A 23 year old Asian woman, Paris waters had seen an ad in the newspaper. That was how Jim got many of his walk-ins. His ads generally said figure models wanted you went up thinking. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A bell rang to announce that the ship would soon be departing. Jimmy saw us out of the cabin and we passed a smiling crew member carrying a jacket with gold epaulets and a peaked naval cap. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A bizarre piece of happenstance. A lightning strike of misfortune that zapped Neil and Christine Hamilton led to events that we were lucky enough to be around to document. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A Blizzard of requests went out trumpeting my non tabloid approach and 6 million viewers responses varied. Silence was a common one also polite demurral. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A businessman put his briefcase into the closing metal doors of a train trying to force it open, but instead the doors gripped the bag and the train took off for a moment, the man jogged alongside. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A director named Ed Robbins came on a thoughtful and urbane collaborator of a slightly older generation. E's strength was a contemplative approach, a feel for mood and nuance. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A family impression had me quailing after my mother. Ah ba. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A fantasist she had been visiting sex chat sites and became convinced that two of the people she conversed with Lord and Lady Hamilton were Neil and Christine smelling a financial opportunity she'd. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A few days later, I returned to the studio apartment to find the message light on the machine flashing. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A few days went by. We filmed a sequence of Christine getting her hair done at a salon in Mayfair called Michael, John and another of me and Neil working out together on a trim trail in Battersea P... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A few hours after they'd gone in the Hamiltons emerged, Michael Coleman gave a statement. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A few months after those first four episodes went out in May 1998, I moved back to the UK. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A few months afterwards, I was approached at a party in a friendly way by someone who described himself as a fan. He'd loved the first four weird weekends. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A few tables along a husband and wife team from Washington State, Liara and Dan Clausing were selling ingenic medallions. Little stone rings on cords to enhance your. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A few weeks in they let me have a small column. The police report where I wrote quirky articles about the city, an interview with a Jamaican psychic who was predicting an earthquake in the Bay Area... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A few weeks later I flew to Atlanta to see Sarge, the trainer at the power plant for a follow up interview and what had been planned as a lighthearted workout session with some of the wrestlers in ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A few weeks later, I called up as myself. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A gentleman does not fucking ask a lady why she has not had children. He told me with some heat, albeit erroneously, given that I hadn't in fact asked that question. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A heavyset lady in an orange kimono that was opened to reveal a generous helping of cleavage. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A Hispanic woman who gave her name as Catalina was in a beige business suit. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A house on Helsinge Road felt mysterious and grant organised over 4 stories with weird nooks and drafty sash windows and creaky stairs and folding shutters. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A little later he led us into his bedroom where we found more racist pictures. One showed a cartoon of a petrified looking black boy, grand dragon. Michael said he was planning to put it on a T-shirt. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A little later I said my goodbyes and drove back to my hotel with the crew. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A little later I went to the loo. Will came in to have a covert conference and then possibly feeling a little emotional himself. He did an impression of Neil Hamilton masturbating onto someone at a... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A little later, having done my interview with Pastor Butler, I left the headquarters of Aryan Nations and returned to England. Time passed and I moved on to other stories, but occasionally I found ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A little later, the camera operator, an older guy from the Bay Area, sought me out. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A masques for deeper and more insidious forms of power. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A minor note in the history of this business, Margold said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A month or two on, and Louis Theroux's weird weekends was postponed, possibly indefinitely, and I was making my new life as a comedy writer in LA. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A news in turn. My duties involve fact checking articles, undertaking bits of research for other writers, transcribing tapes and pottering around, looking confused. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A pair of middle-aged women who said they'd been his girlfriends in the late 60s had got in touch by letter shortly after when Louis met. Jimmy originally aired. The letter was from both of them. L... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A pimp named Mellow tea? Who was pursuing a career as a gangsta rapper? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A rare instance of someone being sexually inappropriate to Jimmy Saville. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A reunion tour. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A search on that name revealed a number of books for sale on the Internet of which he was a co-author. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A series that for some reason had the name of a non entity in its title. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A sign said God has a plan for homosexuals. AIDS is the beginning. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A six month trip around the states catching up with ten of my most intriguing ex interviewees. An update on both them and their weird worlds. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A small handful made it into the pantheon of commissioned episodes of weird weekends. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A UFO believer named Thor Templar who claimed to have killed 10 aliens. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A visit to a pub where a local scallywag flashed Jimmy on camera. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A woman about whom they knew little had alleged that Neil and Christine had ****d her at a swingers party in Ilford in Essex. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A woman who was plainly mentally ill wandered into the building and began asking me questions about the space brothers, which I didn't feel well qualified to answer. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A woman, probably in her 30s, was smiling at me with a daffy air of free spirited bonhomie that seemed to invite further inquiry. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A word that got used a lot about me was boisterous. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A wrestler named Randy Macho Man Savage walked past Incognito in dark glasses and a tight black T-shirt. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
A young porn performer who worked under the name J Michaels. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
About the postmodern moment. But unlike those books, it was also very funny. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Adam, cuddly and ingratiating was an obsessive diarist, a Bowie fan, and maker of Compies compilation tapes of music for friends. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After a cup of tea at the Ottley Cafe, we drove back to Jimmy's penthouse. Now off camera, Jimmy struck me as more direct, less playful. He talked about TV longevity in for some reason, Ruby. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After a few days of importuning on my part, I prevailed on her to think about her own creative projects, a book she was working on. Her lack of funds in a purely pragmatic way. It made sense. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After a few days, the story ebbed away. The accuser who went by Nadine Milroy Sloane, but whose real name was Emily Checkfield, turned out to be a troubled young woman from Grimsby. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After a lifetime of cloisters and Victorian suburbs, I saw exoticism and romance in San Jose's anomie, an unplanned sprawl. It seemed utterly different to anything I'd. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After dinner, we took a taxi back to Jimmy'z. I had turned in early for an uneasy sleep on a 2 narrow bed in a spare room full of Knick knacks, a cuddly lion, a portable Sony TV, a try. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After his father's death, he'd taken to wearing his wedding ring on the third finger of his right hand. His mother had died a few years after, and Jimmy had once memorably described the five days h... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After I got back I fell ill possibly related to the stress of the preceding week. I called in to say I was unwell. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After protracted negotiation, the WCW PR Guy and Elton John lookalike, called Alan Sharpe, had permitted us to stand at the entrance to the dressing room interviewing the dribble of wrestlers as th... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After San Jose, New York had taken some adjustment. The slow paced, super sized farm town was no preparation for the noise and scale of Gotham. The asperity of the people. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After some pro forma compliments about the excitement of what had just seen, I said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After that first visit, we stayed in touch by phone for a few years. Then one day his contact details no longer worked. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After that it had all gone a little quiet, though Chris had mentioned the Millennium segment, it had been offered to Merrill Marco, the author and comedian who had been a writer on late night with ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After that it was second album syndrome. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After that, seeming to feel he'd made his point, Sarge disappeared. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After that, the plan had been to visit JJ on the set of a film called forced Entry, a **** themed film which was being shot by Rob Black, a young director who was carving out a niche. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the Big Bucks show business of the WCW, the AI WF was a different proposition. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the days of Jimmy's evasions, the idea of the Duchess's wardrobe felt solid. Something properly odd that Jimmy would have trouble dancing around. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the ease of getting to Jimmy Saville and Paul and Debbie, the feeling was it should be straightforward to get some more episodes under way. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the encounter back at the hotel, the sound recordist came up to me. He looked a little pale. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the four episodes of weird weekends as a piester resistance, we watched when Louis met Jimmy. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the press conference, surrounded by a scrum of journalists, we climbed back into Michael Coleman's car. Christine put the car window down and I leaned back so the photographers could get a co... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the profile of Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee, he called to complain you are a Formula One car you never got out of bleeding first gear. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the race war, when we were all on other planets, maybe we can keep in touch by phone. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the shell suit went, he adopted a Velvet Underground look, black jeans, dark glasses, tight T-shirts over his skinny torso, usually A roll up in hand. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After the success of the Jimmy Saville programme, and then another profiling the magician Paul Daniels and his wife Debbie McGee Word had come down from executives at the BBC that I should focus on... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After Tower House, Westminster was a definite improvement. We joined the second-half of the 20th century and the only odd thing looking back is that our parents should have sent us off to board ins... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
After two days fired finally appeared, taking us on a tour of a central staircase that he had expensively remodelled on an Egyptian theme. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Afterwards, I remember feeding the chute had been successful. Certainly we'd had our share of explosive arguments. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Afterwards, I was a little deflated. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Afterwards, off camera Chris said to me, though, you got what you wanted. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Again, I noticed this then rationalized it as a bit of Jimmy Saville provocation, disguising a deeper truth to do with his view of women as irrational. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Age 15 I knew 20 different sexual positions by name and the effect of most illegal drugs, but I had never touched a girl's breast or smoked a joint. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Ah, insincerity your speciality. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Ah, yes, said a voice. You glue it on your gas tank. It works using energy rays. It changes the structure of the gas, improves your gas mileage. 20 to 40% costs one. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Alas, having had the one idea involving dead heads for Doll, I struggled to come up with anything else. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Alas, it turns out insulting high profile industry leaders and celebrities on a monthly basis in a glossy magazine is not a long term business strategy. By the time I arrived, the. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All of the segments were supposed to serve the show's political agenda of advancing socialism. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All of these details I hope to reflect somehow in our program and they crowded in my mind looking for a chance to join the conversation, but I was underslept after the night in the guest bed and a ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All of this might have made her unlikable, but some found her uncompromising and anti diluvian moral outlook appealing, possibly because of the unlikeliness of her physical appearance, tiny. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All of which also shouldn't cloud the inconvenient fact that Jimmy Savile's company when he dialed down the Savile isms and was on his home turf of his penthouse could be quite pleasant. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All out war. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All the attention and the sense of approval had a paradoxical effect, making me wonder about before. Did people not like the shows then? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All the excitement it created at the BBC. Among my executives, higher ups. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All the technology they possess, the space brothers is entirely in advance of anything we know, Charles said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All these peculiarities, its soullessness the indistinguishable strip malls the gun stores and fast food places, franchise outlets, and the weird, scattered non belonging of people. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All three of these articles were imbued with a combination of emotions, finding human qualities of pathos and warmth, and on occasion an almost mythic level of commitment to causes that were. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does and that is his. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
