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Victoria - Season 1 Victoria is a period drama television series that first aired in 2016. Set in the 19th century, this

Victoria - Season 1

Victoria is a period drama television series that first aired in 2016. Set in the 19th century, this captivating show follows the life of young Queen Victoria and her ascension to the throne at the age of 18.

Jenna Coleman shines in the lead role of Queen Victoria, delivering a remarkable performance that perfectly captures the complexity of the iconic monarch. Coleman's portrayal brings a sense of depth and vulnerability to Victoria, showcasing her inner struggles as she navigates her duties and personal relationships.

The talented cast also includes Tom Hughes as Prince Albert, Victoria's steadfast and devoted husband. Hughes brings an undeniable charm and charisma to Albert's character, making their on-screen chemistry palpable and endearing. Together, Coleman and Hughes create a believable and compelling love story that adds an extra layer of emotion to the series.

The supporting cast is equally impressive, with standout performances from Rufus Sewell as Lord Melbourne, Victoria's first Prime Minister and confidant, and Alex Jennings as King Leopold of Belgium, Victoria's uncle. Their nuanced portrayals add depth and complexity to the series, further immersing viewers in the political and personal dynamics of the time.

Victoria - Season 1 beautifully captures the opulence and grandeur of the era, with lavish sets, costumes, and cinematography that transport viewers back in time. The attention to detail is impeccable, seamlessly recreating the splendor of the 19th century.

The gripping storyline is a perfect blend of romance, politics, and personal struggles, captivating audiences from the very first episode. It explores Victoria's journey as a young queen trying to establish her authority amidst a male-dominated society, while also delving into her personal relationships and the challenges of balancing love and duty.

The brilliant scriptwriting, combined with the exceptional performances, makes Victoria - Season 1 a must-watch for fans of period dramas. It brings history to life in a way that is both engaging and educational.

If you are a fan of historical dramas or simply looking for a captivating series to binge-watch, Victoria - Season 1 is a perfect choice. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Queen Victoria and experience the triumphs and tribulations of her reign.

You can play and download the sounds from Victoria - Season 1 here for a truly immersive experience. Relive the breathtaking moments, the stirring music, and the poignant dialogue that make this series a true cinematic gem. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be swept away by the mesmerizing world of Victoria - Season 1.
A cake that will dazzle the court with its artistry.
A chef has a nose for the most interesting ingredients.
A christening, perhaps.
A copy of Mr Midshipman Easy by Captain Marryat was found in Oxford's lodgings.
A dark coat. Brown boots. Tall hat.
A day of driven shooting, then.
A discretionary title?
A gentleman don't set foot in the field without the kit.
A gun wearing white would be a right howler.
A letter from the secretary of White's club
A little wriggle pants tonight.
A little wrigglepants, ma'am.
A lock of her hair.
A love like ours can burn down a city.
A message from the Palace, my Lord.
A monarch cannot be seen to favour one political party.
A note, Your Royal Highness.
A palace this size can never have too many teaspoons.
A place I have earned.
A Prime Minister must feel he has the confidence of his monarch.
A prince?
A queen. A wife.
A regency on the grounds of insanity?
A search of his lodgings has revealed that he is a member of the Young England Society.
A spell of calm and seclusion is what she needs,
A title?
A very nice job.
A very...
A volume of Shakespeare.
A week away from all this. I long to be alone with you. Really alone.
A word of warning, sir. He is next in line to the throne.
A worthy endeavour, gentlemen.
A young man should not have too much money at his disposal.
About the same time as you. We are here for the same reason.
About which we spoke.
Actually, Wellington, my wife is now Duchess of Inverness.
Advise, yes, encourage certainly, even warn,
Affairs of state...
Affairs? Let Albert do them for you.
After that, you can call him 'sir'.
Ah, ah, ah...
Alas, I do not hunt.
Alas, Sir Robert, I think we should let our host
Albert and Victoria seem less comfortable with each other since I was last here.
Albert doesn't know how to talk. He refuses to dissemble.
Albert is my husband
Albert prefers Windsor,
Albert thinks that I will be safer there.
