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Wayne's World (1992) Wayne's World is a 1992 cult classic comedy film directed by Penelope Spheeris. The story revolves

Wayne's World (1992) Music

Wayne's World is a 1992 cult classic comedy film directed by Penelope Spheeris. The story revolves around Wayne Campbell and his best friend, Garth Algar, who host a public access television show from Wayne's basement. Played by Mike Myers and Dana Carvey respectively, their hilarious adventures capture the essence of rock 'n' roll, comedy sketches, and teenage angst. The film features memorable characters like Cassandra Wong, played by Tia Carrere, and Rob Lowe as the sleazy Benjamin Kane. With its iconic music and outrageous humor, Wayne's World has become a beloved pop culture phenomenon. To relive the sounds of this movie, you can play and download them here.
A gun rack? A gun rack. Sh'yeah, great.
A lot of people in the Chicagoland area will be watching the show.
A new feature on Wayne's World
A: chicks think he's handsome,
About that limited skirmish in the Middle East?
About what? Why? Are you cancelling my video?
Absolutely. I'll see you in Chicago.
Absolutely. There was a huge response in that little room.
Actually, all champagne is French, after the region.
Actually, it's pronounced mee lee wah kay,
Ah, Nuprin.
Ah, the mirthmobile.
Ah, yes. It's a lot like Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Aha. What's this? How To Pick Up Chicks.
Algonquin for the good land.
Aliens have kidnapped Wayne?
All right, can we bring in the blue screen? Let's try one.
All right.
All this week, kids under six get every fifth...
Am I supposed to be a man?
Am I supposed to say, That's OK, I don't mind.
Americans ignore the convention,
And although you're very beautiful, I just think it's the wrong time.
And do you know what really pisses me off?
And down to the dish of Mr Big's limo.
And I still know how to party.
And I've learned something, too.
And in my hanging out with Ravi Shankar phase?
And in my sequin jumpsuit, young girls in white cotton panties,
And one jelly donut.
And pay you guys a huge salary.
And she's OK!
And that's just really sad.
And they cut out his tongue and it wouldn't die,
And two cashier's cheques for $5,000 each.
And update the kids on what was new in your arcade?
And when they're finished, they'll fade to black.
And with him, as always, Garth.
And would you get me a towel?
And you have to find a doctor to pull it out again.
And you know what the worst part of all is?
And...we're clear!
And...we're clear.
Any time.
Are you mental? We broke up. Get the net!
Are you saying that if you had a spot, say, on a weekly show,
Are you through yet? I'm getting tired of holding this.
Aren't there long lines for the popular games?
Aren't we lucky we were there to get that information?
As if we'd end the movie like that. Sh'yeah!
B: has cool car,
Bacon, pig, oink oink, police officer.
Be careful.
Beam it back to Satcom 3 transponder 1 37,
Beauty is, you can't get to the next level,
Because the technology moves faster than the advertising.
Benjamin is no one's friend.
Benjamin is no one's friend.
Benjamin set up the video shoot for three days.
Bloated purple dead on a toilet phase?
Bounce the signal down into the Azores, up to Comsat 6,
But both you and I know that there is no film in this camera.
But both you and I know that there is no film in this camera.
But for me, the beast doesn't include selling out.
But he said, Take two cheques anyway so they know I'm serious.
But I understand these people.
But I'll probably stay in Aurora.
But I've got an amazing cable access show,
But it can't get you everything.
But let's give a Wayne's World salute
But Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors.
But the other day something incredible happened.
But we had to tell you how much we enjoyed the show.
But what I'd really love is to do Wayne's World for a living.
But where is her band?
But you shouldn't walk out on your friend without telling him first.
C: has lots of cash,
Camera one, camera two. Camera one, camera two.
Campbell, that's amazing!
Campbell, wait up!
Can get you far in America, almost to the top,
Can I be honest? My job, it's usually such a bore.
Can I peruse that contract before we sign it?
Can I put the Fender back now, please?
Can we fly in the sign, please?
