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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010) - Season 7 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a delightful animated television

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010) - Season 7

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a delightful animated television series that enchants both children and adults alike. First aired in 2010, the seventh season of this beloved show continues to captivate audiences with its magical stories and heartfelt messages about friendship.

The main cast of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic includes the talented voice actors: Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle, Ashleigh Ball as Applejack and Rainbow Dash, Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity and Princess Luna, and Cathy Weseluck as Spike the dragon. These talented individuals bring their characters to life with remarkable skill and charm, making each episode a joy to watch.

Season 7 of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic takes viewers on a whirlwind adventure through the whimsical world of Equestria. With each episode, we witness the six main characters, known as the Mane Six, tackling a variety of challenges and learning valuable lessons about the importance of friendship and kindness.

In one episode titled "Rock Solid Friendship," Pinkie Pie befriends an eccentric pony named Maud. As their friendship grows, Pinkie Pie learns the value of accepting others for who they are, even if their interests may seem unusual. This episode teaches us that true friendship knows no bounds and that our differences can be something to celebrate and cherish.

Another standout episode from Season 7 is "A Royal Problem," where Twilight Sparkle is tasked with solving a dilemma between Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. This episode explores the complexities of sibling relationships and the importance of communication and understanding. It beautifully emphasizes that conflicts can be resolved when we make an effort to see things from others' perspectives.

"My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" also features a myriad of memorable side characters that add depth and color to the show's universe. We meet fan-favorite characters like Discord, voiced by the incomparable John de Lancie, who brings his mischievous charm to the role of the reformed villain. We also encounter new characters throughout the season, each with their own quirks and endearing qualities, further enhancing the already captivating storyline.

The songs in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic are truly a highlight of the series. With catchy melodies and lyrics that touch the heart, these songs are sure to leave a lasting impression. From the inspiring and uplifting "We Got This Together" to the moving and emotionally resonant "The Magic Inside," each musical number showcases the immense talent of the show's composers and performers.

If you're eager to experience the magic of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic for yourself, you're in luck! You can play and download the enchanting sounds and songs from the show to create your own magical playlist. Whether you're a longtime fan or discovering the wonders of Equestria for the first time, these tunes are sure to put a smile on your face and warm your heart.

In conclusion, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010) - Season 7 is a wonderful continuation of the show's legacy. With its memorable characters, heartfelt stories, and enchanting music, it's no wonder this series has become a beloved favorite among viewers of all ages. So gather your friends and set off on an adventure with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, because the magic of friendship awaits in the world of Equestria.
A A Achoo!
A Achoo!
A Achoo!
A Achoo!
A beautiful habitat where every animal, whether sick...
A blank flank who doesn't want a cutie mark?
A book about masks with another book
A couple dozen times?
A cure has yet to be discovered.
A Cutie Mark Camp is a great idea.
A Cutie Mark Summer Camp.
A Dread Maulwurf wreaking havoc outside.
A Falconer's knot? Wait no... a farmer's loop!
A flock of birds!
A friend so generous that she once chopped off her own tail
A friend who made us all feel beautiful
A friend who started a fashion empire.
A friend who stuck by us no matter what.
A friendship problem?
A giraffe can't fit through this door.
A good evening to you, Madame!
A good thing!
A guitar? For me?
A ha!
A ha! It's not even my birthday!
A ha! It's not even my birthday!
A ha! told you I'd find another one.
A ha! Yak impressed!
A ha...!
A hot air balloon.
A library cave?
A long time ago, before the Wonderbolts were even founded,
A long time ago, Sweet Apple Acres
A lot of structures are made from rocks, Pinkie.
A numerical importance rating between one and seven,
A once a week potluck lunch...
A pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough!
A Pegasus chariot.
A pie that you probably just throw away.
A place that is safe but not restrictive, cozy but natural.
A place where the animals can come and go as they please.
A quality vacation experience,
A road trip game would officially calm me down.
A safe and cozy retreat for every creature.
A safe place to rest!
A salad? When did you get so practical?
A teapot that just pours tea?
A tour could be fun.
A way to save the village.
A whole bunch of cruise ponies happy.
A whole class just came down with the Horsey Hives.
A whole herd of 'em at once.
A Wonderbolt obstacle course!
A yak tradition, right?
A.K. Yearling just retired, like, today.
A.K. Yearling... is retiring!
A.K., it's us! Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie!
