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The Replacements (2000) The Replacements (2000) is an American sports comedy film directed by Howard Deutch. This hilarious

The Replacements (2000)

The Replacements (2000) is an American sports comedy film directed by Howard Deutch. This hilarious movie revolves around a fictional professional football team, the Washington Sentinels, during a players' strike in the National Football League (NFL). Faced with the challenge of taking on the remaining games of the season, the team's owner hires a ragtag group of misfits and outcasts as replacement players.

The cast of The Replacements includes some talented actors such as Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman, Orlando Jones, Brooke Langton, and Jon Favreau. Reeves plays the lead role of Shane Falco, an unassuming and underrated quarterback who seizes the opportunity to prove himself on the field. Hackman portrays Coach Jimmy McGinty, a seasoned veteran who brings the team together and leads them to unexpected success.

The film is filled with hilarious moments, heartwarming camaraderie, and thrilling football action. It explores themes of underdogs overcoming adversity, teamwork, and second chances. The Replacements is a must-watch for both sports enthusiasts and comedy lovers alike.

If you want to relive the excitement and laughter of this comedy classic, you can play and download the sounds of The Replacements here. Enjoy the infectious energy of the football field and the memorable antics of this lovable band of misfit players.
A 40 yard attempt for kicker Nigel Gruff, against the wind.
A gain of 20 yards by Ray Smith. First down.
A lot of angry fans out there feel that the players are being too greedy.
A second chance.
A walk on at Michigan State before he gave up football...
According to the Sentinels, it says Ray Smith is...
After that, the team was really clicking.
All day, blue eyes! It's Christmas morning...
All I want to do is score one touchdown before I hang up my pads. That's it.
All right, let's go!
All right! Way to go!
All right? Let's do it! Come on!
All right.
All right. Let's go, baby, let's go!
All that big...
And greatness, no matter how brief...
And he drops it right into the unsure hands of Clifford Franklin!
And I say that is bullshit!
And McGinty says, "Go for it."
And McGinty says, with the playoffs on the line, "Go for it. "
And now, the rest of the Washington Sentinels.
And so, boys and girls, if anybody does have any firearms...
And the hunt? That ring's so close you can almost feel it on your finger.
And then after he died, I took over.
And wax that motherfucker.
And you? How are you running after last night?
And you're afraid of blowing it.
André and Jamal Jackson.
Another vicious hit by the All Pro Hank Morris.
Anybody here afraid of anything other than insects?
Anything you'd like to say?
Are you all right?
Are you gonna get me the ball?
As long as the strike is on, Falco is my quarterback.
At first, I admit, I was afraid.
Awarded a Purple Heart for losing a kidney during the Gulf War.
Bateman on that one. That was just a cheap shot.
Bateman! Hawk 9, Stay!
Bateman! Wilkinson! Come on, guys, what are you doing?
Be quiet or they'll hear us, and then what?
Because you get a fat guy spike, and then you get a fat guy dance.
Because, as of today, you're all professional football players.
Better lucky than good?
Big Bateman ends up with the ball!
Black 32!
Bloody hell.
Blue 88!
Blue 89!
Brian Murphy would've gone in the first round if he wasn't deaf.
Bring back Falco!
Bring back Falco!
Bring it in here.
Bring it in, guys.
Bundt cake!
But a real man...
But Falco's been shut down by this defense all afternoon.
But he caught the ball!
But I'll tell you this, all it takes...
But I've got to be able to communicate with him and how...
But in doing so, his left guard, André Jackson, is going to pull...
But Jimmy McGinty is anything but a conventional guy.
But leadership means nothing if a team doesn't believe in each other.
But most of all, he's our friend. This is for you, man.
But now our fear is shared and we can overcome it together.
But they all have something unique to bring to the game.
But, unfortunately, you did park in Lamont's space.
Call time out! Time out!
Can I see you when I get back?
Can somebody please cut that bullshit off?
Can we get beyond the spiders, please?
Can you dance?
Can you elaborate?
Can't we all just get along?
Car trouble.
Case in point: We don't have a quarterback, do we?
Champ, champ!
Check it out, it's our new quarterback.
Cheers, babe.
Cheers. God bless you.