All you have to do is say shit or something like that. It's just more fun like this. I said it's tantalizing. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Almost heaven lay on a small plateau 200 acres divided into 30 or so lots. A motley scattering of unprepossessing homes. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Along with the vaguely hippieish ethos, went a certain relaxing of the rules on monogamy. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Alongside our production he was also working on a BBC funded film with Michael Moore, which would later come out as the big one. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Also surprising was his manner of speech, which was mumbled and unself conscious, still recognizably him but a more understated version. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Also with Zaca took a role in a production of ritual for dolls and allegorical play about repressed Victorian society written in 1970 featuring children's toys. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Always there was a hunger for ideas to the point where what else you got Michael's question to a writer or producer who was pitching him became an office catch phrase. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Among my friends and colleagues, the prevailing attitude seemed to be that I should feel lucky to land such a scoop. A few going so far as to suggest I'd been part of making up the allegations to h... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Among the other people he bruited as candidates for profiles were then manager of Leeds United Football Club, David O'Leary, the singer Lulu, the Romany impressionist, Joe Longthorne and the Kray b... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Among those I aroused was the future Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Nick Clegg. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
An antagonistic approach which could end up being ugly and unkind. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
An app called Leanne went up to Leeds to visit Jimmy at his penthouse for a wrecky to test his appetite for filming. It was surprising in a way that he agreed to do a wrecky, which is basically a k... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
An economist and disciple of Milton Friedman, Lord Harris had a comical Tweedy air about him. He seemed a man born out of time. He should have been stepping out of a flying machine smoking a pipe. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
An elusive self-help guru named Marshall Silver and as a wild card, the turbulent band leader Ike Turner. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
An embassy aide reaching over, for some pepperoni said, I think I would like a slice of Monten**** because my mother is from there. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
An hour before Showtime, he would take five or six aspirin to thin his blood tape. Little raises to his thumbnail, and then once in the ring lacerate his forehead out of sight of the crowd to make. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
An intern again. My duties involve photocopying and stapling gossip packs culled from the five or six New York newspapers, and also doing research for the editors occasionally. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
An old timer called Rowdy Roddy Piper, also in dark glasses and a leather jacket asked me my name, then mishearing it, said Louis Leroux. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And a drunken night with Mike Ayala, the underground hippie those days stay with me as a redemption from all the doubt that preceded them. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And also had to send David Mortimer an e-mail telling him to postpone production on Louis Theroux's weird weekends. I was aware it was tricky emotional ground that it could be construed. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And also performed a short monologue for an MTV pilot which wasn't used either. This was completely fine as I wasn't sure why they'd asked me to do the monologue, but they also hadn't invited me to... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And another about a makeover show for homeless people. That one was produced but bombed so badly in front of audiences in rehearsal that it was also tossed out. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And another when I pointed out an attractive woman who may have been in her 30s or 40s and his response was grandma. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And even those positive attributes are brought to the production were accidental much of the time a certain quality of ingenuousness, or maybe gormless that one people over a willingness to get inv... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And handing it in to a man in a room with tin foil on the windows. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And he began prepping me for what to say to Michael. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And his connection to Chequers, which he said was only four miles from Stoke Mandeville. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And his friends in high places. Margaret Thatcher the royal family. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And I did a couple of print interviews. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And I got Sarah to read the message to make sure I'd struck the right tone. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And I thought here I am aged 47. Still making a fool of myself for the purposes of a TV show, creating connections in unlikely places in a spirit in which the boundaries between. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And if you don't have a benevolent dictator, you have a tyrant. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And in a positive way, emerging from the fog of my own indoctrination, I felt what was probably a salutary urge to make something of myself to separate myself from my family to prove. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And in fact, my obsession with authenticity, while it occasionally went overboard, was probably my greatest asset when I looked back at what worked in that first episode about militias and survival... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And of course we will speak together eye to eye, face to face or whatever, probably before the next Millennium, but who knows? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And one part of me saw it this way, but another greater part was dubious. Suspecting that the transformation was not wholly earned and therefore not really mine. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And references to himself as a mob boss, the Godfather and El Capo de tutti Capi, which he pronounced in Yorkshire Neapolitan. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And so I found myself enduring the indignity of straining to understand a long stumbling rendition of an unfavourable review down a transatlantic phone line. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And so without quite realizing it, I entered into a strange, mutually parasitic quasi friendship, quasi deep cover investigation into his dark side. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And so, alongside the opportunistic outings up to Leeds for interviews to promote programs and DVDs was another motivation to keep U with Jimmy. The idea of generating copy from my diary. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And so, in this spirit, not quite knowing how committed we were to one another, but carrying on regardless, we found a new apartment in a semi desolate but supposedly up and coming area of Brooklyn. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And someone remarked on the ridiculousness of the lyric about eating purple berries. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And spy itself. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And the crew would follow behind. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And then at the hotel, we'll approach me with the air of someone with a secret. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And then it was all over. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And then it was my turn group two was called and what after all was I doing here? If I wasn't going to get involved? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And then on occasion the unexpected happens and your contributors are accused of a bizarre sexual assault at a swingers party in Ilford. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And then the name of Jimmy Saville came up. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And there had been one or two suggestions of non mainstream romantic practices including an Oxford student who'd gone public to say that during a speaking engagement at the university, Christine ha... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And they said all right, Jim, you didn't give him half enough and they never nicked me for it. And I never altered. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And to be fair, seriously, why was I being offered a network TV job? Weird looking gawky, socially awkward, unqualified, anxious 23 years old. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And truth be told, it was also just something I enjoyed the release from my normal existence and sometimes an occasion to imagine myself in a wholly other life. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And two stories about the militiamen and survivalists in Idaho and Montana, one by Philip Weiss, another by William T Vollmann that depicted them as rather romantic figures. Confused idea. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And was by turns comical and self deprecating. Friendly and unhinged. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And was hosted by the comedian Dennis Miller, though he was never around until we taped several of the other writers had come over from a live chat show Miller hosted which was dark over the summer. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And we'll filmed, while a contagion of irrationality, rampaged outside. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And what was wrong with the lyric about eating purple berries? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And what will it be? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And Whitcomb was a difficult subject for me, for very different reasons. The documentaries that had tended to work best so far were those that placed me as a straight man in a strange world in subc... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And will it be on Earth? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And without me wanting it to the embarrassing parts of my brain began entertaining all sorts of visions of grandiose success with Baftas, dancing around in a conga line. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And yet I was also very worried, prone finding causes for anxiety in the most unlikely scenarios that I would never be able to read and write that I'd be unable to pay my taxes when I was grown up ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And yet, as much as I liked to flatter myself, that I had a technique and knew what I was doing, I was aware that much of it was adventitious and undeserved hinging on lucky breaks and collaborators. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And you also worked in Metro. I was surprised he'd heard of Santa Clara Valley's free alternative weekly. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And you got the nerve to ask me that bullshit down at Nitro what the hell you think we're on athletes hell, we're the best athletes in the damn world. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
And you've seen Roger and me, right? He will definitely ask you about it. It's your favorite film. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Anne had brought her mother, Rita, who was as cheeky and playful as Anne was stolid and withholding, and also a female friend of Singaporean heritage, whose name I don't recall. No sapphic. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Anne's eccentricity was more low key, genteel, rather than outlandish. She was not a performer or a light entertainment turn. She was a politician. The world of Westminster and MP's. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another brief lives took its cue from John Aubrey, the 17th century diarist. It would be 10 minute profiles of random weird people I found intriguing. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another favorite phrase was you've let yourself down. He said this to me many times in particular, if he took against a line of probing, as in, you've let yourself down with that question also. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another frequent interaction involved being complimented on shows I hadn't made. I don't just mean the title was wrong. Wacky weekends is a common misnomer, and I don't bother to correct it. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another friend, Zach Sandler, introduced me to the world of comics. The fabulous furry freak brothers by Gilbert Sheldon, viz. And in history class, we'd compose strips doing all. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another had written in offering to make a cup of tea for Jimmy as his fix it. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another impression my dad used to do involve me saying, but why does the man have his mouth open? He was based on a dimly remembered incident on a bus or a train or somewhere in London. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another involved Michael flying to Britain and buying a lordship. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another on short billionaires calculating their adjusted height. If each 100 million was worth an extra inch. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another strange bit of terminology was calling normal non uniform clothing shag good Lord Thiroux. Why are you in shag? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another time he called up to chat and share a couple of jokes here. Why does Michael Barrymore not need ashtrays? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another way of putting it would be professional celebrity, but Chris had an elevated approach to his new public position. He saw himself as a teacher and truth teller. I once read a descript. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Another, more promising Ave was the idea of a documentary portrait of an intriguing cultural figure. It had a file on Lemmy, the lead singer of Motörhead. I liked the pathos of an unregenerate Ru. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Any money Neal earned was siphoned off to pay his legal debts. Christine wasn't technically bankrupt, so she could keep her fees for media appearances. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Any other job I might have been fired at that point I realized there was an advantage to having my name in the title after all, and yet along with the feelings of doom and the embarrassment was. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Anybody who's white is welcome, Jerry said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Anything whatever. I'm asked photocopying, phone bashing. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Are we being filmed or taped? Was the first question from Beth? And then why did it take you so long to get in touch? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Are you excited? I asked. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Are you sexually quite normal? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Are you the bloke that does that thing? Are you who I think you are? One? I didn't know how to respond to was I love the way you take the piss out of those cunts said to me by three young men from ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Around that time, figures like Gary Glitter and Pete Townsend were being accused of downloading images of child abuse on their computers. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Around this time, Sarah and I separated. She initiated the breakup, possibly thinking a little bit of a reality check would focus my mind and shock me into a more serious commitment to my future wi... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Around. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Arriving at Oxford, I'd planned to take it easy kick back a little, start to enjoy life, go out bird dogging chicks and banging Beaver. Or if that couldn't be arranged, maybe take a long walk. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Arriving at the airport for some reason, I treated myself to a greasy breakfast. Possibly it slowed us down because when we reached the gym we were a little late. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Articles about Nazis and sexual predators felt like forbidden literature. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As an outfit, they were friendly and hospitable, flattered by the attention of a foreign film crew. Rick's boast was that they were the most extreme wrestling troupe in America. Bare barbed wire. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As an unsolicited Easter egg, it made a strange and telling counterpoint to the 0 tolerance footage Jimmy on and off. The Jimmy, who loved innocent good fellowship and the. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As before, Will was mixing 2 formats using a full crew for the bigger scenes and filming intimate scenes and after hours material on a small DV camera nicknamed the toy camera that he operate. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As for Thor, the Congress was a washout. Almost no one had heard of him or the alien resistance movement. His name drew blanks everywhere. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As funny as it was, seeing me on location in Idaho talking to a neo-Nazi, wouldn't it be twice as amusing to see a neo-Nazi interacting with a UFO contactee who was channel? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As he said this, Neil and Christine flanked him, both looking impassive. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As I grew older and my tastes became more decadent, one of my pleasures was TV that went wrong. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As I had with Jerry from time to time, I would phone or e-mail and ask how everything was going. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As I left putting on my woolly hat and stepping out into the cold dark Montana night, I said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As I packed along with my clothes, I also had some Christmas gifts I'd bought for family members back in England. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As I said, I'm not going to go any further than I've just gone. I don't regard it as anybody else's business. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As it became clear that Karen was going to broadcast her feelings of frustration to the world. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As it became clearer that Spy was going under, I half heartedly thought about an exit plan. I wasn't sure what it would look like. I made desultory approaches to other New York magazines writing le... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As long as his most basic needs were met, unfussy, food, shelter, cigars, he considered himself well taken care of. As for the demons of loneliness, anxiety, melancholy. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As much as the shows were still viewed as Mickey taking by some, there was also enough humanity that they worked as the opposite exercises in rounding out people usually seen in two dimensions. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As my departure date for the trip drew near anxieties set in. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As our conversation went on, I began to sense that Beth and Alice had slightly different attitudes to their experience. Beth still seemed loyal to Jimmy slightly in awe of him, and keen to highligh... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As someone who took four goes to pass his driving test, I'm not sure that's true. Well, Mr threw congratulations on once again, getting feedback on your test. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As the culture of Tower House rubbed off on us, my dad noticed we were turning into little twerps from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As the day wore on with our stomachs empty and no letup in the questioning, the mood became more captious and irritable. We were in danger of getting bogged down in a rhetorical slugfest, exchangin... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As the Minutes passed, there was a palpable escalation in the groaning and gyrating. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As the shoot went late, I could see the crew becoming impatient. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As the years passed and I made more episodes of my TV series, Jerry was joined in my mental scrapbook by a handful of other characters whose fates are continued to be curious about long. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As those who have been to my events before, the massage Artois, the Tantra events know I'm really into putting together events where you learn something about yourself, Cliff said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As time went on, I saw friends making plans for their future, setting up appointments with careers advisors, going to jobs, fairs, meeting emissaries of big companies. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As to the idea of me doing a regular in my own style documentary about him voiced by me or whatever Uri was not so keen. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As unlikely as it sounded, the police were taking the accusation seriously. They'd had three months to check the information. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As was our custom in those days, we started with a tour of the place chatting as we went. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
As we travelled, Leanne and Charles were wondering aloud, given the screw up, which of their various past lives they were now reliving. They couldn't seem to agree and were becoming irritable. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Assemblies up schools started with a recitation of the Lord's Prayer in Latin, pronounced in a special Westminster style, and it was said that the dining tables in College hall, a separate roof bea... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At another level, of course it made perfect sense at that level, I was neither kind, nor right, nor honest, depending on how you define those things. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At breakfast the next morning I met up with the segment producer. Hi Daniel, I said David. He said David. Of course. Yes, such an interesting subject. I said really keen to get star. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At Cliff's direction, we separated into three groups. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At dinner one evening, it may even have been after the Lord Harris visit. Neil and Christine made an elliptical reference to a new commitment, something in the diary that was causing them a lot of ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At first I was enjoying the liveliness of the scene, the shouting and chanting. Then I got tired, and that's when things got slightly weird. It seemed it wasn't as simple as saying, right, lads, th... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At least as much as the politics. I enjoyed the weirdness and danger of the show and its writers. And in the spirit of Shakespeare's third life stage, I was seeking the bubble reputation in the car. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At marathon meetings, Michael and his wife Kathleen, who was also an exec on the show, would sit in session with the writers as producers came in for progress reports on the segments they were deve... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At one point it was mentioned that lawyers might get involved, since some of my weird weekend's ideas were similar to segments I'd pitched at TV Nation, but no suit ever materialized. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At that time they were fixtures of a low wattage celebrity circuit. Neil Hamilton, a former minister of Arch Thatcherite views, had been forced out of politics for allegedly taking bribes. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At that time, Westminster also had a system known as Fagging. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the back of the shop there were live shows and the three of us, me, Sarah and Justin, crammed into a single booth and put quarters into a slot. A screen came down to reveal an ample smiling. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the beginning of 1998, word came that the BBC had finally scheduled the first four episodes of weird weekends. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the beginning of 2001 I signed a contract for a book. It was to be a kind of celebrity diary detailing my star-studded encounters the glamorous social carousel of a young TV presenter. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the beginning of my last year at Westminster, I sat what was called fourth term, an entrance paper to study at Oxford weeks of memorization of history. Essays followed a month or two after I sat. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the end of my first term, I struck up a romance with a fellow student. She seduced me, coming down to my bedroom half drunk one evening and saying, kiss me. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the end of the summer, we'd fly back to London and our other lives saddled with a sense of doom. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the end, when filming was completed, I felt we'd got away with it just about and had enough material to make an entertaining 50 minutes of television, but that we hadn't broken through the crust... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the first lecture I went to 21 year old Jason Andrews from Kent claimed to go up in spaceships three or four times a week. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the office I would gaze at the grandeur of the backissues fat and full of ingenious features. Eviscerations of the rich and powerful satirical takes on lazy pop cultural tropes. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the police station we split up. Will and I waited outside while the Hamiltons went into the station to be interviewed for a while. All was quiet. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the same time I was making enemies of the teachers. I was also, slightly paradoxically becoming increasingly fixated on work without really being conscious of it. I tried to control my. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the same time, I enjoyed these concepts more as a spectator than as a believer in the spirit of George Orwell. When he wrote, there are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the same time, I was aware that a kind of television renaissance was taking place, and particularly in the area of comedy shows like The Simpsons and Larry Sanders and Seinfeld were bringing a n... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the same time, I'd been thinking about how much I'd enjoyed my time in the world. So the first four shows, and specifically what great characters we'd found. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the same time, many people regarded the Hamilton's appetite for coverage as a further example of their supposed shamelessness and another count against them. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the time I didn't have enough TV experience to know how far from being a typical show TV nation was. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the time I took him to be saying either that he was celibate or that he had legions of lovers dotted around the country, but neither scenario seemed very plausible and I considered that the Ridd... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the time it was great fun. Lot of laughs, but there were negatives as well, she said, looking back, I wonder if he gave a shit. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the time we approached, they were attempting to make lemonade from the lemons of their disgrace plying their trade as professional objects of curiosity. Neil's term. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At the weekend when I had finished studying, I'd hunt for house parties among the student lodgings up and down Cowley Road, and Iffley Rd. Since his primed for any open doors and the Sound of Music... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At this bow began scrawling over great swathes of the country, ruling out areas in the tornado belt. The giant flood belt, the Blizzard zone, nuclear waste in Nevada. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
At this distance, I can't recall what decided me one way or another. I just know that in December of 1992 I drove in my Honda Civic not West to Mongolia, which would have been tricky with. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Back at Michael Coleman's house, there were drinks. Christine had several fortifying glasses of wine. Then the four of us kneel and Christine will and me continued on to the Battersea Flat. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Back in the office, a meeting was convened to figure out whether it was worth continuing with the idea, me, Kevin will and my old exec David, who came down from the lofty citadel of his new job. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Back in the office, I told David about the conversation. He turned out to be a trove of Weird Jimmy Saville facts. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Based in Mount Airy, NC, quintessential small town America and supposedly the real life model for the fictional Mayberry of the Andy Griffith show, it was like a hillbilly am DRAM, true? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Based on my experience, if the ability to deliver subjects for a series of puckish first person TV profiles of intriguing public figures is any guide Jimmy Saville had as much clout as you'd expect. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Based on paper thin knowledge of the then fashionable theories of postmodernism, I said things like art is like a chicken running around with its head cut off. It's dead. It just doesn't know. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Be they trivial, like tying one's shoelaces, or packing clean underwear, or having a cooker, or more profound like the love of children, or a wife. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Bearing in mind Michael's advice, I waited for camping to finish what he had to say before asking follow up questions, but there weren't many breaks in the torrent of theology and so camping had fr... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Became a byword for a kind of extreme stress and emotional exhaustion. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Because he wasn't who he claimed to be. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Because I myself am a little self doubting, I assume other people are happy to examine their contradictions. But it wasn't so, and in many cases those whose faith was most important to them, like Bob. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Because we live in a very funny world, he said, and it's easier for me as a single man. To say I don't like children because that puts a lot of salacious tabloid people off the hunt. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Becoming excited at the idea that I was from the media, Michael offered to move a piece of paper with his mind. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Beep. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Before arriving, I'd learned that the LUNARIANS enjoyed dressing up in space themed costumes for big celebration days and also to make their visionary films. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Before I left London, I'd tried searching on the Internet, his name turned up on a couple of websites dedicated to devil worship. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Before we flew to the location, the segment producer Kent Alterman convened a bull session in the conference room. Someone suggested it might be funny if I wore a Klan robe and hood during filming. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Behave as if you're never going to get another job in television. He would say he told us we should consider it a good sign if we were ever arrested while making a segment. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Being ill, I'd missed his lecture that day on Starkids hybrid children with advanced abilities, but after we'd eaten, he began testing the auras of some of those at our table. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Being in the swim of hordes of media types of a similar age. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Being trans Iberian express. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Bernard Manning, the northern comedian given to racially charged humour, was another perennial, bunking up with him at his place in Manchester. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Beth led the conversation and was the more voluble of the pair she'd known Jimmy longer and had occupied a sort of leadership position in their little group as organiser and diary keeper. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Blossom about obsessive fans and paparazzi who stood in gaggles outside stars homes in New York. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Bo Gritz never shut up the Aaron Russo material was so poor. I don't think we ever spoke about it from that day on. It was like a national tragedy or a terminal illness, just to mention. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Bob closed his eyes, he rocked in his chair and snorted, and gurgled and twitched from side to side. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Bob huffed. Sure, you know I'll even ask my wife. I'll say, surely did this really happen? She'll say, Robert, you know it did because we have it documented. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Bob mentioned that Courton had told his wife Shirley, what kind to get down to the mileage and the colour. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Bob put on some slippers and rested his feet on a cushion. The only light came through the edges of the blinds, which had been pulled down. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Bob went and got a bag of gnarled silverware and flung it on the table. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Bob's vocal chords gave voice to several distinct personalities. Operators who were working a kind of interdimensional telephone exchange. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Booking celebrities turned out to be a bit like dating the people you want won't have you. And the people who'll have you you don't want. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Borrowing from a program had watched as a child called in at the deep end, I had added the device of following my attempts to participate in the worlds I was reporting on. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Both were first generation, university educated and placed a high value on literature and the written word. They encouraged us to view the artistic life and specifically fine writing as the highest... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Brian too was transformed, no longer shy and introspective. He had become ebullient. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Brian's bout had him pitted against some Kung Fu fighters from a local martial arts Academy, the School of Hard Knocks who were bald headed and dressed in only pajama bottoms. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
