A dandelion? from Ice Age (2002)
A dandelion. from Ice Age (2002)
A dandelion. I thought the frost wiped them all out. from Ice Age (2002)
A mammoth. from Ice Age (2002)
Across that sink hole in front of you, you get the Sloth. from Ice Age (2002)
Across that sink hole in front of you, you get the Sloth. from Ice Age (2002)
Aghhh. Sid! from Ice Age (2002)
Ah. The poor kid all alone in the wild. from Ice Age (2002)
Ah. You know me. I'm too lazy to hold a grudge. from Ice Age (2002)
All but one. from Ice Age (2002)
All right, gooood niiight. from Ice Age (2002)
All right, I'll help you bring it to its herd. from Ice Age (2002)
All right, I'll just go by myself. from Ice Age (2002)
All right, look out, look out. Coming through. from Ice Age (2002)
All right, thanks. You can put me down now. from Ice Age (2002)
All right, you have fat hair. But when you're ready to talk, I'm here. from Ice Age (2002)
All right. Let's get you all cleaned up. from Ice Age (2002)
An eye for an eye. Don't you think? from Ice Age (2002)
And because I'll pummel you if you don't. from Ice Age (2002)
And claws? from Ice Age (2002)
And Diego spit that out. You don't know where it's been. from Ice Age (2002)
And Diego, bring me that baby. Alive. from Ice Age (2002)
And he's got the baby! from Ice Age (2002)
And I thought, wow, she's gonna go praying mantis on me. I mean, you know what I'm saying? from Ice Age (2002)
And make him rounder. from Ice Age (2002)
And tell him, I'm bringing a mammoth. from Ice Age (2002)
And that tiger. from Ice Age (2002)
And the baby too. from Ice Age (2002)
And when that day comes, I suggest you watch your back. from Ice Age (2002)
And when you three have it trapped... from Ice Age (2002)
And who do you think he'll hunt? from Ice Age (2002)
And you're just a good citizen helping out, right? from Ice Age (2002)
Any chance I can squeeze in there with you Manny? Old pal? from Ice Age (2002)
Any of this a ringin' a bell? I guess not, bye. from Ice Age (2002)
Any of this a ringin' a bell? I guess not, bye. from Ice Age (2002)
Are you OK? from Ice Age (2002)
Are you threatening me? from Ice Age (2002)
At least pick a female with the same color pelt, right? from Ice Age (2002)
At the bottom of Half peak... there is an ambush waiting for you. from Ice Age (2002)
Au, Au, A, A, Au, Au. from Ice Age (2002)
Au! I know what a short cut is... from Ice Age (2002)
Au. from Ice Age (2002)
Aye. from Ice Age (2002)
Because I am your only chance. from Ice Age (2002)
Because if we save him, he'll grow up to be a hunter. from Ice Age (2002)
Because of all the ice! from Ice Age (2002)
Because returning him home was your idea. Because you're small and insignificant. from Ice Age (2002)
Bedtime, squirt. from Ice Age (2002)
Bertie? Uncle Fungus? from Ice Age (2002)
Bon appétit. from Ice Age (2002)
Boy. For a second there, I actually thought you gonna eat me. from Ice Age (2002)
Burn and die. from Ice Age (2002)
But I think you're stressed. That's why you eat so much. from Ice Age (2002)
But promise me that you leave me alone after that. from Ice Age (2002)
But we gotta go. from Ice Age (2002)
But you barely know what I'm talking about. from Ice Age (2002)
But, but, but dad. from Ice Age (2002)
Can't have one of your own, so you want to adopt. from Ice Age (2002)
Captain! Iceberg ahead! from Ice Age (2002)
Carl? Easy, Frankie. from Ice Age (2002)
Carl. Easy, Frankie. from Ice Age (2002)
Cause I'll be chewing on it. from Ice Age (2002)
Check for poop. from Ice Age (2002)
Come here, you little biped. Come here, you little wormy worm. from Ice Age (2002)
Come on Diego, come on. from Ice Age (2002)
Come on Diego, let's bring this mammoth down. from Ice Age (2002)
Come on guys. Stick together it's easy to get lost in here. from Ice Age (2002)
Come on move faster. from Ice Age (2002)
Come on Sid, lets play tag you're it. from Ice Age (2002)
Come on, come on say something. Anything! from Ice Age (2002)
Come on, come on. You want a piece of me? from Ice Age (2002)
Come on, guys. We gonna miss the mi.. the mi.. the... from Ice Age (2002)
