A bike messenger knocked me down. from Superhero Movie
A costume. from Superhero Movie
A device that can alter DNA from Superhero Movie
A guest of honor... from Superhero Movie
A gym teacher. from Superhero Movie
A single drop is enough to arouse any animal. from Superhero Movie
A special and indeed often overlooked... from Superhero Movie
About time you got home. Your aunt was getting worried. from Superhero Movie
Actually, I'm worse than a nobody. from Superhero Movie
After all the parenting you've done, from Superhero Movie
After all these years of marriage. from Superhero Movie
After all, it could be dangerous, from Superhero Movie
Ah, Lucille! from Superhero Movie
Ah, the rituals of manhood. from Superhero Movie
Ah, yes, Lance told me Rick Riker was your neighbor. from Superhero Movie
Ah! No! Ah! from Superhero Movie
Aha! from Superhero Movie
All I can tell you is this: from Superhero Movie
All of our animals are genetically engineered from Superhero Movie
All right, all right, how about this? from Superhero Movie
All right. Well, there is something, okay? from Superhero Movie
Allow me to show you the future. from Superhero Movie
Amen. from Superhero Movie
An innovation... thank you... from Superhero Movie
And a good man you are from Superhero Movie
And a Hooters. from Superhero Movie
And a powerful new pheromone which drives animals to mate from Superhero Movie
And as long as there's crime and injustice from Superhero Movie
And each of them has... from Superhero Movie
And her unending love. from Superhero Movie
And here we've injected the DNA from all three species from Superhero Movie
And his father's before him. from Superhero Movie
And I can prove it. Show the world from Superhero Movie
And I can't even fly. from Superhero Movie
And I'll tell you what it is. from Superhero Movie
And maybe your father shouldn't have given you this after all. from Superhero Movie
And Nelson Mandela. Nelson! from Superhero Movie
And nobody messes around outside their group, man. from Superhero Movie
And now I'd like to show you our crown jewel. from Superhero Movie
And now the eulogy. from Superhero Movie
And once a month you'll bleed from your vagina. from Superhero Movie
And please, no flash photography. from Superhero Movie
And restore the body to perfect health. from Superhero Movie
And the back nine is what killed. from Superhero Movie
And then there's all the sex. from Superhero Movie
And there's not gonna be bitches, okay? from Superhero Movie
And this is my school. from Superhero Movie
And this species of dragonfly from Superhero Movie
And tomorrow we'll circumcise you. from Superhero Movie
And use them to advance the common good. from Superhero Movie
And we found your costume in the garbage outside. from Superhero Movie
And you have a bruise on your neck. from Superhero Movie
And you have a cut on your lip. from Superhero Movie
And you will. from Superhero Movie
And you've always had a tiny penis. from Superhero Movie
And your time is up. from Superhero Movie
Anyone? Anyone? from Superhero Movie
Anyone's ever said to me. from Superhero Movie
Anything to be a better person than you are. from Superhero Movie
Apparently not invisible enough. from Superhero Movie
Are a little sensitive to light. from Superhero Movie
Are held to honor the greatest achievements from Superhero Movie
Are spending Thanksgiving with us. from Superhero Movie
Are you fricking insane? from Superhero Movie
Are you okay? from Superhero Movie
Are you okay? from Superhero Movie
Aren't you going to do something? from Superhero Movie
As of this moment, I have one hour left to live. from Superhero Movie
As your city dies. from Superhero Movie
Attaboy. from Superhero Movie
Aw, man. from Superhero Movie
Back up off those pills, Barry! from Superhero Movie
Bad news, boss. We're nowhere on those Dragonfly photos. from Superhero Movie
Be careful not to hurt the ones you love. from Superhero Movie
Because he can do this. from Superhero Movie
Because of you, our city is safe at last. from Superhero Movie
Become a hero... train yourself to fly... from Superhero Movie
Belongs to all of you. from Superhero Movie
Blaine's voice: People will look to you to be a hero. from Superhero Movie
Breakfast, Rick! from Superhero Movie
But don't forget to feed the fish. from Superhero Movie
But don't worry, we didn't remove your penis. from Superhero Movie
But even if I wanted to stop the Hourglass, from Superhero Movie
But I am not depressed, because I have the gift of knowledge. from Superhero Movie
But I just don't have the time. from Superhero Movie
But I love you like your father did. from Superhero Movie
But I want to be a dancer. from Superhero Movie
But if you want to be a virgin for the rest of your life... from Superhero Movie
But none of them more important from Superhero Movie
But now more than ever, I realize... from Superhero Movie
