A book of jokes. from Joker (2019)
A good one. You know that, right? from Joker (2019)
A groundswell of anti rich sentiment in the city. from Joker (2019)
A joker. from Joker (2019)
A little resistance here, Michael. from Joker (2019)
A poet, a pawn and a king from Joker (2019)
A poet, a pawn and a king from Joker (2019)
A prestigious New England university... from Joker (2019)
A very fine actor. from Joker (2019)
About people like me, either. from Joker (2019)
About what's going on in the city tonight. from Joker (2019)
Again, Detective Garrity, from Joker (2019)
Ah, can't complain. from Joker (2019)
All I do is file paperwork. from Joker (2019)
All I have are negative thoughts, from Joker (2019)
All of you, from Joker (2019)
All records 10 years or older, they store in the basement, from Joker (2019)
All right, Bobby, let's show that clip one last time. from Joker (2019)
All right, here it is. Fleck. from Joker (2019)
All right, let's see one more. I love this guy. from Joker (2019)
All right, now, this next comic describes from Joker (2019)
All right, that's my time. Thank you very much, guys. from Joker (2019)
All right, we got a great show for you tonight. from Joker (2019)
All right. So, why were you fired? from Joker (2019)
All that sacrifice, she must love you very much. from Joker (2019)
All the crazy shit out there. from Joker (2019)
All units, fire reported, north of alley. from Joker (2019)
Almost everyone in the city, from Joker (2019)
Although I didn't know any of them personally. from Joker (2019)
Amazing responses. from Joker (2019)
And always remember, that's life! from Joker (2019)
And animal expert, Hugh Little. from Joker (2019)
And as funny as it may seem from Joker (2019)
And as funny as it may seem from Joker (2019)
And as our city tries to make sense from Joker (2019)
And as you see, Gotham is burning. from Joker (2019)
And battered you. from Joker (2019)
And besides, you can imagine from Joker (2019)
And cleaning up is a good idea. from Joker (2019)
And die from Joker (2019)
And finally, in a world where everyone from Joker (2019)
And finally, tonight, from Joker (2019)
And have you thought more about from Joker (2019)
And he never came back. from Joker (2019)
And he says, and I'm not kidding, Billy says, from Joker (2019)
And honestly, I think we could all use a good laugh. from Joker (2019)
And how's that going for you? from Joker (2019)
And I could never tell anyone because... from Joker (2019)
And I had to talk to you. from Joker (2019)
And I just wanna know what you said. from Joker (2019)
And I just want you to know from Joker (2019)
And I know one thing from Joker (2019)
And I know one thing from Joker (2019)
And I never slept with your mother. from Joker (2019)
And I said, "Anything?" And she said... from Joker (2019)
And I'm tired of pretending it's not. from Joker (2019)
And I've never seen anything like it. from Joker (2019)
And if I didn't think It was worth one single try from Joker (2019)
And Murray asked if I would reach out to you from Joker (2019)
And my number is 212... 99. from Joker (2019)
And my wife is a senior in my "Intro To Western Civ." from Joker (2019)
And narcissistic personality disorder." Mmm. from Joker (2019)
And new music from Mel Rubin and the Stiffs. from Joker (2019)
And not just any rats, from Joker (2019)
And now they're looking for me, from Joker (2019)
And now, without further ado, from Joker (2019)
And one who can't move from Joker (2019)
And people are starting to notice. from Joker (2019)
And severe trauma to his head. from Joker (2019)
And she got hysterical. from Joker (2019)
And some businesses have decided from Joker (2019)
And take it, like good little boys! from Joker (2019)
And the guy was singing that his name was Carnival. from Joker (2019)
And the piano stylings of Yeldon and Chantel. from Joker (2019)
And they may not realize it, but I'm their only hope. from Joker (2019)
And they really don't give a shit from Joker (2019)
And told people I was gonna be a comedian, from Joker (2019)
And tonight are in serious from Joker (2019)
And treats him like trash? from Joker (2019)
And treats him like trash? from Joker (2019)
And turns to sorrow from Joker (2019)
And until a little while ago, from Joker (2019)
And until those kind of people change for the better, from Joker (2019)