Albert will be expecting nothing less.
Albert, Albert.
Albert, I don't... I don't want a doctor.
Albert, what? What is it? What's happened?
Albert, what's the matter?
Albert, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife,
Albert, you're not listening.
Albert? No.
Albert. Albert.
All my thoughts have been with you.
All she had to do was look at it.
All the dukes want to become kings. And that's why Cumberland's here.
All the marron glaces that she wanted.
All the promises we made before I went to Coburg have come to nothing.
Allow me to congratulate you in person on your marriage.
Allow me to congratulate you, Ma'am.
Allow me? Peel was perfectly within his rights
Allow me.
Almost, Ma'am?
Also without me, but...
Also, I believe it may be rather too long.
Although I have to admit, I'm strangely drawn to Peel.
Although that would be rather helpful. Perhaps I should.
Although, I suspect, we hope for different results.
Always running at her heels, waiting for her to throw me a treat.
Always thinking of me. I just needed some air.
Am I of unsound mind?
Am I right in thinking you have never seen a locomotive, sir?
Am I simply a vessel to be protected because I am carrying precious cargo?
An actress.
An embossed silver tureen from the Lord Mayor of Ly cester.
An expedition into the dark heart of the Tory Shires
An ice house!
An office you shall not allow him.
And a capital job he's done of it too. I shall be sorry to lose him.
And a necessary ally in the unfortunate event of you becoming regent.
And a Tory as well.
And all the people talk about is the weather.
And also, I'm told he's an aficionado of the railway.
And amongst people like the Giffards, it's...
And an allowance that means I am not always the poor relation.
And as to your position...
And at this moment it seems that only Sir Robert has the confidence of the House.
And before the wedding, there are things that have to be decided.
And childbirth is a perilous business.
And decided he would not have it.
And don't necessarily want it disfigured by iron rails.
And even then, I cannot be at the Palace as much as I have been.
And favour neither side over the other
And furthermore, to show how much we believe in English justice,
And giving him a ride on your ruddy infernal machine.
And he may ask you to make a few changes in the Royal household.
And he's spending them on actresses!
And His Grace the Duke of Wellington.
And His Royal Highness Prince Albert.
And His Royal Highness, Prince Albert.
And how I will miss you?
And I am grateful, Mama.
And I believe he lives off ices and turtle soup.
And I believe it is the correct choice.
And I believe they're expecting more than 3,000 people.
And I believe you have no right to ask me.
And I cannot do it alone.
And I do hope you will take care.
And I have been looking for it my whole life.
And I hope to say a few words of my own.
And I promise you that our dear little cousin will thank you for it.
And I say to the noble lord that a moral principle cannot be ignored
And I see no reason to make you Queen Mother, however much Sir John might like it.
And I shall certainly make a subscription.
And I suppose a love for you too.
And I think there will be some crumbs from her table for Coburg.
And I wanted to lose no time in congratulating you, my dear niece.
And I will not allow you to put it in danger.
And I will promise to love, honour...
And I'm not at home...
And I'm worried too...
And if found guilty, you will be hung, drawn and quartered.
And if I were the man that you think I am, I could have taken everything.
And if it should be found rats reached as far as the state rooms,
And if she succeeds, we will not be able to protect her with a regency.
And if you answer back using the word "future", I shall scream!
And is your other half so very bad?
And it is clear from the testimony of the doctors that Oxford is not of sound mind.
And it is good that you're here today...
And it is my job, no, it is my duty, to see that you come to no harm.
And it will be a great honour, sir.
And it would be unfortunate
And it's a surprise!
And keeps his other women out of sight.
And look what happened to her.
And Mama telling me how, when she was pregnant,
And no one, I suspect, tells you what to do.
And nothing, not even my devotion to you, will stop me from upholding it.
And now he comes here to await the Queen's confinement?
And now Peel won't form a government unless she does.
And now you have Victoria...
And obey you.
And of course, Ma'am, you know it is essential that the Crown, that is, you,
And offers to rescue the Queen from her cruel imprisonment
And peas. Post haste. And for the Prince?
