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The Manchurian Candidate (2004) "The Manchurian Candidate" is a thought-provoking political thriller film released in 2004,

The Manchurian Candidate (2004)

"The Manchurian Candidate" is a thought-provoking political thriller film released in 2004, directed by Jonathan Demme. This gripping remake of the 1962 classic revolves around a former soldier, Ben Marco (Denzel Washington), who suspects a conspiracy regarding a presidential candidate (played by Liev Schreiber) and his mother (Meryl Streep). As truths are uncovered, the plot intensifies, delving into themes of brainwashing, manipulation, and power. With an exceptionally talented cast that also features stellar performances by Jon Voight, Vera Farmiga, and Jeffrey Wright, the movie captivates viewers with its suspenseful storyline and outstanding acting. If you're interested, you can play and download the official soundtrack or sound effects from the film here.
A $5000 a plate dinner honoring the CEO of Votron Incorporated,
A beacon of freedom in a world troubled by shadows.
A damn fine man.
A field hospital.
A friend outside of my mother's circle of approved encounters
A kid named Eddie Ingram.
A little electroshock...
A remarkable development. Twenty four hours ago,
A second former Manchurian Global civilian contractor
A stronger, safer, more profitable world
A U.K. Subsidiary of the equity fund giant Manchurian Global.
A victim of induced abreaction...
A, your spotty memory,
About 4:45 yesterday afternoon.
About the firefight over there?
About their families back here in America.
Across hostile terrain to safety.
Al Melvin, sir.
Al Melvin.
All neatly stitched together with a common thread
All of which, of course, is completely normal.
All right, good. Have you met my wife, Pam?
All right, I'll keep you posted.
All right! Yes!
All right.
All right. Bye.
All right. It was great to see you.
All right. Just get up, get up.
All the research indicates that an Arthur Jordan ticket
Along with evidence you chewed out of a man's back.
Always anchored by a great navy.
Am I in your dreams, captain?
Am I that predictable?
America must prevail.
Among the shareholders in Manchurian Global,
An incoming mortar shell kills them both instantly
And about your interesting experiences in the armed forces.
And address whatever damage may have been done to you.
And also a loud vibrating noise in your head,
And arrive on your star beside him.
And bars and taverns in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx,
And bury you.
And C, a crazy man's notebook,
And change you a little bit.
And co chair of the U.S. International Policy Caucus.
And computer chips in your brain to make you do things,
And David Donovan, their managing director.
And deny us the White House another four years? No.
And discuss it and you can tell them what you remember,
And even California, we are still dead across the South.
And every one of us along with it. And you wanted me to what?
And every other mood disorder that you can name.
And guided the shell shocked survivors of the Lost Patrol
And has you poised to be the first privately owned and operated
And he's a fine soldier.
And I saw you sitting here and I said, Hey,
And I will do whatever is necessary to protect America
And I'll be waiting for your press announcement
And I've denied what every nerve ending in my body
And I've heard it's bad right down here.
And if his slim hold on sanity requires
And if this respect propels me toward the nomination
And if you could secure the door, please, Chris.
And intervened on your behalf.
And it was losing its flavor.
And it's deep inside of us. And that's where the truth is.
And it's not from random terrorists,
And it's not from random terrorists,
And no, you may not engage in your usual backdoor
And of course, more importantly...
And people who do, the ones who make history
And PFC Robert Baker III, were killed.
And recent front runner for his party's vice presidential nomination
And report to him first thing Monday morning.
And she...
And so did all the network campaign experts.
And some of you, no doubt, remember my father,
And stand right where you're supposed to stand.
And Staten Island will be opening shortly thereafter.
And suddenly you turn him into a common hit man.
And that compassionate vigilance thing
And that our power is somehow, I don't know,
And that somehow, thanks to your dream,
And that's what you and I are gonna use to take them out, Raymond.
And the private equity fund Manchurian Global,
And the same thing can be applied to ourselves.
And the senator.
And the Southwest, where they win by landslides.
And to what you will become.
And vice president of the United States.
And we can either shovel them the same old shit and call it sugar
And welcome to Amtrak's northbound Acela,
And what does he have to do with me?