But otherwise okay? from Superhero Movie
But perhaps there's someone inside me. from Superhero Movie
But remember, to get to you from Superhero Movie
But she barely knows I exist. from Superhero Movie
But the disease has ravaged my organs. from Superhero Movie
But the life of this company. from Superhero Movie
But there's only six in there. from Superhero Movie
But this should take the edge off of it. from Superhero Movie
But what about this? from Superhero Movie
But what if my heart is telling me to be with someone from Superhero Movie
But which one? from Superhero Movie
But with no job, no credit history, from Superhero Movie
But you have to keep it a secret. from Superhero Movie
But you know what? Who cares? from Superhero Movie
But you said the Hourglass was going to kill thousands of people. from Superhero Movie
But you should all be happy with your lives. from Superhero Movie
But your uncle believed in you and so do I. from Superhero Movie
But, like any story worth telling, from Superhero Movie
But, pumpkin, I don't see nobody. from Superhero Movie
Called compound H2O9. from Superhero Movie
Cerillium. from Superhero Movie
Claim your... from Superhero Movie
Come on, let's go! from Superhero Movie
Come on, that crew stuff isn't real. from Superhero Movie
Come on. Hey, it's me and you, baby. from Superhero Movie
Come out with your hands up. from Superhero Movie
Could send him spiraling right back into a coma. from Superhero Movie
Crazy is hearing voices, talking to cats, from Superhero Movie
Creates quite a bond. from Superhero Movie
Dad! from Superhero Movie
Damn it! If only I could fly. from Superhero Movie
Damn! from Superhero Movie
Damn! from Superhero Movie
Damn! Look, there go Prince Charles. from Superhero Movie
Damn. Those were tomorrow's lead. from Superhero Movie
Dating Paula Abdul. from Superhero Movie
Destiny. from Superhero Movie
Did it work? from Superhero Movie
Dig it out with another piece of glass. from Superhero Movie
Do I get to thank you? from Superhero Movie
Doctor, how is she? from Superhero Movie
Doctor, please. Is my uncle gonna survive? from Superhero Movie
Don't tell nobody. from Superhero Movie
Dr. Whitby. What brought you here today? from Superhero Movie
Dragonfly, you must stop the Hourglass. from Superhero Movie
Dragonfly! from Superhero Movie
Dragonfly! from Superhero Movie
Dragonfly. So what's your power? from Superhero Movie
Dude, I'm so psyched for this class trip. from Superhero Movie
Dude, you're like a real superhero, man! from Superhero Movie
Dude, you're like a real superhero, man! from Superhero Movie
Duty, commitment, bravery, justice, from Superhero Movie
Each year the World Humanity Awards from Superhero Movie
Earn it, Rick. Be a hero. from Superhero Movie
Easy money. from Superhero Movie
Ever since Albert... from Superhero Movie
Ever since I can remember I've been in love with her, from Superhero Movie
Everybody stay down! Stay down! from Superhero Movie
Everybody, take your seat. from Superhero Movie
Evil never triumphs, Hourglass. from Superhero Movie
Fight fight fight! from Superhero Movie
First my parents and now this? from Superhero Movie
Five days. from Superhero Movie
Follow me... from Superhero Movie
For example, this dragonfly's skin from Superhero Movie
For his company's pioneering work from Superhero Movie
For the school newspaper. from Superhero Movie
For too long we've sc****d out profits from pills and injections. from Superhero Movie
Forget it, Dragonfly. You're too late. from Superhero Movie
Forget it. You'll think I'm crazy. from Superhero Movie
Frankly, Mr. Riker, you're the worst applicant we've ever had. from Superhero Movie
Frodos, from Superhero Movie
Genetic modification's at optimum levels! from Superhero Movie
Gentlemen, I think it's time we made some personnel changes. from Superhero Movie
Gentlemen, if you're ready, from Superhero Movie
Get a blanket or something! Holy shit! from Superhero Movie
Get in! Yah! Yah! from Superhero Movie
Get out of the way! from Superhero Movie
Get out of the way! No brakes! from Superhero Movie
Get... get off me! from Superhero Movie
Give me five minutes. from Superhero Movie
Give me your wallet. from Superhero Movie
Go ahead and throw as many punches as you want. from Superhero Movie
Go ahead, explore. from Superhero Movie
Go to her, stupid. from Superhero Movie
Go. Be a hero. from Superhero Movie
God, Lucille! from Superhero Movie
God, you are so supportive. from Superhero Movie
God! from Superhero Movie
God! You idiot, stop! from Superhero Movie
Goodbye... from Superhero Movie
Got that new sandwich from Sony in my backpack. from Superhero Movie
Gotcha. from Superhero Movie
Grace, and her limitless beauty... from Superhero Movie
Great responsibility? from Superhero Movie
Hamburgers can see the future! from Superhero Movie
Hang on. from Superhero Movie