British rap was then spotty at best. There was Derek B, who was a pale photocopy of an American embassy. MC Duke was more interesting. He styled himself like a country Squire. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Buddha was preaching the idea of pacifism long before Jesus was. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But at that moment I was confused in the footage. You can see me glance off camera for help. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But at the time, I didn't think that I was just happy to feel part of the team. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But by now I was so spent. I didn't have it in me to come up with a second one. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But David saw reasons to keep the faith, whether because he enjoyed the fractious quality of the encounter, or possibly just because he knew Jimmy was still enough of a name to pull in viewers, and... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But despite my best resolutions, working less proved more difficult than you might imagine. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But for a moment, the idea of a community in which the currency of sex and love was more free flowing made a tiny bit of sense. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But having decided to break the agent rule, I thought I'd break the other rule too. I labeled the final draft first draft, then sent it off to Paul Simms. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But he was also a talented mimic and natural performer. He'd grown up in Washington DC, raised by his mum, and later on he'd embraced hip hop culture. One year he arrived at the Cape in a shell suit. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But he was still enough. The Medford raised boy to also think we were pampered ninnies nincompoops. Who would be better off pinging tin cans with an air gun and learning how to tie sailor's knots a... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But his wife Maria didn't want to be on camera, which was a deal breaker for us. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But how it went after that, we will never know, because Anne kept interrupting, telling her mother to be quiet, seeming to feel that to have a family member declaiming nonsense verse on TV would be a. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But I also had pangs of conscience. Increasingly, I worried I was taking something real and abusing it, building trust and making it a basis for ridicule. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But I do think failure is often more interesting and revealing than success. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But I felt I had tried to do things correctly and later I wondered if the urge to conduct one's emotional affairs correctly was part of the issue. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But I felt I'd scored a small victory redeeming the preceding hours of fruitless filming by showing his habit of brazenly and untruthfully self mythologizing, albeit over a trivial exaggerate. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But I thought you handled it rather brilliantly. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But I was also struggling with a sense of self exposure. One of my impulses in making documentaries had always been an urge for invisibility and escape. This time my escape route had led out into a... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But if I could write my way into a job in Hollywood, it would all seem more earned. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But if the extent of Bo's good faith was hard to figure out, what was more worrying was a more basic issue. The growing sense as we filmed that both steamrolling style was simply a bit. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But in the course of cutting down the material, something surprising happened. The tension and the sense of me being out of my depth combined to give the encounter a power I hadn't expected. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But it quickly became clear these were a different calibre of racist. They weren't sequestered in the mountains of western Montana, Lonely and Maladapted. They were in mainstream America, their shape. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But it was all a salutary apprenticeship. I was learning without realizing it skills and techniques that I would rely on through the course of my TV career. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But it's also probably the case that he enjoyed my company and wills since we always saw him together and on our side. There was also a mixture of impulses using him for publicity later for. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But mainly I was confused by the turn of events and bothered by the strangeness of finding myself now a part of the story. As I increasingly was in almost all the coverage, there was a photo of me ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But other than these tonal issues, the film came together with surprising ease and even in its earliest, long cuts was engaging throughout. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But she'd been worried that talking to religious loonies might disturb her mental equilibrium. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But speaking to him, under false pretences didn't feel right, and I wasn't sure how to get off the phone. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But that Christmas episode, what was that about? I sat watching it with a friend and I built it up to him and it just Oh dear. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But that's his left hand. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But the book was protein in its conception and in one of its more stable forms. It was a meditation on Jimmy Saville and an attempt to go further into unravelling his enigma. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But the idea of being a writer didn't seem especially realistic, and as my graduation date approached, I looked out at the inhospitable world, feeling like a prison inmate. After years of incarcerate. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But the line had then gone quiet and I wasn't quite sure what the next move was. I didn't want to badger him too much and during breaks, or just going about my day, I wandered the central courtyard... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But the trip was mainly memorable for an outing to Hollywood where amid the array of fleabitten attractions shops selling plastic Oscars fly by night guides with vans, advertising tours of. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But their flat, a gauntlet of press 6 or 7 camera people with top lights on swivelled in unison without saying a word. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But there was no noticeable lessening of the verbal assault. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But thereafter Marcel rejoiced in telling me about Jack, the stripper, a serial killer whose MO was to choke prostitutes to death using his penis. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But to what? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But was right in his comfort zone of delivering a kind of ad hoc radio show to an audience of 1. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But we still loved each other. I more than I realized, and we were also alone, knowing barely another soul in the city in any intimate way. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
But you can't just keep feeding and feeding and it wasn't totally clear what the next move was. You squeeze the shoulders, massage the arms a little bit, but then what? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Butler picked me up in Hayden, ID in a creaky old Cadillac, accompanied by an aide de camp, whom he introduced as Reverend Jerry Groudle. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Butler wanted to open the mail, so Jerry offered to take me on a tour of the rest of the compound. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Butler's outfit Aryan Nations represented the far end of that spectrum. A strange racist group that styled itself a church. It was the most famous neo-Nazi org. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By coincidence, also on the Sunset Gower lot with the Newsradio offices. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By now I had bigger things to worry about and for once it wasn't the struggle to get programs going, but something far weirder. The fact that a program having got going had unexpected. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By now I had the impression I had cast a kind of benign spell over them, and that there was almost nothing I could say that would break it. I sang a space hymn that the Lunarians had taught me and ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By now I'd had a first cursory meeting with Paul Simms. He'd seemed friendly, though a little distracted and I'd sent some follow up plot ideas along. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By now Sarah had taken a job teaching English in a remote area of China for a year. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By now we've been joined by a journalist from the Mail on Sunday called Paul Henderson, who declined to go on camera and lurked in the kitchen. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By now, I'd at least found some friends, a small gang of arty types who, like me, were a little bit pretentious over interested in music and comedy and scared of girls. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By now, with the crowd streaming out of the venue, it wasn't clear whom I could speak to. There was no sign of the publicity Guy Alan and I was running out of options. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By prior arrangement, we'd shot a greeting on a hillside where Mike and his friend Pat were building a house where in Carpenter's overalls, clambering amid a carcass of two by fours, surrounded by ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By the end of filming, I'd arrived at an assessment of him as a rather remote figure, annoying, self involved, but that those negatives existed alongside more surprising qualities of intelligence a... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By the end of the shoot, I had no clear sense of whether we had what we needed to make the segment work. I was aware that I hadn't been in control of the encounters in the way I had on the Millenni... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By the time his piece appeared, I was back in America. I couldn't find it online. This was before newspapers were routinely on the web and they had to resort to calling up the Evening Standard offi... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By the time we were ready, Christmas was nearly upon us to squeeze in the chute and still make it back home to England on Christmas Eve, I realized I'd have to fly straight from Idaho. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
By this time I was working on my celebrity diary book thing. So my main impulse may have been to generate some material for that, though there was also a personal sense of curiosity about what. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Camping said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Camping took me on a tour of his radio studio, pointing out the collection of Christian Records, some of whose tracks had been marked with little stickers to indicate that they had too much beat. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Can you get wood? That's the most important thing right there. He said. Can you keep a heart on the entire time? Believe it or not, it's not easy. I don't care how beautiful she is some. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Caught on had me down as a pothead for some reason, I said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Caught on the headliner speaks in a booming monotone. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Caught on then spoke for several minutes about oil cartels and the invasion of Kuwait. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chaotic and spread out as it is. The UFO world is not an easy community to dip into, but once a year hundreds of its constituents gather at a low budget hotel casino called the Flames. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 2 the Fulani people of Nigeria. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 3 bird dogging chicks and banging Beaver. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 4 the way to San Jose. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 5. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 6 Millennium. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 7 don't burn me now. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 8 popular documentary. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 9 dead heads for doll. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 10 from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 11 weird Christmas. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 12 habits of work. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 13 if you're going to puke puke chunks. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 14 The Godfather. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 15 zero tolerance. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 16 celebrity roundelay from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 17 professional objects of curiosity. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter 18 Jimmy links. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chapter one boisterous. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Charles and Leanne disappeared. He was strange and depressing. Comedy and hijinks had curdled into a feeling of being lost and forlorn. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Charles was in his 70s and had been married to one of the founders of Unarius, Ruth L Norman. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chris encouraged me to send Michael some segment ideas. I sat in front of the computer and tried to come up with something. The only one I recall had to do with the fatwa against Salman Rushdie. I ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chris Eubank had the hallmarks of being more TV friendly a love hate figure of the sports world, reviled by many for his pose of arrogance. He was also one of the greatest British boxers of all tim... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chris separated from Karen a few years afterwards. I still have a soft spot for the film, though it's been a while since I watched it. I have a soft spot for Chris too. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chris was in a dress shirt, tireless now with the sleeves rolled up. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Chris's face took on the hooded look of an Easter Island statue, and, weirdly, I couldn't help feeling a degree of sympathy for him. Self styled role model to an abstract concept of the Navy. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Christ was coming back on the Tuesday or possibly the Thursday and every mountain and island would be moved out of their places. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Christine was up and down Sterned and fierce one minute, dissolving into tears the next, which to be fair, seems a reasonable reaction when accused of ****. I'm having a bit of a dip. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Christine, in one of her stock phrases of disapproval, said, well, thank you very much. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Christine, put her arm around Neil. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Churning through rejections was like a Groundhog Day of phone calls and letters to light entertainment has beens and deposed foreign despots. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Clearly they had less money at stake than the big name wrestlers. I also tend to think their self mutilation was so sanguinary and extreme that they didn't feel the need to lay claim to any other k... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Cliff was keeping up a patter of encouragement, find connection on a deeper level, he intoned as he paced up and down across from me. A long haired woman who I knew to be a doctor. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Colonel Gritz, how are you doing? We're from the BBC. Well, you're too early it's tomorrow, isn't it? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Communications are unlimited when things are put back right. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Conventional wisdom held that you were supposed to write 2 scripts and use them to get an agent. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Corporal punishment was common a whack on the hand with a ruler or plimsoul or a visit to the headmaster's office, for a taste of the sword. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Coughton said possibly, but that I'd have to change my lifestyle. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Could you do it now? I said gently. I'm not going to do a demonstration for you, Louis. OK, now I'm a bit tired. So just be careful. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Critics had their own opinions, mostly positive but not wildly so. I had the sense they hadn't really understood how much in them was new. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Crossing Moreland bridge. I nodded at many of the same faces as in Westminster's Little Dean's yard. The location had moved 56 miles down the M40, but the population was to a great extent. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David always enjoyed those professional duties that involved a sense of occasion, especially when he was in the role of bestower of largesse, and he drew out the reveal like a judge on a talent show. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David flew back to London, presumably to make plans to start production imminently. While I disbelievingly commenced A1 man Bataan Death March. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David made the decision to do survivalists first. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David Mortimer had explained that I should be thinking of ideas in the popular documentary genre. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David Mortimer was at the shoot offering suggestions, one of which was that I should take my boxes off. He said they'd use an effect, possibly blurring or maybe a little box to make sure nothing wo... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David renamed this one Louis Theroux's weird weekends. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David said he shared the same ambition for the programmes, though occasionally I sensed he was troubled by my enthusiasm for showing contributors with unsavoury political views in three dimensions. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David sent back a considered e-mail, taking my points one by one and ending by saying he didn't like to be called Dave. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David titled The documentary when Louis met Jimmy. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David was in ecstasies over the success of the show, nearly 5,000,000 viewers, stories and all the papers, but it worried me since there was almost nothing to be learned from making the documentary... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David would be a close collaborator for seven years and would guide me with varying degrees of involvement through three series of weird weekends that when Louis met documentaries and a period of c... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
David, who was coming on as my series producer, had by now moved himself and his girlfriend from London for the nine month duration of the production. The BBC was paying for some sweet digs in Gree... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Day 2 followed in the same vein in his kitchen. After I asked him playfully about a stash of spirits, I discovered in his the famous Teetotallers cabinet. He gave me a mini tutorial about how to co... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Despite the Hamilton's evident stress and anxiety, Coleman was having trouble hiding his own relish for the impending battle with the police and media. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Did that not cramp your style a little bit, since you couldn't bring girls home because your mum wouldn't let you sleep with women, didn't want to sleep with them? Good heavens, Jimmy said with fei... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Did that not cramp your style? Jimmy? I repeated, I'll answer the question, Jimmy said, pointing outside. If you see over there on the horizon, a caravan camp, I had a caravan there. So that was th... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Did you argue much when you were living together? I asked never. Jimmy said. No point in arguing. And what if you had a girl with you? She would have actually killed the girl. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Did you see the TV nation pilot you know asked? Yes, I did. So funny and the segments you did on The Tonight Show. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Discos open and close, he said hospitals never close. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you ever wonder if it's real? I asked. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you hate being called a hate group? The white people of my family. I love them, but it doesn't mean I hate anybody else. Hating people is stupid. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you I ventured? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you know about the inverted pyramid? My shitty times editor Lorraine asked. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you know Africans think we're backward because we sit in baths and not running water, she would say. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you know at one stage they were going to lock us each in a cell? Christine said. Can you believe it just because Max Clifford and some tart have invented this allegation? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you mean you've never had a girlfriend? Friends that are girls, 8,000,000 friends that are girls? Yeah, but girlfriend in the sense of today. I you are together you don't bother with anybody els... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you see how stupid the questions were? You asked at Monday night, Nitro, he asked. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you suppose there's a case for just doing 1 to begin with and then sort of seeing how it goes? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you think I might be allowed to stay on planet Earth? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Do you think it has to have my name in it? Louis Theroux's weird weekends. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Doesn't he believe there are 12 foot lizard people running the planet? I asked? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Dominate me. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Don't know. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Don't want it just to be fringe? Need mix fringe, sex, celebrity violence, villainy fun. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Don't worry, Jerry Kupfer said. Take your time, no need to rush in. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Don't yell was stark. Naked in a desk chair. It's easier than putting my clothes down and taking them off again. She explained. Meaning for photographers and directors I assume. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Donnell had made a series of undercover reports using hidden cameras, with the result that is highly secret face was now nationally famous. He, too, was trying to figure out a way forward, like an ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Drawing him into an undignified squabble? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Dream deceivers about a pair of teenagers in rural America who attempted suicide under the influence of a Judas Priest record. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Driving back to Las Vegas, I reflected that there was a lesson in my encounter with Bob. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Drones existing in a sinister confected reality in which nothing is really what it seems. The Kennedy assassination Iran Contra the cancellation of the TV series The X. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
During a 1 to 1 midway through my second term, Moreland's head history tutor Angus McIntyre told me he thought I was on track to get a first in the end of year exams. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
During my first visit for the documentary, I'd spent a matter of hours with Bob, most of which was taken up with the channelling session. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
During one such dinner at a pub in Scotland, Jimmy had picked up the camera while will and I were off somewhere else and delivered a secret message. An odd sentimental little peep into our group. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
During the holidays there was a show called Why Don't you that had the paradoxical brief of encouraging viewers to stop watching TV and do something else, develop a hobby like falconry or Trainspot... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
During the wreckage, the director and AP visited locations and met and interviewed a variety of potential contributors with a view to deciding who would be in the eventual film. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Each focused on a defined area of the country. This helped give the show an organic quality, a unity of place and look, and with each I try to stick to the idea of giving the program a sense of pat... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Early in the evening he'd sometimes come and say hello, and we'd make conversation. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Early in the filming I flew down to Florida with my crew to visit a WCW Rd show called Monday Night Nitro. There was a bright sunny day and fans in ball caps and a few in. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Ed OG a positive rapper from Boston, who probably nobody but me, remembers, stopped halfway through his freestyle, unable to find a rhyme. Schoolly Dee and Evelyn. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Eden Simon went on a wrecky a pre filming trip to scout locations and characters a week or so later they returned sounding broadly positive about what they'd found. The only hiccup was that many. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Eight years on from my meeting with Thor and hoping to find him again, I arrived early in the evening. A paid up attendee of the 14th gathering of the Congress. The kickoff. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Embattled amid the surrounding blandness of San Jose, Metro felt like the citadel of a small counterculture. We were lonely holdouts flying the flag of strangeness in a vast India. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Even afterwards, I didn't think of myself as married. I imagined that if we ever did decide to marry for real, which I thought we might, we'd get married again. It was a little confusing. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Even allowing for exaggeration, it hinted at a much darker, more brutal figure than the one the world knew. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Even among those unapologetically devoted to ways of life, I viewed as harmful a pimp in Mississippi, a poor nationalist in South Africa, an unscrupulous spiritual figure like a spy. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Even when I was staying an hour away in Long Beach, I was the first one in the office and the last to leave. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Even when we had an idea there followed weeks of research led by the director at his or her AP in which magazines and newspapers were gone through phone calls made old films watched until they. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Eventually I made my way out, having promised to return the following day, which Needless to say I didn't do. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Eventually, after tireless efforts, a couple of names came on board. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Ever wondered how wrestlers get in shape or presented? Darren went to find out. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Every time they read out the address that's London W12 8QT. I couldn't find a pen in time to write it down. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Everybody back up, sodd shouted. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Evidently they had their limits because either he or my mum tore out one chapter. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Except instead of a shadowy group of super villains bent on world domination, they are Tweedy academics dribbling into their soup. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Eyes wide she trailed off. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Featuring photos of me and Jimmy. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Feeling burned, I wrote to hip hop connection complaining about their uncritical promotion of British artists. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Felt to me like a prison sentence. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Filming resumed, though there was always the lurking sense of her having mixed feelings about the project, enjoying the attention, but hating and resenting any question that hinted at salaciousness... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Filming went smoothly enough, taking place in the week leading up to Christmas smoothly in the sense that there were plenty of made for TV arguments between the contributors. Early on, it became cl... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Finally, after 45 minutes or so, I overcame my natural urge to be obliging and said, I'm so sorry, but I really have somewhere I need to be. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Finally, through his assistant, another meet up was arranged. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Finally, what felt like hours later, the crew called from a pay phone that found the landing site and would meet us there. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Fine, I did some more Hindu squats, some running on the spot and screaming, then feeling I really had had enough. I retreated to a small dressing area only for Sage to. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