And we have gotten an amazing response from our viewers. from Joker (2019)
And why should we believe you? from Joker (2019)
And you can pay me back some other time. from Joker (2019)
And you had to look that up? from Joker (2019)
And you in mid air from Joker (2019)
And you really want to from Joker (2019)
And you really want to show it from Joker (2019)
And you really want to show it from Joker (2019)
And you're laughing. from Joker (2019)
And you're talking about something 30 years ago, so... from Joker (2019)
And, buddy, as always, from Joker (2019)
Another day in chuckle town. from Joker (2019)
Anyway, um, from Joker (2019)
Are certain to feel the pinch... from Joker (2019)
Are looking like slums. from Joker (2019)
Are taking the side of the killer. from Joker (2019)
Are we a pair? from Joker (2019)
Are we a pair? from Joker (2019)
Are we clear? from Joker (2019)
Are you all right, Doctor? from Joker (2019)
Are you available next Thursday? from Joker (2019)
Are you nuts? Did you see how close we were dancing? from Joker (2019)
Arthur Fleck. from Joker (2019)
Arthur, from Joker (2019)
Arthur, can you get the lock? from Joker (2019)
Arthur, I could tell. from Joker (2019)
Arthur, I have some bad news for you. from Joker (2019)
Arthur, I need to know why from Joker (2019)
Arthur, stop! from Joker (2019)
Arthur, you're on seven different medications. from Joker (2019)
Arthur! from Joker (2019)
Arthur! from Joker (2019)
Arthur! from Joker (2019)
Arthur! from Joker (2019)
Arthur. from Joker (2019)
Arthur. from Joker (2019)
Arthur... from Joker (2019)
As "Joker" is currently under arrest. from Joker (2019)
As nothing but clowns. from Joker (2019)
As tensions mount around the metro area, from Joker (2019)
Authorities are saying from Joker (2019)
Aw, that's sweet. from Joker (2019)
Aww. from Joker (2019)
Aww. from Joker (2019)
Beat him up. Take his stuff. from Joker (2019)
Beat his ass! from Joker (2019)
Because I got jumped. from Joker (2019)
Because of appearances. from Joker (2019)
Because of the garbage situation. from Joker (2019)
Because people think you're weird. from Joker (2019)
Because that's my clown name at work. from Joker (2019)
Because Thomas Wayne is a good man. from Joker (2019)
Because you're adopted, from Joker (2019)
Before a studio audience from Joker (2019)
Before a studio audience from Joker (2019)
Before you came up? from Joker (2019)
Before you make a fool of yourself. from Joker (2019)
Besides, Randall told me from Joker (2019)
Big man, what's the good word? from Joker (2019)
Big man, what's the good word? from Joker (2019)
Bitch! from Joker (2019)
Black roof country, no gold pavements Tired starlings from Joker (2019)
Both victims were taken to Gotham General. from Joker (2019)
Breaking news. from Joker (2019)
Bruce! Bruce! from Joker (2019)
Bruce. from Joker (2019)
Burke! from Joker (2019)
But also as a joke diary. from Joker (2019)
But I can't let this go without her signature, okay? from Joker (2019)
But I do. from Joker (2019)
But I don't let it, let it get me down from Joker (2019)
But I don't let it, let it get me down from Joker (2019)
But I got another complaint. from Joker (2019)
But I know I'm gonna change that tune from Joker (2019)
But I think to look at it, it's terrible. from Joker (2019)
But I think to look at it, it's terrible. from Joker (2019)
But I'm not sure my wife will let me do it. from Joker (2019)
But if there's nothing shakin' Come here this July from Joker (2019)
But in all seriousness, I mean, these rats are... from Joker (2019)
But Murray played a clip of your stand up from Joker (2019)
But my heart just ain't gonna buy it from Joker (2019)
But my mother told me everything, from Joker (2019)
But my mother would always say, from Joker (2019)
But my mother would always say, from Joker (2019)
But my mother would always say, from Joker (2019)
But now I realize from Joker (2019)
But stable condition at Gotham Metropolitan. from Joker (2019)
But super rats, who are hard to kill. from Joker (2019)
But the cops have been coming around the shop, from Joker (2019)
But these guys, what, because Thomas Wayne from Joker (2019)
But this is how he wanted to come out, from Joker (2019)
But where are the clowns? from Joker (2019)
But you don't listen anyway. from Joker (2019)
But you should see somebody. from Joker (2019)
