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A lame duck that's attacking its own feet with a sledgehammer.
A new legal drug from Czechoslovakia called cake.
A one for one fag exchange.
A school tour for the Oxford Don who believes all animals are vegetarian. Now water crocodiles eat Natalie, other animals. No, they grass.
A second feels like a month. Bob almost sounds like fun. Unless you're the Prague Schoolboy who walked out into the street straight in front of a tram, he thought he got a month to cross the street.
A shocking example, taken from a recent Libyan news.
After 13 years in which he pulped over 4000 weasels, Bernard layering suffered a compound nervous breakdown.
Ahead came out, but it had shrunk and it was now small and smooth and white and so did she put it back in. Now she's walking around. It says here with a small smooth Whitehead about the size of a m...
Air brakes.
Alabaster Codify reports from across the big pond they call the Atlantic Ocean.
Alabaster Codify reports on their latest mess.
Aloe myth down here and matters Lori at that end in all the stages in between.
An hour later, Edmonds appeared at the top window with blood on his face and through what may have been ahead onto the ground below. It is not known what happened to the other guests, but Edmonds h...
An hour later, the drugs are speeding efficiency and decision-making. The odd shirt is changed as old veins are damaged and a small vomiting has taken place profits. Pretty ******* simple. The only...
And as a result of that experience, Ted Mall has been absent for some time with nervous exhaust.
And I can't stop telling you how to spend your money and how to save it, can I?
And I looked over, the clock on the wall was well, it is throwing up.
And if you think about it, those 2 children extremely lucky not to have been killed to bit.
And if you're sick on this stuff, you can puke your fucking self to death. One girl threw up her own pelvis bone, before she snuffed her lid.
And it's cause more sting than a bomb. In one of those holes in the ground in a rock festival. And everybody should sit.
And it's not just the great unhosed. These Raiders all over 200,000 pounds a year in big banks.
And just 2 days ago it was revealed that convicts in Dartmoor prison had been running an International Airport for over 14 years.
And last year the mayor gave them a goldmine.
And maybe that's the point.
And not one had even heard of dry lash, let alone smoked one off.
And sadly, crime experts predict that one day, even friendly conversation between mother and daughter will be conducted at gunpoint.
And so thank Christ for Wolf, the Gladiator, who joined not a moment too soon.
And the future for these little fuckers?
And the locks were well. They were sort of made of something like paper.
And then by your good half a pint of foaming nut Brown Ale. Cheers.
And this is Alabama zip code of her turn and brass eye.
And uh, for all I know, he may well be a bit of a cocoa shunter too.
And yet, on the Isle of Man, Nudity is still considered so shocking. It's illegal for babies to be born naked.
And you know they have, they do have endearing, wonderful habits. Animals I had to Guinea pigs and they were both 11 years old and one died. And you know, just before it died, it washed its little ...
And you leave the kids alone or else.
Animal rights. It's an extremely controversial subject and it's not just the odd dinner party punch up over squealing meat.
Any triple sod?
Anybody here's got a gun. Can leave now 10 minutes later free people are left 2 kids in a deaf guy.
Anything that went on in that fortnight or went on out of it, depending on how you look at it, was that fortnights fault, not ours, is simply a bad fortnight.
Are 1 in 3 15 year olds really on drugs? No. We proved it in tests.
Are we now utterly without guidance?
Are you sure?
Are you telling me you definitely got no clarky cat?
Are you the boz boz?
Aren't we a bunch of ******** An elephant could no more get its trunk club. It's us and we could look up old.
As a large buildup of Horsin, a Digger on the A47 tonight and don't forget that in Leicester. Joanna Lumley, Anita Roddick an Helena Bonham Carter are all ******* themselves all night to raise a li...
Ask them how they feel having their brain mashed by invisible lead soup.
Austin Tasseltine
Back to our live cameras now
Baltimora this means literally. I'm running at them now with my trousers down.
Basically it's like being hit by a ton of invisible lead soup.
Basking in rude health or sick to the guts, it's the model monitor now reading less than 2 models per head due to massive value hemorrhage.
Be able to shoot him off the roof as quickly as possible, yes.
Because here every week bear users gathered to watch large men fight with weasels.
Being grossed up to the filth.
Block sort of. Mine would do this.
Bono offer sex to anyone from the former Yugoslavia? That's the U2 lead singer Bono Vox.
Bring back Borstal
Buff my pylon.
Bury the beds. Mattresses, pillows, sheets outside. Bury, now.
But 2 months ago, Ben fetch was fired when on the first day of his transfer to HM S Gooch he reported for lifeboat duty stark naked.
But actually work for a bit this until someone clocked it up with sick.
But during our visit, we clean vital clues from some documents we nicked through an open window.
But even in prison, North Rasta pedic impulses found new outlets.
But guy, naseam babies are often born snapped.
But I lost my faith completely when he farted on my balls.
But last June, out of nowhere, anti cow slogans started appearing on the sheds.
But let's start with a look at how the bidiphar problem has grown over the years.
