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Trainwreck: Woodstock '99 - Season 1

Trainwreck: Woodstock '99 - Season 1

Trainwreck: Woodstock '99 is a gripping limited series that takes viewers on a nostalgic journey back to the ill-fated music festival that was both a cultural milestone and a catastrophic event. Released in 2023, this mesmerizing show recreates the chaotic atmosphere and explores the underlying factors that led to the heartbreaking demise of Woodstock '99.

The series boasts an ensemble cast of talented actors who breathe life into the real-life characters who were part of this unforgettable moment in history. Leading the pack is Emmy-winning actor John Smith, who portrays the festival's charismatic but deeply flawed organizer, Michael Lang. Smith captures the spirit and ambition of Lang, while also delving into the darker aspects of his personality. Opposite him, Emmy-nominated actress Sarah Johnson brings heart-wrenching conviction to the role of Karen, a disillusioned attendee who becomes the voice of disillusionment amidst the chaos.

The series also showcases the raw energy and explosive performances of the iconic bands that graced the stage at Woodstock '99. The smash-hit soundtrack includes unforgettable performances from renowned artists of the era such as Limp Bizkit, Korn, Rage Against the Machine, and many more. These bands, known for their incendiary shows and unapologetic music, perfectly capture the intense energy and tension that was building throughout the festival.

Trainwreck: Woodstock '99 is a must-watch for anyone interested in music history, cultural dynamics, and human behavior. The show artfully examines the deep-seated issues that plagued the music industry and society at large during the late '90s, making it a thought-provoking and relevant piece of entertainment.

To enhance your viewing experience, you can now access and download the electrifying sounds of Woodstock '99. Relive the adrenaline-pumping performances and the crowd's reactions from the comfort of your own home. Immerse yourself in the chaotic atmosphere, sense the electricity in the air, and feel the raw passion of the artists who took the stage.

These authentic audio recordings provide an unmatched glimpse into the energy and emotions that coursed through the festival grounds, transporting you back to that unforgettable moment in time. Whether you were there in person or not, the sounds of Woodstock '99 can now be yours to enjoy anytime, anywhere.

Don't miss out on this captivating series and the chance to experience the unforgettable sounds of Woodstock '99. Tune in to Trainwreck: Woodstock '99 and download the sounds to join the millions of viewers who are indulging in this mesmerizing journey through music and cultural history.

A facility that can house that kind of event,
A lot of crazy people.
A lot of the vendors were out of stock,
A mix of the showers
A quarter of a million young people,
About the concert goer or the festival goer experience.
All hopes and dreams of Peace, Love, and Understanding 1969
All of a sudden, I hear the producer's channel,
All these goddamn kids being drunk and unruly.
All things considered, I'd say that there would probably be
Almost as a religious experience.
American Pie was the most successful R rated comedy that we had ever had.
Among us always, and some are a little bit more strident than others,
And a powerful partner.
And all of these people
And all these, you know, officials just couldn't wait to invite us back.
And all those who have covered it, and the community as a whole, so…
And another bomb goes off.
And as you can see, there's a steady stream of cars,
And ask people to light candles up.
And at that time, one of the biggest players
And because there were no cell phones,
And decided to extend their carnage and rage
And everybody else who was there too.
And everyone was anticipating, like, some type of special artist.
And feeling kind of crazy.
And food trailers…
And having such a good time was liberating.
And he thought that meant we could make money.
And I can't eat. I can't drink. I can hardly talk.
And I clicked.
And I didn't really care, really, what I was doing
And I hadn't seen him at all in the weeks that we'd been up there.
And I look over, and I see just waves
And I look up to the sky, I'm like, "Is that a fucking UFO up there?"
And I look up, and it's a dude with a mask on.
And I remember asking around,
And I remember one question said, "Well, how do you feel? You got it done."
And I remember seeing PAs coming out of the production trailer
And I said,
And I said, "Pilar that was Woodstock '99
And I think everybody was excited.
And I think it was that, they weren't ready to put it to bed.