Cassandra, I have to say it, you look excellent.
Cassandra, I know I don't have his looks, I don't have his money,
Cassandra, I love you.
Cassandra, why don't you order?
Chicks are helpless against its powers.
Choked in the open net.
College. And the Police Academy movies.
Come bust a move where the games are played
Contract or no, I will not bow to any sponsor.
Cool. Yeah, we'll stay and hang around with you, us...
Costs a lot to live this free.
Could you be any more insulting?
Crucial Taunt, just finishing.
D: has no visible scars,
Daily reminder...Thursday.
Damn shame how they screwed up your show. Nice little programme.
Desert Storm Commando Warriors.
Dick York, Dick Sargent, Sergeant York. Wow, that's weird.
Did you find Bugs Bunny attractive in a dress playing a girl bunny?
Did you find Bugs Bunny attractive in a dress playing a girl bunny?
Didn't we, Garth?
Do you feel Benjamin's not one of us?
Do you mind? This is business.
Do you want me to?
Do you want to go backstage?
Does this guy know how to party or what?
Don't cancel us without a second chance.
Don't tense up. You'll be great.
Don't you guys ever get tired of ordering the same thing?
Don't you wanna open your present?
Down now!
E: does not live with parents.
Ever see Scanners when that dude's head blew up?
Ever see the Twilight Zone where the guy signed a contract
Ever since I did your show, kids look at me in a whole new way.
Excellent! Way to go!
Excuse me, Russell, but I believe I requested the hand job.
Excuse me?
Excuse me. Do you know where we could find Wayne Campbell?
Excuse me. I fell.
Excuse me. Wayne?
Exsqueeze me? Baking powder?
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Find the guy that did it, rip his still beating heart out,
Fine. I'm outta here.
Fired? For that? Sh'yeah! Right!
Five, four, three...
Five, four, three...
Five, four, three...
For $5, come to the rent party.
For you and Garth
Four coffees and a half dozen crullers, please.
French missionaries and explorers came in the late 1600s
Garth, come over here! I think Terry has something to say to you.
Garth, that was a haiku.
Garth, you've never been mad at anything in your life.
Gelatinous cube eats village. It's terrific.
Gentlemen, this is it. Let's go.
Get out of my face, you little dweeb.
Get over it. Go out with somebody else.
Give me the flashlight, Russell. Give it to me.
Give me the word. I'll tear up these cheques.
God, I love this woman.
Good call.
Good call. It's as if Benjamin wants us to be liked by everyone.
Good luck.
Good one.
Good thing.
Good, Terry. Uh, Wayne, Garth, don't count along.
Got a pass.
Great party, huh, guys?
Great show. Wayne, Benjamin Kane.
Guys, I will be talking to the cameramen on the headset.
Guys? You're nodding. Once again, Terry.
Halt. Halt. Remember the security guard?
Happy anniversary, Wayne.
Happy birthday
Has Wayne talked to you?
Hates to fly. He's going across the country right now
Have you seen this boy?
Have you spoken to Wayne about the Vanderhoff spot?
He asks me, What's with this Wayne's World I hear so much about?
He can't cancel us. We're on public access.
He does this every Friday. Stop torturing yourself, man!
He doesn't realise you're artists, not interested in money.
He said Mr Sharp was driving back through Chicago on Friday.
He seems to be going through a difficult phase.
He shoots, he scores!
He shoots, he scores!
He wants to sponsor the show, put you on our station,
He'd be pralines and dick.
He'd be pralines and dick.
He's been paying you a lot of attention lately.
He's gonna be...OK.
He's in.
He's producing it. And what does that mean?
He's the owner of a fine chain of Noah's Arcades...
He's using the cards. Yes!
He's way ahead of his time. We've signed with him.
Here you go.
Here, sit right here.
Here. Take two of these.
Hey, are you all right?
Hey, Campbell. Uno momento, fellas.
Hey, hold on! Can I call you sometime?
Hey, Raymond, club soda with a lime, please.
Hey, Tiny, who's playing tonight?
Hey, wait a minute. What are we doin'?
Hey, Wayne. Check it out.
Hey, Wayne's World! Wayne's World! Party!
Hey, what are you up to?
Hey, you wanna be a busboy the rest of your life?
Hey. All right. Glad you could make it.
Hi, Mr Withers. How's the amusement park?
Hi, Wayne.
Hi, Wayne.
Hi. Frankie Sharp. I saw your performance in my limo.
Hi. How's it going?
Hi. How's it going?
Hi. I'm Frankie Sharp. I saw your performance in my limo.
Hi. I'm Frankie Sharp. I saw your performance in my limo.
Hi. I'm in Delaware.
Hi. Um, does this seem weird? Why does he have contracts?
How To Meet Women. He's smooth.
How would you feel about making a change?
How you doing? Garth!
Howdy, partners. Let's raise and rope broncos.
Hunted, with only her cunning to protect her.
I always wanted to open a door to a room of people being trained
I came by to drop off the contract for the video.
I can't believe they did that.
I can't talk about it any more. It's giving me a headache.
I did not realise that. Russell, did you?
I do have one plan.
I don't believe I've had French champagne.
I don't even own a gun,
I don't have his connections, his knowledge of fine wines,
I don't know but they better not.
I don't mention the games
I dropped my pen.
I give you Cassandra and Crucial Taunt!
I gotta go. The owner's trying to dick me out of some money.
I guess Benjamin will be there, too.
I hate when that happens.
I have an extensive collection of name tags and hairnets.
I inspected 1 2, inside and out.
I just don't think she wants me to.
I just hope you didn't think it sucked.
I just opened my mouth and out it came.
I just pulled over a tour bus on its way to Chicago.
I know.
I know. I'll use the may I help you riff.
I like what you've done here.
I live in Aurora, Illinois, which is a suburb of Chicago.
I lost my show, I lost my best friend, I lost my girl.
I lost you two months ago.
I love this woman.
I love you, man.
I love you, man.
I may be wasting my time, but here I am with the contract
I mean, look at this place. This is a fully functional babe lair.
I mean, there's two Darrin Stevens, Dick York, Dick Sargent.
I mean, we're looking down on Wayne's basement,
I must tell you, it was terrific.
I must've slipped.
I never learned to read.
I never learned to read.
I put a show in. He literally jumped out of his seat.
I recommend the sugar pucks. They're excellent. Come on.
I said that to cops when I was your age.
I sat there watching and I said, Hell, I'm in the wrong business.
I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours.
I think a little Bohemian Rhapsody, gentlemen.
I think it went really well.
I think it's two chimps on a davenport in a basement.
I think the show's gonna be a huge hit all over the Chicago area.
I think the snake fell asleep!
I think we can sell it to Vanderhoff.
I think you should just go get Cassandra.
I think you'd better leave.
I thought I had mono for an entire year.
I thought I was getting meningitis.
I told you he'd fall in line.
I understand you're doing your job, but I'm very late.
I walked right into that office, I grabbed him by his big fat head,
I want you to find out who these guys are and where they do their show.
I was not aware of that.
I was working, so I only saw the first part, but I laughed my ass off.
I wish there was something I could offer that Benjamin couldn't.
I woulda got away with it, too, if not for you snooping kids!
I, uh...need to make some notes. you, man.
I'd have to say...
I'd like to see this Fender Stratocaster.
I'd never done a crazy thing in my life before that night.
I'd raise the bridge and take the buzz out of the low E.
I'll be in the booth.
I'll bet we're just gonna sit here,
I'll figure something out. OK?
I'll get the Dom Perignon.
I'll have the cream of sum yung guy.
I'm being shit on, that's all, shit on.
I'm having a good time...not.
I'm looking for Wayne.
I'm not so sure about... Oh, I see. I see.
I'm not sponsoring this.
I'm out of here, and I'm taking my show with me.
I'm prepared for a complete demonstration.
I'm sorry about what I did.
I'm sorry you feel that way, but it's the nature of the beast.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dump on you.
