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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 2 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 2 is a beloved television show

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 2

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 2 is a beloved television show that captivated audiences with its heartwarming and magical storyline. This animated series, released in the year 2011, continued the adventures of a group of colorful and endearing ponies living in the vibrant world of Equestria.

The main cast of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 2 includes the voice talents of Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle, Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash and Applejack, Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity, and Cathy Weseluck as Spike. Each character brings their unique personalities and quirks, making the show a delight for fans of all ages.

Set in the peaceful land of Equestria, Season 2 presents thrilling and heartwarming stories centered around the power of friendship. Twilight Sparkle, a diligent and studious unicorn, discovers the true meaning of friendship as she navigates various challenges and adventures alongside her loyal friends. Together, they learn valuable lessons about honesty, kindness, loyalty, generosity, and laughter.

The diverse and engaging episodes of Season 2 explore a wide range of themes and showcase the growth and development of the characters. From a grand Galloping Gala to facing their fears in the Everfree Forest, the ponies embrace every opportunity to strengthen their bond and support one another.

The show's catchy and upbeat songs are also a highlight of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 2. From the infectious melody of "Winter Wrap Up" to the empowering ballad of "This Day Aria," the songs further enhance the show's charm and leave viewers humming along. The talented voice cast brings these tunes to life, making them unforgettable and enjoyable for fans.

If you're a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 2, you can relive the magic by playing and downloading its sounds. Whether it's the uplifting message of the show or the delightful melodies, these sounds are sure to bring joy and nostalgia to any listener. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Equestria and let the ponies teach you the wonders of friendship.

In conclusion, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 2 is a delightful television show that continues to captivate audiences with its message of friendship and adventure. The talented voice cast, memorable characters, and catchy songs make this animated series a beloved favorite. So, get ready to embark on a journey of friendship, laughter, and magic with the lovable ponies of Equestria in Season 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

You can play and download the wonderful sounds of this show here.
A baker whose doughnuts are do nots.
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
A blue feather.
A bond that cannot be undone because
A bright rainbow's glow.
A cherry chonga is mashed up cherries in a tortilla that's deep fried.
A circle of friends we'll be to the very end
A clown?!
A contest at Sweet Apple Acres?
A Cranky Doodle Donkey
A cut of celery? But, this is the asparagus stand!
A cutie pox cure I have forsooth.
A dash will ignite the rooster's fire.
A donkey and a mule are stuck on a desert island...
A doormat?
A dragon's heart is prone to greed.
A falcon sure does look cool.
A falcon sure looks good on you, Rainbow.
A few more hoof prints.
A fine welcome to you
A full day!
A good and heroic citizen deserves a little recognition.
A good book is almost as magnificent as silk pajamas on a Sunday morning.
A great flyer!
A kissy wissy snuggy wuggy sugar bear.
A kissy wissy snuggy wuggy sugar bear.
A little bit dirty!
A little bit dirty.
A little quieter, princess.
A little too far.
A little too much flexibility, Blossomforth.
A loop de hoop. 'least that's what I always called it.
A lot dirty!
A lot dirty!
A lot of ponies will come to watch us.
A lot!
A lot?
A lovely new chapeau will cheer you up.
A magic potion does not hold the key...
A mysterious mare, that has done well by our fair city today.
A nice protective spell as extra insurance...
A paper cut...?
A party will cheer you up!
A perfect question, my little friend! For Nightmare Moon you must not offend.
A place called...
A pony in a dragon costume!
A pony to petty theft!
A prize! That's it! There's really just one way...
A pushover, darling.
A race against...
A really cool birthday present next year!
A severe case of lazy itis.
A sister is someone who loves and takes care of another sister.
A sleepy pirate, with a really weird mane cut.
A sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their I do's.
A sonic rainboom? At a wedding?! Can you say "best wedding ever"!
A steady diet to make growth speed.
A team of pegasi combine their wing power to create a jumbo tornado,
A threat has been made against Canterlot.
A threat has been made against Canterlot.
A treat from Sugarcube Corner will cheer you up!
A unicorn never stoops to fighting.
A very valuable lesson to have learned.
