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A bird flying high on the Big Blue sea brought a piece of map to me.
A Newman, 1782.
A penny I found brought me good luck. It showed me a piece of map to pick up.
A piece of map I now do see in the sprinkles jar. It is waiting for me.
A piece of map in this lighthouse was found in the wall by a friendly mouse.
A piece of map is in the pail. I wonder will it tell me a true pirates tale?
A piece of map is on a suitcase. It's not on the one with the skeleton face.
A piece of map is what I see on the wall where Zipper used to be.
A piece of map is what I've earned. It came to me as the globe turned.
After they caught me, they led me through town on the boat shop I passed, put the next Pebble down.
Ahoy young mate. Place Pebble 2 on a house on the island. Now see how you do.
And eye patch is a clue. I left it just for you.
And that piece was hidden right under a key. It's now in plain sight, just waiting for me.
And that piece was inside the jacket Pierce wore. It is now on the sword. It is hidden no more.
Another short hint for where my treasure could be. On the wheel of my ship, there's a place for this key.
Arrows will appear when you roll your cursor to the sides of the screen.
As though Thunder sank, I rode to the shore. Place one more stone over me with me or.
As you find more pieces of paper like this, you can put them together like a puzzle.
As you find pieces of the map, put them together like a puzzle.
At the Duck Pond Inn, I stayed with the crew, and that's where a teacup is waiting for you.
Behind the long lost piece of gold, there's a piece of map that looks quite old.
Check the duck pond in for the loot that I stole. This fourth key belongs in a pictures keyhole.
Click the arrow button to leave the screen and go back one.
Click the back arrow to go back to the screen where you were before and learn how to start a different treasure hunt.
Click the ear button to hear the whole Riddle again.
Click the key and rolled up piece of paper to take them.
Click the New Game button to play a new game with a different treasure hunt.
Click the words on the Riddle paper to hear them read aloud.
Click this button to print a picture of the treasure.
Click this paper to see the map pieces that you found.
Congratulations on finding a new man's treasure. You can click on some of his things to see them animate.
Congratulations on finding Mary Pierce's treasure. You can click on some of her things to see them animate.
Congratulations on finding one Eye, Pete's treasure. You can click on some of his things to see them animate.
Do you see a snake that's really a trail? Put one stone on its head and one on its tail.
Do you want to start a new game with a different treasure hunt?
Do you want to stop playing? I Spy Treasure Hunt?
Eye spy An eye patch the tip of a pen a sea sick pill 2 Arrows A10. A ship and a bottle. An anchor? That's blue. A4. Leaf Clover an 1802.
Eye Spy Kids Only a lunch box, a bee, a costume, 2 shovels, a shell from the sea, Mary Pierce twice, a cannon, a crown, a man who's locked up, and a man who fell down.
Eye spy, seahorse, a shovel, a chin, 7 screws, a yellow pushpin, 2 arrows, a spider, the line for a four, three tails, a tooth, a boat and an oar.
Eyes by an island, a plane in the sky. A lightning bolt? An anchor that's dry. 4 fins, A noose, a hanging key, 2 starfish, a crab and the letters MP.
Eyes by Lighthouse, My name, a shell duck pond in twice a Button, a bell, 10 ducks a cup, three stars in a row, a map, and a woman from long ago.
Eyes by my name, a nickel A-94 number threes A tangled up line, white teeth, a thumb, a peppermint tree, a cupful of bait and little frog feet.
Eyes by three birds, a needle, my name, a boat in the ropes, look in the frame, shiver me Timbers, a kite, a key, a broken mast, three stars and a tree.
Eyes by two knives, two nuts, two flies, a Berry face a dime, four eyes, a heart that's sweet, a flower that's black and an all alone and a ladybug snack.
Eyes, Spicy carrots, An upside down cat, A fruit face, 2 seashells, a hanging hat, A teapot handle, A big paper clip. If I grab the green apple, will I make the rest slip?
Find the umbrella that looks like a tree. That's where one more Pebble should be.
Geek and mouse is what I'll shout once I take this matte piece out.
Go find the key to my vast treasure trove.
Go to your map.
Here is where the next Dome should go down on the shape of a keyhole in the centre of town.
