broken in the refrigerator in the yard.
All social security lines are temporarily busy.
All the stuff you eat with got a label on it.
All the things that we deal in are right here.
All the time. All the time, Pop. That's right.
All they wanna do is sit around and let their hair grow long.
All this time in the business and you still haven't developed an eye for junk.
All we got to do is push it. It's on rollers. Just watch.
All we have to do is tell 'em that we came to move a piano.
All you do is use your thumb. Now, watch my thumb.
All you got to do is just tap it.
All you had to do was heat it up.
Although it'll hurt my back, I'll do it.
Always worked for me. I been through quite a few apples in my time.
Amnesia? He's never had anything like that before
Amnesia's one of those mysterious things that can develop very quickly.
An appointment has been made for you at the County General Hospital...
An old, ugly white woman?
And "Fred" means "man. "
And $100 to Duane Hudson.
And a collector, which is me.
And a fifty cent tip. Three dollars for two drinks.
And a nice sad kisser.
And a woman like to believe that's her husband there losing.
And all it said was that the test was unsatisfactory due to a technical fault.
And all this will be yours.
And all you can think about is yourself.
And all you have to do is get underneath it and pull out the carpet.
And anyway, my mind is made up. This is something that I got to do.
And anyway, she's closer to my age.
And as for your Cousin Richard, they found him dead, all right.
And attempting to sell copper that has previously been burglarized...
And B: The nature of the physical assault perpetrated on the victim.
And besides, I didn't swipe the Bible.
And besides, who's gonna come around here looking for stolen copper?
And celebrate the way you want to, but this is it with me and you for tonight.
And chairman of the board, Mr. Fred Sanford.
And color.
And come out here and get the whole business deal straight.
And committed assault on the lone occupant, rendering him unconscious...
And don't say we didn't feed you!
And don't stir it too hard. I don't want it bruised.
And don't try to tell me nothing about my mother.
And don't you raise your voice at me.
And down below, two knobs say "brightness" and one says "fine tuning. "
And eats up the United States Senate. "
And everybody has a color TV
And finally it all paid off. You found a satchel full of money.
And find that your only means of support has flown the coop.
And for every dummy, there's a dummy.
And generous and handsome.
And get it out fast. Come on.
And get some mineral oil and Pluto Water.
And go see if you can get you some new porcelain?
And had 10,000 Texas Rangers.
And hang it on the wall.
And have some... See, another thing is wine.
And he brought it back to life and fell in love with her.
And he came upon the Red Sea and he stuck his arms out over the sea...
And he don't even have to bother God.
And he forgot the combination.
And he had his bayonet out.
And he left it in the alley for crook B.
And he pulled out our pipes and pulled Kelly's pipes out?
And he put his ear to the safe like this...
And he said that dinner was the one meal where you should be festive.
And he was in his cabin surrounded by criminals...
And he was nice enough to drive me home.
And he was the only one that knew the combination to a safe...
And he was with Custer too.
And her and her wiggly walk.
And here he is, the founder and president of our company...
And here it is after 8:00, and I don't know where he is.
And here's another one. Basic Fundamentals of Plumbing.
And here's one that we was really lucky to get, Pop
And his wife came back a little while later...
And hope you like me
And I bring the money home. Haven't you been keeping a budget?
And I burned your sheets and pillowcases.
And I come in here and you're always watching Days of Our Lives.
And I do run this joint, and I work just as hard as you do, maybe harder.
And I don't have no seat belt...
And I don't want him to think I'm trying to shake you loose of him.
And I feel 45. I'd settle for 35.
And I gave you one. Put 'em back in the mailbox.
And I got all of my social security.
And I had just enough time to buy these Jujyfruits and ask her to marry me.
And I had the frying pan in my hand, and I started swinging.
And I heard a noise.
And I heard this noise...
And I just had my heels fixed.
And I owe him one across his lip.
And I ran across one of the souvenirs from France, World War I.
And I should've realized that you aren't over the hill. You down in the valley.