And I think that people had had enough,
And I thought…
And I try to bring to everybody's attention
And I was like, "Back to New York?" [laughs]
And I was like, "Why the hell is everything,
And I'm looking around at all of this damage.
And I'm thinking, "Oh my God. You're Michael Lang. I'm Colin Speir,
And I'm thinking, how the fuck did this happen?
And if I remember correctly,
And introduce myself to a couple of those f****.
And it just spread like wildfire.
And it looked like a black cloud was rolling down the tarmac towards us.
And it pissed people off.
And it was a lot of fun…
And it was disgusting.
And it was hard to put your finger on,
And it was hot, and we smelled, and we were tired and hungover.
And it was only going to get worse.
And it was pretty much just all tarmac in between,
And it was quite scary down there.
And it was wild. It was…
And it wasn't just the overstimulated testosterone young males at this point.
And it's a communal, interactive event,
And it's only Friday!
And Jewel fit that slot just perfectly.
And John Scher just tells me to shut up and get off the channel.
And just started barricading them.
And just throwing the monitors and the towers into a 15 passenger van.
And just to lay low, that we were shutting down the vendor village.
And keep coming back with beta tapes full of stuff.
And let me know that you're okay." But I had just dropped acid.
And let's see what happens.
And looking in the mirror, going, "Oh my God, holy fuck."
And love and music and coming together in harmony.
And many of the top people in their field.
And Michael Lang and everyone just looked at me
And nasty runoff from the porta potties.
And now some of them are saying we can't clean it up.
And now you're gonna do the total opposite
And of course, everyone just high as balls.
And peace and love, I was picturing like, a big open field.
And people just couldn't resist it.
And people just running. Running, like, for real this time.
And people, and tow trucks making their way out of the concert.
And pull down their tent flaps in front of their stalls,
And rock and roll in central New York.
And saying, "Well, I'm the CEO. We're doing this."
And see that
And seeing so many women get naked
And she goes, "What'd you say?" And I said, "Oh, I gotta go."
And shouting out what they have.
And so, I'm laying on my back, tripping balls on these mushrooms,
And so, we bear responsibility for, you know, what happened to the women.
And suck it up.
And that crisis intervention workers
And that felt like a dangerous combination.
And that that was going to be a big visual demonstration
And that was in Nassau, Bahamas, Paradise Island.
And that was the moment for me where it stopped becoming
And that yielded a lot of money.
And that, um,  makes you nervous.
And that's only a problem, because where's all this energy gonna go?
And that's the channel with Michael Lang, John Scher.
And the 22 year old me raises my hand,
And the big rumor was that Prince was going to play.
And the concert's not quite over.
And the people who came here to live the life of Woodstock.
And the press conference on Sunday morning is where it got most testy.
And the way women were treated was really horrible.
And the whole plan was to, like, turn it into a Woodstock dreamland.
And then all of a sudden, these things happen Sunday night
And then all of a sudden…
And then the price gouging on top of that was ridiculous.
And there was a sea of kids causing trouble.
And there was an element that just was, you know.
And there was this thought that anti gun violence could be our cause.
And they gave in to, you know, their worse nature.
And they had lots of angst. Lots and lots of angst.
And they loaded us onto the bus.
And they said that the security wouldn't work, and it did.
And they said that we couldn't handle the traffic, and we did.
And they were going to hand out 100,000 candles.
And they're all battling the elements.
And they're gonna do something about it.
And they're like, "That's a great opportunity for our kid,"
And think that it's just the way it is.
And this incredibly long tarmac landing strip.
And this is You know, I've always wanted to meet you."
And to give that generation an idea of what Woodstock was about.
And wanting to hide in the office.
And we could do nothing about it.
And we get in her car, and we drive around.
And we just have to get some of the more strident ones.
And we left.
And we really appreciate it.
And we will.
And we, as the production crew, were just super excited.
And we're still cooking up a little something for the end.
And we've put in place boundaries and things that will prevent us
And what they ended up doing was selling the food rights.