Has a hard, armor like exoskeleton from Superhero Movie
Has enormous strength for its size. from Superhero Movie
Has he... has he ever asked about me? from Superhero Movie
Hawking's lab is in the physics building. from Superhero Movie
He can't... he can't even fly. from Superhero Movie
He did? from Superhero Movie
He didn't save anyone tonight. from Superhero Movie
He doesn't want any boy near me. from Superhero Movie
He weighed 130 Ibs. from Superhero Movie
He'll land on his feet in no time. from Superhero Movie
He's a visiting professor at Empire City University from Superhero Movie
He's in a delicate mental state. The slightest bit of bad news from Superhero Movie
He's not... I have... I have... I have just a... I have... from Superhero Movie
He's still so troubled. from Superhero Movie
Hello, Rick. from Superhero Movie
Helping others, Rick, from Superhero Movie
Here we go. Nice and easy. from Superhero Movie
Here we have children who can walk through walls. from Superhero Movie
Here... take a drink. from Superhero Movie
Hey, anyone want to get high? from Superhero Movie
Hey, babe. from Superhero Movie
Hey, check this out. from Superhero Movie
Hey, I was in jail too, man. from Superhero Movie
Hey, Storm! You look like you putting on a little weight. from Superhero Movie
Hey, that's my spot. from Superhero Movie
Hi, birdie. from Superhero Movie
Hi. Hi. from Superhero Movie
Hide the body. Yeah. from Superhero Movie
Him. from Superhero Movie
His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. from Superhero Movie
Hold up the douchebag! Hold up the douchebag, sir. from Superhero Movie
Hourglass, you'll never get away with this! from Superhero Movie
Hourglass: Your time is up! from Superhero Movie
Hourglass! from Superhero Movie
How could you do this to me? To your kids? from Superhero Movie
How could you take her from me? I can't live without her! from Superhero Movie
How could you? from Superhero Movie
How did you do that? from Superhero Movie
How do I know that baby's even mine? from Superhero Movie
How you breathe in it though? from Superhero Movie
Huh? from Superhero Movie
Huh. You'll never understand me. from Superhero Movie
I am so proud to welcome Dr. Stephen Hawking. from Superhero Movie
I am so sorry for your loss. from Superhero Movie
I am the Hourglass! from Superhero Movie
I am the Hourglass. from Superhero Movie
I award Lou Landers douchebag of the year. from Superhero Movie
I believe in you like your father did. from Superhero Movie
I believe in you. from Superhero Movie
I bet you 100 bucks you don't land one. from Superhero Movie
I came as soon as I heard. from Superhero Movie
I can fly, okay? from Superhero Movie
I can fly. from Superhero Movie
I can't be with? from Superhero Movie
I can't fly. from Superhero Movie
I can't. from Superhero Movie
I can't. You're kneeling on my balls. from Superhero Movie
I cannot walk and I use this computer to speak. from Superhero Movie
I could just walk right in. from Superhero Movie
I could've stopped that guy before he shot my uncle. from Superhero Movie
I didn't ask for any of this. I just wanna be like everybody else. from Superhero Movie
I do have this coupon for a cremation. from Superhero Movie
I don't believe you. from Superhero Movie
I don't care what happens anymore. from Superhero Movie
I don't know what to do, Aunt Lucille. from Superhero Movie
I don't know. from Superhero Movie
I don't know. I... I was bitten by a dragonfly. from Superhero Movie
I don't know. Is he the right one from Superhero Movie
I don't love you. from Superhero Movie
I don't need help. from Superhero Movie
I don't see how that's my problem. from Superhero Movie
I don't see how that's my problem. from Superhero Movie
I find that hard to believe. from Superhero Movie
I got you a seat down here. What's... from Superhero Movie
I guess we're gonna have to share. from Superhero Movie
I had sex with your mother just like your father did. from Superhero Movie
I have a disease that has paralyzed me. from Superhero Movie
I have no idea, Lucille. from Superhero Movie
I have taught him everything I know about being a man. from Superhero Movie
I haven't had sex in years. from Superhero Movie
I heard you were auditioning for a part so... from Superhero Movie
I hope this isn't too much of an imposition. from Superhero Movie
I know exactly what I want. from Superhero Movie
I know I said some things, from Superhero Movie
I know. from Superhero Movie
I know. I went ahead and set up a MySpace page for her from Superhero Movie
I lost six tigers alone last month. from Superhero Movie
I love the mask. from Superhero Movie
I mean, she's with someone else. from Superhero Movie
I mean, where's he gonna find thousands of people in one place? from Superhero Movie
I need you to yank this off. from Superhero Movie
I need your help to figure out who it is. from Superhero Movie