And I suppose now you're gonna tell me that you're not superstitious.
And I suppose up until now this junkyard has been Fun City.
And I thought maybe you had an accident.
And I want you to put on some clean underwear.
And I was fixin' you some spare ribs and some pinto beans.
And I was readin' about how it was a big hit over in Japan too.
And I wasn't gettin' anywhere. You know what I'm gettin' at?
And I'll come back and see you some other time.
And I'll come to visit you, if it ain't too far.
And I'll find you an old folks' home where you can sit around all day...
And I'll see if they done turned off the electricity.
And I'll take the bills and go see if I can get somebody to loan us the money.
And I'll take the zucchini, or I can take the pork and beans...
And I'll try to get you a little extension.
And I'm coordinatin'.
And I'm glad I found out about your big mouth.
And I'm gonna be one till I'm a dead old man.
And I'm gonna stay in the business.
And I'm gonna take you out instead of some chick.
And I'm gonna wear my new hat 'cause it don't look like no rain.
And I'm looking for a garage sale or a house that's being wrecked.
And I'm not gonna let you smear her memory.
And I'm not spending my hard earned money so you can sit around all day...
And I'm ridiculous for being out here with you.
And I've been tired lately and out of breath.
And I've got an order to repossess some furniture...
And if he hits on you, contact your local fuzz.
And if I need anything from the surgical supply store...
And if it squishes, then you don't want it.
And if you don't open up, we're coming in.
And if you don't open up, we're gonna force our way in.
And if you need something, let me know. You need anything, Melvin?
And if you put on some dark glasses...
And if you wanna worry about this hat, don't worry
And it also says in this book, "The meek shall inherit the earth. "
And it don't mean nothin' to you.
And it was fragile and valuable.
And it was going on to say that the guitar business in this country...
And it was hard for me to make a fist 'cause I caught a cramp.
And it wasn't there when I came in. Come over here, Pop.
And it's all because of you and your silly superstitions.
And it's all because you don't know how to take care of no business around here.
And it's gonna be festive.
And it's not a bad one. That's not a bad business to get into.
And it's ridiculous anyway. A 30 year old man still living at home.
And it's still got tires.
And James Cagney say...
And just hit it on the side with your fist.
And look at that picture. There's two Humphrey Bogarts.
And Lord knows I don't want to stand in your way.
And make you put on a chauffeur's cap.
And mine is kind of Swedish modern, you know.
And my ears ain't got nothing to do with it.
And my gift was the first one they used, and now I can't ever take it back.
And my half of Sanford and Son...
And my heart's poundin', and I can't keep my hands still.
And nice little silky things hanging in the bathroom.
And not only that, I'm picking it up tomorrow.
And now A and B are looking for me.
And now look. Me and you are going.
And now that Lamont's gone and moved and got his own place...
And once I even filled the tub and tried to push him in accidentally.
And once we get out into the street, I can put 'em back in the mailbox.
And one for my new hat.
And one of our service representatives will speak to you.
And one of them mules was missing a pom pom.
And outside there's this big sign.
And pack a little picnic basket..
And people say I look 55.
And Randolph Scott say, "Honey, you go for help and I'll hold 'em off. "
And remember, easy now!
And remote control.
And ride up the coastline a ways, with the wind in our hair.
And see? They're just gettin' out...
And she also does toes.
And she got her own car. She's a practical nurse.
And she started to telling me about this antique piece that she had.
And shot 11 bad guys and a water buffalo.
And show him a satchel with $50,000 in it...
And shows no abnormalities. "
And so far, there no cab come yet.
And some of'em for sewing.
And some prunes.
And some stuff like that and your baby shoes.
And stay away from that phone!
And tell me when the water comes on, all right?
And that beret, you bought at the Goodwill store.
And that guy's never gonna give us that 20 bucks.
And that includes crockery.
And that is because I am cool.
And that might be the next service, if you don't shut your big mouth.
And that remote control. All you got to do is move your thumb.
And that said burglary may have been perpetuated by the suspect in question.