First, the excitable musical pioneer Ike Turner, who was mainly known for physically abusing his wife Tina. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Five or six years after my visit, a well respected wrestler, David Bautista, who went on to find success as an actor playing Drax in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, described a very similar ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For 10 or 20 seconds, nothing happened. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For a final coup de grace in the story, we found news footage of Michael Lowe and Tom Robert rallies facing off with counter protesters being less guarded and more openly racist than they had with me. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For a long time, I imagine that some of the questions I had about Jimmy might be answered if I could just induce him to take an off camera excursion with me to Broadmoor. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For a man whose persona was so cartoonish, any subtlety of insight tended to come as a surprise. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For a moment I was filled with a weird giddy feeling of cosmic insignificance mixed in with a Tang of fear. And then I heard a voice saying DP YN, an acronym that stood for. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For a moment, he appeared on the verge of saying something, then thought better of it, and walked on. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For a small British magazine I got stoned and played Tetris on the computer. I stared at the red eyed figure in the bathroom mirror looking for answers to who I was and what I was supposed to be do... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For a while it turned farcical with Christine freaking out that the banner was lying crumpled out on the drive. In view of the cameras. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For a while, Michael developed a sitcom for Fox called Better Days, which Jim Belushi was supposedly attached to. It was to be a more political Roseanne. He sent me a copy of his script and I tried... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For a year and a half up the Amazon in a rickety motorboat in the revolutionary hills of Mexican Chiapas among religious crazies in Jerusalem and good old boys in the back roads of the Deep South. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For all his political bent, Michael seemed to view his writers in an almost talismanic way, recognizing that for the show to work it needed first and foremost to be funny. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For an idea to work there also needed to be some political or social relevance. A branch of the Ku Klux Klan whose leader was rebranding it a civil rights group for white people. Avon sales ladies ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For each episode, I spent a concentrated period of time in a subculture alien to my own outlook and way of life in which the subjects had a commitment to something I viewed as wrongheaded. Weird, l... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For face saving purposes, we called it a trial separation. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For me it's not. He said it's the opposite. I finally found somewhere where I liked being where I'm appreciated. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For me, a fan of rap being mentioned by Fat Joe was a kind of baptism. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For most of that, O level year of 1985, I kept a diary which I can't now put my hand to, but can probably summarise without too much difficulty. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For nourishment Jimmy had laid on a packet of Frazzles and some chocolate biscuits. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For people threatened by attack from hostile space aliens. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For several days I made sorties to sites around LA, a pilgrimage to Compton, spawning ground for the rap group, N.W.A, a road trip down to the Mexican border city of Tijuana. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For several months I lived in Boston with my brother sleeping on his futon. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For some reason you have a hold over the public imagination I said and there is a sexual dimension to it. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For some topics, because of their weightiness and lack of obvious comedy, it was a case of needing to gain the confidence to know how to handle them. Or maybe earning the right to cover them. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For the Christianity photos, I held a large wooden crucifix and shouted at the camera, which wasn't at all the feel of the episode, but I have a regrettable habit of agreeing to do what I'm asked b... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For the first day of filming, we were in the San Francisco Bay area to speak to a radio evangelist named Harold Kemping, based in Oakland, who was predicting the end of the world for later in the y... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For the first four episodes, I had my subjects pretty well mapped out. It was a bit like making a debut album like a bag of songs. I've been thinking about those shows for a couple of years at leas... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For the first week or two had been sleeping on my brother's floor in a studio apartment in Chelsea, then having encouraged me to come, he'd landed a job in London and I took over his place. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For the party, Bob was wearing a shiny gold larmee top and a gold cummerbund. His white hair was pulled back in a ponytail and though it was dark, he had sunglasses on. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
For the porn one I stripped off and made ANTIC faces while wearing only a pink feather boa and a pair of boxer shorts. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Forced together with them in the surreal circumstances of the media, siege and having lost my bearings as to what exactly my journalistic role was, I found myself enjoying the company of the Hamilt... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Four sounded ready to close the deal. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Franklin said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
From a mild sound bite of rob telling me he didn't go around saying he's a Jew, he's not a Jew. We cut to footage of Rob at a Klan event saying to a protester, you're a Jew. I'm not going to talk t... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
From a state of directionless obscurity had been vaulted into a realm of possibility I hadn't ever dared imagine. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
From another clip of Rob saying he didn't hate black people, we cut to a speech of Rob declaring in strident tones America belongs to the children of the Republic, not those from Mexico, not those ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
From colleagues, I kept hearing that the BBC was taking an interest in me. An exec had visited from London. He wrote down your name. A colleague told me. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
From our first scene in a Montana survivalist store where I indulged in some good-natured teasing of the owner while he showed me his emporium of preparedness items. Imperishable meal. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Full of ambition but with no clear sense of direction. I had the strong sense it was time to start my life and no idea how to do it. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Furries fetishists who dress up in mascot like outfits and have sex at conventions were considered but dismissed based on their having a part time and largely virtual connection. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Garage to Jaguar at the back of the playground. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Gene mentioned he could hook me up there. The randomness of the connection, the fact that I knew almost nothing about the place, tickled me. I liked the idea of making big life decisions based on v... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Given all the pressure I'd felt to shake Jimmy up and rattle his cage, it's perhaps both surprising and unsurprising that when the time came to edit the material, one of the challenges was not to m... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Given how green I was looking back, I'm surprised at how much latitude Michael afforded me to do my work. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Given how intrinsic fakery is to wrestling, it would have been a sly but understandable storytelling device. In fact, it is real, though clearly there was a performative quality to the moment. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Given that he travelled throughout the world, the idea of finding somewhere he hadn't written about and left his mark on was in fact one of its main attractions. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Given that the idea was to teach and help out, not up stumps halfway through the job, you could say that my going and then leaving was worse than not going at all. And I wouldn't argue with. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Given the accusations made in the Panorama program, I was on the lookout for evidence of far right leanings, noting the many books by Enoch Powell. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Givers feed slowly, Cliff said, feed off part of your body, but do everything slowly. Slow is always better. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Going into the museum, I'd expected 1/2 hour ramble around an unintentionally humorous slice of roadside Americana instead. I was dismayed to find I was chaperoned by a very slow movie. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Good just to be underway, David said. As we rode up in the hotel lift. Yes, I said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Gradually I fell out of contact with Jerry, but I never forgot him. The weird contrast of his warm human qualities combined with the hatefulness of his beliefs set a kind of gold standard. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Gradually my thoughts took shape in an idea. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Gradually our lifestyle changed the car. A singer Gazelle was replaced with a Canary coloured second hand Renault and then a sleek new Rover that was the least reliable of the three and often. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Group 1 began loading up plates with food and pouring drinks into plastic beakers with sippy cup lids. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Group One sat down with their plates and beakers next to them. Some took their tops off. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Growing up, if anyone had suggested, I might one day be on television, I would have looked at them quizzical and confused, wracking my brains to imagine what set of steps could possibly lead to it ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Had been planning to head back to London at the end of the summer, but as September approached, figuring I had nothing pressing to do there, I decided to stay in America. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Had grown up watching his wish fulfillment show. Gimmel Fixit, which aired on Saturdays and which was in fact the creation of its longtime producer Roger Ordish. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Had they become a byword for a certain kind of unattractive man with glasses? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Has the business changed much? I asked. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Have you been fed food before? Asked a Gray haired older lady with dangly earrings. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Have you ever had your confidence shaken? Have you ever thought? Well, maybe I'm just a con man. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Have you seen Roger and me? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Haven't yet got around to doing. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Having already made one segment involving white supremacists, I imagined it might be the same drill with the Klan. Be nice and wide eyed, and gently satirize their ludicrous racial vision. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Having been promised access, we took occupancy of a small backroom at Harrods while we waited for him to appear. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Having failed to rendezvous with the crew, we drove back to the UNARIUS headquarters and there I sat in my space uniform wondering about my next move. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Having made an appointment by phone, I drove down from Las Vegas and met him in front of a local grocery store. He was dressed in black with a black cowboy hat and dark glasses. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Having put his sporting achievements behind him, Chris was now plying his trade as a kind of children's role, model, public intellectual and style guru. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Having sex for a living, staking one's professional fortunes on an unpredictable physical organ is strange. Kind of funny and potentially pretty sad all at once. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Having suffered through the ructions and self doubt of the first episode, I'd like to be able to say that the process of making the shows became easier. It didn't. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He agreed the majority of people who buy our product don't like women. They want to see them degraded. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He and his wife lived in separate buildings he took will on a tour of his quarters. Every day I checked the papers for what films are on if it gets at least three stars. Then I tape it. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He answered the door white haired well built in a tight black T-shirt and big buckled belt and growled in a way that wasn't entirely friendly. What's going on? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He arrived unannounced in the middle of a maths lesson, having taken a 2 hour taxi ride from Harare. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He asked about my previous jobs. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He asked me to fetch a pin at the bar. They had no pins, but they gave me a tiny plastic cocktail sword. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He batted this away. Likewise, the which human meat would you eat? Hypothetical dilemma and a sophomoric riff about whether if you were checking out an attractive woman from behind and then discover. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He believes the reptilian people have an agenda here that's correct, said Darryl. A success coach from Las Vegas. Have you read his books, said Jeannie, a grizzled looking teacher from Colorado. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He bore a resemblance to Jimmy Saville, but a much older version whose platinum locks were now thin and indistinguishable from the ordinary white hair of an OAP. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He carried a cigarette holder and wore a cravat. Telling stories almost certainly fictional about a fiance who died in a tragic accident. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He claimed to be the entertainments officer, but was hard pressed to describe what entertainments he'd actually organised. It was said he used to have tea with Peter Sutcliffe, but he was cagey on ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He claimed to have killed 10 aliens himself. There is a thick gooey substance inside. He said these creatures make grown men cringe. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He comes to town and plays on an old mandelay and people put money on his tray. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He denounced Prince Philip for 15 minutes, then disappeared. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He did not teach gospel of so-called brotherly love with other races. He came only for his own race, the white race, the Aryan or Adamic race. Jones chipped in each race. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He didn't show any disquiet when I told him that we'd filmed him boasting about tying people up. He said he'd been speaking figuratively. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He doesn't tell you anything unless it's true, Bob said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He drove us back to the homestead. It was dark when we arrived, but the lights on Mike's battered truck lit up a ramshackle construction of breeze blocks and logs. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He enjoyed Chris Eubank and tried to take credit for it. Yeah, that were a good idea of mine. The boxer kid. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He enjoyed dark humour generally when the police were looking for clues to the identity of the Yorkshire Ripper for several days, they had a large team searching round hay park for clues or possibl... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He enumerated the various sources of the people's paranoia, the government's natural phenomena, nuclear power plants. So I went to FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He explained that I drank too much and smoked too much pot. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He explained that if any young men misbehaved at his clubs, he'd locked them in the boiler room until closing time. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He had a nonspecific English accent he would put on to amuse himself loosely based on a cleaning lady we had called Missus tarpey. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He had a total confidence in his own ability to handle any kind of questioning, and in fact he told me several times that he had a specific reason for agreeing to our project. I want you to find th... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He had an RAF style mustache short hair and stood at ease in the fashion of the army, maybe 40. He was attended by a woman with short blonde hair wearing a matching uniform. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He had made the decision to be unruffled by the crosswinds of fate and misfortune. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He had several poems that he knew by heart and would declaim them when the opportunity arose and carried little books with the sayings of Nietzsche and Oscar Wilde. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He had something he needed to show me. He said a piece of footage he'd shot 2 evenings earlier at Jimmy's penthouse after I'd gone to bed. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He had what seemed to be a watertight and self-contained outlook on life involving logic and a certain understanding of psychology, and perhaps more than anything, a quality of toughness and abilit... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He in turn told our executive producer David, and they followed a weird few days when they knew what the thing was and were in a position to tell me more. While I was keen not to know. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He led us out into his extensive yard, green and overgrown and backing onto fields centered around a vegetable patch. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He lived in LA in Beverly Hills. I liked the odd contradiction of his Hollywood connections and his militia leanings, and I lobbied to interview him on the same leg of filming. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He looks too much like Louis Theroux, she said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He made it his project to school me on the dishonesty and inherent instability of the Federal Reserve. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He mentioned that the Writers Guild required a minimum number of scripts to be farmed out to freelancers each year. Maybe I could write one. Wow, that would be great, I said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He might have called it a Roman right arm salute, but once again he was doing it with his left arm. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He moved towards the door, making his if to leave. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He must have had ambivalent feelings about our education. There was a side of him that liked the idea of US learning Latin and showing off to his American family aside that in a way similar to the ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He offered to test me. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He paused appearing emotional. I give probably 80% more to my children than my father gave me, and still it doesn't come up to scratch. Well, what if scratch? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He persuaded Neil that he and Christine should carry it while marching out to the waiting reporters in a kind of procession. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He played a clip of me talking with a born again Christian Lady who anointed her car with holy water. You're taking the Michael aren't you? Ned said I should have been prepared for this, but I was ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He pleaded guilty to having almost never kicked a ball with his children. Then he said my father, can I remember my father playing with me? No, my father never played with me. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He pops the DVD into the machine and for 50 minutes the two of them sit through a strange parade of images showing Jimmy is a lonely, occasionally sinister figure. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He puts his fags out in the pool. He also what do you call a shampoo for gypsies? Go and wash. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He referred to the Hamiltons as Amir's ball in a grudge match between himself and the authorities. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He regarded himself as something of a guru on the subject of applying logic to human predicaments more than once during filming, and after, he said to me, call me when you have your nervous breakdown. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He regularly suggested profiling the strip club manager Peter Stringfellow, who he said was a friend. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He reminisced to will about his days in the 60s as a nightclub manager in Leeds. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He said he lived outside Vegas, still with Liz. He didn't seem averse to meeting up. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He said he'd nicknamed the brick the Louie. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He said that from 1965 to 67 he'd worked as a weather observer at Nellis Air Force Base in Indian Springs, NV. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He scrolled around on his camera and I peered into the viewfinder in the clip, Jimmy, seemingly unaware that the camera was on slouched back on his sofa, cigar in hand, watching a Natural History d... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He seemed a figure of some authority and officer, or maybe the captain morning Governor Jimmy said, looking suddenly shifty. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He seemed to feel underappreciated in his home country. I sensed that he was a little put out, that there weren't statues of him on street corners. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He shared a quality of many of the best producers and ability to absorb anxiety to keep the faith in dark times and recognize when decisions needed to be made. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He simply disappeared. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He spoke of an encounter with Cherie Blair. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He stalked about jabbing his cigar at his luxurious features. It was, he said, one of only two penthouses on board. The best lodging to be had. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He swallowed whatever hurt he may have felt and declared the documentary another triumph. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He then talked for some length about the 0 tolerance footage. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He told me his story. A building contractor in Las Vegas. He'd struggled financially. The IRS had raided his bank accounts. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He took Leanne to Harry Ramsdens the fish and chips chain, where he paid for their meal with a collection of loose change, counting it out with theatrical frugality for the meal. They were joined b... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He took me down to the gym where we worked out together. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He took us on a tour of the house, which I can only assume was decorated to his wife's tastes with cute little bits of Christian kitsch figurines of angels, framed inspirational messages and painti... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He ushered me inside. My crew followed behind and I took my shoes off in a cloakroom, then ventured into a large kitchen. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was 23 at that time, fresh out of the Air Force he'd been in the business 5 weeks and done 13 movies. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was 72 or in his argot 36 twice. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was a deep sleeper and needed a lot of pushing and humping. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was also an early adopter of video technology on shoebox sized cameras. He and Joe would film improvised skits, in which I occasionally appeared. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was also on the radio when I was growing up. A weekend oldies show, and he presented ads for Rd safety clunk. Click every trip and British Rail. This is the age of the train not to. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was also troubled by a conversation I'd had with Debbie about her reproductive choices, in which I had mentioned that she'd never had children, and that perhaps that was one of the reasons she'd... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was always switched on to whatever was happening in the culture. The latest music and fashion in a way that was completely unforced. Coolness came to him as though it was his first language. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was far from being a conventional mentor. He wasn't huge on bonding, but just his keeping me on board felt like a huge endorsement. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was in full Edwardian dandy persona, Jodphurs, Monocle, Windsor knot, and speaking with exaggerated precision, though just occasionally little glimpses of the London St Kid he'd. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was keen to be seen as well connected, pointing out a place setting that appeared to come from Buckingham Palace and at the same time he enjoyed ostentatiously parrying and deflecting the questi... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was keen to stress his considerable achievements, but without being seen to do so. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was knowledgeable about minstrelsy and enjoyed talking about various dubious blackface vaudevillians of the Bella Ipoc. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was packing for a two day cruise and he itemized the contents of his overnight bag, making sure I noticed a packet of condoms. Hope Springs eternal in the human breast, especially when you're si... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was then finishing up post production on his first non documentary feature, Canadian Bacon. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was there to give his new Alexander Wright character a soft launch not by wrestling, but by walking the aisles and the ringside creating a buzz around the new identity. Achtung achtung. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was understanding. I'm sure we could have sorted it out Lou, he said, but he accepted my resignation and gave me a couple of tiny walk on roles. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He was with my friend Chris when I arrived. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He went on to pitch a one hour or two hour or three hour program that would be made from footage from his personal archive. It could be voiced by me, he said, or you could. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He went on to say he was himself a walk in an alien in a human body. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He wrote a short story. Children based on overhearing our conversations with friends full of mild bigotry and boasts about skiing holidays. It's in his collection. The London embassy. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd already set his sights on being a director and written four or five screenplays, making posters for them, which he put up in his bedroom. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd also been one of both shortwave radio listeners and both pitch of a mutually supporting Patriot community geared towards communality and self defence in the end. Times had appealed to him. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd always ask that we'll bring a camera so we could film him going into the restaurant celebrity style. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd become a poster boy for what was termed Tory sleaze and had lost his seat in a high profile election. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd brought a banner with the website name on it and was intent on using it to give the website a plug on national TV. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd come to the door wearing a quasi military uniform Gray shirt with shoulder patches and a maroon beret. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd had a distinguished career in special forces, as attested by his 40 or so medals framed on the wall. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd had extensive contact with a community of tall white aliens who, with the knowledge of the US military, operated a top secret landing area for their craft. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd look at you expectantly after you finished speaking, as though one more word or phrase was still needed for everything to make sense. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd mentioned a son and a daughter, neither keen to be interviewed. He said he used to work nine to five jobs as a waiter and bartender, and more recently, stacking shelves in a grocery. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd monologue at Big Brother speaking directly into the cameras to confess his vulnerabilities, seemingly finding the fictional concept of Big Brother more relatable than any of his. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd presented an odd figure in his track suit with his pageboy platinum hairdo affecting the style and air of someone younger than he was. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd proven himself in one of his first scenes, pulling off a tricky double penetration, or DP, which is, as it sounds, two men inside one woman, one by the back door and one. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd recline on his sofa and play host with the minimum of fuss. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd sat on a small throne in the corner of a little Chapel behind his house and wheezed and gurgled, and shook from side to side for quite a long time in the semi darkness. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd sued and the BBC had settled paying him £50,000 in damages. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He'd visit with his siblings and my uncle Jean, and afterwards my dad would point out footprints on the hallway walls where Justin had been climbing up them once when he was probably only six or se... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He's got a cell at Broadmoor, where he sleeps. He said he keeps his mother's clothes in a closet and gets them dry cleaned once a year. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