But you worked for him, what, 30 years ago? from Joker (2019)
But, Happy, what makes you think you could do that? from Joker (2019)
But, like I said, I still have some questions for you. from Joker (2019)
But, no, I feel good. from Joker (2019)
Call the police, Gene! from Joker (2019)
Can I ask you a question? from Joker (2019)
Can I call someone? Is your mother home? from Joker (2019)
Can I help you, pal? from Joker (2019)
Can I see it? from Joker (2019)
Can we set up a date right now? from Joker (2019)
Can you imagine that? from Joker (2019)
Can you introduce me as Joker? from Joker (2019)
Can you please tell Mr. Wayne I need to see him? from Joker (2019)
Check out this joker. from Joker (2019)
Chuck Conby is here, actress Joanne Mulligan, from Joker (2019)
Chuck Stevens filed this report. from Joker (2019)
City services have been affected, from Joker (2019)
City services, stuff like that. from Joker (2019)
Co anchor Courtney Weathers, from Joker (2019)
Code Four for medical. from Joker (2019)
Collapsed and hit her head pretty hard. from Joker (2019)
Come on, clown, let's go! We've got the sign. from Joker (2019)
Come on, dance with me. from Joker (2019)
Come on, dance with me. from Joker (2019)
Come on, get up! from Joker (2019)
Come on, man, get up. from Joker (2019)
Come on, man. Give it... from Joker (2019)
Come on, Murray. from Joker (2019)
Come on, run! from Joker (2019)
Come on! Beat his ass up. from Joker (2019)
Come on! Come on. from Joker (2019)
Come on! This guy's weak. He can't do nothing. from Joker (2019)
Come on. from Joker (2019)
Come on. from Joker (2019)
Come on. For that, you gotta come down. from Joker (2019)
Come sit. It's starting. from Joker (2019)
Comedy is subjective, Murray. from Joker (2019)
Coming. from Joker (2019)
Couple rules, though. from Joker (2019)
Courtney, what's the scene there? from Joker (2019)
Dad, it's me. Come on. from Joker (2019)
Dawnlight smiles on you leaving My contentment from Joker (2019)
Declaring a city wide state of emergency from Joker (2019)
Diagnosed by Dr. Benjamin Stoner. from Joker (2019)
Did you bring it with you? from Joker (2019)
Did you do this? from Joker (2019)
Did you get a new gig? from Joker (2019)
Did you hear that? I told you, we're family. from Joker (2019)
Did you know her? from Joker (2019)
Did you really bring a gun from Joker (2019)
Didn't you hear? from Joker (2019)
Do I look like the kind of clown from Joker (2019)
Do I need to call the police? from Joker (2019)
Do you ever actually leave the studio? from Joker (2019)
Do you people call it miniature golf from Joker (2019)
Do you remember? from Joker (2019)
Do you want an autograph or something? from Joker (2019)
Do you want to tell it to me? from Joker (2019)
Do you watch The Murray Franklin Show? from Joker (2019)
Does he have sexual problems? from Joker (2019)
Does it help to have someone to talk to? from Joker (2019)
Does your mother take any medications? from Joker (2019)
Don't do it! from Joker (2019)
Don't give me your... from Joker (2019)
Don't I? from Joker (2019)
Don't ignore him. He's being nice to you. from Joker (2019)
Don't know what to do, you know? from Joker (2019)
Don't look. Just go. from Joker (2019)
Don't say that. from Joker (2019)
Don't sweat it, Art. from Joker (2019)
Don't you approve? from Joker (2019)
Don't you approve? from Joker (2019)
Don't you have to be funny to be a comedian? from Joker (2019)
Don't you love farce? from Joker (2019)
Down with Wayne! Down with Wayne! from Joker (2019)
Down with Wayne! Down with Wayne! from Joker (2019)
Each time I find myself flat on my face from Joker (2019)
Either way, I think it's good for business. from Joker (2019)
Ellis Drane and his jazz orchestra. from Joker (2019)
Even I didn't know if I really existed. from Joker (2019)
Even the nicest sections of the city from Joker (2019)
Ever since from Joker (2019)
Everybody is awful these days. from Joker (2019)
Everybody just yells and screams at each other. from Joker (2019)
Everybody's telling me from Joker (2019)
Everyone laughed at me. from Joker (2019)
Excuse me, sir. from Joker (2019)
Expressed concern over the latest from Joker (2019)
Finally knowing The one that I wanted was yours from Joker (2019)
For a sign? from Joker (2019)
For killing those young men. from Joker (2019)
For the first time in decades. from Joker (2019)
