Do you agree or disagree with the RNC that this kind of rhetoric orders on political hate speech there's time for politics and you know stanford politics and
Families is where our nation finds hope where wings take dream
I hear there's rumors on the internet
I know the human being an fish can coexist peacefully
I like to fish
I'd like to stay here all day but I gotta I gotta go to vegas tell me about what goes on there stays there or something like that you know
If it feels good do it you gotta problem blame somebody else
If you got a chicken factory chicken plucking factory or what are you gone you know what i'm talking about
If you're a single mother with two children which is the toughest job in america as far as i'm concerned and you're working hard to put food on your family
It is not the definition of a man to father a child and walk away saying they're not my problem they're yours
One two three four
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful and so are we they never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people and neither do we
Teach a child to read and hear her will be able to pass a literacy test
The best way to defeat this enemy in the long run is to deny them the recruiting tools that are recruitments made tables made possible by resentment
The left hand now knows what the right hand is doing
The new prime minister of india is now
The question is who ought to make that decision the congress or the commanders and as you know my position is clear i'm a commander
We got issue in america too many good docs are getting out of business too many OB GY NS aren't able to practice their their love with women all across this cunt
We must stop the terror I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers thank you now watch this drive
You know the conditions are such that they can attack us there my answers bring him on
You know this start took awhile the thought is going to take awhile to unthaw
You're free and freedom is beautiful and you know it will take time to restore chaos