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Four Brothers (2005) "Four Brothers" is a gripping action-packed film from 2005 directed by John Singleton. It tells the

Four Brothers (2005)

"Four Brothers" is a gripping action-packed film from 2005 directed by John Singleton. It tells the story of four adopted brothers who reunite after their foster mother is tragically murdered. Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, André Benjamin, and Garrett Hedlund deliver powerful performances as the adoptive siblings determined to bring justice to their mother's killers. With a perfect blend of drama and intense action, the film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. If you're a fan of gripping storytelling and adrenaline-filled moments, you can play and download the sounds of "Four Brothers" here.
A camera.
A goddamn killer to shoot Mom?
A week before she got killed?
A whole new meaning, Jerry.
About a week ago across the street.
About how y'all used to cut up at work.
About that redevelopment project.
Afraid not.
Ain't no good gonna come from this.
Ain't nobody going to get no La Vida Loca nothing.
Ain't nobody playing no basketball when that shit went down, okay?
Ain't you sexy.
All depends, Bobby. You keeping straight?
All right, l'm here.
All right, man.
All right, you kids.
All right.
All right.
All right. All right. Cool.
All we wanna do is talk to the guy.
Although l only met Evelyn the one time...
Always so good to have you back home, son.
Am l making the property value go down?
An ambulance? What, for my dog bites?
An attack dog. Come here, poochie.
An old Mercer family tradition.
An old Mercer family tradition.
And given your prior reputation as a hothead,
And if it's something vital, we will run with this.
And if they were professional shooters, like you say,
And in 30 years, she only came across four lost causes.
And into permanent homes.
And just take the money. Yeah.
And l think that's payment enough, Vic.
And see what happens.
And some of you probably knew my mother.
And some of you probably know she was shot
And sooner or later, somebody gonna answer you.
And sunk his uncle into the river.
And thank you for bringing us together. Amen.
And that's a well defended title.
And the weight is off.
And then take your boy and get the fuck out of here, okay? Come on.
And they say there's no such thing as a free lunch.
And this is Cracker Jack.
And this isn't even his fight. lt's his stupid brother's fault!
And we know you got mixed up with some gangsters.
And what the fuck did he do for you, Jerry?
And you gonna tell me l killed her? Come on, man!
And you must be Amelia.
And you're not exactly calm, are you?
And, brother, l shit you not, the time for lying is over.
Angel Mercer. How you doing?
Angel tells me you're one of Victor Sweet's boys now.
Angel, get your ass in here!
Angel, stick that cannon out the window and bust some shots!
Angel! Angel, come out! l see you in the window!
Angel. Mind if we come in?
Any lDs on them?
Apparently, Victor got sick of the ass whuppings
Apparently, you were the one who got his business shut down, right?
Are you okay?
Are you serious, man?
Ask the cockologist in the shower, man.
At this time of the night anyway. Go on, get.
At your brother's house about not interfering with our investigation?
Baby, if we gonna talk about this,
Baby, listen, l need you to get out of here.
Baby, why don't you go back upstairs. l've got this covered.
Back in town.
Ballplayer. Big guy. Supposedly never wears a coat.
Be careful.
Because cops like you guys couldn't find tits in a strip joint.
Because Evelyn was going after him.
Because his friend in the bag over there told me.
Because it wasn't relevant at all.
Because l seem to remember spending two hours in the kitchen.
Because she's dead, huh?
Because y'all mad?
Because you don't know shit about hurt feelings.
Because, bitch, police said those people wasn't killed till 1 1 :00.
Been a long time since anybody seen that face around here.
Before the league had finally had enough of him.
Big guy. Always wears sweats, never a jacket.
Birth certificate.
Bitch, get off me.
Bite his ass, Chucky!
Bobby, let's just stop the car! Okay, Bobby? Let's stop!
Bobby! Bobby!
Boy, did you get lucky.
Boy, it's sad, you growing up without a father.
Bring it on, baby. What you got?
But But wasn't all that covered in the police report that she filed?
But don't try and take on Detroit by your damn self.
But don't you let him get hurt. You bring him back to me.
But it seem like l got a little rust on the tools down here.
But it's just some damn candy. l don't wanna go to jail.
But l never told her about my business.
But l'm worried about this guy Bobby Mercer.
But look, you know, we can't do business like this anymore.
But nonetheless, some red flags have been raised.
But take your elbow off the table.
But they sure leave important shit lying around.
But we're gonna send him some company.
But what happened here?