And what is not.
And with apologies to my mother, I wish to remain an amateur.
And yet here you are,
And you are to resume your medication.
And you bring me rumors and conjecture.
And you invite...
And you know how it works.
And you wanna help him?
And you'd forget all your RAM.
And you're going to save our country now.
Any better and you guys are gonna have
Appears to have accidentally drowned
Are concerned with personal family safety,
Are gonna do some recon at the no host bar.
Are we friends, Ben? I wanna believe we were friends.
Are you okay in there?
Are you okay, sir?
Are you taking your meds?
Are you there?
Arthur and running mate Raymond Shaw are leading
Arthur! Arthur!
Arthur! Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!
Arthur! That's right!
As for somebody imbedding electric probes
As you are being asked.
As your vice presidential candidate, I will be greatly honored.
Ask the Uzbeks.
Assessing enemy troop strength
Assessing troop strength.
Assessing troop strength...
At all? You don't dream at all? Everybody dreams, right? I mean...
At Chicago's O'Hare Airport early this morning.
At the time of Desert Storm, Dr. Atticus Noyle
Atkins committed suicide.
Authorities are exploring additional connections between the two men.
Authorities have identified the gunman as Klaus Bachmann.
Ayatollahs, African warlords and retired prime ministers.
Bachmann was believed to have been killed in a car bomb explosion
Baker goes after him.
Baker goes after him.
Battles, you win one bullet at a time.
Be it ever so humble.
Bear right!
Because I don't.
Because I remember, okay, Shaw...
Because I'm gonna wanna meet with him.
Because once we start overturning our constitutional protections,
Because the assassin...
Because they can probably help you out a lot more than I can.
Been... Been the hero.
Before I am able to locate and eliminate the source of the ordnance.
Before Sergeant Shaw is able to locate...
Being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Being microwaved by this Atticus Noyle?
Believe it or not, there's a view.
Ben Marco.
Ben said there were tests they could run to see if...
Ben, don't. Ben.
Bennett Ezekiel Marco.
Bennett Marco. Checks from First National Bank.
Bennett Marco. Checks from First National Bank.
Bets around, bets around. Let's go, Jameson.
Between government and the people,
Between true security and the notion of feeling safe.
Between what is real...
Black helicopters, secret laboratories...
Blood type, DNA.
Both sides of the aisle.
Brilliant. We've got 20 minutes for our little checkup
Buddy. Gentlemen.
Bullshit! This is about my son and the future of this country.
Business? Pleasure? Both?
But a goddamn geopolitical extension of policy
But after the war...
But because this party is so divided on so many issues,
But don't you think this could wait till after the election?
But from covert alliances of disaffected nations
But I also grew up on the Hill.
But I am living proof that we can win.
But I can tell you that I've been there.
But I think we share the same fundamental vision
But I think you ought to see somebody.
But I want you to know, Raymond...
But I'm sure that's perfectly normal.
But if it's not true,
But just enough to bring you back to who you really are.
But not if it means attacking the reputation
But perhaps more importantly, those who can't afford to be here.
But private equity fund Manchurian Global confirmed today
But Sergeant Shaw heroically fought off the enemy
But we'd like it.
But what exactly are you suggesting I do?
But when you smile...
But you must stay very, very still
But, hey, there is a school of thought that says
By Global Endeavors,
By religious and racial polarization,
By some Air Force general's unhappy wife.
Cable cutters and a chainsaw and they went to town.
Can hold on to his own home ground, and the Northeast,
Can we get back to the campaign and focus on something...
Can you remember or should I write it on your chest with a Sharpie?
Can you remember the deaths of Private Baker and Private Ingram?
Can you remember?
Captain Bennett Marco?
Captain Marco is knocked unconscious.
Captain Marco was knocked unconscious.
Captain Marco,
Captain Marco!
Captain Marco.
Captain Marco.
Captain says we're moving out.
Captain. Captain Marco.
Cash is king, Marco.
Cash is king.
Catch up on old times with him.
Chain of succession. That's what you got in mind.
Change personality.
Colonel Garret was kind enough to show us the file on you, Marco.
Come back, get my men.