For the very bad smell here. from Joker (2019)
For Thomas Wayne. It's important. from Joker (2019)
For your act? Didn't you hear from Joker (2019)
From NCB Studios in Gotham City, from Joker (2019)
Fuck 'em. from Joker (2019)
Fuck. from Joker (2019)
Fuck. from Joker (2019)
Fucking savages. from Joker (2019)
Funny thoughts or observations. from Joker (2019)
Gary said you wanted to see me. from Joker (2019)
Gary? from Joker (2019)
Gene, it's gonna work. It's gonna work. from Joker (2019)
Get away from that man. from Joker (2019)
Get down! Get the fuck back! from Joker (2019)
Get him off! from Joker (2019)
Get out! Get outta here! from Joker (2019)
Get your mask off! from Joker (2019)
Getting fired like that. from Joker (2019)
Go ahead. from Joker (2019)
Go over there. from Joker (2019)
Go, clown! Come on! from Joker (2019)
Go, go, go, go! Watch the car, watch the car! from Joker (2019)
Go, go, go! from Joker (2019)
Go! Come on! from Joker (2019)
Go! Go! from Joker (2019)
Good luck. from Joker (2019)
Good morning. from Joker (2019)
Good night, and always remember, from Joker (2019)
Good night. And always remember, that's... from Joker (2019)
Good to see you, Ethan. You're looking great, Ethan. from Joker (2019)
Good, decent, educated. from Joker (2019)
Good, good. Someone will from Joker (2019)
Gotham's lost its way. from Joker (2019)
Great. from Joker (2019)
Ha! from Joker (2019)
Happiness is not a riddle from Joker (2019)
Happy, did you check the mail from Joker (2019)
Happy, I wrote a new letter. from Joker (2019)
Happy, look, Thomas Wayne's on TV. from Joker (2019)
Happy, what was that? Are you okay? from Joker (2019)
Happy. from Joker (2019)
Happy. Hmm. from Joker (2019)
Harder! Harder! from Joker (2019)
Have intensified here... from Joker (2019)
Have they all, all the people committed crimes? from Joker (2019)
Have you been keeping up with your journal? from Joker (2019)
Have you seen what it's like out there, Murray? from Joker (2019)
He is running for mayor, from Joker (2019)
He left me. from Joker (2019)
He must not be getting my letters. from Joker (2019)
He owes it to us. from Joker (2019)
He said it was best that we not be together from Joker (2019)
He said you were fired for bringing a gun from Joker (2019)
He'd love to talk to you, maybe do some of your act? from Joker (2019)
He'll make a great mayor. Everybody says so. from Joker (2019)
He's a busy man. from Joker (2019)
He's a very powerful man. from Joker (2019)
He's always been such a happy little boy. from Joker (2019)
He's an extraordinary man, Happy. from Joker (2019)
He's aware of that. He's aware of that. Yeah. from Joker (2019)
He's coming! from Joker (2019)
He's dead. from Joker (2019)
He's going out of business, for God's sake, Arthur. from Joker (2019)
He's gonna help us. from Joker (2019)
He's got a book. from Joker (2019)
He's got a new movie called American Playboy from Joker (2019)
He's the only one who could save the city. from Joker (2019)
Health Commissioner Edward O'Rourke is from Joker (2019)
Hear my name Carnival from Joker (2019)
Hello, Hoyt. from Joker (2019)
Hello, it's good to be here. from Joker (2019)
Hello, Mr. Fleck. This is Detective Garrity. from Joker (2019)
Hello? from Joker (2019)
Help make their lives better. from Joker (2019)
Here. from Joker (2019)
Here. Don't get all worked up. Eat. from Joker (2019)
Here's a guy who thinks if you just keep laughing, from Joker (2019)
Here's one. from Joker (2019)
Hey, Arthur, I heard what happened. from Joker (2019)
Hey, Arthur, you're a really good dancer. from Joker (2019)
Hey, Arthur! from Joker (2019)
Hey, Arthur? from Joker (2019)
Hey, Arthur. from Joker (2019)
Hey, Bobby, would you put the lights on? from Joker (2019)
Hey, Gary. You know what I've always wondered? from Joker (2019)
Hey, hey, hey. It's Mr. Franklin, buddy. from Joker (2019)
Hey, hold him steady. Hold him steady. from Joker (2019)
Hey, listen, man. from Joker (2019)
Hey, Murray. from Joker (2019)
Hey, Murray. I've been on... from Joker (2019)
Hey, Murray. Thanks so much for having... from Joker (2019)
Hey, one more. One more, Bobby. from Joker (2019)
Hey, Penny. from Joker (2019)
Hey, Wayne. from Joker (2019)
Hey, what's your name? from Joker (2019)
Hey, you want some French fries? from Joker (2019)
Hey! from Joker (2019)
Hey! from Joker (2019)
Hey! from Joker (2019)
