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A Bloodhound not only has a great nose, but he also
A book about obedience. Basic obedience training for dogs.
A half pound of the salmon, half pound of the kidneys.
A happier, happier to know you kind of attitude?
A PT Nymph on the end, and you could hook a big fish.
A woman Iady handler. They are sharing thejoy.
After the dog show...
After the Mayflower, we came back to Fern City...
All right, I'm coming. I only have five arms. Hold your horses.
All right, so here is seven.
All right, Trevor Beckwith, it all comes down to this.
All right.
All right. Judge Ruth Collier is looking very closely.
All that anxiety and chaos happens behind the curtain. It's good.
All you have to do is follow him.
Although I do nothing.
Am I nuts or ?
American Bitch. The dog magazine for women and their dogs.
And dance.
And from his grave Grew a red, red rose
And got myself in a position that wasn't...
And he did land in Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.
And he loves our dogs. So we had this idea.
And here come the Terriers!
And here comes the cup, with Doctor Millbank and Graham Chissolm.
And here they come! The Pointer....
And here's the Siberian Husky, handled by Joanne Dixon.
And hopefully, she's going to be the star tomorrow.
And Hubert is the best Hound I've ever had.
And hurtful, I thought.
And I enjoy being able to put people...
And I guess he's getting the old heave ho.
And I just thought she was the prettiest thing...
And I know that sometimes I'd be in one Starbucks...
And I realized that I had a lot to offer...
And I spent about three weeks on a kibbutz, just mellowing out.
And I think everybody responds to that.
And I think it's striped.
And I would guess that even if one day...
And I'm now a big old, you know, Chai tea latte, soy milk kind of guy.
And I'm the best dog in the whole ring! See?
And is that taken into consideration at the start, or, I mean...
And it looked very dramatic, and looked very showlike.
And it looks like tomorrow's gonna be a beautiful day.
And it was a wonderful thing.
And it worked for my family...
And it's fantastic, you know?
And it's furry. It's about this big.
And it's reminiscent of a bumble bee, I think.
And l...
And let me tell you, the City ofBrotherly Love is aglow tonightÃ
And look at her handler. That is one happy fella.
And look at that magnificent dog.
And Mr. Bainbridge is taking a very, very close look at these dogs.
And my brother Otto also had a Red Bone.
And my nervousness is...
And notice where we are.
And now we got to open up these offices...
And once around, please.
And our new dog, IKipper...
And our sex life is finally back on track, huh?
And out ofhers a briar
And say just utility closet?
And she
And stopping them once again.
And thanks for checking in on the house.
And that's what this room is all about.
And the crowd's reacting too.
And the decorative abilities.
And the Petit, please.
And the Toy Group, the Shih Tzu is here with Scott Donlan...
And the way it goes is that when the ice sculpture
And then my grandfather continued the tradition...
And then with some therapy I learned...
And then you'd be at the other Starbucks. So we kind of crossed....
And there, and then, I look over and she's reading J. Crew.
And they had a nickname for me.
And they're strutting their stuff too.
And this is interesting, do you think they can feel thejoy?
And this is the moment everybody's been waiting for.
And this merlot looks good with the gray.
And this well informed judge....
And to see Butch with her crown on. It's so cute.
And we just did the official toast.
And we love the outdoors.
And we love them. And Terry's very talented.
And we'll be back. Huh? You got your busy bee.
And we're back!
And we've certainly got a lot of personality in this selection.
And with us, owner Sherri Ann Cabot and handler Christy Cummings...
And you know what? I'm the one having to push him away.
And you know what? I'm the one having to push him away.
And you know, people say, Oh, but he's so much older than you.
And you'd be refunded a substantial portion of that on checkout.
And, and as it turns out, she's...
And, most important, with a will to win...
And, that.... Oh, yes?
Are like Dixie 's manna
Are they looking for something particular?
Are you sure that was you?
As a matter of fact, yeah. I don't think we'll have a problem.
As you know, I have a franchise of schools around
Aside from fishing...