Here's how to play I spy Listen to the Riddle that's written on the paper at the bottom of the screen. It tells you what things to look for in this picture. Click the things when you find them. Her...
I did hide my treasure. The question is where go try this key in the first lighthouse stare.
I made those apples falling crash, so I'll just take my matte piece and dash.
I once was a pirate who lived on the sea.
I see a matte piece to add to my stack. It's held by a bug that is furry and black.
I see a piece of a map to grab tightly. It's clenched in the claw of the crab.
I see a piece of a treasure note. It is held by the man in the yellow raincoat.
I see something under the Jewelry Seahorse. It's part of a treasure map, of course.
I settled for good here in Smuggler's Cove.
I spice three years, two Pirate foes. A bird, 3 keys, a lid to clothes. A Golden Ore Crosswords 2 Dice, Smuggler's Cove and Marry twice.
I spied 2 rabbits, a distant rainbow, a slithering snake, two swords, a crow. Antlers and owl a heart on a tree, a door made of stone and the letters MP.
I spy 2 anchors a needle, My name a lost treasure chest 100 a flame. A feeding shark, a flag, a door, and a single survivor whose rowing to shore.
I spy 2 bats, 3 sailboats, a key. A flag with five stripes, a needle, a three, a mouse, a knife, an upside down vest, a golden seahorse, and an old storage chest.
I spy 2 earrings, a worm back in place, 7 insects. What's used to erase? Worm hooks, a pirate, a candy to eat. Two anchors a nickel and 300 feet.
I spy 3 fours, 2 pine cones, A pale no man's friend, a noose, a whale, four birds, 3 skulls, 2 boats that are blue and one piece of loot dated 18O2.
I spy 3 keys, a feather, a fight, an anchored ship, a zipper that's white. A map of the world, a ribbon that's Red Smuggler's Cove, and a neck with no head.
I spy 4 mushrooms, 3 pine cones, A skunk, 2 butterflies, an elephant trunk, 8 little birds, a window, the sea, a sailboat forever, a kite and a key.
I spy 5 anchors, a place for a key to snakes, a button, a tail in the sea. Treasures 2 Diamonds and Old Pair of Dice, a jewelry seahorse and a Newman twice.
I spy 10 pennies, a ticket, a top, a tongue, a tooth, a water drop. Wish in the bucket two eyes in the well, a four leaf Clover, and I will not tell.
I spy a bottle, a blackboard, a bee, a hook for a hand, a lunch box, a key dungeon, a clothes pin, a crown on the wall, A4 made of wood, and three axes in all.
I spy a button, a big bug, a bone, a star made of wood, an engine of stone, a fish that's a fossil, a feather, a fork, a prisoner's bench, 3 fives and a cork.
I spy a button, a thimble, a needle, a lizard, a bat, a bright yellow beetle. 3 shells a match, a frowning face, a cauldron that's black, and a car to race.
I spy a chimney, the nose of a mouse, a ship and a bottle. A quilted house. Two Jolly Roger flags, a high hanging hook, a jar full of candy, a cannon and crook.
I spy a chimneys, a candle, a key, an acorn, an apple, a pine cone tree, a pencil, a penny. A fish made of stone. Duck pined in and an ice cream cone.
I spy a dollar, a star, a caboose, 2 rusty wrist shackles, a screw that is loose, an eye patch on a skull, an acorn, a nail, one eye Pete, and a mouse that's in jail.
I spy a duck pond. The ice cream store, the top of a lighthouse, a domino door. A house on the island, two trucks painted red, the knot of a noose and a dinosaur head.
I spy a feather, an acorn an 8 years in the dungeon, a very old plate. A squirrel, a snake, a spider, a snail, a button, two birds and a green lizard tail.
I spy a golf ball, a needle, a nail, three ducks, a turtle, a dinosaur tail. A well on the island for men on the dock, Smuggler's Cove, a stamp and a clock.
I spy a hairpin, a headlight, a wrench, a train engineer, a book on a bench, a sword, a spoon, a fork in the trees, ticket booth, and two triple threes.
