Again, motherfucker Rang. It's usually what happens when you all grades and pick it up. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Asshole. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Bring your telephone with you and you had that. Well, I beat your God family itself. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Choke on it yet then. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Do little pimple faced Cop Shepherd would he did call me on Sunday afternoon for. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Do you Jackass? Don't you know anything master say? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Do you want to meet your asset? Use the Home Sexy Mama Kitty or you need to do? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Does your Mama know you talk that way? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Frank Garrett (New Quotes) Sound from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Frank Garrett (New Quotes) Sound from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
From the picture you gotta talk over the past four million more anger. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Fuck you bitch. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Fuck you you did down. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
God damn crazy fucking idiot. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Great job you stupid mother fucker. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Ha ha ha. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
He should be. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Hello. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Help anyway I want asshole. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Help, like you sample price. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Hey Becca dance, have a good day. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Hey bitch. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Hey Chris, how you California catalog? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Hey proceed. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Hey thank you paper planes. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Hey you fucking mouth son of a bitch. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Honey. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Hope you had a heart attack. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
How about that? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
How old are you, big boy? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
How you gonna hide behind telephone? You can't go fucking find a man. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I didn't make the girls. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I don't even have a Dodge. I drive through it so I don't want to hear you get that through. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I don't give a fuck if you're calling from the moon. You tell me who you are. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I don't have a dog stupid motherfucker, can't you understand? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I don't have a dog. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I don’t give a shit if you’re King Kong from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I have to launch it. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I know what you're doing. You little simple minded sonofabitch here. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I think you are pretty quiet. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I think you're old and fat and ugly, aren't you? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I wouldn't go. Do you hate your mother fucker? Couldn't commit suicide. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I'd like for you drive down here 'cause I'm feeling about it today, but I would like for you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
I'm tired of you sucking. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
In your name's asshole. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
It's bring your black ass down here and see what it's saying. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
It's in my blood hip pocket, why? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Let let let let let. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Let me tell you something. You thermal mouse sonofabitch you quit going here OK? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Little shortcut concern, but you need to be fucking somebody. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Love you God damn stupid son of a bitch listen. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Median math sonofabitch from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
My name is Frank Gore and I live in Oklahoma. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
No shit. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
No shut up goddamnit. How did you answer? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
No, thank you. I'm better than you are. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
No. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Oh fuck you bitch. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Oh fuck you in the horse you rode in on. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Oh kiss my fat ass would you? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Oh, you're the prick, you got them ugly son of a bitch you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Parking understand what you saying. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Read it here. She more than God damn dumb smart Alec Server visit too old to do anything here. She gotta bother me. Hell fuck you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Salmon. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
So my help. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Speaker please meeting now. Mother fucker you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Stuck in construction. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Thank you to every Spanish 7 bitch material. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
That's probably your mother fucking business. You got damn, she hold you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
This is the number 6 call you make today. You got damn little shithead. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Use it pitch. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Welcome then mother fucker. I've got a little surprise for you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Well, you won't you stupid bastard. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
What do you want for it? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
What fucking difference? It makes a huge you're not coming down, are you? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Why don't you let me stick a boot up your ass down here won't see you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Yeah, damn foolish which you wanna go? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Yeah, hello retard. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Yeah, I heard you wish it did. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Yeah, thank you bitch. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Yo, my nickel you God damn fucking idiot. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
You better stupid motherfucker. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
You big lip, bitch, you I miss you can't do shit. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
You calling me for yourself, bitch. I don't even like you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
You didn't finish yet. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
You dumb bitch. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
You gonna have to get your God damn seven would fix this. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
You got damn little ignorant pimple faced sonofabitch you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
You think I give a shit? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
You're not as funny as a part time. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Your ensemble bitch. Where do you live? from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)
Your phone is shit. I never called you never this afternoon so before you. from Frank Garrett (New Quotes)