And when that happens, you got to change people's emotion
And when this is all over and done with, I think Woodstock is done.
And where our offices were,
And, uh, fearful of growing up,
And, uh, then this happened.
And, yeah, we had all these non disclosure agreements
And, you know, have a family and stuff like that.
Angry mob mentality
Any food was taken from us. Any drinks, actually, were taken from us.
Any free drinking water that had been available
Anybody with eyes, who saw the footage, knows that there were thousands of kids
Anything they could get their hands on, they were throwing into the fire.
Anywhere you like on your body.
Are in the house tonight?
Are looking into the **** reports,
Are you guys proud of yourselves?
Are you in charge of the whole thing?
As long as it wasn't cleaning the porta potties.
As many or more ****s in any sized city of that.
As soon as I leave, I'm gonna haul my ass out there to the middle of that crowd
As the event was going on,
As the sound traveled all the way to the back.
As you can see, it's not part of the show. It really is a problem.
Associated with Woodstock.
At last weekend's Woodstock Music Festival.
At least half of the total audience got in for free.
At that point, it reeked of possibility and optimism.
At the time, most of the biggest bands, current biggest bands, were hard rock.
At this point, it was an emergency.
At this point, it's kind of like anarchy, and chaos, and mob mentality.
At Woodstock '99."
Back row, hands up.
Back then, a bottle of water was probably 65 cents.
Back then, you were supposed to just deal with what you had to deal with
Basically from drinking unsanitary water.
Basically tell them to go fuck themselves.
Bazaars to browse. Heavy traffic is anticipated.
Be safe and careful going home.
Because by that point,
Because it was supposed to be a peaceful,
Because the perimeter wall was gonna be profoundly ugly,
Because they didn't let us bring anything in.
Being backstage, I was reading the crowd,
Between this and this was nine bucks.
Big, fat, naked dudes. Don't wanna see that.
Blessing the event, just providing a sense of peace and calm.
Boom, went like, whoa!
Burnt to the ground."
But at Woodstock, a bottle of water was a stupid four dollars,
But compared to what had just happened,
But considering there were 200,000 people there, um…
But either the water was gross and running brown, or they were broken.
But he just walked around the remains, and that was it.
But his response was, "They're not gonna listen to me."
But I can tell you that many people were treated for injuries.
But I certainly would not condemn this crowd for the fuck up
But I didn't have a signed contract.
But in the '90s, I started thinking about Woodstock for my kids' generation.
But it felt like a crowd that could turn at any time.
But it was completely inappropriate.
But John stepped in to overrule the entire board
But looking back,
But most importantly, violence.
But MTV said, "We're gonna send you back to New York for Woodstock '99."
But never like an overnight… Never like, a festival of this scale.
But that didn't exist back then.
But that it was maybe gonna be historical.
But that's not how it turned out.
But that's what it was, you go on.
But the pay per view element really turned that on its head.
But the press had now seen enough to know that things were going wrong.
But the show was gonna go on.
But then things got even worse.
But then, we all started to get the feeling
But there was at least a 25 minute wait,
But there were these frat boy types destroying the peacefulness of it,
But they were completely unprepared.
But we're the adults now. We're the parents now.
But, boom, the show is over.
But, you know,
But, you know, there were more than a few catcalls.
But, you know, we were all on edge, because we'd seen the face of a disaster
By Sunday, it was like a refugee camp.
By the time Jewel came on, the tone had definitely changed.
Can you see everybody in the back row?
Carnage, if you will.
Cold sores all over my lips.
Come on, Woodstock!
Come on!
Day one, man. Day one.
Despite the challenges, uh, we crammed a bunch of amazing things
Did '99 damage that?
Drinking this, exposing themselves, bathing in this stuff…
During the best era of music.
Encouraged festival goers to show off
Essentially, they took zero responsibility.
Even the staff in the office had theories about who was gonna turn up.
Everybody else is coming out. We're trying to get back in.
Everybody had their own theories as to what happened and why.
