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The Crown - Season 1

The Crown - Season 1

The Crown, created by Peter Morgan, is a critically acclaimed television series that premiered in 2016. This historical drama takes viewers on a captivating journey through the early years of Queen Elizabeth II's reign.

The first season of The Crown is set in the post-World War II era and delves into the complexities and challenges faced by the young queen as she ascends to the throne. The show beautifully weaves together history, politics, and personal relationships to offer a compelling narrative.

Leading the cast is the immensely talented Claire Foy, who portrays the iconic Queen Elizabeth II with grace, dignity, and an incredible depth of emotion. Matt Smith delivers a remarkable performance as Prince Philip, the queen's husband, bringing to life the struggles and conflicts faced by a man constantly living in his wife's shadow.

Vanessa Kirby shines as Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth's sister, capturing her rebellious spirit and tumultuous love life. John Lithgow's portrayal of Sir Winston Churchill is simply extraordinary, earning him widespread acclaim and numerous awards.

The ensemble cast also includes Jared Harris as King George VI, Victoria Hamilton as the Queen Mother, and Eileen Atkins as Queen Mary, among other brilliant actors who bring depth and authenticity to their respective roles.

The Crown - Season 1 is a visually stunning series, with meticulous attention to detail in production design, costumes, and cinematography. The grandeur of Buckingham Palace, the opulence of state dinners, and the historical events that shaped the British monarchy are all beautifully captured, making the show a feast for the eyes.

The story unfolds through masterful writing, exploring the personal and public challenges faced by the royal family. The series delves into themes such as duty, sacrifice, love, power, and the burdens of leadership. It presents a multi-dimensional portrayal of the queen, showcasing her growth and evolution as she juggles her roles as a wife, mother, and ruler.

The Crown - Season 1 garnered widespread critical acclaim and received several awards and nominations, including a Golden Globe for Best Television Drama Series. It continues to captivate audiences around the world, offering a glimpse into the private world of the monarchy and the lives of those behind closed doors.

You can immerse yourself in the world of The Crown - Season 1 by downloading and playing these magnificent sounds. Feel the emotional weight of the crown, experience the intricate relationships, and witness the defining moments that shaped Britain's history. The Crown is a must-watch for history buffs, fans of royal dramas, and anyone who appreciates masterful storytelling.

A beautiful child.
A boy.
A custom practiced so universally it might as well be the law.
A distance that was imposed upon me. They wanted me out.
A few hours ago, I discharged my last duty
A good man.
A happy home, with his wife and children.
A little bacon won't hurt, surely, Gerald? It's been five weeks.
A long period between accession and coronation
A malignant tumor.
A naval officer's stag night? Chance would be a fine thing.
A patient has a right to know the full picture.
A point that I will be making in person to the Commonwealth Heads,
A sick...
A simpler life.
A situation like that would require enormous energy.
A small mill town in America, outside Philadelphia?
A son who gave up the throne and, effectively, killed my other son.
A stickler for convention and tradition,
A striking tribute to the men and women of all races,
A vote of no confidence and he'll be toppled.
A what?
Abandoning their vehicles and continuing on foot.
About allowing Philip to learn to fly. He can now.
About how the Royal house would soon be in his name.
About the weather? It's fog, ma'am. It will lift eventually.
About what?
Across the capital has worsened overnight.
Actually, he's asked to see you.
Address it to the PM. He'll never read it, of course.
Admit it.
After all, the person
After the Conservative Party achieved a narrow...
After the incident a cross party delegation was sent to Donora
After the papers.
After your meeting with Their Majesties. Your schedule allows for 20 minutes.
Ah, but he loved to shoot, so modifications had to be made.
Ah. Is the car ready?
Ah. Your old man struggling a bit, is he?
Ahead of them lay a 30,000 mile trip
All energy and hope and passion and fire.
All her belongings have gone.
All I do is bring you things to sign. Then take them away again.
All our Prime Minister wanted to discuss was your husband's new hobby.
All right, Charles, all right. Stop it.
All right.
All right.
All right. I promise.
All they have to do is make sure the fan is off and wait.
All you have to do...
Allow me to disabuse you of that delusion.