Come on, kids, let's go. The traffic's moving. from Ice Age (2002)
Come on, you're making a scene. from Ice Age (2002)
Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him. from Ice Age (2002)
Come on. You can lick this. You're a tiger. Look I'll carry you. Come on, what do you say? from Ice Age (2002)
Come to uncle Sid. from Ice Age (2002)
Cut off his retreat. from Ice Age (2002)
Did you hear that little fella? from Ice Age (2002)
Diego? from Ice Age (2002)
Don't fall in. If you do, you'll definitely... from Ice Age (2002)
Don't forget about us, ok? from Ice Age (2002)
Don't give away your positions until we see the mammoth. from Ice Age (2002)
Don't let me hog them all up. No, here, you have some. from Ice Age (2002)
Don't let them impale me, please. I wanna live! from Ice Age (2002)
Don't make me reach back there. That was he. He started it. from Ice Age (2002)
Don't pay attention. Just ignore him from Ice Age (2002)
Don't spear me! from Ice Age (2002)
Don't you have some poor defenseless animals to disembowel? from Ice Age (2002)
Doom on you! Doom on you! from Ice Age (2002)
Eh, guys! from Ice Age (2002)
Ehmmm. Pachyderm? from Ice Age (2002)
Enough! from Ice Age (2002)
Especially Sid. from Ice Age (2002)
Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm. from Ice Age (2002)
Everybody knows they have a settlement on the other side. from Ice Age (2002)
Excuse me, ladies. from Ice Age (2002)
Fine, Manfred. from Ice Age (2002)
Fine. Be a jerk. from Ice Age (2002)
First word..... a stomp. from Ice Age (2002)
First, I'm gonna slice its hind quarters into sections. I'm on to put the white meat in one pile and dark in ano... from Ice Age (2002)
Friends? Family? Poisonous reptiles? from Ice Age (2002)
From now one I'm gonna call You Diego. from Ice Age (2002)
Frustrated Diego. from Ice Age (2002)
Get away from me! from Ice Age (2002)
Get away from me. from Ice Age (2002)
Get down. What? from Ice Age (2002)
Get everyone ready. from Ice Age (2002)
Get him! from Ice Age (2002)
Get him! from Ice Age (2002)
Get him! from Ice Age (2002)
Get off me! from Ice Age (2002)
Get off my face. from Ice Age (2002)
Give me a break. from Ice Age (2002)
Give me the baby. from Ice Age (2002)
Go. Yeah, that's good. from Ice Age (2002)
Good bye. from Ice Age (2002)
Good bye. from Ice Age (2002)
Good bye. Good bye. from Ice Age (2002)
Good job. from Ice Age (2002)
Gosh, I hate breaking their hearts like that. But you know how it is. from Ice Age (2002)
Got it, got it, got it. Don't got it. The Last Melon! from Ice Age (2002)
Great! Yeah, hey jump up on my back and relax your whole way. from Ice Age (2002)
Guys, l thought we were in a hurry. from Ice Age (2002)
Guys. We gotta get this kid out of the wind. from Ice Age (2002)
Ha, ha, there you gotta... from Ice Age (2002)
Have you noticed the river of lava? from Ice Age (2002)
He got me! Help... from Ice Age (2002)
He ruined our salad. from Ice Age (2002)
He won't stop squirming. You're holding it wrong. from Ice Age (2002)
He's dead, all right. from Ice Age (2002)
He's not much to look at but it's so hard to find a family guy. from Ice Age (2002)
He's the one we have to surprise. from Ice Age (2002)
Hello ladies! from Ice Age (2002)
Hello, pumpkin. Hello, little baldy bean. from Ice Age (2002)
Help me. from Ice Age (2002)
Help! Help! from Ice Age (2002)
Here, you hold it. Turn him towards me. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey guys. Hey guys check this out. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey lovebirds. Look at this. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, buddy. Have you seen any humans go by here? from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, can we have our melon back? from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, do that again. He likes it. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, do the world a favour! from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, Does this look like a petting zoo to you? Huh? from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, fellows! from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, he's wearing one of those baby thingies. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, hey, hey Manny, are you forgetting something? from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, hey! What's going on? from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, hey. I'm up, I'm up! from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, I think I saw spark. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, I'm a Sloth. I see a tree, either leaf, that's my tracking. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, look at that. Dinner and a show. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, Lord of the flame, your tail's on fire. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, rise and shine, everybody. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, wide body! Kerb it next time! from Ice Age (2002)
Hey, you rhinos, you know, you have really tiny brains, did you know that? from Ice Age (2002)
Hey! Great news. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey! Hi! Manny! from Ice Age (2002)
Hey. Buddy, if it's not them today, it's just someone else tomorrow. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey. Don't let me cramp your style. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey. Knock it off. I am starving. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey. Knock it off. squirt. from Ice Age (2002)
Hey. Why am I the poop checker? from Ice Age (2002)
Hey. Why don't you make it realistic and draw him lying down? from Ice Age (2002)
Hey. You're a big guy. You got a lot of wood. I'm a little guy. from Ice Age (2002)
Hh? Oh that.. hhh. from Ice Age (2002)
Hi, Diego. from Ice Age (2002)
Hi, Manny. from Ice Age (2002)
Hmm, delicious. from Ice Age (2002)
Hold Pinky! from Ice Age (2002)
How about a good night kiss for your big buddy, Sid?? from Ice Age (2002)
How about Manny the Moody Mammoth? Or Manny the Melancholy... Manny the... from Ice Age (2002)
How could I ever have doubted you? from Ice Age (2002)
How much further? 3 miles. from Ice Age (2002)
Huh. Thanks for waiting. from Ice Age (2002)
Humans are disgusting. from Ice Age (2002)
I am a genius. from Ice Age (2002)
I am just kidding you little knuckle head. from Ice Age (2002)
I am sorry I set you up. from Ice Age (2002)
I bet he's hungry. from Ice Age (2002)
I can track humans a lot faster than you can. from Ice Age (2002)
I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens. from Ice Age (2002)
I could kiss ya. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. from Ice Age (2002)
I don't care who started it. I'll finish it. from Ice Age (2002)
I don't eat junk food. from Ice Age (2002)
I don't know, but I've been told... from Ice Age (2002)
I don't know, but I've been told... End of the world be mighty cold... from Ice Age (2002)
I don't know. Just drop it on the ledge. from Ice Age (2002)
I don't like this cat. He reads minds. from Ice Age (2002)
I don't need directions. Fine, I'll ask him. from Ice Age (2002)
I find that attractive in a male. from Ice Age (2002)
I forgot how to laugh. from Ice Age (2002)
I found a short cut! from Ice Age (2002)
I got you! from Ice Age (2002)
I just know where the humans are going. from Ice Age (2002)
I like rather not be today. Okay? from Ice Age (2002)
I mean faster that the long way around. from Ice Age (2002)
I mean what's your daddy gonna say when we go back smudgy and stinky like this? from Ice Age (2002)
I mean. It's hard to get fat on a vegan diet. from Ice Age (2002)
I mean. What'd you say we just head South together? from Ice Age (2002)
I shall create fire. from Ice Age (2002)
I think he start to look like me. Hey Diego, what do you say? from Ice Age (2002)
I thought you're gonna... Were you? from Ice Age (2002)
I told you they were gone. from Ice Age (2002)
I told you to knock it off! from Ice Age (2002)
I wanna maul. from Ice Age (2002)
I want that baby, Diego. I'll get it. from Ice Age (2002)
I was returning him to his herd. from Ice Age (2002)