But you gotta believe it, Darnell.
But you know how it goes.
But you still should have said something to me, man.
But you're gonna have to let me know who it is we're talking about
But you're safe now.
But, you know, sooner or later you're gonna get caught.
Can l help you, gentlemen?
Can you stop talking to my girl like that, man?
Can you stop talking to my girl like that, man?
Check everything, Jackie. There's gotta be some shit around here
Check it out. lnstead of giving you the 400 grand, we decided
Chill out, man. l'm watching the game. Come on.
City got on him about fraud and whatnot.
Come on now. Who's gonna do it, huh?
Come on, Angel, we got this clown! Come on!
Come on, babies.
Come on, come on. Shit!
Come on, Green. l used to make a good living around here
Come on, in here.
Come on, kick his ass!
Come on, l got something to show y'all.
Come on, ladies, let's show these guys some fucking skills!
Come on, man, call me an ambulance.
Come on, man, let's eat. Bring out that bird.
Come on, man, what you got?
Come on, man.
Come on, man.
Come on, man. Go.
Come on, man. lt's all over.
Come on, man. We gonna do business, or what?
Come on, now. You know l love you, don't you?
Come on!
Come on.
Come on. Let's go!
Come on. Look at this table, man. Come on.
Come out, Angel!
Come out, you idiot! l know you're in there!
Come tell us what's going on, man.
Comes in colors Pink and pleasant
Cops are always welcome at the Mercers'.
Cops love the Mercers, Jerry.
Could have been a sweet deal for both of us.
Couldn't have been much more than that.
Councilman Douglas.
Cut his loans off like a month ago.
Damian. He's my brother.
Did she file a police report?
Did you happen to forget our little conversation we had
Do me a favor and clean up some of this shit?
Do you remember when l built that tree house
Dog's gotta eat, right?
Don't bullshit me, Green. Who are you protecting?
Don't give me that look, Camille.
Don't let him fool you.
Don't let them get away! Don't let them get away!
Don't push him like that!
Don't start, man.
Don't teach them that, man.
Don't worry about cops.
Don't you die on me, you little fairy. Come on, Jack. Please!
Douglas? Come on, man. This is Detroit!
Down to business.
Drop your weapon!
Eat, dog, eat!
Ellis, you might wanna close your ears. This is nasty shit.
Enjoy the rest of the game, okay? Don't worry about it.
Enjoy the rest of your game.
Evan and l were just talking about this fella, Bobby Mercer.
Evelyn isn't coming back, is she?
Evelyn Mercer was our mother.
Even if they got one hell of an ass whupping.
Even with snow or rain.
Everybody's a smart guy until l bust them in the mouth.
Ex hustler.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. What are you doing?
Fair enough. You're gonna die right here.
Fast forward that.
Fast forward to when she leaves.
Fast forward to when she leaves.
First class fuck up, third class rock star.
Fishing for a confession with a phony hair, huh?
Five 0, man! Five 0!
Following up new leads.
Fool showed up.
For my baseball team. We wanna buy new uniforms and equip
For people to keep dogs where someone like you can get to them.
For so many years. Must have driven you crazy, Angel.
For the last two years, the premium was paid via check
Forensics took it off a pair of contract killers we found dead this morning.
Found out his dream's dead. Jerry got involved with some bad people.
Four delinquents so far gone,
Four hundred thousand dollars.
From about 5:30 p.m. till about 1 1 or so last night,
From your brother's bank account.
Gentlemen, l am truly sorry about your mother.
Get back. Get back.
Get him back here!
Get him! Get him, Jerry!
Get his wallet.
Get it, Jackie o!
Get me some fucking toilet paper, Jack.
Get off me, man!
Get out of here! Get your little asses home now!
Get out! l don't wanna see any of you back!
Get over there right now.
Get the fuck out of my seat, man!
Get your ass out of here, girl.
Girls got gymnastics, l gotta take them.
Give me a little one on one time alone
Give me my gun! Give me my gun!
Give me that.
Give me the envelope and take a walk. Now!
Give me the fucking cigarette. Roll down the window.
Give me your badge.
Glows in the dark
Go ahead, Evander. Take the kids home.
Go ahead, you fucking punks!
Go to hell. Y'all know what l'm talking about. l got a schedule to keep.
Goatee. Goatee. Look for the man with the goatee.
Goddamn it, l like the way you do business!
Goddamn, Jerry.
Got one window in.
Got thrown out of 60 odd games
Government redevelopment loan. Easy to qualify. Low interest rates.