I'm sorry. It's the last song I heard this morning.
I'm thinking about giving Vanderhoff a weekly interview.
I've got something I want to say to you.
I've had plenty of joe jobs.
I've learned that a flawless profile, a perfect body,
I've never seen you so mental over a girl before.
I've seen a lot of acts in my day,
I've set up an audition for your band.
If Benjamin were an ice cream flavour,
If Cassandra was my girl, I wouldn't bring her here.
If I may, speaking from a producer director standpoint,
If it's a severed head, I'll be very upset.
If she were a president, she'd be Baberaham Lincoln.
If we could just get him to listen to Cassandra play.
If you eat a chieftain, you go up a level.
If you got a break, you could make it.
If you like what you see,
If you spew and she bolts, it was never meant to be.
In fact, I think it's so good, I'm gonna give you a six album deal.
In five, four, three, two...
In five, four, three...
In France, she'd be called la renard.
In its geosynchronous orbit over the Midwest.
In Latin, she'd be called Babia Majora.
Indians believed it was his soul escaping from his body.
Intensity in 10 cities. Live at Budokan.
Interesting. Where did you learn English?
Is that true?
Is that you...or the snake?
Is that you...or the snake?
Is this Alice's limo?
Isn't it great that we're all better people?
Isn't that weird?
It belongs to Frank Sharp, head of Sharp Records.
It certainly does suck.
It grew and pulsated and gave birth to baby tongues?
It might happen.
It seemed extraneous at the time.
It was clean, so we did the body cavity searches.
It will be mine. Oh, yes... It will be mine.
It won several awards.
It's almost too easy.
It's Benjamin.
It's chill, it's fresh, it's Noah's Arcade
It's for an audience of one. So Mr Frankie Sharp of Sharp Records,
It's Friday. It's 1 1 :30.
It's like a new pair of underwear.
It's often superior, but will never be as recognised as the original.
It's OK!
It's the only major American city to have elected three socialist mayors.
It's time to party with your excellent host Wayne Campbell,
It's two for you cos one won't do.
It's very sad but you can't let it drag you down.
Jim to your Marlin Perkins?
Jolly Green Giants, Shitty Beatles.
Just a trim. Don't buzz me, OK?
Just barely.
Just go away, guys. Go to the set. Hey, hey, hey!
Just wish I had Cassandra back.
Kids can relate to this show.
Kids keep coughing up quarters.
Kids know dick. I watch 'em in my arcades.
Kiss your mother with that mouth?
Know what I'd like to do?
Know what you can do with your show?
Last night was the most incredible night of my life.
Led Zeppelin didn't write tunes everyone liked.
Let alone many guns necessitating an entire rack.
Let me ask you.
Let me bring you up to speed. My name is Wayne Campbell.
Let me get this out of the way...
Let me run this by you because you're...a sharp guy.
Let me tell you a little something I've learned about women.
Let's check it out.
Let's go on. The cue is watch carefully...
Let's just see who you really are, mister.
Let's look over here.
Like a spot on the show.
Like our new game called Zantar.
Like when we used to climb the rope in gym class.
Listen, could you turn it to channel 10?
Listen, did you see the show tonight?
Little. Yellow. Different.
Look out!
Look, this guy Benjamin's putting up serious money for this. Yeah.
Look, you can stay here in the big leagues and play by the rules
Looking good!
May I help you?
May I say I've had a thrilling day.
Maybe I'm wrong on this one,
Maybe we can go somewhere and get acquainted?
Mookalakaheeki. Come on, you wanna lei me. Pass the poi, Mahalo.
Mr Donuthead, who's trying to kill you?
Mr Donuthead, who's trying to kill you?
Mr President
Mr Vanderhoff is your first guest.
Mr Vanderhoff, this is your audience.
Mr Vanderhoff's excited. I'm very excited.
My guys. You're my guys!
My name is Wayne and this is Garth.
My show is back. You've got to be on it.
Neither did I. I was just asking.
New York.
Nice to meet you guys.