I was talking to you. from Ice Age (2002)
I was trying to relax. from Ice Age (2002)
I would if you were moving. from Ice Age (2002)
I'll go for the throat. from Ice Age (2002)
I'll take care of him. from Ice Age (2002)
I'm a mammal that cares. from Ice Age (2002)
I'm beat. We'll get there in the morning. from Ice Age (2002)
I'm fine. I'm fine! from Ice Age (2002)
I'm gonna die. from Ice Age (2002)
I'm just saying how do we know it's an ice age? from Ice Age (2002)
I'm putting sloth on the map. from Ice Age (2002)
I'm so full. from Ice Age (2002)
I'm working here, you waste of fur. from Ice Age (2002)
I've heard of these crackpots. from Ice Age (2002)
Ice age? from Ice Age (2002)
If I'm gonna enjoy my revenge, I want it to be fresh. from Ice Age (2002)
If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal. from Ice Age (2002)
If you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. from Ice Age (2002)
If you weren't smart enough to plan ahead, then doom on you. from Ice Age (2002)
If you're gonna have an extra mating dance, from Ice Age (2002)
If you're looking for the humans, you're wasting your time. from Ice Age (2002)
In about 2 minutes you'll be satisfying your taste... for revenge. from Ice Age (2002)
In fact, without me, there wouldn't even be a you! from Ice Age (2002)
Intruders! from Ice Age (2002)
Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth? from Ice Age (2002)
Isn't there someone else you can annoy? from Ice Age (2002)
Isn't this great? You and me, two bachelors knockin' about in the wild. from Ice Age (2002)
It went this way. Over here. from Ice Age (2002)
It wouldn't be breakfast without him. from Ice Age (2002)
It wouldn't be breakfast without him. from Ice Age (2002)
It'd better be alive. from Ice Age (2002)
It'll be quieter when you're gone. from Ice Age (2002)
It'll be the last thing you ever do. from Ice Age (2002)
It's clean! Got you! from Ice Age (2002)
It's makin' me feel better too. from Ice Age (2002)
It's so ugly. Positively adorable. from Ice Age (2002)
It's still green. They headed north 2 hours ago. from Ice Age (2002)
It's your choice. from Ice Age (2002)
Its nose's dry. from Ice Age (2002)
Junior is hungry and... from Ice Age (2002)
Just up the hill. from Ice Age (2002)
Keep dreamin'. from Ice Age (2002)
Keep practising. from Ice Age (2002)
Leave the mammoth alone! from Ice Age (2002)
Left! Left, left... left! Leeft! Aaaa...Ugh! Uaaaaau! from Ice Age (2002)
Let me try. from Ice Age (2002)
Let's get him! Not yet! from Ice Age (2002)
Let's get something straight here. Okay? There's no we. from Ice Age (2002)
Let's go! from Ice Age (2002)
Let's head South. from Ice Age (2002)
Let's show that human what happens when he messes with Sabers. from Ice Age (2002)
Listen, I can help you. from Ice Age (2002)
Listen. You have to leave me here. from Ice Age (2002)
Look at all that meat. from Ice Age (2002)
Look at that. He's okay. from Ice Age (2002)
Look at the cute little baby, Diego. from Ice Age (2002)
Look at you. You gonna grow in a great predator, huh? from Ice Age (2002)
Look he is playing with his kid. from Ice Age (2002)
Look the tigers are just playing tag with the antilope. from Ice Age (2002)
Look who it is. from Ice Age (2002)
Look, either we slip through there and and beat the humans at the Glacier Pass. from Ice Age (2002)
Look, I'm sorry to interrupt this snack. from Ice Age (2002)
Look, look. Tigers. from Ice Age (2002)
Look, there's smoke. from Ice Age (2002)
Lord you've touched me and you are dead. from Ice Age (2002)
Makes me so... I wanna.. from Ice Age (2002)
Mammoths don't go down easy. from Ice Age (2002)
Mammoths never travel alone. from Ice Age (2002)
Manfred. And I'm not your friend. from Ice Age (2002)
Manny, can I talk to you for a second? from Ice Age (2002)
Manny! from Ice Age (2002)
Manny! Manny! from Ice Age (2002)
Manny!!! from Ice Age (2002)
Maybe because we save him he won't hunt us. Au! from Ice Age (2002)
Move sloth! from Ice Age (2002)
Move your issues off the road! from Ice Age (2002)
Mush! from Ice Age (2002)
