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King Arthur and his knights in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," ready for their comedic quest in a medieval setting.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail Soundboard

Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a legendary British comedy film that was released in 1975. It was written and performed by the renowned comedy group Monty Python, consisting of Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin. This comedic masterpiece quickly became a cult classic, known for its absurd humor, witty dialogue, and memorable characters.

Set in medieval England, Monty Python and the Holy Grail follows the comedic misadventures of King Arthur (played by Graham Chapman) and his Knights of the Round Table as they embark on a quest to find the Holy Grail. Along their journey, they encounter various obstacles and eccentric characters, leading to hilarious situations that push the boundaries of comedy.

The movie showcases the remarkable comedic talents of the Monty Python troupe, with each member playing multiple roles. John Cleese brilliantly portrays Sir Lancelot, a fearless yet somewhat clumsy knight, while Terry Gilliam brings to life the gruff and enigmatic character of Patsy, King Arthur's loyal servant. Eric Idle delivers a memorable performance as Sir Robin, a cowardly knight who nonetheless manages to sing amusing songs about his courage. Terry Jones impresses as Sir Bedevere, a knowledgeable knight with an affinity for herbal remedies, and Michael Palin charms as Sir Galahad, a noble knight with a knack for attracting women.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail's success lies in its ability to cleverly mix satire, slapstick humor, and intelligent comedy. It parodies the conventions of medieval literature and the Arthurian legend while simultaneously mocking numerous historical and social aspects of British society. With its iconic quotes, such as "It's just a flesh wound!" and "I fart in your general direction," the film has truly become a staple in comedy culture.

For fans of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, there is now an opportunity to relive the film's hilarious moments through sounds that can be played and downloaded. From the sound of coconut halves being banged together as the knights "ride" their invisible horses, to the uproarious singing of "Brave Sir Robin," these sounds will transport you back to the absurd world of Arthurian parody.

Whether you're a devoted fan of Monty Python or a newcomer to their brand of humor, Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a must-watch comedy classic. Its enduring popularity over the years proves that its wit and absurdity continue to captivate audiences of all ages. So sit back, relax, and prepare to join King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table on their unforgettable quest for the Holy Grail.

Play and download these sounds here and experience the hilarity firsthand.
A blessing from the lord
A blessing from the Lord!
A cave which no man has entered
A duck!
A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut
A newt
A path! a path!
A scratch your arm's off
A spanking!
A spanking! a spanking!
A what
A what a grail
A what?
A witch!
A witch!
A witch! a witch!
A witch! we found a witch we got a witch we found a witch
A year passed
Ah well actually I am a knight of the round table
Ah! but can you not also make bridges of stone
All right
All right sonny that's enough pack that in
All right we'll call it a draw
All right! not biscuits but let's kill him anyway
All right! we'll kill him first and then have tea and biscuits
Almighty god we thank thee that thou hast vouchsafed to us the most holy
Almighty God, we thank Thee...
Am I right
Amen (2)
Anarcho syndicalism is a way of preserving freedom
And after the spanking the oral sex the oral sex!
And again! over we go!
And don't apologize every time I talk to someone it's sorry this and forgive me that and i'm not worthy
And here in castle anthrax we have one punishment for setting alight the grail shaped beacon
And his nostrils ****d and his bottom burned off and his penis
And how'd you get that? By exploiting the workers.
And I feel sure that the merger the union between the princess and the brave but dangerous sir lancelot of camelot
And if you think you got a nasty taunting this time you ain't heard nothing yet stuffy english knights!
And make sure he doesn't leave
And my special guest here today
And no singing!
And now remain gone illegitimate faced bugger folk!
And sir robin the not quite so brave as sir lancelot
And Sir Robin the Not Quite So Brave As Sir Lancelot...
And so arthur and bedevere and sir robin set out on their search to find the enchanter of whom the old man had spoken in scene 24
And so we're looking for it yes we are we have been for some time ages
And st attila raised the hand grenade up on high saying
And that's what you're gonna get lad
And the aptly named sir not appearing in this film
And the aptly named, Sir Not Appearing In This Film.
And the grail the grail is there
And the holy grail returns to those whom god has chosen
And the lord did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloth's and carp and anchovies and orangutan's and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and
And the lord spake saying 'first shalt thou take out the holy pin '
And then spank me and spank me! and me and me
And there was much rejoicing
And therefore
And this enchanter of whom you speak he has seen the grail
And this is my trusty servant patsy
And this isn't my nose it's a false one
And we shall watch and pray
And we will return with a shrubbery one that looks nice and not too expensive
And what do you burn apart from witches more witches!
