Main Content
A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush #a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush #jake and amir
A Week Is So Long #a week is so long #7 days #7 nights #forever #1 week #jake and amir
Are You Alright? #are you alright #are you okay #jake and amir #whats wrong
Are You Just Repeating What You Heard on TV? #are you just repeating what you heard on tv #quoting #jake and amir
Are You Okay? #are you okay #are you ok #ok #okay #jake and amir #are you alright
Awkward Silence #awkward silence #no words #staring #crickets #jake and amir
Beer is Water #beer is water #alcohol #what is beer #jake and amir
Blowing kisses and applause #jake and amir #thomas middleditch #college humor #crying #blowing kisses #applause
Brava! #jake and amir #brava #applause #bravo #college humor #brilliant #thomas middleditch
Brava! Brava! #jake and amir #thomas middleditch #brava #bravo #applause #magnifico #college humor
Brunch Was Delicious #brunch was delicious #breakfast #lunch #yum #food #jake and amir
Burp Turned Throw Up #burp #throw up #vomit #puke #jake and amir
Call That Bitch Up And Cuss That Bitch Out #cuss that bitch out #call that bitch #call her #talk to her #jake and amir
Can We Try To Get Some Work Done #can we try to get some work done #work #get things done #first things first #jake and amir
Can You Shut Up #can you shut up #be quiet #stop talking #jake and amir
Cheers #cheers #drunk #drinking #shots #jake and amir
Cheez Its Are Fucking Good #cheez its are fucking good #stoner #stoned #snack #cheez its #so good #delicious #yum #jake and amir
Come On, Stop #stop #quit #stop it #jake and amir
Dancing Showoff #jake and amir #dancing showoff #dance #dancing
Definitely #definitely #yes #for sure #confirmed #jake and amir
Dinner Plans #dinner plans #dinner invitation #jake and amir
Disappointed #disappointed #disbelief #jake and amir #disapprove
Do You Even Care #do you even care #does this matter #jake and amir #are you interested
Do You Have Anyone in Your Life You Wish You Could Just Tell Off? #does anyone just piss you off #you wish you could just tell them off #annoying #jerk #jake and amir
Do You Want Ice Cream #do you want ice cream #lets get ice cream #jake and amir
Does Anyone Want To Split A Soda #does anyone want to split a soda #want to share #jake and amir
Don't Act So Shocked #dont act so shocked #no surprise #jake and amir
Don't Be Some Loser Who Stays at Home #dont be some loser who stays at home #come out #go out with me #get out of the house #jake and amir
Don't Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch #dont count your chickens before they hatch #jake and amir
Don't Fucking Bother #dont fucking bother #dont #dont do it #dont even #not worth your time #jake and amir
Don't Make A Mountain Out Of A Mole Hill #dont make a mountain out of a mole hill #dont freak out #dont make a big deal #jake and amir
Don't Talk To Me For The Rest Of The Day #dont talk to me #silence #i dont want to hear from you #be quiet #shut up #jake and amir #leave me alone
Don't Worry About It #dont worry about it #its ok #okay #its fine #not a big deal #nbd #no big deal #jake and amir
Done #done #i can do that #deal #jake and amir
Every Beer Is My Favorite Beer #every beer is my favorite beer #drinking #i love beer #beer lover #yum #drinks #jake and amir
Every Hospital Is A Mental Hospital #every hospital is a mental hospital #hospitalized #asylum #psych ward #jake and amir
Exasperated on the Phone #exasperated #facepalm #disapproving #eye roll #exhausted #jake and amir
Eye Roll #eye roll #exasperated #fed up #jake and amir #bowling for soup
Failed Punch #failed punch #jake and amir #quick reflexes #weakling #defeated
Fake Burp #fake burp #belch #jake and amir