Mush! from Ice Age (2002)
Must be the last one of the season. from Ice Age (2002)
My family abandoned me. They just kinda migrated without me. from Ice Age (2002)
My feet are sweating. from Ice Age (2002)
Name is Diego, friend. from Ice Age (2002)
Next stop. Glacier pass. from Ice Age (2002)
Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy. from Ice Age (2002)
No need to worry. from Ice Age (2002)
No no this way, this way. from Ice Age (2002)
No offence! from Ice Age (2002)
No one touches the mammoth until I get that baby. from Ice Age (2002)
No thanks, I choose life. from Ice Age (2002)
No thanks. I've got to save whatever dignity I've got left. from Ice Age (2002)
No way! This is our private stockpile for the ice age. from Ice Age (2002)
No, actually that pink thing belongs to us. from Ice Age (2002)
No, Carl! The tiger beat us to him. from Ice Age (2002)
No, I said wait for the mammoth! from Ice Age (2002)
No, no, no! Wait. Wait. from Ice Age (2002)
No, no, no. Manny, please, I'm begging you. I need him. from Ice Age (2002)
No, really! from Ice Age (2002)
No, seriously, let me take care of this. from Ice Age (2002)
No, seriously, look at you. from Ice Age (2002)
No, we don't. from Ice Age (2002)
No, you just want a bodyguard so you don't become somebody's side dish. from Ice Age (2002)
No. from Ice Age (2002)
No. It's just a fact. from Ice Age (2002)
No. It's ok. It's ok. from Ice Age (2002)
No. no, no. Go to him. Go to him. from Ice Age (2002)
No. You say that, but you don't mean it. from Ice Age (2002)
Nothing. Lets go, it's freezing my tail off. from Ice Age (2002)
Now to find a meal befitting a conquering hero. from Ice Age (2002)
Now what? from Ice Age (2002)
Now! from Ice Age (2002)
Now? from Ice Age (2002)
Now. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh look Manny! A mammoth. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh no. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh you think that's funny? How about this? from Ice Age (2002)
Oh, go ahead. Follow the crowd. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh, he's got a family. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh, he's happy. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh, I'm gonna slip! from Ice Age (2002)
Oh, my mistake. That was my mistake. Let me. . . from Ice Age (2002)
Oh, what a mess. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh, yeah. Nice try, bucktooth. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh, Yummy. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh! No! from Ice Age (2002)
Oh! Sick! from Ice Age (2002)
Oh! Yuck! from Ice Age (2002)
Oh. No, a tiger! Help! Help! from Ice Age (2002)
Oh. So brave. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh. Thanks, Manny. You're pal. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh. That's perfect. from Ice Age (2002)
Oh. The triumphant return! from Ice Age (2002)
Oh. What is this? from Ice Age (2002)
Ohhhm. This is a problem. from Ice Age (2002)
Ohhhm. This is a problem. from Ice Age (2002)
Ohohou. That south thing is way overrated. The heat, the crowd. Who needs any? from Ice Age (2002)
Ok, follow me. from Ice Age (2002)
Ok, ok. Where are the sloth? from Ice Age (2002)
OK, so you've got issues. Look, you won't even know I'm here. from Ice Age (2002)
OK. Let me just clean that up. from Ice Age (2002)
Ok... from Ice Age (2002)
Okay, look. If either of you make it from Ice Age (2002)
Okay, okay, deal. from Ice Age (2002)
Okay, then thanks for the help. I can take it from here. from Ice Age (2002)
Okay, you're tired, I see. Well, we'll talk more tomorrow in the morning. from Ice Age (2002)
Okay. All right, wise guy. from Ice Age (2002)
Okay. Come on, guys. from Ice Age (2002)
Oo he's fine. Manfred has him. Just put me in your mouth. Come on. Hurry up. from Ice Age (2002)
Oooh. The Big Bad Tigey Wigey get left behind. Poor Tigey Wigey... from Ice Age (2002)
Or a nanny. personally I never get tired of peekaboo. from Ice Age (2002)
Or not mush, either way. from Ice Age (2002)