Baby, you can't miss this. Winky can't miss this.
Back at Ponce de Leon Junior High. But we started dancing....
Back yard, front yard, or the park
Bathing Your Dog With Trevor Beckwith.
Be a dog or be a bitch
Beatrice made a pee pee on the sheets...
Beatrice, can you look at us?
Because as we've said time and time again...
Because he says, I'm ready. I'm ready.
Because I'm as calm as a cucumber, okay?
Because if there was some kind of convict loose, God forbid...
Because she is Miss America.
Because she's a winner.
Because this is where the Mayflower landed.
Been what? I don't know, 18, 1 9 years? Louisville.
Behind it is the holding area where the chief steward will be.
Best of Breed. Best of Winners. Best Opposite.
Bob Mackie, where are you when we need you?
Bring home the blue ribbon.
Bring out the Pointer, please.
Bring out the Shetland Sheepdog, please.
Bring out the standard Poodle, please!
Bring the Beagle out, please. Please sit down.
Buck, I can't speak for the animals, of course...
Bushy coats and coats so silky...
But I wasn't.
But I've been in situations, even on a big river...
But it tastes good.
But it was a goodplace to clear your mind.
But it would really get the crowd going, you know?
But Sherri is responsible for the unconditional love....
But the silver lining of this cloud, of course, is that...
But today, we had a tough one. There's a guy, he jumps...
But what I like about these, and Sherri Ann would agree....
But you were the best. By far.
But, everything's going as planned.
But, it's our...
Butch has a light in her eyes that says it's showtime.
Butch? But isn't Butch a bitch?
Can a dog win it or lose it in this last round...
Can I check?
Cashew nut.
Champions into the ring.
Christy Cummings. But you probably know that.
Christy's gonna go talk to Sherri Ann.
Chubby Lady. That's easier.
Come on, honey, Mommy and Daddy are over here.
Come on, let me show you around.
Come on, little poochie.
Come on, slow down, you got a long trip ahead of you, boy.
Cookie Googleman?
Cookie! We did it!
Could he be sweeter or more loving?
Did he say his name's Mary, as well as advertising it?
Did I mention my idea for a book for you?
Did you hear that? Did you hear what I said?
Didn't you think so?
Do dogs react to this?
Do me a favor. Just get one of those pepperoni sticks out.
Do something with them...
Do you have an appreciation for the amount of work that went into these?
Do you have another credit card?
Do you have the tickets?
Do you recommend heat or cold?
Do you think they know the championship's on the line here?
Do you want red? No.
Do you want the big blue ribbon?
Do you want to talk to the cardholder? Because he wants to talk to you.
Do you want to use a card?
Do you want yellow? No.
Doctor, let me ask you something. I got a little bursitis in my shoulder.
Does this ring a bell?
Doesn't ? Look at the piping.
Dogs? Yes. Big show.
Doing It Doggy Style. You come up with that, I'm not the literary guy.
Don't be upset.
Don't forget the tape!
Don't forget, Saturday we have reservations.
Don't have worry about nothing.
Don't judge it by this. We're gonna clean this stuff out...
Don't look at him in the eyes, it challenges him.
Don't look at the fat ass losers or freaks! You look at me!
Don't spit at me!
Don't water the plants, they're plastic.
Don't you yell at me!
Doreen? This is Gerry Fleck
Down in Louisiana
Even though he leaves in disgrace. Like Shoeless Joe Jackson.
Even without the hat and the pipe.
Ever since she saw us having sex.
Everything's changed for the better.
Except for the makeup.
Fat. How do you say F? That isn't in here.
Fay, thank you so much for letting
For a dog. It's a bee. It's a bumble bee.
For the big critters, the big stains...
Forgive me. You know what?
Frankly, I'm very surprised.
From Florida. We were in that show. The Elvis, not Costello.
Gerry, my husband. This is Malcolm.
Get down! I'm gonna punch you in the eye till it turns to jelly.
Get out the bee. Where's the bee?