And that scar, you got from an appendix operation the army gave you...
And that tells me everything I need to know.
And that was on New Year's Eve.
And that'll be the last time you give somebody somethin' across the lips.
And that's all I'm gonna say on the subject, Pop.
And that's another thing. You got a plot right next to Mom's.
And that's bad when you marry a woman who like to play the field also.
And that's the answer?
And the bleachers...
And the clock is striking 12.
And the filling station is ten miles away...
And the general said, "We're surrounded.
And the hat.
And the judge gave him six months.
And the next morning, his hair had turned white.
And the only pack that ever made you stagger was a six pack.
And the sea divided.
And the second rule of physics... it's stuck.
And the subject of finding money came up.
And the thing cost 19.95.
And then I grabbed the pot, and I started swinging.
And then I'll come back out here and just...
And then it was safe.
And then shut the door like this.
And then they come back, and they hit you real fast.
And then we going to dinner.
And then we going to dinner.
And then what happened?
And then what happened?
And then when I go, you can just drop me between 'em.
And then, see, my grandfather, he was in the Civil War...
And they sell for a whole lot of money, right?
And they servin' them sweet drinks and don't even have a pinball machine.
And they was having a special on paperback books.
And they wasn't monogrammed. I can take them back.
And they're coming in here!
And they're gonna come and take it back.
And this is just the kind of evidence we need.
And to tell you the truth...
And tomorrow we can talk about it some more.
And two of'em held me and one of'em beat me.
And varicose veins.
And we can get a six pack and drink it in the parking lot.
And we can make matching end tables.
And we could have some cold Chablis.
And we could travel, Pop. All around the world.
And we live together at 9114 South Central Avenue.
And we stuck here in this house without no gas, no heat...
And we'll be a perfect match...
And we'll be right back. Come on, partner.
And we'll fill out this form.
And we'll pay him a little bit every week until we get it all paid up.
And we'll start digging a tunnel.
And we're doing a series entitled "What makes a hero?"
And what about the ten percent commission they charged me, huh?
And what are you gonna do with these things?
And what did they call you, Tired Blood and No Guts?
And what year was the riots in Watts? '65. Correct?
And what's that other one you told me that time? Oh, yeah.
And when I ain't got no money, there's only one thing left to do.
And when I come home, I expect to have a hot meal waiting for me.
And when I coordinate, I get breathless.
And when I got it, it calms me down.
And when she passes by, you can smell rubbing alcohol.
And when you get 'em, tell 'em I found my porcelain...
And when you get there, I hope it's closed.
And where do you think I live, in a packing crate?
And where we talk? Our little room. You remember?
And within a year, she was dead.
And yes, she did massage the back of my neck.
And you ain't no undertaker.
And you and me are out here
And you can testify from the wheelchair like that dude Ironside.
And you come out with a surgical mask and put tape on the knife and fork!
And you go out there and do the pickin' up on the truck, all right?
And you got yourself a barracuda
And you know something? He started out poor, just like me.
And you know that trip you mentioned about going up the coastline?
And you know why?
And you made me change my drawers, dummy.
And you make your tea so strong, it tastes like coffee.
And you should've been workin' the other side of the room.
And you Sidney Poitier.
And you sitting over here eating all the good stuff that you got hoarded away.
And you stick your nose in there and sniff real hard...
And you still don't know what it's all about.
And you want to know if I brought you some cigarettes.
And you'll be on your own. Old Pop won't be around to spoil things for you.
And you're a good driver.
And you're really serious about this? It's not just fun and games.
And you're welcome, Mrs. Harris. Thanks for picking me up and dropping me off.
And your dummy son, he's brought me a wooden overcoat.
And yowled outside the house all night.
And, oh, yeah, did I tell you he's black?
And, well, she wanna get married too.
And... And here's some dessert!
And... And they just... They robbed us. We were robbed.
Another gentleman and myself were sitting in the steam room in our club..
Another little joke in the profession.
Any day now I'll be going to join your mother.
