A lot of your original deal if you'll get your twenty million dollars and you get to keep breathing
Add things in this world is it just out of our control
Another sale
But these are extraordinary circumstances
By the time I finish with you you're going to wait you felt this good again
Did you do before
Don't you ever come into my office and talk to me like that again, do you understand me
For your son
Holding your hand
I had
I know
I said you're finished, get out
I told you there's nothing I should know
I want to mention it I would have kept you already you know that
I'll be there for that
I'll do my job
I'm going to kill you
I'm tired of putting my ass on the line for nothing
If you do this job long if you're going to have to make choices and you don't know you made the right one until the whole scenario plays itself out
If you like
In I am capable of two
Is office demands results that's what I provide
Jack Bauer 24 Sounds Sound
Jack Bauer 24 Sounds Sound
Jack Bauer 24 Sounds Sound
Jack Bauer 24 Sounds Sound
Listen everybody this is our time get it right
My God what have you done ? What have you done ?
On my way
Police this
Shut up
Shut up stupid
Stop this insanity pleas
Thank you mister president
The only reason you're still conscious is because I don't want to carry you
There gonna call back
There's no lawyer, it's just you and me
Think about it I will do what I had to do
This is last chance you got to talk to me before I hurt you
This time
Trust me
We'll be right back
What are you talking about
What I want to know is just a question of how much you wanted to hurt
Where you want me to say I said trust again with these people and I got it with them
Who are you afraid of
Who are you working for
Why you like to maine
With air force one just hit what air force one just said
You are not commands here get out of here now now
You have no idea how far i'm willing to go to acquire cooperation
You tell me what you know where I promise you this will be comparing a planet
Your constitutional rights to water supply