Hey! from Joker (2019)
Hey! from Joker (2019)
Hey! Hey! from Joker (2019)
Hey! Hey! from Joker (2019)
Hey! Stop, Arthur! from Joker (2019)
Hey. from Joker (2019)
Hey. from Joker (2019)
Hey. from Joker (2019)
Hi, Arthur. Well, as I was saying, from Joker (2019)
Hi, Murray. Arthur. from Joker (2019)
Hi. from Joker (2019)
Himself as a lifelong Gotham resident from Joker (2019)
Hmm? Oh... from Joker (2019)
Hmm. from Joker (2019)
Hmm. from Joker (2019)
Hold that train! Hold it! from Joker (2019)
How about another joke, Murray? from Joker (2019)
How about just a little bit of fucking decency? from Joker (2019)
How about you? from Joker (2019)
How am I supposed to get my medication now? from Joker (2019)
How does it feel to have to come here? from Joker (2019)
How does someone wind up in here? from Joker (2019)
How the fuck do I know? Why does anybody do anything? from Joker (2019)
How's it going? from Joker (2019)
How's the comedy career? Are you a famous stand up yet? from Joker (2019)
Hoyt said that they talked to you, from Joker (2019)
Hoyt wants to see you in his office. from Joker (2019)
Hoyt, please, I love this job. from Joker (2019)
Hyperventilating, from Joker (2019)
I always hated that name. from Joker (2019)
I am here to help them. from Joker (2019)
I can't explain it to you any better than that. from Joker (2019)
I can't use my real last name at this college from Joker (2019)
I could come by tomorrow. from Joker (2019)
I could do that. from Joker (2019)
I could get in trouble. from Joker (2019)
I didn't know if I even really existed. from Joker (2019)
I do. from Joker (2019)
I don't believe in anything. from Joker (2019)
I don't even know why I like you. from Joker (2019)
I don't know if you're aware, from Joker (2019)
I don't know what to say. from Joker (2019)
I don't know what to tell you. from Joker (2019)
I don't know why everyone is so rude. from Joker (2019)
I don't know why you are. from Joker (2019)
I don't know. from Joker (2019)
I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. from Joker (2019)
I don't need you to tell me lies. from Joker (2019)
I don't think you ever really hear me. from Joker (2019)
I don't want anything from you. from Joker (2019)
I don't want you worrying about money, Mom. from Joker (2019)
I feel a lot better now. from Joker (2019)
I feel like I know you. from Joker (2019)
I forgot to punch out. from Joker (2019)
I fucked up and did some bad shit. from Joker (2019)
I got nothing left to lose. from Joker (2019)
I gotta take it out of your paycheck. from Joker (2019)
I had a bad day. from Joker (2019)
I hated school as a kid. from Joker (2019)
I hated school as a kid. from Joker (2019)
I hated school as a kid. from Joker (2019)
I hated school when I was a kid. from Joker (2019)
I have a gun. from Joker (2019)
I have a wife. We love to role play. from Joker (2019)
I have... I have a condition. from Joker (2019)
I haven't been happy from Joker (2019)
I hear it's gonna be nuts. from Joker (2019)
I heard about the beatdown you took. from Joker (2019)
I heard this song on the radio the other day, from Joker (2019)
I hope. from Joker (2019)
I just don't want to feel so bad anymore. from Joker (2019)
I just thought it'd be good for my act. from Joker (2019)
I killed those guys because they were awful. from Joker (2019)
I killed those three Wall Street guys. from Joker (2019)
I know about the two of them. from Joker (2019)
I know it seems strange. from Joker (2019)
I know what that's like, Murray. from Joker (2019)
I know. from Joker (2019)
I know. from Joker (2019)
I know. from Joker (2019)
I know. I know. from Joker (2019)
I like that. I like that a lot. Come on down. from Joker (2019)
I live right here in the city from Joker (2019)
I lived with my mother before I made it. Just me and her. from Joker (2019)
I love Dr. Sally. from Joker (2019)
I love you, Murray! from Joker (2019)
I love you, too. from Joker (2019)
I mean, are you part of the protest? from Joker (2019)
I mean, I loved hearing what you had to say. from Joker (2019)
I mean, I loved hearing what you had to say. from Joker (2019)
I mean, is it part of your act? from Joker (2019)
I mean, it's so much self pity, Arthur. from Joker (2019)
I never heard him cry. from Joker (2019)
I pass you every day, and you don't notice me. from Joker (2019)