Cheers. You saved my ass.
Chicks dig scars.
Clifford Franklin can't wait till tomorrow.
Clifford Franklin gets better looking every day.
Clifford Franklin has moves even Clifford Franklin ain't seen yet.
Clifford Franklin is looking for a new home.
Clifford Franklin.
Clifford Franklin. Terrific day today.
Clifford Franklin's the only one catching it and coming down with it.
Clifford! Twinkie!
Coach McGinty!
Coach, can I ask you a question?
Coach, don't say that.
Cochran fumbles the ball, Dallas recovers.
Come and get some!
Come here!
Come on, boys, let's go!
Come on, come on! Stop!
Come on, get it together!
Come on, goddamn it, help me!
Come on, Jimmy!
Come on, let's pick it up!
Come on, Martel. Get moving!
Come on, quick feet!
Come on, Shane!
Come on, Shane!
Come on, Sumo boy. Let's see what you can do.
Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Coming right up, Mr. Falco.
Consider it done.
Conventional wisdom says kick the extra point, tie the game...
Could you believe that slide by Martel?
Cut that music! Cut it! Turn the music off! Cut it!
Dallas has made a big mistake. They haven't been afraid of you.
Damn thing's always broken.
Damn! This cup is stuck!
Daniel Bateman comes up with the big stop on third and one.
Daniel Bateman, SWAT team officer.
Danny Bateman.
Danny, Danny.
Danny, go down! You're using up the clock!
Danny, remember what I told you about red shirts in practice?
DC Right, Switch, 25 Blast.
DC Right, Zig, 90 Eagle. You can do this.
Detroit bought an entire semi pro team once the strike happened.
Detroit takes over the football with excellent field position.
Did I do it? Did I score?
Didn't anybody have anything better to do that day?
Do you know what insurance costs on a Ferrari, mother...
Do you think he'll have that luck against Dallas, too?
Don't be sorry. Going out in front of 80,000 people ain't bad.
Don't do anything great if you can't handle the congratulations.
Don't laugh, it works. It's great for sore muscles and bruises.
Don't mess with my brother.
Don't talk. We'll run the same play. You'll catch the ball.
Don't worry about it.
Double slot Zag, okay?
Dwight, I know $5 million a year sounds like a lot of money...
Eagle over, cover four!
Especially not quarterbacks. You guys are the biggest babies of all.
Ever get one of those spiders crawling up your arm?
Everybody in the stadium knows that an onside kick is coming...
Ezekiel 21 :31 .
Falco calls an audible at the line of scrimmage...
Falco can't do that. You saw what happened yesterday.
Falco rolls to his left and throws...
Falco scores! Falco scores!
Falco, great to see you. Now, get the hell out of my locker room!
Falco! Falco!
Falco's sacked and the ball comes loose.
False start on the offense.
Field goal!
Final score: Washington 10, Detroit 14.
Final score: Washington 17, San Diego 16.
Final score: Washington 20, Dallas 17.
Find a way to lead your team. Earn their respect.
First down and goal on the two yard line.
First down, Washington.
Five yards.
Flatter. But it runs.
Flip 90, Dig, on the center. Ready?
For some of these players, this is another shot...
Form a line here! Let's go seven on seven.
Franklin catches the ball!
Franklin, come here, come here, come on.
Franklin's gonna get hit right here.
Fumiko scores!
Get a job, you wankers!
Get me Jimmy McGinty! Have him here tonight.
Get over it.
Get some sleep, kiddo.
Get that bible out of here!
Get the ball!
Get this off of me!
Get to the playoffs. Something Washington...
Get used to setting up on the run. Move fast, think even faster.
Get your hands off me, you gorilla!
Getting back up after being kicked in the teeth.
Give it a tune up, too.
Give me a T!
Give me a T!
Give me a...
Give me an E!
Give me an E!
Give me an N!
Give me an N!
Give me an S!
Give me an..."
Glory lasts forever.
Go ahead. I'm gonna lie here a moment and collect my thoughts.
Go get some kicks in.
Go on, boys!
Go out there and catch the ball for a change, all right?
Go suit up.
Go, from four. Hut!
Goddamn spiders freak me, too, fellas.
Gold 41!
