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Home > Prank Call Sounds: Postal 2...
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A christmas tree guess it's never too early to introduce a major fire hazard into the home
A little scruffy
Ah i'm here
Ah man this sucks
All I wanted was a karachi for christmas
All the cash
And another one bites the dust
And done
And joe bob son of billy joe bob
And now I am dying
And one because I have ammo left
And one could you're fugly
And one for bobo the space monkey
And one for little johnny
And one for the pope
And one for your mother
And one just because I can
And one to grow on
Are you doing
Are you fat like a little girly girl
Are you on crack
Bless me father for I have really sinned really i'm not kidding here big center yet
Bring it on
Bring your money to me over here please now
But for all the cars in this town seemed to be props anyway
But how much trouble can I get into it a police station
But I just started yesterday
Call mommy
Can anyone help you
Can I help you please
Close enough
Come here you little
Come on everyone follow me
Come on fight like a man
Coming through
Could you pull down your pants and let me take a look
Damn that stings
Did I ask for cheese
Did you hear someone kill that little gary coleman kid at the mall
Didn't you just save
Do you love me
Don't kill me i'm a virgin
Don't these people have jobs
Don't you know who I am
Eat lead and I and come again please
Ella i'm ready for my virgins now
Everyone 's on fire
Fight me thirty thousand more points and I get my sniper certification you beotch
Five hundred
Four hundred
Fuck me I better get home
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you buddy
Fuck you buddy
Gee that wasn't so awful
Geez people must have been pissing on that wall for a thousand years
Get back here with that
Get down
Get down if you don't want to die
Get down rob put you down
Get the fuck on the ground ask
Get the hell outta here you lunatic
Go back to the donut convention I ain't going nowhere
Go screw yourself
Go screw yourself
God hurts
Grandma came down with the anthrax you know
Ham gonna make him squeal like a chicken
Have a nice day
Have a nice day
Have a nice day and please come again
Have a nice day and please come again
Have you heard there's some lunatic running around lighting people on fire and stuff the police can't even stop him useless bastards
He must be french
He took my money
He's got a gun
He's killing everyone
He's looking to my favorite christmas tree hurl
Hello and what do you want
Help maine
Here kitty kitty kitty kitty
Here's one for your mother
Here's one for your mother
Hey ayatollah how about some service over here
Hey buddy if you're not a part of the solution you're part of the problem
Hey I know you fallen and you can't get up
Hey look it's uncle dad
Hey mister peep show
Hey watch it
Hey who are you
Hey you
Hey you are stealing
Hi there
Hi there would you like to sign my petition
Holy shit
Holy shit
How all that can't be good
How can I help you pay me
How is this I will
How would you like it if somebody called you a lunatic
How you doing
Hurry up and buy something
I bet it
I can't believe this is happening
I can't find any bad touch crotches
I didn't mean it please don't kill me
I don't bust it up easier
I don't care
I don't feel so good
I don't think they know who they're dealing with
I got your willies right here
I guess I need to get up to the top floor
I knew it
I need a karachi for my sick kid
I regret nothing
I see you're crazy
I selma bridge
I'd like a hot number two to go
I'm crazy
I'm going to find more that good stuff
I'm here
I'm not going to the joint
I'm really going to bust if I don't take a piss immediately
I'm so wrong
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry but you'll have to go to the back of the line
I'm sorry so very sorry
If I see anyone selling my blood on ebay I will return from the dead it kick your sorry asses
If I see you selling us on ebay I will come to your house and kick your narrow ass
If it was up your ass you know
If it was up your ass you know
If one more of you assholes look at me your
If there were no guns things like this would never happen
If you ain't ready for this
If you say so
In a way you freaking pinko
In fadell I crash a plane into your mother
Inglis excuse me while I push my intros back in
Is my voice and know you
Is this a joke come back with more money job
It was that guys package. He's the terrorist! Get him!