Any day now, I'll be going to join your mother.
Any day now...
Any long haired kids come around, just show 'em your citation.
Anybody mind if I smoke?
Anything that goes in, goes out.
Anything that goes up, comes down.
Are the trademark of the Meissen people.
Are you crazy? They won't pay you much 'cause you haven't earned much.
Are you crazy? You know they don't have that here, Pop.
Are you gonna get started on this job or not?
Are you gonna start again?
Are you gonna start that again? What war were you ever in?
Are you kiddin', you want identification?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding? A hundred dollars for a vegetable?
Are you kidding? I work like a fool on that truck...
Are you kidding? I wouldn't waste my time, watching an amateur like you.
Are you kidding? There's nothing to it.
Are you kidding? Who you think keeps this place clean?
Are you serious?
Are you staying here tonight?
Are you two just gonna stay out there and talk?
Arthur Matthews's son bought him a color TV.
As far as I'm concerned, this is your classic amnesia.
As far as we're able to ascertain, the suspect is a male Caucasian...
As long as you taking stuff back, you might as well take it all back.
As soon as I rest a little bit...
As soon as you add two women, everything changes.
As you can find somebody, then so can I.
As you can find somebody, then so can I.
As you do your own life until death do you part?
At 12:00. Straight up.
At first, the toe is sensitive, then it hardens up so you can walk.
At least Marshal Dillon don't stand around complaining.
At least they had some pretty nurses come around at night and sponge you off.
At your age, ain't nothin' much gonna happen.
Aunt Hazel? You mean Witch Hazel!
Bad heart, and not one lousy piece of brass.
Be like a rose between two thorns.
Because after last night...
Because I like to. Now hush!
Because I thought your bed might be contaminated.
Because I'm gonna buy something that's more important.
Because I'm tellin' ya, that guy is...
Beer when it's near, brandy when it's handy.
Beer. Brandy.
Before I kissed her on the cheek.
Besides, I got a sacroiliac.
Besides, I'm sick of the nagging and the arguin' and this whole stupid life.
Besides, it don't say you got it. It says the test was unsatisfactory...
Besides, they are rather plain, aren't they?
Besides, we need that bed
Best thing you can do is take him home.
Bet I wouldn't have to wait if I was white.
Bet you'll never guess who this is.
Beverly Hills.
Big Dummy, huh? I've had it with you. I'm letting them in.
Big dummy? Fifteen dollars for an antique piece?
Black mayor ain't gonna help you forget. He got enough troubles of his own.
Black pepper, sweet basil. "
Both of them!
Both pictures was good too.
Boy, I wasn't playin' that piano. I was cleaning that piano.
Boy, I'm tired.
Boy, you're rollin' in the lap of luxury here.
Brandy and gin. That ain't no sin.
Bring any what?
Brown will limit you in your wardrobe. You can wear gray with anything, Pop.
Burned everything.
But 3,000 years? Geez!
But anyway, you May and I'm September.
But before I go, I want you to take one more look at me.
But Bill don't want Laura without Michael...
But can't you come anyway?
But Dad's up there asleep now, and we don't want to bother him.
But don't get excited. I can open it.
But don't go near the door. Don't answer the phone.
But don't leave without me.
But gray sort of highlights your face
But he don't mean it. Besides, we need the job.
But here's the thing. Arthur's ugly too.
But I ain't going back in there.
But I do pretty good with what I got left.
But I don't need you no more.
But I don't wanna talk about it.
But I don't want no bad lungs at my table.
But I don't. I mean, I can't marry him. I'm sorry, Lamont.
But I expected an intelligent answer.
But I got there before crook B.
But I got this.
But I got to have another mama.
But I just didn't wanna start calling you that, in case you didn't like it.
But I know as much as they do.
But I like the card...
But I like the card...
But I like to hear it every now and then.
But I like to read it out loud. Now you hush.
But I saw something very nice in your yard. Couldn't you just show it to me?
But I'll bet it'd be all right to do it today.