Along the way, we may have to use some hand signals.
Also, to appoint a new Prime Minister in the event of incapacity
Am I going to have to explain my position again?
Am in position to ease the suffering.
Am prepared to inflict on your subjects as a reward for winning a World War
An angel to his mother, wife and children.
An empty taxi pulled up at the House of Commons, and Mr. Attlee got out.
An enquiry would be expensive.
An example of nobility and duty to raise them in their wretched lives.
An honor I gratefully accept.
An ordinary English countrywoman.
An ornament. A flower.
And a cavalry officer, posted to India,
And a full and independent public enquiry into the causes of air pollution...
And a spirit undaunted
And a wife.
And a word of warning, ma'am. A good many journalists outside.
And after a goodnight to those who loved him best,
And after a happy day of sunshine and sport,
And Anthony would never dare. I've been like a father to him.
And as... as their Sovereign,
And barely opened her mouth in the process.
And Churchill had continued to cling to power
And comptroller of the Queen Mother's household
And counting the minutes until I am back in your arms.
And cried, "Sir! You're right up my alley!"
And deep breath in...
And don't be fooled by his obsequiousness.
And generous man.
And go into exile and keep a low profile in return for a pension
And God help her.
And he became party leader on our recommendation.
And he has all sorts of ideas about how to modernize it.
And he passed it on to the women in his family.
And he will be here with you all again very soon.
And he'll have his navy again, and all will be well.
And her two daughters in their grief.
And here is the news.
And here.
And his personal popularity among the people remains undimmed."
And hospital corridors stacked with the dead,
And how closely you worked together.
And I also believe I spoke for many in the country when I defended you.
And I cannot stand by while chaos reigns around me.
And I do read the newspapers, and I do listen to the wireless,
And I know you will be as devastated as I am by this loss.
And I made it abundantly clear how important it was
And I think I've found a teacher mad enough to take me on as a pupil
And I was sympathetic with your father's concerns at the time.
And I will never forgive his selfishness and weakness in passing on the burden.
And I won't lie to you.
And I'll head straight to Sandringham if you give me the all clear to shoot.
And in the face of this congregation,
And it will take every ounce of energy that you have.
And Knight Companion
And made countless millions of human beings around the world
And make sure that egg is well plated and no shell to risk irritation.
And many would say that Churchill's behavior now constitutes incapacity.
And my mood will improve yet further if you promise me one thing.
And news spreads throughout our cities and villages,
And not bestowed on me.
And now our latest estimates suggest that in 1952..."
And now our time is up.
And now we all have a new king.
And once the Palace is your main residence.
And out.
And people had continued to die?
And perhaps you could also inform Cabinet
And precociousness.
And prevailing over fascism, evil and tyranny.
And reduces us all to cruel nicknames.
And see what we can get out of the wretched circus.
And several thousand became seriously ill from the poisonous fog.
And she had to make a decision right then and there, in the room.
And Shirley Temple, who has the rank now
And so the wheels keep turning, and the business gets done,
And something will be brought onto the plane before you disembark.
And tell the Queen I'll be there first thing in the morning.
And thank you for all this. It looks splendid.
And that frugality earned him great favour.
And that His Majesty's immediate post operative condition is satisfactory.
And that is the one thing as sovereign that you are not entitled to do.
And that my descendants,
And that void has been filled by George the VI
And the compass heading and keep the stick level.
And the country had continued to suffer?
And the country is governed.
And the father of the future king of England
And the government had continued to flounder?
And the job of drawing that line falls to Cabinet, ma'am. Not to you.
And the minute you do, you will have declared a position. A point of view.
And the Queen is here, Your Majesty.
And the Royal family.
And the Royal house that is now in his name.
And the second question?
And the second?
And the situation we're in today is quite different,
And the war time years was striking.
And then an hour to get through the bloody thing!
And then she asked me to pick either Khawaja Nazimuddin of ****stan
And then she switched her tack without so much as a flicker. Clever.
And then when your health's improved, we'll return to Malta
And then, only using a low voice.
And then?
And there are only so many things that I, as Prime Minister,
And there's talk of starting in Kenya.
