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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 1 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is an animated television show that

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 1

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is an animated television show that first premiered on October 10, 2010. Created by Lauren Faust, the show quickly gained a dedicated fanbase of all ages, affectionately known as "Bronies" and "Pegasisters," who were captivated by its colorful characters, engaging storytelling, and positive messages about friendship and kindness.

The show is set in the magical land of Equestria, where various pony species live harmoniously. The main protagonist is Twilight Sparkle, a young unicorn who is sent by her mentor, Princess Celestia, to the town of Ponyville to study the magic of friendship. There, she becomes fast friends with five other ponies, each representing a different element of harmony.

The cast of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comprises talented voice actors who bring these charming characters to life. The voice cast includes:

1. Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle: Tara Strong flawlessly portrays the studious, curious, and ever-optimistic Twilight Sparkle, who learns important lessons about friendship throughout the show.

2. Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash and Applejack: Ashleigh Ball gives voice to the sporty and confident Rainbow Dash, as well as the hardworking and honest Applejack.

3. Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy: Andrea Libman skillfully portrays Pinkie Pie, the excitable and energetic party pony, as well as Fluttershy, the timid and animal-loving pegasus.

4. Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity: Tabitha St. Germain lends her voice to Rarity, a talented fashionista unicorn who loves to dress up and create beautiful designs.

5. Cathy Weseluck as Spike: Cathy Weseluck voices Spike, Twilight Sparkle's loyal and witty dragon assistant, who brings comic relief and support to the main characters.

As the first season of Friendship is Magic unfolds, each episode focuses on the newfound friendships among Twilight Sparkle and her friends. From facing antagonists like Nightmare Moon, who seeks to plunge Equestria into eternal night, to tackling personal challenges and dilemmas, the ponies reinforce the importance of loyalty, honesty, generosity, kindness, laughter, and magic. Their adventures are filled with valuable life lessons and heartwarming moments that resonate with viewers of all ages.

The show's theme song, "Friendship is Magic," perfectly captures the essence of the series. With catchy lyrics and an infectious melody, it embodies the show's core message of the transformative power of friendship. Throughout the season, the show's talented songwriters, Daniel Ingram and Meghan McCarthy, composed numerous other memorable songs that added depth and emotion to different storylines.

If you're a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, you can now immerse yourself in the sounds of Equestria by playing and downloading the show's enchanting music. From the joyful melodies of Pinkie Pie's party anthem to the heartfelt ballads sung by the ponies during pivotal moments, the show's music is readily available for fans to enjoy.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1 kicked off a phenomenon that surpassed expectations, captivating a vast and passionate fandom. It exemplifies the power of storytelling and the enduring impact of promoting friendship, kindness, and acceptance. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer, the adventures of Twilight Sparkle and her friends are sure to warm your heart and leave you believing that friendship truly is magic.