But I'll never get no place, hangin' around here.
But I'm glad you're home. You want me to fix you some lunch, son?
But I'm letting you have it for nothing. You can sell it.
But I'm the one who'll have to be here all alone.
But I'm your son. Your own flesh and blood.
But if I stay here tonight, you won't have to sell but one of'em.
But if I take it off in the rain, I'll catch cold.
But if they are real, how'd you get your hands on it?
But if we're not runnin' the business the way you like it...
But if you have got it, you got it from that damn X ray.
But it looks like I might have to because I'm going to have a baby
But it slipped. Slipped right out of my hand.
But it still ain't a bad buy for nine dollars.
But it's in a neighborhood where a lot of old movie stars live now.
But it's just starting for us... the trips to the hospital, the clinic.
But Lamont can tell you what was taken. You tell them, Lamont.
But Mickey don't wanna give up his son Michael to Bill...
But Mickey don't wanna give up his son Michael to Bill...
But mostly it's because it's bad for her lungs.
But my arm was too short to point it at myself and pull the trigger.
But my father's been known to play some pretty strange tricks on me.
But my father's been known to play some pretty strange tricks on me.
But my old man will be an old cripple parked in front of his TV set.
But no, you had to have more. More. Give me more.
But nothing seems to work. He still won't take a bath.
But she looked like the part of the Polaroid that you tear off.
But that stuff is junk junk.
But then recouped part of its lost ground...
But there's nothing wrong with me. I'm fine.
But they all spread out by now.
But they can't do anything about your burning eyes.
But they go for different reasons.
But they're tearing down our church to make room for a parking lot.
But this is our final going out of business forever coffin sale.
But this kind of junk make real junk look bad.
But we don't have to go to court over this, do we?
But we're supposed to be compatible.
But what about your arthritis? That's bad for your arthritis.
But what are the poor worshippers supposed to do?
But what if something happens to you and I'm not out here to help you?
But what... what about my truck?
But when I'm gone, the business will all be his alone.
But y'all don't have no nice silky things hanging in the bathroom.
But you can't leave. We got a business. What about the business?
But you don't have to worry about a thing, my dear.
But you know I don't deal too much in metal.
But you know, he was a captain in the Civil War in the cavalry.
But you look all right to me.
But you make me feel 25.
But you not a bull. You Leo the lion.
But, but listen, son.
But, you know, he had a gun in my back. What could I do?
Buying rubber stockings and orthopedic shoes.
By getting an X ray and a checkup.
By the old mill run
By the way, do you think you might be able to use any more copper?
By the way, do you think you'll be getting your hands on any more coffins?
Bye, Swanee.
Call 'em again. They're not here yet. They should've been here.
Call our friends, Swanee and Smitty.
Calls out for someone named Arthur. That mean anything?
Can of pork and beans and a can of zucchini.
Can you furnish the precise time the suspect executed his forced entry...
Can you give me some sort of arrangement here?
Can you hear me?
Can't you fix it?
Can't you understand the partnership is over?
Captain of the cavalry. And one time, they were surrounded.
Cash on delivery.
Casket was sitting right here, where you gonna get married.
China? You can't even tell china from porcelain, Pop.
Chinese food good for you.
Clear up your sinuses.
Clint Eastwood pulled out his pistol...
Cluck, cluck, cluck. Cluck, cluck.
Coffins are like bathtubs. They never go out of style.
Cold hands, warm chapel.
Collector items valued in excess of $200...
Combining their professional business with their homes.
Come and help me get the other.
Come here and open it up and see if the money's still in there.
Come here. You answer it. Get rid of'em fast.
Come in this world alone, and you go out alone.
Come in.
Come in. The door's open.
Come off of that, you old faker. You know who you are and where you are.
Come on back in the house and watch some TV.
Come on back over here and sit down.
Come on back. Come on...
Come on in, everybody. The place is yours.
Come on in, son.
Come on in, Swanee. Hey, Lamont, you home?
Come on in! The door's open!