Falling Asleep Sitting Up #falling asleep sitting up #sleepy #tired #exhausted #nodding off #jake and amir
Food Emergency #emergency #delivery #takeout #food #hungry #hangry #lunch #911 #jake and amir
Fuck You #fuck you #jake and amir
Get Off The Phone #get off the phone #stop talking #no phone #phone call #jake and amir
Give Me A Cookie #give me a cookie #girl scout cookies #share #jake and amir
Go Directly To Jail #go directly to jail #go to jail #monopoly #jake and amir
God, That Sucks #that sucks #jake and amir
Gorsh Dammit #gorsh dammit #damn it #no #dang it #jake and amir #crap #oh no
Gross #gross #gag #i cant eat that #ew #yuck #jake and amir
Group Applause #group applause #nice work #good job #congrats #jake and amir
Group Laugh #group laugh #lol #haha #jake and amir #swear to god
Growl #growl #fake burp #jake and amir
Ha Yeah Right #yeah right #awkward laugh #lol #jake and amir
HEY #hey #hi #hello #jake and amir
High Five #high five #jake and amir #my chemical romance #the black parade
High Five Slap #high five #slap #whats up #greeting #jake and amir
How Do I Open This #how do i open this #beer #bottle opener #jake and amir
How Many Beers Are You Going To Have #what are you doing tonight #i can drink more #beer #drinking #drinks #drink you under the table #jake and amir
How Random Would It Be If I Socked You In The Face Right Now #random #socked you #punched #slapped #jake and amir
How Wrong I Was #how wrong i was #jake and amir #i was wrong #mistake
How's That Working Out For You #hows that working out for you #hows that going #how is it going #results #jake and amir
I Am So Sorry, I Had No Idea #i had no idea #i am so sorry #apologies #jake and amir
I Am There Brotha #i am there brotha #count me in #im in #jake and amir
I Can Tell You're Going To Rap #i can tell youre going to rap #rapper #rapping #jake and amir
I Can't Afford Socks #i cant afford socks #poor #broke #no socks #jake and amir
I Can't Even Explain I'm So Amped #i cant even explain I'm so amped #pumped #excited #jake and amir
I Don't Deserve This Silent Treatment #i dont deserve this silent treatment #what do you want from me #cold shoulder #silent treatment #jake and amir
I Don't Get It #i dont get it #i dont understand #what does this mean #jake and amir
I Don't Get It #i dont get it #i dont understand #what the hell is going on #whats going on #lost #confused #jake and amir
I Don't Like Learning Things That Make Me Sad #sad #i dont like that #jake and amir #dont tell me that #learning
I Don't Need Friends, I Have You #i have you #i dont need friends #friendship #bff #besties #jake and amir
I Feel Like A Dick For Making Fun of You #jerk #dick #rude #not nice #mean #jake and amir #i feel bad
I Had Ice Cream For Breakfast #dont spoil your lunch #sweets #ice cream #brownies #jake and amir
I Had So Many Beers #i had so many beers #drinking #drunk #party #celebration #alcohol #booze #wasted #i got drunk #i was drunk #jake and amir
I Have Something To Tell You #i have something to tell you #listen to me #pay attention #jake and amir
I Have To Get Some Stuff Off My Chest #i have to get some stuff off my chest #stressed #lets go for a walk #i need to talk #jake and amir
I Know You Hate Me Right Now #i know you hate me right now #i always hate you #jake and amir #annoying
I Lie A Lot #i lie a lot #liar #fib #fibbing #i dont tell the truth #jake and amir
I Peed My Pants #i peed my pants #drinking #beer #black out drunk #jake and amir
I Probably Shouldn't Talk To You #i probably shouldnt talk to you #leave me alone #dont talk to me #jake and amir
I Quit #i quit #im done #its over #jake and amir
I Think I Can Survive One Night Without You #i dont need you #without you #independent #ill survive #jake and amir
I Think You Should Leave #i think you should leave #jake and amir #go away #get out