No Stairway. Denied!
No, I did not realise that.
No, I mean it, man. I love you.
No, I told you next week we'll be doing a music video.
No, no, no. Please.
No, stick around. Hang out with us.
No, you don't.
No! I'm supposed to stop you.
No. I'm sure whatever you order will be fine.
Noah and Mimi Vanderhoff, say hello to Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar.
Noah does all his own commercials.
Noah Vanderhoff. Nice name...not!
Noah's Arcade presents Wayne's World. I think that's brilliant.
Not again.
Not that I ever watched it.
Not...a good idea, sir.
Nothing I'd call a career. Let me put it this way...
Nothing left for me to do but just go home.
Now a word from our sponsor.
Now it's Wayne's World's Totally Amazing Excellent Discoveries.
Now, Ron, the question on everybody's mind is, how does it work?
Now, uh, Mr Vanderhoff...
Now, we're ready for rehearsal, unless there are questions.
Now, you're the inventor of the Suck Kut, right?
Of course. I love your band. You guys wail.
Officer Koharski, how's it going?
Oh, cool. You're learning Cassandra's language.
Oh, God. I made eye contact.
Oh, great. I never really got a chance to say thank you.
Oh, hi, boys.
Oh, hi, guys. I didn't see you there.
Oh, hi.
Oh, honey, you were incredible.
Oh, I misunderstood. Wayne's outside. Thanks, girl.
Oh, I'm not ready yet. I gotta be comfortable with me first.
Oh, I'm not trying to pick up on you.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, nothing, really.
Oh, of course you would. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh, of course. Her music video. Very clever.
Oh, OK.
Oh, really?
Oh, Russell, can I borrow your marker?
Oh, that was fun.
Oh, the humanity!
Oh, you got pass... All right. Come on.
Oh. Thanks.
Oh. Well, Wayne will understand that right away.
OK, bye.
OK, first I'll access the secret military spy satellite
OK, Garth, sit there. He's gonna put that thing on your melon, OK?
OK, how about F: you're a gimp. Know what you can do with your pop quiz?
OK, I still live with my parents, which I admit is both bogus and sad,
OK, just a trim. Don't buzz me, OK?
OK, so Claudia Schiffer, we salute you.
OK, that's all, good night.
OK, this guy needs coffee and crullers stat!
OK, this is a take, everybody.
OK, time's up for this week. Until then, good night!
OK, we're just about out of time, right?
OK. Bye.
OK. Extreme close up!
OK. Now, Noah, I've always wanted to know...
OK. OK, first of all,
OK. OK. Keep looking up!
OK. Thank you for coming. Good night and party on.
OK. Wayne!
OK. Welcome to Wayne's World.
OK. Well, we gotta get going.
Old man Withers from the haunted amusement park!
One day, I had a four hour layover in Tulsa.
One of its most interesting aspects is that
Only me and Garth get to talk to the camera. Come on.
Only one of the most important producers in TV.
Only that's not Wayne's basement.
Or go back to the farm club in Aurora, your choice.
Or imagine being magically whisked away to...
Or maybe you prefer Hawaii.
Or say you want to go to Texas.
Our first big show and we almost didn't make it.
Our first lawyer screwed our affairs so badly.
Our guest is Ron Paxton. Welcome to Wayne's World, Ron.
Owner of the largest video arcade chain in Chicago, is in my office.
Pardon me. Do you have any Grey Poupon?
Party on, Wayne, and party on, Garth.
Party on, Wayne!
Party on, Wayne.
Party on.
Party! Excuse me.
Phil, um, if you're gonna spew, spew into this.
Phil, we were there. Have you gone mental? Hello?
Phil, what are you doing here? You're partied out, man...again.
Picked up a little Cantonese in the Orient.
Pre CBS Fender corporate buy out.
Psycho hose beast.
Purchase feeble public access cable show and exploit it.
Ready to cue Wayne and Garth, and go.
Regional Programme Director, Oliver Communications.
Ribbed for her pleasure.