And render it conducive to the interests of my people
And see Peel fidgeting with the silver
And she doesn't want him as Prime Minister.
And she stayed there, for as long as I did.
And she was watching me from the terrace.
And should be by my side. It is time things were changed.
And simpering over my husband...
And smile occasionally.
And so I waved and she put her finger to her lips
And so the torpid Teuton wedges himself yet further
And soon to be a mother.
And that I would choose as my instrument a half witted pot boy from south of the river?
And that is the Lord's Anointed.
And that means I can no longer lead the Whigs in government.
And that we may, at no distant period,
And that your party must take charge.
And the blackest stain upon civilised Europe.
And the blackest stain upon civilised Europe.
And the blackest stain upon civilised...
And the Tories belong to you.
And their servants, they're all the same.
And then he cannot form a government.
And then my life would have been over.
And then there are your bridesmaids.
And then they are released.
And then...
And there will be no freedom for our child either.
And this is Mr Barrett,
And throw yourself off?
And wait for you to smile at me.
And we can start looking for new positions.
And what do you think, Sir Robert?
And what will you do now, William?
And whilst I salute your tenacity, Ma'am, I must tell you
And whose fault is that, Mama?
And yet everyone believed them.
And you believe she should overcome her dislike.
And you think that's what I should do?
And you told him that a queen's dresser with her own money coming in
And you were almost right.
And you will come for dinner tonight so I can tell you all about it?
And you will never want for handkerchiefs, I promise.
And you, Liebes...
And you'll make a wonderful mother. This... I know.
And your hips.
And your mother is always talking about her travels.
And yourself.
And, above all, allowance.
And, of course, Sir John Conroy would be at her side.
Anson. I have written what I wish to say in German
Any day now by my calculations.
Any government serves at the... pleasure of the Crown.
Any man can keep a woman happy if he pays her enough attention
Anything good is worth waiting for.
Anything? No, sir. Nothing, sir.
Apparently she still is.
Apparently, it is the custom, in case there is a substitution.
Are created en masse in the factories.
Are moaning about incursions on their property.
Are rather fond of the peculiar virtues of their region
Are they Chartists?
Are we paying attention?
Are you all right, ma'am?
Are you all right? It's nothing.
Are you following me? You're not meant to be here.
Are you going to accept?
Are you going to tell her, or shall I?
Are you hurt?
Are you in the country long?
Are you listening to me? Are you listening? Yes.
Are you not going to open that one?
Are you randy for it?
Are you suggesting that the Queen is not of sound mind, sir?
Arrest that man! Quickly, sir!
Arrest that man! Thank you, Captain Childers,
As a matter of fact, it does.
As co regent.
As ever, this subject makes men overstimulated.
As I had Victoria.
As it happens, I also have a plan.
As President of the British And Foreign Anti Slavery Society,
As President of the British And Foreign Anti Slavery Society...
As Regent.
As the only prince of the blood present,
As they say there, he that pays the piper calls the tune.
As to the ceremony itself,
As we are presently unencumbered by other guests,
As well as my own domestic happiness.
As you know, Your Majesty, the wicked practice of slavery
As you see, I am far too busy to die.
As you wish, Baroness.
As you would not visit me, I decided to visit you!
As you've not yet told me who you spoke to,
As your marriage is morganatic, she cannot be Duchess of Sussex,
As your sovereign, I cannot open your meeting...
Ask any woman who has conceived.
At a time like this! Have you lost your mind, Mrs Jenkins?
At least here we only have one royal family.
At least I know Albert doesn't have any secrets.
At the moment, I don't know if I can...
At your service, Your Serene Highness.
Bacon, Mr Francatelli. And peas, Mr Penge.
Barbarous trade is repugnant to the spirit of Christianity
Barbarous, sir, is the correct pronunciation.
Baroness, how may I help you?
Baroness, you put me off my stroke.
Baroness, you, of course.
Be rewarded by the accomplishment of the great and humane object
Because he is still drawing on them
Because I did not have the sovereign's consent,
Because I knew I was on the way to freedom,
Because it looks like a bomb, yeah?