Gonna need some time on this one.
Good game today.
Good night, Annabelle.
Good night.
Good release, strong arm. You're gonna do fine.
Green 11!
Green 86!
Green 86!
Green 95!
Green 99!
Gruff, wake up!
Guys, move the new boy's ride for him.
Have you read the newspaper?
Having a little snacky poo before the game?
Hawk 9, Stay!
Hawk 9, Stay!
He ain't our problem no more. We gonna play football.
He crossed.
He doesn't have heart.
He falls apart whenever the game is on the line!
He got hit by his own guy! He was looking out his earhole for a minute!
He hit the deck just like that.
He made amazing progress the past few weeks...
He really did.
He seems to be necking with that cheerleader! That's what he's doing!
He used to talk all the time...
He wants to keep his pub, he's gonna stop blowing some kicks!
He was the biggest Washington fan you have ever seen.
He wasn't the only one who kicked ass tonight.
He's "wiry."
He's been All Pro two years, but one of my cheerleaders...
He's been drinking ever since she left him.
He's called "The Leg" because he can kick a soccer ball the length of the field.
He's forgot the clock's running out.
He's going to jail.
He's hung over! He's a good second slower off the snap than usual.
He's left sided, shotgun formation, roll right.
He's much stronger than he looks.
He's our leader.
He's our quarterback.
He's reversing his field!
He's taking away my job, but he doesn't want any trouble.
He's the luckiest guy here. At least he couldn't hear the booing today!
Hear what I'm saying? My boy's been living large!
Hell of a game that Sugar Bowl.
Hello! Anyone home? Did I hear an echo?
Here comes Cochran, he'll kick it. Franklin's gonna pick it up.
Here he is!
Here it comes! I'm coming through!
Here we go. Same play. Pro Right, Switch 9...
Here, your shoulders.
Here. You see that white yacht with the satellite dish?
Here's a guy from Wales, and he's kicking his first field goal ever.
Here's a list of people I've been watching over the years.
Here's Falco. He'll try to reverse pivot, turn and pitch out here.
Hey, Butler.
Hey, Falco!
Hey, Falco.
Hey, scab!
Hey, Shane.
Hey, there they are!
Hey! Shane Falco.
Holding! Number 68 on the offense.
Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Holy! Look at this mamma jamma!
How are you doing?
How many yards so far?
How's the wife?
Huddle up!
Huddle up!
Hut! Hut!
I am relaxed, but that's not the point. It's nervous energy.
I call the plays out on the field.
I can.
I can't believe that. Martel goes for a give up slide.
I can't get excited about the future of my team?
I can't get the damn cup off!
I can't stand the cops! I better not see a cop!
I didn't park in your space.
I don't blame you.
I don't comment to quarterbacks about style but...
I don't know if he has enough leg.
I don't know, but the way Falco's running...
I don't think that's it.
I don't want to make the same mistake I did in Phoenix.
I found the best guards and a wide receiver...
I got a winning horse! I swear on my mom's grave!
I got it!
I got no complaints.
I got no complaints.
I had the money but I pissed it away down the track again.
I have told my union brothers to walk.
I hope he doesn't kill somebody.
I just wanted to tell you before you left...
I knew I recognized you, man! I knew it!
I knew it! I knew it all along!
I know you all have concerns about this Sunday.
I know you're tired. I know you're hurting.
I know, but I see that red and I just want to go after it like a bull.
I know! Aren't they?
I look at you and I see two men...
I lost a ton of money on that Sugar Bowl of yours.
I love to see a fat guy score!
I love you, man!
I love you, man! What's happening?
I mean, Martel...
I need that ball. Get me the ball.
I need to bulk up.
I never even knew you could have your lips done.
I never thought I'd say this, but...
I put on The Commodores. That shit just came on.
I put the game in your hands. You got scared.
I ran it like you said! You just underthrew me!
I remember you from the '96 Sugar Bowl game.
I remember.
I tell you, he is really putting a hurt on Falco.
I think he's smoking on the field.
I think I broke it.
I think it's terrible what they do to you guys.
I think we got it.
I thought I had it...
I thought you told me he was solid muscle.
I tried to tell you, I can't be around somebody puking or I start puking.