You can play and download these magical sounds of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1 here: [insert link].
A "Farewell of Pinkie Pie" party.
A a attitude and, um... pizzazz.
A are you kidding?
A bath? This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute.
A bear?
A blast!
A buffalo stampede!
A centennial celebration!
A cock a what now?
A cockatrice! It's a frightening creature with a head of a chicken and the body of a snake.
A coincidence. Nothing else to it.
A cup o' sour? Well, lemons are sure sour. A cup o' sour, comin' up.
A cup of flour!
A cupcake eatin' cutie mark. It's so obvious!
A curse!
A cutie mark appears on a pony's flank...
A cutie mark is something that a pony has to discover for herself.
A cutie mark! It's up!
A diamond dog.
A disaster! A horrible, horrible disaster!
A flight spell? One sec.
A game?
A hop, skip and a...
A hop, skip and jump A hop, skip and jump
A hop, skip and jump just move your little rump
A hop...
A humidifier.
A letter from the Princess? That was fast!
A little more... Little...
A lot! That's how many.
A lot.
A mixin' bawl? No.
A new adventure!
A one, a two and a three!
A one, a two, a one two three
A party is still a party, even if there're only three guests.
A party!
A phoenix is a majestic and magical bird.
A pleasure makin' yer acquaintance.
A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria.
A quesadilla?
A quiche!
A quilt!
A quince!
A race? You are so on!
A rainbow pointin' right back to... home.
A rattler! A rattler!
A real unicorn to unicorn tussle.
A secret society! Yeah.
A series of athletic contests to decide who's the best once and for all!
A shoppin' bag full of apples? A satisfied customer eatin' an apple?
A simple nod will do.
A spell that will allow earth ponies to fly for three days.
A super awesome dramatic song for the talent show, of course.
A thousand pardons, Your Majesty.
A tower of cupcakes, maybe?
A trombone. You know...
A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace and beauty.
A unicorn need to be more than just muscle.
A unicorn needs to have style.
A what?
A whole day of flying with my lifelong heroes.
A whole day of flying with my lifelong heroes.
A zebra. And her stripes aren't a fashion choice, Rarity.
A... a measuring cup? No.
A... A phoenix?
A... d d d dragon...?
Aaa! Snakes! Snaaakes!
Aaaaaaand... (chomp) Granny Smith.
Aaah! Make it stop!
Aaand it looks like Applejack has found herself in quite a pickle as Rainbow overtakes her.
Aaand... done! Ta da!
Aaand... look what I made us!
Aaargh, why don't ever smash into Rainbow Dash?!
About the trees, now if you just...
Absolutely everything.
According to my map, we're entering an avalanche zone.
According to Princess Celestia, he's taking a nap.
Actually, Applejack, I had something else to talk to you about.
Actually, I do have this book.
Actually, I have.
Actually, it wasn't all bad. I particularly liked it when you made the clouds spin.
Actually, it's a big one.
Actually, Pinkie, I haven't the slightest idea.
Actually, Twilight Sparkle, I'm the main singer tonight.
Add a little more and you count to four and you never get your fill of...!
Afraid to get DIRTY?!
Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rats nest you call a mane?
After a huge setback, Applejack is back at the front of the pack.
After all, we are THE BEST OF FRIENDS, are we not?
After I heard about Twist, I was afraid you wouldn't show up.
AfTer The wAy tHeY tReAteD yOu?
Ah, dirt!
Ah, here it is!
Ah, it's just a boring old apple.
Ah, mystery solved. It's your breath.
Ah, Philomena, my pet. You're awake.
Ah, Philomena, my pet. You're awake.
Ah, yes. Sparkle ALWAYS does the trick, does it not?
Ah, you caught me! Looks like I tricked you and didn't get away with it either.
Ah, your food.
Ah! Dirt, dirt!
Ah! Filthy, disgusting dirt.
AHA! I told you there was nothing to worry about and I was right.
Aha! That makes no sense.
Ahem... hint hint? Get back to work?
Ahopskipandjump Ahopskipandjump
Ain't there other fillies in your class without one?
Ain't there other fillies in your class without one?
AJ... I think you're beating a dead...
All by myself.
All done. Clear skies from here on in, as far as I can tell.
All eyes would be on us. And then everyone would finally know, the most beautiful...
All five of my best friends have really good reasons to go to the Gala.
All hat, no cattle.
All just a normal part of the life cycle of a phoenix.
All my appletastic treats (Yummy, yummy!)
All of these dresses are absolutely amazing.
All of us are scared of that dragon.
All of us had a special connection before we even met.
All our bestest friends are invited...
All our dreams and our hopes From now until hereafter
All our dreams will come true
All our problems are just little jokes it played on us!
All right, Applejack. Your applebucking hasn't just caused you problems.