Because that's all you know.
Because they have the fever in Seven Dials.
Because you are not a young woman, Duke,
Because you may find that the people of, for instance, Staffordshire,
Because you seek my favour for your political advantage?
Because you seek my influence to ratify your Regency?
Because, Ma'am, the country needs a government,
Before I congratulate you, Ma'am, may I remind you
Before you came to the throne,
Begging your pardon, Herr Lohlein.
Better a bit of rouge than a mistress and a clutch of children
Big job, mind, a place like this. I'll have to charge royal prices.
Brandy. In the library.
Breathe. Breathe.
Brodie could take a message to Dover House in no time.
But for some reason they did not.
But after all, what else could you possibly need
But also Sir Robert Peel, who as you know, sir, is a Tory.
But because she is not of royal blood, she is not recognised as his wife
But don't worry, Sir John and I will help you. We have a plan.
But ever since I arrived in this country,
But for you I pray in every denomination.
But he begs to receive Her Majesty and her entourage.
But he cares for me. I know he does.
But he does deserve your support. A monarch must be seen to be impartial.
But he was mad.
But her doctors would not let her eat them.
But how can I reach the very pinnacle of my craft
But I am afraid I shall make a fearful hash of it.
But I am neighbour to the Giffards.
But I am not a German woman.
But I am your subject.
But I assured him that you would not mind.
But I can't afford to keep my horses waiting.
But I can't think of many people who would do what you did for a stranger.
But I cannot allow you to jeopardise the position of the Crown on my account.
But I chose not to, out of a love for her,
But I didn't mind the hardships
But I do believe in the British constitution in all its tattered glory,
But I do not know if your uncles would agree.
But I do not know Sir Robert, and I have admired you all my life.
But I do not think that I will be so lucky.
But I fear he has never understood the fairer sex.
But I have a palace full of handkerchiefs.
But I have decided to be my wife's companion today.
But I have to go back to Coburg first.
But I have to prove my worth every single day.
But I like London.
But I look like a goose wearing a crown.
But I must deliver it in English, of course.
But I never forget a face, especially one as pretty as yours.
But I regret that I am too old to be Prime Minister again.
But I think my drawing is quite lifelike. Don't you agree, Lord Alfred?
But I think she could perhaps be a Duchess of say...
But I think you should also be careful.
But I want to be free.
But I'm afraid it will not change my mind in the question of precedence.
But I'm afraid that this is a battle... you cannot win.
But I'm sure Victoria will be generous.
But if I cock this mayonnaise...
But if needs must, we must not shirk our duty.
But if needs must, we must not shirk our duty.
But if that is your concern, then you should tell him the truth.
But if the bill passed, why should you resign?
But instead you allowed Sir John to make you his creature.
But it is all that I desire in the world.
But it is essential, my dearest, that I have some title of my own.
But it is not fitting in the Queen.
But maybe you're needing some rest and quiet.
But Melbourne can't govern the country from Brocket Hall for ever.
But more than anything I care about you and the baby.
But Mrs Ashdown thinks now they are out of the city, it will get better.
But my answer is no.
But my equerry is dealing with the obstacle ahead.
But my sister's married and she writes to me very frankly.
But not any more.
But now I have you...
But now you have me.
But of course you have a seat in the House of Lords.
But of Great Britain and Ireland.
But that won't be necessary. Your Majesty.
But the future belongs to the Tories
But then I do not believe
But then I was not happily married.
But then she's not the one who's lighting the gas.
But then we will be together for ever.
But there has never been such a queen as you are.
But there is one thing of which I am quite certain.
But they are my friends!
But this is my wedding.
But this isn't about pleasing her or anyone else, is it?
But underneath...
But we have nothing to fear from what...
But we must proceed carefully.
But what a profile!
But when she held that baby in her arms,
But when you upset the natural order of things with your gas lighting,
But why would you put your trust in him or any man?
But why? It's too dangerous.
But you are here on business, Sir Robert.
But you are not alone, are you?
But you are not an ordinary woman.
But you cannot insist.
But you do know that your days are numbered, don't you?
