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A joke is not a joke unless #joke #not a joke #serious #not funny #not laughing #defensive
All babies are cute #veep #babies #baby #child #cute #compliment #mean
Always a pleasure #veep #pleasure #thank you #sarcasm
Am I being Punk'd? #veep #punkd #joke #prank #hazing
Am I Sure? Is That Really Your Question? #veep #selina meyer #julia louis dreyfus #are you serious #im sure #dumb question #idiot #what did i just say #mike
And I won't back down #wont back down #never give up #winning #winner #veep
And people say you're bad at your jobs #veep #bad #jobs #career
Anti suicide windows #veep #suicide #window #killing himself #insult #pity
Are you getting the bug? #bug #sick #are you sick #veep #sneeze #flu
Are you on meds? #veep #jonah ryan #meds #medication #mentally ill #weird #lunatic #psycho #crazy #psychotic
Back to your natural habitat #veep #habitat #insult #mean #tall insult #jonah ryan
Backstabbing madhouse #veep #madhouse #backstabbing #backstab #angry
Basketball is a religion #religion #catholic #basketball #veep
Bathtub full of rose petals #veep #cheerleader #insult #imagine #rose petals #gross
Bigger than your mothers womb #mother #baby boy #mamas boy #mothers womb #cant fit #too big #veep
Blow your head off #veep #kill yourself #insult #mean #blow your head off
Bullshitting takes talent #veep #bullshit #bad liar #fake #no talent #bitch
Bullshitting takes talent #veep #talent #bullshit #bs
Can Paul McCartney teach Kid Rock? #veep #kid rock #paul mccartney #the beatles #insults #teaching #teacher
Can you not keep a cat in a bag for one second #veep #cat in bag #secret #big mouth #elections #kill him
Can't say that didn't feel good #feel good #terrible #guilty #pleasure
Catch phrase for the world's creepiest babysitter #veep #babysitter #weirdo #creeper #insult #catchphrase #creepy
Chin up #veep #chin up #youll be fine #youre okay #be okay #youre good #no worries
Clumsy Analogy #unpleasant #analogy #insult #veep #clumsy #mean
Cockblocking widow #veep #widow #cockblocking #sex #tinder #dating
Come on come on come on #come on #come back #hello #attention #veep
Come up with a plan b #plan b #cancel #back up plan #veep
Conceal it for a second #veep #conceal #calm down #hide it
Could you deal with this honest woman #honestly #brutal #truth #lieing #compliment #veep
Could you not #stop #could you #veep #hush #back off
Did Simon mingle with Garfunkel #veep #mingle #people #talking #networking
Do you want to try me #veep #try me #threat #fight
Don't be cute #veep #cute #dont be cute #wrong #bad #not good #stop
Don't talk to me #veep #dont talk to me #quiet #hush #shut up
Don't talk, don't stay #dont talk #dont stay #go away #shut up #leave #annoyed #insult #veep
Don't you patronize me #veep #patronizing #insult #defend #defensive
Eating so much pussy I'm shittin clits, son #jonah ryan #veep #ladies man #inappropriate #pussy #bad influence #shitting clits #eating pussy #clit #doing great
Everything you say to me is emasculating #veep #emasculating #insult #mean #guy
Explains your three divorces #melodramatic #drama #three divorces #veep #quote
Feel my dick #veep #feel my dick #dick #penis #hard #boner #horny
Find the fuckers #veep #fuckers #find #hidden #selina meyers
Game changer #veep #game changer #winner #yes #edge
Garfunkel's rodie #veep #garfunkel #insult #mean #rodie
Get out of the way #get out #leave #goodbye #insult #inhale #in way #barrier
Go away #go away #leave #goodbye
Go fuck yourself #go fuck yourself #insult #veep #gtfu #stfu
Go sacrifice a virgin #veep #virgin #sacrifice #insult
Go screw a pillow #veep #pillow #go screw #leave #goodbye #insult #mean
God bless the president but.
