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Home > George W. Bush Sounds
A complicated transaction
Abbu Saif
About the best
Abu sayaf
All that might be required or a small container and one terrorist
Allowing the violent to inherit the earth
And do it and do it well
And do it, and do it well
And email your old dad once in a while will you?
And email your old Dad once in awhile will ya?
And I will do my part
And is capable of killing millions
And it has been my honor to serve with you
And join the fight against terror
And make blackmail a permanent feature
And mindful of the history we've seen together
And our differences cannot be allowed to harden into anger
And seek weapons of mass destruction
And that's an option
And that's bad news for al qaeda
And that's partly that's a policy development
And that's the problem
And that's the truth
And that's the truth
And that's the truth
And there's nothing new
And uh
And, uhh
Answer 2
As americans we want
Bad news
Ballistic missiles
Bill meets
Bomb making
But some men rage and fight against it
But they have miscalculated
But why?
Call Andy
Called Sunday
Circle manshia sounis
Colon powell
Compensation packages
Corporate America
Damn the consequences
Damn the consequences
Dictatorships shelter terrorists
Didn't happen
Don't do
Don't mess
Don't mess with Texas
Don't mess with texas
Don't stay up too late
Don't touch it
Don't touch it
Don't worry
Drop rate
Drugs and alcohol
Drugs and alcohol
Email Dad
Evening 2
Every time I'm invited to this rostrum
Everybody loves you and so do i
Everybody loves you, and so do I
Everybody wants to be a war correspondent
Evil ones
Fab Country
Fast oceans no longer protect us from
Find ways to cut corners
Finish 2
For me
For money
From TX
George H. W.
George W
George W
George W.
George W. Bush
George W. Bush Sounds Sound
George W. Bush Sounds Sound
Get done
Give me the pen
Give me the pen
Glad amere putin
Gonna do
Good morning
Good morning
Good riddance
Good riddance
Harvey 2
Harvey fast
Harvey Pitt
He may be alive fears will get him if he's not alive we got him
Hear me
Hear me loud and clear
Hear me loud and clear
Help you
Horrible poisons
How are you
How are you
How are you
How are you?
I actually didn't read the whole
I don't want you to let me down again
I find it very interesting that when the heat got on, you dug yourself a hole
I gave her a white hair
I gave her white hair
I guess my answer to that is
I guess my answer to that is...
I hope you're proud
I hope you're proud
I hope you're proud
I mean I I
I see it all the time
I see it all the time
I still haven't figured it out completely
I talk to my dad
I talked to my dad
I talked to Vice President Chaney
I talked to vice president cheney
I think
I think I i
I think it is perfectly reasonable
I think it is perfectly reasonable
I want to thank you for the bullhorn
I want you to be on my team
I want you to be on my team
I, um
I'm absolutely adamantly opposed to that
I'm from Texas
I'm from texas
I'm george W bush
I'm humbled by the privilege
Im George
Im Harvey
In Burma
In Iran
In other words
In other words
In reality, the future security of America depends on it
In return for money
In return for money
In the hope of an easier life
In the White House
In the white house
Interesting ques
Is a drag
It could come in the form of a muslim
It could come in the form of the turkey
It didn't happen
It didn't happen
It kind of hide
It's barbaric
It's fuzzy math
It's fuzzy math!
It's not
It's not
Join me on this unfinished business
Just don't do it again
Just don't do it again
Kill thousands of people
Killing thousands
Kind words
Know what
Large or small
Latimer putin
Laughing 2
Let down
Let me let me say something
Let me say something
Let me start by telling you that I think
Let's come together
Let's come together
Like other generations of americans we will meet the responsibility of violence and aggression
Live here
Loves you
Make sure you tell your brother Stuart
Make sure you tell your brother stuart
Man an unmanned aerial vehicles
Matter shield over our country to prevent us from harm
My answer
My views the riskiest of all options
Never create the stains that we must deal with
New approach
Nine one one was so unbelievably
No question in my mind
No question in my mind
No rules
North Korea
Not only once but twice
Not only once, but twice
Not ques
Not right
Obviously trying to scam somebody
Of another teeth you know the TV was obviously on
Of course
Opponents had been decapitated
Or blow up commuters in London
Or shut ourselves off from trade and opportunity
Pardon me?
Party tonight
Party tonight
People shouldn't speculate about the desire of the government
Rally the threat of terror
Require their freedom as well
Respect the rights of their citizens and our neighbors
Saddam hussein
Saudi arabia
So do I
So I look at
So i'm absolutely adamantly opposed to that
So the United States of America will continue to lead
Some dismiss this goal as misguided idealism
Somebody 's friend or somebody 's neighbor
Stay out
Talked Dad
Team 2
Tell Bro
Tell me
Terrorist attacks yeah
Terrorists like Bin Laden are serious about mass murder
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you and good evening
Thank you and good evening
Thank you very much for those kind words
Thanks moving across the plains or the airplanes flying in formation
That is your right
That is your right
That needs to be fixed
That needs to be fixed
That's a fact that's a fact
That's a fact, that's a fact
That's a very interesting question
That's a very interesting question
That's a very interesting question
The advance of freedom is the great story of our time
The country this country is a fabulous country
The evil ones
The only possible explanation
The only way to control our destiny is by our leadership
The only way to protect our people
The only way to secure the peace
The road of isolationism and protectionism may seem broad and inviting
The smoking gun
The united states
The weapon of fear
Their aim is to seize power in Iraq
There will always be differences in debate
There's a lot of actions that take place that you'll never see
There's no rules
This is recycled
Those evil doers
Tom delay
Tonight the state of our union is strong, and together we will make it stronger
Touch it
Touch it
Trying to find it very interesting that when the heat got on you dug yourself a hole
Uhh 2
Vladimir Putin
Want done
Wanted dead or alive
Watching some know how muscle
We don't take we
We have gathered under this capital dome in moments of national mourning and national achievement
We have served America through one of the most consequential periods of our history
We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it
We must act in a spirit of goodwill and respect for one another
We seek the end of tyranny in our world
We want to help you
We want to take you to the neighborhood store
We will fight these evil ones for the cause of fascism
Weapons of mass destruction
Well I talked to condi and ask her to call andy
Well I talked to Condie and asked her to call Andy
Well there's one terrible pilot
Well we don't know exactly
West TX
Whatever the lawyers calling
When they murder children at a school in Beslan
White hair
White House
Why be concerned now
Why thankyou
William Webster
With nuclear arms and a full arsenal of chemical and biological weapons
Yet it ends in danger and decline
You asked
You don't know what you're talking about
You have a rendezvous with destiny
You need to pray for the good lord protect america
You've got the documents
You've got the documents
You've got the documents
Your right
7000 miles away could bring murder and destruction to our country