Or not mush, either way. from Ice Age (2002)
Or take the long way and miss them. from Ice Age (2002)
Or this way? from Ice Age (2002)
Oy (Aye)... from Ice Age (2002)
Pack of bears? mumble Pack of fleas. from Ice Age (2002)
Pack of lies. Pack of troubles. Pack a wallop. from Ice Age (2002)
Pack of long teeth... from Ice Age (2002)
Pack of whiskers? Pack of noses? from Ice Age (2002)
Pack of wolves? Pack of... from Ice Age (2002)
Pack of.. Aooooou!.. birds. Pa.. pack of flying fish! from Ice Age (2002)
Patch of fur, no fang, no claws. from Ice Age (2002)
Perfect. from Ice Age (2002)
Phew. I'm wiped out. from Ice Age (2002)
Pine cones!!! from Ice Age (2002)
Prepare for the ice age! from Ice Age (2002)
Pretty tail walks by, suddenly he moves like a cheetah. from Ice Age (2002)
Protect the Dodo way of life! from Ice Age (2002)
Quick. Get inside. from Ice Age (2002)
Really? from Ice Age (2002)
Really? from Ice Age (2002)
Retrieve the melon! from Ice Age (2002)
Right, more to the right. Right, right, right. from Ice Age (2002)
Sabers were closing in on him. So I just snatched him. from Ice Age (2002)
Save it for a mammal that cares. from Ice Age (2002)
Save your breath Sid. You know humans can't talk. from Ice Age (2002)
Save your energy! from Ice Age (2002)
See Manny that's your problem. from Ice Age (2002)
Seriously, my feet are really hot... from Ice Age (2002)
She's gone. from Ice Age (2002)
Shhh! Get down and follow me. from Ice Age (2002)
Shouldn't we make sure they found him? Good idea. from Ice Age (2002)
Shut up! from Ice Age (2002)
Sid, Lord of the flame. from Ice Age (2002)
Sid, the tiger found a short cut. from Ice Age (2002)
Sid, Tigey Wigey is gonna lead the way. from Ice Age (2002)
Sid! from Ice Age (2002)
Sid! What? from Ice Age (2002)
Sid. from Ice Age (2002)
Sid. Find a she mmoth, have the little baby mammoth... from Ice Age (2002)
So you can give that baby to me or go get lost in the blizzard. from Ice Age (2002)
So, ladies, where were we? from Ice Age (2002)
So, so what I was saying, ladies... from Ice Age (2002)
So, where's Eddie? from Ice Age (2002)
So? So if it poops, where does it go? from Ice Age (2002)
Someone should lick it. Just in case. from Ice Age (2002)
Sorry fellas, it got a little frostbite. from Ice Age (2002)
Spoils! from Ice Age (2002)
Sssss. Sexy. from Ice Age (2002)
Subarctic temperatures will force us underground for a billion years. from Ice Age (2002)
Sure is faithful. from Ice Age (2002)
Sure. from Ice Age (2002)
Surprise! from Ice Age (2002)
Survivals separate the Dodos from the beasts. from Ice Age (2002)
Taikwondoodos! from Ice Age (2002)
Taikwondoodos! Attack! from Ice Age (2002)
Tasty, isn't it? from Ice Age (2002)
Tell him he's going to be OK, Manny. from Ice Age (2002)
Tell him, I'm bringing the baby. from Ice Age (2002)
Tell me about it. All the sensitive ones get eaten. from Ice Age (2002)
Tell me that was your stomach. from Ice Age (2002)
Thank goodness. Thank goodness. from Ice Age (2002)
Thank you. from Ice Age (2002)
Thanks for the advice. Now beat this. from Ice Age (2002)
That is cake. from Ice Age (2002)
That means something is wrong with it. from Ice Age (2002)
That pink thing is mine. from Ice Age (2002)
That's a ... good eating. from Ice Age (2002)
That's his herd right up the hill. We should return him. from Ice Age (2002)
That's it, you're out of the herd. from Ice Age (2002)
That's okay, Frank. We'll have some fun with him. from Ice Age (2002)
That's right where's the baby. Oh! from Ice Age (2002)
That's right, you losers. You take one step and you're dead. from Ice Age (2002)
That's right. Where is the baby? from Ice Age (2002)
That's what mammoths supposed to do. from Ice Age (2002)
That's what you do in a herd. from Ice Age (2002)
That's what you do in a herd... from Ice Age (2002)
That's your shelter? from Ice Age (2002)
The baby, please. from Ice Age (2002)
The changing seasons, migration instincts? from Ice Age (2002)
The sooner we find the humans, the sooner I get rid of Mr. Stinky drool face. from Ice Age (2002)