And who had personally wet himself at the battle of badon hill
And you clear off!
And you, clear off!
And you!
And you'll come and get him
Answer me these questions three #bridge #troll #answer my questions #i have questions
Answer Me These Questions Three #bridge of death #troll #stop
Anyway you've got bad breath
Are there what are they tell us do they hurt
Are under considerable economic stress at this period in history.
Are you from camelot
Are you saying ni to that old woman
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate
Are you sure he's got one
Are you sure that's absolutely necessary
Arthur arthur king of the britons
Arthur became convinced that a new strategy was required if the quest for the holy grail were to be brought to a successful conclusion
Arthur having consulted his closest knights decided that they should separate and search for the grail individually
Arthur king of the britons
Arthur! Arthur!
As the horrendous black beast lunged forward escape for arthur and his knights seemed hopeless
Ask me the questions bridge keeper i'm not afraid
Ask me the questions bridge keeper i'm not afraid (2)
At last! a call! a cry of distress!
At least ours was better visually
At least ours was committed it wasn't a string of pussy jokes
Away away varletesses!
Away, away, varletesses.
Back to your bed!
Back. Come on.
Bad bad zoot!
Bathing dressing undressing making exciting underwear
Be quiet!
Be quiet! (2)
Be quiet! I order you to be quiet
Bedevere my liege
Behold arthur this is the holy grail look well arthur for it is your sacred task to seek this grail
Behold the cave of caerbannog!
Behold the cave of Caerbannog.
Between our quests we sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gable
Between our quests we sequin vests and impersonate clark gable
Beyond the forest they met lancelot and galahad and there was much rejoicing
Beyond the forest, they met Lancelot and Galahad...
Bloody peasant!
Bloody weather
Blue no! yellow!
Bones of full 50 men lie strewn about its lair
Brave brave brave brave sir robin
Brave concorde you shall not have died in vain!
Brave sir robin
Brave sir robin ran away no! bravely ran away away
Bravely bold sir robin rode forth from camelot
Bravely taking to his feet he beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave
Bring her forward
Bring Out Your Dead #death #sick #virus #covid19 #coronavirus
Bring out your dead!
Bring out your dead! bring out your dead!
Bring out your dead! bring out your dead! bring out your dead!
Bring out your dead! bring out your dead! bring out your dead! (2)
Bring up the holy hand grenade
Brother maynard you're our scholar
Brother maynard!
Burn her anyway burn her!
Burn her! burn her!
Burn her! burn her! burn her!
But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting
But father
But father I don't want any of that
But I don't like her
But I don't want any of that i'd rather i'd rather just sing
But I don't want land
But I don't want to think i've lost a son so much as gained a daughter
But I don't want to think I've lost a son..
But i'm awfully sorry
But many times we're given rhymes that are quite unsingable
But many times we're given rhymes that are quite unsingable
But mother father lad
But now we're glad
But other illustrious names were soon to follow
But the fourth one stayed up
But the fourth one stayed up!
But the grail where is the grail
But then of course african swallows are non migratory so they couldn't bring a coconut anyway
But then, of course, African swallows are nonmigratory.
But there is one small problem
But they were still no nearer the grail
But you are tired and you must rest awhile
But you are tired, and you must rest a while.
By a civil majority in the case of internal affairs
By a two thirds majority in the case of
By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society!
By what name are you known
By what name are you known?
Camelot camelot camelot
Can you hang around a couple of minutes he won't be long
Certainly sir
Charge! (2)
Chicken! chicken!
Coconuts Migrate? #birds #no horse #carrying a coconut
Come come you must try to rest
Come here
Come on back! right back!
Come on concorde!
Come on put this man in the van
Come on then
Come on then (2)
Come on you pansy!
Come patsy
Come patsy (2)
Concorde speak to me!
Consult the book of armaments armaments 2 9 21
Course it's a good idea
Cut down a tree with a herring it can't be done
Cut off in this castle with no one to protect us.
Cut that out!
Cut that out! cut that out!
Cut your own head off yes do us all a favour
Decided that they should separate and search for the Grail individually.
Defeat at the castle seems to have utterly disheartened king arthur
Dennis forget about freedom don't drop that mud
Depart at this time and don't be approaching any more or we fire arrows in the tops of your heads and make castanets out of your testicles already
Did you dress her up like this
Did you kill all those guards
Did you say shrubberies?