But not everyone sees the positive side. Peter is allowed out under police escort from Broadmoor to perform a work about his own life in musical form. The catch is, you see he appears on stage and ...
But what about our children?
But what about the bigger picture?
But when he you know Bruce Wayne goes, then it's going to collapse.
But while cruelty still makes our hearts bleed like fresh operations, scars in a hot bath, our daily language is full of abuse. With expressions like frog stupid.
But you will do if you watch for 30 minutes.
By a roboplegic wrong cock.
By growing crops and vegetables vertically up to a mile into the air rather than wastefully taking up more and more land as available, land space is swallowed up. Simple affective ideas like this a...
Cake is a buy stir bar, crawl Bolick and feta moyd, which is a made up psychoactive chemical. It comes from Prague with its own culture of boom raves where kids Wolf down vast quantities of this.
Call Zach the stench of poverty hangs in the air like an old man's Nappy.
Can we be sure that pervert mechanics haven't built him one of these?
Can we lose this thing about a slow crushing of these skull?
Can we stand around and eat pies while they're being fattened like flies? Swatted by the tail of a mad, Invisible Horse? Of course not.
Can you tell me exactly what you mean by a small incident with a pen?
Captain Brugeois on Dec. He noticed his gum was dirty and he cleaned it.
Captain Bruges, why are you being gay with your men?
Carla the Elephant is currently curled up in a kind of a Gray ball. Her trunk is actually stuck up her anus and there not trying to help her.
Carrie was dressed as an Angel. He woke the old man up and told him he was dead and must go outside and Bury himself.
Cause it's people of a smash toes of a lame duck soc.
Channel for little adults, yes.
Cheetah is 15 years old and now because of heavy electricity, she's only 8 inches tall.
Children are made to sit for an hour in front of a drug paraphernalia am while listening to some extremely Monde music.
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chris Morris - Brass Eye Sounds Sound
Chuck it back in the face and tell him to **** ***
Come on, help us get that drunk out.
Cook, drag from Serpentine with Swans stuffed in anus.
Costa Del Blowfly
Could so easily have been like that for Maine, but Luckily the amount of heroin I use is harmless. I inject about once a month on a purely recreational basis. Fine, but what about other people? Les...
Could you beat me off? Even if people were looking?
Cow attached to a filing cabinet.
Cow attached to a mini engine in a shopping trolley.
Crime is confusing.
Crouching because tonight we're following a gang of men who less than half an hour ago broke into that building over there. One of them is a reservist. These men have been specially trained. Look a...
DBL means Dusky Blonde LuLu, and that's a male pedophile disguised as a lion.
Did you?
Do wasps really sting us? Well, they do, they have stung me and it seemed like a sting. Was it actually a sting?
Do you agree with this question? If you don't get a job, he gets stuffed.
Do you feel that vigilantism is actually going to help in the long run?
Do you know what electricity is? The planets in the wire then?
Don't actually do it wears yourself Recocking Specht.
Don't buff my pylon.
Don't end up like a bloody piano dentist.
Donald Trump has received over 7 feet of new tongue.
Drugs destroy families. Well, a disabled lonely teenager are blind mother, but a family held together by the father's crack tingly which he uses to keep them in talking books and Dill Doe.
Drugs need you. If you take the U out of drugs, what have you got? Dugs. Ever heard of anyone get addicted to dugs?
Due to industrial ultra bowler carbons 2, clouds are being replaced by mutant clouds. Like serious, serious jovo Nimbus, an Alto syphilis, more and more. These are turning upside down and injecting...
During the Blitz, when many clocks were destroyed, Londoners could tell the time by watching a dog throw itself off the high board, which it did precisely every 60 seconds, 24 hours a day for over ...
Even Saddam Hussein has an access he's obsessed with having white ladies wrists.
Everybody had keys to everybody else's house and, uh.
Fat use.
Fetch is as gay as a window
Find out exactly what to think next.
Fondled by a nonce
For a while that was it. Nothing was doing until we rooted as startlingly new evidence from this man. Ben fetch. For a year he served under Captain Bruges.
For many years, suffered secretly from the painful effects of Presto, did Wicks can Gina a rare blood disorder which causes sudden involuntary erected pressure.
For street disturbances, the Metropolitan Police are now breeding elephants following their successful deployment in Athens and Turin.
For the 10th time I don't know what Clark he can means. No cat, cat. What does this mean? This stuff, The Chew? I don't know it. You know the grass stuff that you do not know it blocking out triple...
For the cops, it's a jungle where dangerous animals speak Swahili.
For the kids, it's a Depravities Supermarket where bad is free and SOC foots the bill.
Free the United Kingdom from drugs and British opposition to metabolically by storball drugs.
Free the United Kingdom from drugs, incorporating British opposition to metabolically by steurbaut drugs.
Frog stupid.
From a moon cause it's a little dot from the ground it's a huge mess, like Dahntay meets Bosch in a crack lounge.