Aaah! My worst fears are happening!
About a week ago.
About Alicorns.
About each of your talents!
About each other immediately,
About how I used to make Thorax hit himself?
About me and my family?
About me behind my back.
About my new uh, bingo strategy book.
About our Cutie Mark Day Camp!
About the dog?
About those poor students!
Accepting the gifts and enjoying them immediately.
Accidentally helped Starlight enslave a town. Hahahaha!
According to Ember's letters,
According to my book, they're extremely poisonous!
According to the list, some delegates are about to arrive
Ach. I think I'm allergic to feelings.
Actually it is.
Actually it's er.. laundry day, but pretty great, right?
Actually that's not food...
Actually the bear's a changeling and he's quite gentle.
Actually, I did.
Actually, I don't need your help
Actually, I uh need a minute.
Actually, I'm Starlight.
Actually, Madam, I'm talking to myself.
Actually, not so much. Flurry got into some mischief.
Actually, rocks aren't the only reason
Actually, that's exactly what I was gonna do.
Actually, there is.
Actually, Thorax, um...
Actually, we kind of are
Actually, you created the friendship problem
Actually, you do.
Actually, you might consider doing the same.
Actually, you've been asleep for three days.
Adorable little guy I found anymore.
Afraid of what?
After a magical key filled gem followed a rainbow
After all, I've been doing this for quite a long time.
After all, many hooves make light work!
After all, we're not just visiting as friends.
After my seventeenth scroll, I think he picked up
After taking a bite from every sandwich... how wacky!
After Twilight remembered the journal,
After we find your whammy, of course!
Again. It's just tasty, like all of our tea here.
Against those Flash Bees.
Agh! But I think I should go!
Agh! He did it again!
Agh! Now what!?
Ah please, I grew out of air sickness a long time ago.
Ah Pssht! There's no chance that these ponies
Ah yes, is clear now that Pink Pony does not understand Yaks!
Ah yes. Bow Hothoof at your service.
Ah, never mind.
Ah, right. Hahahaha...
Ah, thank you!
Ah, you did what?
Ah! [crash]
Ah! A relaxing shower really gives you the chance to focus
Ah! Birthaversary!
Ah! Er.. of course Pink Pony agrees with you! Heheh..
Ah! Even better than a perfect copy.
Ah! I can't keep up with her!
Ah! I knew it!
Ah! Non fabulous!?
Ah! Pinkie, I can't have Photo Finish shoot my mane like this!
Ah! Somepony help me!
Ah! That's great news!
Ah! That's it!
Ah! Wha? That's...
Ah! What's happening!?
Ah! What's happening?
Ah. Thank goodness.
Ah.. I guess ponies are finally fed up.
Ah.. I know where we can start.
Ah.. Thanks for the shampoo. Ta, ta!
Ah... Do you have any.... milk?
Aha! Here it is!
Aha! Yaks tough!
Ahem. It's wonderful that you all could join me
Ahem. You have to make it OFFICIAL!
Ahh ha ha!
Ahh. I may have forgot to mention in my letters that Maulwurfs
Ahh.. Equestria as we know it is over!
Ahh.. I can't believe I let a silly feud keep me from my family.
Ahh... I get it.
Ahhhhh? Ahhhhhhhhh? OH!
Aie aie aie CHOO!
Aie! Achoo!
Alicorn before Mom's barrel ride at Neighagra Falls.
All : Yaks destroy!!
All by himself?
All I had to do was cross reference
All I have to do is go up there and explain to everypony
All I have to do is watch over Equestria,
All of Celestia's "duties." Dismissed!
All of these Princess activities?
All of those things together, I... I didn't realize
All our hard work is ruined.
All over Equestria.
All right Wonderbolts, let's hit the showers
All right, Chip Cutter. We've done our part.
All right, rawr! I'm gonna getcha!
All right, Starlight Glimmer.
All right, that was pretty adorable. But now
All right, then. I'll see what I can do.
All right, Zecora,
All right!
All right! Looks like we found the first activity of the day...
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All righty, Cutie Mark Campers, that's it for jam making.
All the crisscross moss there is to be had!
All the time, but I was wrong.
All the time?
All this madness.
All this snow!?
All those shades of brown and green?
All we have to do is make both Thorax and Ember feel special
All you have to do is make Fluttershy feel comfortable,
All you wanted to do was play
All your homes every Yikslerbertfest?
All: What happened next!?