Didn't know we had a king I thought we were an autonomous collective
Didn't mean to you put your sword right through his head!
Do you suppose he meant the camargue
Do you suppose he meant the Camargue?
Do you think this scene should have been cut
Do your worst!
Does it say anything else no just 'aaargh'
Does wood sink in water
Don't be afraid of him sir lancelot i've got a rope ready
Don't be such a baby
Don't it's like those miserable psalms they're so depressing
Don't like her what's wrong with her she's beautiful she's rich she's got huge tracts of land
Don't say that word
Don't! It's like those miserable psalms. They're so depressing.
Dr piglet!
Dr winston!
Dramatically sir dramatically
Escape for Arthur and his knights seemed hopeless...
Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress at this period in history
Even those who arrange and design shrubberies...
Excuse me could somebody give me a push please
Explain again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes
Farewell sweet concorde!
Fetchez la vache! quoi fetchez la vache!
Fiends! i'll tear them apart
Fine I don't want to waste any more of your time but I don't suppose you could tell us where we might find a um
Firstly you must find another shrubbery!
Firstly, you must find another shrubbery
Five is right out
Follow! but follow only if ye be men of valour
For beyond the cave lies the gorge of eternal peril which no man has ever crossed
For since her own father who when he seemed about to recover suddenly felt the icy hand of death upon him
For since the tragic death of her father
For the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived
For the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature...
Found them in mercia the coconut is tropical
Four shalt thou not count neither count thou two excepting that thou then proceed to three
Four with a coconut on a line between them
French persons!
Gawain ector and bors that's five three three three
Get a blanket over that one
Get back
Get on with it
Get on with it!
Get on with it! (2)
Get on with it! (3)
Get stuffed
Go and boil your bottoms sons of a silly person
Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person!
Go and tell your master that we have been charged by god with a sacred quest
Go on bors chop its head off
Go on clear off! go away
Go! quick!
God be praised
God be praised!
God be praised!
God be with you
Good idea o lord!
Good luck brave sir lancelot
Good sir knight will you come with me to camelot and join us at the round table
Good Sir Knight, will you come with me to Camelot..
Good steady! and now the big one!
Got to go to the robinsons' they've lost nine today
Greetings king arthur
Greetings tim the enchanter!
Halt! who art thou
Halt! Who art thou?
Halt! who goes there
Hang on! hang on! hang on!
Have at you
Have at you!
Have we got bows
He did it again
He is brave sir robin brave sir robin
He is jacking it in and packing it up and sneaking away and buggering off and chickening out and pissing a pot yes bravely he is throwing in the sponge
He is sneaking away
He is the keeper of the bridge of death he asks each traveler five questions
He killed my auntie!
He knows of a cave a cave which no man has entered
He must have died while carving it
He must have died while carving it.
He said it again!
He says he's not dead yes he is i'm not! he isn't well he will be soon he's very ill
He says they've already got one!
He was not afraid to die
He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways
He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken
He who answers the five questions three questions three questions may cross in safety
He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the holy grail in the castle of aaargh
He'll do you up a treat mate!
He's Already Got One #french #its very nice #already have one
He's already got one you see
He's buggered off! so he has! he's scarpered
He's come to rescue me father
He's died!
He's getting better!
He's going to tell he's going to tell he's going to tell he's going to tell
He's got huge sharp it can leap about
He's killed the best man!
He's killed the best man!
He's not quite dead!
He's not quite dead! (2)
Held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water...
Held under the dorsal guiding feathers
Hello (2)
Hello (3)
Hello I am zoot's identical twin sister dingo
Hello stuffy english knights and monsieur arthur king who has the brain of a duck you know
Hello who is it
Hello! (2)
Hello! (3)
Help i'm being repressed!
Here's one
Hey i've got a great idea
His head smashed in and his heart cut out and his liver removed and his bowels unplugged
History for schools take 8
Hold it please hold it
Hold it please!
Hold it. Hold it, please.
Holy Hand Grenade Instructions #count to 3 #five is right out #holy hand grenade
How can we not say the word if you don't tell us what it is
How dare you profane this place with your presence
How did you become king then
How do you do good lady
How do you know she is a witch she looks like one
How do you know so much about swallows
How do you know so much about swallows?
How does it uh how does it work
How many did we lose
How well i'll tell you
How you english say one more time I unclog my nose in your direction sons of a window dresser!