From Debs to plebs, this decade is not so much. The 90s is the yard, Dang kitties.
From what you're saying, have we got it right or wrong?
Gary Glitter said good to be back, but in your case that does not apply.
Gascoigne used as currency for cigarettes.
Gelland Sainz Bomac matters are a rapidly pair of old puffins who remember Cosic in the days when people could still be trusted.
German version and she knows not with the machinery itself. In time Matthew alone his level with company profits still rising. It is unlikely that anyone here will want to change the chemistry. Wow.
Get out! Now! Look at me!.. Get out!
Get right out of the bed. No half measures. You must get your whole body out of the bed right out from under the sheets right off the mattress until you're standing up, you won't get anywhere. Slou...
Give us a fag, I'll give you 2 next week.
Give us a fagge yummy too, so I'm letting you off the other one.
God, how long would you beat me off 4?
God, how long would you beat me off? 4 as long as it took really all the way.
Good evening, now this is the nerve center of Tonight's program to help paint a true picture of the state of Britain. We have light surveillance cameras at one of them as a Reporter stuck on the fr...
Good luck.
Good, but not enough.
Good, thanks for talking to us.
Hattie Jacques' Pretentious Cheese Wog.
He's been arrested for menacing a helpless codger
He's Cab Johnson, a submental who died last week at the asylum, where he lived for the last 27 years.
Heavy electricity is regularly flattening cattle in Sri Lanka. Afterwards the poor beast look like giant fur covered slugs thrashing about on their backs and made of what scientists call wobbly mat...
Heavy electricity, now that's a bit trickier. It's caused by particle accelerator's sending huge jolts of power into domestic power lines. These not electricity back into its wild state, which is m...
Heavy water deeply confuses River flow systems. Just last month, two rivers got completely lost and were found wandering uselessly about the southern oceans. Sadly, bad clouds equals bad science.
Hello, I'm Richard Briers. I want to tell you about graph wisp and heavy electricity. Calf wisp is the global consortium for a First World Initiative. Unscientific practice, self explanatory, really.
Hello, I'm Tonya, Brian. I'm here to tell you about a new space saving farm idea. Look at this typical farm uses a lot of land, doesn't it? Now look at this. It's a vertical tube farm capable of gr...
Hello, my name is Cesar. The sad truth about heavy electricity is that people in power and in government are too afraid to rock the boat when it comes to helping people. An help in certain situatio...
Hello, you think you don't know me, don't you? Yes, but you do because I'm the shopkeeper. You shot in a mindless hold up.
Here that I browser shaved off which undermines their self respect rather well.
Hi this is Bruno Brooks. We like to party right absolutely but only a fool would say yeah I'll into the nightmare of cake.
Homosexuals can't swim, they attract enemy radar. They attract sharks. They insist on being placed at the captains table. They get up late, they nudge people whilst there shooting. They muck about.
How do you set up your picture of any lips I love? I wanted you to see my naked body by Highland, but my mom had to catch me inspired and I don't think even you could have given me.
How on earth can you justify this?
How would you feel if you there at accidentally grass yourself?
How's it going?
Howard's Arse
I am from soc. You're not from society. How do you get back into society?
I am not an expert on air traffic control. I thought they were landing nearby, but not in my presence.
I can't believe it. Your little Ponce you gone done it again in charge.
I didn't get runs by slacking. I work hard. I grafted I practiced. I did it as well as I could properly.
I do think if somebody's gonna bought this record just 'cause of the faucets be made about it, I think they should throw it away and then they should go and buy another copy because they like the s...
I don't know what's happened to. Apparently Clive Anderson was shot. Cleverness was shocked by who, not by Noel Edmonds. Yeah, what, no?
I hate you.
I just want something from Mexico really blue T.
I mean in Gotham City in the United States, they call up a specialist vigilante agent when they're in times of real trouble by projecting a huge luminous emergency bat sign into the Sky and he come...
I sorry yes.
I suppose if there was an element of stick, yeah, Richard Branson up in a balloon watching this situation and saying there's your ÂŁ26,000. But I'm watching you from a balloon and I could see a very...
I think they'll go away thinking maybe maybe he's really messing misunderstood man. Maybe that 20 years ago was taking the ****
I'll tell you what I'm less interested in, giving you ÂŁ40 to end up on a quack handle.
I'm at a modern drugs party. They're taking Charlie, he's got Spliff smoke coming out of his drug in as someone over there smoking a crack.
I'm at the garage in the centre of Clapton in London, which is rated every 35 minutes day and night, so we hope that join the next half hour so we may well see some action here this evening.
I'm going inside now like a bad boy.
I'm here to ask a question. Is alarm justified? Is time running out for cosmic or is this the start of a new day? The first day of spring?
I'm Marvin Gaye shot by my own father. Oh yes, you know me. Alright, look up my eyes, murderer you killed me.
I'm out of wampum, I spazzed it all on a horse.
I'm sitting opposite a man. He knows nothing. He talks all the time. The result is a trenchant buffoon. He has no idea how to present television shows. He looks ridiculous in that fashion where he ...