Come on in. Yeah, put it right over here.
Come on out here and help me unload this truck, you old faker.
Come on over and sit down and I'll bring your dinner to you.
Come on over here and let's get this started.
Come on, Lamont. Let's get outta here. That guy ain't gonna show up.
Come on, Pop.
Come on, Pop. The taxi will be here any minute.
Come on, son. Let's go to dinner.
Come on, son. Let's go to dinner.
Come on, son. We got to move this piano over here.
Come on, you children.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. And make it fast.
Come on. Come on, Mr. Sanford. Take it.
Come on. Come on. Pull it back in.
Come on. Do you know how to tie?
Come on. Get over here. Get over here, you! Get over to the table.
Come on. Kick it. There you go. Now move around over here somewhere.
Come over here on the sofa. Stretch out, Pop.
Comin' toward me in a white dress.
Comin' up!
Coming, Delilah.
Confucius? No, I said it.
Congratulations. I think that's great.
Cookin' some spare ribs and pinto beans...
Cough over that way.
Could've went on down to City Hall and had it done.
Couldn't remember his name, his address, nothing.
Couldn't wait, could you? Just for that, you're getting nothing.
Credit cards. Sears Roebuck. Montgomery Ward.
Crystal, honey, you were supposed to say, "I do. "
Crystal? It wasn't Crystal. It was the whole uppity family.
D Day. Vive la France.
Dad and I are in the commodities game.
Darlene was right. I got to get a place of my own.
Darlene, this is my dad, Fred Sanford.
Darlene. She's the one responsible for this whole thing.
Dearly beloved, we're assembled here...
Did she have a checkup?
Did what's her name make any dessert?
Did you bring cigarettes? The smokes. Did you bring 'em?
Did you hear that?
Did you hear that? He's selling that copper for ten cents a pound
Did you know that?
Did you notice if one of them acted as the C. O?
Did you notice when I mentioned the war, he started talking German?
Did you peep the dude that's been ripping 'em off?
Did you say that about me?
Did you see that punch? He ain't gonna never grow hair on that spot no more.
Did you speak to your son yet? Did you tell him about us?
Didn't even reload. He must've had a 12 shooter.
Didn't I tell you... Never mind.
Do I hear 700? 700. May I have 700?
Do my cheeks look flushed?
Do my cheeks look flushed?
Do something about this!
Do we have a make on the suspect.
Do you cough or have any wheezing noises in your chest?
Do you hear that, Elizabeth?
Do you know anybody around that might be able to use one?
Do you know how much money Richard Burton gets for a acting job like that?
Do you know them shoes they had called Keds?
Do you know what that does to our saving account, Pop?
Do you know what the markup is on that stuff?
Do you know you're right? I've been telling him that all day.
Do you realize that everybody has a car today?
Do you realize that we got bills here that run over 200 dollars?
Do you realize the pieces that was in this cabinet was worth over $200?
Do you think I gonna stay in this ridiculous business all my life?
Do you think the injuries sustained during the altercation...
Do you think you'll be able to manage?
Do you wanna do this job or don't you? If you do, stop talking.
Do you want to get your skull checked out?
Do you, Crystal Simpson...
Do you, Lamont Grady Sanford...
Doctor, how long is he gonna be like that?
Doctor, I don't know how to say this...
Don't be callin' me old fashioned. You better talk to him.
Don't bother me.
Don't come near me with that stuff! That's stuff is catchin'.
Don't do it, Pop. Please don't do it.
Don't do it.
Don't do it.
Don't even wanna open your own mail here. I'll open it.
Don't fool around with them, especially if they're wearing mules.
Don't give me that nonsense about D Day and vive la France and all of that.
Don't go away. Be right back.
Don't go near the door. Stay away from the phone.
Don't go upstairs. Take your hands off me.
Don't let him make you lift that heavy piano. That's ridiculous.
Don't let me stop you. You go back in. I'll take the bus home. You did plenty.
Don't look out the window. And no yelling.
Don't look out the window. And no yelling. You got that?