Hurry sir lancelot!
Hurry sir lancelot! hurry!
I am
I am (2)
I am an enchanter
I am arthur king of the britons
I am arthur king of the britons (2)
I am arthur king of the britons (3)
I am in the tall tower of swamp castle
I am invincible!
I am not a witch I am not a witch but you are dressed as one
I am ready!
I am ready! (2)
I am your king! I didn't vote for you
I bet you're gay
I blow my nose at you so called arthur king you and all your silly english knights
I burst my pimples at you and call your door opening request a silly thing!
I can tackle this lot single handed!
I can understand that
I can't
I can't just call you man
I can't take him
I can't take him like that it's against regulations
I cannot tell suffice to say it's one of the words the knights of ni cannot hear
I command you as king of the britons to stand aside
I command you in the name of the knights of camelot to open the doors of this sacred castle to which god himself has guided us
I did say sorry about the old woman but from behind you look
I didn't
I didn't know you were called dennis
I do
I don't know that!
I don't know that! (2)
I don't think I was
I don't think so
I don't want to go on the cart
I don't want to talk to you no more you empty headed animal food trough wiper
I fart in your general direction
I Fart in Your General Direction #fart #french #taunting
I Fart in Your General Direction #insult #your mom #your dad #monty python #fart
I feel fine
I feel happy I feel happy
I feel much better
I got better
I have been imprisoned by my father who wishes me to marry against my will please please come and rescue me
I have no quarrel with you good sir knight but I must cross this bridge
I have seen it I have seen
I have seen it. It is here.
I have seen the grail
I have to push the pram a lot
I knew someone would
I knew someone would I knew that somewhere out there there must be someone
I know but I want the girl that I marry to have a certain special something
I know not my liege
I mean if the birds were
I mean they were more than two laden swallows flights away
I mean to be so understanding
I move for no man
I must speak with your lord and master
I never!
I see
I seek the finest and the bravest knights in the land to join me in my court at camelot
I seek the grail
I seek the grail I have seen it here in this castle!
I shall make a feint to the north east
I soiled my armour I was so scared!
I think I could pull through sir
I think I could pull through, sir.
I think i'll go for a walk
I think i'm all right to come with you
I thought you meant him!
I told him we already got one.
I told him we've already got one
I told you we're an anarcho syndicalist commune
I understand my liege
I want his only daughter to look upon me as her own dad in a very real and legally binding sense
I want his only daughter to look upon me as her own dad...
I Warned You #i warned you #warned #warning #i told you #didnt listen #monty python #holy grail
I warned you but did you listen to me oh no you knew it all didn't you
I warned you!
I was looking for it here in this forest
I wave my private parts at your aunties
I will send help as soon as I have accomplished a daring and heroic rescue in my own particular idiom sir idiom!
I'll ask him, but I don't think he'll be very keen.
I'll bite your legs off!
I'll have your leg right!
I'll uh just stay here shall I sir yeah
I'm 37
I'm 37 i'm not old
I'm a knight of king arthur sir
I'm afraid not
I'm averting my eyes o lord
I'm french why do you think I have this outrageous accent you silly king
I'm getting better! no you're not you'll be stone dead in a moment
I'm Invincible #black night #arthur #delusional #invincible
I'm not dead!
I'm not dead! (2)
I'm Not Dead! #not dead yet #not dead #alive #still kicking #monty python #holy grail
I'm not interested
I'm not quite dead sir
I'm sir lancelot sir
I'm warning you
I'm your son
I've done it again
I've had worse
I've said it i've said it i've said it again!
Icky icky icky #knights who say #icky icky icky #shrubbery #knights who say nee
If he will give us food and shelter for the night he can join us in our quest for the holy grail
If I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd put me away!
If I went around saying I was an emperor...
If there's ever going to be any progress
If you do not agree to my commands then I shall
If you do not open this door, we shall take this castle by force.
If you do not tell us where we can buy a shrubbery my friend and I will say we will say ni
If you will not show us the grail we shall take your castle by force
If you will not show us the Grail, we shall take your castle by force.
If you'll not open this door we shall take this castle by force!
In france I think
In that case I have to kill you
In the frozen land of nador they were forced to eat robin's minstrels
In the frozen land of Nador..
In the name of god and the glory of our
In the name of god we shall not stop our fight till each one of you lies dead
In the name of the lord we demand entrance to this sacred castle!