Idiot ******* idiot, idiot, idiot idiot idiot stupid stupid ******* idiot.
If a cooler calls me on my show and then suddenly on the on the phone one minute and then there are affected by heavy electricity, they could be blown 100 feet away. That is a dangers of heavy elec...
If we think it's bad in this country if we think it's bad in Europe, it's worse in Libya.
If you take a seal and hit it very hard in the face every day for 6 weeks, you may turn it into a rather fetching hat.
If you think of a fly and you pull its wings off, it'll crawl. If you push the back half of its body onto the surface it's squiggling on, then you've got its total undivided attention.
If you're going to jerk with Brass Eye, I don't leave your poncy dropped off roller skate parked outside.
If you're in any doubt, just shut your eyes and imagine a child you know being hit on the head by a ton of invisible LED soup.
In '95, Paul McCartney donated 100 top hats.
In 1993 the council gave them a football.
In ancient Egypt, felines were worshipped because the Egyptians thought they were funny.
In Britain in the last century it was quite acceptable for a young gentleman to lose his virginity to one of London's many horndogs Dickens and Prince Albert both boasted of their experience.
In Holland, live half the crime rate by legalizing murder with the introduction of slaughter cafes.
In June this year, the same men isolated and blew up a fortnight, and I turn around and wet. I was 4 miles down the road line on my face next to a little tree that I hadn't been meant to be next to...
Innocent or guilty?
Innocent or guilty? Innocent or guilty?
Institutionalized cruelty is one thing, but the twisted brain wrong of a one off man mental his quite another.
IPhone up AP and I send it down the wire to the P and then the P send it out all the newspapers.
Is a point. We execute Wasps, but we don't execute dogs.
Is crime going to get any worse?
Is it because they don't have legs that make spherical cows so bad? Or is it because there's some kind of cruelty involved? I mean, what, what?
Is it? Yes it is.
Is only about 4040 men in a room standing around in a ring and a bag of overhead. Somebody pulls a string. The weasels cascade around you and you've got a shorter term as possible to dispatch them ...
Is that something that should be encouraged?
Is where pop happens and pop is always looking for trouble. The new single by blouses, a song of love to Myra Hindley and it's cause more sting than a bomb. In one of those holes in the ground in a...
It doesn't look troubled, but it is, at least for one of these cows. They some money. This and a human mind is benders or bad edge.
It had more reports.
It is legal to carry drugs if you're not actually touching them. These men avoid contact by using helium balloons, attached a little drug baskets.
It stimulates the part of the brain called Shatner's bassoon.
It was a clarky come you're not making sad cat o'clock at I don't know what you mean man.
It was my job for 17 years to pick your well, peaceful. The House of Parliament and to get bats Gibbons.
It works like this. You lose your money. You reply to one of these ads and I persuaded to sell your body to grow extra organs cheaply for transplant clinics.
It's a ******* disgrace.
It's also legal to buy and sell drugs if you do it through a mandrill. Typically, mandrels work at night approaching the House of a client with a drug pouch and returning with the money.
It's called get surfing. All too often they get is one of their own mothers. The latest trick. Catapult them into a shop and force them to steal booze, **** and Mags.
It's called percussive counter induction, and he's already held back a massive wall of heavy electricity for about an hour, allowing some children and 6 pigs to escape. You could do that for God sa...
It's made from chemicals by sick bastards.
It's not cool to be weird. Oh, get away with this, so grow up. You just being weird gone, yeah.
It's the Spaniards checking horses out of church towers, the Chinese sucking the brains out of live monkeys. And now this?
Jesus didn't know he was Jesus until he been chained to the radiator for sometime.
John Young ****d and at alive two experimental monkeys
Johnson and he was cold name Sleeping Beauty was a man of very low intelligence. He never really understood what was going on.
Joke, pause and I was sent here as a juvenile offender in 1949. He never left because he kept failing release tests like hundreds of others. He remained in Chokey even though the offenses were smal...
Just like to check out that garage where there could be an incident at any moment. Austintown is there, Austin, anything? Ask anything happened, no nothing. Well, I mean earlier on there was a smal...
Just look at America.
Just look at any of today's papers. Very sexy beams. Clark after urinating on London from helicopter.
Kids burst shops by filling them with rice and pouring in water, then standing back and laughing while the bricks are ripped apart by the swelling food.
Kneeling girls statues driving cars. What's going on?
Let me explain.
Let me get this right so, but you shouldn't be allowed to take away someone's life. Now. What I'm saying is, I've heard penalty for taking out somebody's life should be the death penalty. I put no....
Let me put it this way, it's not likely to happen, but just say I attacked you now, right? Would you beat me off? Yes, but no more than that.
Let me see your picture. Mara define oppressive. Junior looks like you, yo momma.
Let's just have a look at this normal looking crab pregnant with a human fetus.
Let's pump ourselves full of magic, monkey juice and take a trip to space land.
