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Monty Python's Flying Circus - Season 3 Monty Python's Flying Circus was a popular British television comedy series that

Monty Python's Flying Circus - Season 3

Monty Python's Flying Circus was a popular British television comedy series that aired from 1969 to 1974. Season 3 of the show, which aired in 1972, continued to captivate audiences with its unique blend of absurdist humor, satire, and surreal sketches.

The regular cast members of Monty Python's Flying Circus included Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin. These comedic geniuses brought to life a plethora of unforgettable characters and absurd scenarios that have since become iconic in the world of comedy.

In Season 3, the Monty Python team continued to push the boundaries of conventional comedy. They explored themes such as politics, religion, history, and the banality of everyday life in their trademark irreverent style. With sketches like "The Ministry of Silly Walks" and "The Upper-Class Twit of the Year," the show tackled social issues with a unique and hilarious perspective.

One of the standout sketches from Season 3 is "The Spanish Inquisition." This recurring skit features the unexpected arrival of a trio of bumbling Inquisitors who interrupt other sketches with their cry of "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" This sketch became one of Monty Python's most recognizable and quotable moments, showcasing the brilliance of their comedic writing and timing.

Another memorable sketch from this season is "The Lumberjack Song." Written and performed by Terry Jones and Michael Palin, this musical number tells the tale of a man who leads a double life as a lumberjack and a transgender woman. The song's catchy melody and hilariously absurd lyrics quickly became a fan favorite.

The show's irreverent humor was not limited to sketches alone. Monty Python's Flying Circus also featured animated segments created by Terry Gilliam, who would later become renowned for his distinctive style. These animations added an extra layer of visual absurdity to the show, creating a unique blend of comedy and visual art.

Fans of Monty Python's Flying Circus can relive the magic of Season 3 by playing and downloading the iconic sounds from the show. From the famous catchphrases like "And now for something completely different" to the sound effects that accompanied the silliest moments, these sounds capture the essence of the show's irreverent humor and are sure to bring back memories for longtime fans.

Monty Python's Flying Circus Season 3 stands as a testament to the brilliance and enduring legacy of the Monty Python comedy troupe. Its combination of sharp satire, absurdist humor, and clever writing continues to entertain and inspire comedians and fans alike. So, whether you're a longtime fan or new to the world of Monty Python, Season 3 is a must-watch, and now you can relive the experience with the sounds that made it so special.

To play and download these iconic Monty Python sounds from Season 3, be sure to visit our website. It's time to laugh, reminisce, and enjoy the genius of Monty Python once again.
A "panorama" report on the black ghettos
A banana and cheese sandwich like this.
A battle of this kind can take anything up to 15 years
A bientot.
A big local crop.
A bit small for a share certificate, isn't it?
A block, like mystico point here
A brief struggle, and all is over.
A brief summary of proust's a la recherche du temps perdu
A capitalist ship on radar scanner.
A caribbean dream where only reality is missing...
A cassette tape recorder is to replace
A cat?
A central high voltage, self generating electricity source
A check then, please?
A crumbling...
A cynical, bed hopping, firm breasted
A documentary on mollusks?
A dose of dynamite can do a world of good.
A drop of sherry would be lovely.
A dubonnet, a sherry, or a sparkling white wine
A five minute argument
A gift.
A good attempt there
A good home and a steady job.
A good try, though, and very nice posture.
A great deal of interest
A guest who has not only done
A harlot, a trollop
A hornbeam?
A la recherche du temps perdu
A leaf with sort of regular veins coming out
A list of their names and addresses, could you?
A little delay.
A little fermented curd would do the trick
A little more water, perhaps?
A little place of my own, the right girl...
A local headmaster and mother of three.
A lot of people are far less understanding
A lot of people take offense while I even talk to them
A major breakthrough, maybe.
A mannered and romantic melancholy of snow and mists
A means of adapting my present pump
A member of the famous royal canadian mounted geese.
A mrs. hatred, of leicester, said
A nice little dinner, fred.
A party?
A piece of anthropological history.
A policeman or a minister of the church
A pound, a pound
A pound... yes, I see.
A problem people who are fast disappearing
A quick look in the book.