I pick myself up And get back in the race from Joker (2019)
I pick myself up And get back in the race from Joker (2019)
I read it was a guy in full makeup. from Joker (2019)
I really need you to leave. from Joker (2019)
I said, for my whole life, from Joker (2019)
I said, that's life from Joker (2019)
I take good care of my mother. from Joker (2019)
I tell ya, I can't deny it from Joker (2019)
I think I did. from Joker (2019)
I think I felt better from Joker (2019)
I think I might be in danger of failing from Joker (2019)
I think I told you from Joker (2019)
I think the guy that did it is a hero. from Joker (2019)
I think you are. from Joker (2019)
I think... I think most women look at sex like buying a car. from Joker (2019)
I thought it was gonna bother me, but it really hasn't. from Joker (2019)
I thought of quitting, baby from Joker (2019)
I thought that was you. from Joker (2019)
I thought that you'd want what I want from Joker (2019)
I told him, "The garbage strike from Joker (2019)
I used to think that my life was a tragedy... from Joker (2019)
I want to get it right. from Joker (2019)
I was hoping you'd come in and rob the place. from Joker (2019)
I was just trying to make him smile. from Joker (2019)
I was wondering if you could ask the doctor from Joker (2019)
I wasn't adopted. from Joker (2019)
I wasn't bothering him. I was... from Joker (2019)
I work on The Murray Franklin Show. from Joker (2019)
I'd give it all up in a heartbeat from Joker (2019)
I'd jump right on a big bird And then I'd fly... from Joker (2019)
I'll fucking kill you. from Joker (2019)
I'll tell you what you have, you asshole. from Joker (2019)
I'll try it, you know, from Joker (2019)
I'll wait in this place Where the sun never shines from Joker (2019)
I'm a party clown. from Joker (2019)
I'm a professor at from Joker (2019)
I'm Arthur. from Joker (2019)
I'm Bruce. from Joker (2019)
I'm celebrating. from Joker (2019)
I'm considering a run for mayor. from Joker (2019)
I'm getting from Joker (2019)
I'm gonna be a comedian." from Joker (2019)
I'm gonna be a comedian." from Joker (2019)
I'm gonna be on tonight. from Joker (2019)
I'm gonna get a coffee. from Joker (2019)
I'm gonna lift them out of poverty, from Joker (2019)
I'm gonna roll myself up in a big ball from Joker (2019)
I'm here to see Mr. Wayne. from Joker (2019)
I'm just an administrative assistant. from Joker (2019)
I'm just trying to make people laugh. from Joker (2019)
I'm nervous right now. from Joker (2019)
I'm not angry, Mom. from Joker (2019)
I'm not angry. from Joker (2019)
I'm not gonna hurt you. from Joker (2019)
I'm not out that long to smell it, from Joker (2019)
I'm not supposed to have a gun. from Joker (2019)
I'm not talking to you until you stop being angry! from Joker (2019)
I'm pretty sure this guy could use a doctor. from Joker (2019)
I'm pursuing a career in stand up comedy. from Joker (2019)
I'm right here. from Joker (2019)
I'm sorry I just showed up. from Joker (2019)
I'm sorry, Arthur. from Joker (2019)
I'm sorry, man. Like I said, I can't release these records, from Joker (2019)
I'm sorry. from Joker (2019)
I'm sorry. from Joker (2019)
I'm sorry. I have a... from Joker (2019)
I'm sorry. What's that? from Joker (2019)
I'm Stan I. Brooks, and here's what's happening. from Joker (2019)
I'm sure we'll see you again. from Joker (2019)
I'm telling you, she wanted my number. from Joker (2019)
I'm that kid whose father went out for a pack of cigarettes, from Joker (2019)
I'm the show Booker from Live with Murray Franklin. from Joker (2019)
I'm watching an old war movie! from Joker (2019)
I'm willing to do anything to pass." from Joker (2019)
I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate from Joker (2019)
I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate from Joker (2019)
I've been in this country for 50 years, from Joker (2019)
I've been the man of the house for as long as I can remember. from Joker (2019)
I've been up and down and over and out from Joker (2019)
I've been up and down and over and out from Joker (2019)
I've been using it as a journal, from Joker (2019)
I've been watching you forever. from Joker (2019)
If he knew how we were living, from Joker (2019)
If he saw this place, it would make him sick. from Joker (2019)
If it was a fucking midget, you'd be in jail right now. from Joker (2019)