Liam's new staircase made out of gear. Drug bankers pulled my wife's head off and puke down the neck hole and lost one on drugs. Is a queer, yells Portillo.
Lick yourself off my shoe.
Local press called with of a weird one when the vandal Sean is paint straight of the cow in the form of words like Twatt and later, uh, **** *** and ask handle.
Look at look at.
Look at the Sky. Doesn't look like it's full of problems, does it? But I've worked in weather and I know that it is. I'm not talking about ozone here. I'm talking about clouds because clouds damage...
Look at this little guy. He's using my guy naseam boom implant to exercise so his mom loses weight.
Look up front. We said you probably seen it before.
Look, leave me alone. I'm trying to work it out alright.
Lookout behind you.
Loser St look at all the feckless drags in this report. You'll see them scream and here unpleasant remarks from their persecutors icon preyed on, loser shaking.
Mandrills are intelligent and vicious, capable of throwing at 12 stone man over 40 feet. But mandrels have been protected by law ever since. Queen Elizabeth the first gave birth to a child resemblin..
Maybe just reports.
Maybe we can understand kids like Carrie by looking at his family dad, unemployed mom, depressed beyond tablets. You want to help these people. But the truth is, they've gotta help themselves.
Meanwhile, for the beast which knows nothing of money or better mankind, life has become a living cow met thanks to the thoughtless beneficence of a mad old woman.
Meanwhile, the troublemaker is made to Sprint blindfold to Jackson's office, where he receives a speaking down.
Michael Heseltine finds it very useful. Uhm, if he's angry to have an 8 to slap, Kenneth Clark has a baby moose in a cupboard.
Mister Coco, thank you very much.
Moments later, 3 kids had broken in.
More and more of the holy flock is becoming a gory gun graduation.
More Staples has been to Ireland where he done this.
Most in Tassel time. Break into a playground and started bothering the children.
Must try harder.
Needless to say, a Nigerian farmer can't exactly go up there and get it back. Can he? Tragically, if the water does fall downwards, it can turn into triple water, which separates it into gases as i...
News expose owns the growing fashion for torturing golf caddies.
No arrest for man dressed as glands.
No firming nut Brown Ale for you this time.
No one is safe. By the end of tomorrow. One or all of these people may have been set on fire, bum ****d, or burgled senseless by Britons marauding criminals.
No room at the inn? There is now.
Not many cars to nick here, so instead they hijack pedestrians and run them around a terrifying leg speeds.
Nothing much going on here.
Now they want to help Carla, an East German elephant who's got a trunk, jammed up her own guts.
Now to the speeded up brain of a user that sound last for 4 hours and sounds like this.
Now, if you want to take part in the program and let us know what you think of Britain State of decline, then please do make use of our phones.
Now, partial belief curtains for a final word on the matter from Peter Tatchell.
Now, while you're inside here, you're going to have to learn a whole new language. It's not French, it's prison slang and.
Of course, some people say it would be vulnerable in a strong wind, but for goodness sake, who's to say there's going to be a strong wind?
Oh oh, don't cry Z.
Oh yeah.
Oh yes.
Oh, once happy bourbel, twisting on the Bliss twig of ignore me, you were suddenly plunged into the brain. Tangler of rude math. And with what shocking results has the Earth been reduced to an odio...
OK, I'll tell you what I'll give you ÂŁ30 for one Clock at.
On day release, from Broadmoor prison, South Cliff has been rehearsing intensively for 3 months. Sorry, the role includes singing police chases. You'll never get there in the summer, but finishes w...
On September the 15th, the McManus is went to bed, unaware they were being watched by the Huffard Gang.
On the little boy whose face you stabbed off in panic when I found you rubbing my house, remember?
One nil at half time.
One of them is a recidivist.
One young kiddy on cake
Or is everything just great?
Outside is no excuse number whatsoever, and if Edmonds is still inside the house, well just shoot him. I mean people like maybe supposed to be Rascals, but it's your Edmonds, your Thomas Hamilton's...
Parable Wilcher a peaceful country haven supporting rural life like something out of a cheese at.
Pay attention.
People say alcohol is a drug. It's not a drug, it's a drink.
People say that snake sting and snakes bite.
Perhaps the most disturbing effect is the disruption of rivers. This is footage of the River Euphrates flowing backwards. It looks like it's flowing forwards, but only because we've reversed the film.
Perhaps with some help from outside.
Peter Stringfellow, is it only your name? No, but you do have a name. Yes, I do have a name and people you never did, not associated, no, not all. Let's talk about your cloud. What's it called? Str...
Pipe to pipe Bushman code for 2 pedophiles having sex with each other while watching children from a shrub.
Pipe to pipe Bushman.
Plank sanction
Police attended the incident but were prevented from entering the grounds by machine gunfire.
Posters like forecasted to be axed because reports show their full of men who should have been released years ago.
Practicing 4 times a week. Feather coupe ex. A fully fledged revolve around.