I spy a house, the tail of a whale, a lens that's cracked, a hammer, a nail, 2 feather pens, 5 boats, a Wick and not in a rope and a message in brick.
I spy a keyhole, a book, spine, a frown, a diamond, a Ruby, an Ant parade crown. A lizard, a snake, a turtle, a snail, a broken heart and an old rusty nail.
I spy a nickel, a pickle, slice the #1A fly on the ice, 3 flowers, 3 smiles, a strawberry snack, a boat, a bat, a ball in the Jack.
I spy a paintbrush, a man on a rope, Old Thunder 3 *, a tall telescope, a life preserver, a car, a sword, a safety pin, and six men overboard.
I spy a paintbrush, vanilla, a star, a candy stick mast, a sprinkles jar, two prices, a candle, an empty bin, swashbuckler, swirl and a hidden hairpin.
I spy a parrot, a seagull, a goose, a yellow raincoat, a bright red caboose, 3 swords, three Boats, 3 treasures for me crook, a castle, two flies and a three.
I spy a pencil, a hole for a key, a boat on a sail, 2 anchors, a three, two birds, a boot, an old paper clip, binoculars, and the name of a ship.
I spy a pencil, a spider web, sail around, porthole a number, a nail, a Lantern that's red, a seahorse head, a map, a key, a needle and thread.
I spy a rainbow, a silver MP5, years, a lighthouse, a heart and a key, A cave, a cork, a hat on a head, 2 mustaches and an anchor that's red.
I spy a sailboat, a pair of green eyes, a button, a match, three butterflies, a rabbit's tail, a handle, a key, a crayon, a car, and a nest in a tree.
I spy a starfish, a petal, a pale, a toy treasure chest, a cannon, a nail. A big safety pin. Three hats, two flies. Find the treasure and 12 searching eyes.
I spy a ticket, a horn that's inside three safety pins, a bird on a ride, 3 nines a button. Smugglers Cove twice a suitcase that's green, a nail and two dice.
I spy a toothbrush, a button, a nine, a cone on a clown, a cookie dough sign. An upside down flower, a red lollipop, a triple scoop fudge and two cherries on top.
I spy a whale. A penny, 2 oars, glass. It's cracked and apple, two floors. A sword, a chick, an oil lamp, a bird in flight and a postage stamp.
I spy a wishbone, A scallop shell, No treasure here, a Stinger ohh well, a tree, a dime, a green bug, a Jack, Three swords MP and a card in a crack.
I spy an acorn, three faces, a spoon, a ball on the floor, an orange balloon, 2 horns, a sword, a name on the train, and a handy umbrella to use in the rain.
I spy an arrow, a forest of pine, four birds, a plain, a no swimming sign. And anger, a pale, a Newman and sons. A name that's been changed and two number ones.
I spy an earring, 2 apples, a bee, 3 eggs and a nest. A tool used to see. A lock on a barrel, a hammer A4. Treasure hunt club, a boat and an oar.
I spy an inkwell MP, a mouse, a drawer for a desk, a hammer, a house, SOS, a mouth open wide, three brass bells and two boats inside.
I spy banana, a toothbrush, a spoon, a bumblebee, a ball, a balloon, chocolate eyes, a sweet cherry face, A53 swords and a tall Tulip face.
I spy my name, a penny, 6 keys, knees, peas, cheese please, A wallpaper, fish, Pussycat, peed clock hands, a tongue, and Pussycat feet.
I spy my name. A paintbrush that's blue. A closed safety pin. A slithering too. A label that's torn 2 Pearl earrings and eyeball that's green and butterfly wings.
I spy on marble, a pine cone, a Jack corn on the cob, a bug on its back, a sword made of stone, 2 nickels, a key treasure in wood, and a fortune for me.
I spy picnic, three bites a bee, 5 ants in a line, the number 3. A boat that's red? Two caps. A pickle. X marks the spot, a star and a nickel.
I spy potatoes, a blue sugar star, 2 fish, 2 frowns, an upside down jar. A cracked egg, 2 seashells, a bicycle seat. Pause a penny and Pussycat pee.
I spy the sun, a key back in place. A time to check out a sea captain's face. 2 keyholes and anchor, a silver bell, a toothbrush, a bed and candy that fell.