Almost finished with the building already!
Alone. To really come up with great advice.
Already hemmed, ruched and cuffed, my dear.
Also not helpful. do you get out of here?
Although I probably can't fit all those words on a slipper
Am I interrupting?
Am I speaking Olde Ponish?
Am I?
Am I?
Ambassador for the Dragonlands and for Ponyville,
An enemy could hide in them or use them as weapons.
An entire village?
And "aren't the the best" in the same sentence
And a carrot cake stand here!
And a hard one to believe now that I know Daring Do
And a little of that
And a spritz of ginger.
And a warehouse to make our jams!
And a whole lot of those!
And a.. timberwolf issue you need to address.
And after everything I did to set up a whole day of
And all puppies love these.
And all those bayou ponies long ago.
And also, what you're saying.
And although we've never discussed it,
And anything else the animals can burrow into.
And apparently she does more harm than good.
And around her neck, they glowed bright enough
And as the new official Equestrian Friendship Ambassador
And awesome pony I am!
And became a back up Wonderbolt.
And because getting rid of all those pies was a giant hassle.
And besides, Dogtail...
And blank flank affiliates!
And break the hearts of every Princess adoring pony on board.
And Bright Mac was leavin' me in the dust!
And buried itself in the ground!
And Buttercup was with me through it all.
And Cadance?
And caring for animals.
And clean up.
And come through stronger than before.
And cured everything from hoof cough to fur blight.
And destroyed half the rooms looking for her.
And diapers, extra diapers, oh and backup extra diapers.
And do I always look when somepony points behind me?
And do it all alone!
And do it my way this time.
And don't leave out any details!
And don't tell me this all just started recently;
And even though I want everypony here to be happy,
And explain to these ponies that none of this stuff is true.
And explained just how beautiful we thought you were
And Feelings Circles and
And fifty six hour anniversary, Darlin.
And find new favorite things to do together.
And find out what you're meant to do together!
And Fluttershy, too.
And get away from those gosh darn Apples!
And get them to give us their honey!
And Ghastly Gorge has such great rocks,
And Ghastly Gorge is so... "Urghhh."
And give Rainbow Dash some time to spend with her family.
And Gusty could tell he was ready for battle.
And he broke through the bonds "
And he certainly knows his stuff when it comes to buildings
And he'd have a chaise lounge that would actually chase you
And he'd serve it on a floating table!
And her cutie mark was a preserve jar but pear butter
And her three half birthday lemon meringues...
And here we pretended
And hope that keeps us safe!
And hope that we can save her!
And how am I supposed to know where Pharynx is?
And how could you see your family and friends
And how did it freeze over so fast?
And how do you even compare who is better or worse
And I added pillows inside my cages!
And I bet there's more to you too.
And I bet we can find some more berries.
And I convinced the original owner to come out of retirement
And I could swear I've seen her eat one of your pies before.
And I could use some advice.
And I even offered a prize and
And I got my cutie mark!
And I got to tell you!
And I guess it's a good thing you look so different
And I have a feeling it's the same pie.
And I I I just need to pick up
And I just might know pony patient zero!
And I know how much you love pie,
And I know I need to tell you how I feel
And I know just the place.
And I know just the pony who can help!
And I know there's still good in him.
And I know today's not Opposite Day
And I made you hit yourself?
And I need your help to find her!
And I never would have tried without Skeedaddle.
And I no longer control ponies against their will.
And I promise to dedicate my life
And I really believe it'll work.
And I really do like your place... because it's so you.
And I saw that creepy cave.
And I shall provide the yaks
And I should have been here.
And I shouldn't have snapped at my parents.
And I think I've found out what it is.
And I took them for granted!
And I used to be a dictator who ran a village with an iron hoof!
And I was going to wait until your 100th, but I got too excited
And I won't let you break my spirit again.
And I'll make us fuzzy slippers that say
And I'll start on the
And I'm almost certain she likes stairs.. that lead somewhere.
And I'm bad at friendship?
And I'm going to go and give her a piece of my mind!
And I'm going to solve this once and for all.
And I'm kinda hoping you ponies will untie me
And I'm not nice.
And I'm not sure their style is quite what she's looking for either.
And I'm proud that no matter what,
And I'm ready to give you the tiny boat race of your life!
And I'm talking to myself again.
And I've barely been able to pay attention to you.
And I've been counting all your training sessions,
And I've got the bites to prove it!