Everybody is tired, wore out,
Everybody's been getting pelted.
Everyone said, "No fucking way."
Everyone, now move. Let's go.
Everyone's wondering, "How the fuck is this going to end?"
Everything so ridiculously expensive?"
Everything's ridiculously overpriced, but you pay it everywhere.
Fairly well controlled rock festival."
Feed whoever we had to feed, write the stories we had to write,
First of all, I was afraid somebody was gonna get hurt.
Flea is butt ass naked,
For anyone to get hurt, there's no excuse for that.
For everybody to just be who they wanted to be.
For the big, you know… the big payday.
For three days of incredible music and nonstop partying.
From a drunken night in bed with a total stranger who's unattractive.
From a male perspective.
From devolving back into that madness.
From the production office saying, "Be prepared for the worst."
Fuck. This is not good.
Get all the way until Sunday and say,
Girls should be able to fucking have fun, just like a guy.
Given the climate of the guys there, I'm not surprised by it.
Go out there and put the fire out.
Good riddance, you piece of shit.
Hate to use "vibes," but there was amazing vibes in The Valley. [chuckles]
Have fun, party, and go fucking wild!
He came out and was like, "Are…"
He didn't address us, you know, much at all about, like, "You guys okay?"
He got a backpack on, and he's like,
He knew this wasn't most shows.
He was like the heartthrob.
He was, you know, like, peace and love and, "I love you, and I love everybody."
He's always super calm.
Here was this military, industrial complex
Here we are at Woodstock, everyone.
Hey, Carson here, right outside Woodstock '99,
His agent kept calling me.
Hobbit type stuff, and we get there, and I'm like,
Holy shit, it's Apocalypse Now out there.
Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Holy shit. What the fuck?
How are you doing this morning?
How many security guards do you have onsite?
How you doing, all you beautiful naked people?
I called my mom because she says, "Call me when everything's settled
I can say it in one word: greed.
I come walking out and I see that fucking crowd.
I could just kind of do whatever I want.
I couldn't believe that these guys were not willing to go out.
I decided to go on stage.
I didn't know what was gonna transpire.
I don't know if you can see behind us, the sky is kind of orange, lots of smoke.
I don't know, I've never done them before.
I don't think anybody had any money left over,
I don't think it was about issues. I think it was just about energy.
I don't think they were able to embrace the social issues of the day.
I expected deaths, people trampled, or assaulted and killed.
I felt bad for Bush, going on after that, because shit was crazy.
I felt like I did something really incredible.
I found out that I had something called trench mouth,
I go, "Naked people, everywhere. It's so great."
I got to hang out with, here on the Isle of MTV.
I grew up in a very conservative, Christian home,
I had a bird's eye view, and it was violent,
I had a full mouth of braces, right?
I had no idea who these people were.
I had the time of my life, you know, at that moment is like, wow, that's like,
I had ulcers all over my tongue and my gums and in my mouth.
I have a very sore throat.
I heard Guns N' Roses was coming out of retirement, apparently.
I just followed him out, and I imagine he was going to check
I just hear an explosion.
I just was fascinated about how his mind worked, you know?
I knew nothing about plans for a candlelit vigil.
I knew that they were full of shit.
I know for sure that Rome, New York,
I know you've got a lot of questions.
I know.
I mean, an entire section of the crowd
I mean, I never thought we could have the same impact
I mean, I told them I'd go out with them.
I mean, it literally couldn't be any further away from the original Woodstock.
I mean, it looked like what you would see on the news,
I mean, it's a potential runaway train.
I mean, it's basically that, and maybe the moon landing
I mean, these kids were taken advantage of.
I mean, this was not the hippie dippie Woodstock '69 lineup.
I mean, we absolutely had to make a profit.
I mean, we also wanted to do pay per view.
I mean, we were young kids in our 20s
I mean, you guys have been unbelievable.
I now realize, uh,
I often wonder, did the producers
I photographed every inch of it.
I remember going right to my dressing room
I remember hearing like an explosion.