I Went By Myself #i went by myself #loner #i went alone #jake and amir #independent
I Will Transmit It To Your Brain #i will transmit it to your brain #telepathy #jake and amir
I Wish You Would Support Me #i wish you would support me #support #jake and amir
I'll Be More Productive If I Have Food In Me #productive #work #lunch #dinner #food #hungry #hangry #lets eat #eat first #jake and amir
I'll Be Polite When I Kick His Ass Out Of Here #polite #kick his ass #ass kicking #get out #jake and amir
I'll Only Talk To You If I Don't Feel Pity #we talked about this #friendship #jake and amir #dont feel pity
I'm Begging You #jake and amir #im begging you #pleading #desperate
I'm Definitely Moving to Canada #im definitely moving to canada #leaving #jake and amir #leaving the country
I'm Going On Vacation For A Week #im going on vacation for a week #trip #out of town #out of office #jake and amir
I'm Gonna Hug You #im gonna hug you #youre my boy #good job #jake and amir
I'm Just Gonna Ignore You The Rest Of The Day #ignore you #act like youre not here #jake and amir #not listening #im done
I'm Listening #im listening #you have my attention #pay attention #jake and amir
I'm Not Going To Take No For An Answer #im not going to take no for an answer #dont say no #i dont accept that #jake and amir
I'm Not Your Fucking Brotha #im not your fucking brotha #dont call me bro #not friends #not cool #jake and amir
I'm Scared Of Death #im scared of death #mortality #fears #scared #drunk #drinking #deep thoughts #jake and amir
I'm Screwed #im screwed #oh no #not good #jake and amir
I'm Sorry. Wow
It Seems Like It Makes Sense But It Doesn't #it seems like it makes sense but it doesnt #doesnt make sense #nonsense #jake and amir
It Was So Chill #it was so chill #cool #jake and amir
It Wasn't Good #it wasnt good #not good #bad #jake and amir
It's a Rhetorical Question #its a rhetorical question #dont answer #jake and amir
It's All About The Benjamins #its all about the benjamins #jake and amir #money
It's An Online Place Where You Keep Your Secrets #online #twitter #secrets #jake and amir
It's Fly As Hell #fly as hell #so cool #the coolest #jake and amir #thats why i love #i love it so much
It's Like A Proverb #proverb #you just say it #cover up the silence #jake and amir
It's Like The Chillest Thing I've Ever Thought Of #the best idea #good idea #coolest thing #i thought of the coolest thing #jake and amir
It's Not #its not #no #nope #jake and amir
It's So Worth It To Me #its so worth it to me #ill still do it #jake and amir
It's Weird More Than Anything #its weird #strange #odd #weird #jake and amir
Just Chill Out #just chill out #calm down #jake and amir
Just Explain It To Me #just explain it to me #teach me #jake and amir
Just Shut Up #just shut up #be quiet #stop talking #jake and amir #back off
Just Stop #just stop #dont #quit #jake and amir
Just Texting #just texting #jake and amir
Knocking #knocking #jake and amir #knock on the door
Labor Day Weekend #weekend #long weekend #labor day #holiday #jake and amir
Last Night I Got So Drunk #last night i got so drunk #jake and amir #beer #alcohol #drinking #party
Leave Me Alone For 5 Minutes #leave me alone for 5 minutes #go away #stop bothering me #be quiet #jake and amir
Let The Bodies Hit The Floor #let the bodies hit the floor #mosh pit #jake and amir
Let's Do Something Together #lets do something together #lets get together #hang out #jake and amir
Let's Go Get Drunk #lets go get drunk #lets go to a bar #im buying the shots #drinking #stressed #jake and amir
Let's Not Waste Each Other's Time #dont waste my time #i wont waste your time #jake and amir
Maybe You Should #maybe you should #do it #jake and amir
Meh #meh #bored #awkward #jake and amir
No #no #shake your head #nope #no way #jake and amir #smh