A race who one might say are losing a winning battle.
A really funny passenger on a bus.
A resurgence of her old affection
A satisfyingly ironic slice of life drama.
A school of spanish dancing and a car hire service.
A seaside summarizing proust competition
A simple pot of salad dressing
A simple rear window demisting device for an 1100
A single room for my friend, please.
A single room for my friend, please.
A small, a small rat.
A solicitor... oh.
A stirring story of love and war, violence and chivalry
A tax dodge.
A team of french chiropodists
A team of our researchers spent 18 months in antarctica
A telegram?
A terrific product.
A thing to do some urine in.
A tie what a fantastic result!
A tizer!
A tree lined treasure trove
A useful jar for apricots, plums and stock cubes.
A very personal and sincere sorry to you, m'lord
A viewer from preston there who's pointed out correctly
A what?
A willow.
A word with you for a moment.
A young chap called dennis moore.
About bullfighting.
About certain allied shipping routes, ja?
About devon and cornwall?
About how mr. smith should be running this country.
About how to get this exciting saga started again
About how to put your budgie down
About me not disturbing you.
About my... being disturbing.
About the bleeding rats, too.
About the famous english king who hasn't been done yet.
About the meaning of life
About their financial difficulties
About this, jack?
About what happened on the show so far
Absolutely enchanting!
Absolutely marvelous.
Absolutely none.
Absolutely right, yes.
Absolutely top o!
Absolutely, yes.
Absolve all those
Accidentally growing on a sterile plate
Achtung! achtung!
Actually queried the necessity
Actually, it never struck me before.
Afraid it was.
After a blazing row
After a few moments
After it was opened by its patron.
After lunch, naughty things dipped sharply
After several days
After the appallingly expensive production of clochmerle.
After you, dear.
Afternoon, mother.
Afternoon, mrs. ****** baiter.
Against his word.
Against inflexible behavior, but...
Against the crimson streeds... stre...
Against the penguin.
Ah send him in, chivers.
Ah, "ring kichard," yes.
Ah, gleetings, capitalist dog.
Ah, good morning.
Ah, good, sir phillip
Ah, good. but what a presentation of a case.
Ah, it's only us.
Ah, mais oui jack in the box...
Ah, mr. livingstone, thank you.
Ah, mr. millichope.
Ah, mr. pither.
Ah, mr. rodgers, have you got
Ah, mr. victim.
Ah, my name is pither.
Ah, no, it's not I who was injured, it's my friend.
Ah, now, this is your problem with words.
Ah, oh, wait, this is still not quite right.
Ah, one of our adventure holidays.
Ah, she's finally gone away
Ah, so.
Ah, that's better.
Ah, the elm!
Ah, this is better.
Ah, tidwell.
Ah, wait a minute.
Ah, well, it's been on order for two weeks, sir.
Ah, well, there's not much now.
Ah, well, where are you hurt?
Ah, yes, but I've had the excess nipples woppled
Ah, yes, here we are...
Ah, yes, quite right.
Ah, yes.
Ah, yes. I his... how you say, uh...
Ah! 'tis my lord of buckingham.
Ah! a tranquilizing dart fired
Ah! lenin, eh? quel chanteur!
Ah! thank you very much, good morning.
Ah! we do have some camembert.
Ah... I thought you were complaining about the music.
Ah... mr. ford, isn't it?
Ah... uh, stilton?
Aha! well, if I didn't pay, why are you arguing?
Ahoy there!
Ahoy there!
Ahoy there!
Alas, if fortune doth perceive, I am undone.
Alec and eric bedser, ex surrey cricketers;
Algy says you are.
Algy, I have to see you.
All brontosauruses are thin at one end
All I get is poked and prodded in the chest.
All is lost, oh, alas the day!
All money.
All over the cuba libres.
All over their puffy, raw, swollen, purulent flesh
All right five years.
All right, all right, all right
All right, all right, all right, all right.
All right, all right, all right, sonny.
All right, all right, all right.
All right, bingley.
All right, buster.
All right, but only if I can give urine.
All right, comrades, time to go to work.
All right, derry and toms.
All right, gentlemen, last orders, please.
