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O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) O Brother, Where Art Thou? is a highly acclaimed film directed by the Coen brothers and

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)

O Brother, Where Art Thou? is a highly acclaimed film directed by the Coen brothers and released in 2000. Set in Depression-era Mississippi, it follows three escaped convicts, Ulysses Everett McGill (played by George Clooney), Pete Hogwallop (played by John Turturro), and Delmar O'Donnell (played by Tim Blake Nelson), on their quest for hidden treasure. The movie brilliantly combines comedy, adventure, and musical elements.

The soundtrack of O Brother, Where Art Thou? is phenomenal, featuring traditional folk and bluegrass music from the 1930s. It showcases remarkable artists like Alison Krauss, Emmylou Harris, Gillian Welch, the Soggy Bottom Boys (a fictional band led by Clooney's character), and many more. You can experience the soul-stirring sounds of this film by playing and downloading the soundtrack here.
A 9,000 hectare lake.
A couple of steaks
A lot of people like that reform.
A miracle.
A road fraught with peril.
A third of a gopher would only arouse my appetite
A toad.
After that, it'll be at the bottom of a lake.
Against the Soggy Bottom Boys
Ain't going to be no wedding.
Ain't gonna paddle it. Gonna kick it. Real hard.
Ain't no one gonna pick up three filthy, unshaved hitchhikers.
Ain't that right, little fella?
Ain't you ever heard of amor fidelis?
Ain't you ever heard of negotiatin'?
Ain't you, boys?
All except for our accomp... our accomp...
All except for our accompanist.
All right, boys, follow my lead.
All right, boys, we got the scent.
All right, boys!
All the money in a bag.
All you boys is miscegenated!
All's well that ends well, some poet said.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Almost loved up, though.
Aloysious'll just have to sign Xs.
Already lit out.
Amor Fidel... is.
And a forge and some shoein' impedimenta
And a little leftover besides.
And about life in general.
And all my meals for free.
And all the staff say Yes, sir and...
And banished from Woolworths.
And Big Dan sells the only book that's got 'em.
And by way of endorsing my candidacy,
And consumed in a fire, and whipped no end,
And dilution
And don't try nothin' fancy.
And even with lunch under my belt,
And from all those smart ass folks say we come descended from monkeys.
And furthermore...
And God almighty.
And he carries a hay fork.
And he told you to go to Tishomingo?
And he'd sure appreciate it, if you ate his farina
And heaven everlasting's my reward.
And I can get my wife back, and we can get out of here.
And I have it from the highest authority
And I have traveled many a weary mile
And I have... No! Hey!
And I like the smell of my hair treatment.
And I say if their rambunctiousness
And I'm Delmar O'Donnel.
And I'm feeling 10 feet tall!
And I'm here to sack the city ltta Bena!
And In a jiffy, Pete.
And it is that which I propose
And lightning from my fingertips!
And look what it's...
And misdemeanoring is behind them...
And nary the inclination
And no transmission belt for 2 weeks neither.
And not given to acts of pointless sentimentality.
And of our old time religion.
And one of them a know it all who can't keep his trap shut.
And our women.
And our women.
And powers of persuasion.
And remember,
And remember, Jesus saves,
And retie the knot, mixaphorically speaking.
And so...
And some gratine potatoes
And stay out of Woolworth's!
And sunstroked, and soggied.
And sweep this state clean!
And that's the goddamn problem right there.
And the preacher said that that sin's been washed away, too.
And these boys here,
And these here are the Soggy Bottom Boys
And they's convicts, folks.
And turned into a frog.
And turned me in for the bounty.
And Uncle Ratliff?
And wash it down with some of your finest bubbly wine.
And we get a little smellum in our hair,
And we was beat up by a bible salesman
And you have eluded me
And you tell your friends!
And your time with me will not have been ill spent.
And, oh, so many startlements.
And, well, you three ladies are about the...
Any of you boys know your way around a Walther P.P.K?
Any of you boys smithies?
Any other wedding band wouldn't do.
Are swingin' him by the tail.
Aw, shh shh. Hang on!