I understand.
I want it in writing.
I want the ball.
I want to be able to recruit anybody that I want, no interference.
I want total control of my team.
I want you back.
I was on my way to work. Do you need a ride?
I was watching you today.
I wish I could say something classy and inspirational...
I! "
I'll pull you off the field, you spoiIt punk.
I'll stick to the right side.
I'll take it. Congrats.
I'm an All Pro quarterback! I've got two Super Bowl rings!
I'm Annabelle Farrell.
I'm asking you to do it in a week, not a reasonable request, but...
I'm asking you to do that here, tonight.
I'm back with the Sentinels. I want you to quarterback.
I'm back!
I'm back! I'm back!
I'm coming for you, Footsteps!
I'm done.
I'm gonna bury your family! I'm gonna bury your dog!
I'm gonna bust a cap in your ass, and in your ass!
I'm gonna use replacement players.
I'm good.
I'm good.
I'm good.
I'm here to remind fans that what the owners are doing is unconscionable.
I'm here with Eddie Martel.
I'm Japanese, not Chinese.
I'm just another duck on the pond.
I'm not making you any promises, but why don't you take a chance?
I'm not sure how much more of this abuse he can take.
I'm not sure. It's all blurred into one big beating.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
I'm Pat Summerall and with me, as always, is John Madden.
I'm Pat Summerall and with me, as always, is John Madden.
I'm scared of spiders, coach.
I'm sorry, but between the guys on the field...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sticking with Falco.
I'm sure you've been briefed as to your situation.
I'm talking about a team of poor nobodies who play to win...
I'm the old houseboat next to it, covered in seagull shit.
I'm thinking.
I'm very sorry.
I'm wiry.
I've got good news.
I've never seen anything like this!
I've seen all I need to see.
I've seen monkey shit fights at the zoo more organized than this!
If anything like this bar fight happens again...
If I'd wanted Cochran to have that ball, I'd have called it that way.
If it ain't any trouble, I'd love to get your autograph after.
If nothing else, they should be fun to watch.
If we don't move, I'm going to blow chow, too.
If you don't want it, get the fuck out of here.
If you guys have any friends down at the club, would you send them over?
If you've got something to say, raise your hand.
In case you haven't heard, the players' strike became official...
Is O'Neil gonna side with a burnout coach or someone who puts fans in the stands?
Is that from the game or the fight?
Is that right, Falco?
Is that understood?
Is that you and him?
It appears that the strike is coming to a close.
It has the distance! It's good! Washington wins!
It looks like things have gone real well for you since.
It looks like things have gone real well for you since.
It sucks you right in and even if you scream, you get that muck...
It was just stupid.
It'll be tough enough to put together a team in a week.
It's a fake! Falco still has it! He's running with it!
It's a fake.
It's a good thing you did last night.
It's all about money, folks, but isn't it always?
It's all about pushing people around! Set! Hut!
It's been a privilege.
It's been an honor to share the field of battle with you.
It's better for the team, right?
It's coming.
It's cool!
It's Detroit's ball with only a minute remaining.
It's just me, dickhead.
It's late.
It's my knee!
It's not like he can hear.
It's okay.
It's one on one. Ready?
It's only right twice a day.
It's over the bar, not under. Okay? Go get 'em.
It's quiet here.
It's straight enough. lf it's got the distance...
It's the same difference!
Jesus! "Footsteps" Falco. They must be getting desperate.
Jimmy McGinty is anything but a conventional guy.
Jimmy, come on.
Jimmy, how am I gonna coach a deaf man?
Jimmy, you beautiful son of a bitch! I knew you could do it!
John, how many years have we been calling games together?
Jump on his back!
Just for the record...
Just says he's been a resident of the State of Maryland...
Keep putting that yam on.
Kick ass, Falco!
Kick ass, Falco!
Kick off!
Kicking back.
Ladies and gentlemen, leading your Washington Sentinels today...
Ladies and gentlemen, your Washington Sentinels!
Last Sunday, I saw a team on the field play as hard as they could...
Learn to sign.
Let me have some of that duck.
Let's face it, boys, we screwed the pooch today.
Let's get out of here!
Let's go for the win!
Let's go, let's go!