If it was me dying on the sidewalk, from Joker (2019)
If it was me dying on the sidewalk, from Joker (2019)
If you don't mind, I have to go take care of my mother. from Joker (2019)
If you don't return the sign, from Joker (2019)
If you just smile from Joker (2019)
If you put this guy on. from Joker (2019)
If you smile Through your fear and sorrow from Joker (2019)
If you're gonna be a clown, at least you could be from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If you're happy and you know it from Joker (2019)
If your dancing doesn't do the trick, from Joker (2019)
In beautiful downtown Gotham City. from Joker (2019)
In one of several planned demonstrations from Joker (2019)
In other news, from Joker (2019)
In the white room With black curtains near the station from Joker (2019)
In your dark eyes from Joker (2019)
In your filthy apartment. from Joker (2019)
Including a massive rally outside from Joker (2019)
Increase in heating oil prices. from Joker (2019)
Into the children's hospital. from Joker (2019)
Inviting me on this show. from Joker (2019)
Is it just me, from Joker (2019)
Is it real, from Joker (2019)
Is something funny, asshole? from Joker (2019)
Is still going on, Billy." from Joker (2019)
Is that part of your new act, Arthur? from Joker (2019)
Is that right? from Joker (2019)
Is this Arthur? from Joker (2019)
Isn't it beautiful? from Joker (2019)
Isn't it bliss? from Joker (2019)
Isn't it bliss? from Joker (2019)
Isn't it rich? from Joker (2019)
Isn't it rich? from Joker (2019)
Isn't that what they say? from Joker (2019)
It doesn't seem fair, from Joker (2019)
It don't affect me except from Joker (2019)
It fucking crazy, innit? from Joker (2019)
It keeps spinnin' around from Joker (2019)
It keeps spinnin' around from Joker (2019)
It made my day. from Joker (2019)
It was his gun. from Joker (2019)
It was just a bunch of kids. I should have left it alone. from Joker (2019)
It was like nobody ever saw me. from Joker (2019)
It'll somehow make you funny. from Joker (2019)
It's 'cause I just had a big date. from Joker (2019)
It's 42 degrees at 10:30 on this Thursday, October 15th. from Joker (2019)
It's a fucking comedy. from Joker (2019)
It's a mess. from Joker (2019)
It's a prop. It's part of my act now. from Joker (2019)
It's almost as if our less fortunate residents from Joker (2019)
It's already a serious situation. from Joker (2019)
It's been a lifelong dream of mine. from Joker (2019)
It's day 18 of the garbage strike, from Joker (2019)
It's enough to make anyone crazy. from Joker (2019)
It's exit only. from Joker (2019)
It's for you. from Joker (2019)
It's funny, from Joker (2019)
It's good. from Joker (2019)
It's horrible. from Joker (2019)
It's horrific. from Joker (2019)
It's horrific. from Joker (2019)
It's just, you know, it's been a rough few weeks, Murray. from Joker (2019)
It's Live with Murray Franklin! from Joker (2019)
It's magic. from Joker (2019)
It's Monday and Wednesday, three to five. from Joker (2019)
It's nice to see these couples out at my show. from Joker (2019)
It's not a joke. from Joker (2019)
It's not funny. from Joker (2019)
It's okay, Gary. from Joker (2019)
It's okay. I'm a good guy. from Joker (2019)
It's one of the reasons why from Joker (2019)
It's part of my act. from Joker (2019)
It's so awful, Mommy. from Joker (2019)
It's so hard to just try and be happy all the time. from Joker (2019)
It's something I'll address from Joker (2019)
It's something that affects from Joker (2019)
It's starting to affect my business from Joker (2019)
It's starting to piss me off. Kenny's Music. from Joker (2019)
It's the police, ma'am. from Joker (2019)
It's Thomas Wayne, Mom. from Joker (2019)
It's time for bed. from Joker (2019)
Jefferson Street. from Joker (2019)
Jesus. from Joker (2019)
Jesus. She never told you? from Joker (2019)
Joining Murray, as always, from Joker (2019)
Just been working on my material. from Joker (2019)
Just don't forget to mail it. from Joker (2019)
Just get him his sign back. from Joker (2019)
Just go. from Joker (2019)
Just stop. from Joker (2019)
Just thinking of a joke. from Joker (2019)
Just when I stopped from Joker (2019)
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, from Joker (2019)
Keep the respirations above 15. from Joker (2019)
King of all Hear me call from Joker (2019)
Knock, knock. from Joker (2019)