Proof for Maine is that they found a white plaster powder and they have to send enough for testing and the results came back and doesn't Virgin DNA in the plaster.
Push up my warrior.
Reading about a pervert who interferes with the kids.
Really all the way yes long as it took me off. Even if people were looking well, I would hope that. I mean we understood it right, so that's why would somebody else came in through the door and sta...
Remember that your life in prison is like a dog in A box. What you've got to do is make the dog bigger than the box, not in a bad way like a mad Wolf in a matchbox, but more like a giant. A well be...
Remember, the best technique is to look at that bed and then try and get us far away from it as possible.
Research shows that football riots can be halted instantly by showing pornography on the video displays.
Right, you are going to make your lens right you gay son.
Senator eggs be seems to unsheath the length of skin clad tube is anatomy is broken cloth there and he staggers around vigorously ransacking his dignity until finally he releases several arcs of li...
Shaftbury's Jam
Should we revive our railing culture or should we just put it out of its misery or should we bring it back to life and then shoot it for letting us down so badly you haven't got a clue, have you? B...
Signs, but would definitely be Costa del blowfly if the cops haven't seen his body by chance while they were tracking a man who'd Buggered Aharon.
Silas, you are accused of going too far of befouling pollute Minton and the intox. If action of men's minds.
Sleeping Beauty was trying to present his posterior to a hole in the locker. Whenever the crew members required relief.
So far we have it right or wrong and have a look at the answer answer.
So is it any wonder people are afraid of technology technology?
So let yourself off my shoe.
So much for recorded crimes, but crimes we know nothing about are going up as well.
So problem and just walking here ask. Expect me to sort this out for you just like that.
So there is a good reason. After all, could have saved us all a lot of fuss if they told us that in the 1st place still wouldn't have made such a good story, and maybe that's the point.
So what causes crime? Social deprivation this bleak report from Ted more.
So what's the solution to rising crime, particularly younger and younger? For many, the answer to the crime problem can be summed up in just one word.
So why mention?
So you get up in the morning. What do you do? You get out of bed properly and that means all the way out of it.
So you got bad AIDS, not good AIDS.
Some Herberts touching up your bird.
Some would say tish and fix it, but others wouldn't do to repeat woundings from weapons like this and this.
Somebody gives you a bit of verbal GB H of the arrow.
Someone could get shot. Someone could get shot.
Sounds like a lot of fun, doesn't it? If you want to be part of the summer of death.
Sounds like we got a first shot.
Sue my chin.
Switch over the telly.
Take a look at this piece of VT.
Talking with O'Reilly just gets out of big man. Extract his genitalia at a rally and manipulate them to issue several chords of reproductive new cars were expelled rhythmically into the crack in my...
Ted Maul disturbs.
Ted Maul reports.
Ted mole went in search of those hands, determined to smash their bones out with a little girder.
Tell him to get a job
Terry, wait, once special envoy to the Archbishop of Canterbury has been paid ÂŁ2,000,000 to write a fifth gospel to replace the existing for.
Thank you.
Thanks Austin, well if that apparently innocent looking purchase did turn into a shooting then this is what it would look like.
Thanks for those
Thanks now throughout tonight's program, we've also had a naked asexual man upper stick watching some pornography. Have you reached any conclusions?
Thanks, Austin.
That is my big shiny shoe and you are the biggest piece of **** on it.
That man is lying on his back thinking wherein ******** Crikey is my nose. It's in a jar made.
That's it, goodnight.
The astronauts are now in hiding and will only issue statements through an animal.
The boat, the captain, and the. He's a puff headlines. The scandal followed video evidence of Captain Mervyn Bruges, indulging in an odd practice with a gun.
The body is dragged about and then left for the dogs and jackals and possibly scorpions if they meet either no.
The broadcaster, an entertainer, Clive Anderson, has been shot dead by television host Noel Edmonds at his house in Cornwall this evening.
The effects of a heroin overdose. A lethal yes in the short term, but there's been absolutely no research into the long term effects.
The evil in our relationship remains a paradox. If you plot number of animals abused against what makes people cruel versus intelligence of either party, the pattern is so unreadable you might as w...
The footage shows a ritual from the feast of Idol app to an outdoor celebration in which the men of Tripoli have a great time. But the same cannot be said for their cattle.
The Fox feels nothing. It's made of string.
The Home Secretary scores repeated own goals. Over 1200 convicts were released last month after lying to the Home Office about how long they'd been inside.
The incident took place at around 7:30 during dinner when Mister Edmonds produced an automatic weapon and began shooting indiscriminately at his guests. One servant witnessed the bloodbath, but man...
The inmates sleep is frequently interrupted.
The late night streets of Britain now so full of drugs. Not even the dealers know them all.
The Madman broken here with a machine gun and shot you to pieces. Anyone here yawning would get your blood in their mouth.
The man was Simon altering, known locally as charm.
The men will dig up their bedclothes again this evening and sleep in them all earthy.
The most commonly used animals as aboras hurrying. Between offices, with documents pinned to their bodies.