And they compound an already traumatic and painful trip with this humiliation!
And they conspicuously fail to mention the results.
And they're lazy. Spend all day sleeping.
And this, Ma'am, from Her Majesty Queen Mary.
And to beseech you not to do this.
And to comfort Her Majesty, Queen Mary.
And to our generous host.
And to serve government, any government.
And to that end you come to me with a "master plan"
And tranquil glories of the Victorian era,
And turn that noise off. He'll still be prime minister tomorrow.
And unreasonable ideas.
And until then, as sovereign,
And was rewarded by cheers and applause,
And was your man, our man, on our side.
And we have a little surprise in store for them.
And we have in this case, a five power conference first. See...
And what a bunch of ice veined monsters my family are.
And what do you expect me to do? Hmm?
And what?
And where our soldiers continue to come under fire from nationalist insurgents.
And where there is heroism there will always be hope.
And while you mourn your father, you must also mourn someone else.
And why? What else have you got in mind for our little holiday?
And widespread disruption reported across the nation.
And will doubtless call me over cautious for not doing so.
And would never have done anything that violated the constitution,
And you should be no exception.
And your late son was in our thoughts the whole time.
And, before he abdicated, your uncle took Edward, of course.
And, from henceforth, he will be known as Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, Royal Navy.
And, from there, the Royal couple will travel to Sagana Lodge...
And, given his age, and he's a smoker.
And, if there is one thing I have learned in 52 years of public service,
And, in many ways, worse [yelps]
And, look, please disavow me of it if I'm wrong
And, now that I have been succeeded by my brother,
And, of course, Albert Windsor would dearly love
And, quite possibly, lose power for a whole generation.
And... [clears throat] no more allow the sovereign
Anthony, eh?
Any chance that could stretch to being on the steps outside the chapel?
Anyone not here, speak out!
Anyone we know?
Anything from the Foreign Office? About America or the Soviet Union?
Anything less than perfect will be a disaster.
Anyway, if I am to succeed,
Anyway, in the evening, we gathered for dinner.
Apart from the surgeons?
Apparently, there's a large breeding herd of elephants at Treetops.
Are they a nuisance?
Are they keeping something from me?
Are those for me? Thank you very much.
Are we the last?
Are you all right?
Are you sure you wouldn't have preferred one of those?
As a friend. To bid the Prime Minister to resign.
As a precautionary measure.
As a private individual.
As a result, I'm the most senior airman in the country and I can't bloody well fly.
As a wife, a mother.
As befits the widow of a kind...
As comptroller of the Queen Mother's household.
As every man or woman
As I would wish to do,
As I'm sure you all know,
As it happens, there are two issues
As King and Emperor.
As our citizens are breathing in poisonous sulphur dioxide.
As part of a quid pro quo arrangement.
As Prime Minister.
As private secretary to the sovereign, he's my senior.
As queen...
As sovereign, you have the right to demand
As the House and Family of Windsor.
As your Prime Minister.
Asks me for a word then tells me, to my face, "Do you credit it?"
At present I can see stars.
At Richmond Bridge this morning,
At the time of the operation, as you know, structural alterations were discovered.
At your earliest convenience.
Away from Court?
Away from the scrutiny and the visibility.
Back away. Back you go.
Baying for blood.
Be careful out there, it's a real pea souper.
Be firm. Just lay down the law.
Be kind but be fierce.
Be resuming your duties with the Royal Air Force.
Because it disarmed me. And made me switch tack too.
Because it's a private matter. And I am in favor.
Because that's the overwhelming advice.
Because the calling comes from the highest source.
Because the man is a monster!
Because they were seen by the people to embody indefensible
Before I return to New York.
Before man first got in a plane.
Begging his late Majesty to intervene,
Besides... we have to start breaking her in gently, don't we?
Breathe in, Your Majesty.
Bringing Their Majesties and Princess Margaret to the airport
Buckingham Palace can still be where official business is done
Buckingham Palace.
But alongside the suffering, I have also seen heroism.
But as leader, one cannot simply react to everything.
But Dickie put me in the Navy.
But doing this for her, doing this for me...
But he is no longer with us
But he keeps getting back up.