I really need that car. from Superhero Movie
I see your wrist is bandaged. from Superhero Movie
I see. Ye... well, yes, I understand. from Superhero Movie
I started it to help people from Superhero Movie
I swear to God. They get dumber and dumber every year. from Superhero Movie
I think I have... superpowers. from Superhero Movie
I thought he was out. I'll go check on him. from Superhero Movie
I thought you'd live forever. from Superhero Movie
I told him, "The thing about Jill is... from Superhero Movie
I told him... from Superhero Movie
I told you I'm no hero. All right? Aunt Lucille's dead, from Superhero Movie
I understand. from Superhero Movie
I want that story on my desk or you're fired! from Superhero Movie
I want to change things. from Superhero Movie
I want you to know what a joy it will be from Superhero Movie
I was gonna stick with bitches, from Superhero Movie
I was wondering if you've got a job opening for... from Superhero Movie
I will forever be a superhero... from Superhero Movie
I wish I could say the same for Lance. from Superhero Movie
I wish I could stay longer, Dragonfly. from Superhero Movie
I wish I knew love like that. from Superhero Movie
I wish I'd never been bitten by that stupid dragonfly. from Superhero Movie
I wonder if my skin is... from Superhero Movie
I wouldn't know where to start. from Superhero Movie
I... from Superhero Movie
I... from Superhero Movie
I... I guess. If I hadn't pushed her out of the way, from Superhero Movie
I'll be right down! from Superhero Movie
I'll call y'all back. Everybody, bye. from Superhero Movie
I'll drive. from Superhero Movie
I'll drive. from Superhero Movie
I'll fight you to my last breath. from Superhero Movie
I'll find a place to park. from Superhero Movie
I'll get the tweezers. from Superhero Movie
I'm afraid I have to say no. from Superhero Movie
I'm afraid you have to kill each day from Superhero Movie
I'm afraid your aunt's taken a turn for the worse. from Superhero Movie
I'm Dr. Strom, head of the research department... from Superhero Movie
I'm everywhere, sweet cheeks. from Superhero Movie
I'm fine all by myself. from Superhero Movie
I'm gonna have to whip your ass. from Superhero Movie
I'm gonna show you something nasty I downloaded. from Superhero Movie
I'm impressed. Like really impressed. from Superhero Movie
I'm looking seriously out over the city from Superhero Movie
I'm losing patience, Dr. Strom. from Superhero Movie
I'm no superhero. from Superhero Movie
I'm nobody! from Superhero Movie
I'm not crazy. I'm a visionary! from Superhero Movie
I'm not here to fight you. I've got... from Superhero Movie
I'm not rubbing your crotch. from Superhero Movie
I'm not wearing any diamonds. from Superhero Movie
I'm nothing but a screw up. from Superhero Movie
I'm on fire! from Superhero Movie
I'm really going through a tough time right now. from Superhero Movie
I'm so happy that you and your boyfriend from Superhero Movie
I'm so sorry. from Superhero Movie
I'm sorry, I forgot. Your weakness is you can't fly. from Superhero Movie
I'm sorry, Lance. We have to go. from Superhero Movie
I'm sorry, there's been a terrible mistake. from Superhero Movie
I'm the Dragonfly. from Superhero Movie
I'm the editor in chief! I know the mayor of Venus! from Superhero Movie
I'm this guy. from Superhero Movie
I'm truly sorry, Rick, but there is a silver lining. from Superhero Movie
I'm very good at keeping secrets. from Superhero Movie
I've been fighting it for years, from Superhero Movie
I've got some hash with me. from Superhero Movie
I've rejected the only girl I've ever loved from Superhero Movie
I've reviewed your request for a loan, Mr. Riker, from Superhero Movie
I've waited long enough for this egomaniac. from Superhero Movie
If I can have your attention. from Superhero Movie
If I could just tell her how I feel. from Superhero Movie
If I die, I die happily in your arms. from Superhero Movie
If there is one lesson my life can teach, from Superhero Movie
If you could excuse me. from Superhero Movie
If you knew how to take care of your man, from Superhero Movie
If you were ever lucky enough to be with her, from Superhero Movie
In a young man's life. from Superhero Movie
In the field of feminine hygiene from Superhero Movie
Integrity, brotherhood, from Superhero Movie
Into seven new genetically enhanced from Superhero Movie
Invisible Girl? from Superhero Movie
Is for the medical breakthrough of the year. from Superhero Movie
Is that you do it for the best of reasons. from Superhero Movie
Is there a problem, Lance? from Superhero Movie
Is with these dragonflies. from Superhero Movie
It can lift vast amounts. from Superhero Movie
It flew away. from Superhero Movie
It is that the spirit is stronger than the body. from Superhero Movie
It looks like you're planning a mass murder. from Superhero Movie
It takes you an hour to pee. from Superhero Movie