The tiger actually did it. There's Half peak. from Ice Age (2002)
Then I suggest you take the short cut! from Ice Age (2002)
Then what are you waiting for? from Ice Age (2002)
There is no us. I see. from Ice Age (2002)
There is only one way to do it. from Ice Age (2002)
There it is! from Ice Age (2002)
There never was a we. from Ice Age (2002)
There's Diego, fall back! from Ice Age (2002)
They couldn't be far. I mean. They went this way? from Ice Age (2002)
They headed north 2 hours ago. from Ice Age (2002)
They headed north 2 hours ago. from Ice Age (2002)
They left this morning. from Ice Age (2002)
They left without me. from Ice Age (2002)
This gonna be the best migration ever. I'm telling you. I'll show you all my favourite watering holes. I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries. from Ice Age (2002)
This has definitely not been my day. I mean... You know what I'm saying, buddy? from Ice Age (2002)
This I gotta see. from Ice Age (2002)
This time tomorrow you could be a free mammoth. from Ice Age (2002)
Those ladies, they don't stand a chance. from Ice Age (2002)
Through there! from Ice Age (2002)
Trust you ? Why in the world would we trust you ? from Ice Age (2002)
U u u. I love this game! I love this game! Okay, okay. from Ice Age (2002)
Uhh. I'd love some. Not you, the baby. from Ice Age (2002)
Uuh. Somebody pinch me. from Ice Age (2002)
Uuuh! from Ice Age (2002)
Very nice! from Ice Age (2002)
Wait a minute. from Ice Age (2002)
Wait, aren't you going to South? from Ice Age (2002)
Watch out! Stop waving that thing around! from Ice Age (2002)
Way to go, tiger. from Ice Age (2002)
We can fight our way out. from Ice Age (2002)
We did it! from Ice Age (2002)
We did it! from Ice Age (2002)
We have a very cruel sense of humour. from Ice Age (2002)
We look out for each other. from Ice Age (2002)
We need the whole pack to bring this mammoth down. from Ice Age (2002)
We were some team, huh? from Ice Age (2002)
We'll go up to Half peak. Meet us there. from Ice Age (2002)
We'll just take our furry pinata and go. Would you mind? from Ice Age (2002)
We'll pick up Sid and get outta here while we can. from Ice Age (2002)
We'll pick up Sid and get outta here while we can. from Ice Age (2002)
We'll see if brains triumph over brawn tonight. Now, won't we? from Ice Age (2002)
We're the weirdest herd I've ever seen. from Ice Age (2002)
We've been waddlin' all day. from Ice Age (2002)
Welcome back partner. Want a lift? from Ice Age (2002)
Well I ain't exactly lactating right now, pal. from Ice Age (2002)
Well, I have a message for Soto. from Ice Age (2002)
Well, I think mating for life is stupid. I mean there's plenty of Sid to go around. from Ice Age (2002)
Well, things just got a little chillier. from Ice Age (2002)
Well, this one does. And I'm leading him to Half peak. from Ice Age (2002)
Well, unless you know how to track, from Ice Age (2002)
Well. Would you look at that. from Ice Age (2002)
Well... thanks. from Ice Age (2002)
Were? Come on. We're still a team. from Ice Age (2002)
What am I? The wet nurse? from Ice Age (2002)
What are you two doing here? from Ice Age (2002)
What do you got? You got a little... from Ice Age (2002)
What do you mean short cut? from Ice Age (2002)
What do you take me for? from Ice Age (2002)
What ho? A foe? from Ice Age (2002)
What is your problem? from Ice Age (2002)
What the... Go ahead. Slice me. from Ice Age (2002)
What? from Ice Age (2002)
What. What? I can't hear you. from Ice Age (2002)
What're you doing? from Ice Age (2002)
What's the matter with you? from Ice Age (2002)
What's your problem? You're my problem. from Ice Age (2002)
Where did you find it? from Ice Age (2002)
Where is everybody? from Ice Age (2002)
Where is the baby? There it is! from Ice Age (2002)
Where's the baby? from Ice Age (2002)
Where's the baby? from Ice Age (2002)
Which should be like, tomorrow. from Ice Age (2002)
Who says we gonna eat him after we kill him? from Ice Age (2002)
Why did you do that ? from Ice Age (2002)
Why else? Now, Sid! from Ice Age (2002)
Why not call it the Big Chill? Or the Nippy era? from Ice Age (2002)