A very, very close friend of mine from Ponyville made it for me.
A wash cloth? I don't get it.
A wedding! That's it!
A weighty choice is yours to make ‒ The right selection or a big mistake.
A what now?
Aaah! Spike's a ghost!
AB and I figured since we do this every year...
About five minutes, Your Highness.
About new Fluttershy.
About that cool birthday present, isn't she?
About the wedding!
Absolutely not, your chancellorness.
Absolutely! It's my honor and I
Actually, Ghastly Gorge isn't scary.
Actually, I been looking forward to making Zap Apple Jam for years!
Actually, I been looking forward to making Zap Apple Jam for years!
Actually, I can cross the street just fine.
Actually, I don't really hate her.
Actually, I'm from next Tuesday morning. But that's not important right now!
Actually, I'm from next Tuesday morning. But that's not important right now!
Actually, I'm ready to hit the hay right now.
Actually, in a way you're all right.
Actually, it was only 2.3, and ow!
Actually, she saved all of us. We owe her our lives.
Actually, that was way too long.
Adventurous, fierce and undeniably, unquestionably, unstoppable.
After all, this is your new home.
After all, this isn't Sweet Apple Acres anymore.
After all, we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
After all, who doesn't like the smell of cake frosting?
After all, you're the ten time rodeo champion of Ponyville!
After I came to see Madame Pinkie and the flowerpot landed on my head,
After that big old send off Ponyville gave me...
After the fifth day, the Zap Apples disappear...
After the whole raid thing's over? We'll totally hang then!
After which, the barrels will be counted...
Again, I am really sorry I bumped into you.
Against my exceptionally exquisite Ă©clairs!
Ah yes, I see something...
Ah, and Nightmare Moon.
Ah, I've missed you, kid.
Ah, Pinkie, I'm glad you're here.
Ah, you've gone and chipped your tooth.
Ah! My eye!
Ah. And the smell of... smoke.
Ah. The ringleader of the frightened children.
Aha! Who's that?
Ahah... yeah... hilarious...
Ahoy, maties!
Aim high, kid, but don't aim for the impossible.
AJ, Rarity, one last thing?
All anypony talks about is Mare Do Well this and Mare Do Well that.
All because we were foolish enough to hate.
All I really need's a smile, smile, smile!
All I really need's a smile, smile, smile!
All I wanna know is why the earth ponies are hogging all the food.
All I want is to get to my new home and unpack my stuff.
All I'm saying is that you could get hurt.
All in a day's work.
All in favor of declaring Rainbow Dash the most superultraextra...
All my thoughts he does consume
All of those ponies look so posh.
All of you riffraff are trespassing in Unicornia.
All over Ponyville, in case of eye patch emergency.
All right everypony, we're in the home stretch here.
All right then, double time!
All right then. Let'th just have a look thee, shall we?
All right, girls! Let's do this.
All right, ladies! Let's show him what friendship can do!
All right, Miss Mysterious.
All right, my little ponies!
All right, my little ponies! Time for class!
All right, my little ponies.
All right!
All right!
All right. Let's get this over with.
All right. Let's get this over with.
All right. Now these games will determine which one of you...
All righty then, Big Mac!
All set now? Everything good?
All that rich creamy goodness of the marzipan,
All that work ruined.
All the other foals used to tease me
All the time I could have spent with you was wasted...
All this worry is makin' me sick!
All those tasty treats!
All through the night the three ponies kept the fire of friendship alive...
All we can do is ask for your forgiveness, Ponyville.
All you gotta do is have the right attitude.
All your responsibilities are on this list.
Almost everything.
Already got it covered.
Alright everypony,
Alright everypony, let's save Sweet Apple Acres!
Alright then, no speech!
Alright then! What else is on your list?
Alright then.
Alright then. I don't trust this place for the hill a' beans...
Alright then. Let's fly!
Alright, everypony! You ready for a real show?
Alright, go on in, find a seat.
Alright, listen up.
Alright, Pinkie.
Alright, Princess!
Alright, Spike, since you're a rookie dragon,
Alright, teenage dragons!
Alright, who's next?
Alright, you lazy daisies, move your caboose!