Get the busy bee. You want your busy bee?
Get the IKennel Club behind it, make a few bucks.
Getting the smell of...
Glad to see us
Go get 'em, pal! Man!
Go to the hotel and get busy bee!
God didn't miss a stitch
God loves a Terrier
God loves a Terrier
God, Hamilton, if she doesn't get her toy she's gonna flip out!
God, look at that IKeeshond.
Going back hundreds of years, when
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Buck Laughlin.
Good luck, Hubert! Go put some hurt on them Yankee dogs.
Good way to judge a woman.
Gosh, it's been a year.
Got so exhausted.... Go on. I'm sorry. You were telling a story.
Great to see you.
Great. Gerald and Cookie Fleck. We got you for two nights.
Hang on.
Harlan Pepper, if you don't stop naming nuts....
Hate to go out with Judge Edie and have her judge me.
Have a good night's sleep, and then...
Have a good time! Hubert, who'll catch a big fish?
Have you tried looking under the bed?
He almost took off my hand!
He didn't want to dance!
He doesn't have to think, Oh.
He gets his head caught in the gargoyle's mouth. The head...
He hit a gargoyle on the way down.
He is not only a great show dog, but he could be a great man trail dog.
He operated out of this house we're in...
He says, I'm ready. I've walked and I'm ready.
He shows a good dog.
He trained to be a priest at one time. He was in a seminary.
He went after her like she's made out of ham.
He'll make sure everybody has the proper armbands, so they can....
He's like an animal.
He's out of the leagues, but we still talk about him today.
He's saying, I'm ready. That's when he's ready for a show.
He's saying, What'd you talk?
He's taking his time picking.
He's worked for two and a half years. He can't miss this.
Here we go, come on.
Here, let me help you out. Let me help you.
Here's Sherri Ann. What is Sherri Ann wearing?
Hey, judge! Hey, judge! Look at me!
Hey, judge! What's going on in there?
Hey, little buddy, what you been doing?
Hey. Hey.
Hi, Terry?
Hi, Tyrone. Hi, it's Daddy.
Hi, Tyrone. How are you?
Hi! Welcome!
Hi. I'd like...
Hi. I'm Graham Chissolm.
Hi. Yeah, we're here. Where were you?
Honey, don't let it fall in your food.
How are you, little fella?
How do they make them miniature?
How it gets all wet, then the water, let your imagination run wild.
How many people have you talked down?
How many tea services can you do?
How many years ago did he poke me?
How many years ago was that?
How much weight do you think I could bench press?
I apologize. This is all we have.
I asked my ex wife, I said, Who's that? She says, That's Scott.
I called you 30 minutes ago! You call yourself a maid?
I can hear him breathing.
I can't get rid of it in my head.
I can't hear you!
I couldn't get used to being probed and prodded.
I did not know that!
I did. I saw the Hat Lady. Hat Lady.
I didn't. So this is right down your alley.
I do and lives get lost. People lose their lives.
I don't envy him this task. He's a master of...
I don't even know what gaiting is. What's this?
I don't know any dogs that play football.
I don't know if I could make it back and forth here.
I don't know if it'll do that, but....
I don't think I ever find myself saying this, but I think...
I don't think I'll have much time to do that.
I don't want to go to that other building.
I feel like l...
I forgot to compliment you on your luscious melon breasts tonight.
I go with a dropper or with a Parachute Adams.
I got it, I got it.
I gotta tell you, I've never felt...
I had a terrible day today.
I had been a hairdresser about 14 years...
I had that food every single day. And it was 50 cents back then.
I had to pay the cable, the gas, and the water.
I handle Rhapsody in White.
I imagine the bestplace to start is at the beginning.
I kept saying, No, I can't dance.
I knew a guy who had two members on the same body.
I know what you're thinking.
I like both of them. And we could fiind something there.
I like to think that Cookie and I work as a team.
I lit some candles...
I mean, he still pushes all my buttons.
I mean, is there a...?