Rough night, huh? Everybody's kung fu fighting.
Russell Findley. We spoke today. Hi.
Russell, get to know the crew. You know anywhere nice?
Russell, stop the tape.
Russell? It's Benjamin. Are you watching TV?
Russell's our best producer. He does Chicago PM with Elaine Ronkey,
Say, I smell bacon. Does anyone else smell bacon?
See how many people I brought in?
See you in my office.
Sh'yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.
Sh'yeah! Cassandra's not interested. As if.
Sh'yeah! Right! As if we wouldn't notice.
She and I have work to do.
She came up with the name Noah's Arcade.
She makes me feel kind of funny,
She tested very high on the strokability scale.
She will be mine. Oh, yes... She will be mine.
She's a babe!
She's a fox.
Shut your yap and get in the car.
Simply read the cards. You're going to be wonderful. Really.
Snake azon, Psycho Chopper...
So call!
So do you...come to Milwaukee often?
So I have to run everything by you now?
So tell me, Ron. Exactly how does the Suck Kut work?
So they call their sparkling whites champagne, though they're not.
So who's this guy Benjamin?
So, Garth, how do you like being in a real studio?
So, ladies and gentlemen,
So, Mr Vanderhoff, let me see if I'm hearing you correctly.
So, what do you think?
Sometimes people outgrow one another.
Sorry to bother you,
Sounds great!
Spend all day with us. There are two you heard me
Stop it! You're scaring me.
Sunshine Saturday, The African American Digest.
Sure. Hey, you guys, hang out.
Take your Ritalin, OK?
Tell me, when that first show is over,
Terry will give you hand cues.
Thank you, Milwaukee!
Thank you.
Thank you. All right.
Thanks, Ron.
Thanks. I like to play.
That bass player's a babe.
That belied its emotional attachments to the subject matter.
That means two of Zantar, Bay Wolf, Ninja Commando,
That's it?
That's not good! I'm not happy! Oh, no!
That's right, girl. Mr Big's limo is right where we want it.
That's right.
That's right. Wow.
That's where I see things differently.
That's why I've been so moody.
The couch works perfect. Hey.
The fact is, he's the sponsor.
The guy in the limo, Mr Big, the guy who owns Sharp Records.
The right clothes and a great car
The same kids that line up at Noah's Arcade.
The Shitty Beatles? Are they any good?
The Suck Kut is a revolution in home hair cutting.
The way I see it, your show's capable of so much more.
Then he'll come back through Chicago on his way to Detroit.
Then I'll ID the limo by the vanity plate MR BIGGG.
Then I'll reposition the transmitter dish in the truck
There you have it.
There's a new pet. Chia Pet, the pottery that grows...
There's two of everything, so there's never a line.
There's your girlfriend, Garth. Sh'yeah!
These airport kids kept pumping quarters into a game called Pong.
These guys aren't phonies.
They had this megababe lead singer...unreal!
They left that to the Bee Gees.
They want you to come get them.
They'd like to visit rehearsal, see we're not wasting their money.
Things aren't as bad as they seem.
This guy is good.
This guy's really good.
This is definitely what I'm gonna get when I move out of my parents' house.
This is it, honey.
This is my best friend Garth Algar.
This is Stan Mikita's Donuts. Excellent munch post.
This is the Gasworks, an excellent heavy metal bar.
This is the manager, Glen. He's here 24 hours a day.
This might be a tangent
This must be the place.
Those phrases were not on the cards when I gave them to him.
Tickets to Alice Cooper tomorrow night in Milwaukee.
To look for new acts to sign to his label.
To the Guess? jeans girl, Claudia Schiffer.
To the mirthmobile!
To trade with the Native Americans.
To you
Turn it off, man! Turn it off! It's sucking my will to live!
Uh huh.
Uh oh. Stacy alert!
Uh, OK, that's $42.57, Wayne parts and labour.
Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
Wait a minute! I know!
Wait up, guys. I fell on my keys.
Wait up, guys. I fell on my keys.