Come on in.
Come on, rise and shine, New York. It's a big day in the Big Apple.
Committees bullied, agendas bought and sold.
Concussion, lost focus. Sergeant Shaw, he took command.
Congress has already announced a far reaching investigation
Congressman Shaw, a moment, please?
Congressman! Congressman! Why do you and Governor Arthur
Connect the dots, Raymond.
Consider, that our intrepid Arthur
Contrived to have you win the Medal of Honor.
Corporal Melvin.
Corporal Melvin. How you doing?
Covering, covering, covering!
Dad! Dad!
Damn it. Shaw missed his first position.
Democracy, freedom, all depend upon it.
Deserved the Medal of Honor.
Despite the shameful way his daughter toyed with you
Despite what?
Developing deep implant behavior modification.
Did I?
Did we come here to have a discussion?
Did you go blank on me again?
Did you see that?
Didn't make much of a soldier, I'm afraid. Let me see this.
Do you ever dream about Kuwait?
Do you have dreams, sir?
Do you recognize this man?
Do you remember me?
Do you remember me?
Doesn't that say something to you?
Don't ever touch me.
Don't lecture me! You swore to me that this was fail safe.
Don't we already?
Don't you just love this guy?
During the past several months.
During the recent Indonesian incursion,
Earth to Ben.
ECT not being the precise science that, say,
Eddie Ingram gets himself separated to the left.
El Dorado 5 9970.
Ellie, you don't have the votes to block this.
Eluding capture in the desert? Or somewhere else,
Emergency medical data, right?
Emotionally challenged individual like your father.
Enemy dismount! Go after, go after! Stay left!
Enter the hallway there.
Entering the hotel two hours before the fatal shooting.
Eugenie is, well...
Eugenie Rose. I like the Rosie part better.
Even as the company secured a half billion dollar no bid contract
Every great society, every great civilization,
Everybody has dreams, corporal.
Everything seems to be in flawless working condition.
Excellent, excellent. Go on, Raymond.
Excellent. And there were casualties?
Excuse me, please.
Excuse me, when have I ever attacked Senator Jordan, despite...
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Exit the vehicle. On me! On me!
Fearing more and more jobs going overseas
Ferociously a Prentiss.
First thing in the morning.
Five points?
Fled to exits and dove under tables.
For a cabinet level post.
For covert mind warfare against the Soviets in Afghanistan.
For every president since Nixon.
For example?
For getting me out of Albania.
For many, Raymond Prentiss Shaw is an enigma.
For medical emergency information:
For saving their pathetically unimportant,
For saving this party from committing political seppuku.
For the vice presidential nomination four years from now,
For their anticipated victory party.
For those three missing days?
For what Saddam Hussein promised would be the mother of all wars.
Forged by enemy fire in the desert in the dark,
Fox is in the henhouse.
From anyone who opposes her.
From the neck up, gentlemen, so if we could take his jacket.
From your unit, Desert Storm.
Get a flare up, sergeant.
Get him out of here.
Get off of me!
Getting clarity. Or whatever you wanna call it.
Give us a few minutes.
Go to the bedroom of your suite.
Go to the end and open the closet.
Go to the fire escape and tilt your head up,
God only knows what she told Jocelyn to chase her away.
Good evening. It's good to see you too.
Good night.
Good to see you.
Good, good, Raymond.
Good. Can you describe them for me, please?
Gotta be a 7 Eleven out there somewhere.
Governor Arthur has agreed to consider Raymond
Governor Arthur is still unelectable to the presidency...
Governor Arthur, casting his ballot in North Platte,
Grandson of legendary industrialist and diplomat Tyler Prentiss,
Gutting the Bill of Rights, allowing our fear
Handsome, intelligent,
Hang on.
Have you fact checked this with anyone, Tom?
He attended special church services this morning...
He bit him. He bit him.
He hit me.
He just did what needed to be done.
He quickly turned his energies to public service
He said it'd be like a computer system crash.
He said this would happen.
He terminated the enemy. Led us across the desert to safety.
He was employed there as a covert operation specialist
He's a South African scientist and mercenary.
He's been drawing these pictures and he wrote down what he dreams.