I remember the kids on the floor saying,
I remembered the intro. We're walking out.
I said to him, "We need you to be helpful, to quell the crowd."
I said, "Go fuck yourself."
I said, "Not yet. We got three more hours."
I saw a very small group of people.
I saw off in the distance
I saw the bands that, I mean, I loved.
I saw the Korn set from video monitors.
I saw things happen that are unexplainable.
I saw what was going on. I had spoken to enough people.
I started running towards the action.
I then have a conversation backstage with Anthony Kiedis.
I think everybody was pissed off.
I think in the '90s,
I think it's been a memorable, exciting concert for all those involved
I think that was kind of like…
I think that was kind of naive.
I think that was like the final match on the gasoline pyre
I think the exterior wall just makes an amazing souvenir,
I think we need to see a whole hell of a lot more!
I think we were all pretty much expecting just to wrap our stuff up,
I thought it was a good thing for the community at the time,
I thought it was a terrible ending for a decent weekend.
I thought, um, we were responsible for everybody on site.
I told you I'd get on TV, motherfuckers!
I walked out of there feeling just great.
I want to say, 12 bucks a bottle of water by the third day.
I was a rookie journalist covering this high profile festival.
I was close to, like, my breaking point,
I was given, essentially, no rules or limits or definitions.
I was in heaven.
I was just displaying the site à la the shopping channel.
I was like, "Oh, my gosh. We gotta go."
I was like, "Wow, we're at Woodstock."
I was like, "You're probably not even old enough to drink."
I was looking out the window, and we start to see as we're driving…
I was out in it 'til 5:30 this morning.
I was out of the car like Dukes of Hazzard.
I was spending a lot of time in the press compound,
I was very concerned.
I was working with what seemed to be an unlimited budget
I wish we caught everybody. I'd put 'em all in jail.
I would just push the crew
I'd been to concerts before,
I'd like to, at this point in time, Michael, to extend an invitation
I'd never seen anything like it.
I'm exhausted, and I'm in my office with all the radios.
I'm fully aware that half the people,
I'm glad I got to experience that. What a story, what a ride.
I'm glad that my daughters will never have to walk around
I'm glad that we don't accept what happened anymore.
I'm like, "Hey, Mom, this is such a great time."
I'm like, "Oh shit."
I'm like, "What the flying fuck?"
I'm like, shit, something's gonna happen here, and we need to get this.
I'm not condoning it. It was wrong. It was horrible.
I'm shooting the people who came here to screw,
I'm so confident that things will go well.
I've never seen anything like this, man.
If you can imagine, like,
Immediately I started screaming into the radio,
In '99, we were the kids.
In a traditional way.
In all the shows I have worked, I don't think I have ever seen
In American society.
In front of the East Stage
In the history of the music business that's cost anything like this.
In the interest of keeping this press conference in this millennium…
In the middle of our vendor tents, we had a bank of six ATM machines.
In the night before.
In today's world, we would be tearing this festival apart
Inside Columbine High School,
Into that festival, from having the Tibetan monks,
Is a lost opportunity.
Is going to be the greatest show that anybody has ever experienced.
Is there a UFO in the hangar? I mean, what am I walking into here?
Is what you think of first when you think of the '60s.
It almost felt like you went to war by that point.
It became a total and complete trainwreck.
It didn't really feel like…
It didn't really seem like he gave that much of a shit.
It happened in secret.
It happened in tents and…
It is brimming with sexuality
It is very clear that they're trying to tear down this tower.
It just became like this crazy human zoo.
It kind of felt like the fall of Hanoi or something.
It poured rain. The fence came down.
It smelled so bad, and there's, like, nowhere to wash off,
It sounds ridiculous, but although I had kind of a scary experience,
It spiraled deeper and deeper into the worst demons of human nature.
It was a blast.
It was a giant mob.
It was a good reason to kind of hang on 'til the bitter end.
It was a history making moment. Like, I can't believe I'm part of this.
It was a hysterical mother
It was a little bit calmer.
It was a package price of $59.95 for all three days.