Goony looking #veep #goony #insult #tall #height insult
Have you been sent from the future #veep #future #destroy me #painful #annoyed
He rises up and kills all the muggles #veep #harry potter #muggles #quotes #great wizard
He's eager and hard working #veep #hardworking #hate him #eager #drown #insult
He's nailing it #nailing it #high c #got it #killing it #score #veep
Heat is unbearable #heat #unbearable #hot #summer #sauna #veep
Hello? Penis enlargement clinic #veep #clinic #penis #insult #mansult #call #cellphone #pick up #hello
Help you forget #quote #veep #molested #forget #im sorry
Hey goodlooking #veep #goodlooking #attractive #cooking #compliment
Highest compliment #veep #compliment #what are you talking about
Holy mother of god #let us pray #jesus christ #amen #mother of god #veep
How's the view from down there #veep #snake #snitching #snitch #angry #insult
I am furious #veep #furious #angry #sarcasm
I am going to throw up a leg #throw up #beat #fight #insult #threat #veep #disgusted
I am going to throw up a leg #veep #selina meyer #throw up #i am going to throw up #mad #furious
I am good at this #veep #good #you dont know #hard #meltdown #crazy
I am real good in a high pressure situation #veep #high pressure #stressful #jobs #career #stress
I am sick of your micro managing #veep #micromanaging #managing #manager #work #yes #agree #insist
I am the one who has gotten us this far #i did it #winning #got us #my fault #insult #carry the team #sentient enema
I as president have achieved something #veep #president #america #american #achieved
I can explain #explain #mr pickles #let me explain #i can explain #caught #oops
I can't do the "be nice to people" #veep #nice to people #cant do it #nice #mean #angry #fake #play along #charade
I can't mate with anyone #veep #decline #dating #tinder #deny #cant mate #no #turn down
I can't say no again #veep #cant say no #no #goodbye #bye #see ya #hang up #gotta go
I can't say no again #veep #no #i cant say no again #hang up #nope #stop asking
I don't even paint my own nails #veep #paint nails #arrogance #boss lady #female
I don't know what those words mean #veep #i dont know #words #insult #what are you saying
I don't need a ball of yappy hair #pets #animals #dogs #yappy #hair #veep
I feel like I got felt up again #the law #veep #felt up #messed up
I Feel So Much Better #feel better #much better #thank you #heart to heart #veep #gary
I gotta go save the world #veep #save the world #president #hero
I Gotta Go Save the World #veep #selina meyer #save the world #serious #no exaggeration #important
I hate politics #politics #president #veep #political
I hope your vagina falls off #veep #vagina #insult #treat #girl insult
I just can't take this #veep #cant take it #give up
I just need something #veep #needy #need something #help #bring me
I like my bourbon like I like my women #veep #women #mature #18 years #jonah ryan
I move as slowly #murder #slow #slowly #losing #lost #driving #late #veep
I play what I want #music #zune #copyright #ipod #spotify #play #party
I should be president or something #veep #president #winner #right #righteous #confident
I shouldn't be saying this out loud #veep #oops #talking #silent #regret #blabbing
I shut down the national parks #veep #jonah #national parks #bears #dont use money #bad vacation #cool vacation #government shutdown
I shutdown NPR #veep #npr #snoozefest #government shutdown #boring #bad idea
I shutdown the government from wasting our money! #veep #government #shutdown #jonah #wasting our money
I shutdown the national endowment for the arts #veep #national endowment #for the arts #come on #give me a break #jonah #government shutdown
I think I might jump #veep #jump #titanic #suicide #die
I think they were deprived of fresh air at birth #veep #insult #mean #dumb #stupid
I usually use a Mac #veep #macbook #pc #messed up #oops #windows 8
I want quiet #quiet #be quiet #i want quiet #dont talk #shut up #silence
I want to cry #i want to cry #crying #cry #sad #cant cry #veep
I was trying to keep you from worrying #veep #worry #dont worry #im ok
I work hard, I work fast #work hard #work fast #hot legs #veep
I'd like to divorce your head #veep #divorce #neck #insult #fucking
I'd rather set fire to my vulva #id rather #no thank you #no #vulva #set fire #thats a no #veep
I'd read it #veep #read #books #articles
I'd rip your face off #veep #sex toy #threat #mean #violent
I'll figure it out #veep #figure it out #i got it #richard splett
I'll know when I see him #never forget #veep #jpeg #i know #remember #who #stranger
I'm going to follow you wherever you go #veep #follow you #stalk #stalker #disney animal
I'm going to take control over this situation #veep #situation #control