I mean, the dog isn't going to talk.
I only went through 1 25 or 130 words describing that.
I remember I was drinking a grande espresso when I met you.
I saw you in a store a year ago. You looked beautiful.
I talk people down. When they get a jumper on a building, they call me.
I think I'll switch to the mock turtleneck.
I think I'm all set, fellas.
I think it may be a tad immature for this year.
I think she I think you heard what I said.
I think that would be a little dangerous.
I think the dog will respond to the stripes.
I think they know they're very special dogs...
I think you should call them, because that's a mistake.
I told my proctologist once:
I used to be able to name every nut...
I used to be able to name every nut...
I used to say, I'm a Bloodhound man!
I want to see where they make the light cream cheese.
I want you to meet my new friends.
I was amazed the Yorkie didn't do better.
I was noticing your pants. And then I noticed this.
I was remembering that time with you and me at the lake.
I went to an obedience place once.
I woke up, I was so glad.
I would say in two to three years, this could be a champion dog.
I wouldn't normally just be out here...
I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
I'd be hard pressed to pick my favorite.
I'd get a kick out of it.
I'd go to sleep, she'd hear me, she would just start yelling.
I'll file a personal assault charge against you.
I'll go get the bags.
I'll gouge your eye out with my thumb. I shit you not, you freak.
I'll say, Honey, what's new?
I'll stab you with forks until you bleed!
I'll take care of the membranes.
I'm getting heart palpitations.
I'm going to the dog show.
I'm gonna be right here until I get another message...
I'm gonna sing a little bit of your favorite song.
I'm growing right now, girl, just looking at you.
I'm having some fun with you.
I'm Jana, the production assistant.
I'm just kidding. He's not that kind of doctor...
I'm just kidding. I know what you're saying.
I'm looking for the hand cream. Did you bring it?
I'm making myself very nervous.
I'm not wearing underwear
I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to see that.
I'm sorry. We're dismissing you.
I'm sure it's all over with.
I'm talking about you.
I'm the best one here. I'm the best one you've ever seen.
I'm the show chairman.
I'm trying to groom her.
I'm used to seeing them run away more often than run towards me.
I've been saying that when we make love...
I've been working pretty hard on...
I've got a lot of hand cream. But I don't have the....
I've got my puffer. It's okay.
I've got two left feet! I've got two left feet!
I've gotta get back to the desk...
I've had probably 10 or 1 5.
I've never seen anyone as light on his feet
I've walked him
Identifying the dog with the handler is very important, of course.
If I wanted, I could go 800 words more.
If we could get this picture of the dog...
If we could give the money to Shih Tzu Rescue.
If we had a car service, they'd pick us up on time.
If you get a French dog, a Chinese dog, a German dog...
If you get tired, pull over. If you get hungry, eat something.
If you had a little jockey on him, going
If you live in skid row.
If you want the dog in the show, we need a handler.
If you're a dog or a friend of a dog...
IKeep them up. IKeep them up.
IKnock them dead, honey.
In my neighborhood, you wear an outfit like that...
Is it ever Miss Cummings.
Is that everything? With all the bags?
Is that hideous?
Is that L.L. Bean?
Is that not breathing or...?
Is there ? Can we get a medic?
Is there anything they can do now to sway the judge?
Is there some way, some process they physically...
Is this your ball? ls this your ball?
It bored him to death. I talked about it nonstop.
It doesn't look like it.
It goes up and down like this.
It is an action figure.
It started small.
It was a little over the top. I looked freakish, so I took it off.
It was a long time ago, and....
It was going well till they spilled hot candle wax on my private parts.
It was horrible.
It was like they were two members of the same body, you might say.
It was pretty cheap.
It wasn't actually Columbus on the Mayflower, as you probably remember.
It'd be interesting to know why. But that's a whole other show.
It's a big night here tomorrow.
It's a bumble bee.
It's a focus on the issues of the lesbian purebred dog owner.
It's a little secret from the trade. They all jump.
It's a shame, really, that there has to be one picked.
It's a way for me to relax, and to show, again, my art.
It's about this big. And it squeaks in the middle.
It's all about fear for her.
It's apples and oranges, different breeds.
It's Best ln Show.
It's called the Congress of the Cow...
It's Coo Coo Coo Coo Cookie!
It's in the crate!
It's in the crate!
It's not a doll. It's an action figure.
It's not here! I just told you that!
It's showtime, baby.
It's something I do every year before the show...
It's stocked with paper towels, toilet tissue and soap.
It's stocked with paper towels, toilet tissue and soap.
It's tension time. Who will she pick? She's looking them over close.
It's the 125th Annual Mayflower Kennel Club Dog ShowÃ
It's the bottom of the ninth inning.
It's the final round.
It's the goal line stand.
It's the lobby bathroom.
It's wonderful, the character you see in these dogs.
It's, sort of, that kind of thing.
Jack, the keys.
Just for the love of Terriers. But, thinking, Yeah. Why not?
Just give us another chance.
Just make a guess. A ballpark figure.
Just trot him straight away and back, please.
Just trotting around that ring like he was born to it, and he was.
Leads up. Let's take them all around.
Let me ask you, does money ever exchange hands under the table?
Let me ask, if you put them on a football team...
Let the production people deal with that one.
Let's go honky tonk now
Let's go honky tonking They'll be
Like this one. The yellow and black one there?
Like, Mr. Punishment.
Likewise, I'm sure.
Little known fact.
Liveà From the Beyman Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAÃ
Look at the size of that. I've taken sponge baths in smaller bowls.
Look out. You're gonna step on your dog.
Look. They're having spring rolls.
Ma'am, can I have the ltalian Greyhound over here?
Ma'am, the Toy Poodle behind, please.
Macadamia nut. That was the one that would send her...
Madam, could you bring the dog further down in back, please?
Make sure you stop there and get a ham sandwich.
Many think you have to go with...
Max is so history!
Maybe Egg Sucking Leech, which I've never had any luck with myself.
Mayflower group.
Mayflower group.
Mayflower, combined with Philadelphia, no brainer, right?
Meg, do you have the tickets?
Mommy and Daddy are going for a little bit.
Mommy and Daddy are only gonna Don't, not the lips.
Mommy's getting the toy. Don't worry. We just had a little discussion.
Mommy's not mad, but don't.
My father was a Coonhound man.
My father was the taskmaster...
My great grandfather Millbank, in 1875...
My little princess.
My wife does all the bill paying. She's not a forgetful person.
My wife wants to drive 140 miles out of our way...
My, God, what a thrill. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
Natural, all natural, white pistachio nut.
Never went through with it all, but it's unusual.
Next time, call a car service.
Next time, I'll get a picture. How about that?
Nice to see you!
No question. This is the prime.
No, and I asked Deb, I said, Who's that? She said:
No, it looked really good. I did a wonderful...
No, it's Scott.
No, that's not the purpose of these shows.
No. That's the good one.
Non smoking, two nights. We have you down for a queen.
Not at the same Starbucks. We saw each other...
Not so, it turns out Columbus actually set foot somewhere in the West lndies.
Not the kidneys. I don't want to pull the membranes.
Nothing at all. Just hope and pray at this point.
Now she's having the dogs
Now what is that? That's a Bloodhound, isn't it?
Now, I understand that you went to the circus.
Now, look at that. The judge will look at him and say....
Now, that looks like a fast dog. Is that faster than a Greyhound?
Now, there's a little problem.
Now, there's a little problem.
Now, Tyrone...
Now, we're seeing the Weimaraner, a wonderful dog.
Now, what's that up on the table?
Now, when somebody comes in here...
Of course I've looked under the bed!
Of course, they make you work.
Often tends to go on personality.
Oh, God. When she smiles....
Oh, good heavens, no. This is...
Oh, honey! Honey.
Oh, I thought so. I feel like Alan Ladd at Easter lsland.