But you have... other friends, Ma'am.
But you must not forget I am the Queen.
But you should be aware that, as the steward, I take an emolument.
But you will be back soon.
But you will deal with them, Mr Penge
But you'll have to wait and see.
But your attendants must come from the aristocracy, Ma'am.
But your current title belonged to poor dear Papa.
But, Ma'am, you are not yourself.
But, Ma'am, you will have to make some adjustments.
But? Your eyes are full of "but".
But... there is no greater ally than yourself.
But...what about the instructions from Hanover?
By order of the Parish Council, on account of the fever.
By the way, Baroness, the Prince would like to speak with you.
Call it...a bomb surprise.
Calm yourself!
Can this really be true? The Tory Party,
Can we define "entourage"?
Can your husband spare you?
Can't fix what she's got with chocolate.
Can't I do something about it? As Queen?
Can't travel without my dear Lehzen.
Can't you persuade Parliament to make him King Consort?
Captain Childers has been writing to the Queen for years.
Captain Childers.
Carriage be damned. We ride here.
Celebrated for textiles. Adjacent is Northumberland,
Ceramics. It is the industry of the region.
Certainly, Baroness
Certainly, but it will be an expensive business.
Charlotte used to like sweets too,
Childbirth is a dangerous business.
Childbirth is a hazardous business.
Childbirth is surely an ordeal, but you are equal to it.
Chillington Hall, ma'am, is well situated for your research, being in Staffordshire.
Coast to the port, damn you
Come back here, you little rascal!
Come on, gentlemen, please. Let's have some order.
Come on.
Come sit.
Condone or condemn.
Congratulations, Ma'am.
Conroy? The Duchess would need the appointment of a co regent.
Contrary to general belief, I'm not actually frightened of Tories.
Cotton. Whereabouts is cotton mostly?
Could we have met before?
County town of Cumberland.
Crikey, whose are those?
Critics would say that I had manipulated you for my own advantage.
Cumberland shall be my mistress.
Cumberland thinks the little Queen listens to voices in her head,
Cumberland would crawl over broken glass for a crack at the Regency.
Danke, Gretchen.
Dear Albert! Has my nephew arrived yet?
Dear Lord M.
Dear Mr Bumps! How I have missed him, Lord Alfred.
Defeated by the caprice of an 18 year old girl?
Delighted to be here, Ma'am.
Devise the programme of activity.
Did he make these? Mm.
Did someone tell you to do this?
Did you hear the crowds cheering me, Drina? It was most flattering.
Did you hear those cheers? They were even louder than at my coronation.
Did you know that Uncle Leopold has a mistress?
Did you make that just for me?
Did you miss me?
Did you see the Giffards s******ing up their noses at me?
Did you see those fellows in the field?
Did you see Wellington's face when The Duke of Sussex gave way to you?
Did you sleep well?
Did you?
Didn't want to have children right away...
Dining with the Queen, Mr Francatelli?
Dinner shall be preparations of the vital organs.
Directly after luncheon you must go to bed,
Do the British people have no concern for their Queen's safety?
Do you ever imagine what I might need?
Do you find me much changed?
Do you find this amusing, Lord Melbourne? Forgive me, Ma'am.
Do you have a more pressing appointment?
Do you imagine that I want to leave you, Ma'am?
Do you know how much I envy you?
Do you know what I have here, Nancy?
Do you know what that... child has done?
Do you know when I will be needed, Your Ladyship?
Do you know, Lehzen...
Do you like it?
Do you mean...?
Do you mean...?
Do you not care at all about our unborn child?
Do you really imagine I would do anything
Do you really mean to forsake me?
Do you really think Uncle Cumberland would try and shoot me in broad daylight?
Do you really want to make another mistake?
Do you remember, in our room in Rosenau,
Do you think that Albert has a mistress?
Do you want any particular style, Ma'am?
Do you want anything?
Do you want to surround me with spies?
Does he? At least your father gave up his mistress when he married me.
Does my niece do anything like that?
Does your hand contain royalty?
Doesn't give it up to follow a pastry cook.
Doesn't it matter to you, my love?
