A lame duck that's attacking its own feet with a sledgehammer. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
A new legal drug from Czechoslovakia called cake. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
A one for one fag exchange. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
A school tour for the Oxford Don who believes all animals are vegetarian. Now water crocodiles eat Natalie, other animals. No, they grass. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
A second feels like a month. Bob almost sounds like fun. Unless you're the Prague Schoolboy who walked out into the street straight in front of a tram, he thought he got a month to cross the street. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
A shocking example, taken from a recent Libyan news. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
After 13 years in which he pulped over 4000 weasels, Bernard layering suffered a compound nervous breakdown. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Ahead came out, but it had shrunk and it was now small and smooth and white and so did she put it back in. Now she's walking around. It says here with a small smooth Whitehead about the size of a m... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Air brakes. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Alabaster Codify reports from across the big pond they call the Atlantic Ocean. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Alabaster Codify reports on their latest mess. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Aloe myth down here and matters Lori at that end in all the stages in between. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
An hour later, Edmonds appeared at the top window with blood on his face and through what may have been ahead onto the ground below. It is not known what happened to the other guests, but Edmonds h... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
An hour later, the drugs are speeding efficiency and decision-making. The odd shirt is changed as old veins are damaged and a small vomiting has taken place profits. Pretty ******* simple. The only... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And as a result of that experience, Ted Mall has been absent for some time with nervous exhaust. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And I can't stop telling you how to spend your money and how to save it, can I? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And I looked over, the clock on the wall was well, it is throwing up. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And if you think about it, those 2 children extremely lucky not to have been killed to bit. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And if you're sick on this stuff, you can puke your fucking self to death. One girl threw up her own pelvis bone, before she snuffed her lid. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And it's cause more sting than a bomb. In one of those holes in the ground in a rock festival. And everybody should sit. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And it's not just the great unhosed. These Raiders all over 200,000 pounds a year in big banks. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And just 2 days ago it was revealed that convicts in Dartmoor prison had been running an International Airport for over 14 years. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And last year the mayor gave them a goldmine. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And maybe that's the point. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And not one had even heard of dry lash, let alone smoked one off. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And sadly, crime experts predict that one day, even friendly conversation between mother and daughter will be conducted at gunpoint. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And so thank Christ for Wolf, the Gladiator, who joined not a moment too soon. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And the future for these little fuckers? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And the locks were well. They were sort of made of something like paper. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And then by your good half a pint of foaming nut Brown Ale. Cheers. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And this is Alabama zip code of her turn and brass eye. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And uh, for all I know, he may well be a bit of a cocoa shunter too. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And yet, on the Isle of Man, Nudity is still considered so shocking. It's illegal for babies to be born naked. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And you know they have, they do have endearing, wonderful habits. Animals I had to Guinea pigs and they were both 11 years old and one died. And you know, just before it died, it washed its little ... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
And you leave the kids alone or else. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Animal rights. It's an extremely controversial subject and it's not just the odd dinner party punch up over squealing meat. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Any triple sod? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Anybody here's got a gun. Can leave now 10 minutes later free people are left 2 kids in a deaf guy. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Anything that went on in that fortnight or went on out of it, depending on how you look at it, was that fortnights fault, not ours, is simply a bad fortnight. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Are 1 in 3 15 year olds really on drugs? No. We proved it in tests. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Are we now utterly without guidance? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Are you sure? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Are you telling me you definitely got no clarky cat? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Are you the boz boz? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Aren't we a bunch of ******** An elephant could no more get its trunk club. It's us and we could look up old. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
As a large buildup of Horsin, a Digger on the A47 tonight and don't forget that in Leicester. Joanna Lumley, Anita Roddick an Helena Bonham Carter are all ******* themselves all night to raise a li... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Ask them how they feel having their brain mashed by invisible lead soup. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Austin Tasseltine from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Back to our live cameras now from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Baltimora this means literally. I'm running at them now with my trousers down. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Basically it's like being hit by a ton of invisible lead soup. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Basking in rude health or sick to the guts, it's the model monitor now reading less than 2 models per head due to massive value hemorrhage. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Be able to shoot him off the roof as quickly as possible, yes. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Because here every week bear users gathered to watch large men fight with weasels. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Being grossed up to the filth. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Block sort of. Mine would do this. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Bono offer sex to anyone from the former Yugoslavia? That's the U2 lead singer Bono Vox. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Bring back Borstal from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Buff my pylon. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Bury the beds. Mattresses, pillows, sheets outside. Bury, now. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But 2 months ago, Ben fetch was fired when on the first day of his transfer to HM S Gooch he reported for lifeboat duty stark naked. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But actually work for a bit this until someone clocked it up with sick. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But during our visit, we clean vital clues from some documents we nicked through an open window. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But even in prison, North Rasta pedic impulses found new outlets. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But guy, naseam babies are often born snapped. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But I lost my faith completely when he farted on my balls. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But last June, out of nowhere, anti cow slogans started appearing on the sheds. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But let's start with a look at how the bidiphar problem has grown over the years. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But not everyone sees the positive side. Peter is allowed out under police escort from Broadmoor to perform a work about his own life in musical form. The catch is, you see he appears on stage and ... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But what about our children? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But what about the bigger picture? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But when he you know Bruce Wayne goes, then it's going to collapse. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But while cruelty still makes our hearts bleed like fresh operations, scars in a hot bath, our daily language is full of abuse. With expressions like frog stupid. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