And if I say this is what I want...
And if I told her I didn't like them, it would have crushed her.
And if it wasn't for her, the region would be cursed
And if it wasn't for her, the region would be cursed
And if something bad happens that you didn't intend,
And if that doesn't work, turn into a bear.
And if the leader of the Changelings and the Dragon Lord
And if there's flowing water, then...
And if there's one thing I know, you can't escape the truth!
And if they were immune to Swamp Fever,
And if we did it every weekend,
And if you girls want to,
And if you're willing to go through all of that,
And impossibilities!
And instead of talking about it,
And invited guests to our training exercises?
And is that Magnesium rich Basalt?
And it backfired in ways I could never have imagined.
And it can be hard to know where to draw the line.
And it doesn't get to the heart of the issue.
And it might be affecting my sleeping, too.
And it was perfect.
And it's all my fault and the only pony
And it's all my fault!
And it's also your name.
And it's hard to know when it is a good time.
And it's leading to more and more fights.
And it's making me nervous!
And just in time.
And keep them apart for a few more hours.
And kick out my own family?
And later made it into the Wonderbolt Reserves!
And leaf green accents.
And look at this.
And look, you never know who you'll see!
And lord of all dragons!
And make a schedule organized by each of our interests!
And maybe paint some circles?
And more efficient.
And my cutie mark is all about moving fast,
And never return!
And no pony inspires me more than she does!
And none of you listened to me!
And not feel a little bit lighter than air yourself.
And not in my dream?
And not just Pinkie's pies, all pies.
And nothing creates a better mood than your confect
And now I will destroy Pinkie Pie's horrid abominations,
And now I'm falling down!
And now it's your chance to prove you're just as strong
And now they want to actually become part of the family!
And now you are.
And now you've invited a whole lot of crazy into my life!
And now, without further ado, the winner is...
And OK, she destroyed your statue,
And on the way to figuring out what you're meant to do,
And on the way we can check up on Zecora and
And our grandfather.
And our lives are so much better for it.
And our ma used to be real good friends
And pick up treats.
And ponies treat me like the sad, invisible pony I've become.
And pose!
And pose!
And prep new ingredients.
And priceless, sacred statues!
And Rarity had that gi normous tent?
And realizes how different we are
And retire out of the blue!
And right now she needs our support.
And right there we got yer standard sheep travelin' cage.
And said he needed to talk and I told him to come over.
And say "surprise!"
And scheming of a way to get rid of them for years!
And secret pony adventurer of all time...
And see for ourselves?
And see, asking you to help wasn't hard at all!
And she became an official Wonderbolt!
And she became an official Wonderbolt!
And she can make anything funny!
And she earned it!
And she explained that she had always hoped
And she loves my pies.
And she raises the sun!
And she taught me a really cool "bear" game,
And she was only in a rush because she had to get the crown
And she'll calm right down.
And she's a Wonder Bolt too.
And sheer force of will,
And Shining Armor, I can't believe you're up there
And so he framed her for a crime she didn't commit.
And stay out of trouble! Best Aunt Ever!
And steal some ancient mysterious relic
And still no mention of the Mystical Mask.
And strong.
And taking silly photos and tiny little clown shaped ice creams!
And talk about feelings!
And that brings me to the second part of the surprise.
And that curtain fabric is organic!
And that hope had carried her through.
And that the stories are real.
And that was that.
And that's a long journey.
And that's a lot worse than losing some CRUMMY old statue!
And that's when he took the picture!
And that's why I need the BEST TEA SET!
And that's why Rainbow Dash
And that's why you're the party expert.
And the animals.
And the B.A.E. would never throw in the towel like that!
And the cruise ponies could have the vacation they wanted.
And the entire section on bog habitation.
And the It's Not Your Birthday But Here's A Pie Anyway Day
And the Legion needed to fly over the Dragon Lands
And the perfect tea service.
And the springsition, I couldn't possibly!
And the theme of this vacation is... ?
And the unicorn warriors shot magical beams into the clouds
And the village was protected by an elite group of Guard Ponies
And the way the firelight dances on the cave wall...
And the yak snow sandwiches, mmm, mmm!
And then do a quick question and answer session on becoming an
And then doesn't want to be friends anymore?
And then getting chosen as a Wonderbolt.
And then getting chosen as a Wonderbolt.
And then good luck tacking against the ALI.
And then headed over to the Pear's on his breaks
And then I have amazing bonding activities planned
And then I have to take Tank to the vet.