But he still has to ask Cabinet permission to do rolls and spins.
But he's married.
But I am also a responsible citizen
But I remained civil because I am following your advice...
But I think one should start as one means to continue.
But I was overruled. The theory was that, if His Majesty felt he'd been cured,
But I would be concerned about the bronchoscopy.
But if you are feeling up to it,
But it's the right thing, for the young family and the children to live there.
But not the guilty party.
But not the queen?
But our home, our private family home, will be Clarence House.
But shortly before your father died the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Eden, came,
But surely doing nothing is no job at all?
But that'd be the row behind me. Breathing down my neck.
But that's the point, Elizabeth, it's just advice.
But the important thing is we sent it.
But the name Windsor would only be carried by the male descendants.
But the Prime Minister needs to be given a chance.
But the trust and affection of the family.
But then I realized a situation like that would also require statesmanship.
But then the fog lifted,
But they didn't, so I don't.
But to communicate mine about you.
But we can provide you with Wellington boots.
But we've been told that it is unlikely
But what if the fog hadn't lifted?
But what's my personal contribution?
But when you're out, there's no doubt at all.
But where does that leave me?
But would prefer it to be bloodless.
But wouldn't that violate the constitution?
But you didn't tell me about this.
But you have to admire him.
But you must put those sentiments to one side now,
But you need to be a monster to defeat Hitler.
But, as a friend... as Albert Windsor,
But, as a wife, I know what my answer would be.
But, for now, let us think only of what we have in common.
But, in keeping the estate and the local community going,
But, in the end, there's nowhere better than the Splash
But, in the meantime... I'm still not yet well enough to travel.
But, like a great many other things, I'm going to give it all up for you.
But, to be up there in a plane, it's the biggest thrill of them all.
But, trust me, becoming a pilot has been a lifelong ambition of mine
But, well, as company, as a companion...
But, what I can tell you is we don't get a weather warning like this every day.
But, what to do?
But, while I'm sure you're flattered,
By comparison at my age you were a published writer,
By those suffering through the worst smog this city has ever witnessed."
By two o'clock this afternoon.
Cabinet meetings, Foreign Office briefings,
Call the Foreign Secretary.
Can anyone overhear what you're saying?
Catarrhal inflammation, it's not that unusual.
Cecile, died in a plane.
Ceylon. Australia.
Charles, wait. Here. Okay?
Charteris at least had one foot in the real world.
Chocks are in position. Switches are off.
Christ. [chuckles]
Christ. Hide. There, there. There. Go.
Christ. Hide. There, there. There. Go.
Clem, are you still there? Hello? Clem?
Clem, can you hear me? No, right...
Cold weather. That's what I thought.
Come in.
Come in.
Come on, it's probably nothing.
Come on, then!
Come on.
Come on.
Comes at a time when mankind stands uncertainly poised...
Complete with isobars and isohumes.
Confidence in Sterling is impaired.
Congratulations, sir. Dr. Moran is here for you.
Consider it done.
Consider it given.
Continues this morning, with emergency services struggling to cope
Control of this story is getting away from us.
Could you give us a moment, please, Jock?
Course not. Peter will be spending Christmas at home with his family.
Crowds gather to mourn King George VI.
Culpable for what? It's fog. Fog is fog. It comes and it goes away.
Dear God.
Dear Mama.
Dear papa.
Departing on a 13:30 scheduled flight to...
Did not pass her childhood in any certain expectation of the Crown.
Did they offer any justification?
Different situation, different sovereign.
Dining room to kitchen.
Do not speak unless absolutely necessary
Do sit down, Prime Minister.
Do we?
Do you really believe that?
Do you really?
Do you think I could do it in three months?
Do you, boy?
Doctor Weir, Your Majesty.
Does the name Donora mean anything to you?
Don't be alarmed if you hear no response.
Don't rush, darling. It'll take him an hour to get to the front door.
Don't worry. I'll be gentle with you, Papa.
Don't you get sick of it all?
Don't you, Group Captain Townsend?
Each drive.
Earl of Merioneth and Duke of Edinburgh.
Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Easy, easy, stay with me.
Edward the Confessor,
Eight guns today, numbering from the right, moving up two each...