Let's go! Come on!
Let's go! Let's go!
Let's haul ass, round boy! Follow me! Follow me!
Let's lose that fear this Sunday and put it into San Diego!
Let's play football, bitch!
Let's play some football!
Let's play some football!
Let's talk about fears.
Like a duck on a pond.
Like a streetlight, right?
Like Shane Falco, that talented quarterback who fell out of sight...
Like spiders on the field?
Listen up. This time tomorrow, the strike will be officially over.
Look at it this way. It's the first thing we've done together as a team.
Look, here comes Falco! Falco's back!
Looking good out there! You've got the goods!
Looks like a largemouth bass.
Mac's, down on A Street. Come in, I'll buy you a beer.
Martel and Carr have crossed the picket line.
Martel crossed.
Martel crossed.
Martel crossed.
Martel will be resuming the quarterback position tonight.
Martel, you're a wimp!
Maybe he was a little overanxious, huh?
Maybe you should try scrambling.
McGinty's gonna let Gruff try this field goal from 65 yards out!
Miles and miles of heart.
My brothers, will somebody please get this asshole out of here?
My friend's a cheerleader for Detroit. She tipped me.
My job.
My knee!
My word is my bond.
Next one, 74. Come on!
Nice hands.
Nice hit, Shane!
Nice pop, Danny.
Nigel Gruff.
Nigel, listen. I want my money!
******, please.
No one's gonna tackle him.
No problem. Just rip someone's head off on this one.
No questions asked.
No sense standing here by ourselves...
No way! I'm so excited!
No what?
No wonder they couldn't win. He can't even order a drink!
No, actually, I have work.
No, I saw the smoke and everything.
No, I'm not. Stop messing with my man, that includes his ride.
No, let us do that.
No, no, it's "wiry."
No, no.
No, right!
No, she won't mind.
No, we don't travel with the team.
No. I mean...
Nobody bothers me.
Nobody likes a quitter.
Nobody's gonna give you a better chance than this...
Not bad, Falco.
Not bad, let's go!
Not even quarterbacks?
Not on a football field.
Not only is he taking your job, he's taking your parking space too.
Nothing but water left in here. Let's go.
Nothing personal, but I don't date football players.
Now huddle up.
Now that is all Madden team!
Now, that is a hit!
Now, you know this don't look natural.
Number 56 on the defense! Half the distance to the goal!
Number 72, Number 77, Number 60...
Oh, God.
Oh, hey!
Oh, my God, I forgot to tell you something.
Oh, shit! Earl Wilkinson, man! Oh, my God!
Oh, son of a bitch? I'm a son of a bitch?
Oh! Ow!
Okay, coach, it's all yours.
Okay, Danny.
Okay, here we go.
Okay, I got some great news.
Okay, okay!
Okay, that's great, but I'm talking about what scares us on the field.
On the surface everything looks calm, but...
One thing we do know is that Falco can take a hit.
One. Two. Three.
Only a crazy son of a bitch would eat eggs before a game!
Other kids got bedtime stories, I got football stories.
Out, out!
Pass incomplete by Eddie Martel.
Pat, back to you.
Pat, with 28 seconds remaining, Washington needs a decent return...
Pat, with 28 seconds remaining, Washington needs a decent return...
Pissing away our money again?
Play game!
Played college ball here in D.C. at Gallaudet.
Players spend years together before they develop trust.
Pork rice!
Put God in your heart!
Rather than scraping crap off the bottom of somebody else's toys.
Ray Smith with the interception.
Ready for some pain?
Ready to go to practice?
Ready? Go! Ready!
Really? Win three out of four with replacement players?
Remember that beating he took from Florida?
Remember this?
Right on, baby!
Right, right, right.
Right, you idiot!
Roberts, make that D back commit before you cut, all right?
Said how they were...
Same play, except let Morris by. Nobody touch him.
Say you understand.
Sentinels, listen up.
Set, hut!
Set. Hut!
Shane Falco? "Footsteps" Falco from Ohio State?
Shane Falco? "Footsteps" Falco from Ohio State?
Shane Falco.
Shane Falco.
Shane Falco.
Shane Falco.
Shane is our business.
She always does that.
She deserves better.
She had her lips done.