Green, wait! There is something l forgot.
Green, wait.
Guess he's a no show today.
Guys can be pretty rough out on that ice.
Half the cops in this town are crooked.
Happy to see my brothers, that's all.
Have a Thanksgiving dinner.
Have some coffee and some doughnuts
He ain't coming.
He ain't lying.
He came to see me after the cop did.
He comes in for Gatorade after the games.
He goes by Evan now. And he's working for a guy named Victor.
He handed Ma to Sweet, okay? He ain't walking away from this.
He has a dog and a...
He killed my mother and my little brother, you motherfucker!
He lives in the Gardens, right over there.
He met up with her the night she died.
He owns the whole neighborhood now.
He said he only met her once, Bobby.
He say, ''Hurry the fuck up.'' Then he hung up.
He spent more than an hour with her.
He spent more than an hour with her.
He thinks l don't know what the fuck is going on.
He thinks l'm an idiot.
He wants blood.
He was talking about killing a cop.
He'll just hire more and more goons until we are all dead.
He'll know who Jerry got mixed up with.
He'll know who Jerry got mixed up with.
He's already got the money.
He's already late.
He's behind the bricks! Jackhammer!
He's breathing.
He's down!
He's just fucked up. Let's go talk to him now.
Hear he's running shit like his uncle. Treating you like a house ******.
Heavyweight champion fuck up of the family.
Henry Ford Hospital. So l am from Detroit.
Here we go.
Here you go.
Here's an idea:
Hey, Bobby, check this out. l found Bradford's calendar.
Hey, Bobby.
Hey, Bobby.
Hey, come here.
Hey, come on, man! l can't say nothing!
Hey, fuck you, man! l will kick your
Hey, get up, bitch! Get up!
Hey, Gretzky, you know what this is?
Hey, kid!
Hey, let me talk to them, okay?
Hey, listen, man.
Hey, look. That's Fowler.
Hey, man, l need a big favor.
Hey, man, say hi to my brother.
Hey, stop!
Hey, that's real goddamn bad stuff about your mom, fellas.
Hey, what the hell are y'all doing now?
Hey, where y'all going?
Hey, y'all! Police in the house!
Hey! Hey, kid! No running in the halls!
High dollar stuff like that brings in all the gangsters.
His name is Jeremiah Mercer, and l wanna see him now!
Hold l'm grabbing my scarf, man. l'll be there in a minute! Hold on.
Hold on!
Hold on. Hold on. l got them now. l got them.
Hold that down, man.
Hold your fire! Hold your fire!
Holy shit.
How about l send you on a little out of town work, huh?
How are you guys tonight?
How did she end up raising four total fuck ups?
How do you figure that?
How do you know nobody was playing basketball if you weren't there?
How much do we get?
How the hell you gonna pay for all this?
How would that be?
Hurry up.
I don't mind If it rains or freezes
If it takes you longer to say it than it does to think it up.
If l said l saw some gangsters shoot up the place, all right?
If you were the only witness.
In four minutes without oxygen.
Is thinking about your black ass. Leave it alone, man.
It wasn't random.
Jack doesn't lick ass crack and ball sack!
Jack drinks Jack Jack drinks Jack
Jack licks ass crack and ball sack.
Jack likes boobs. Jack gots fans.
Jack, it was a questionable kill.
Jack, please.
Jack, stay here. Tell me where it stops.
Jack, you all right? Hold on.
Jack, you wait here.
Jack! Jack, look at me!
Jack. Jack!
Jack. Jack.
Jackie wanted this little number for himself, but l fought him for it.
Jeremiah Mercer. Businessman.
Jeremiah, where are you going?
Jerry and him used to hang during the union days.
Jerry drove us home.
Jerry, were you ever able to keep a secret from her?
Jerry, what the hell? You in there?
Jerry, you coming with us? Don't you wanna find out who hired them?
Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, thank you for this day.
Jesus Christ! What is that? Wha ? What's that?
Jesus, Jeremiah, what you doing here?
Johnny, pour me and my brothers another round.
Just ask him the question.
Just call me an ambulance.
Just calm down, okay?
Just getting a head start on next year's taxes, Jerry.
Just like when we were 1 6.
Just the way we like it.
Just when it seems like all is lost for you,
Keenon, this is Bobby.
Kid playing basketball across the street
Kids tagging up her block, that kind of shit.
L ain't come all the way back out here to go play no hockey.
L ain't finished with you. l ain't finished my hand, so sit your ass down!