I'm kidding, I'm kidding #kidding #joking #just kidding #forget it
I'm ready if you are #veep #ready #go #start #finish
I'm running for Congress #veep #congress #winner #winning #j man #jonah ryan #chapter 5 #kneel
I'm the rockstar #veep #rockstar #rock and roll #rocker chic
Ice bucket challenge #veep #ice bucket challenge #quote #asl #smd
If anyone asks for me #veep #ask #scream #angry #leaving #left #goodbye
If I had a dollar every time you mentioned the war #veep #dollar #war #vietnam #blow head #trump #politics
If there's any dirty trick I can't stand #veep #honesty #politics #president #honest #truth
If you miss the deadline #deadline #college #class #assignment #homework #exam #test
If you want cardio exercise #veep #exercise #heart #heartless #burn #insult
Is that a racist joke? #veep #racist #jokes #offensive #insult
Is that the best move? #veep #move #best move #decision
Is the sky blue? #argument #debate #question #veep
Is there a jew place for dogs? #veep #dogs #******* #quote
Is there even a name for that? #veep #name #words #insult #no words
It could play well #veep #play well #work #it might #maybe
It could turn out like Twlight #veep #twlight #crazy #murder #what if #or #wont go well #turn out bad
It doesn't sound like you're in love to me #veep #kidnapped #out of love #in love #dating #bad relationship
It was an accident #accident #mistake #bigfoot #insult #not sorry #veep
It went out of my head #forgot #went out #conversation ends #forget it #veep
It would be like explaining #explaining #super tramp #dragon #understand #misunderstand #english #veep
It's going to be like climbing #hard #difficult #hiking #climbing #winner #competition
It's like a bell #veep #bell #cant stop thinking
It's like trying to use a croissant #veep #dildo #croissant #size #fitting #fit
It's my personality #personality #gotten far #friendship #me #winning #compliment #finish
It's not a precise science #precise science #veep #human emotion #love #relationship
It's not my job #veep #not my job #not my problem #refuse #no thank you
Jonah miming dicks #veep #jonah #dicks #penis #suck it #insult
Jonah Ryan frustrated #frustrated #fuck #shit #angry #mad #veep
Just when you thought he couldnt get any weirder #weirdo #jonah #weirder #just when you thought #veep #tinder #ghosted
Killing it daily #killing it #veep #jonah ryan #quote #d bag #nights rated pg squirting #ski #on the hill
King of the undead #veep #boring #insult #life #undead
Leaking bodies #veep #leaking #bodies #insult #china #jonah ryan
Let's be cheerful out there #veep #be happy #cheerful #perk up
Lets not do that again #veep #not again #no more #never mind
Like rubber Jesus #im back #jesus #rubber jesus #veep
Like your mother #veep #mother insult #mother joke #your mom #paid for #insult
Long sigh #veep #sigh #awkward #walk away #silent
Long stare #long stare #awkward pause #silent #veep
Look forward to that #ill be dead #oh wait #sarcasm #look forward to it #cant wait
Looks like someone need management skills #veep #management #skills #learn #condesend
Ma'am up #veep #maam up #man up #lady up #female #feminist #gals
May I? No you may not #may i #nope #reject #veep
Maybe I'll get assassinated #assassinated #dead #kill me #veep #dread #ugh
Mother Mary dry humping a pillow #compliment #talent #natural #winner #dry humping #politics
Move more air by farting #veep #farting #useless #fart #sure you can
My hands are dirty #veep #dirty #money #my hands #guilty
My plate is full of shit right now #shit #busy #loaded #swamped #veep
My specialty? Common sense #veep #specialty #common sense
No guns in this country #veep #guns #shoot him #murder #angry #second amendment
No i'm not going to say that #veep #not going to say that #try again #dating #tinder
Not on the same page #diet #same page #disagree
Not technically #veep #lets go #no #not technically #argue
Nuttier than a squirrel #squirrel #nutty #crazy #veep #insult
Occasionally that's of use #usable #working #that works #use it #apply #applies #applicable #veep
Oh my god
Oh thank you Satan #veep #satan #thank you
Oh what a feeling #veep #happy #joy #dance #what a feeling #debt #government #debt ceiling
Olympic style backflip #thats my girl #oympic #backflip #reverse #step back #veep
OUT PLEASE #get out #out please #leave already #leave #bye #veep
Own this #middle finger #bird #own this #veep #insults #mean
People attack you because you're beautiful #attack #defense #smart lady #beautiful #jealous #veep
Plead the fifth #plead #the fifth #cant tell #plead the fifth #veep
Police sketch of a rapist #veep #rapist #police sketch #insult #listen #tell us
Positivity is the first step #positivity #first step #not sure #idk #veep