In war we're tough and able
In war we're tough and able quite indefatigable
Is it
Is that clear
Is there anywhere in this town where we could buy a shrubbery
Is there someone else up there we could talk to
Isn't there a st aaargh's in cornwall
It could be carried by an african swallow oh yes! an african swallow maybe not a european swallow that's my point
It could grip it by the husk
It doesn't matter
It is a good shrubbery I like the laurels particularly
It is a lonely life
It is aramaic!
It is arthur king of the britons
It is I arthur son of uther pendragon from the castle of camelot
It is king arthur and these are my knights of the round table
It is the rabbit
It is the rabbit.
It reads 'here may be found the last words of joseph of arimathea '
It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one.
It's a busy life in camelot
It's a fair cop burn her!
It's a simple question of weight ratio
It's better than some previous scenes I think
It's going to cost me a fortune!
It's just a flesh wound #monty python #holy grail #flesh wound #black knight #marty python
It's my duty to sample as much peril as I can
It's not a question of where he grips it
It's not a question of where he grips it.
It's not the first time we've had this problem
It's not the real grail
It's one of the sacred relics brother maynard carries
It's only a model
It's quite simple.
It's the legendary black beast of aaargh!
Jesus Christ #jesus christ #holy shit #omg #holy hell #monty python and the holy grail #monty python
Jesus christ!
Jesus Christ!
Jesus christ! (2)
Jesus christ! (3)
Just a flesh wound
Just answer the five questions three questions three questions as best you can
Just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away.
Just you
Keep running
Kill him
King of the britons defeater of the saxons
King of the who
Knight of the Round Table
Knights forward!
Knights I bid you welcome to your new home
Knights of ni we are but simple travelers who seek the enchanter who lives beyond these woods
Knights of ni you are just and fair
Lancelot, Galahad and I..
Lancelot! lancelot! lancelot!
Lancelot! lancelot! lancelot! lancelot! lancelot! lancelot!
Leaving the room yes
Let me have just a bit of peril
Let us ride to camelot!
Let us taunt it it may become so cross that it will make a mistake
Let's be nice to him
Let's not jump to conclusions
Like what
Listen alice herbert herbert
Listen in order to maintain air speed velocity a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times every second right
Listen lad I built this kingdom up from nothing
Listen strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government
Look at the bones!
Look can you tell us where
Look I have seen it it is here
Look i'm fine!
Look if he was dying he wouldn't bother to carve 'aaargh' he'd just say it
Look isn't there something you can do
Look it's quite simple you just stay here and make sure he doesn't leave the room all right
Look let me go back in there and face the peril
Look my liege
Look please in god's name show me the grail
Look stop that
Look that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide it's a killer!
Look the dead prince!
Look this cannot be I am sworn to chastity!
Look you stupid bastard you've got no arms left
Look you're a busy man
Look! (2)
Look! there's the old man from scene 24 what's he doing here
Looks like there's dirty work afoot
Make plain the last resting place of the most holy grail
Make plain the last resting place of the most Holy Grail.
Make sure he doesn't leave
Make sure he doesn't leave
Make sure the prince doesn't leave the room until I get him
May we go now
Meanwhile king arthur and sir bedevere not more than a swallows flight away had discovered something
Message for you sir
Mind your own business
Mine is zoot just zoot
Morning morning
My god!
My liege
My liege I would be honored
My liege it's good to see you
My liege it's robin
My Liege, I would be honored!
My name is roger the shrubber I arrange design and sell shrubberies
My name is sir lancelot of camelot
Nay come you may lie here
Ni peng and neee wom!
Ni that's it you've got it
Ni! (2)
Ni! ni! ni!
Ni! ni! ni! ni!
Ni! ni! ni! ni! (2)
Ni! ni! ni! ni! ni! ni!
Ninepence (2)
No aaargh at the back of the throat
No chance english bed wetting types
No far from it
No he isn't!
No I feel fine actually sir
No I want you to stay here and make sure he doesn't leave
No I was saved at the last minute
No i'm not
No it floats
No it is far from this place
No it isn't
No it's not right for my idiom I must escape more
No it's not that it's ni
No it's nothing!
No it's too perilous
No it's unhealthy
No just keep him in here!
No no leaving the room
No no no no
No no please lie down
No no until I come and get him
No not anyone else just me
No not is! you wouldn't get very far in life not saying is
No not you
No now go away or I shall taunt you a second time
No on second thoughts let's not go to camelot it is a silly place
No one lives there
No one lives there
No ooh in surprise and alarm!