It was an experience of a lifetime.
It was dangerous, it was hostile,
It was huge.
It was just cutting budgets, cutting budgets.
It was just kind of this free moment
It was just… It was kind of sad. It really felt like this is it.
It was kind of a blur.
It was like a bomb going off in the middle of the festival grounds,
It was like Planet of the Apes.
It was like the walls of Jericho had fallen, right?
It was like the worst nightmare.
It was like this perfect storm had started to form.
It was like this unleashing…
It was like, "Oh man, we've been through the wringer."
It was like, let's just get a quarter million people together,
It was mayhem after that.
It was not a very smart decision.
It was pretty free spirit for the drugs.
It was scary, because I could see people becoming infected with this, like,
It was shit mud.
It was so insanely hot. It was like, 100 degrees.
It was the best time I've ever had, and 22 years later,
It was the end of the millennium,
It was the ultimate gathering of the best musicians
It was these massive airplane hangars
It was, you know, a waterfall of bodies.
It's a good snapshot of where the psychology may have been
It's getting pretty inten
It's gonna be near 90 today.
It's gonna stay a surprise for the time being.
It's great.
It's just not true, you know?
It's just sad, that's all. I can't say too much.
It's just ten times more shocking.
It's like a scene with zombies coming over the castle walls.
It's like the scene from Jaws. I think we need a bigger boat.
It's not a free concert. It's a paid concert.
It's still probably the best time I've ever had.
It's that idea that I'm better than you,
It's the biggest party ever. Like, I've never seen this many people.
It's the kind of thing we need around here, I think.
It's the only act that I didn't have.
It's tinted. I wouldn't say it's brown. That's an exaggeration. But it's tinted.
James Brown.
James was very insistent
Jeff, I understand you got knocked in your head getting passed.
John got totally enthused and energized about doing it again.
John, where were you during Limp Bizkit's set?
Just go a little further!
Just head banging, getting pumped.
Just instantly moved about six feet to the right.
Just jumping off a ship into the darkest ocean.
Just light it on fire!
Just looking for the moment we could get back on the bus and go back home.
Just peace and love and music.
Just seemed exhausted and burned out.
Just to have a piece of Woodstock.
Keep stepping up, guys. Keep it moving. Come on.
Kerosene, match.
Kids were in a different headspace.
Killing 12 fellow students and a teacher, and wounding some 30 other people.
Kind of undulating hills almost like Lord of the Rings,
Let's get ready to have a good time.
Let's regroup and get the hell out of here.
Like I did with Korn.
Like I should not open my mouth.
Like, a lot of people think,
Like, Flea's naked butt is ten feet away from me,
Like, I was young. I was a virgin, and then some.
Like, literally ten feet away from me.
Like, there is never gonna be another Woodstock after this.
Like, wow, this is gonna be probably the best time of my life.
Like, you're gonna be forgotten about.
Limp Bizkit, Korn, Rage Against the Machine.
Limp Bizkit.
Lives were at stake.
Looks good, right? Feels good.
Looting, rioting, doing property damage, setting fires.
Lots of cool people…
Man, it was like a dream come true.
Maybe a bit.
Maybe in a lot of ways, it was foreshadowing.
Maybe, were kind of more enamored by watching Korn.
Me and Tom are like, "We gotta get up to the front of this Korn show."
Michael hopped off the stage to go to the firehouse.
Michael Lang.
Michael radioed me and, you know, said they won't go out. They're scared.
Michael was…
More of the experience.
More wood! More wood!
Most people didn't realize
Move out.
My boss and I looked at each other and just like…
My four radios were just going off like crazy.
My hope was to get as fucked up as possible.
My name is Aaron Sadovsky, the segment producer with pay per view.
My team and I went around to the two big vendor tents.
Never going to show his alarm.
New York State Police are reportedly investigating allegations
Next thing I know, boom, get billy clubbed right in the stomach,
No questions asked.
No violence.
Nobody could afford that water.
Nudity is definitely unity.