And then I'd say "I love you."
And then Maud will choose Ponyville
And then you'd say, "Oh, Bright Mac. I love it!"
And there was a moldy sandwich in your report.
And there's only one way to save me: you have to eat the pies!
And there's so much to know!
And these must be your Wonderbolt friends.
And these must be your Wonderbolt friends.
And they felt like a part of the family.
And they just force you into one thing your whole life!
And they said to me just keep saying the same thing.
And they're Celestia and Luna,
And this all happened the day after I made Rainbow Dash a
And this bitten apple is from when she grew her first tooth.
And this broken lantern is from when she first learned to fly.
And this is the opposite of a nice hug!
And this mask has the same stripes that she does!
And this one reminds me of Flurry, too.
And this party string won't come off!
And this will be my masterpiece!
And this works out perfectly,
And Thorax has a duty to the whole hive,
And Thorax is...
And Thorax, Leader of the Changeling Pack.
And to think we never bothered to come to a Wonderbolt event!
And today I can't think of a worthier flank
And took him home.
And took him home.
And took them back to their lair.
And um, pretty much everything else.
And we can do all of her favorite things!
And we can fix it?
And we can't change the way other ponies think about us,
And we can't get out !
And we decided to go at the last minute.
And we found little chocolate hoofprints all over the carpet.
And we made good time today.
And we need to make sure she's OK.
And we never had to say it but... we got each other.
And we still have to walk.
And we were hoping you could tell us a bit about her.
And we'll be married as soon as Mayor Mare says...
And we'll find Pharynx out here alone.
And we'll get to wear B.S.F.F. Slippers!
And we're glad to have you!
And we're here to remind you how awesome you are,
And we're only four and a half minutes late!
And we've got a whole camp full of ponies
And weak to protect the village.
And what a heap of rotten apple cores these articles are!
And what about the ceremonial Dragon Fire Flame of Friendship?
And what animals need is a sanctuary, not this!
And when was the last time you did that?
And when we finally reach our goal...
And who better to help us do that than the only changeling
And who knows when the snow will melt?
And why announce it on a cruise?
And why did they destroy our camp?
And why do you keep announcing random things
And why ever not?
And with Starlight helping, it might take slightly longer,
And with the destruction you leave in your wake,
And WOW! You were so amazing up there
And Wrangler sure made a fool outta me, too.
And yes, it took me a while to get there.
And yet you know exactly what it's like to be me?
And you definitely gotta hear it,
And you do an amazing job but you don't have to do it for me.
And you have it so much worse, do you?
And you melt my heart more easily
And you want to get to know us, too?
And you were going to tell Thorax he should kick me out.
And you yelled at them.
And you, come with me.
And you're telling me you've never seen her eat one?
And you're the only one who hasn't eaten hers yet.
And you've really outdone yourself this time!
And, hey, while they're here,
And.. also the way you're saying it.
And... we can probably skip this one.
Anger is no excuse for poor manners, after all.
Animals just can't digest pony food.
Announcer: And last but not least, it's time to hand out
Another reason I like rocks...
Another satisfied client!
Anti friendship!?
Any internal injuries.
Any other areas that are lacking,
Any problems to solve?
Any suggestions?
Any yak wanna shout out another answer?
Anypony got a friendship problem here?
Anypony got a friendship problem here?
Anypony who lives in a tree is OK by me.
Anypony who passes will be in awe of its majesty.
Anypony who's interested, gather round for a day
Anything about curls that keep on curling
Anything else a chance.
Anything else?
Anything for you, Rarity.
Anything over five to one is GREAT!
Anytime Big Mac and I ever asked Granny about the feud
Anytime you go out of your way to brighten somepony's day
Anyway, enough about me!
Anyway, finally, the goat's brave, wise leader
Anyway, what did you want to talk to me about?
Apparently, you also have to solve a friendship problem.
Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.
Apple Bloom: 'Scuse me? Grand Pear?
Apple Bloom: All right campers, it's time for our last activity of the day.
Apple Bloom: I just said it wasn't!
Apple Bloom: Reminds me of somepony else I know...
Apple Bloom: Thanks, Twilight!
Apple Bloom: The Commander was right.
Apple Bloom: This looks amazing!
Apple Bloom: Wow! That's incredible!
Apple Bloom! Shhh. We haven't heard it yet.
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree huh, Applejack?