All right, he had posture
All right, here's a pound.
All right, hold 13 on the five inch
All right, I'll give you some blood.
All right, I'll have the dead unjugged rabbit fish.
All right, it's a fair cop
All right, macdonald.
All right, macpherson, you're next off you go.
All right, maestro, hit it!
All right, mr. bedroom.
All right, rutherford.
All right, sergeant major, at ease.
All right, sergeant major.
All right, sir, I think I will.
All right, this is a raid.
All right, we'll give it a whirl.
All right, you yellow bellied sidewinder
All right!
All right!
All right!
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. the church police!
All right. we can soon settle this.
All that'll be left of us is a map, a compass
All the way from monte carlo...
All these tremendous leaps forward
All this and more in storage jars.
All we want is blood.
All we've eaten, mate, for the last four bleeding weeks
All you have to do is spot the looney.
All you have to do is spot the looney.
Alliveldelchi loma
Allow me to introduce myself.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Alongside thor heyerdahl and sir edmund hillary.
Also a writer of humor and...
Also in leeds that year, a local butcher was hanged
Although biscuits sank after an early gain
Although I detected small particles of bitumen
Although she preferred to be called a "courtesan."
Although that moment is coming in a moment.
Altogether 14 expeditions were at his heels.
Always get it fresh first thing on monday.
Always popular with the crowd
Always the problem... with...
Amazing, isn't it?
American junior sprint record holder
An argument's a collected series of statements
An elm's got sort of great clumps of leaves like that.
An evergreen el dorado
An excellent swimming pool
An honors graduate from harvard university
An hour of talks, tunes and downright tomfoolery
An immersion heater for the hot water tank costs
An impact of up to 4,000 pounds per square inch?
An interesting point about these boys is
An island inhabited entirely by ex international interviewers
An italian film director
An outlet to the sea
An urban eldorado where the businessman of today can enjoy
And "b, " to provide work for one of our announcers.
And "b," sometimes orange water given
And 4,000 copies of shower sheila were seized that day.
And 30 bob for janet.
And 1959 saw the first of antonioni's world famous trilogy
And a "woman of the night"
And a boeuf bourguignon with a green salad.
And a few feet of film recording our last moments.
And a full legal indemnity against any acts of embezzlement
And a great hammer came and hit him on the head.
And a mr. jarvis was electrocuted
And a mr. st. john, of huntingdon, said
And a new element for an electric kettle like this
And a pair of handcuffs.
And a pair of split crotch panties
And a soup of the day.
And a steady job in a merchant bank.
And a television critic
And a very good morning to you, too, doctor.
And a year later, she gave police information
And after a frank exchange of views, we have agreed
And after is a pain in the dong.
And after this had happened, uh
And again there!
And alan will be over in moscow
And all around abound a pound found found
And all you bring us is lupins!
And also at one point, you can see a pair of buttocks
And also that I've taken up so much
And amontillado in the underground tank.
And an intimate look at his friends.
And an old fashioned millionaire...
And anyway, I saw your phrase advertised in the paper
And apparently, you can either hit them with a book
And as you can see, hull kingston rovers
And ashtray's your uncle.
And ask you to...
And at doncaster last week
And at times self destructive...
And back a bit, that one
And ban abortion on demand.
And bbc 2 is bound to go through this phase.
And be on parade early in the morning.
And before I could shut the hatch
And being herded into endless hotel miramars
And being indifferent to cheese
And being treated like sheep.
And bellissima, 1951
And bellvueses and bontinentals
And bleedin' watney's red barrel
And bounced against rising thighs
And bring the thing undone to pass
And by putting them together...
And calamares and two veg
And can't find anything wrong with the syrians.
And changed me own name to "leopard"
And charles and his swedes in pomerania
And cleaning up in the publishing game.
And climbed quite steadily up to mario's, here.
And closer to home
And come with me.
And complaining about the food.
And conceived the potentiality of steam power.
And consequently bad television.
And could our first contestant sign in, please?
And creating new concepts in interior design.
And cut the broody herr.
And declare his undying love for you."
And deep inner peacefulness of his mind.
And did those feet
And discover a marvelous cure for something
And don't ask her too many questions
And don't pick your nose!