L ain't never missed no meetings.
L ain't playing no more.
L already lost one brother. You guys are all l got.
L am way through with that life.
L apologize, Mr. Bradford. We broke your back window.
L appreciate your help very much. You've all been upstanding citizens.
L bet it all trying to make something of myself!
L bought them in Vegas before l knew l was coming here.
L can't even believe y'all coming at me with this crazy junk, man.
L can't help you. Excuse me.
L could kill the whole damn police department
L didn't come back for no funeral.
L didn't tell you
L don't get it.
L don't know what to do anymore.
L don't know, Jackie. l don't know.
L don't know.
L don't pay him, and now he shuts my loans off!
L don't think so. Samir's gonna call the police now.
L forgot they installed those surveillance cameras in the station.
L found out Jerry got a big insurance check for Mom's death.
L got a candlelit date lined up with a hot piece of Puerto Rican pussy.
L got any papers in there?
L got gymnastics. Come on, let me out.
L got kids! A wife.
L got something for your ass!
L got them.
L got this.
L got your name off of her phone records.
L guess l'll stop by the grocery store and grab a turkey or something.
L hate meeting you here, man, with your kids and all,
L have a question or two about your mother's insurance policy.
L have no idea what you're talking about, Green.
L have some of your mother's night things,
L heard my brother got mixed up with some hoodlums.
L heard you're marrying that fine piece of ass of yours.
L just buried my mama and my brother.
L just don't get it. Why would somebody hire
L just told you. You wanna cross the bridge, you gotta pay the toll.
L killed my partner.
L know bad things happened to you before you came to me.
L know it's difficult to deal with mundane financial matters
L know my brother.
L know you can take a punch.
L know you know who did this, homeboy.
L know you need to stay your ass on that porcelain.
L know you're not gonna tell me what l wanna know,
L liked her very much.
L mean, don't you think that that's relevant to a murder investigation?
L miss him too.
L need y'all to go down and visit this city official named Douglas.
L put everything in that project!
L really am.
L remember hearing myself saying,
L said, back off! Now!
L see him. l see him. Come on. Let's get him.
L should've stayed around longer and held your little hand, huh, sweetheart?
L smelled it on you the second you walked in here.
L swear to God, Jerry, l'm gonna kill you right here and now!
L tell you what, you wanna come in my restaurant and eat? Go ahead!
L think it's all right.
L think l heard something.
L thought the city cut you off.
L thought you said he wasn't coming.
L thought you was a macho man. A tough guy.
L told Fowler and his pals all about this meeting!
L took the money. l was gonna pay the bribe until y'all fucked it up.
L took the money. l was gonna pay the bribe until y'all fucked it up.
L wanna see some quick sticks and some tight passing.
L want eyes on the house!
L was banging that pretty little wife of yours, okay? Here's the
L was bumping uglies with your wife.
L was in the union for a long time.
L will, Camille.
L will.
L won't steal anymore, sir.
L'd love to, friend, but l can't.
L'd love to.
L'll deal with him. And then we get Sweet.
L'll give you $20 and this whole box of Baby Ruths.
L'll handle it. l don't know what the hell you think you're doing,
L'll have my little brother here suck your burning dick.
L'll hold.
L'll leave you to look through it.
L'll smack that smirk off your face, punk!
L'll teach her some nice tricks for you.
L'm a freaking college professor, Jack. What do you think l've been doing?
L'm going.
L'm gonna be okay. You give me a name, l'll call 91 1 .
L'm gonna get me something to eat.
L'm gonna go check on some other shit.
L'm gonna go in there and bust that melon and find out what he's thinking.
L'm gonna pop your head like a champagne cork.
L'm gonna put one in the back of their heads!
L'm gonna put stained glass windows here
L'm gonna sleep in Mom's room.
L'm gonna smack you, Bobby. l told you not to let Jerry get hurt.
L'm happy to see you too, Jerry.
L'm here to do a little collective bargaining.
L'm just working on my swing for the spring.
L'm not even sure l know how to say it.
L'm not going to see that girl, and l'm not!
L'm sliding all over the fucking street!
L'm still your big brother.
L'm telling you, man, Green's on our side on this one.
L'm thinking about it, Ma. l'm thinking about it.
La Vida Loca ain't staying in this house one more night.
Lap that shit up good.
Leave it alone, man.
Let me ask you again.
Let me catch you on the street without that badge.
Let me get my property.
Let me see that.
Let's at least act like we're a real family.
Let's come inside.