Alright. They're planted.
Alright... cloud three.
Alrighty then. Let's bowl 'em over!
Although Luna and I once wielded the Elements...
Although, you would look rather dapper in a tuxedo.
Am I glad you have one cherry left.
Am I not that important to you any more?
Am I right?!
Am I wearing a wedding veil?
Am I?
An early start?
An outfit for her birthday party this weekend! Perfect!
And 'formidable'.
And 'pickle barrel'! Isn't that just the funnest thing to say?
And 'super duper scary'!
And a menu from the Grand Galloping Gala!
And a true inspiration.
And after we beat ya, I don't never want to see you bimbahoozalers around here again!
And Applejack and Big Macintosh will be too busy to come and speak.
And as chief detective, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
And as for you, Twilight, you will be playing the most important role of all:
And as if the beauty of that city wasn't enough,
And as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food
And as usual, I get your first hundred jars?
And be careful around Pumpkin Cake.
And before I knew it, wasn't I standin'
And before our eyes they grew like wildfire.
And before we knew it, we had ourselves a nice little town.
And before you know it...
And bein' a royal Princess and all,
And besides, nopony calls Granny a chicken.
And big, handsome, strong guys are always nice to everypony, right?
And boy was it!
And bring back all that money!
And by capturing the whole sale market,
And Cup Cake's great aunt's second cousin twice removed was a pegasus.
And do watch the gown, darling.
And don't ask where we're going, 'cause... I don't know yet.
And don't even get me started on their taste in stand up comedy.
And drink sarsaparilla!
And eat peanuts and popcorn and taffy and taffy gives lots of nervous energy!
And Farmhill's A Brief History of Canterlot at the same time,
And fertile too. Perfect to grow on food.
And Fluttershy and I nodded our heads in agreement like this.
And fly up into the cool blue sky...
And for the next editor of the Foal Free Press...
And funnel it all the way up to Cloudsdale.
And gave it to this princess he liked.
And Gustave's Ă©clairs look incredibly edible, with glistening glaziness.
And hankerin' to find our forever home.
And have fun. And don't be nervous.
And he keeps trying to take things that aren't... his.
And he thought new Fluttershy was a pushover!
And he's always dreamed of being somepony's pet.
And he's carrying something on his back.
And here I thought laughter made you happy.
And hoop'n'flip!
And how did you meet Miss Jubilee?
And how they zapped away if you didn't pick 'em all in one day!
And I am here to say (How ya doin?)
And I am not taking it out on Cadance!
And I believe they're putting us in these awkward situations
And I bet "modest" is not one of them.
And I can't wait for my big sis' to win every blue ribbon in Equestria...
And I couldn't predict the future either, so I only had one other choice...
And I guess I should also act with grace and humility when others outshine me.
And I guess... I can leave Cranky alone.
And I haven't learned anything about friendship!
And I knew I recognized all these things.
And I know that they know it too.
And I love the way you signed it!
And I mean anything.
And I only have one more day to figure something out!
And I promise that it's safe, but you really, really, really can't shriek.
And I suppose by now you're wondering, where is this promised cider?
And I think I should wear it.
And I think I should wear it.
And I think the dress you made for your friend is lovely.
And I think you'll be pleased with the results!
And I used my magic to fix the dam.
And I want to be ahead of the game.
And I will brighten up your day!
And I win.
And I win.
And I woke up from an ice cream dream for this...
And I won't lie, it was scary.
And I won't.
And I'd seen them in Matilda's book!
And I'm not gonna let you goody two horseshoes
And I'm not gonna let you hurt it!
And I'm really sorry I snuck those flowers from you, Zecora.
And I'm small, and meek... and I like to wear aprons. See?
And I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as captain of the royal guard.
And I'm sure it's the result of being an awful pony
And I'm your best friend Pinkie Pie!
And if Gabby Gums really does go into retirement,
And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with your friends,
And if that wasn't enough,
And inside the hat was... this.
And Iron Will turned you into a lean, mean, assertive machine!
And it better be juicy!
And it even began to melt their hearts.
And it is perfect for makin' our Zap Apple Jam!
And it is too chaos!