Been what, 12, 13 years?
Before I can start thinking about that.
Before it chokes out
Before straitened circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wanderin'?
Believe me, Delmar, a woman is the most fiendish
Believe me, Delmar, he would have wanted us to press on.
Bet we could talk this thing out.
Born to raise hell.
Boy, that was some mighty fine a pickin' and a singin'.
Boys, we was chained together.
Breakin' out our own midget.
Busting out alone was not an option.
But fear not the obstacles in your path,
But featherbeds and silk sheets.
But George Nelson withdraws!
But how'd he know about the treasure?
But I don't think nothing's gonna save me now.
But I would like to address your general attitude of hopeless negativism.
But if that ain't the consensus view,
But if you just stick with me,
But it does put me in a damned awkward position
But me and Pete here been saved.
But that's the way it seems to be working out.
But the great Satan hisself
But the old tactician has got a plan.
But the plain and simple fact is that we got close to...
But there was witnesses seen us redeemed.
But there's a fella in there who'll pay you $10,
But to smoke you out.
But try finding a decent hair jelly.
But we're open to others as well.
But you ain't bona fide.
But, Pappy, they's integrated.
Buying nipples.
By the power vested in me
Can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Can't you see it, Everett?
Can't... stand much longer.
Cannot afford four more years of Pappy O'Daniel!
Care for some gopher?
Careful with that fire, now, boys!
Chasing a rabbit through yours truly.
Clean government is yours for the asking!
Colored fellas, I believe.
Come and get us, coppers!
Come on in, boys. The water is fine.
Come on, boys, we're going for the record.
Come on, get it! Go!
Come on. I'm a friend of the little man.
Come Tuesday,
Compensating for their lack of sight,
Consider the lilies of the goddamn field.
Corn liquor.
Couldn't say.
Cow killer!
Cow road that used to lead all the way...
Crazy! No one's ever going to believe we're a real band.
Daddy? He ain't our daddy.
Damn his eyes!
Damn it, I had to bust out.
Damn it, I wasn't hit by any train!
Damn it.
Damn, they found our car.
Damn, we got to skedaddle.
Damn! We're in a tight spot!
Damn! We're in a tight spot!
Damn! We're in a tight spot.
Deceitful, two faced she wolf.
Delmar, come on. Go.
Delmar, don't be ignorant.
Delmar, what are you talkin' about?
Delmar, what the...
Delmar. Over here.
Delmar's been saved.
Did he just say little Wharvey gals?
Didn't have no plan.
Didn't know you'd be bringing a friend.
Do a little politicking?
Do you have the Soggy Bottom Boys
Do... not...
Do... not... seek the treasure.
Do... not... seek the treasure.
Do... not... seek... the treasure.
Don't be crazy, Tommy.
Don't be saps for Pappy.
Don't forget your shoe box, friend.
Don't I know it.
Don't matter how stumpy!
Don't mind telling you I'm awful pleased
Down at the Indianola Savings and Loan.
Election held tomorrow,
End of lesson.
End of the road, boys.
Enticements of power, wealth, et cetera.
Especially to work for a man who lacks moral fiber.
Eudora, from out of Greenwood, doin' a little number
Even amongst the colored?
Even if it did put you square with the Lord,
Even unto your salvation.
Everett, my beard itches.
Everybody's lookin' for answers.
Everyone knows I'm a friend of the farmer.
Everything's gonna be put on electricity and run on a paying basis.
Except prison food, gopher, and a little greasy horse.
Excuse me.
Fact of the matter is there never was.
Fate was a smilin' on me. You just have to have confidence.
Finding one little ring in the middle of all that water
Finest governor we ever had in Mississippi.
First you must travel
Folks, here's my cousin Ezra's niece,
Folks, now the little Wharvey gals!
For a good used auto voiture
For Delmar's and Pete's.
For fate has
For him, not for the law.
For that wonderful performance!
For the last time.
For the sake of my family.
For the transportation, that is.
For Tommy's sake.
Forget it.
Forgive me.
Fornicating with some whore of Babylon.