Apple jelly, berry mash and a towel?
Apple strudel cupcake with caramel drizzle!
Applejack used to go there when she was little!
Applejack, who are all these ponies?
Applejack: Wait an apple pickin' minute!
Applejack's right.
Apples are.. sour,
Are being inspired to be better friends.
Are happy if I want to be a good Princess.
Are Pinkie Pie and Applejack related or what?
Are the flowers in place?
Are we really supposed to believe she learned anything
Are we under investigation?
Are you calling me a LIAR!?
Are you CRAZY!?
Are you excited to see Rainbow Dash?
Are you feeling all right?
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding?
Are you making me choose?
Are you OK in there?
Are you OK, Angel?
Are you OK, Maud? That eel almost ate you!
Are you OK?
Are you OK?
Are you ready?
Are you really willing to take that chance, Soldier?
Are you saying our mother was a Pear !?
Are you saying you want... A FRIEND?!
Are you sure she didn't mean "find their own way?"
Are you sure she wants visitors?
Are you sure that last thing is real?
Are you sure that's what happened?
Are you sure these are necessary?
Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?
Are you sure you two got this?
Are you sure you're friends with Fluttershy?
Are you sure you're not air sick, Big Brother?
Are you sure!?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Are you suuure?
Are you two thinking what I'm thinking?
Are you.. choosing to be an Apple?
Are.. aren't you coming?
Are... are you cooking?
Aren't seeing eye to eye on something.
Aren't you excited to be back here again?
Aren't you gonna do our Wonderbolt course?
Art can be anything that speaks to you.
As A.K. Yearling!
As chief detective on the pie case,
As her friend, I have to make sure she believes that.
As I mentioned before, there's no easy fix.
As I previously mentioned.
As long as I feel good on the inside.
As much as I want a family vacation,
As Somnambula thought of the hardship
As the party pony and Fluttershy's close but not best
As to the participation of actual princesses.
As you both know, the map sent me here for a reason
As you can see, Celestia and I are switching places today.
As your friends, we completely understand.
Ask me what?
Asking only that Somnambula walk to the prince...
At all times so I don't lose you again, you sillies!
At Countess Coloratura's album release party.
At Cutie Mark Day Camp,
At farming apples.
At first I just wanted the Glowpaz...
At hanging up a towel?!
At last, Rarity I've searched for so long.
At least I can be sure somepony is.
At least I used to.
At least now I can easily grab
At least ponies aren't laughing every time you talk!
At least that's what I've been telling everypony.
At least your friendship problem is in Ponyville?
At the edge of Sweet Apple Acres...
At the overwhelming talent that is...
At this rate, we'll be at Winsome Falls by tomorrow!
Atta girl! Woohoo! Yeah! Go girl! Go go go go!
Attention all blank flanks!
Attention, cruise ponies!
Author A.K. Yearling announces retirement!
Available for everypony?
Aw sorry, little brother. You're right.
Aw, but it'd have to be somewhere big enough
Aw, come on, Spike. That wasn't too bad!
Aw, guess I won't be getting my cutie mark
Aw, Rarity. I love being with you too. That will never change!
Aw, sis, only you would remember I love tiny things.
Aw, we don't want to hear her boring lessons!
Aw! That sounds amazing! Wow!
Away from anypony else.
Awesome at destroying ponies' apple carts
Awesome! That's the spirit! You show 'em!
Aww, Cheese Sandwich!
Aww. No sweet potato muffins?
Aww. That's too bad.'s that, dearie?
Awww, that's all right dear, we'll take you back to the room.
Awwww. That was a really sweet story...until the end.
B B But I have to fix this!
B: asking for help saves the day?
Back to normal, just the way you like it.
Back to the Tiara of Teotlale before the curse took effect.
Back up, Twilight; I don't want you to get hurt!
Back when I was Chiffon Swirl,
Bah! Yaks can make this work.
Baked goods out of this Super Sticky Celebration String.
Balloon bouquet and it'll all be worth it!
Banana peels are so very, very slippery!
Bang! Pretend there is door!
Be assertive, already.
Be blue one day and purple the next.
Be both on the same day!
Be gone apple crumble and lemon surprise!
Be honest now.
Be proud of who you are.
Be right baaack.
Be right back!
Beats circle painting!
Beauty is everything.
Beauty isn't everything, but Mistmane knew that it does have
Because Cutie Marks are silly and...
Because Flurry can play with the Cake twins
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