He's delusional.
He's going on every security watch list, but I won't lock him up.
He's not dead completely in the South, senator...
He's pulled from his mad hat
Heard of them?
Hello, captain.
Hello, major. Have you tried the Pad Thai?
Hello, Raymond.
Hello, senator. How's Jocelyn?
Help me.
Help me.
Help them trace this thing to its source
Here it comes.
Hey, that cat needs a friend. And a hug.
Hey, you're kind of...
Hey. I'm gonna get a cab. You want me to drop you somewhere?
His grandmother is standing in her kitchen.
His name is Atticus Noyle.
Holed up as if you were some sort of
Holiday in the Big Apple and all of that.
Honey, you are oversimplifying things a little bit, but it's okay.
How could you not remember saving our unit?
How deals are struck,
How did I get here?
How did you know about that?
How does Arthur die?
How fucking dare you. I trusted you with my son.
How things might have turned out between us
How you doing?
How's your back?
Human being I've ever known.
Hurry up!
I ain't gonna hatch them. I need to run out to the ATM real quick.
I am an optimist. I believe in the future.
I am proud...
I am the feds.
I asked downstairs and Miss Freeman, your wrangler, helpful Miss Freeman,
I believe democracy is not negotiable.
I believe that freedom from fear in the world at large and here at home
I bit a guy. I found another one.
I called the Pentagon and they told me he's on medical leave.
I came to apologize, sir.
I can swing that, and you know it.
I can't do both.
I can't touch them. I get it. I don't want to.
I can't... Am I the only person in this room
I could give a rat's ass about Manchurian Global, sir.
I could give a rat's ass about them.
I didn't kill him, if that's where you're headed.
I didn't. I asked you about your dreams.
I do my research too. We're going to the feds,
I do.
I do. I said I did.
I don't believe that our mothers and grandmothers
I don't believe that the brave men and women of our armed forces,
I don't deserve this.
I don't have the dreams, Ben.
I don't honestly understand why
I don't know, it's just...
I don't know, sir.
I don't know. What you saw downstairs.
I don't need your money, man.
I don't remember, Ben. I don't remember.
I don't wanna talk about this right now.
I dream things, Ben.
I guess there's been some trouble with this guy
I had to...
I have these dreams, sir.
I haven't even asked you a question yet.
I haven't had a relationship...
I hope so.
I just...
I knew the... A soldier knows the enemy.
I know him.
I know how much Americans have to fear today.
I know what it is to be afraid.
I know what they did to us. I just don't know why.
I know.
I like to say it the old fashioned way.
I looked you up too, senator.
I M plant.
I made a decision when I met you, Ben.
I mean, did he have nightmares or bad dreams
I mean, his public service, his congressional record,
I mean, isn't that supposed to be the point of this great country of ours,
I mean, posing and grinning like a goddamn sock puppet,
I mean, there was pain. You know, it was like...
I mean, you know this.
I personally know of a couple of Rangers
I remember running.
I see the captain enjoys the road less traveled.
I see you there all the time.
I see you there all the time.
I see. It's great. Congratulations.
I served under him. He was a good man.
I signed the recommendation myself.
I started with nightmares. Rumors, conjectures,
I still owe you.
I think so, Raymond, yes.
I think we do. I think we really do.
I think you all know my mother, Senator Eleanor Prentiss Shaw.
I thought I knew...
I thought that if I could just get to the water...
I thought we understood each other.
I thought you said you lost it.
I thought you were magnificent tonight.
I wanna be supportive of you. I do.
I wanna talk to you too.
I want you to help him.
I wanted to talk to Corporal Melvin
I was 20 years old before I had a friend.
I was drafted.
I was in the park on Friday?
I was, I was injured.
I wasn't hallucinating, Delp. I held it in my hand.
I went to talk to him. He wasn't home.
I will find out about it.
I will see you impeached on the floor of the Senate
I would just urge the governor to remember that
I write it all down. You know, like, every night,
I'd be lying to you.
I'll make you some tea.
I'll owe you one.
I'll recommend Sergeant Shaw for the Medal of Honor, sir.
I'll stay out of it.