And dr. scholl sandals and tuesday's daily express
And dr. scholl's mountaineering sandals
And empress of the greatest empire television has ever seen.
And entitled to be...
And even some of the deciduous hardwoods.
And even then, they wouldn't be able to afford
And eventually you get evil smelling flocks
And ever so safe from the big bad rabbit
And every sunday
And every thursday night
And every time I go to the lavatory
And everybody was happy and singing all the day long
And experimenting with interior design?
And extruded acrylic fiberglass fitments.
And far from being interested in safer food
And features the main heavyweight bout
And feeds him some g****s.
And fell out of window onto exploding bomb
And female ones at that?
And finally among the lamellibranch bivalves
And finally, necrophilia is right out.
And find any tooth marks at all
And first let's catch up with the latest news of the betting.
And five for h.m.s. eagle.
And five: all together now!
And for main course, sir?
And for me there can be no greater privilege and honor
And for my next piece of evidence...
And for several months
And forming pyramids
And forms tentacles, viz the squid.
And frightening the children
And from france
And garroting is confined almost entirely to luton.
And give it to the orphans.
And gives to the poor
And good luck to you, macdonald.
And good luck with the tour!
And good night.
And hairy, bandy legged wop waiters called manuel
And half a dozen macaroons.
And have a word with him?
And have an absolutely super day tomorrow.
And have more time to myself
And he drones on and on and on
And he fell into the wastepaper basket.
And he wants to be entertained!
And he's come into the studio tonight
And he's down again
And here comes the north west with the mambo.
And here to discuss it are three dead people...
And here we are, boys, it's the no hurry brigade
And here we are, boys, it's the no hurry brigade
And here, another british expedition attempting to be
And here's a late result.
And here's the starter, mrs. alec marsh
And highlights of this afternoon's game
And his horse, concorde
And hopped into the social security office.
And how many glasses is that?
And how to unblock your loo.
And how would he know?
And how's the old arm this morning, mrs. ikon?
And how's this for a way to beat strikers?
And hull have got the heel against the head.
And I am senior to both of you.
And I believe you're working
And I completely just lost my head.
And I decided that this was for me.
And I don't suppose you've got
And I don't think he's going to get up this time.
And I fancy her very strongly
And I own it and what it is, too.
And I really am very, very, very sorry that I did it
And I think none more than myself
And I thought that's the kind of thing
And I'd just like them to know
And I'd just like to say how grateful I am to the bbc
And I'd like to conclude by putting my finger up my nose.
And I'll follow that with a whiskey for pudding.
And I'll go down to the embassy.
And I'll go down to the embassy.
And I'll tell you where it is
And I'll trade in these two copies of piggie parade.
And I'm doing it by... damn...
And I'm really very ashamed of myself.
And I'm thinking here particularly
And I've been on package tours several times, you see
And I've just been told
And I've never heard that phrase.
And identifying corpses and so forth.
And if I come unstuck here
And if you say "no"
And if you're not at your table spot on seven
And in t'film, we get fred titmus.
And indians.
And infiltrated your place of purveyance
And invite you once again to "shoot the poof"!
And is inflating it with the handy little pump provided.
And it contains material
And it has computer control storage facilities.
And it looks as though... yes!
And it makes a bit of a hole in the budget.
And it was her dogged perseverance
And it'll be difficult to tell
And it's beginning to look all over, bar the shouting.
And it's beginning to look like another gold for britain.
And it's going to be tough and we're going to need
And it's mine.
And it's not just the modern so called plastic arts
And join you then, can i?
And just watch these gallant girls go into action.
And just watch these gallant girls go into action.
And just what do you mean by that?
And later in the day had long discussions
And later on we'll be talking
And laying back at the same time
And let me eye the contents.
And let's just see those last six once again.
And long day's journey into night
And made sandwiches.
And make it funny.
And make it snappy, buster.
And make sure they get everything right
And make things generally irritating for you.
And make vast new areas of land cultivatable.
And making all the shops full of nice things:
And may I take this opportunity
And miles yellowbird up high in banana tree
And moonlit encounters on canal bridges.
And mr. and mrs. genet.
And mrs. johnson across to mr. colyer
And mrs. norris made sandwiches.
And mrs. rogers is the first to show.
And my back hurts...
And my doctor encouraged me with it.
And my dollar bills would buy the brooklyn bridge
And my fruit cake was damaged on one side.
And my lemon curd tartlet had...
And my sandwiches were badly crushed.
And never returning it.
And never returning it.
And next weekend I think they'll be able
And no money has changed hands whatever.
And nobody saw the big bad rabbit ever again.
And not just the head.
And not katy boyle.
And not talking during the pauses
And not this pansy kind of lyrical, evocative movement
And not vice versa, as he had originally surmised.
And now a good evening to you all.
And now a word from the man in the...
And now for the custard pie in the mush.
And now for the fish
And now for the moment you've all been waiting for.
And now for the whitewash.
And now he seems to have staked everything
And now I don't see any future.
And now I must come to the jury.
And now it's mrs. david barker riding atalanta, number three.
And now it's time for rugby league
And now it's time for the late night flim.
And now on bbc 1
And now on bbc 1
And now that man has discovered a new galaxy
And now the english pantomime horse
And now they're under starter's orders.
And now, back to the saga.
And now, back to the story.
And now, back to the story.
And now, comrades, the greatest moment of a great day
And now, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to welcome
And now, my lords, my ladies
And now, the stock market report
And now...
And now...
And now...
And now...
And now...
And now...
And now...
And now...
And now...
And now...
And off we go again.
And on farming club tonight
And on the proustometer here
And on to our first piece of film.
And one night, I was doing my usual rounds
And one of the most attractive
And one scampi desiree.
And our first question tonight is from a mrs. elizabeth scrint
And our very own sadler's wells...
And out of the window.
And out'll pudenda the wrong word
And paste down the edge of the sailor's uniform
And philosophizing.
And pier paolo pasolini.
And polo playing in blidge club.
And poppy things went pong!
And popularity is what television is about.
And pray, what is the most popular cheese
And producing a tube of euthymol toothpaste.
And putting the point of view of the church of england
And quite right, too
And rapid slenderizing.
And rear half of the johnson brothers...
And relentless character study.
And relentless inquiries
And remained with him until his death.
And remember, if you do not give me correct answers
And remember, you have to spot the looney.
And remember: women and children first.
And right now it's time to meet your host for tonight
And sad I am to see you
And said jack was having a bad time with this announcement
And sam missiles fired from underground silos
And saying, "ha, ha, caught you, mildred."
And secondly, I be not afraid of thee, blind pew!
And see how it goes from there, okay?
And selling them again at a considerable profit.
And set within the context of a humane religious experience
And she and balreau return
And shiny cars that go "brrm, brrm, brrm"
And sign a nonaggression pact with russia.
And sir kenneth clark.
And sitting in cotton sun frocks
And so I'm going to ask you
And so is assured of a place in british history
And so it was
And so lives to fight another day.
And so the decision has to be made which one of you is to go.
And so there are bound to be some teething troubles
And so they lived happily ever after.
And so this big lincolnshire heavyweight becomes
And so we carry on now with "njorl's saga"
And so we registered
And so we registered
And so you find them...
And so, and so r.s.m. urdoch and sapper macdonald made their way
And so, thanks once again to the unceasing efforts
And so, yakomoto...
And so...
And solid support in all four areas.
And some big, fat, bloated tart
And some bits of old paper
And sort of hit a point bisecting a line
And southampton v. mr. rogers a rather unusual game that.
And spacemen.
And start summarizing proust?
And stools remained anonymous.
And subsequently dying like penguins only quicker
And talking of windmills
And thank you again
And thank you for a lovely supper.
And that concludes our little skit.
And that in the first week
And that is not being talked about.
And that is playing it by yourself.
And that was to try and make it.
And that's how they were damaged.
And that's not good business.
And the accordionist plays...
And the anglian regiment are all right
And the big news this afternoon
And the bottom fell out of the tudor jobs.
And the cabots' expansion in canada
And the cephalopods.
And the cheese who shot liberty valance.
And the dustmen won't touch 'em.
And the following year saw...
And the futilities and agonies of purposeless living.