Shit, yeah! Quicksand's a scary mother, man.
Shit! I forgot about the whole red shirt thing! This game's confusing.
Shotgun, DC Right.
Should make for a hell of a football player.
Shut up. Give me the Stick 'em.
Signs of life from Washington here.
Since I was five years old, I've been sitting on those stools.
Smoking? I'm sure you just imagined that.
So, Heather, you were in Cats, which is so terrific...
Some will say that your accomplishments...
Someday, those two will meet.
Something seems to be going on in the huddle.
Sometimes a game like that sticks with you. You never shake it off.
Son of a bitch!
Son of a bitch!
Son of a...
Sorry, man. Sorry, excuse me.
Sorry, Shane. I'm sorry, everybody.
Spread formation.
Start the ball on the play clock.
Start the ball! Get the ball off!
Still first down.
Stop her from shaking her ass for two minutes!
Stop, stop!
Striker out of Cardiff, now residing in HelI's Kitchen.
Suit up!
Suppose you don't feel good, or you're hurt.
Sure it's okay? I don't want to get you in trouble with your boss.
Take care.
Tell me before the huddle starts. Okay?
Thank you.
Thanks for coming by.
Thanks, coach.
Thanks, guys.
Thanks, Jamal.
Thanks, Jumbo. You can just rock me to sleep tonight.
Thanksgiving night we play the world champions.
That could be the last play of the season.
That forces a Dallas punt.
That last completion by Falco puts them back in field goal range.
That makes the score 21 to 20.
That makes you all very dangerous people!
That old coach from the '80s.
That was pretty sweet, you sitting on Wilson's head, Jumbo.
That was Washington running back Malcolm Lamont.
That's been his rap ever since the Sugar Bowl.
That's funny.
That's gonna leave a mark.
That's his third of the game.
That's my windshield!
That's not in the playbook.
That's not too much to ask.
That's nothing compared to those beatings he took in Seattle.
That's right.
That's right.
That's some deep shit.
That's something this team's been missing for a really long time.
That's the end of the first half...
That's the great thing about plankton, it pretty much keeps to itself.
That's the same story, different chapter.
That's the second time a Washington player has been...
That's weird! No college given, no high school.
That's why girls don't play the game, coach.
That's why I have you.
That's your ride right there, ain't it?
The auto plant.
The ball will go flying in the air. Falco will pick it up...
The biggest babies?
The cruelest thing that they can give guys like you...
The entire Dallas team has crossed the picket line.
The fans are getting screwed. I've got season tickets I can't give away!
The good news is, you guys got into a rhythm...
The only good thing I can say about our one offensive weapon is...
The same.
The score.
The Sentinels have set a record for penalties in the first three minutes!
The way I heard it, my man didn't even do nothing anyway!
Them cops were just jealous of the black man.
Then it's gonna flop around the ground.
Then they pull the rug out from under you.
There are 21 other guys who put their faith in you to lead them.
There you have it, in a word, from Coach McGinty...
These guys are like us.
They have blatantly hired scabs...
They haven't had a play yet and Falco's down.
They like to send their safeties...
They make you believe that you're better than you really are.
They should be, because you have a powerful weapon working for you.
They'd be heartbroken if you abandoned them...
They'll take my pub away from me.
They're playing zone out there and you can pick them apart...
They're quitting on you!
They've all played football, not all of them in the pros.
Think it over.
Thirty two yards is just a chip shot for Gruff.
This guy is a heck of a player, but I don't know him.
This is "The Leg"?
This is a tough distance.
This is bullshit! I'll end this right now.
This is funny to them bozos. You got a joke? You got a joke?
This is none of your business.
This is some more bullshit!
This is the most fun I've had in football in years. Go Falco!
This isn't a good sign.
This isn't a track meet, asshole. You have to look for the ball!
This kind of situation has not been Falco's strong point in the past.
Three two Magic, Rack Zero.
Throw right, you're going left!
Time out Washington.
Time out!
Time out!
Time out! Time out!
To Falco!
To the left!
To victory!
To what do you attribute this team's sudden rise over these past few weeks?
Touchdown, baby!
Touchdown, Brian Murphy!
Touchdown, Brian Murphy!
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