Aha I knew it
All the ponies in this town are correct
All your partner
An out house
And that's how Equestria was made
Another donut extra sprinkles
Anything you can do I can do better
Are you a spy
Are you crazy
Beware beware
Biting off more than you can chew is just what i'm afraid of
Boobs see
But I want it now
Can you do that can you explode twice
Can't hear you how much sleep
Come out
Cutie Mark Crusaders yay
Dear princess celestia
Don't really need to get out more
Don't you know how to take get lost for an answer
Don't you know who I am
Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue
Dumb fabric
Dumb rock
Fruit of shy
Gently please
Going to love me
Good afternoon my name is twilight sparkle
Harden me princess
Have you gone mad
Hint hint
How could you
How dare you
How do you know
How wonderful
I am a big pony
I am so frustrated I could just scream
I am the iron pony
I can't wait to hear all about the thing at the place
I don't get it
I don't know how goes all right
I don't wanna talk about it
I got
I got nothing
I hate losing
I hate to say I told you so
I I think I hear my laundry calling sorry can't go
I knew you could do it
I know it's gonna be so awesome
I know this one
I know what you're up to
I like to be a tree
I love fun things
I missed you so much
I princess celestia hereby decree
I threw this party just for you
I'll catch you yet my pretties
I'll do whatever you want rainbow dash
I'm applejack
I'm Fluttershy
I'm just glad no other than pony showed up
I'm liking this idea
I'm not baby I can take care of myself
I'm on it
I'm so pathetic
I'm so proud of you
I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry to have scared you my friends
I'm sorry I wasted your time
If you can take this boo bob horns you better be ready for a ride
Is it zombies
It is time to make their magics
It needs to be about twenty percent cooler
It's so true
It's the perfect plan
It's true enthusia stick little admirers
It's true I mean hideous
Likely story
Local in the coco
My hubs getting positively growney i've been waiting here so long
My life
My little ponies
Never never never!
No excuses
No thanks
Now can even work with that
Oatmeal are you crazy
Oh doesn't that hurt
Oh i'm so frustrated I could just kick something
Oh it is on
Oh my beloved subject
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh
Oh my moose tosh
Oh my sound serious
Oh no no no no no this is bad
Oh there lover boy
Oh why did you do that for
Oh you wanna do this the hard way book to list the hard way
Okie dokie loki
One thing to say
Oops sorry
Or warned about
Pinkie pie
Pinkie Pie gasp
Pinkie pie style
Play me
Please please please
Pretty please
Prove it
Scootaloo!! Scoot Scoot Scootaloo!!
Settings connect madame
Shame on you
Siri the cutest thing ever
Sounds like sour apples to me
Take that you ruffian
Tell me tell me tell me
Ten seconds flat
Thank you thank you thank you thank you
That doesn't even make any sense
That is not how you call a chick in
That was such a sweet story
That's a great safe idea
That's so funny I forgot to laugh
That's so not true
That's what all the fuss is about
That's what I said
The horror the horror
The night will last forever
The wicked enchantress is cursed them all
This is whining
Time to take out the adorable trash
Tough luck, baby!
Twitchy twitch!!
Was there ever any jobs
Watch in odd
Way to go
We could form their own secret society
We couldn't fit it all in
Welcome to appaloosa
Well come on show trixie what you've got
Well well well it seems we have some nice sayers in the audience
What do you have in mind
What in tarnation
What the hell is that supposed to mean
What what's wrong
Whatever should we do
When you decide not to be lame anymore give me a call
Who are you calling a baby
Who you calling a chump chump
Whoa dude that's creepy
Will you accept my friendship
Will you please leave me alone
Yeah how
Yeah I like helping the pony folks and
Yes it's all true
You are such a flip flop cool one minute and lame the next
You cannot run for me
You gotta problem with blank flakes
You little full
You must you must you must
You rock who who
You told me it was an old ponytail
You're dumb
You're kidding you're kidding right
You're not using power tools are you
You're such a loudmouth
You're welcome
Your faithful student twilight sparkle