Obviously, I'm gonna go in there. Like, everyone else is doing it.
Obviously, the Vietnam War was a big thing.
Of a lot of the kids who attended Woodstock '99.
Of course, trying to do this as calmly as possible
Of having to have a real job
Of hundreds of thousands of people.
Of peace and love and flower power.
Of this generation speaking out about gun violence.
Of this kind of scope and size are money, tens of millions of dollars,
Of what was happening on the ground.
Of women being molested, even ****d.
Of, excuse the language, of a few assholes.
Of, I think, the lineup that they put together.
Oh my God!
Oh my Lord.
Oh yeah, definitely. For sure.
Oh, boy.
Oh, we were, like, super excited.
On a whole 'nother level.
On getting paid full before he went on for most shows.
On this side of the tarmac is the second stage.
On TikTok and Snapchat and Instagram,
On what was going on with the National Guard.
Once the crowd gets that amped up, winding them down is very difficult.
One of the guys that worked in our office just got to the main doors
One rumor was Bob Dylan.
One, two, three.
Or a propane tank as part of it.
Or attacks on women until after the festival was over.
Orillia, Ontario! Fucking Ontario!
Other than, of course, to the women it happened to.
Over 40 of today's top bands and 250,000 people.
Over here was the main stage.
Particularly after what had happened with the closure of the base.
Pay per view! Whoo!
Peace, baby. Peace.
Peace, brother!
People are just grabbing these boxes of CDs.
People are just selling them out in the open.
People jumping over bonfires and throwing stuff.
People just got mad enough, but they smashed the pipes.
People were breaking their arms, like, "Woodstock '99 is the greatest."
Pilar goes, "Mom, Mom, you gotta see this."
Pilar, go away.
Please welcome Miss Sheryl Crow!
Possibly to enhance sales of the merchandising
Pretty much anyone who had a laminate or anyone we knew was showing up,
Promoted a lot of big shows.
Pull out. Let the state troopers handle it.
Pull your people out of there.
Put your hands up in the air.
Putting together this amazing festival no matter the cost.
Quarter of a million sweaty, sunburned folks,
Quite honestly, I thought that, you know, it would make a lot of profit.
Red Hot Chili Peppers were still performing.
Red Hot Chili Peppers,
Reporting back to New York City.
Rolling four.
Rome burned.
Rumors were circulating like wildfire.
Say they witnessed many more sexual assaults,
Secondly, I knew this was gonna be,
She's a beautiful woman, and these guys thought they'd get lucky.
Sheryl Crow got totally pelted.
Sheryl Crow, Korn,
Show my tits?
So a couple of days before the festival starts,
So everybody felt, I don't want to exaggerate too much,
So I can subject you to anything, and you gotta take it.
So I said to him, "There's 200,000 people here."
So I said, "If we could pull this off, this is gonna be remarkable."
So I wake up Sunday morning.
So I was not allowed to watch MTV.
So it felt like it was gonna be this enormous event,
So leave early to arrive on time.
So let's try to focus on the overwhelming positiveness…
So obviously, you're dying of thirst
So people who weren't there could still participate.
So that it caused any on site issues,
So that no one could get in for free.
So the elements that you need if you want to put on a festival
So the few that seemed to be left could charge whatever they wanted.
So the fire department's gonna have to come in with a fire truck
So this guy's screaming at me, saying,
So we were like, "We gotta get that." So we're running over.
So, after the festival, um,
So, all the water out of the faucets is Are not
So, for them, it was kind of, it's all positive, it's all positive.
So, I brought a video camera, and, um, I documented as much as I could.
So, I didn't hear about any of the allegations for ****, um…
So, I started discussing it with my team.
So, I think absolutely some of the sensibilities fell away
So, I was the, you know, the young kid trying to bring some sense
So, it was just, like, this river.
So, it was kind of a rebellious move to actually have a ticket to Woodstock.
So, Sheryl Crow, she was booked for the softer rock people.
So, sincerely as I could possibly be, I really want to thank everybody.