And it is too precious to me to give to a greedy old beast like you!
And it is up to Cloudsdale to provide rain filled clouds
And it is you, who must defeat Discord!
And it was so good.
And it would make a great letter to the Princess.
And it's all because I couldn't stop worrying
And it's all mine.
And it's always true.
And it's Fleetfoot by a nose!
And it's me!
And it's quality, friends, Apple Acre's quality and care!
And it's sure to win first prize.
And Joe has Ă©clair in his hair.
And Joe is not sleek, stealthy Con Mane!
And just a tiny bit more lace.
And just go away!
And lastly leader of the earth ponies: Chancellor Puddinghead.
And let the future handle itself!
And let's not forget my charity auction tomorrow morning.
And look for any kind of problem that could lead to a disaster.
And look! You have a roommate!
And lots of money!
And make me the greatest chef in Equestria...
And make my doughnut shop famous...
And makes my whole life worthwhile
And makes you wear these ridiculous costumes?
And making everypony feel horrible is your destiny?
And many ways to express friendship.
And may the best pet win!
And may the best sisters win!
And may the best sisters win!
And maybe you feel sad
And might I add that if you looked up the word "awesome" in the dictionary...
And Miss Matilda, happy birthday to you...
And Mulia has sprinkles in her freckles!
And my dinner party will be a disaster if you don't come.
And my head isn't even close to the shape of an egg!
And my team gave the all clear from Fillydelphia to Las Pegasus.
And neither should you!
And new Fluttershy does not want the wrong mail delivered to her cottage.
And no one will ever think to look for you, either.
And nopony was too happy about that.
And nopony's gonna take it away from you!
And not in town where everypony could see you.
And not only stuff that fixes the bad...
And nothing else is bothering you?
And now from every Thebra I know.
And now I can't find him!
And now I want to give her to you!
And now I'll have to start from scratch!
And now it's time to meet my fate.
And now our bodies will become as cold as our hearts.
And now that he's starting a new family with this...
And now they need to save it from Discord!
And now, we'll never do anything
And now, you shall meet your doom!
And now, your prison.
And of course there's a seat for you at my dinner party tomorrow night.
And our daughter, Pumpkin Cake.
And Pinkie's description of your Ă©clairs really did make 'em sound scrumptious.
And please find something to do...
And put the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to the test?
And radicalness!
And Rarity remembered that you really like taking naps in the afternoon.
And second, the cake hasn't been sliced, it's been bitten.
And she decided to replace her bridesmaids
And she definitely doesn't want to gobble you up!
And she is in no condition to make the long journey back to Ponyville.
And she loves her family!
And she loves Sweet Apple Acres!
And she was grounded for a few days.
And she's gonna learn that the hard way.
And she's modest and humble.
And show these thirsty ponies a world of delectable cider!
And six night, I know.
And so each leader encountered obstacles along the way.
And so I tried to defeat Discord...
And so it was decided, that a grand summit will be held...
And so mistrust between the tribes festered...
And so the donkey says to the mule
And so the paradise that the ponies had found was soon lost...
And so, with Ahuizotl defeated, and the sapphire statue secured...
And some ponies are just not cut out to handle the responsibility.
And some ponies are just not cut out to handle the responsibility.
And sometimes a big lunch and a nap.
And stop worrying about every little thing!
And Sweetie Belle should consider herself perfectly lucky...
And SWOOSH! And right before she hit the ground, SHOOM, she...
And thank you for being a part of Family Appreciation Day!
And thanks for transporting it all the way to Canterlot for us.
And that gives me an idea!
And that is how Ponyville was founded.
And that is something always to be proud of, no matter what.
And that leg is...
And that was a good thing, right?
And that's a new world, with tons of cider
And that's bad, right?
And that's exactly what he did.
And that's how Rich's Barnyard Bargains
And that's just what I'm gonna do.
And that's my last cloud. You found it.
And that's opportunity
And that's so special to me!
And that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile!
And that's why I'm adopting Applejack as my big sister!
And that's why you would never qualify to be my pet.
And the blizzard raged on.
And the cutie pox disappeared as mysteriously as they arrived.