All right, everypony, find your team leader...
All right, everypony. I need you to gather supplies quickly.
All right, girls!
All right, girls. Listen up.
All right, I haven't got all day.
All right, little one. This way. This way.
All right, little ones. This way. This way.
All right, ponies! Are you ready?
All right, Spike.
All right, team! You're cleared for takeoff!
All right, y'all. Here goes nothin'!
All right, you two. This is the final event. Give it all you've got!
All right! Since you really wanna know...
All right.
All right. Enough is enough.
All right. That's enough.
All right. Well, see you later, girls!
All smoke and mirrors meant to scare.
All that really matters to me is that poor little Philomena here gets well.
All that we've been wishing for Will happen at the Gala! At the Gala!
All the birdies And the critters
All the creatures I'll befriend them at the Gala
All the ponies will agree
All these tunnels... How are we ever gonna find Rarity?
All this attention is awful, just awful.
All this fighting gets you nothing But hoof and mouth disease
All this time!
All this Winter Wrap Up stuff is a lot harder than it looks.
All we ever want is indecision
All we really like is what we know
All we've come for, all we've dreamed Our "happy ever after"
All you have to do is take a cup of flour, add it to the mix.
All you have to do is talk.
All: And magic makes it all complete, yeah
All: And magic makes it all complete, yeah
All: Fluttershy!
All: Sister?
All: The Everfree Forest?!
All: Twilight!
Allow me, girls.
Allow me.
Allow us to treat you to dinner.
Almost all of us are scared of that dragon.
Alright, alright.
Alright, alright. You got another throw there, pony girl.
Alright, Applejack! You think you're the top athlete in all of Ponyville?
Alright, girls! Enough of this gabbin'.
Alright, Pinkie Pie, that was FANTASTIC! What a great song, you're right on!
Alright, that's it.
Alrighty! I'll get the sugar and the eggs. Can you get me some chocolate chips?
Alrighty. Whaddya say we get on outta Creepytown and head over to Applejack's...
Although, I must admit the city noise took some getting used to.
Always gotta keep in mind my pacing
Always hungry after a show. Eh, Soarin'?
Always works.
Am I glad to see you!
An apple!
An illness? An allergy?
An invitation?
An old ugly mule! And it's true!
An outhouse?
An... an ava... ava...
An... infestation?
And a banjo is the only answer!
And a creepy decor.
And a Cutie Mark Crusaders theme song.
And a map of Ponyville.
And a number one assistant, right?
And a very weak flyer.
And after whupping that Ursa's hind quarters we're even prouder.
And all these favors aren't making it any easier to decide.
And always being there for everypony.
And as you can see, we have all of the finest comforts.
And Big Macintosh could replace that saggy old plow.
And Bloomberg here is one of my favorites.
And blue jays and red jays and green jays, pink jays and pink flamingos.
And buzzards that can really buzz!
And capes!
And celebrate this, the longest day of the year.
And clearing all the gloomy skies to let the sunshine in.
And don't ever let me catch you doing this again!
And don't get me started on all the clouds still in the sky, the icicles on the trees...
And don't worry, I'll figure this out!
And earn our cutie marks.
And especially not on my farm!
And even if I could...
And even though I love my boots, this fashion's getting old.
And everything will be fine.
And fast.
And finally, the last award of the night goes to...
And for my grand finale the Buccaneer Blaze!
And for that you'll get the finest reward.
And friend.
And Granny Smith could replace that saggy old hip!
And he best part is that we all get to hang out together all night long!
And he'll be pretty upset if we don't get over to his house soon, heh.
And help with all of my heart, tough task ahead I face.
And here is the most wonderful sight in all of...
And here's our local waterin' hole: The Salt Block.
And here's where they make the rainbows.
And here's where we have our mild west dances.
And here's where we have our wild west dances.
And hereby I declare that winter is...
And how are you finding good old Manehattan?
And how did YOU know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?!
And how fabulous you'll look at the Grand Galloping Gala.
And how gallant he will be
And I am very sorry about that.
And I as well.
And I dare you to comb yours just once!
And I didn't know these were your gems, but...
And I do appreciate that your heart was in the right place, child.
And I get to play my favoritest of favorite fantabulous games like pin the tail on the pony!
And I got my eye on you!
And I have the perfect place to start.
And I just happened to hear that you have an extra ticket?
And I know it's gonna be SO AWESOME!