Prepare to be gay #veep #gay #dicks #prepare #insult #threat
Problem with high definition #dick #hd #high definition #insult #mean
Richard Splett takes an order #waiter #memory #pen and paper #remember
Rubik's cube #rubiks cube #impossible #10 seconds #solve #veep
Selina Ruins Nickerson at Congressional Ball #veep #selina #nickerson #congressional ball #ruin #destroy #crushed #burned #savage
She can't half believe that this would work #veep #work #how #nope #deny
She cannot know about this #secrets #cannot know #dont tell #blabbing #veep
She didn't mean that #she didnt mean it #lot of her mind #worried #dont worry #veep #forgive her #her
She is magnificent #magnificent #amazing #compliment #you go girl #girl power #veep
She's a workaholic #veep #workaholic #compliment #female #girlfriend #friend #i like her
She's just one of those women #veep #women #powerful women #resents #resentment #insult #hurt
Should I do what I just said I should do #veep #tasks #homework #boss #dont tell me
Show of hands? #veep #show of hands #hands up #agree #agreement #yes
Shut up and move #hurry up #move #leave #stfu #shut up #shut the fuck up #veep
Shut your mouth #veep #fat girl #insult #mean #shut up #stop it
Shutdown the Government from interfering with our clocks #watches #clocks #daylight savings #veep #jonah #government #shutdown #interfering with our
Slightly confused, oddly masculine #confused #masculine #nicknames #insults
Social skills #veep #wolves #social skills #awkward #slow #dumb #insult
Son of a bitch #son of a bitch #silent #veep #sigh #long sigh
Stay away from this dress #veep #stay away #dress #fashion #insult
STFU #shut up #stfu #veep
Stop acting nuts #veep #nuts #crazy #calm down #settle down
Stop trying to polish my dick #veep #polish dick #insult #mean #glasses #four eyes #suck up #patronizing
Stupid thing to say #stupid #dumb #wrong #bad conversation #words #veep
Such a bold move #veep #bold #ballsy #wreckless
Take your eyebrows and get out #veep #get out #eyebrows #leave #out #no thank you #insult
Talk or we leave #veep #talk #secret #tell me #give up
Technically illegal #veep #illegal #murder #insult #funny #quote
That is a fucking lie #veep #lying #liar #misinformation #wrong #disagree
That needs work #veep #work #needs work #improve #better
That wouldn't ruin your plans, would it? #plans #reschedule #ruined #weekend #veep
That's a fucking diva #diva #boochie #fancy #veep
That's not what we're talking about right now #off topic #next #veep
That's the joke. No, no, I get it, yeah
That's what I was going to say #veep #spooky #twins #twinning #ditto #jinx
The noise, the lights #veep #noise #lights #fourth of july #fireworks
The only thing women are going to do #veep #women #flirt #restrain #restraining order #offended #dating #burn
The world's biggest cello #veep #cello #fuck you #fuck off #losing #winner #middle finger
There goes your figure #veep #figure #pregnant #congrats
There's Not Enough Alcohol in the World #jonah #insult #no #stop hitting on me #no chance
There's not enough alcohol in the world #veep #world #alcohol #drunk #flirt #no #turn down #no thank you #tinder
These idiots are the internet #veep #idiot #internet #facebook #people
They are awful #awful #bad #veep #gross
They can't keep me out there #im going #leaving #running late #keep me out #veep
They know? #they know #dumb #theyre dumb #not them #shock #veep
They said this shutdown was a bad idea
This feels better than sex #veep #sex #feels great #happy #accomplished #yes
This is like explaining gravity to a chicken #doesnt get it #dense #not getting it #inept #incompetent #unqualified #incapable #slow #dumb #veep
This is me playing f*ck you on the world's biggest chello #veep #dan egan #middle finger #fuck you
This is the unflushable turd #veep #poop #do your job #procrastinate
This is what happens when you tell the truth #truth #lie #nothing good #veep
This must be the first project #veep #project #insult #angry #career #job
Tickles my twat #twat #veep #tickles #laughter
Top of my agenda #agenda #veep #trafficing #busy
Tuck your shirt in #veep #tuck shirt #dick showing #horny #sex
Until you hit the ocean #veep #ocean #run #die #insult #threat
Use your head #veep #making it worse #use your head #think
Useless assholes #insult #mean #useless #veep #bad
Virginity growing back #veep #virgin #virginity #growing #insult
We don't want anyone to look like Stalin #veep #stalin #style #fashion #change
We're discussing important things #veep #pope #important #pretend #study
We're going to cancel this like #veep #cancel #bat mitzvah #recount #elections
Weirdo #veep #weirdo #dont tell me #creep #weird
Welcome to politics #veep #politics #insult #president #congress