I'm calling to compliment you, Mr. Grumpy.
I'm in command.
I'm in the lead vehicle with Sergeant Shaw
I'm just a little stuck, sir.
I'm just here to make sure you don't get cornered
I'm just, like, all scrambled up.
I'm just... I'm just...
I'm nervous. I yak when I get nervous.
I'm not afraid of him.
I'm not jealous.
I'm not obsessed with Raymond Shaw.
I'm part of a shadow unit. We've been watching you.
I'm putting you on a cocktail of methohexitol to take the edge off.
I'm sorry, excuse me?
I'm sorry, it's just that, well...
I'm sorry, you said your name was?
I'm sure you will never entirely comprehend this, darling.
I'm told it rules.
I've always despised the Medal.
I've been having the dreams, Ben.
I've been having the dreams.
I've been honored to serve my two terms in Congress.
I've faced the enemy firsthand on the battlefront.
I've got some dieter's tea.
I've got the hole in my back if you wanna take a look at it.
I've had one dream, not variations on a dream,
I've had over a dozen years of experts telling me
I've seen how the game is played by professionals,
I've seen the files.
Idiotic story.
If anyone has ever harmed a hair on his head,
If I could just get to the water.
If there's any inkling of truth in any of these charges,
If they don't look real hard, they won't find it.
Imagine not just a corporation, Marco,
In a supercharged encounter moments ago, president elect Arthur...
In all but one remaining race,
In an effort to learn if it is in any way related to the Shaw assassinations.
In case I forget things I wanna remember.
In fact, mobilizing an ersatz army of malcontents...
In his adopted state of New York.
In his dreams.
In record numbers today across the five boroughs
In the ensuing firefight, Eddie Ingram gets himself separated to the left.
In the ensuing firefight, Eddie Ingram gets himself separated to the left.
In the larger course of history...
In the last decade with the genetic reconfiguration
In the sitting vice president's home state of Louisiana.
In their cortical block if they get too close to a Con Ed transformer.
In those 12 years, I've been a good soldier.
Information on stress disorders, so I'm just...
Ingram and Baker and...
Instead of just sitting around watching it,
Interesting stuff.
Into Jordan's death,
Invasive procedure.
Involving Congressman Shaw.
Is not negotiable.
Is telling me is more real than not.
Is the highest award that any soldier could aspire to.
Is this okay? Is this okay?
Is working quite well for you.
Is worried about his family back home.
It could always be better.
It could mean I'm supposed to think you did.
It doesn't always come together, you know,
It doesn't diminish me.
It is a move that could save the Defense Department billions of dollars.
It is continuing with plans to finance privately owned combat units
It was just before Desert Storm.
It was sweet, but...
It's a desperation move, man.
It's a whole lot more complicated than that. Now, Corporal Melvin,
It's actually a very simple procedure to deactivate the gene concerned.
It's all right, Evan.
It's bad here, it's still bad here.
It's certainly...
It's clean.
It's exactly what they want you to think.
It's great for your metabolism, if you're into that.
It's horseshit, man.
It's like somewhere along the line I got brainwashed or something and...
It's my cell phone number, in case you ever... You know.
It's necessary for the national healing.
It's not so much what he said or didn't say, it was more of his...
It's okay. It's okay.
It's Raymond, sir.
It's very bad here.
Its chemical weapons program.
Jameson died 9/11, Pentagon.
Jesus. Where's the lemon? Okay.
Jocelyn, I have never stopped wondering
Jocelyn's dead.
Just a great American.
Just like you said.
Just state of the art stuff everywhere.
Just under the skin, left side.
Just wanna thank you
Keep going, Raymond.
Kuwait. It's you and me,
Laurence Tokar made news during the Gulf War
Let me get two.
Let's have a good show, people. Let's have a really good show, okay?
Let's prove it. Why don't, you know...
Lieutenant Colonel Howard, with all due respect,
Life is so bizarre, isn't it?
Like a long shot catching the favorite
Like it was nothing.
Like what? What do you mean?
Listen, it's...
Look at you. Look what you've achieved,
Look how far we've come. It's working, Raymond.