Four more years of cronyism!
Frankly... Well, I...
Friend, some of your folding money has come unstowed.
From darkies,
From Genesis on down to Revelations.
From his lovin' Cora.
From intrusion,
From ****,
From papists,
Fugitives escaped off the farm.
Gapped toothed, carpetbaggin', motherless spawn of hell!
George Nelson!
George Nelson.
Get a break, boss?
Get away from that vehicle, chaps!
Get him a job digging ditches or rounding up stray dogs.
Get in, boys!
Get your waitress to wrap your dinner picnic style,
Give me back that hat! Hurry up!
Give me the microphone!
Go away.
Go back home and mind your pa!
Go fix the auto voiture, Pete.
Go out west somewhere.
Go to work every day in a bow tie...
God damn!
God forgive me!
God have mercy.
God... God forgive me.
Goddamn campaign is languishin'!
Goddamn disgrace!
Goddamn it all!
Goddamn it!
Goddamn it!
Goddamn it.
Goddamn it. What the hell's going on?
Goddamn! Opportunity knocks.
Gonna paddle a little behind.
Gonna shoot sparks out the top of my head
Gonna suck all the power right out of the state!
Good doggy.
Good Lord...
Good riddance, as far as I'm concerned.
Gopher, Everett?
Got a name, do you?
Governor, it's one of our favorites.
Grab the tiller, will you, buddy?
Greet all the swells.
Guess old Pete's got the itch.
He ain't had nothing to eat for 13 years
He ain't lyin'!
He give her a ring?
He hanged hisself a year come May.
He lost a boy to mumps.
He lost a boy to mumps.
He loved to travel around with a mean old hound.
He pays folks money to sing into his can.
He said we wouldn't get it.
He said we wouldn't get the treasure we seek,
He sounded to me like he was harboring
He was makin' the bigger point.
He wasn't turned into a frog.
He'll be back on top again.
He'll just have to wait his turn,
He's a live wire, though, ain't he?
He's a suitor.
He's a suitor.
He's au courant and we're the past!
He's not my husband.
He's white. As white as you folks.
Heck, we're silly with it, ain't we, boys?
Hell of an idea.
Hell of an organization.
Hell, at least it would have washed away the stink of that pomade.
Hell, I ain't. What's this Wharvey gals?
Hell, they ain't even old timey.
Hell, you're the best men.
Hell's bells, Mr. Lund, if we don't, the goddamn competition will.
Hello, boys!
Hello, Penny.
Hello, Pete.
Hello, sugar!
Help us, please.
Help yourself.
Here and listening at home,
Here's my plan.
Hey, girls!
Hey, I ain't... listen to me.
Hey, mister, I don't mean to be tellin' tales out of school,
Hey, there's Tommy.
Hey! Come on!
Hey. Hey.
Hey. I just don't think it's right keeping him under wraps,
Hit by a train.
Hold on, now. I don't want this pomade.
Hold on.
Hold still!
Hold up, boys!
Holy moley!
Holy St. Christopher!
Homer Stokes for governor.
Homer Stokes is the kind of fellow wants to cast the first stone.
Homer Stokes, servant of the little man.
Homer Stokes.
Honey, honey.
Honey, it's just an old pewter thing.
Hoo, dawgies!
Hot damn! It's the Soggy Bottom Boys!
How can I lay ahold of them Soggy Bottom Boys?
How come you never told me about her?
How much he pay?
How we gonna run reform when we're the damn incumbent?
How you been, Wash?
How you doin', Big Dan?
How you doin', son? Name's Everett.
How you doin', Tommy?
How's my hair?
How's this a plan? How we gonna get a car?
Howdy do, ladies?
Huh? They dam that river on the 21st.
I ain't never harmed nobody.
I ain't never harmed you.
I ain't worn it since our divorce came through.
I am the damn pater familias.
I am the only daddy you got.
I am the pater familias, and you can't marry him!
I am. Who are you?
I believe it's more of a kickin' situation.
I believe you did sell your soul to the devil!
I can do this myself. Get away from me.
I can get the part from Bristol.