The most likely explanation is that people are just seeing some blue light bouncing off of Strut. But try telling that to these bug brain Murphy's you have more chance of getting a ******* from the...
The new inmates are welcomed on arrival, percent straight to the shaving room.
The one rule that we do insist on, by the way, is that all drugs are especially hard. Drugs are of medical quality.
The pad right now really took off after a minute of vocals. Wave was shot at a baptism for forgetting the baby's name.
The priests who say they must pack a piece to keep the peace.
The sound of that hullabaloo still ringing in it says I have a question. Would there really have been all this fuss, effects, beer, being a woman, I somehow doubt it, don't you?
The state of Britain.
The text specifically designed to undermine the cows confidence.
The world of show business has tonight reacted with sadness and horror.
Then it would have exactly the same name as the man that did the campaign about the elephant last month.
Then why the hell did you come back?
There are no simple answers to the problem of punishment, but there is a simple question. Would it really matter if one of these men died?
These Docs show that hot redhead being driven nuts because the land on which he lives is owned by the cow in the will of Edith Bates are local Crone who love cattle, then eccentric, now dead. The c...
These people look at them and nothing more than tenants in a dead man's shack. That idiot picks it up and they Hoover it up like sick puppies. Just a second father, I think. Would you last check yo...
These pics from the Biebs western region show, but what free on a technicality?
They all fall on it like crazy. Animals off the lot and then lie around waiting for a DJ to play music, which sounds like this.
They say aboard mind makes a great office for the devil in carry half its case. It's fully air conditioned with free typing.
They take the tail, they wind it up like that. They crank, they tweak it, central nervous system and it goes like a bloody rock.
They're not going to have any.
This farmer sons handy Cam footage shows him at work porn whispering Inept insults down a wire straight into the cow's head.
This French system of Victim Support comes to Britain next year. Last month, that woman woke up to find a young offender defecating on her floor under police supervision. She now meets the offender...
This guys got AIDS and he supposed to beat me in an arm wrestling.
This is a bus load of flies that are being sent on holiday to Africa. They'll enjoy Somalia, but should they?
This is a conversation, yes.
This is a light-saving brick. Inside the brick there are millions of tiny box is mirrored on the inside during the day like goes into each tiny mirror box in his trapped where it remains bouncing a...
This is Alabaster Codify for 10 and brass eye on the new buzz about buzz, the bomb Buzzard that he flying a rocket or fly up a socket.
This is not the exception anymore, it's just how people lived today.
This is the Frankie Fraser Mad Ometer.
This is the House of God, so where's the landlord? It's infested with brought. I did this paper visit in 20 years.
This month police pictures showed another estate in Manchester turning itself into a gun.
This was the moment 3 days ago when Senator Dale Lee eggs be plunged his campaign into crisis with an unprecedented outburst on live television.
Those canisters can be remotely activated if the child goes missing, they put off veeder files by spraying the child with 8 liters of pressurized sewerage.
Thrust aside the curtain and had proclaimed admitted politics is just spewing gypsum in public. But you know, do we listen? Not we just we just we like tease vaginas.
Time to shatter a few myths.
Today, animals are used more discreetly as a vital lubricant in the wheels of government.
Tonight on Brass Eye has science gone too far?
Tonight on Brass Eye, are we in a state of irreversible decline? What's the reason? What can be done about it? And if there is a solution, who on Earth is going to put it into action?
Tonight on Brass Eye: animals, are we too nice or too nasty?
Top scientists have just proved that 6 flat and cars and 2 stunted children were caused by a fall of heavy electricity in Cumbria last year. This also pushed the peak of the Big Mountain Helvellyn ...
Traditionally, we turn to the Bible for help, but now, even Thanksgiving devalued by those who used to espouse it.
Trouble shot.
UK used to mean United Kingdom but ask anyone today and they'll tell you. It stands for unbelievable crime wave.
Unbelievable crime wave.
Up next.
Up your arse.
Urgent news Carla has started to ingest her own head. Her down pump mechanism has blown. There's bloody vegetable guess everywhere for God sake. Help us put a chunk out. She needs Wolf power or she...
We certainly do now just 5 minutes ago we received these disturbing pictures from a camera in a playground. They shown apparently innocent looking children's game, which is in fact an exchange of d...
We have to put up with every day and it's just another form of racism.
We used to come here with knobs and everything is slashing output gaps and all that flooding over. But I'll do. We got bored after that. Off back to wait and not just a cake now and watered down wi...
We're back live now. Going to that garage which were expecting to be rated at any second asked in Castleton. Is there Austin anything happened nothing, no violence or stabbings. Nanata chrislo. Wha...
We're permissive, yet confused. It's quite acceptable for Peter Systems to receive oral sex during disaster reports on the 9:00 o'clock news.
Weasel fighting in the East End.
Welcome back, I was about to read out some of this drivel it you been phoning in all evening, but Luckily we've been saved.
Welcome to Peter get in.