It was getting stuffy in here. from Superhero Movie
It was on sale. from Superhero Movie
It's a happy ending for us all. from Superhero Movie
It's a strong sexual attractant. from Superhero Movie
It's all about a girl. from Superhero Movie
It's important that you... from Superhero Movie
It's just Thanksgiving is for family. from Superhero Movie
It's like we first met. from Superhero Movie
It's never too late to become the person you're meant to be. from Superhero Movie
It's not just any guy. It's the... from Superhero Movie
It's not my weakness. from Superhero Movie
It's not working! Get the fire extinguisher! from Superhero Movie
It's okay. We were hoping someone would open a window. from Superhero Movie
It's so late. from Superhero Movie
It's so unfair. They have nothing. from Superhero Movie
It's the Drag... from Superhero Movie
It's tragic to think this is the last time from Superhero Movie
It's useless to resist. from Superhero Movie
It's working. from Superhero Movie
It's worthless. Invest heavily in Enron. from Superhero Movie
It's your nephew Rick. from Superhero Movie
Jesus! from Superhero Movie
Jill Johnson. from Superhero Movie
Jill, trust me. I'm telling you this for your own good. from Superhero Movie
Jill! from Superhero Movie
Jill! from Superhero Movie
Jill? from Superhero Movie
Job?! How dare you come in here and ask me for a job? from Superhero Movie
Just heard on the scanner, some kind of police standoff at Empire University. from Superhero Movie
Just like your mother! from Superhero Movie
Ladies and gentlemen, our first award from Superhero Movie
Lance is the only family I have. from Superhero Movie
Let go. Let me go. from Superhero Movie
Let me through. Let me through. from Superhero Movie
Let's go get some dinner. I'm buying. from Superhero Movie
Let's hope you're not violently murdered too. from Superhero Movie
Let's see. There are mood swings, fluid retention, from Superhero Movie
Like Sneezo. from Superhero Movie
Like the sands of time I am unceasing and relentless. from Superhero Movie
Like Wolverine. from Superhero Movie
Listen, about what happened at school this morning, I... from Superhero Movie
Little fly. from Superhero Movie
Look at the words your ancestors inscribed in that ring. from Superhero Movie
Look at you... eating junk food, from Superhero Movie
Look look. Let me show you something. from Superhero Movie
Look, I need to buy a car. from Superhero Movie
Look, Rick, I already told you... from Superhero Movie
Look. from Superhero Movie
Look. from Superhero Movie
Loose fitting pants, cheap internet porn." from Superhero Movie
Lucille! Snookie lumps! from Superhero Movie
Lucille's voice: Keep your identity a secret, Rick. from Superhero Movie
Ma'am, look out! from Superhero Movie
Ma'am... from Superhero Movie
Make a costume, shithead! from Superhero Movie
Maybe even a stagehand. from Superhero Movie
Maybe I wasn't cut out to be a hero. from Superhero Movie
Maybe if you had a partner. from Superhero Movie
Maybe one day you could take me for a ride in your car. from Superhero Movie
Maybe this wouldn't have happened. from Superhero Movie
Maybe you're right, from Superhero Movie
Me too. My parents, they want me to go to college, from Superhero Movie
Met a girl on Craigslist. from Superhero Movie
Met a guy on Craigslist. from Superhero Movie
Miss Johnson. Please, excuse my nephew's poor manners. from Superhero Movie
Mister, please stop! from Superhero Movie
More than it's body weight. from Superhero Movie
Most of our students are born with their powers. from Superhero Movie
Mr. Adams, you have a visitor. from Superhero Movie
Mr. Landers! from Superhero Movie
Mr. Riker. So... from Superhero Movie
My balls! from Superhero Movie
My brother Albert will take you in. from Superhero Movie
My crackpipe broke. from Superhero Movie
My eye! from Superhero Movie
My eyes are burning. from Superhero Movie
My God. from Superhero Movie
My name is Professor Xavier, from Superhero Movie
My nurse is a lesbian, and not the hot kind. from Superhero Movie
Never been fully tested. If something should go wrong... from Superhero Movie
Never! from Superhero Movie
Never. from Superhero Movie
New antibiotics, advanced pesticides from Superhero Movie
New job? You didn't tell me. from Superhero Movie
Next time I hurt you. from Superhero Movie
No no, I'm a man of peace. from Superhero Movie
No, get away! from Superhero Movie
No, I don't think so. from Superhero Movie
No, it's about this girl... from Superhero Movie
No, it's all right. It's a normal emotional reaction, from Superhero Movie
No, not me. from Superhero Movie
No, of course not. from Superhero Movie
No, you listen to me! from Superhero Movie
No, you're just on time. from Superhero Movie
No! from Superhero Movie
No. from Superhero Movie
No. from Superhero Movie
No. No problem, Uncle Lou. from Superhero Movie