And the disaster happens by Tuesday morning,
And the fruits of our labor were the best fruit we ever tasted.
And the hospital gowns, they match the curtains!
And the hottest buzz.
And the key that they need to solve the sad cider shortage you and I will share
And the mule behind the moose panicked when she saw the mastery of the "MMMM".
And the only racer, who crossed the finish line with me...
And the only way I'm gonna do that is to join the dragon migration!
And the type of pony everypony should know
And the type of pony everypony, everypony should know
And the type of pony everypony, everypony should know
And the type of pony everypony, everypony should know
And the type of pony everypony, everypony should know
And the unicorns were freezing *and* hungry.
And the way she spoke of your Doughnutopia,
And then give him a piece of my mind.
And then I zoomed into the well.
And then they were gone!
And then we had to stop and wait for Granny Smith and...
And then we went to Cheerilee's house and we got a bunch more goodies.
And then, in your scrapbook, there was a flower, an old ticket,
And these are only my first changes.
And they'll love you! Oh!
And this one:
And this year's batch was perfection!
And those should be a different color.
And though he's so far away, I hoped that he would stay
And to believe in yourself.
And today is the first day of your new life!
And today is...
And tomorrow we'll be making up some Zap Apple Jam!
And tomorrow we'll be making up some Zap Apple Jam!
And totally delicious.
And Twilight shall be my lowly assistant
And Uncle Apple Strudel was on it.
And use their power to defeat the queen.
And we built our first home.
And we have no right to stop you.
And we knew that it was not fit to enter.
And we think you're super! And that we love you so so much!
And we want you to have the best Hearts and Hooves Day...
And we were getting mighty short on food.
And we won't engage in hurtful gossip any more.
And we're gonna swipe 'em!
And we're your friends!
And we're your friends!
And welcome to the Nightmare Night Festival.
And what are YOU laughing at?!
And what are YOU laughing at?!
And what can make them happier than being together, right?
And what prompted the ponies to clash?
And when I first tried it,
And when y'all are done that, feel free to have some popcorn for dessert.
And when you woke up, half the cake was gone?
And who is this Rainbow Dash?
And will now perform the initiation ritual.
And with me as our fearless leader, what could go wrong?
And with the Grand Galloping Gala coming up...
And with these super sprinkles,
And y'know, I wasn't just born yesterday.
And you are...?
And you can borrow them all, any time you like!
And you can forget about being my best mare.
And you can just make the 8am train.
And you can think about how sorry you are
And you fill me with good cheer!
And you got to get each one of them just right.
And you had your doubts about her.
And you know how I hate performing in front of others.
And you know what a nightmare she is with scheduling.
And you know what that means.
And you may have gone just a teeny tiniest bit nutty.
And you were flying with 2.5?
And you, young filly.
And you'll be best friends forever and ever!
And you'll be best friends forever and ever!
And you're going to like her more than anything.
And you're marrying her!
And you're ruining my fabulous costume!
And you're wearing my favorite tie!
And you've got a big brother to go congratulate.
And your actions led to your being able to bring the real Princess Cadance back to us.
And your face is made of frown
And your face is made of frown
And your middle name?
And yours is the most powerful and elusive element ‒ magic.
And, I am honored to call you my friend.
And, I want to thank Applejack in advance...
And, of course, the three tribes had to share it.
And, we'll throw in the magic to power the machine for free.
And... and you... you... you went and... and then you...
And... how about now?
Angel?! Gummy?!
Another cutie mark? Ha!
Another day, another dungeon!
Another great feat of heroism.
Another pegasus just got back from Baltimare with an all clear and
Any big plans for tonight?
Any horse can make a claim and any pony can do the same
Any of you! All of you!
Any other bright ideas?
Any other questions?
Any pet of mine's gotta look good.
Any questions?
Anypony else wanna panic with me?
Anything can happen.
Anything wrong?
Anything you would give me is sure to lead to some sort of disaster!
Anyway, I can always use a pony with quick hooves and a strong back.
Anyway, I can always use a pony with quick hooves and a strong back.
Anyway, Spike here writes down everything I say. Don't you, Spike?
Anywhere, anytime!
Apparently they're too rare and too scary to try to talk to us or study!