Well I apologize for my success #apologize for success #success #apologize #veep
Well that was then #veep #that was then #before #not now
Well you're asking me a hypothetical question #veep #hypothetical #questions #answers
What are you gonna do #veep #threat #spanx #what are you going to do
What do I think of him? #dating #tinder #him #opinions #veep
What is her problem #veep #what is her problem #female probz
What was I just going to say #forgot #umm #i dont know #talking #forget it #veep
What's the point #veep #whats the point #move on #oh well #give up #not angry
When you pull the pin out #self sabotage #bad idea #no good #try again #wrong #bomb #suicide
Where were you born? #veep #lake homo #homophobic #mean #insult
Who the fuck are you #who are you #excuse me #veep
Why are those lovely long legs #veep #long legs #lovely #compliment #come back #walk away
Why are you talking in cliff hangers #veep #cliff hangers #talking #tell me
Why can't the American people make up their minds? #veep #american #voting #politics #two parties
Why does it feel like nobody's listening to me #veep #listen #ignore #female
Why don't you go and fuck yourself #veep #fuck you #go fuck yourself #asshole #insult
Will you excuse me #excuse me #gotta go #bye #have to take this #excuses #goodbye #veep
Wipe that thing off before you hand it to me #veep #wipe that #clean that #insult
Wish me luck #wish me luck #see you later #lucky #goodbye #folks #sign #sarcasm #veep
With your face #veep #evil #charming #your face #attractive #insult
Words are your second language #veep #language #words #sarcasm
Yeah what's up #lorax #whats up #beating #winner #win #competition
Yeah your fat mama #veep #insult #mean #mama jokes
Yet, here you are, running America #veep #america #president #politics
You are being irritating #veep #irritating #annoying
You are damaged goods #politics #damaged goods #insult #mean #veep #sorry
You are like an earlobe #veep #earlobe #insult #boring #mean #bored
You are the worst thing that has happened to this country #veep #slavery #worst thing #bad #insult #politics #president
You can do this #you can do it #believe in you #you go girl #veep
You guys have Michael Jordan sitting on the bench #put me in #use your talent #bad coaching #bad management #michael jordan #hakeem olajuwon #olajutwat #veep #jonah ryan
You have Micheal Jordan sitting on the bench #veep #micheal jordan #twat #insult #let me in #games #basketball
You have more nervous ticks than #veep #shoe bomber #ticks #anxious #anxiety #stress #nerves #nerveous
You just gave them a lifetime manual #veep #fuck us #lifetime manual #trouble #help #fucked
You kinda look like an asshole #you look like an asshole #asshole #dick #insult
You know what they call guys like you in prison? #veep #sweet meat #prision #insult
You like to have sex? #sex #love sex #travel #like travel #like sex #insult #veep
You look leukemic #veep #insult #leukemic #mean #sick #you look
You look like an asshole #veep #asshole #insult #ass #mean
You look so good #veep #monet #work of art #flirting #dating #tinder #compliment #beautiful
You make me anymore late #veep #late #driving #running late #make me late #angry #mad
You said there wouldn't be traffic #traffic #driving #angry #veep
You should read C.S
You weren't molested, were you? #veep #molested #math #hate numbers #insult #math teacher
You, I do not like #veep #dislike #hate you #goodbye #leave
You're a catastrophe #veep #catastrophe #messy #bad #insult #wrong
You're a work of art #veep #work of art #nail #great #compliment #dating #tinder
You're about as annoying #annoying #bothered #annoyed #mean #insult #veep
You're being shot by the messenger #veep #shot #dont shoot #messenger #secrets
You're both tremendous #veep #tremendous #compliment #nice #friends
You're damn right I did #you are right #damn right #i did #it was me #veep #jonah
You're damn right I shutdown the government! #jonah #veep #shutdown #government #i shutdown the government #damn right
You're Frankenstein's monster #dead dicks #frankenstein #monster #ugly #mean #insult #veep
You're going to kill him #veep #murder #angry #kill #never see you again
You're like an old panda #veep #old panda #insult #put down #goodbye
You're the coolest guy I've ever met #veep #compliment #bromance #cool guy #coolest #friends
You're the world's biggest single cell organism #veep #insult #dumb #friends #cells #science
You're very pregnant #pregnant #pregnancy #babies #bumpy #veep
You've lived an interesting life #veep #interesting life #long life #old #memoirs
You've made it impossible #impossible #job #career #work #veep
You've turned this office into #veep #office #career #job #monday #boss #angry
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