Call maine
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
He's laying back in the cut paper this here homie don't pass me some chat up some player haters be growing something my game grilling me over my dear not needs to be back in style
I am in no mood
I married this eleven year old girl for all the wrong reasons
I start high school tomorrow
I told you we gotta love cookies for santa
If I had a hole in my throat I put pennies in it
If you don't have a soul
No promises
Oh I said that don't start with maine I didn't go I wanted to go I forgot to go shit
Oh no someone really my pants
Relax you look so haggard zombas al just lie down tia hot my god
Thank god I finally get some time away from the evil monkey in my closet
Well wait
Well we have to look at your anus all day
What do you mean
Yo did y'all take me when at high was all up in my kool-aid yeah I was looking to break off a little something something but my crew gave me the following one on the skagit she's all about the brai...