Eight months pregnant.
Either we get rid of him now or we lose the next election
Elizabeth Mountbatten.
Elizabeth! Margaret! Come inside!
Ella! Ella!
Enjoy every minute while you can.
Equipped, armed for her duty.
Escapes us all.
Even if it's only to hang himself.
Even when it's in the national interest, sir?
Evening Chronicle! Evening Chronicle!
Every ward is full. Every corridor too.
Everyone inside. We're starting now.
Everything exactly as it was before.
Everything they want me to know, they stick on top.
Everything they'd rather I didn't know,
Except for the occasional band of nomadic herdsmen.
Excuse me.
Extended Royal family!
Eyes on the road, not too fast.
Famous have been the reigns of our queens.
Fell upon us in his reign.
Fighting local tribesmen on the north west frontier.
Fire away.
Flares are being used to guide motorists in parts of the capital.
For a last farewell to the Royal travelers.
For duty calls.
For failure to deal with the mounting crisis.
For it is as a devoted family man that we, as a nation,
For lunch, or a walk.
For she has now been replaced by another person, Elizabeth Regina.
For something far more serious.
For the one other thing that has eluded me and gnaws away at my heart.
For there you have been and there you will always long to return."
For you to... summon Churchill and...
For you, sir.
For your benefit entirely.
For your sake.
Forbidden to bring my own wife, to pay respects to my dear, late brother
Foreign office first, let's surprise Anthony.
Foreign Secretary.
Forget death by lung disease, it's death by bad conversation.
Forward thinking government this country has ever seen.
Fought for me during that terrible time.
Frankly, there are more pressing matters to deal with.
From a constitutional standpoint.
From God himself."
From major London railway stations.
From this day forward...
Generally, we're better at queens than kings.
Gina! Carina!
Gina! Carina!
Given the choice, you know he'd never let him out of his sight.
Given these circumstances, I'd be interested to hear the PM's views
Go now!
Go on.
Go on. Be candid.
God bless you all.
God save the King.
God Save the Queen.
Good boy.
Good for him! You didn't hear me say that.
Good for nothing but school dinners and nursery food.
Good God.
Good God.
Good God.
Good man.
Good morning, Your Majesty.
Good morning, Your Majesty. 7:30, sir
Good. Good.
Goodness me.
Goodness. And what will you be doing in the meantime?
Great things have happened to this country under the sceptres of her queens
Gutte schön.
Had he been granted more time to complete your education.
Had you considered that?
Half a gold ring, darling. Half a gold ring, gentlemen.
Happier life.
Has fewer, but still significant, blockages.
Has no military associations.
Has Winston no shame?
Have a look at this for me, will you?
Have attempted to reduce emissions
Have they told you terrible things, your colleagues downstairs?
Have unfolded under their scepters.
Have we not enough qualified pilots to take him where he needs to go?
Having left the El Adem airfield in Libya at five this morning.
Having Mountbatten as the name of the Royal house,
Having your first born son, Charles, as the first Mountbatten king...
He and his wife have nasty little nicknames for all of us.
He apologizes for the lack of warning, but said it was important.
He asked me to stress the importance of the matter.
He can't look at anything without seeing its faults.
He could throw himself into his work without undue stress and, and, and worry.
He fell asleep,
He felt the social connections would be better.
He focuses almost entirely
He had five months.
He has done nothing for this family.
He is interested in only one thing.
He is very much tired from all the emotion of yesterday
He really is rather ingenious like that, actually.
He really was the perfect son.
He said he'd put it to Cabinet and I said there was nothing to discuss.
He talked a great deal about his recovery. Lots of mentions of "bouncing back".
He was wearing rouge.
He would also say that he watched his own family destroyed,
He would argue that in any equitable modern society,
He's getting stronger every day.
He's insisted the country keep burning coal irresponsibly this winter,
He's just feeling a little grounded. Ignore it.
He's outrageous.
He's stuck in the land that time forgot.
He's the party leader.
He's upstairs with the doctors.
Hello? Charteris. Yes?
Help is what is needed. Urgently.
Hence my discouragement of the offer.
Her daughter, Queen Elizabeth, is now queen, so she is...