But you will do if you watch for 30 minutes. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
By a roboplegic wrong cock. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
By growing crops and vegetables vertically up to a mile into the air rather than wastefully taking up more and more land as available, land space is swallowed up. Simple affective ideas like this a... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Cake is a buy stir bar, crawl Bolick and feta moyd, which is a made up psychoactive chemical. It comes from Prague with its own culture of boom raves where kids Wolf down vast quantities of this. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Call Zach the stench of poverty hangs in the air like an old man's Nappy. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Can we be sure that pervert mechanics haven't built him one of these? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Can we lose this thing about a slow crushing of these skull? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Can we stand around and eat pies while they're being fattened like flies? Swatted by the tail of a mad, Invisible Horse? Of course not. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Can you tell me exactly what you mean by a small incident with a pen? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Captain Brugeois on Dec. He noticed his gum was dirty and he cleaned it. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Captain Bruges, why are you being gay with your men? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Carla the Elephant is currently curled up in a kind of a Gray ball. Her trunk is actually stuck up her anus and there not trying to help her. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Carrie was dressed as an Angel. He woke the old man up and told him he was dead and must go outside and Bury himself. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Cause it's people of a smash toes of a lame duck soc. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Channel for little adults, yes. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Cheetah is 15 years old and now because of heavy electricity, she's only 8 inches tall. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Children are made to sit for an hour in front of a drug paraphernalia am while listening to some extremely Monde music. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Chuck it back in the face and tell him to **** *** from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Come on, help us get that drunk out. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Cook, drag from Serpentine with Swans stuffed in anus. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Costa Del Blowfly from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Could so easily have been like that for Maine, but Luckily the amount of heroin I use is harmless. I inject about once a month on a purely recreational basis. Fine, but what about other people? Les... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Could you beat me off? Even if people were looking? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Cow attached to a filing cabinet. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Cow attached to a mini engine in a shopping trolley. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Crime is confusing. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Crouching because tonight we're following a gang of men who less than half an hour ago broke into that building over there. One of them is a reservist. These men have been specially trained. Look a... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
DBL means Dusky Blonde LuLu, and that's a male pedophile disguised as a lion. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Did you? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Do wasps really sting us? Well, they do, they have stung me and it seemed like a sting. Was it actually a sting? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Do you agree with this question? If you don't get a job, he gets stuffed. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Do you feel that vigilantism is actually going to help in the long run? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Do you know what electricity is? The planets in the wire then? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Don't actually do it wears yourself Recocking Specht. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Don't buff my pylon. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Don't end up like a bloody piano dentist. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Donald Trump has received over 7 feet of new tongue. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Drugs destroy families. Well, a disabled lonely teenager are blind mother, but a family held together by the father's crack tingly which he uses to keep them in talking books and Dill Doe. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Drugs need you. If you take the U out of drugs, what have you got? Dugs. Ever heard of anyone get addicted to dugs? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Due to industrial ultra bowler carbons 2, clouds are being replaced by mutant clouds. Like serious, serious jovo Nimbus, an Alto syphilis, more and more. These are turning upside down and injecting... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
During the Blitz, when many clocks were destroyed, Londoners could tell the time by watching a dog throw itself off the high board, which it did precisely every 60 seconds, 24 hours a day for over ... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Even Saddam Hussein has an access he's obsessed with having white ladies wrists. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Everybody had keys to everybody else's house and, uh. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Fat use. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Fetch is as gay as a window from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Find out exactly what to think next. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Fondled by a nonce from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Food. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
For a while that was it. Nothing was doing until we rooted as startlingly new evidence from this man. Ben fetch. For a year he served under Captain Bruges. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
For many years, suffered secretly from the painful effects of Presto, did Wicks can Gina a rare blood disorder which causes sudden involuntary erected pressure. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
For street disturbances, the Metropolitan Police are now breeding elephants following their successful deployment in Athens and Turin. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
For the 10th time I don't know what Clark he can means. No cat, cat. What does this mean? This stuff, The Chew? I don't know it. You know the grass stuff that you do not know it blocking out triple... from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
For the cops, it's a jungle where dangerous animals speak Swahili. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
For the kids, it's a Depravities Supermarket where bad is free and SOC foots the bill. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Free the United Kingdom from drugs and British opposition to metabolically by storball drugs. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Free the United Kingdom from drugs, incorporating British opposition to metabolically by steurbaut drugs. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Frog stupid. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
From a moon cause it's a little dot from the ground it's a huge mess, like Dahntay meets Bosch in a crack lounge. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
From Debs to plebs, this decade is not so much. The 90s is the yard, Dang kitties. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
From what you're saying, have we got it right or wrong? from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Fucknut. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Gary Glitter said good to be back, but in your case that does not apply. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Gascoigne used as currency for cigarettes. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds
Gazza. from Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds