Alright baby I have a baby
And i'm telling you you with your steady hand I am not moving and now I have got the steady hand
Chandler bing it's time to see your thing
Don't you can just kiss me and think you're going to make a gold go away OK it doesn't work that way it doesn't just make it better OK
Ha ha ha the hair comes out in the gloves come out
Hello ross this is doctor mcneely from the fake accent university I would like you to come on board with us full time
Her name was lola she was a showgirl with yellow feathers feathers in her hair and dress pants down to their
How can we just grab my ass
How far is the transference trans monster
I do
I just can't believe this I mean with the holidays coming up one of them to meet my family
I was thinking maybe a romantic dinner with candles and wine and then maybe going back to my place for dessert
No put that box down we are not going anywhere
Stevie the TV
That's right you do it the answers
Then how come it is
Was at the airport getting into a cab with this woman blonde planet with a pocketbook
What are you are you crazy
What's matter is the puffy sweaty pregnant lady disturbing your precious coffee time
Yeah I i don't I don't put things in my eye
You bitch