Nope, just never met the right woman. from Superhero Movie
Not as valuable as mine, Mr. Carlson. from Superhero Movie
Not that girl. from Superhero Movie
Not till we say grace. from Superhero Movie
Nothing? from Superhero Movie
Nothing. from Superhero Movie
Now I'm never gonna know the secret to becoming a superhero. from Superhero Movie
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to perform a breast exam. from Superhero Movie
Now that's photography. from Superhero Movie
Now the Hourglass could be anyone... from Superhero Movie
Now this book may explain what's happening. from Superhero Movie
Now what? Now how about that, Invisi bitch? from Superhero Movie
Now, sir, here you go. This is my bill. from Superhero Movie
Of course, Lucille. from Superhero Movie
Oh fuck. from Superhero Movie
Oh God, it hurts. It hurts. from Superhero Movie
Oh my God! from Superhero Movie
Oh my God. from Superhero Movie
Oh no. from Superhero Movie
Oh well, I'm sort of the Dragonfly's unofficial photographer. from Superhero Movie
Oh, come... from Superhero Movie
Oh, Dad. from Superhero Movie
Oh, glass in my eye. Glass in my eye! from Superhero Movie
Oh, God. Mr. Landers! from Superhero Movie
Oh, hey, I made the same mistake before when I came in. from Superhero Movie
Oh, I forgot to tell you I kinda invited my uncle. from Superhero Movie
Oh, Jill. from Superhero Movie
Oh, Mr. Landers. from Superhero Movie
Oh, no problem. I'm waiting on Rick, anyway, so... from Superhero Movie
Oh, of course not. There's always room for one more. from Superhero Movie
Oh, Rick. from Superhero Movie
Oh, shit. from Superhero Movie
Oh, sorry. from Superhero Movie
Oh, thank God. I thought something terrible had happened. from Superhero Movie
Oh, they're beautiful. from Superhero Movie
Oh, you will, dear. from Superhero Movie
Oh, you're so pretty. from Superhero Movie
Oh. How long was I asleep? from Superhero Movie
Oh. Lovebirds. from Superhero Movie
Okay, I come back. from Superhero Movie
Okay. from Superhero Movie
On behalf of all humanity. from Superhero Movie
Once a month you'll bleed from you vagina. from Superhero Movie
Once you understand the true nature of heroism, from Superhero Movie
One day, Rick, people will look to you to be a hero. from Superhero Movie
One of the guests here is the Hourglass. from Superhero Movie
Or am I just dating him to rebel against my father? from Superhero Movie
Other mutants you probably didn't know existed, from Superhero Movie
Our most promising research from Superhero Movie
Our only rules: Don't feed the animals from Superhero Movie
Our students here learn to harness their incredible talents. from Superhero Movie
Our work with these animals has helped us develop from Superhero Movie
Ow ow. from Superhero Movie
Pea... from Superhero Movie
Peace! from Superhero Movie
Perhaps one day, you could be part of our family too. from Superhero Movie
Plasma level is steady. from Superhero Movie
Please start, everyone. from Superhero Movie
Please stop! I'm begging you! from Superhero Movie
Please, enjoy the tour. from Superhero Movie
Please, sir, if you could just wait a few minutes... from Superhero Movie
Please, you're busy. Allow me. from Superhero Movie
Poor thing's so tired. from Superhero Movie
Puberty is a difficult time from Superhero Movie
Push your lids with your fingers. from Superhero Movie
Pussies! from Superhero Movie
Reach into my coat pocket. from Superhero Movie
Read about the Dragonfly, world's greatest hero. from Superhero Movie
Read all about it. from Superhero Movie
Remember, no bad news. from Superhero Movie
Reporting here live from the Empire City convention center from Superhero Movie
Rick has been supporting me with his new job. from Superhero Movie
Rick Riker. You're not Blaine and Julia Riker's son, are you? from Superhero Movie
Rick walked off a class trip. from Superhero Movie
Rick, I have something for you. from Superhero Movie
Rick, I want you to know from Superhero Movie
Rick, I'm so confused, and yet... from Superhero Movie
Rick, listen. from Superhero Movie
Rick, once you understand the true nature of heroism, from Superhero Movie
Rick, please! from Superhero Movie
Rick, the hero's path is dangerous. from Superhero Movie
Rick, the money, it's all yours now. from Superhero Movie
Rick, this is Professor Xavier. from Superhero Movie
Rick, you, uh... from Superhero Movie
Rick! from Superhero Movie
Rick? from Superhero Movie
Rick? from Superhero Movie
Rick? from Superhero Movie
Rick? from Superhero Movie
Rick. from Superhero Movie
Rick. from Superhero Movie
Rick. from Superhero Movie
Rough day, huh? Well, I won't lie to you. from Superhero Movie
Rubbing my crotch under the desk won't change my mind. from Superhero Movie
Run! from Superhero Movie
Running this company without you in the way. from Superhero Movie
Self esteem, low prices, affordable housing, from Superhero Movie