Let's get the fuck out of here, man.
Let's go get a real drink.
Let's go, Jackie.
Let's go.
Let's go. Five 0! l wanna see some hands!
Let's just play some fucking Turkey Cup, man. How about that?
Let's sink this dumb ass and get out of here.
Lf Fowler's there, he don't think he's gonna go for it.
Lf we leave, ain't nobody else gonna hear you out here either.
Lf you can get that far.
Lf you did it, then l wanna hear you say it!
Lf you had something to do with what happened,
Like a burglary or something.
Like a chicken with his head cut off, lighting all your little friends on fire.
Like she did your daddy.
Listening to every bit of our conversation...
Ln town shooters.
Ln town trouble.
Locked up.
Loco Ono is not staying in this house!
Long as I got My plastic Jesus
Look at that, Jerry. lt leaves a nice big red handprint, huh?
Look how y'all doing Mama's house!
Look out!
Look, Bobby, if you got something, you give it to me.
Look, l know l don't know you that well,
Look, l'm real sorry, man.
Look, man,
Look, we just wanna talk to him.
Look, we're not really concerned with that, councilman.
Ls that the way you wanna lead your life, huh?
Ls that what you want?
Ls there a problem?
Ls this what you all been waiting on?
Lsn't this one of Victor Sweet's spots?
Lt's 1 0:02, and these fucking lights are still on.
Lt's a little heavy in there. l'm gonna just go outside and get me a little air.
Lt's all right.
Lt's all right.
Lt's always the belt first for some reason.
Lt's been a long time since l played a game like this one.
Lt's cold out here when you by yourself, ain't it?
Lt's crazy.
Lt's gonna be okay.
Lt's hard to hear you out here with all this wind.
Lt's ice fishing. Tommy there is part Eskimo.
Lt's imperative that l speak with Jeremiah immediately.
Lt's just a matter of time.
Lt's just that l...
Lt's nice to see you, boys, but we was just leaving.
Lt's not outside.
Lt's over now, Bobby.
Lt's the fucking police!
Lt's too cold, man.
Lt's triple action. Three bullets at once.
Make sure the hole's cut when we get there.
Make yourself useful.
Mama always said,
Man down! Man down! EMS!
Man found a cause.
Man, be careful with my baby.
Man, l ain't have nothing to do with that. Come on.
Man, that shit was counterfeit as a motherfucker, man.
Man, y'all fools been played. Get off of me, man!
Man, you must be freezing.
Me and Jerry go way back from the union days. You know that, Bobby.
Me too.
Midnight trying to get up, but Nitro's on him!
Mom gets shot by some gangsters and now you hit the fucking lottery!
Mom would like that.
Mom would've been the first to forgive them. Y'all know that.
Ms. Evelyn cycled hundreds of kids out of the foster care system
Must've gotten off for good behavior.
My brothers said l was naive. That you would shoot me
My eyes. Give me something for my eyes!
My favorite room in the house.
My mom, she used to talk about y'all all the time,
My name is Bobby Mercer.
My name's Bobby Mercer. l believe you know my brother, Jeremiah?
Never should have came home.
Never should have came.
Nice dress, Amelia.
Nice house, man. Not bad at all.
Nice to be home.
Nine millimeter Beretta.
Nines. Won again.
Nitro got Midnight in a headlock.
No cop in the world's gonna believe your word over mine. Sorry.
No need to grab me. This will only take a second.
No shit?
No, l'm gonna do it again and again until l find out what l wanna know.
No, l'm saying that it's something that we should look into.
No, no, l didn't pay them! That's how they fucking shut me down!
No, no, no, no, no.
No, we ain't burning shit down. You always wanna destroy something.
No! You don't know who you fucking with!
No. l sent it over to the Parks Department.
No. l'll get their prints before we put them on ice.
Nobody taught you anything, did they?
Not a chance!
Not after six months they don't.
Not likely.
Not since he started up those luxury condos.
Nothing. Just saying hello.
Nothing. l'm just happy to see you, man.
Nothing's changing.
Now find out who killed the shooters.
Now go sit at the other table.
Now is the talking part.
Now it just a sweet deal for me.
Now l gotta light your ass on fire! All l wanted was a name!
Now shut up and listen!
Of course not, Vic. l mean...
Officer down! Officer down! Green's been shot!
Oh, baby! Oh, my God!
Oh, Bobby.
Oh, Charlie.
Oh, here we go.
Oh, l'm calm.
Oh, l'm sorry. ls this the master suite?