So, that summer of '99, we were doing Isle of MTV,
So, there was news camera crews.
So, this whole Woodstock story really begins with one man.
So, we got a tie dye shirt and a champagne bottle.
So, we hoped for the best and that calmer heads would prevail.
So, we planned for this candlelight vigil
So, we tried to stay reasonably mellow,
So, we went to get just a simple bottle of water.
So, we were exhausted.
So, we were left doing Woodstock again.
So, you now have all these pent up people with all this energy, and disappointed.
Some of the original values of '69 into '99.
Some of them had 60, $70,000 worth of cash on them.
Some right in front of the stage.
Some very, very bad things could happen.
Somebody in the crowd spotted it, and it was like a record scratch.
Somebody said it happened in the mosh pit. I can't even imagine that.
Someone screamed out, "ATMs!" And immediately, the whole crowd charged.
Something's gonna go wrong. What is it? When is it?
Sunday morning, I went up to the lab.
Sunday night was a great press conference. Don't know if you can get the footage.
Sunday, day three. Final day.
Surely we're not gonna do that again.
Talking about how her daughter had been ****d.
Tear down the wall!
Tear it down!
Tear it down! Bring it all down!
Thank you.
Thanks, you guys have been great for the most part,
That are going to close on Sunday night.
That being said, um, this is a money making venture, all right?
That can give you that fucking feeling of having a crowd in your hand like that.
That corners were being cut.
That four women were ****d
That goes on after the event.
That is here for more than just great music."
That is three days into being treated like animals…
That just set everyone off.
That segment of the population was both entitled
That somebody's coming on after the Chili Peppers.
That there was gonna be some special end of Woodstock event.
That they need to really look at this lineup of artists.
That was being converted into a Woodstock site.
That was it.
That was really starting to run through the crowd on Sunday.
That was the chatter,
That was the end.
That was the moment where we said, "Okay, we need to get out."
That we had to sign, nobody was allowed to speak to the media after that.
That we submitted to the lab.
That's absurd. It's absurd, I mean, uh…
That's just part of culture and part of your DNA.
That's what we promote. It's what we like, you know.
That's what you gotta do. But we're in stock.
The aggressiveness of the audience really embodied the rock and roll spirit.
The atmosphere backstage was just kind of electric. I was excited.
The bands that John booked, at least the more intense bands,
The bottle would just not break.
The concert was stopped moments ago. Heaven knows what's happening here.
The crowd certainly took it as a signal to go and just burn down the place.
The crowd went ballistic.
The culmination of the festival, with these candles,
The entire planet now knew that it became a total and complete shit show.
The environment was just very male ego, like, beat on your chest.
The first impression I had was, "Oh my God, there is a lot of asphalt."
The first song he played on the encore was a tribute to Jimi Hendrix.
The group that ran that for them had complete control over the pricing,
The hippies versus the hard rock fans.
The idea was that we would light up the night at the end,
The images were everywhere.
The intensity of the crowd before a band came on
The issue of gun violence was really starting to come to focus
The joke was, you had taken everybody's flammable items for days,
The kids had had enough.
The light spread through the whole crowd
The mayor was there. They're slapping each other on the back.
The music was absolutely amazing, but it didn't make any money.
The music was good.
The nudity. Yeah, it was everywhere.
The OG organizer of the original Woodstock.
The only thing anyone had a sense of optimism about
The only thing that they did is they showed Jimi Hendrix
The people who came here to do drugs,
The question was, why were they rioting?
The Rolling Stones, the Grateful Dead, and The Who.
The Rolling Stones.
The shower station line was so freaking long.
The smell nearly knocked you over.
The song starts to build up, build up, and people are starting to go more crazy.
The stakes couldn't have been higher.
The three day exposition at White Lake and Bethel, New York,
The user experience
The Washington Post reports today that detectives
The Woodstock brand was in serious trouble.
Their goal was to make money.
Their take was that this was just a few bad apples.
Then another one pops up, and then another one.
Then you have Fight Club
There are over 600 acres to roam,