Don't be childish.
Don't be scared, my Liebes, nothing will happen to you.
Don't blame me, Mr Francatelli, blame the Baroness.
Don't give it up for a man.
Don't know your name.
Don't listen to an old cynic like me, Ma'am.
Don't talk railway at me.
Don't worry, Albert.
Don't worry, we're quite safe here.
Don't you care what people think? Of course.
Don't you think I've arranged things marvellously?
Don't you think I've managed it all rather neatly?
Don't you think? The world is on the move, Sir Piers.
Don't you want to be my Prime Minister?
Don't you want to get out of here before you fade, Miss Skerrett?
Double bacon and peas!
Dressers don't curtsey to cooks.
Drina can be foolish, and headstrong maybe, but she's not mad.
Drina, this is your affair of state.
Drina... Laughter is bad for baby.
Duchess of Inverness.
Duchess, there are some very curious looking shrubs over there.
Duke of Cumberland's back, I see.
Each time I wish to buy a... handkerchief.
English, brother, English.
Er, the butler said that in the country
Er... yes, an income which, if I'm not much mistaken, Your Majesty,
Er... yes, Ma'am.
Ernest is not an honest man, Harriet.
Ernest, how can I?
Ernest. Ernest.
Ernest. You look so serious.
Ernest... I must speak with you about something.
Even if one of those Coburgs is the Dowager Duchess and her dresser?
Even in my dreams I never imagined I should find so much love on earth.
Even Papa does not seduce other men's wives.
Every week for a year after you left.
Everybody, please, out! Out.
Everyone is for sale. It just depends on the price.
Everything I have is yours, Your Majesty!
Everything the Queen says is interesting.
Everything will go very smoothly if you avoid contradicting her.
Exactly the man I would like to see.
Excellent. Excellent.
Excessively diverting.
Excuse me, Majesty. I thought you were alone.
Excuse me, Your Grace, but have you informed Lord Melbourne?
Exeter Hall is a large venue,
Expeditions clearly agree with us.
Filling the palace with this female rabble and their infants
First rats and now an infestation of Coburgs.
Folly? Oh, yes, I suppose that is what it must look like to the Queen of England's husband.
For 20 years, we've been together every day.
For an audience with Mr Allen and Mr Buxton
For making me an offer despite knowing where I come from.
For not having organised a Royal box
For the approval of Parliament.
For the promotion of which we have this day met.
For you, Mama.
For you...I order a trip north.
Forced to grow up in the shadows, just as I was.
Forgive me for being a little late, Ma'am.
Forgive me for interrupting, but I just heard the happy news,
Forgive me, darling, but...
Forgive me, Ma'am, but your disguise is not impenetrable.
Forgive me. I did not realise you were occupied.
Forgive me. I had not realised that flirting was a prerequisite for being Prime Minister.
Forgive my disarray. I... I was not expecting visitors.
Fortunately, sir, I don't have a view of it here.
Fortunately, Victoria is most impressionable,
Four of your ladies are married to Whig ministers.
Fraulein Hilde. Hm.
Friends who do not let the Peelers stand in their way.
From a conviction of its paramount importance
From a harmless flirtation with a married woman.
From ingrowing toenails to cholera.
From Lord Melbourne, Ma'am.
From the look on your face, I suspect you are about to reprimand me.
Funny, I...
Furthermore, can the honourable member assure the Commons
Gee up!
Gentlemen, dismount! Make way.
Georg Friedrich Handel.
German tyrant, eh? What a notion.
German visitors.
Give up my charity work? What a suggestion!
Gloriana, hallelujah
Gloriana, hallelujah
Go back and offer her someone charming like, er... Emily Anglesey.
Go to these places of new manufacturing.
God save our gracious Queen
God save our Queen
God save the Duchess!
God save the Queen!
God save the Queen!
God save the Queen!
God Save The Queen. Good heavens.
Good day. Your Highness.
Good evening, Your Royal Highness. Lady Cecilia.
Good health.
Good luck.
Good morning.
Good thing I'm here. I missed you.
Goodbye, Doctor Clark.
Goodbye, Lord M.