NO NO #no #nope #disbelief #jake and amir
No No No No #no #nope #wrong #jake and amir
No Way #no way #nope #absolutely not #jake and amir
No, Thank YOU #thank you #jake and amir #i appreciate it
Nobody Gives A Shit #nobody gives a shit #no one cares #jake and amir
Nobody Knows When It Starts Or Ends #start #finish #mystery #jake and amir #where does it begin #where does it end
Nobody's Going To Understand You #nobodys going to understand you #you dont make sense #what are you saying #i dont understand #jake and amir
Nooo! #no #negative #college humor
Nope #nope #shake your head #no #sad #despondent #depressed #jake and amir
Not Even Close #not even close #jake and amir
Not Going To That Meeting #not going to that meeting #skipping #no show #jake and amir
Not Saying Either Way #not saying either way #not telling #no comment #jake and amir
Not Saying It's A Good Thing #not saying its a good thing #its not good #bad #jake and amir #not positive #negative
Not Sneaky, You're Just Dumb #not sneaky #youre dumb #idiot #stupid #jake and amir
Oh God #oh god #omg #gross #shock #disgusted #jake and amir
Oh Sheesh Ya'll, Twas A Dream #oh sheesh yall twas a dream #dream #not real #unrealistic #jake and amir #unreal
Ohhhh Okay #ohhhh okay #i get it #i understand #got it #ok #jake and amir
Okay Now You're Being A Dick #okay now youre being a dick #jerk #not nice #jake and amir
Okay, Fine #okay #thats fine #it works #jake and amir
One of Those Days #one of those days #jake and amir
OW #ow #ouch #jake and amir
Please Don't #please dont #stop it #shut up #be quiet #jake and amir
Pretty Fly For a White Guy #pretty fly for a white guy #cool #jake and amir
Put That Away #put that away #fire #lighter #we could get arrested #calm down #what are you doing #jake and amir
Ruined The Game #ruined the game #monopoly #spoil sport #sore loser #you ruined it #destruction #destructive #tantrum #temper #jake and amir
Shame on Me #shame on me #jake and amir #mistake #my mistake #i shouldnt have
Shots! #shots #vodka #drinking #drunk #jake and amir #alcohol
Should We Watch The MLS? #world cup #soccer #football
SHUT UP #shut up #stop it #be quiet #jake and amir
SLOW DOWN #slow down #stop it #calm down #slow #jake and amir
Snake Eyes, Bitches #bitches #snake eyes #roll the dice #gamble #gambler #gambling #monopoly #jake and amir
Sneaky Laugh #sneaky laugh #snicker #lol #haha #hehe #sly #jake and amir
So Drunk #so drunk #drinking #alcohol #beer #jake and amir
So Hot In Here #so hot in here #warm #sweaty #jake and amir
So Sad #so sad #depressing #jake and amir
Some Things Are Too Cool For School, Daddio #too cool for school #cool #hip #jake and amir
Sometimes People Say Metaphors #sometimes people say metaphors #make sense #jake and amir
Sorry Dad #sorry dad #sorry #jake and amir
Sorry MOM #sorry mom #mother #apologies #jake and amir
SWEET #sweet #yes #yeah #yay #excited #jake and amir #cool
That was epic #epic #that was epic #huge #wow #amazing #jake and amir #impressive
That Was Unnecessarily Mean #that was unnecessarily mean #not necessary #rude #jerk #jake and amir
That's Fine, I Was Just Checking #i was just checking #curious #thats fine #its okay #jake and amir
That's Pretty Ace #thats pretty ace #cool #jake and amir
That's Pretty Good #thats pretty good #theres that #jake and amir
That's Really Sad #thats really sad #jake and amir
There Are A Million Pebbles On The Beach #there are a million pebbles on the beach #more fish in the sea #dating #options #jake and amir
There's Nothing Left To Do But Get Drunk #time to get drunk #lets go to a bar #drinking #drinks #beer #jake and amir
This is Really Easy #this is really easy #simple #jake and amir
Throw Up #throw up #gag #vomit #puke #jake and amir
Today Is Opposite Day #today is opposite day #jake and amir