Sell all shares of a small company called Google. from Superhero Movie
Seriously, she hangs out with the popular crew, from Superhero Movie
Shat my pants. from Superhero Movie
She already has 40 friends. from Superhero Movie
She can't speak, she can't walk, she had no control over her bowels. from Superhero Movie
She is this man's wife. from Superhero Movie
She means a lot to you, doesn't she? from Superhero Movie
She not even looking at you. from Superhero Movie
She would've die... ah! from Superhero Movie
Shit shit shit shit shit. from Superhero Movie
Shit shit shit shit. from Superhero Movie
Shit! from Superhero Movie
Shit. from Superhero Movie
Shut up! You're plotting to kill all these people from Superhero Movie
Since your wife's dead, from Superhero Movie
Sir, the core is overheating. from Superhero Movie
Sir. Sir, the machine's from Superhero Movie
So that... from Superhero Movie
So this is the lair of the Dragonfly. from Superhero Movie
So you do have superpowers. from Superhero Movie
So, Professor, about this secret... from Superhero Movie
So... you know the Dragonfly? from Superhero Movie
Some faces may be familiar, from Superhero Movie
Some of our genetically engineered animals from Superhero Movie
Some, like you, gain them later in life. from Superhero Movie
Someone in this auditorium is the Hourglass. from Superhero Movie
Someone threw up on a hot sidewalk. from Superhero Movie
Someone who will, at any cost, survive! from Superhero Movie
Something just doesn't seem quite right with him today. from Superhero Movie
Something locked away deep inside. from Superhero Movie
Something secret. from Superhero Movie
Son, is something troubling you? from Superhero Movie
Soon as I get this up on YouTube. from Superhero Movie
Sorry I'm late. from Superhero Movie
Sorry to drop in uninvited. from Superhero Movie
Sorry, my bad. from Superhero Movie
Sorry. from Superhero Movie
Stop right there, Landers. from Superhero Movie
Stop! from Superhero Movie
Stop! Stop the bus! from Superhero Movie
Stop! Stop! from Superhero Movie
Stop! Stop! Hey! from Superhero Movie
Strom, do you have my test results? from Superhero Movie
Students, this is Lou Landers, from Superhero Movie
Super dragonflies. from Superhero Movie
Sure saved us some time. from Superhero Movie
Sure, you're a little older. from Superhero Movie
Take a look. from Superhero Movie
Take enough roids, you could do anything. from Superhero Movie
Take him down. from Superhero Movie
Teenagers. I'll talk to him. from Superhero Movie
Tell her how you feel. from Superhero Movie
Than the attendees of the World Humanity Awards. from Superhero Movie
Thank you for that warm welcome. from Superhero Movie
Thank you for the call. from Superhero Movie
Thank you so much for inviting us, Mr. Landers. from Superhero Movie
Thank you, Dragonfly. from Superhero Movie
Thank you. from Superhero Movie
Thank you. Upstairs, second door to the right. from Superhero Movie
Thanks for the loan, Mr. Thompson. from Superhero Movie
Thanks, Trey. You're the best, man. from Superhero Movie
Thanks. from Superhero Movie
Thanks. from Superhero Movie
That I can look upon my wife's face. from Superhero Movie
That isn't what your parents wanted for you. from Superhero Movie
That isn't what your parents wanted for you. from Superhero Movie
That ring was my father's from Superhero Movie
That the material is see through, right? from Superhero Movie
That too. from Superhero Movie
That was last month. from Superhero Movie
That was the most beautiful thing from Superhero Movie
That was the principal. from Superhero Movie
That will not only save my life from Superhero Movie
That's a lie. I think about suicide every day. from Superhero Movie
That's for making me look stupid. from Superhero Movie
That's it. And roll your eyeball around. from Superhero Movie
That's odd. from Superhero Movie
That's the thing. I don't know if I can. from Superhero Movie
That's what I'm talking about. from Superhero Movie
That's what makes you a real hero. from Superhero Movie
That's why he installed the electrified fence. from Superhero Movie
That's... that's awful. from Superhero Movie
The Amalgamated animal genetics lab. from Superhero Movie
The armor you're hiding under these robes. from Superhero Movie
The Dragonfly can't even fly! from Superhero Movie
The foremost scientist in the world. from Superhero Movie
The future of science from Superhero Movie
The hell it ain't. Look around, Rick. from Superhero Movie
The hero comes from within. from Superhero Movie
The other coat pocket. from Superhero Movie
The real prize is the total cure. from Superhero Movie
The rest is in Latin. from Superhero Movie
The Scarface society... from Superhero Movie
The secret to becoming a superhero. from Superhero Movie
The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. from Superhero Movie