Apparently, some prince who long time ago whipped up this recipe
Apple Bloom is one humdinger of a Zap Apple Jammer!
Apple Bloom said you wanted to speak with me?
Apple Bloom, what do you say? Did this flower just walk away?
Apple Bloom, would you mind writing to Princess Celestia...
Apple Bloom, you shall bring in Granny Smith on Monday.
Apple Bloom, your newspaper idea was nothing but a big bust.
Apple Bloom, your newspaper idea was nothing but a big bust.
Apple Bloom!
Apple Bloom!
Apple Bloom!
Apple Bloom!
Apple Bloom! Come back!
Apple Bloom! Come back!
Apple Bloom! Where are you going?
Apple Bloom! You're super duper loop de hooper!
Apple Bloom! You're up!
Apple Bloom! You've got your cutie mark!
Apple Bloom?
Apple Bloom? Is Granny Smith here?
Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom. What is all that awful...
Apple Bloom's Granny Smith isn't working harvest...
Apple Bloom's sick!
Apple trees!
Applejack and I do it every year!
Applejack is supposed to have come here after the rodeo ended.
Applejack made it for my from an old ring barrel when I was littler.
Applejack says it's important to share.
Applejack will lower me down from this rope...
Applejack, be a dear and shut those windows, will you?
Applejack, come back here!
Applejack, did you know that after she told you how much she just 'love love loved'
Applejack, help me!
Applejack, help!
Applejack, I can't thank you enough for this great blanket.
Applejack, I thought you closed all the windows.
Applejack, we can always find a way to fix that hole in the roof.
Applejack, what about the Everfree Forest?
Applejack, why do you have to be so good and make me look so bad?
Applejack, you broke your Pinkie promise! Apologize!
Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception.
Applejack, you're not a failure.
Applejack, you're not a failure.
Applejack, you're sure to knock everypony's hat off at the Equestria Rodeo competition!
Applejack! Applejack!
Applejack! Give me that book!
Applejack! Help!
Applejack! I need you to bring those high strong storm clouds down to earth.
Applejack! I'm here to fight for our friendship.
Applejack! Thank goodness. I thought I heard voices over here.
Applejack? Are these some of your Ponyville friends?
Applejack? Are you sure this is such a good idea?
Applejack's a real sister.
Applejack's... not comin' back?
Are both teams ready?
Are sick with the feather flu!
Are those... for me?
Are trying to tell new Fluttershy how to live her life
Are we done shopping, Granny?
Are we gonna be fast?
Are we gonna be strong?
Are we in the right place?
Are we ready to do this?
Are you disagreeing with me?
Are you disagreeing with me?
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding? Fluttershy is overdue as it is.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you ready for your favoritest game in the whole wide world?
Are you sitting on a feather bed, in a hole in the ground?
Are you snooping through my saddlebag?
Are you sure I can't tempt you with a nice crisp piece of
Are you sure you're not just a little bit satisfied?
Are you sure?
Are you taking notes?
Are you talkin' about my brother?
Are you talking to... yourself?
Are you...
Aren't those all the same thing?
Aren't we wearing them for fun?
Aren't you gonna give me something?
Aren't you milking this a bit?
Aren't you totally psyched to go on this raid?
As a good friend I'll be able to help her.
As a source of the rainwater they need for all of Equestria.
As a team... we're unstoppable.
As always, I will guard the night.
As Celestia is my witness,
As Celestia is my witness, I shall never be sisterless again!
As changing who you are.
As Daring Do trekked through the tropical jungle, the wet heat
As her very special somepony.
As I recall, during your workshop, you promised
As in the greatest foalsitter in all the history of foalsitters?!
As in... starting this very instant this week?
As Iron Will says.
As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart
As long as you're here, why not have a bite to eat
As one of your PFFs...
As the popularity of our column grew, we got swept up in the hype.
As Twilight's good friends, we should have taken...
As your ghostwriter, I've already penned a letter to the princess.
As your princess we command you!
Ask him to be your very special somepony.
Ask me! Mememememememememe!
Assertiveness seminar today, hedge maze centre.