Oh, nice. Nice and plump.
Oh, no, no. This is Turkey Cup, man. Hockey.
Oh, no, no. This is Turkey Cup, man. Hockey.
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit. Evan, Vic's here. Vic's here.
Oh, shit. Here we go. l knew it.
Oh, that's him. lt's him!
Oh, yeah, yeah. No smoking in my house,
Okay, Darnell,
Okay, l'll make sure l get a statement from him then.
Okay, lieutenant, l'm bringing him out now.
Okay, okay. No more work for today.
Okay, pass the ball, guys! Pass the ball.
Okay, then you tell me what they told you.
Okay. Now you tell Samir.
Okay. Okay, l'll explain.
Okay. So, what, y'all just gonna shoot up the whole town
One man more than the others.
Only lights that are going off are yours. Let's go.
Other than the ones l got outside right now in the van
Partner, l think your stick is crooked.
Pass me the puck, Bobby!
Pass me the salad, man.
Pay Sweet to call off the dogs.
People never think to go for the bag.
Photograph them.
Pistons. Yes, yes, Ben Wallace.
Please, sir, please.
Pop them, Angel! Pop them! Get them!
Pretty boy.
Pull up a chair.
Put the cuckoo back in the clock, baby.
Questioning me about the lights being off and all that.
Recognize that dude over there with the fat head?
Right. Right.
Same old Bobby.
Say goodbye to your big sister, Jackie. Let's go.
See, l hate dirty cops.
Self defense.
She came in with her usual medley.
She couldn't find anyone to take them in.
She didn't change nothing in this house.
She knew all about your trouble, man.
She knew her son, man.
She never thought for a second that you were corrupt.
She was a good lady.
She wasn't your girl as of yesterday, man. She had another man.
She's addicted to what Angel's dick did.
She's getting real comfortable here, huh?
She's got hard dick in her right now.
She's screaming somebody else's name, and the last thing she's doing
She's so la vida loca.
She's too much woman for you, Charlie.
Shit doesn't even spin.
Shit, he's probably on his way right now.
Shit, your mom would've been happy you made it back for her funeral.
Shit! We got a fucking blowout!
Shit! Where the hell's that shotgun, Jack?
Shit. Hurry up.
Shitty ass streets we from.
Shoot that motherfucker!
Shoot those sons of bitches, Angel! Get them!
Shut your mouth, bitch! l'll put you down there with him.
Sit down and shut the fuck up! Give me the gas.
Sit your motherfucking ass down!
Six! He stopped at six!
Six. lt stopped.
Sixty two years old, murdered in cold blood!
SlG Sauer .45 auto.
So don't tell me this is not possible. Come on, man.
So how much is my brother getting?
So how we gonna deal with all this?
So l'm confused.
So l'm confused.
So l'm gonna light your little bitch ass on fire.
So let's take a look at these Thanksgiving birds.
So me and my brothers, we came up with a whole new proposal.
So she did.
So she got in there at 6:05.
So she was here until 7:1 1 .
So the candy just happened to jump into your pocket, huh?
So what?
So why ain't you tell me that you had talked to Evelyn Mercer
So why would you pay off a killer like Sweet?
So y'all ? Y'all tripping because l made insurance payments?
So, shit, Bobby, what've you been up to?
So, what about you and Damian? You guys still close?
So, what do we do now?
So, what now?
So, what we gonna do about the police?
So, what you bringing to the table?
Somebody gotta look after y'all clowns.
Somebody put their fist in your eye!
Someone decided to hire in town shooters.
Something tells me he was on his way to deliver a warning.
Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!
Sorry about your mom, brother. Give me some love.
Sorry to startle you.
Speak up. Can't hear you, playboy.
Still making a lot of racket on that freaking thing?
Straight ish.
Supposedly, a witness told police this was a gang shooting.
Suspects are two young black males heading east on foot!
Sweet owns Douglas! He ain't nothing but a gangster in a suit!
Sweet's supposed to roll up on us any minute now.
Take a look.
Take your money.
Talk, huh?
Telling y'all both right now,
Thank God, man. l thought my luck ran out.
Thank God?
Thank God.
Thank Victor Sweet.
Thank you for this food we're about to receive
Thank you, Miss Evelyn.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thanks for coming, Green. Mom would've been happy you made it.
Thanks for the offer, but we got it under control.
Thanks. Now get the hell out of here.
Thanks. Now get the hell out of here.
That ties these guys to somebody else.
That wasn't no gang shooting, that was an execution.
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