And the ginger biscuit were unscathed.
And the heels are worn right through.
And the high pitched whine of rockets
And the impeccable dirk bogarde as von essen.
And the man you've all been waiting for
And the most sherry they can ship in any one load
And the odd death sentence is bound to slip through.
And the pantomime goose
And the president of the surrey cricket club.
And the public outcry.
And the russian pantomime horse has got away
And the sauna belt trim jean company, limited.
And the servants most attentive
And the strangely flatulent madame ranevsky
And the sunburned splendor of the australian dollar.
And the terrific strain was beginning to tell
And the thing about saying the wrong word
And the third parachute brigade amateur dramatic society
And the ticket in...
And the trim jeans' version
And the veins go all the way out to the...
And the water skiing.
And the whole thing is subservient
And the wife's treatment costing more now, sir.
And the winner is number 41, mr. justice burke.
And their leader, superintendent mcgough.
And their sunday mirrors
And their swimming pools
And their toenails pulled out in slow motion.
And their transistor radios
And their watney's red barrel
And then a full medical examination by the...
And then a... a man told us
And then compare the relative brain sizes
And then he throws up
And then I go away
And then once a week
And then one night
And then some lifeboat men came into a woman's sitting room
And then surrounded
And then there were some cartoons and...
And then there were some more cartoons.
And then there'll be a few forms to sign.
And then thin again at the far end.
And then we come to the shores of the lake.
And then when the medical profession
And then you get cornered
And then, quick as a limpet
And then, uh, a n... a naval officer jumped into the sea.
And then...
And there goes his wife into the scrum.
And there you can see the two competitors
And there, crouching amidst the scuppers
And there's another bit where I swear you can see everything
And there's mrs. griffiths, who's remained unswapped.
And there's the man he'll be looking for
And therefore I will take
And they are in no way representative
And they're attacking the english pantomime horse
And they're off.
And they've turned it into this smashing little restaurant.
And thirdly, the similarity of speech.
And this comes complete
And this is a raid.
And this is mr. akwekwe who started the whole place.
And this is sergeant maddox.
And this is where you at home can join in.
And this time we're hoping to do it properly.
And this week on how to do it
And this year is no exception.
And this year's no exception.
And those candlesticks
And those continentals had better watch out
And three and this is the cruncher
And three months later
And three other constables
And time for the news
And to a random group of non english speaking humans
And to follow?
And to make straight for the top.
And trade with the holy roman empire is going...
And transfer the cartwrights to the digital scanner.
And transmissions for this evening
And try not to spend too much on food.
And turn the gas off before you leave!
And unlike most revolutionary south american states
And unmistakably regal, full stop.
And use the phrase immediately.
And very sexually arousing portrayal of violence
And waiting for the inevitable interview.
And was abandoned in 1956.
And was killed in a shooting accident.
And was the holy lamb of god
And watney's red barrel
And we apologize to viewers of njorl's saga
And we control everything from here.
And we couldn't go out for a couple of days.
And we had seen the titles of the show, we...
And we never saw him declare.
And we took a good look round
And we took quite a long time sorting out the winners.
And we will in addition need a controlling interest
And we'll be inviting them to spot the looney.
And we'll throw the nude man in for free.
And we're just getting an interesting development now
And we're really only getting signals
And we've just heard that huw weldon's watch
And wear spectacles."
And welcome to spot the looney, where once again, we invite you
And welcome to the arthur ludlow memorial baths, newport
And welcome to the second leg of the olympic final
And welcome, please
And were therefore unable to give the answers.
And what are you going to have, brian?
And what can I do for you?
And what is your next project?
And what leads you to that conclusion?
And what we must do now
And what you heard was a pause.
And what's your name?
And when he'd finished that
And when I say none
And when I take them off, I'm not dictating.
And when I'm finished altogether I'll do this, all right?
And when these girls roll their sleeves up
And when you've got that done
And where do they stand on young people?
And where exactly is the lake?
And which belong to me...
And which can be jettisoned at night
And whom he referred to as a "harlot"
And whose it is.
And whose shameless conduct
And will be canceled mysteriously.
And within easy reach of the proposed m25.
And wood and jewels and...
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