At home, at the opera, on a fancy yacht
At last, she was face to face with the legendary sapphire statue!
At least this mystery is finally solved.
Attention everypony!
Attention please!
Attention, everypony!
Attention, everypony! Cider season is now officially open!
Aw Fluttershy, we just don't want you to miss out.
Aw shucks Miss Pinkie, you flatterer you.
Aw shucks, Apple Bloom. I sure hope so.
Aw shucks, Miss Jubilee. You don't have to go into all that.
Aw yeah, just you wait!
Aw yeah!
Aw, c'mon, Applejack!
Aw, come on, Apple Bloom.
Aw, come on! I wrote the whole thing already!
Aw, don't fret. I forget things all the time.
Aw, he's just a big furry guy who got out of his yard, that's all.
Aw, he's just a big furry guy who got out of his yard, that's all.
Aw, it's all in good fun.
Aw, she was probably just trying to spare my feelings.
Aw, shucks. Why don't you take a few to go?
Aw, so you mean the other tribes didn't come around?
Aw, Spike.
Aw, the rainbow wig just kills it for me.
Aw,shucks, you... rained on my cumulus.
Awesome and cool. Got it!
Awesome! That sounds fun!
Awesomely heroic that day and awesomely arrogant ever since.
Ay me! But what is this?
B b but... what if she finds out I've been impersonating her?
Babies take a lot of work.
Baby unicorns get strange magic surges that come and go.
Babysit? Now?
Babysit? Now?
Back where you began...
Back! Get back!
Bad 'un. Good 'un! Bad 'un...
Bad bones, bad back, bad breath...
Bad?! BAD?! Of course it's bad!
Balloons are super easy to pack.
Based on these figures, we're making five barrels for every three of theirs!
Be right back.
Beats me.
Beautiful day we're having.
Beautiful, isn't it?
Became the cornerstone of retail in Ponyville.
Because ever since I started having to perform my protection spell,
Because I also have them in my scrapbook.
Because I don't turn ponies into stone!
Because I'm going to solve a friend's problem...
Because I'm the type of pony
Because Iron Will is gonna rain down a world of hurt
Because it's not your special day.
Because maybe... we could, cut a deal...
Because of a love potion?
Because of this silly competition...
Because poor Opal is quite ill!
Because she asked me to.
Because she found out the only reason they wanted to be in the wedding
Because the obvious answer is...
Because they've decided it should be you.
Because while being surprised can be nice...
Because you're evil!
Because... I totally won’t be sorry when I do!
Become instant best friends... uncheck.
Becoming as popular as popular can be
Becoming the talk, the talk of all of Canterlot
Before I came here and learned the importance of friendship,
Before I leave you alone forever,
Before my sister and I stood up to him...
Beg pardon but, could we maybe move things along?
Behold, my chocolate mousse moose.
Bein' sisters is a give and take.
Bein' sisters is like...
Being a hero is surely not for everypony...
Besides, I haven't read this Gabby Gums yet.
Besides, she's MY big sister.
Best darn bitesize apple fritter you ever tasted...
Best night's sleep I've had in weeks.
Best wedding ever!
Best. Wedding. Ever!
Bet I can guess what you're all thinking!
Bet I'd forget my mane if it wasn't attached to my head.
Better be careful. You might get some dust on you.
Better luck next time, Ahuizotl!
Better safe than sorry.
Better see what she wants.
Better try it on now.
Better. But cooler.
Better. Right, Fluttershy?
Big Brother Best Friend Forever?
Big Mac and I thought we'd have a picnic at the gazebo.
Big Mac won't be able to harvest any apples.
Big Mac! Hey! Hello!
Big Mac! Hey! Hello!
Big Mac...
Big Macintosh is the perfect match for Miss Cheerilee.
Big McIntosh! Thank goodness!
Big, scaly, fire breathing dragons?
Bigger! And cooler!
Bigger. Cooler. Right.
Blended perfectly with the smooth, silky sweetness of the meringue...
Bravo, ponies! Bravo!
Bravo, Rarity!
Bu... but these are extremely rare baby blue sapphires!
Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee.
Burglar, burglar!
Buses and baby carriages are always careening down this hill.
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