Her father is a clergyman. From Suffolk.
Here I am.
Here we go.
Hey, hey, hey! Over here! Over here!
Hey, hey, stay with me. Away! Away!
His late Majesty was a hero
His Majesty was, like his father before him,
His Majesty will return from the shoot at 4 p.m.
His Majesty wondered if you'd mind accompanying him
His Majesty's back to himself again.
His name was David.
His real name... you'll not need reminding,
His Royal Highness, Prince Ernst August of Hanover, Your Majesty.
His Royal Highness, the Duke of Windsor, Your Majesty.
Hm. Judging by where you ended up, I'd say the plan worked.
Hm. That's something.
Hold on, would you?
Hospitals are filling up,
Hospitals are overflowing. People dying.
How can you do that?
How cold and thin lipped,
How dumpy and plain.
How joyless and loveless.
How long would it take me to get my wings?
How much longer are you going to give the old man?
How was the king?
How you lost the election escapes me.
How's your fellow?
Husband and father.
Hyde Park Corner. He'll understand.
I a brother.
I already have, sir. The answer is yes.
I also have sympathy with the leader articles in the newspapers today,
I also have sympathy with the leader articles in the newspapers today,
I also know that no one will bring up your resignation
I am also aware of the feelings generated by continued close proximity
I am an old man.
I am no longer the queen, I am simply Queen Mary.
I argued that His Majesty should be told at the time.
I barely got a word in.
I believe I would be doing the British public and this country a service
I can be a monster. Did they say that?
I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you.
I can't just push him out.
I can't sleep.
I can't sleep.
I cannot do it. I will not do it.
I come all this way, back to this gaping wound of a country,
I come directly from Broadlands.
I did.
I didn't mean to them. I meant to me.
I didn't want Her Majesty to suffer the embarrassment of a refusal.
I do have the right to be consulted, to encourage, to warn.
I do.
I do. As a matter of fact, I think it would do him good.
I do. We all do.
I don't expect you to accept the post.
I don't know what you're referring to.
I don't think that's entirely necessary.
I don't want you to miss a single thing.
I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts."
I gather half the Downing Street staff didn't?
I got home last night to find this on the kitchen table.
I grant you and the heirs, male of your body,
I groomed him every step of the way.
I had hoped all this might wait.
I had hoped I'd seen the back of this place.
I had to see you.
I have a proposed date which has been run past Cabinet and approved.
I have an appointment to see my grandmother.
I have considered resigning for Anthony's sake.
I have crossed the Atlantic for the funeral of a dear brother,
I have defended you so many times. Each time to my cost and in vain.
I have seen three great monarchies brought down through their failure
I have to give way to Sir Tommy Lascelles.
I have to make a decision about Christmas.
I have two questions.
I have.
I hereby declare my will and pleasure
I honestly believe he never thought of himself at all.
I intend to keep that appointment.
I invite you to form a government in my name.
I just received word from Buckingham Palace.
I know he's Winston Churchill and all that, but remember who you are.
I know how much my father depended on you.
I know how you loved your papa, my son.
I know one shouldn't believe everything one hears...
I know you would have me call a vote of no confidence,
I know you've missed our life there.
I know your party wants you to resign to make way for a younger man.
I know.
I know. I won't forget.
I mentioned this to the Queen...
I might expect some... soreness,
I need an expert to cut through the jargon.
I no longer am Albert Windsor.
I offer that in the spirit of maternal advice
I realize we've had our differences in the past.
I received a telephone call today from Bobbety Salisbury.
I regret to tell you, that talk, ugly talk,
I saw that.
I saw that.
I see.
I see.
I see. You're just going to walk into Downing Street and whisper in his ear.
I seem to have bounced back a lot quicker than people expected.
I shall be making mental notes.
I should be delighted to accept.
I should make more of an effort with him.
I so looked forward every Tuesday to my audiences with your...
I speak from personal experience.
I still think no man should be punished for love.
I suppose it's still a "no"?
I suppose one can always open the windows.
I tell you, I woke up this morning feeling like a new man.
I think so.
I think they'd have preferred a nice, pink faced marquis
I think you should enjoy it, sir.