No please! this is supposed to be a happy occasion! let's not bicker and argue about who killed who
No really honestly I can handle this lot easily!
No sir galahad come!
No sweet concorde! stay here
No that's st ives
No they'd have to have it on a line
No we've got to find the holy grail come on
No you just keep him in here and make sure
No you stay in the room and make sure he doesn't leave
No you're not doing it properly
No, it's not right for my idiom. I must escape more...
No, no. "O o oh" in surprise and alarm.
No, no. Until I come and get him.
No, please, lie down
No, they'd have to have it on a line.
No! never no shrubberies
No! no no no! no!
No! not the knights who say ni
No! we have no shrubberies here
No. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.
Nobody really I was just passing through
None shall pass
None shall pass (2)
None Shall Pass #black night #arthur #none shall pass #no entry
None shall pass #none shall pass #cant get through #denied #road block #monty python and the holy grail #monty python
Noo! (2)
Not another shrubbery!
Not at all see you on thursday
Not at all they could be carried
Not biscuits
Not like that! not like that no! stop it!
Not only by surprise but totally unarmed!
Not to leave the room even if you come and get him
Nothing here's your ninepence
Nothing is sacred
Now go!
Now he's said the word!
Now knock it off!
Now listen in 20 minutes you're getting married to a girl whose father owns the biggest tracts of open land in britain
Now look here my good man
Now stand aside worthy adversary
Now this is the main hall we'll have all this knocked through
Now this is what they did
Now this is your last chance i've been more than reasonable
O brave sir robin
O lord bless this thy hand grenade that with it thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny bits in thy mercy
Of course
Of course it's a good idea!
Of course joseph of arimathea!
Of course not! you are english types
Oh anyway on to scene 24 which is a smashing scene with some lovely acting in which arthur discovers a vital clue
Oh bloody hell
Oh but come
Oh but we are nice and we will attend to your every every need!
Oh but you are wounded!
Oh come on!
Oh dear is he all right
Oh don't grovel if there's one thing I can't stand it's people grovelling
Oh fair one behold your humble servant sir lancelot of camelot I have come to take
Oh go and get a glass of water
Oh great
Oh hello
Oh I am enjoying this scene
Oh I don't
Oh I remember
Oh I See
Oh I see right
Oh i'm terribly sorry
Oh it's just a harmless little bunny isn't it
Oh king that's very nice how did you get that by exploiting the workers!
Oh knights of ni we have brought you your shrubbery
Oh no oh no!
Oh oh I see
Oh please
Oh quite clear no problems
Oh she is a bad person and must pay the penalty
Oh shit!
Oh shut up
Oh shut up!
Oh thank you thank you
Oh wacko
Oh what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say ni at will to old ladies
Oh wicked wicked zoot!
Oh yeah
Oh yeah I agree with that
Oh yes
Oh yes it's very nice
Oh yes of course!
Oh yes! we'll keep him in here obviously but if he had to leave
Oh you mean a sort of an ah!
Oh, thank you very much
Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians...
Oh, yes, of course. I thought you meant him.
Oh, yes! We'll keep him in here, obviously.
Oh, yes. Sorry
Oh! had enough eh
Oh! how do you do
Oh! i'm afraid our life must seem very dull and quiet compared to yours
Oh! thank you splendid!
Old crone!
Old man where does he live
Old woman! man! man sorry
Once the number three being the third number be reached then lobbest thou thy holy hand grenade of antioch towards thy foe who being naughty in my sight shall snuff it
One day lad all this will be yours what the curtains no not the curtains all that you can see stretched out over the hills and valleys of this land
One two five!
Only higher to get the two level effect with a path down the middle.
Open the door!
Open the door! open the door! in the name of king arthur open the door!
Order who does he think he is
Oui oui allons y let's go
Our quest is at an end
Perhaps he was dictating it
Pie jesu domine dona eis requiem
Pie jesu domine dona eis requiem (2)
Pie jesu domine dona eis requiem (3)
Pie jesu domine dona eis requiem (4)
Pie jesu domine dona eis requiem (5)
Pie jesu domine dona eis requiem (6)
Pie jesu domine dona eis requiem (7)
Pie jesu domine dona eis requiem (8)
Please good people I am in haste
Please we are doctors
Please, please, please come and rescue me.
Please! no more!
Practice your art
Prepare a bed for our guest
Pull the other one
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