Trying To Hide From You #trying to hide from you #hiding #jake and amir #leave me alone
Ugh, Bullshit #ugh bullshit #sigh #disappointed #jake and amir
Uncomfortable Silence #awkward silence #uncomfortable silence #awkward #uneasy #no words #no comment #jake and amir
Unimpressed #unimpressed #awkward #nice #oh #okay #jake and amir
We Resolved The Matter Like Two Mature Adults #mature #conflict resolution #adults #jake and amir
We Soared In The Air As Two People But We Landed As One #love poem #poetry #poem #poet #jake and amir
What #what #chuckle #jake and amir
What #what #excuse me #are you serious #what did you say #jake and amir
What Are You Referring To #what are you referring to #what are you saying #what do you mean #jake and amir
What Are You Saying #what are you saying #i dont understand #i dont get it #what are you talking about #jake and amir
What Did He Say #what did he say #whats the verdict #jake and amir
What Did I Do To Deserve That #what did i do to deserve that #why #why me #jake and amir
What Did You Say #what did you say #repeat it #what #jake and amir #confused
What Does It Taste Like #what does it taste like #food #hungry #jake and amir
What Is In This #what is in this #confident #handsome #weird #drunk #drinking #beer #alcohol #jake and amir
What The Hell Are You Doing #what the hell are you doing #what are you doing #jake and amir
What?! #what #are you serious #are you kidding #for real #shock #surprise #jake and amir
What'd You Say #what did you say #i didnt hear you #jake and amir #pardon
What's Your Favorite Beer #whats your favorite beer #drinking #alcohol #booze #jake and amir
When You Fell Over I Laughed #when you fell over i laughed #i respect you #laugh #jake and amir
WHY NOT #why not #jake and amir
Work Today: Yay Or Nay? #work today #yes or no #jake and amir
You Are Still Pissed About That Aren't You #you are still pissed about that #upset #still angry #not happy #unhappy #jake and amir
You Better Not Be Planning Me A Surprise Party #no surprise #surprise party #birthday party #i dont want a party #jake and amir
You Do What I Tell You To Do #you do what i tell you to do #listen to me #boss #im in charge #jake and amir
You Don't Know Either #you dont know either #no explanation #jake and amir
You Guys Are Awesome, Let's Go To McDonald's #lets go to mcdonalds #you guys are awesome #you are cool #cool #awesome #mcds #jake and amir
You Have To Stand Up For Yourself #you have to stand up for yourself #be strong #dont let people talk to you like that #jake and amir
You Inconsiderate Bitch #you inconsiderate bitch #jake and amir #rude
You Take It Too Far #you take it too far #too much #out of hand #out of control #jake and amir
You're A Fucking Pushover #youre a fucking pushover #spineless #slap #jake and amir
You're Always 7 Hours Late #youre always 7 hours late #tardy #running late #running behind #not on time #punctual #jake and amir
You're Confident But Wrong #youre confident but wrong #youre wrong #inaccurate #confident #jake and amir
You're Drunk Right Now? #drunk #drinking #alcohol #beer #buzzed #wasted #are you drunk #jake and amir
You're Fired #youre fired #slap #jake and amir
You're Going To Ruin The Surprise #surprise #dont ruin it #be quiet #jake and amir
You're Not Invited #youre not invited #uninvited #jake and amir
You're Quick But You're A Fucking Idiot #idiot #stupid #dumb #jake and amir
You're So Confident #youre so confident #assured #confident #convinced #jake and amir
You're Talking Really Strangely #youre talking really strangely #weird #weirdo #jake and amir
You've Changed #youve changed #different person #jake and amir #youre different
Your Talking Is Bothering Me #your talking is bothering me #stop talking #annoying #jake and amir
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