It's from my mother I swear
It's like the apocalypse
It's like the apocalypse
Jayla small slice of urine stained heaven with a little sodomy in the side
Jesus you need little son man
Just call me doctor euthanasia
Just kidding
Kick ass
Kick ass
Let's burn some books
Let's open here's xmas package early village old bob
Look we both know you have one of those toys stuffed up your ass how much do you want for it
Man I gotta take a wicked lake
Man this apocalypse is some heavy shit
Maybe I should have waited for him to tell me where it is guess all to find it myself now
Maybe I should try to escape
Mission accomplished with extreme prejudice
Money line forms that way in fadell
Mother fucker
Mother fucker
Much appreciated
My bad
My grandmother could beat the game if she saved as much as you do
My president is chuck heston here's your rebate get damn dirty apes
No get out and come again please
No jail can hold maine
No murdering in the library please
No no
No you are not shooting at me
Now I was pretty hungover yesterday but I think I remember where I work
Now i'll never know who my real daddy is
Now it's wednesday
Now just hold still
Now my clavichord
Now the flowers will grow
Oh can't forget to pick up that package wonder what's in it
Oh great now my day is complete
Oh look I still have my matches
Oh man this is so great
Oh mine adds
Oh my god billy bob now he's got the shuttle
Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Oh no you're not going to kill me psycho boy
OK and please to start buying
One hundred
Oops botched that one I wonder how much is a remains would go for on ebay
Please become column or I will drain pillars of fire upon you
Please don't kill me
Please please
Please thank you
Please wait to come forward got soccer
Prank Call Sounds: Postal 2 Soundboard Sound
Prank Call Sounds: Postal 2 Soundboard Sound
Prank Call Sounds: Postal 2 Soundboard Sound
Prank Call Sounds: Postal 2 Soundboard Sound
Prank Call Sounds: Postal 2 Soundboard Sound
Prank Call Sounds: Postal 2 Soundboard Sound
Prank Call Sounds: Postal 2 Soundboard Sound
Put me out meow
Right about now i'll bet you feel pretty silly put in all that money into your IRA
Run run
Say that actually smells kinda good
Say what
Shit the ATF were going to storm the place
Shut the fuck down
Shut up moron
Shut up moron
Sick bastard
Sit down if you don't want to die
Slow roasted goodness
Smells like chicken
So do you think video games are evil
So yeah I gotta get that petition signs good thing i'm a people person
Somebody call lieberman
Someone stole my donuts and now you're all going to pay
Someone stop him he is stealing
Sorry folks the bible backs me up on this one
Sounds reasonable
Spare my life I have kids
Spin well since i've confessed hope I can remember everything
Sweet lord no
Thank you for your unclean visit now get out and come again please
Thanks you can leave now
That is not enough
That rocks
That will be
That's going to be sore tomorrow
That's the stuff
That's the ticket
The good book told me to make you die then myself
The workers have gone postal
There it is
There should be safe and here is not tuesday is it
There we go
There you go
They can kiss my shiny black ass
This can't be real
This is going to be sweet
This is not a standard on looking place
This must be the one
Three hundred
Time to party with mister napalm
Today's the first day of the end of your lives
Turn around and face me
Two hundred
Up yours pig
Usually this town is crawling with cops figures there gone when you finally need some
Video games don't kill people I do
Wait i'll get a bucket of water just kidding
Wake up
We're not zealots eat lead and I unbelieving heathen scum
Well wake him up there
What an asshole
What do you think we should do billy joe bob
What fucking moron design this
What I see that again
What is wrong with you
What what
What you talking about asshole
What's on fire
Who let the dogs out
Who that's gotta hurt
Who write in this stuff
Whoa inna godda divita baby
Will someone make sure my ass isn't showing
Yeah and what's that awful stench
Yeah baby I am the lizard king
Yeah I saw
Yeah sure it is
Yeah that's what they all say
Yeah true
Yeah yeah yeah you're cool go away
You bitch
You just know there's going to be some variety of pickled testicles in here somewhere
You keep talking i'll keep ignoring you
You like that
You probably thought you were going to die today so prize
You sick bastard
You sound just like max payne
You still here
You talking to maine
You think that could stop maine
Your mother is a god who my father services
Your next place