And I know just who's gonna tell me all about it.
And I know who you are.
And I like fudge. But if I eat too much fudge, I get a pudge and then I can't budge.
And I lose...
And I really, truly, sincerely hope you feel welcome here among all of us ponyfolk.
And I saw the most amazing, most wonderful thing I've ever seen.
And I should be happy for her, but instead I'm just...
And I think I deserve it too.
And I think I'm the top athlete. So let's prove it!
And I think the truth is somepony ought to quit with their fussin'...
And I think this is the best trick so far.
And I thought if I told you how jealous I was of your success, you'd think I was a terrible friend.
And I wanted everyone I knew to smile too...
And I, Photo Finish...
And I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king!
And I'd like to be like my big sister.
And I'll be number one...
And I'll earn a lot of money
And I'll make it for you. No problem at all. It will be my pleasure!
And I'll no longer have to keep their secrets!
And I'm awful sorry.
And I'm getting to the bottom of it.
And I'm here to...
And I'm in charge of...
And I'm just the pony for the job.
And I'm not going to...
And I'm not gonna invite them to another party as long as I live.
And I'm not?! You know how many more instruments I've gotta find?
And I'm only doing it because Rarity told me I must. I must! I MUST!
And I'm sorry too, Spike.
And I'm sure that we would, but I'm going to have to decline.
And I'm Sweetie Belle.
And I'm the main dancer. Hai ya!
And I'm the one who used up all the hot water in Ponyville yesterday...
And I'm very grateful, but we gotta (gasps)
And I'm very impressed with your friends as well.
And I've got the perfect treat!
And I've never been near the ground before.
And if anypony here were actually brave enough to approach her...
And if Fluttershy no longer has to be a model, Rarity will no longer have to be jealous of her.
And if he thinks he can scare you he's got another thing coming
And if it helps, I don't want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else.
And if the orchard is still there...
And if you don't have any friends you must be lonely,
And if you look deep in her eyes She puts you in trances!
And if you look deep in her eyes She will put you in trances
And if you slowed down and looked where you're going, like me...
And if you're new, it means you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends,
And instead of forcing ourselves to do something that's not meant for us...
And invite everyone in Ponyville. See?
And it is spectacular!
And it just gave us all the willies, don't you know?
And it wasn't rampaging. It was just cranky because *someone* woke it up.
And it will be just like new in no time at all.
And it would mean so much to me.
And it's all yours.
And it's gonna be all to pieces disastrous if we can't get our seeds all planted.
And it's gonna happen... at Froggy Bottom Bog!
And it's like, the day after tomorrow.
And it's meant to make something specific, that you choose to happen, happen.
And just look at these boring plain old feathered wings.
And just what ARE the Elements of Harmony?
And just what do you think you're doing?
And lickety split?
And look at you. You're worse than ever.
And maybe she's not lurking by the stores, maybe she's going to them...
And me too. It's no fun upsetting your friends!
And mind blowin' dance moves.
And more importantly, you saved Ponyville!
And more ribbon!
And more!
And my poor baby dragon needs his sleep.
And no amount of hoping, wishing or begging will make a cutie mark appear before it's time.
And not a moment too soon.
And not judge the cover of the book.
And now I'm gonna finish it.
And now let's find out who will take the prize...
And now the punch has been...
And now they're sayin' all these trees have to go?
And now you have lots and lots of friends.
And now, for my grand finale, I will fly right up to the sun...
And now, for our final competitor of the day...
And now, I'm just SIMPLY HORRID!
And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land,
And now, phase one of my routine...
And now's there horse drawn horse drawn carriages.
And one for you, Spike.
And Owloysius...
And Owloysius...
And Owloysius's just such a star...
And Pinkie Pie lo*hic*oves to have *hic* fun! *hic*
And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her.
And Pinkie Pie, look! Pink! Your favorite!
And Pinkie Pie, you!
And Pinkie, we gotta go to my favorite donut shop.
And Rainbow Dash here's the only pony to ever pull it off.
And read about you in my letters.
And Scootaloo, you're great in maneuvers on your scooter.
And sequins! More sequins!
And sets and props. How'd you know?
And she will bring about nighttime eternal!
And she'll gobble you up In a big tasty stew
And she's a designer.
And she's about to return to Equestria and bring with her eternal night!