Waking up in a pool of vomit,
Wayne, come to the booth, please?
Wayne, I used to be in meat packing. Lips and hooves.
Wayne, I'm pregnant.
Wayne, if you're not careful, you're gonna lose me.
Wayne, Wayne, Garth told me about the show, man.
Wayne, what do you do if every time you see this one incredible woman,
Wayne. What the hell is going on?
Wayne...go home!
Wayne's World is brought to you by Noah's Arcade.
Wayne's World. They do it from their basement.
We can only pray he's watching TV in his limo at that exact moment.
We got $5,000, we got $5,000...
We got fliers at the door.
We got to get him to rampart. Let's go!
We had some technical difficulties and we're playing with the format.
We hope you found it entertaining, whimsical yet relevant,
We need a music act. Here's my card. Is there a number I can reach you at?
We searched the vehicle.
We see your mouths moving. Again.
We'd like to take a moment to welcome our sponsor.
We'll be there right on time.
We'll have dinner sent up, you can have a hot bath.
We'll send the contracts over. We'll be in touch.
We'll try harder, OK? Give us a second chance.
We're at 2234 Pine Way in Aurora, Illinois.
We're at commercial.
We're not mental or anything, so don't be afraid.
We're not worthy!
We're not worthy! We're not worthy!
We're scum! We suck!
We've been spotted and we're being pulled in by her tractor beam.
We've got a lunch.
Welcome to Wayne's World.
Well, as you can see, it sucks as it cuts.
Well, at Noah's arcade, we like to say
Well, first he screws me, then you. It's Dutch door action.
Well, here's an extra dollar.
Well, hold on.
Well, I guess you've thought of everything, huh?
Well, I have all your shows on tape. Like I said, I'm a fan.
Well, I mind! I mind big time!
Well, I'll stick with Love Boat.
Well, I've been real busy.
Well, it does, actually. That's what breaking up is.
Well, it has to be. He drives everywhere.
Well, it's been a pleasure.
Well, maybe he thinks I've got some talent.
Well, she has a bow on her head.
Well, that wraps it up, but there's one last thing.
Well, that's all the time for our movie.
Well, the show looks great.
Well, the world's a twisted place.
Well, then, talk to your boss.
Well, uh, keeping the customer informed of new product.
Well, we got a deal, right?
Well, yes.
Well, you've made Mr Vanderhoff a very happy man.
Well. Would you like to look at the contracts?
What about Cassandra?
What am I gonna do with a gun rack?
What am I, a chimp? With you, as always, is Garth?
What are we looking at?
What are you gonna do with these guys?
What are you gonna do?
What do you think of that?
What do you want, you little dweeb?
What exactly is it?
What floor is this?
What is it, girl?
What is the difference between Pac Man and Ms Pac Man, really?
What the hell is this?
What the hell's going on?
What the hell's he doing?
What's that?
What's your single biggest problem in the arcade business?
When I eat I get this clicking in my jaw...
When I eat I get this clicking in my jaw...
Where are you going? OK, OK, come on back. Come on back.
Where you been? I waited up for you last night, and you never showed.
Where you going?
Where's the clerk?
Who else?
Who wants Chinese takeout? I know a great place.
Whoa, whoa, ladies. I'm sorry. No...
Whoa! It's Phil.
Whoa! Look!
Whoa. I feel sorry for whoever that is.
Why don't you just go talk to her? Go talk to her? Go talk to her?
Why don't you talk to her?
Why is it if a man kills another in battle it's called heroic,
Why, God?
Will you still love me when I'm an incredibly humongoid star?
With an underlying revisionist conceit
With Heather Locklear.
Work it out, OK? Just... No, just be there.
Worseley cuts down the angle.
Would you mind placing your hands on the hood, son?
Wow! We got through!
Wow! What a totally amazing excellent discovery.
Wow! What a totally amazing excellent discovery...not!
Wow. You're...amazing, dude.
Yeah, and I love you, too, Terry.
Yeah, I definitely smell a pork product of some type.
Yeah, I got a new one where I rap.
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