Don't mean nothin' to me 'cause I ain't*******.
Don't mess around with them, boy.
Don't move, Melvin. Come on back in here.
Don't open an umbrella in the house. Don't put your shoes on the table.
Don't put it there. That's too close to the door.
Don't put your hat on the bed. Put it right down here.
Don't sit down on that. That's a bad sign. Something awful will happen.
Don't start that again.
Don't start that again.
Don't start. You been against this ever since I told you I was getting married.
Don't talk about nothin'.
Don't trip the rug up.
Don't worry about it, Mr. Sanford.
Don't worry, Pop. I'll be cool.
Don't worry, Pop. We'll wheel you into the courtroom...
Don't worry, Pop. You'll be sorry you ever set foot in this house, buster.
Don't worry. I'll take most of the strain.
Don't worry. They'll be gone by tomorrow.
Don't you believe me?
Don't you call her a "she. " She's your future stepmother.
Don't you get excited. You said you needed your rest.
Don't you know people put garbage in stuff like this?
Don't you realize they're coming in here to take everything out of here.
Don't you remember the little room where we have our breakfast and our supper..
Don't you touch.
Don't you understand that it's you I'm trying to get away from?
Don't you understand, Pop? They're gonna sue us.
Donna Harris dropped me off. You remember Donna Harris.
Donna Harris. She's a practical nurse.
Donna, honey, what's the matter?
Donna, this is my son Lamont. Lamont, Donna Harris.
Donna, this is my son Lamont. Lamont, Donna Harris.
Donna, this is Sheila. She's a friend of Lamont.
Dow Jones Industrials was off 4.8. Transportation was off 1.7.
Down at the Paradise.
Dried garlic...
Drive carefully.
Drop me off at Forest Lawn. I ain't going.
Due to a technical fault.
Due to a technical fault.
Ear, nose and throat.
Edgar, why'd don't you just admit that you want your toaster back?
Edward G. Robinson and James Cagney and Wallace Beery...
Edward G. Robinson say... And Wallace Beery say...
Edwards. Yeah, Edwards.
Egg foo yung.
Eight cents apiece. You can't beat that, Pop.
Eight dollars?
Electric. "Final Notice. " Telephone. "Final Notice. "
Entered premises of salvage business structure...
Especially if something happens.
Even if I don't tell you that you mean the world to me...
Even Marcus Welby couldn't get him out.
Even though Michael is Bill's son.
Even though Michael is Bill's son.
Even though Mickey is willing to give up Laura.
Even though she did have some fuzz on her top lip.
Ever change jobs because of a lung problem?
Every honeybee
Every saloon had a cuspidor.
Every time he raised that strap up, he had my complete attention.
Every time I bring some chick home, you find some way of lousin' it up.
Every time I looked at a piece of junk, I could see your face.
Every time I'd been threatened to be sued...
Everybody gotta die sometime.
Everybody said he was...
Everything goes wrong.
Everything's fine, Pop. You know.
Everything's fine.
Exactly. Too bad the young people today don't understand any of that.
Excuse me, lady. I thought you was somebody else. I'm sorry.
Excuse me, Lamont. If your last name is Sanford...
Excuse me, sir.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Are you the gentleman that left this card on my truck?
Excuse me. I thought I'd fix me something hot to drink.
Excuse my father. He's got a habit of poking his nose in people's business.
Fair warning. $2,000 going once, going twice...
Fastest way is to get right on the Harbor Freeway to the San Bernardino...
FBI agents had them surrounded. Edward G. Robinson say...
Feel like my ribs coming through my heart.
Feels unloved, unwanted.
Fella come by my place, wanted to sell me some copper.
Fifteen? I got a partner. How we gonna split 15 dollars?
Fill it up with garbage and then throw it out in the alley.
Find out the trouble? What is it?
Fine, and for you?
First thing tomorrow morning, I'm getting out of here.
First, what is your full name?
Five, five, five...
For a further X ray. "
For every man, there's a woman.
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