I spy three sixes, a hammer, A2A sword, 2 arrows, a place for a screw, a seahorse, a shark's tooth, an anchor pin, the name of a ship, and a pirate's chin.
I spy two flags, a black telescope, a rocky island, a sword and a rope, a young girl, a diamond, a pirate who's fierce, an old handkerchief, and Mary Pierce.
I spy two squirrels, a hole in a tree, a sword in the sky, a ship on the sea, a deer, 2 blue birds, 4 mushrooms, a skunk, an animal rock and a ring on a trunk.
I spy welcome the key for room 3A, duck full of water, a ship on the sea. 2 pencils, 2 skulls, a wheel on the floor, three things to look through and 1784.
I wear an eye patch so one eye peak is mini. Put your last stone on A1 to finish me game.
I went into town in my usual disguise and left you a shell where I purchased supplies.
I. Spine anchor, eyelashes, a shoe, a snake, a shark, a seahorse, A2 an ear for an 8 an or on a spoke, a hammer, a horn, and a handle that broke.
I'll sneak in like a clever thief and steal the map piece that's under the leaf.
I'm at peace. Came from the turtle shell. I'll grab it now and say farewell.
I'm free. No I'm not. See me hands in the air, on the soldiers around me. Put 4 pebbles there.
If you drop a stone on the boat that's on land, you'll soon find me. Treasure is close at hand.
In the center of the wheel is 1 map piece I can steal.
In the center of town, on the inn, there's a duck. That is where your next stone should be stuck.
In the treasure chest I see shiny gold. Behind the coins there's a paper that's old.
Inside the wagon, a map piece I see me thinks twice a pirate who hid it from me.
Is a stormy night on the sea. Me treasure is safe, but not me. You found it, friend, And you've reached the end. A clever young mate ye must be.
It surprises me that a stinky skunk could find a mad piece. Who would have thunk?
Know what will happen if I don't break loose. One stone belongs on the knot of a noose.
Listen to the clue at the bottom of the screen.
Listen to the Riddle that's written on the paper at the bottom of the screen. It tells you what things to look for in this picture. Click the things when you find them.
Looking down at the boat building store, there's a map piece inside a domino door.
Mary Pierce, 1743.
Me thinks I saw a map piece fall from behind the ticket that hangs on the wall.
My ears on the seahorse were treacherous and tough.
My gunpowder horn is the last thing you'll need. If you go to the Fort, you will find it indeed.
My Pirates jacket I left as a gift. Look in the pocket for my old handkerchief.
My tail is a secret. This hiding place too. Please keep both safely. I trust only you. Now just a boat builder. I've locked up my past. No longer a pirate. I'm a new man at last.
No one knows I'm a woman on deck. I'm called Pierce with my mustache and sword. I'm disguised and I'm fierce. There's nothing that's grander than life on the sea. So as long as I'm living a pirate,...
Now listen to where your 4th Pebble should go on the map, where you see two ends in a row.
Now look at my map. There's a message to see if you find my treasure and then I'll boy think of me.
On each smoky chimney put 1 Pebble down ones on a farm and two more are in town.
On Shipwreck Shore, find a bottle of clues that will lead you to things with this map you can use.
On the cork there's a piece of map to see. I hope it's a pirate who left it for me.
On the ledge there's a piece of a map. For me, it's right where the sly little mouse used to be.
On the purple flower, what do I spy? It's a matte piece from a butterfly.
On the shelf there's a piece of a map to pick up. It was blocked by the duck that rolled towards the cup.
One eye, Pete. 1802.
Onto the ledge a map piece fell. It was hidden inside of the big brass bell.
Out in the ocean, I drew a huge whale put the next stone down on top of its tail.
Pick up a Pebble and then put it down on the duck pond in the center of town.
Please type in your name, then click the Go button to begin.
Put down a Pebble where lightning struck and made poor old Thunder lose its luck.
Put that stone on a fork where a stream meets the sea day. I think you know every treasure might be.
Put the objects that you find in their correct spots on this map.
Right this way please. Straight through these doors.
Roll your cursor around the screen. Anything that moves is a place to explore.