I can get the part from Bristol.
I can, I am, and I will, tomorrow.
I can't help it, but that's a wonderful thing to say.
I can't switch sides in the middle of a campaign.
I cannot tell you how long this road shall be,
I could not gaze upon that far shore.
I couldn't wait two weeks.
I curse your name!
I do miss her cooking, though.
I don't believe I got to mention its name, you know?
I don't believe I've seen you boys around here before.
I don't believe it's in Mississippi.
I don't believe that's a proper description.
I don't care if it's 90,000. That lake was not my doing.
I don't carry Dapper Dan. I carry Fop.
I don't get it, Big Dan.
I don't get out now till 19... 87.
I don't intend to dignify with comment.
I don't know how I'm gonna keep my coiffure in order.
I don't know their names.
I don't know, Delmar.
I don't know, Everett. Was it the one branch or all of them?
I don't know.
I don't precisely recollect them.
I don't think we've seen the last of George Nelson.
I expect you want them chains knocked off.
I feel wretched.
I figured as much back at the restaurant.
I flatter myself that such is the case.
I gave you credit for more brains than Delmar.
I generally refrain from speech during gustation.
I got a plan. Believe me, boys, we can fix this thing,
I got news for you.
I got the answers.
I got to get the family farm back,
I got to think about the little Wharvey gals.
I guess I deserve it.
I guess I'm the only one that remains unaffiliated.
I guess Vernon T. Waldrip is gonna be going on relief.
I guess we'll have ourselves
I had to tell you something.
I had two weeks left on my sentence.
I hate cows worse than coppers!
I hate fire!
I hate fire!
I have no name.
I heard there's a man down there.
I invented moral fiber.
I just take your show cards...
I just want to see my daughters again.
I know I've been guilty of pride and sharp dealing.
I know that I made some tactical mistakes,
I know this guy who'll print me up a license.
I know we're kin, but they got this depression on.
I left my pomade in the car.
I like your style, young man,
I mean, whoever heard of such behavior,
I reckon it'll fetch us enough cash
I said I thought it was in the roll top desk.
I seen 'em first!
I should have guessed it.
I signed a dozen agriculture bills.
I signed that bill.
I spilt my guts about the treasure.
I suppose it'd be the acme of foolishness
I suspect some miscegenation in their heritage.
I take your point.
I thought you said you was innocent of those charges.
I told you they was flooding this valley.
I want Dapper Dan.
I want to be what you want me to be, honey.
I want you and the gals to come with me.
I was bad till yesterday,
I was feeling a mite peckish.
I was thinking of, uh...
I work for no man.
I wouldn't worry, Delmar.
I'll be...
I'll bet she does imitations, too.
I'll reform you, you soft headed son of a bitch.
I'll tell you what I am.
I'll tell you what.
I'm a Dapper Dan man!
I'm a forgive and forget Christian.
I'm a man of large appetites
I'm afraid she's startin' to turn.
I'm awful sorry I betrayed you, fellas.
I'm becoming Papillon!
I'm Delmar, and that there is Everett.
I'm George Nelson
I'm George Nelson!
I'm George Nelson.
I'm goddamn bona fide.
I'm gonna be the maitre d'.
I'm gonna give you $10 apiece.
I'm gonna go off like a Roman candle.
I'm gonna kill you...
I'm gonna R U N N O F T!
I'm gonna slap one on here.
I'm gonna visit them foreclosin' son of a guns
I'm just making a point, you stupid son of a bitch.
I'm just not sure that's Pete.
I'm not here to make a record, you dumb cracker.
I'm not sure that's Pete.
I'm saying we should hire this man away.
I'm sorry that I turned my back on you.
I'm sorry.
I'm surprised at you, Pete.
I'm takin' off.
I'm ten and a half feet tall!
I'm votin' for yours truly.
I've always wondered, what's the devil look like?
I've been separated from my family for so long.
I've gotten this close to being strung up,
I've spoken my piece and counted to 3.
If she'd have seen you, she'd have died of shame.
If we take off through that bayou
If you sing into his can.
If your cousin still has this here horse farm
If'n you play real good.
In any state.
In case you hadn't noticed, I wasn't hit by a train,
In my line of work, it's plumb necessary.
In the bosom of my family,
In the highways
In the Jailhouse Now, fellers,
In the performance of its duties.
In the second Pappy O'Daniel administration,
Including that Piggly Wiggly I knocked over in Yazoo.
Instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of man.
Interfered with a lynch mob
Iooking to us for protection
Is a alley cat and his own damn humors
Is going to lead us all in a chorus of
Is my esteemed opponent in the upcoming,
Is red and scaly with a bifurcated tail
Is that Babyface Nelson?
Is that how it is, boys?
Is that right?
Is that the best idea you boys can come up with?
Is that your culture and heritage?
Is this a road to ltta Bena?
Is this gentlemen bothering you?
Is you is, or is you ain't my constituency?
Is you is...
Is your daddy about?
Isn't that... Isn't that, uh...
It ain't fittin'.
It couldn't have hurt none.
It is, ain't it, boys?
It just don't seem right digging up that treasure without him.
It seems to me there's a road,
It was a miracle!
It was in his bureau.
It was... it was a moment of weakness.
It went out on the radio.
It'll take 2 weeks. Here's your pomade.
It's a bushwhack.
It's a pleasure.
It's all about the money, boys!
It's an exercise in psychology, so to speak.
It's an invitation only affair.
It's been eatin' at my guts.
It's bona fide.
It's gonna be, Back to the flour mill, Pappy!
It's just a symbol, honey.
It's just a symbol.
It's just a... Shut up, Delmar!
It's me, Delmar.
It's me.
It's not so surprising then,
It's obviously some kind of judgment on Pete's character.
It's our pleasure, Big Dan.
It's the authorities!
It's the straight and narrow from here on out.
It's to the point and I salute you for it.
It's true.
Itta Bena?
Jacking up banks.
Jesus, Pete. I told you I buried it myself.
Jesus! Can't I count on you people?
Join me, m' son.
Join me.
Joining you two ignorant fools in a ridiculous superstition...
Judas Iscariot Hogwallop!
Judge Hobby over in Cookville was hit by a train.
Just a drifter, I guess.
Just a grease spot on the L & N.
Just come on out and grabbin' air!
Just some no account drifter.
Just stuff it down that sack there, will you?
Keep my share of the riches.
Keep your fingers away from Pete's mouth.
Known in these precincts as Big Dan Teague.
Ladies and gentlemen, the little man has admonished me
Ladies and gentlemens,
Let 'em play! Go on!
Let me see my daughters again, Lord.
Let's bed down here for the night.
Let's give that colored boy a lift.
Let's go, boys.
Let's go!
Let's not forget those ladies, y'all,
Let's sweep this state clean.
Light her up!
Light the loft, son.
Like God's own mercy.
Like the one they had in France.
Like we was ashamed of him.
Listen, Tommy, I got a plan.
Look at this.
Look, I happen to know, ladies and gentlemen
Looks like George is right back on top again.
Looks like the chair for George Nelson.
Looks like...
Looks like...
Lots of respectable people been hit by trains.
Made a travesty of the entire evening.
Making money in the Lord's service.
Mama says he's bona fide.
Mama says you was hit by a train.
Maybe I can creep up.
Maybe I can throw a little patronage his way.
Maybe it's for the best he was squished.
Maybe the chef could prepare...
Maybe we should get us some.
Me and Pete already had one.
Me and the little lady are gonna pick up the pieces
Midget and broom and whatnot.
Million dollars.
Million point two.
Mind if we join you, old timer?
Mm hmm!
Moral fiber?
Mrs. Hogwallop up and R U N N O F T.
Mrs. Hogwallop's, as a matter of fact.
Must be my Hogwallop blood.
Must be near Parchman Farm.
My added time for the escape,
My adventuring days have come to an end.
My constituency?
My hair!
My name is George Nelson! Get me?
My name's Tommy. Tommy Johnson.
My name's Ulysses Everett McGill.
My wife wrote me she was getting married, I gotta stop it.
Nah, nah, nah, that ain't right.
Nah, that ain't right.
Name of Daniel Teague,
Name of Pete.
Neither God, nor man's got nothin' on me now.
Nepotism! Rascalism!
Never knocked over no armored car.
Never thought I'd need it.
Never trust a female, Delmar.
No break.
No doubt, brother.
No one can catch me!
No one says no to Pappy O'Daniel.
No wedding.
No, Daddy don't have a maiden name.
No, I believe he's gonna paddle it.
No, I'm lookin' for some old timey material.
No, ma'am. We got a new shipment in yesterday.
No, no, son!
No, sir. Not since you got hit by that train.
No, thank you, Delmar.
No, the fact is, they're flooding this valley,
No, the treasure's still there, boys, believe me.
No, they never did turn me into a toad.
No, wait, honey.
No, you don't understand.
No, you stop it! Vernon here's got a job.
No! It's true!
No! That ain't it!
No. It's going to work.
No. It's Homer now.
No. Wait a minute.
Not a moment too soon.
Not Babyface!
Not minstrels, this here's just a dodge. I'm going to be a dentist.
Not out the other side of his face, though.
Not that I'm aware.
Not with his blandishments.
Now it deposits you here.
Now you?
Now, boys. Boys! 01:14:11,000 > 01:14:16,300 # Oh death #
Now, clearly, seeing in the future would fall neatly into that category.
Now, I know the Sunnysiders would agree with me,
Now, if you want Dapper Dan, I can order it for you.
Now, the choice, she's a clear 'un.
Now, the trade is not a complicated one.
Now, there's a good boy.
Now, this here music is over, all right?
Now, we ain't got time for your shenanigans!
Now, what can I do you for, Mr. French?
Now, what do you suppose is eatin' George?
Now, you may call it an unreasoning optimism.
Now's the time to buy it off him cheap.
Of course it's Pete. Look at him.
Of course not, honey
Of service to the interests!
Oh, and I don't suppose you have any...
Oh, brothers!
Oh, come on, folks.
Oh, George. Not the livestock.
Oh, Lord...
Oh, mercy, yes, we got to beat that competition.
Oh, my God.
Oh, no, no, no. Just the regular side.
Oh, no. No, sir.
Oh, okay.
Oh, son!
Oh, that's all right.
Oh, yeah, it's true.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember them.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yes. That's a powerful new force.
Oh, you can have the whole thing.
Okay, boys. Enjoy your picture show.
Okay, Everett.
Okay, Pappy.
Okay, sir, but Mert and...
Okay. I'm with you fellas.
On account of their rough and rowdy past.
On the roof of a cotton house.
On top of the world one minute, haunted by meekness the next.
Once again we find ourselves in agreement.
Once again, you two hayseeds are showin' how much you want for intellect.
One being where to find a wholesaler,
One sour ass son of a bitch
Only 4 of us can write.
Only your tongue is, boy. Where they headed?
Open a fine restaurant.
Or if not smithies per se,
Or maybe in my chifforobe. I don't know.
Or mulattos, maybe.
Or to those who are pressed for time,
Or, hell, take a look at Delmar here as your paradigm of hope.
Out of Cottonelia, Mississippi.
Out with the old spiritual mumbo jumbo,
Pa always said, Never trust a Hogwallop.
Pappy O'Daniel was displaying rectitude and high mindedness
Pappy O'Daniel will be laughing then.
Pappy O'Daniel, governor
Pappy O'Daniel, slave of the interests.
Pappy's just makin' a point.
Pardon me, George.
Pardon me, George.
People are lookin' for answers
People think Stokes has got fresh ideas.
Performing Man of Constant Sorrow?
Perhaps you should start making your prayers.
Pete and Delmar just been baptized and saved.
Pete got a brother?
Pete, I don't want you to beat yourself up about this, eh?
Pete, it's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.
Pete, it's me, Delmar.
Pete, rest his soul, was
Pete, we got to speak with one voice here.
Pete, what are you gonna do with your share of the treasure?
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