The two of us against the world. You hear me? from Superhero Movie
The woman, Lucille Adams of East Empire City, from Superhero Movie
The world's most prestigious leaders to Empire City. from Superhero Movie
There was nothing you could've done. from Superhero Movie
There we go. Awfully nice of you to help me out here, Trey. from Superhero Movie
There's not enough time. from Superhero Movie
There's something you're not telling me, isn't there? from Superhero Movie
They cut through diamonds. from Superhero Movie
Think of any number between one and a million from Superhero Movie
This all looks so delicious, Lucille. from Superhero Movie
This area is where we keep our livestock. from Superhero Movie
This Dragonfly, he's not even a hero. from Superhero Movie
This gala event is expected to draw from Superhero Movie
This is a good boy. There must be something I could do. from Superhero Movie
This is a robbery! Nobody move! from Superhero Movie
This is the chief of police. We have the building surrounded. from Superhero Movie
This is your wife. from Superhero Movie
This just in: from Superhero Movie
This little visit is just to show you from Superhero Movie
This man isn't who you think he is, he's the Hourglass. from Superhero Movie
This may be nothing, but I did see a man from Superhero Movie
This may be the wrong book. from Superhero Movie
This new promotion's proving quite popular. from Superhero Movie
This year's lifetime achievement award... from Superhero Movie
Those are Celine Dion lyrics. from Superhero Movie
Thousands of other people I plan to kill. from Superhero Movie
Time to go. from Superhero Movie
Titanium blades. from Superhero Movie
Titanium blades. Looks like someone found your weakness. from Superhero Movie
To defend against... from Superhero Movie
To live each day. from Superhero Movie
To the girl I love, did you? from Superhero Movie
To your newborn baby? from Superhero Movie
Today you have your first beer, from Superhero Movie
Tom Cruise is dead. from Superhero Movie
Truth is, I'm a nobody. from Superhero Movie
Tutu. from Superhero Movie
Uh, I'm gonna take a picture of her from Superhero Movie
Uh, it's easier than it looks. from Superhero Movie
Uh, no no no. See? from Superhero Movie
Uh, okay, fine. from Superhero Movie
Uh, yeah. from Superhero Movie
Uh... from Superhero Movie
Uh... from Superhero Movie
Uh... from Superhero Movie
Uh... from Superhero Movie
Uh... he did it. from Superhero Movie
Uh... whoo hoo. from Superhero Movie
Um, yeah. from Superhero Movie
Uncle Albert! from Superhero Movie
Uncle Albert! Just try to breathe. from Superhero Movie
Under "crazy shit machine." from Superhero Movie
Unless you had some cerillium. from Superhero Movie
Visionary scientist and C.E.O. of Amalgamated. from Superhero Movie
Wait a minute. That's somebody else's aunt. from Superhero Movie
Wait! from Superhero Movie
Wait. Wha... from Superhero Movie
Watch where you're going in slo mo, dipshit. from Superhero Movie
Watch, Dragonfly, from Superhero Movie
We about to see some real serious cutting edge shit. from Superhero Movie
We are delighted to have as guest judge from Superhero Movie
We are gathered today to say goodbye from Superhero Movie
We can never be together. from Superhero Movie
We could be a team! from Superhero Movie
We did cut your testicles off, but, well, from Superhero Movie
We don't need so called superheroes. from Superhero Movie
We gonna get fame, money... from Superhero Movie
We have children who think they can walk through walls. from Superhero Movie
We have Rick to thank for it. from Superhero Movie
We have to abort! from Superhero Movie
We only have 50 stories left. from Superhero Movie
We plan on using it to breed endangered species. from Superhero Movie
We share the building with a mental hospital. from Superhero Movie
We were wondering where you were. from Superhero Movie
We'll need photos. Kid, I want you to... from Superhero Movie
Wearing fake beards, from Superhero Movie
Welcome to Amalgamated. from Superhero Movie
Well, an old guy did get shot over there. from Superhero Movie
Well, good thing that worked. from Superhero Movie
Well, I said... from Superhero Movie
Well, I should go. from Superhero Movie
Well, I'm just a businessman now. from Superhero Movie
Well, I'm not a betting man, but if you want to put some money on it, from Superhero Movie
Well, if you could spread... spread them with your fingers. from Superhero Movie
Well, maybe that's for the best. from Superhero Movie
Well, okay. I guess. from Superhero Movie
Well, one missing dragonfly is the least of my concerns. from Superhero Movie
Well, Rick, did you enjoy the opera? from Superhero Movie
Well, some dragonflies have armored skin. from Superhero Movie
Well, that shortcut through the playground... from Superhero Movie
Well, that's what I do here. So if you're not moving, from Superhero Movie