Shiver me Timbers A map piece just dropped on the suitcase beneath the balloon that just popped.
Shiver me Timbers, here's what me mate said. Put a stone on an eye in the storm overhead.
That storm on the sea led me crew to its fight. Alas, put a stone on me. Poor drowning mate.
That's a piece of a map. No doubt under the thumb it's peeking out.
That's a piece of map. I hope I'll swipe it from the snake on the rope.
The bear pulled a matte piece right out of the hay. Now I'll take it off the hook, if I may.
The cannon fired to reveal a piece of map for me to steal.
The clown had something under his hat. It's a math piece Now how about that?
The flavor sign that took a turn showed me a piece of map to earn.
The islands, the next place Michael might be hit. Find the floor of the fireplace. It's really a lid.
The lizard has a special treat to help me make a map complete.
The lizard is quick at climbing up walls. I'll grab its map piece before it falls.
The message at the top of this map tells you where to go and what to find.
The next one should go on a capital L. I've got my story to tell.
The old wrist shackle that one Eye Pete wore hit a piece of a map on the dungeon floor.
The shawl that I wrote to it looks like a moon. Put a stone there. You'll be finding me treasure soon.
The story on this map tells you where to go and what to look for.
The top of the lighthouse is easy to see. That is the place to put stone #3.
The wise old owl sang Who? Who then found a mad piece for me. Thank you.
Then one day, I knew that I'd had enough.
Then pick up a Pebble and put it on the spot on the map that's described in the clue.
Then pick up your key and put it in the right keyhole.
There are many more places where treasure can hide. In the tool shed, there's a barrel. Go see what's inside.
There was a star beside the frame. Now there's a matte piece for me to claim.
There were pirates in town. A map piece is proof. It's next to a stamp that's up on a roof.
There's a map piece behind the newspaper stack. I should grab it now before Moe gets back.
There's a map piece under feline feet. I'll take it now. Thanks, Pussycat Pete.
There's a piece of a map by a sea sickness pill. Should I take it right now? I think I will.
There's a piece of a map in the mouth of a deer. He picked it up, then twitched his ear.
There's a piece of map for me right where the butterfly used to be.
There's no treasure in this well, but a map piece is behind a shell.
There's one piece of map where they're used to be fruit. If I take it now, will it lead me to loot?
This isn't the treasure. Now where do I go? If I take this and look at the map, will I know?
This map tells you where to go and what to do.
Tucked behind the cookie face is a piece of the map to put in place.
Turning the pages of a book, I found a mad piece. I'll take a look.
Under the label that has a tear, a piece of matte now lays quite bare.
Up at the well, where my treasure is not, I left you a card in the stones. It is caught.
Use the clue at the bottom of the screen to help you find the map piece in this picture.
Use the clues at the bottom of the screen to figure out where to go and what to look for. When you find each object, click it.
Use the clues at the bottom of your screen to figure out where to go.
Use the map to figure out where to go and what to do.
Use the map to figure out where to go and what to look for.
Use them to turn and explore more of the town.
Use your clues to figure out where to go and where to put your key.
Use your map to figure out where to go and what to do.
We sought after treasure, the ship's crew and me.
Welcome back. Please type in your name or pick it from the list, then click the Go button to begin.
Welcome to Smuggler's Cove. Have fun exploring this town. Rumor has it pirates once came here to bury their treasure. Who knows, Maybe you'll even find some.
What fell to the floor from behind the flag? It's a piece of ment for me to snag.
What I Pete 1802.
What's up in the beams? I'll take a peek. A matte piece is in the little bird's beak.
When you want to stop playing I Spy Treasure Hunt, come back here and click this Stop sign.
Where a nickel used to be a piece of map is there for me.
Where the wall cracked and fell away, there is now a map piece on display.
X marks the spot. That's the place to see a piece of a map that is waiting for me.
You finish this treasure hunt. Anytime you're ready to start a new game with a different treasure hunt, click the New Game button.
You're in the center of town to explore, roll your cursor around the screen and click on the things that move.
8 spider legs hold a piece of a map. I'll grab it without getting caught in its trap.
10 pennies and all but only one head. A piece of map for this here, kid.
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