Why not? from Ice Age (2002)
Why? A good looking guy like you? from Ice Age (2002)
Why? Doesn't anyone love me? from Ice Age (2002)
Will you stop it! from Ice Age (2002)
Wish granted. from Ice Age (2002)
Worthy of such a noble... from Ice Age (2002)
Would you cut it out! from Ice Age (2002)
Wow, you and me, we make a great team. from Ice Age (2002)
Wow! Huh! Yeah! Who's up for round two! Tell the kid to be more careful. from Ice Age (2002)
Yeah he is. from Ice Age (2002)
Yeah, but I'm still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved. from Ice Age (2002)
Yeah, but with my little stick, and my highly evolved brain ... from Ice Age (2002)
Yeah, Manny's... is a good guy. from Ice Age (2002)
Yeah, Mr. Great Tracker. Can't even find a sloth. from Ice Age (2002)
Yeah. Yeah. He said, come back with the baby, from Ice Age (2002)
Yeh, maybe he'll grow fur and a long skinny neck and call you mamma! from Ice Age (2002)
Yeh. Climb aboard. Pick me up, buddy. from Ice Age (2002)
Yeh. Climb aboard. Pick me up, buddy. from Ice Age (2002)
Yeh. Well, he needed me and I only wish I have one of my own. from Ice Age (2002)
Yeh. Well, you know. from Ice Age (2002)
You are standing on my trunk. from Ice Age (2002)
You are the best. Without Pinky. Manny, Manny, I need him. from Ice Age (2002)
You brought us home for dinner!!! from Ice Age (2002)
You can't leave him here. from Ice Age (2002)
You can't. Pack's too strong. from Ice Age (2002)
You clean up nice little fellow. from Ice Age (2002)
You could have die trying to save me. from Ice Age (2002)
You didn't have to do that. from Ice Age (2002)
You don't know much about tracking, do you? from Ice Age (2002)
You don't need this aggravation. from Ice Age (2002)
You gotta make it stop. I can't take it anymore! from Ice Age (2002)
You have beautiful eyes. from Ice Age (2002)
You have to be strong. from Ice Age (2002)
You have to take care of Manfred and Sid. from Ice Age (2002)
You have to trust me! from Ice Age (2002)
You just earned a time out. from Ice Age (2002)
You know Diego, I've never had a friend who'd risk his life for me. from Ice Age (2002)
You know, I don't like animals that kill for pleasure. from Ice Age (2002)
You know, I mean. They woke up early and finely tied my hands and feet. from Ice Age (2002)
You know. This whole Ice age thing's getting old. You know what l could go for? Global warming! from Ice Age (2002)
You know. You never see any sloth in these things. Have you ever noticed? from Ice Age (2002)
You lost it? from Ice Age (2002)
You set us up? from Ice Age (2002)
You wanna maul something. Don't you think? from Ice Age (2002)
You were bluffing, huh? Yeah, that was a bluff. from Ice Age (2002)
You were thinking it. from Ice Age (2002)
You'd better. Unless you want to serve yourself as the replacement. from Ice Age (2002)
You'll be a little snack for the owls. from Ice Age (2002)
You'll take care... You can't even take care of yourself. from Ice Age (2002)
You're a brave little squirt, l'll give you that. from Ice Age (2002)
You're a little low on the food chain to ... aren't you? from Ice Age (2002)
You're calling me a liar? I didn't say that. from Ice Age (2002)
You're folds of skin wrapped in mush. What's so threatening about you? from Ice Age (2002)
You're hanging out with us now, buddy. Dignity's got nothing to do with it. from Ice Age (2002)
You're lost, aren't you? No, I know exactly where we are. from Ice Age (2002)
You're lost, aren't you? No, I know exactly where we are. from Ice Age (2002)
You're Ok! from Ice Age (2002)
You're ok. You're ok. from Ice Age (2002)
You're the embarrassment of the nature, do you know that? from Ice Age (2002)
You're very shrewd mammal. from Ice Age (2002)
You're very shrewd mammal. from Ice Age (2002)
You've got half a stick. from Ice Age (2002)
You've never gonna reach them before the pass closes up with snow. from Ice Age (2002)
Yuck, yuck. Bleeh. from Ice Age (2002)
Yuhh. Yuck. Yuhh. from Ice Age (2002)
3, 2, 1. from Ice Age (2002)
9 lives baby. from Ice Age (2002)