I thought we might attend to the Cabinet papers
I thought we were in this together.
I thought we'd have longer.
I thought Wolferton Splash.
I thought you hated that place.
I thought you was all queens. They gave me a sheet.
I took it to Cabinet and, as expected, the answer was unanimous,
I understand, sir.
I understand.
I want to be in a successful marriage.
I want you to make the right decision.
I was hoping for something more scientific.
I was listening to the wireless this morning,
I was only thinking of papa.
I was speaking with Jock Colville's wife.
I was the most senior member of that family. The King!
I was the queen so long as my husband the king was alive, but since he died,
I was wondering if you would consider stepping into my shoes, so to speak.
I wish him, and you, his people, happiness and prosperity...
I wish to address my people. It's my right.
I would argue, stability under this roof might even be in the national interest.
I would suggest by commissioning a public enquiry.
I would.
I, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary..
I, whose youth was passed in the august, unchallenged
I'd assumed that following the death of His Late Majesty,
I'd be happy to share glide ratios and adiabatic lapse rates with you.
I'd call him by his name, if he had one.
I'd know it came from the heart.
I'd like to take flying lessons.
I'd want my husband at home at Christmas with his children.
I'll be back soon.
I'll be here for a few days after the funeral
I'll escort her down from here.
I'll get it to Downing Street right away.
I'll tell you yours, if you ask me nicely.
I'll write to Papa.
I'm a fast learner, and believe me when I say I've got nothing else to do.
I'm afraid not, ma'am.
I'm afraid the visibility is too poor to drive, ma'am.
I'm determined she shall have it. I'm determined she is shown respect.
I'm going to tell my mother not to send you. I won't.
I'm happy to say the procedure went well,
I'm not a scientist. I can't say I understand it.
I'm not sure if her Majesty is aware,
I'm not sure that my husband would agree with that.
I'm not.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, I know he's your son.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm your guide. I'll take you to Treetops.
I've arranged for there to be hot water bottles, sir.
I've been very lucky in that regard with your mother.
I've come to make a final representation.
I've had the BBC on the phone again.
I've missed our weekly chats.
I've never forgotten the way in which you defended me,
I've ordered tea. Or something stronger, perhaps.
I've read the Aeneid, Mr. Thurman.
I've told him the Royal house Mountbatten is in the bag.
If Her Majesty could lean forward.
If I helped to usher him out of the door, and you back in.
If I were to help you in this matter with her,
If it's too hazardous to drive... then there's only one thing to be done.
If not on an official level, then on a personal one.
If Papa's condition should continue to improve,
If there's anything you wanted to ask me, just fire away.
If you are in agreement, ma'am, we thought that the Duke of Windsor
If you go and play with grandpapa, I'll be right over. Good boy.
If you say so.
If you'll allow me.
If you're presiding over the meeting on behalf of the PM,
If Your Majesty has no objection,
If your...
Imagine. I'm checking curtain fabrics in an hour.
Impeccable timing.
Important call from London, ma'am.
In case you're wondering, I haven't anything specific to say.
In exchange for a foreign office briefing?
In fact, I've never heard of us getting one at all.
In here?
In holy matrimony.
In one of these things.
In parts of the capital, there is now a total breakdown of law and order.
In public life, the answer is, I have.
In return for one I'm already doing you.
In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life,
In the end, death came as a friend
In the happy company of his wife and youngest daughter.
In the light of this, she wondered whether you might consider
In the war, we used mathematicians to decode the indecipherable.
In this country I have a feeling you'll be no exception.
In which capacity? You're no longer their king.
In which case, I would suggest you are, somewhat, in my debt.
Indeed he could be seen to be responsible for that crisis.
Independence is sweeping across the continent.
Insist that he go.
Instead they go on about the lung resection.
Is Buckingham Palace.
Is included in your box tomorrow,
Is no longer leading us at all.
Is not able to deal with a national crisis.
Is wait. It's all right. I was a mechanic during the war.
It appears Miss MacDonald neglected to pack a black dress.
It concerns the Duke of Edinburgh.
It could be years.
It did not take into account the female descendants.
It doesn't feel right, as Head of State, to do nothing.