A real man
A sex flower
Alright let's get freaky
Am I a bad mother
Amino disrespect by this but all people are useless to me
Are you still awake
As the cowards way out
Baby carrots are trying to turn me gay
Be a gentleman
Don't be a knuckle sandwich
Don't believe me
Dora the explorer
Franklin D roosevelt
Go ask your mother
Hey how'd you like to hang out sometime
Hot an hard fast and furious
I am america
I can't think of anything sexier
I don't know about you but I rarely get through the morning shave without wanting to ask myself out
I love you mom
I'll admit it I miss my swinging bachelor days
I'm scared of koreans
I've had hundreds of girlfriends
It is a hungry dog that turns over the trash
It's me
My legal defense team has advised me not to say more about it than that
Never withhold sex as a weapon
News flash
No offense
Now the bad news
OK let's start again start again start again
OK that's called respect
See a pattern
Show some cleavage
So let me ask you punk
So now what
Stop arguing about it and start having sex
That was a joke in case you couldn't tell and I blame me if you couldn't
The balls
The gym is a minefield of homo danger
The johnsons
There's nothing the ladies love more than a big sack
Tricky gluey
Well said god
Well the answer to that question is a resounding yes
What I say goes
Why do we have sex
Would you be interested in going on a date and potentially bearing my children and quitting your job to raise them
You have a problem with my mom
You want proof
You're going to gain a lot of weight