He's joking in that one, she said, pointing at the first, but not in that one. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Head for the hills. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Held prisoner by the television, a kind of Stockholm syndrome set in and I fell in an ambivalent love with my captor. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Her name was Sarah. Her name wasn't Sarah. Fiercely intelligent, thoughtful and argumentative. She came from a ******* family in north London that was in its way as status conscious and idiosyncrati... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Her voice was quavering and she covered her face again as Neil stroked her forearm with the tips of his fingers in a stiff up and down gesture. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Here he comes the Zulu warrior. Here he comes, the Zulu chief chief chief. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Here I am telling stories using myself my feelings for real after so many years still doing it. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Here's the problem. He said in a broad Texas accent and handed me a half dollar coin. Now give it back now ask me for it. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Hey Lily, this is Paul Simpson newsradio. I read your script and I liked it so give me a call. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Hindsight has telescoped that second militia chute into a golden idol of productive days, and cascading good fortune. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His apartment was unusually tidy for a young bachelor with racks of heavy metal CDs. John Carpenter movies and Godzilla toys all neatly organised. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His dignity was so seductive it created an odd dissonance between the power and the emotion of what he was saying. The very real sense of connection I felt with him and the fact that it was fundame... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His earlier explanation that had been speaking figuratively went by the board. Now he said yes. He locked up some Larry characters in his boiler room, but they'd been asking for it and the British ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His eye was fixed to his camera. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His level of energy and backchat was unflagging. It was like a big game, tantalize and retreat. He wanted both to be asked about the mysteries and contradictions of his life, and then pointedly not... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His mother had been the only woman for whom Jimmy had ever expressed anything like love. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His name was Ralph and he was a Lord. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His natural authority was the inverse of my total lack of authority. Along with it came a taste for the perks of office like fine dining and taxis. Only once saw him on pub. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His obsessive need for self protection was a weakness he needed to overcome. He didn't think much of this analysis. He told me I hadn't found the chink. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His private life was famously obscure for almost as long as I can recall. Certainly since my early teens I'd heard there was something sexually untoward about Jimmy Saville, but one didn't attach a... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His reply became the opening exchange of the finished documentary in words reeking of prophetic irony, he said, no, not at all. It's been a permanent source of regret that the one thing I've. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His self-image was as a steely kind of Yorkshire Ubermensch, who, through mental strength had transcended the normal human need for relationships for love for the ties of convention. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His two this is your life. Read books were on display. He announced that he was the only person to have been featured on the program more than once. A first taste of the unverifiable Jimmy Saville ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His upbringing had been difficult raised in Peckham. Running Wild, then sent to New York to straighten out where he was saved by the boxing gym. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His war exploits had naturally made him a hero and role model to many on the far right, and combined with a commitment to a fringe brand of evangelical Christianity, he'd built up a devoted followi... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
His wife, Christine, had featured prominently in the coverage, whereas Neal seemed mild and slightly robotic. She came across as fierce. She had helmet like hair that looked as though it had been. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
History came easily. The memorization and grinding through reading lists the marshalling of arguments. On the one hand, this on the other hand, that which prejudices me against it. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Hmm, Chris said one evening after work. If only we knew a British person who was intelligent and had a sense of humor. I just can't think who that could be haha. I said I'll let you know if I think... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Holly Wellin from Manchester, England, 18 years old, was wearing white stiletto boots. A denim miniskirt, giggling. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Hoping to get a status report on the UFO field from a more sober perspective. I continued my Circuit of the banqueting room spotting Jim Marrs, author of Alien Agenda and a respected ex. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
How about Star Wars? Pretty accurate, pretty accurate. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
How involved could I get in something I was personally opposed to? How did the idea of me going native in a slightly tongue in cheek way jibe with our deeper ambition for the programs of? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
How is your clan group different from other clan groups? Well, one we promotion. Alas we have Adams to sell to the public and that's an advantage. It's the nannies and you need to sell yourself to ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
How much does the government know? I said Allah, they don't want you to know that there's alternative energies out there that might upset their monopolies. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
How much they'd be likely to let us see backstage was unclear. To cover ourselves. We also approached a much smaller local wrestling league of part timers in South Carolina called the AIW. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
How odd I thought that even though I don't believe it still feels nice to be included. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
How was it working at Spy? He said good. I enjoyed a lot Chris acting as my corner man added Louis did the piece about rappers freestyling raps about gun safety. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
How we are going to incorporate you? I really don't know. Maybe you can overlook the whole project, but in a serious way I will have final approval or whatever. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Huddled in three small windowless rooms on a high. Story of a tall office building in midtown Manhattan, 3000 miles from the documentary unit in Bristol. We spent those first few weeks develop. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
Human connection is one of the most precious things we can experience in our lives. Cliff was saying. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I also entered two different Blue Peter competitions, one to design A logo for the UN's International Year of the Child, and another to do an illustration for an anniversary card for the Natural Hi... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I also had the impression he made visits to Ashworth, the forensic mental hospital where Moore's murderer, Ian Brady, was detained and another time when it was in the news. I asked what he made of ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I also heard that puking during workouts was a regular occurrence, in which case the only surprising part was that Sarge was holding me to his usual standards of what he expected from young wrestli... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I also submitted some ideas to David Mortimer at the BBC just to keep that plate spinning. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I always think everything relaxes when you've got something in the can. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I am not really active in that alien area anymore. He said it just didn't pan out so we've stepped away from that. The major problem of our time is super illnesses, AIDS, chronic. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I am the Myra Hindley story. He replied no comically and without elaborating. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I applied for an internship on a magazine, there called Spy, but I was also missing Sarah who was still in China. But coming to the end of her teaching assignment. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I arrived at San Francisco Airport to find a limo driver holding a card with my name. The first time I'd ever been privileged such a welcome. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I arrived one summer morning getting lost on the stairs leading to the top floor flat in a modern block in Battersea. This was their London pieda tear. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I asked about the sex very quick. One of them said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I asked him about Christmas. Would you normally do, I said. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I asked him what he knew about JJ. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I asked how old he was. April 17. I turned 45, he said, and they still can't beat me. Alright so you should have caught my act when I was 29 I would have made love to you. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I asked Karen if she wished Chris would help a bit more. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I asked why he didn't take a photo when he was on the ships. If you need physical evidence, he said, then you're not ready to see. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I assured him he was alive and well. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I attempted to remedy this by writing descriptions of the off camera dimension of the production. The celebrities we were approaching and for the most part being rejected by the little bits of shoo... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I attended all fathering primary school which was full of kids in Bay City Rollers, T-shirts, playing rounders, bean bags that smelled of chocolate and road safety films that they showed on a porta... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I began chatting to the performers as they waited to be called into the offices of the producers. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I began feeling morose, sensing that I was completely out of sync with what everyone else seemed to think I should want. My appetite for the sort of programs I was doing already in decline dipped p... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I began spending more time in the vending area where the motivations of the salespeople were reassuringly mundane. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I began wondering why anyone might possibly fixate on the Hamiltons as the object of fantasies. I recalled that before any of the **** allegations a colleague at work had said there's something abo... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I began work on a spec script for a new sitcom called Newsradio. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I bought a couple of British rap albums out of a sense of Obligation 1 by the Demon Boys, another by ruthless rap assassins. Neither was very good. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I bought a medallion and put it on. You're in your cocoon now, said Dan. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I bought furnishings second hand at thrift stores and junk shops. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I brought a monastic level of commitment and purpose to my spec script. It took one whole day to figure out how to do the formatting on my computer with all the indentation and spacing. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I bumped into a director named Robert Herrera, a soft spoken Hispanic man. He said that according to the trade magazine Adult Video News, the porn business now produces 400 films a week. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I bumped into a friend, a young editor I'd known at Spy called Larissa. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I called Jerry back. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I came back to find the flat half empty and a note saying she hadn't been able to find her digital camera. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I circulated slightly aimlessly, trying to stay in the orbit of receivers who already had a giver next to them to take the pressure off me. But even with a 2 to one ratio, it still occasionally hap... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I compiled a rough list of the people I hoped to see, adding to those names. I already mentioned. A prostitute named Haley a UFO cult in San Diego. A neo-Nazi children's folk. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I continued in his gentler way, as I could, asking to look at other objects until Grand Dragon Michael lost patience, the mood shifted again now. Now, don't burn me, let's face. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I couldn't even get my stupid pictures on television. That's how not on TV I was. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I couldn't imagine having the goal. Then I began to fixate on how I would remember all the questions. Could I carry a little notebook or maybe a clipboard? I thought I'd seen people on television d... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I counselled against this. I was aware that as a journalist myself and supposed disinterested party, it wasn't really my place to advise. But I couldn't help myself. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I craved success on my terms that wasn't academic or literary or British, possibly two. I still felt the need to prove myself. Somehow. Me being on TV as myself. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I cycled home in the late autumn gloom down the concrete defiles of Manhattan. Thinking at least it was all out in the open. Now no longer was it my solitary concern. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I did any number of things except watch Roger and me with the result that when Chris phoned to say Michael was ready to meet right now, I realised I still hadn't seen it and it was too late now. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I did so putting on a voice of FOE disingenuousness he said were I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have a half dollar. I never did have a half dollar. How can you prove I ever had one? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't believe this. Incidentally, he only needed to look at his teeth to see that hygiene wasn't his strong suit. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't do as good as I'd like, he said. I was nervous because he's a big director. You get nervous. It's hard to work, but near the end it was fine. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't doubt he had been questioned by the police and his steeliness and sung foil were telling he hadn't just imprisoned his customers. He'd sent the police packing when they questioned him. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't laugh, but I also didn't judge too harshly seeing the jokes as the private expressions of an old school sensibility and part of Jimmy's natural inclination to shock. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't mind. I assumed she was helping out a friend, a producer on the show, and I owed her at least that, and in fact, without the ballast of a steady home life with the long term partner I was ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't much like the bad faith that went with prank calls. All I can say in my favour is that I brought a kind of comedy jihadi zeal to work that was, at times embarrassing and more. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't question the indoctrination. I was too young to, but it could be a little confusing, especially when it conflicted with signals from outside the home. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't sing that bit, I just had to chant, Chief Chief chief chief. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't take the teasing seriously, mainly because the idea of me as a TV correspondent seemed so unlikely. Still, I remembered my ambition to write for television on a sitcom or a talk show. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't think too much about it in advance. The sequence we were shooting had unpromising, written all over it. I suspected most of those present would be second in 3rd division wrestlers, hoping ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I didn't think too much about this exchange and the suggestion that he might resort to legal action if he didn't like the finished documentary. I simply enjoyed it as a bit of barbed repartee that ... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I diligently kept the diary all the same, sometimes with the feeling of writing something interesting just as often with the sense of attempting to subsist on my own effluent like a one man human c... from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I don't even remember his last name. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I don't have a credit card at the moment. I said and rang off. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I don't have any friends when will my life start? Why don't I have any pubic hair? from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I don't have any idea such said ending the interview, though not explosively, and I didn't give much further thought to whether I might have annoyed him with my gentle Sally at thee. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I don't know how many scenes I've done loads. I love it over here. The weather, the people. Everything is so different. It's like a different culture. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I don't know that I ever found a satisfactory answer to this, except yes, a little bit, but possibly not as much as you might think. from Louis Theroux Soundboard
I don't know what became of the manuscript of the beggar man. It is a text only known from references to it like the second book of Aristotle's Poetics, but it represents an ideal for the kind. from Louis Theroux Soundboard