Oh, I'm sorry. Get down.
Oh, it's so much easier.
Oh, jealous?
Oh, just super! Put a few clicks on the old odometer...
Oh, man, you got moves better than Winky, I think.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, thank you!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my goodness! Who are you all of a sudden?
Oh, my goodness. You might want to see this.
Oh, nothing.
Oh, someone's still a little jealous.
Oh, talk about a winner.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, these have to come...
Oh, this is a tremendous dog.
Oh. Okay. This one squeaks. You know?
Okay, for Winky's poopies, just in case.
Okay, it's just my knee. I'm fine.
Okay. Did he go poop? Thank you.
On a Louisiana night
On Friday night, I'd have 3 Saturday nights, then go home and wake up.
On the marquee, big letters: Us.
Once around, please.
Once around, please.
Once around, please.
Once around, please.
Or I could go with the lamb's wool.
Ouch! Do I see right? Where's she putting her hand?
Our little Sherlock Holmes dog is out there, huh?
Pinata? I don't know what a pinata is.
Pine nut...
Pistachio nut.
Pom broke his gait. He might as well have taken a dump.
Pushed him way off his gait?
Put a muzzle on that, and yourself!
Put him on. I just want to say good night.
Question that's always bothered me and a lot of people:
Really shake it out there. Let's get the dirt off it.
Really spread the arms, guys, so it doesn't get dirty. Thanks.
Red pistachio nut.
Rhapsody has two mommies.
Right. It doesn't matter.
Roasting a goat in the room, I still don't understand.
Run! Run! Go!
Say hello? Say hello, Aggie?
Say, Bye bye, Daddy. Bye, darling.
See you, Hubert!
See you!
See, a lot of times, what he's doing is, he's
See? It's not in here!
Seems like last week.
Seen enough dogs today?
She does all the work with Winky.
She gives them a thorough going over. Are all judges that thorough?
She has a very big heart.
She is also very, very slow...
She just stood there staring at us.
She looks like a cocktail waitress on an oil rig.
She tries to be so self possessed, but look at the terror in her face.
She was a real problem.
She was very popular back then. She had dozens of boyfriends.
She's also been very, very angry with us.
She's feeling chuffed. Feeling full of herself.
She's fine. She's fine. You know what?
She's generous. She's kind.
She's like, Group, shmoop. Bring it on.
She's not even reacting to the toy.
She's not gonna wear the crown tomorrow, is she?
She's not listening! She's freaking out.
She's taking a close look at the Norwich.
She's taking a final look at the four she's picked:
Sherman's War Trail in Atlanta, get a ham sandwich at Lee's Comeuppance.
Sherri Ann is definitely the inspiration and, you know...
Sherri will do my makeup. I'm very excited
Shih Tzus in the great love scenes of the Well, maybe.
Sir, can I have the Pom over here, please?
Sir, could I have the Shih Tzu here, please?
Small, sturdy, bright and true
So it's down to four now.
So much has happened. Oh, my gosh.
So sit down now because Winky and I have to get ready for the show.
So these are the sporting dogs. These are the athletes.
So we decided to create this calendar with our buddy Terry.
So we had a lot of cleaning to do after they checked out.
So, Edie will be checking out this thing in particular.
So, how have things been going?
So, I'm not going out.
Some big and some are small. Some really small.
Some dish
Some think if you're on a small creek, a small body of water...
Something's wrong with his feet.
Sometimes I think he'll talk to the judge and say:
Sometimes, your bigger dog, your Great Dane, your Bull Mastiff, Rottweiler...
Stefan, Stefan. This is my euphemism, Stefan.
Stewardess, can I take a Shih Tzu on, or does it have to be stowed?
Stop eating that shirt and look at your competition.
Stop it.
Stripes on it.
Take it home after a while.
Take your busy bee. Come on, winner.
Take your dog down and back for me, please?
Teeth, eyes, ears, gums
Terrier style Bow wow
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. Oh, I'm sorry.
Thank you. Right on around.