Goodbye, Ma'am.
Goodbye, Ma'am.
Goodbye, Uncle.
Goodbye, Victoria.
Got to keep the old ways. Anything that is young and new is a threat.
Had you not been sitting on your throne, I...
Half the people in this box
Hanover will have to wait.
Happy Birthday, Victoria.
Happy Birthday.
Harriet plays the piano much better than me, and she has such an eye for fashion.
Harriet Sutherland and Emma Portman are both married to Whig ministers.
Harriet, you attend to the Duchess in my absence.
Harrow, so forth.
Has been abolished throughout your dominions, yet it continues in other...
Have been laid to rest.
Have not, as yet, led to...
Have something of my own:
Have you come to give me a lesson in government, Sir Robert?
Have you decided, Ma'am, who will give you away?
Have you finished, sir?
Have you found the men? In a manner of speaking, sir.
Have you got no regard for the Queen's safety?
Have you kissed her yet?
Have you lost your mind, Drina?
Have you thought about my offer, I have thought about it, yes.
Have you thought about my offer, Nancy?
He carries them all on a tray balancing on his head.
He did not attend the wedding.
He even walks like a Papist.
He has refused to form a ministry and says I must send for Sir Robert Peel.
He is a man of great ability.
He is concerned Oxford will be acquitted on the grounds of insanity.
He is my better half, I think.
He is so good at putting the Queen in a good humour.
He is so very eccentric.
He is the only one who understands.
He is, of course, a Tory...
He knows quite well that Albert is not a Catholic.
He knows very well,
He made me polish his silver buckles again this morning.
He may be the Queen's favourite but that's no reason why the country should suffer.
He may not have given the order himself, but...
He might have killed you.
He murdered his valet before you were born.
He only ever says exactly what he means
He said they weren't shiny enough.
He should be here by now.
He thinks I would benefit from studying the heavens.
He thinks it may be wise for you to stay at home for a while.
He told me he thought you did it beautifully.
He wanted to send all my ladies away and replace them with some horrid Tory spies.
He wants me to go with him, Eliza.
He was always complaining about how tiresome it was being Prime Minister.
He will not notice I'm gone, ma'am.
He will want you to replace them with Tory ladies.
He would never do that. You have your freedom, Nancy.
He writes every week. He professes his undying love
He's a fan, mind.
He's at the Oxford trial.
He's been offered his own establishment.
He's guilty.
He's set it up as his own fiefdom.
He' Like me.
Helping him with his correspondence.
Her bedroom is next door.
Her behaviour is barely rational. To make such a to do over her ladies.
Her death in labour is the reason you're Queen.
Her friend.
Her Grace, the Duchess of Inverness.
Her Majesty cannot expect things to continue as they did under your ministry.
Her Majesty don't like rodents.
Her Majesty has sent for me.
Her Majesty has the advantage of the best doctors in the country, sir.
Her Majesty heard a rustling last night in the sitting room.
Her Majesty is quite the little jack in the box.
Her Majesty the Queen...
Her Majesty will have to get used to us.
Her Majesty, Queen Victoria.
Her Majesty, the Queen,
Her Majesty's dietary requirements take...
Her selection of Regent has the full support of the Tory party.
Here at the palace.
Here in London.
Here we go. Cover it in hot chocolate.
Hey, stop, you little thief!
His Grace, the Duke of Wellington.
His name is Edward Oxford, Your Royal Highness.
His only weapon was a bunch of violets, sir.
His Royal Highness Prince Albert.
His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex
His Royal Highness the King of Hanover.
His Royal Highness, the Duke of Sussex,
His Royal Highness, the Duke of Sussex.
Hm. In this country,
Hmm! It appears she has her grandfather's temper. But she cannot refuse you.
Hmm. With respect, Ma'am...
Hmph! What are you doing?
Hmph. Not much of an assassin.
Hold it.
Honestly! I'll be quite safe.
Honour, and keep her in sickness and in health,
Hoping to grow fat on Britain's public purse, I wonder?
How can I assist you?
How can I continue if there is no punishment for a man who tries to kill me?
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