And ready and willing to meet with an alien female or whatever. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
And your problems are my concern. Why? from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Back of the line. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Before I die, I'd like to be with a woman under the age of 78. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Damage Report. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Do not bump me, I will sue. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Fat loser coming through. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
First contact was not supposed to occur until 2063. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
First off, I am not fat, I am stout and I am not a boy. I am a guy. Hence Comic Book Guy. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
For the love of Kirk. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Goo goo gadget stomach. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Hello, Bert. Whatever happened to your brother Roy? from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Help me, Spock. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Him noon only his comic book guy. My real name is Jeff Albertson. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Homer is like a big yellow Death Star. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
I don't know how to make it any plainer Batman or man bet Bruce Wayne or Doctor Kirk Langstrom, billionaire Playboy or overemphasis scientist. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
I find your defense tactics wanting. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
I received a text message from Lonely MO 15 stating that Lard Lad is attacking our not so fair city. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
I submit. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
I will not lose the eating contest at Duff Brewery, especially not to your father. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
I wish I had a Fazer. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
I'm weak. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
I've wasted my life. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
If I were a Ripper of Batman, I might check out what's going on in the forest. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Is there a word in Klingon for loneliness? Ah, yes. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
It depends. Do you mean Batman or his frequent nemesis? Man bet. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
It's cool you save the trees, but it's not like they were the ants after all. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
It's the BLOB. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Keep it coming. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Loneliness and cheeseburgers are a dangerous mix. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Look out. Excuse me, hot soup. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
More pain. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
My fantasy of meeting aliens did not include messing myself. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Nice work at the museum. Are you going to buy something or not? from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Nice work video game guy. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
No, no, I don't think so. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Oh dear. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Oh yeah, right. Like I'm going to join your mob. I mean. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Oh, alien invasion Real original. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Oh, Simpson is better than me. That's fat. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Pardon me. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Personal space. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Power of the Giant Donut is ended. Dance, dance and rejoice. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Prepare for a Superman esque, a stomach bump. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Prepare for yet another failure. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Resistance is futile. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Sadly, I will deal with my eating contest defeat by snacking. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Save me Mary Worth. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Step aside for Jeff Albertson. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Step off. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Thank you for saving Sea Captain, you've always looked up to him. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Thank you. May I have another? from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
That's not a moon, that's Homer Simpson. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
That's real original. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
The Cave by the museum is an appropriate setting for a superheroes origin story. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
They were not such a nerd. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
This isn't bizarro world, so you lose. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
This part man is much more impressive than the dance of the same name. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Watch it. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
We'll celebrate with three pints of Haagen Dazs. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Welcome fellow Mentor member. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Well, if it isn't the voice of Poochy. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
What happened to his bones? from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Worst eating contestant ever. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Worst mob leader ever. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Worst video game cliche ever. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Worst video game ever. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Would have expected zombies to be attacking them all, but it's aliens. I will reserve judgment. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Yeah, I really want to talk to you. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Yes, I'll be waiting right here, Your Highness. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Yes, side Chewbub and Ricks seen it. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
You found another cliche. Am I supposed to be impressed? from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
You must build instead of criticize. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
You're right, of course. The beehive never went out of style. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Your credit to obsessive nerds everywhere. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
Your inferior wish is unfortunately my command. from Comic Book Guy - The Simpsons Game - Voices (Xbox 360)
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