Thanks for your help, you stupid hotel manager!
That is actually a woman.
That is certainly a first.
That is Rhapsody in White.
That is the one and only time I've ever done it on a roller coaster.
That used to drive my mother crazy. She used to say:
That was a big deal.
That was her job. She was there for unconditional love.
That'd be real smart.
That's a beauty.
That's a easy one, Bloodhound, isn't it?
That's a little thing I picked up.
That's a mistake. That's a good card.
That's a tremendous achievement.
That's because
That's for sure.
That's her game face. Absolutely right.
That's it. Been in a box for a year.
That's my dog.
That's my favorite, the Miniature Schnauzer.
That's not a bad idea. Maybe I just should...
That's not a good start.
That's right, and I thought that was really sexy.
That's seven, so I need, actually, one more.
That's seven, so I need, actually, one more.
That's so weird, as I was such a huge J. Crew person then too. Still am.
That's The Grey Ghost.
That's the Norwich.
That's the way I want them! One. Two.
That's what a lot of people are looking for in a toy dog.
That's what it's all about. Put your name on it.
That's who you're gonna beat.
The beat goes on, okay? The beat goes on. Gerry, my husband.
The Bloodhound, of all the breeds, is just such a noble, loyal, perfect dog.
The Bloodhound, the Beagle, the Borzoi, and the PBGV.
The Borzoi, please.
The bottom of the ninth, a pinch hitter comes in.
The excitement's starting to build.
The final seven.
The heart and soul, which is what my mother did.
The Hound group can be divided into two groups, sight and scent.
The Hounds are coming out. These are some unusual dogs.
The intestines, like they're spring loaded...
The joke was that we lived in Pinenut...
The joke was that we lived in Pinenut...
The judge is going over to the judges' table to sign the book.
The judge, in his mind, because he can pick up...
The key to welcoming animals into a hotel is...
The Mayflower's Annual IKennel Club Dog Show.
The MGM musicals and the great love stories.
The Mint Julep. You were working as a waitress.
The Pointer from the Sporting Group, handled by Jill IKoch.
The Shih Tzu is a terrific dog.
The Terrier group now. This is the Norwich Terrier.
The toy group has long been a favorite.
Then again, it goes so well with the trousers.
Then again, you're gonna see a lot of khaki down there.
Then chew it up
Then I know he's ready. What is it, boy?
Then I went to lattes, and then now, double espressos macchiato.
Then it stayed overcast through Virginia.
Then you'd sell them the map. Now they know where to go.
There are sad eyes on some dogs that worked hard to get here.
There it is. I better show Agnes this bitch.
There's a local honky tonk
There's something to be said for that.
These are the dogs that you'll often see...
These are the jocks of the dog world, wouldn't you say?
These dogs are pampered and petted...
These people here can enjoy the show and not see that.
They breed them small.
They buried Barbara ln the old churchyard
They buried William beside her
They can't not.
They couldn't have ordered up a nicer day, I'll say that for them.
They give their love to you
They gotta do something about the air conditioning.
They have turned this place into a cutting edge, state of the art...
They landed in several places, because there's the Nina...
They sense the tension. They have to.
They start at a higher level than that, don't they?
They want to know, Where do I go?
They're crowd pleasers. Frederick Basil Abbott Ill is the judge.
They're dear friends.
They're going to Philly to see...
They're just finishing up the Non sporting in a second.
They're ready. I'll take you on over.
They're well named. They look like they could be wound up.
They've been around forever.
This does not look good.
This dog is as close to perfect as I think you'll see. And she knows it.
This has never happened before, ever.
This is a fun group. And the crowd always responds to the toys.
This is a good product.
This is a good, safe product, doesn't have bad odor...
This is a terribly difficult task.
This is a very exciting moment. All these are wonderful dogs.
This is a very popular group.
This is least like a bee of what we have.
This is like the World Series. You get the best umpires.
This is our biggest week of the year.
This is that tape I was telling you about with the funny songs.
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