Knock, knock. from Joker (2019)
Knock, knock. from Joker (2019)
Knock, knock. from Joker (2019)
Knock... from Joker (2019)
Last time, I asked you to bring your journal from Joker (2019)
Last time, I ended up taking it out on some people. from Joker (2019)
Let 'em sit there and talk until they get it over with. from Joker (2019)
Let go! Let go! from Joker (2019)
Let's go, let's go! Come on. Let's go! from Joker (2019)
Lift. from Joker (2019)
Like a clerk, you know. from Joker (2019)
Like all Wayne employees, from Joker (2019)
Listen, I'm trying to help you. from Joker (2019)
Look at us. from Joker (2019)
Look what happened, because of what you did. What it led to. from Joker (2019)
Look, I like you, Arthur. from Joker (2019)
Look, if you want to bring your mom in here to sign, from Joker (2019)
Look, pal, I'm not your father. from Joker (2019)
Looks like he's gained weight. from Joker (2019)
Looting and rioting from Joker (2019)
Make sure our stories line up. from Joker (2019)
Making my entrance again With my usual flair from Joker (2019)
Malnourished with multiple bruises across his body from Joker (2019)
Man, I'm sorry about that, my man. from Joker (2019)
Many of Gotham's residents as "clowns." from Joker (2019)
Many times I thought of cuttin' out But my heart won't buy it from Joker (2019)
Many wearing clown masks. from Joker (2019)
Masks off! from Joker (2019)
Maybe a little bit of warmth, maybe a hug, Dad! from Joker (2019)
Maybe for a bit, but not a whole segment. from Joker (2019)
Maybe my next wife. from Joker (2019)
Maybe the mailman's throwing them away. from Joker (2019)
Mayor Stokes has pleaded for cooler heads to prevail. from Joker (2019)
Me here at last on the ground from Joker (2019)
Me here at last on the ground from Joker (2019)
Me on the telly. from Joker (2019)
Me? I'm awful? from Joker (2019)
Merely just a punchline to a joke... from Joker (2019)
Mmm hmm. from Joker (2019)
Mmm? from Joker (2019)
Mom, is this real? from Joker (2019)
Mom, what? from Joker (2019)
Mom, why are these letters so important to you? from Joker (2019)
Mom? from Joker (2019)
Momma, time to wake up and go to bed. from Joker (2019)
Most guys, we look at sex like parking a car. from Joker (2019)
Move! from Joker (2019)
Mr. Fleck. from Joker (2019)
Murray asked me to give you a call and see if you're... from Joker (2019)
Murray Franklin. from Joker (2019)
Murray wants me on The Murray Franklin Show? from Joker (2019)
Murray. from Joker (2019)
My fault, I fear from Joker (2019)
My favorite one right now is from Joker (2019)
My life is nothing but a comedy. from Joker (2019)
My little girl is sleeping in the other room. from Joker (2019)
My mom died. from Joker (2019)
My mother would say, from Joker (2019)
My mother's name is Penny. Penny Fleck. from Joker (2019)
My name is Arthur. from Joker (2019)
My name is Shirley Woods. from Joker (2019)
My partner and I had a few more questions for you. from Joker (2019)
My, my from Joker (2019)
Near where the shooting took place. from Joker (2019)
Never even returned his sign. from Joker (2019)
Next stop, Bedford Park. from Joker (2019)
Next stop, Hunter's Point. from Joker (2019)
Next stop, Ninth Ave. from Joker (2019)
Nice outfit, pal. from Joker (2019)
Ninth Avenue. from Joker (2019)
No cursing. No off color material. from Joker (2019)
No idea. from Joker (2019)
No matter who they are or where they live. from Joker (2019)
No one has to know. from Joker (2019)
No one is there from Joker (2019)
No, don't sit. This'll be quick. from Joker (2019)
No, I don't believe in any of that. from Joker (2019)
No, I hadn't heard. from Joker (2019)
No, I think we've had enough of your jokes. from Joker (2019)
No, it says right here it was a mask. from Joker (2019)
No, man! Shit! from Joker (2019)
No, no, no. We just asked her some questions, from Joker (2019)
No, thank you. from Joker (2019)
No, they're not real. from Joker (2019)
No, you cannot joke about that. from Joker (2019)
No, you didn't. from Joker (2019)
No! from Joker (2019)
No! from Joker (2019)
No! Pal! from Joker (2019)
No. from Joker (2019)
No. from Joker (2019)
No. from Joker (2019)
No. from Joker (2019)
No. from Joker (2019)
No. No. from Joker (2019)
No. No. from Joker (2019)
No. Please. from Joker (2019)
Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy. from Joker (2019)