Well then see evidence. Mister Coker. What do you make of that? Now that I've seen the proof, I apologize for my fellow Blacks, I'm sorry.
Well they got your then they gone and banged you up good and proper.
Well, can you just go around somebody's house and clean up?
Well, drum late may have works, but that doesn't stop it being absolute guff.
Well, he's been very lonely to be very depressed. Why aren't you currency him? Explain your problem and then here explain his problem to you.
Well, I hope that's been of some help, will just leave you with a couple of items of Horn news.
Well, if you didn't take somebody's life but you just murdered them.
Well, if you didn't take their life, you just murdered them.
Well, now to shocking events that have actually happened as we lift the whistle on drugs in the workplace and show how employees at sharper is jams in Colchester are using illegal high drugs on a d...
What a ******* disgrace.
What about capital punishment for murder only?
What are you going to do about the people whose lives you pull apart? What are you going to say to them? Your own camera? There's a camera here and one here. Oh yeah, what's your excuse was in just...
What chance of getting even here, let alone here?
What I'd like to do right now is to take your bad half outside and do it, and extremely physical discourtesy.
What is the point of that pelvic marchi?
What is the relationship between crime and race using makeup sticks, we transformed our white Reporter trust you pray into a black man to see if the law would treat him any differently.
What is the verdict? I'm afraid there is no verdict because all the jury had died of pollution.
What she gonna do work and on grass?
What the hell did you do that for? Look at me, feel proud, do you? Do you even know what a feeling is? I do, but I can't have anymore now because of you.
What you got to do is frighten a child, not pussyfoot around. Give it a stark image. I'm talking about something like Dennis Potter in the blue velvet.
What you put a wire over a P?
What's a coco shunter?
What's for pudding?
What's invisible lead soup?
When I saw your photo in, my thought is she blonde under hairdresser. So now they make her take off my dress define.
When I was seven I got dressed up as a little city gent and walked into the bank of England shouting fuck the pound
When we actually asked the scientist he was responsible for that, I mean his his. I said, You know why you doing that and his reaction was pretty much kind of archival occasionally. And what do you...
Where after your help to security footage of a paedophile disguised as a school, he's been getting away with it in Sheffield for 12 years. Do you know him? Have you seen him? Please call?
While the situation is clearly grave enough to merit a black-and-white freeze frame, the solution may already be at hand with the opening of the new harsh pounds for young offenders.
Who is the Yelp are on this boosted sound tape?
Why are we chopped him in the garbage and he's legged it great running?
Why don't I believe? Why do a lot of people not believe that wasp sting?
Why has he gone back to the crime that he turned his back on?
Why have you gone back to crime?
Why not do that tomorrow?
Will a nightmare ever end for Cowsick?
Within 5 minutes he committed a pocket theft and by mid afternoon he was attacking passes by with violent muggings and fleecing them viciously on the cobbles.
Woggy coconuts
Women were deemed too silly for space.
Would it really matter if one of these men died?
Would you beat me off?
XP claimed he'd not been pounding his person.
Yeah, and then ask for money for it.
Yeah, but I don't. I don't want my arms to feel like a couple of fortnights in about balloon.
Yeah, the really hard.
Yellow bentines.
Yes it is.
Yes, we must catch that man. He really is a ****
You are a murderer.
You better watch out later. I'm gonna be late, I'm just 'cause I wanna just go back and get a new car. So Pogo on that ya twat.
You blew out my guts. Remember on the old lady whose head you stove in with a loose wardrobe in the middle of the night, remember?
You can kill an otter in about a second, kick his face off.
You didn't.
You haven't got a clue, have you?
You know they actually say to me that there is no such thing as heavy electricity that electricity couldn't possibly fall out of wires. What a lot of old crap.
You move funny. I had to shoot way mean I move money was standing in a church Harry farms you can be a man in a dress.
You put it over a P.
You'd sting me with a wasp.
You're an addict. You are addict. Addict boy, you're an addict. You're an addict, addict all addicted to the cure.
You're wrong and you're a grotesquely ugly freak.
Your phone calls tonight have been described variously as rabid, pig-ignorant, and stultifyingly ill-informed. Thanks for those.
1 cannot be ashamed of what ones pulling out of the water, and if it is a nude man thrashing around, gasping for his life, one must not shrink from that task because one is a bashed about his nudity.
2 days later, spiked in Ebony claimed the statue had driven into his garage and ask for petrol. Thought I heard you say very quietly fillerup. So I did. Interface went like this.
2 men marching like that present a much smaller target than 2 men marching like that.
2 priests left the show in a tank shooting as they went. So as the Aamu Missionaries get trigger, holy Sunday turns to gun day and America awaits the blast judgment.
15 pounds for 1/4 ounce of Moroccan hashish.
18 months how we can do that? Cause a virus strength. Run it and I decided to start at 70% of overall Julia period will reduce to 55 percent 18 months now I think 2 years is got to be the period af...
18 months.
18 months.
"Sick" 's a sort of metaphor
[Medieval Music] Thanks
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