And she's not a pony.
And she's not stuck being stuck up like you two.
And since I'm here to learn, I've decided I should experience it myself.
And since you helped every team, we have an official vest for you.
And so, with no further ado...
And some are graceful.
And sometimes, when no one's around...
And soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria,
And Spike!
And Spike.
And spoooky!
And suddenly I have a fresh craving for some Dutch apple pie...
And surprisingly often covered in tree sap.
And tell her what you've learned?
And thanks to you two I can't check that off.
And that is why you are my number one assistant.
And that is...?
And that made me so sad, and I had an idea, and that's why I went (gasp),
And that technically counted as a question, so only two more left.
And that waiting's hard to do
And that wicked enchantress Zecora lives there, doing her evil...
And that will make my slumber party officially fun.
And that you didn't love me anymore.
And that, little ones, is how you earn a cutie mark.
And that, my friends, is what we call gettin' 'er done.
And that!
And that's another thing. I would appreciate if you stopped calling me "pony".
And that's how Equestria was made.
And that's just the flora! Don't get me started on the fauna.
And that's the Art of the Dress!
And that's the Art of the Dress!
And that's when it brought you back from stone.
And the answer is "Yes, it's this afternoon".
And the book doesn't say anything about having a giant tree branch in your slumber party.
And the chanting.
And the clouds move...
And the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom...
And the more of us there are out here, the more chance is of us getting...
And the only *cough* doozy here is how right I am.
And the performance is tomorrow!
And the play opened that night!
And the Princess is on her way! Can you help us? Please?
And the Princess would be so taken with the style and elegance...
And the trances!
And the very idea of such a thing makes you wanna...HAHAHAHA hehehe...
And the wagon's getting heeeavy, why do I have to pull it?!
And the whole town!
And the year before that. And the year before that!
And then especially sorry that I was so thoughtless...
And then she digs at the ground...
And then she looped around and around like WHOO WHOO WHOO WHOO WHOO WHOO WHOO...!
And then we got Rarity. Total knockout!
And then welcome me as their newest member.
And then, out of nowhere...
And there'll always be a way throoough!
And there'll always be a way through!
And these are my friends, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.
And these will certainly get me well on my way with Sapphire's outfits.
And these.
And these.
And they feel awful about it too, poor guys.
And they're incredibly delicate.
And they're off!
And they've got all the time in the world to figure it out.
And this air is strictly suffocating.
And those scales have to be hidden away in some silly cave for a hundred years?
And to celebrate! Come on, everyone! The cupcakes are on me.
And tore half of my beloved moustache...CLEAN OFF!
And Twilight Sparkle, of course.
And Twilight! I made this dress for you...
And two can play at that game.
And Ursa walking up the street, ay?
And we Appleloosans say you better bring your best...
And we came to cheer you to victory.
And we had an apple tree with us for your orchard, but they took that too.
And we have you to thank for it.
And we want to crusade for our cutie marks!
And we will never stop the journey
And we will never stop the journey
And we will never stop the journey
And we'll have the best night ever!
And we're plum grateful, cause you worked so hard on them.
And what about you, dear? Fluttershy, is it?
And what do you want for breakfast? Oatmeal?
And what I've learned and seen (She will see!)
And what in tarnation does that mean?
And when I try to get a deep breath, the stench of all you dogs makes me nauseating.
And when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary is about to happen.
And when the party's over We'll gather round for a group hug
And when Twilight discovers it shredded up on her floor...
And where I'm destined to meet... HIM!
And which am I supposed to eat first?
And while the evening may not have gone as you planned...
And who are you? And what are you?
And you always will be.
And you are...?
And you are...?
And you know just what you're supposed to do
And you know just what you're supposed to do
And you know this from...
And you know what the best of friends do?
And you like me so much, you decided to throw me a surprise party.
And you sure didn't need any help making fool of yourself.
And you were doing so well.
And you! Oh, Spike. I have a dandy little outfit for the dashing gent.
And you.
And you.
And you're in charge of the food?
And your claws are super sharp.
And your flank is very bare
And your talent comes to light
And Zecora is still out there!
And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete:
And, oh my goodness, what a coincidence!
And, oh! Is that a wallaroo?
And, uh... he wants us to look after his house, uh, cave while he's...
And... And we... Um...
And... and where there's smoke, there's fire. And...
And... What do you think, Spike? Should I give them number 25?
Angel! These are perfect!
Animals care for themselves...
Animals often hibernate through the winter to save their energy and eat less food.
Another donut! Extra sprinkles!
Another slice of cake, Sir Lintsalot?
Another year of scandal and shame!
Any takers? Anyone?
Any twitches yet?
Anyhow, she *is* going to do a sonic rainboom.
Anyone else? Anyone?
Anypony can get swept up in the excitement of competition.
Anything else I can do for you, most beautiful one?
Anything else we can get for you, dearies...?
Anything for you, Madame La Flour.
Anything you can do, I can do better.
Anything you say. We are at your beck and call.
Anywho, she saw my hat and said it was absolutely marvelous!
Apology accepted.
Apparently he doesn't like laughing, heh. Or sharing.
Apparently there's been some sort of infestation.
Apple Bloom is gone too!
Apple Bloom,
Apple Bloom, sweetie. You can't just stand there and tell me this isn't a curse.
Apple Bloom: (pleading innocently) Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?
Apple Bloom!
Apple Bloom!
Apple Bloom!
Apple Bloom! Hush and let the big ponies talk!
Apple Bloom! I told you never to say that name.
Apple Bloom! You come back here right this instant!
Apple Bloom! You did it!
Apple Bloom! You made it!
Apple Bloom! You're okay!
Apple Bloom?
Apple Bloom.
Apple Bumpkin,
Apple Family: Awwww...
Apple what Season?
Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
Applejack inches ahead, now it's Rainbow...
Applejack makes everything great. So free samples for everypony!
Applejack says these things take time.
Applejack sees this move and pushes forth with her strong workhorse legs...
Applejack was just... just...
Applejack, can we talk?
Applejack, can we talk?
Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, Rarity...
Applejack, what a hay is going on?
Applejack, you're ready with the apples in case he decides to attack.
Applejack: And it ain't natural. Folks say it don't work the same way as Equestria.
Applejack: Are you all right, sugarcube?
Applejack: Come on now, y'all. She needs to concentrate.
Applejack: Come on!
Applejack: Everypony okay?
Applejack: Gee, Twilight! I thought you were just spoutin' a lotta hooey,
Applejack: Hold on! I'm a comin'!
Applejack: Hold on! I'm a comin'!
Applejack: No can do, sugarcube.
Applejack: Oh wait, I think I stepped in somethin'.
Applejack: Rainbow, quit it!
Applejack: This here's Apple Fritter,
Applejack: Twilight! Wait for us!
Applejack: Twilight! Where are you?! Rarity: Look!
Applejack: What in the hay is that s'pposed t'mean?
Applejack: Whoa, there, Nelly!
Applejack: Whoa! All yours, partner.
Applejack: Whoa. Come on, Twilight. Isn't this what you've been waitin' for?
Applejack: Woohoo! Whoop it up with the weepy
Applejack! Applejack!
Applejack! Hey, where is Applejack?!
Applejack! I'm not a baby!
Applejack! Rarity!
Applejack! Rarity!
Applejack! We have a problem!
Applejack! We're supposed to turn this into our new clubhouse?
Applejack! What are you doing up here?
Applejack! Winona! Stop! You're scaring them!
Applejack? We need to talk.
Applejack. You don't look so good.
Applejack. You don't look so good.
Apples, carrots, celery stalks, colorful flowers too.
Apples! Apples! Apples!
Are these what I think they are?
Are those cupcakes?
Are we getting warmer?
Are we having pie?
Are we ready to get our cutie marks, ponies?
Are we talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?
Are we there yet?
Are you *hic* kidding?! *hic* I LOVE to pull pranks! It's all *hic* in good fun.
Are you as happy with the as we're?
Are you coming?
Are you coughing because there's a carrot stuck in your throat?
Are you CRAZY?!
Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited,
Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited, well,
Are you girls all right? I was so worried.
Are you girls still obsessing over your cutie marks?
Are you kiddin'? I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Are you kidding me? After a whole day of nonstop twitching...
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding? I can't do the sonic rainboom.
Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you out of your little pony minds?
Are you passing a note?
Are you ready?
Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises my legs can't keep?
Are you sayin' you didn't use your wings?
Are you supposed to pack warm?
Are you sure about this, Scootaloo?
Are you sure I can't help?
Are you sure you want Fluttershy to come along?
Are you sure?
Are you sure? I mean, we wouldn't wanna impose.
Aren't my wings smashing?
Aren't they all amazing?
Aren't they? This is my favorite task the whole season.
Aren't you excited to get all toasty and warm in your snuggly wuggly wittle beds?
Aren't you going to tell me to change something too?
ARGH! Never mind!
Arguing's not the way Hey, come out and play!
As a favor to the Princess, who's obviously just far too busy to care for you properly.
As a horse!
As a young filly in Canterlot, I've always wanted to go to the Summer Sun Celebration...
As do I. As princess, I care deeply about all creatures, great and small.
As everypony knows, the Running is very important tradition...
As horrible as our night was...
As in "this afternoon" this afternoon?
As in "this afternoon" this afternoon?
As in "this afternoon" this afternoon?
As in "this afternoon" this afternoon.
As long as it doesn't take too long...
As long as we keep her from finding out about it, it will.
As she takes time just for me
As the racers enter Equestria's Whitetail Wood, Rainbow Dash is back in the lead.
Assist you with what?
At least the other ponies *try* to be subtle about the ticket!
At noon it will be too late.
At the beach!
At the Gala (At the Gala!) With the Princess (With the Princess!)
At the Gala (It's amazing!) I will sell them (Better hurry!)
At the Gala All the royals
At the Gala In the garden
At the Gala!
At the Gala!
At the Gala!
At the Gala! (At the Gala!)
At the halfway point our competitors are tied at 5 and 5!
At your service, my lady.
Attitude and pizzazz!
Aunt Orange! Uncle Orange!
Aw, look. I think he likes you.
Aw, poor Granny Smith! She didn't know it was a joke! How mean!
Aw, that's okay. Don't worry about it.
Aww... He's worked himself to the bone.
Awww, how cute!
Awww, the's tho prethious!
Aye, aye!
B... but... I... I...
Back already? You're 'mazin' on that scooter.
Back on stage, girls. It's time for the awards.
Back on stage? No.
Baked Apple, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp, (gasp)
Baking soda!
Baking these treats is such a cinch, add a teaspoon of vanilla.
Baking... BFFs... Brothers... There's nothing in here about branches!
Banana lemon drops. Don't mind if I do.
Bats! Bats on my face! HELP!
Be a dear and have somepony go ahead of me, hm?
Be a good sport, Applejack.
Be careful with those wings, Rarity.
Beats me.
Beautiful, indeed.
Because it's my birthday!
Because of that giant cloud of scary black smoke?
Because of their thoughtlessness, we can no longer run over our traditional stampeding grounds.
Because Pinkie Pie predicted it.
Because you ha...!
Because you need some water?
Because you're all my friends and I wanna make you all happy and I can't! I JUST CAN'T!
Because you're working too hard and you need help!
Because you've been LYING to me and avoiding me all day!
Because Zecora is an evil enchantress, who cursed us and was gonna cook you up in a soup!
Before I have to go...
Before she gets you!
Before we finish eating? Are you a loco in the coco?
Beg pardon?
Beg your pardon!
Begone with you until morning.
Behind me, now!
Besides, I can't take any more singing.
Besides, it'll be nice to have a companion for Spike...
Besides, it'll grow back.
Besides, it's just a casual get together, right?
Besides, what would the cutie mark of somepony whose talent is arguing even look like?
Besides, you don't need that book.
Besides, you're a mighty good athlete. I'm just better, heh heh heh...
Besides, your not that grown up just yet.
Best day ever!
Best dramatic performance, best comedy act, best magic act...
Best of seventy one?
Bet you and Twist will have a great time together.
Beware! Beware, you ponyfolk!
Beware! Beware!
Beware. Beware, you ponyfolk.
Big Macintosh has an apple half...
Big Macintosh,
Birds flying free And bees with their honey
Birds' nests?
Birthdays mean having fun with friends Not getting lots of stuff
Bitin' off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of.
Blank Flank!
Blank Flanks!
Blend color and form... Do you think it looks cheesy?
Bloomber's a big and strong apple tree.
Bloomberg, this is your special day.
Blue for the weather team...
Boggles the mind, we settler ponies built all this in just a past year, don't it?
Bolt by bolt, primmed and pressed
Books. I've read several on the subject.
Books. I've read several on the subject.
Born where? I've never seen a pony like that in these parts.
Both our diets, I should mention Are completely vegetarian
Both the settlers and the buffalo have good reasons to use this land.
Boy howdy! I got my work cut out for me.
Boy, was I wrong.
Brace yourself, y'all!
Braeburn, listen. Somth'n terrible's happened...
Braeburn, listen...
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