Look, captain, I'd like to help you, I would, I really would,
Look, I'm sorry about what happened earlier.
Look, it's out of you and you are still alive.
Major Bennett Marco claims that this man...
Major Marco, on behalf of Troops 1094 and 1128,
Major Marco, this army of two
Major Marco, we should be so lucky.
Major Marco, you will stay clear of Congressman Shaw.
Major Marco?
Major Marco's an excellent marksman.
Major, you've reached the terminal end of the Army's patience.
Make a decision.
Make a decision.
Make no mistake, the American people are terrified.
Make no mistake, the American people are terrified.
Making station stops at Baltimore, Philadelphia,
Manchurian Global funded me to make some of their scary shit.
Maybe he committed suicide.
Maybe one day, one of you fine young men
Maybe they know you're here.
Maybe you didn't do it.
Maybe you should go to the V.A. Hospital,
Maybe you wanna hit me? Go ahead, you can do it.
Media shy and reclusive,
More assets than the European Union.
Most selfless human being I've ever known.
Mother, I can assure you, I am as uncomfortable asking you to do this
Mother, please.
Mother, there's something I have to tell you.
Mr. Secretary, thank you for your time.
Much less this current convention.
My campaign people are getting a restraining order against him.
My dreams seem more real to me
My father, Tyler Prentiss, never asked,
My feelings haven't, though.
My friends, they call me Rosie.
My God, you invited him in.
My gut instinct says he won't,
My old Army buddies who love and adore me
My son is a war hero.
Nearly a mile from Senator Jordan's residence.
Neighbors say the senator was an expert kayaker whose morning trips
Neurons got... Got... Got exposed and circuits got rewired.
Never mind. Thanks, Jimmy.
New York Congressman Raymond Prentiss Shaw
Newark, New York's Penn Station
Nice to see you, Bob. Thanks for coming.
Nice to see you, sir.
Nightmares that you've interpreted using as primary resources
No leaks, no glitches, no... No dreams.
No offence, major...
No to all of the questions you pretend to want to ask.
No to the question you're going to ask.
No, I don't.
No, I killed the enemy. I didn't know them either, so...
No, I'm okay.
No, man, your sister didn't send me that check yet.
No, Mr. Villalobos, I'm just... The Army's got me gathering
No, no, Jimmy, the other one. The one in the back. The one in the shades.
No, no, you didn't. You said that you didn't remember doing it.
No, no. I'm a believer.
No, not even you.
No, not these.
No, sir, I don't.
No, sir.
No, the real danger is from suspending civil liberties,
No, they're willing to take the big risks.
No, this is how you play the... This is how you play Texas Hold 'em.
No, you don't.
No. He wants to talk about my mother. No.
No. No, that's not... No, yes, I have noticed.
No. That would be political suicide. Of course not.
No. Where are you going?
Nobody has put anything in me, Ben.
Not even a shadow of what was done to Raymond...
Not just the people at this party.
Not so much that you would notice,
Not to cut you off, but I mean, exactly the way that I remember it.
Now, can you zoom in on that guy?
Now, get off me!
Now, music.
Now, Raymond,
Now, Raymond, I am going to drill a tiny hole in the skull,
Now, Raymond.
Now, the Medal of Honor, Congressional Medal of Honor,
Now, we don't need your blessing,
Now, when you're rescued and returned with your patrol
Now, why don't you show me what you have in your file.
Now, you're counting on Tom Jordan to help you get
Of a statesman like Tom Jordan,
Of a supremely powerful, well connected private equity fund,
Of an emotionally compromised past.
Of course I'm interested. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.
Of course, as soon as this or any task is completed,
Of course. Jocelyn, good to see you again.
Of grossly overpricing plasma and other critical medical supplies
Of the assassin of Raymond and Eleanor Prentiss Shaw
Of the noble tomato.
Of votes tallied tonight.
Of what this country can be.
Oh, and look at you.
Oh, come on, man, let's go.
Oh, come on, Tom. They contribute to half the Senate.
Oh, come on. From the grocery store.
Oh, God! Where are all the men anymore?
Oh, God. Daddy!
Oh, I could swing seven away from you.
Oh, Jim, even running against this cut and fold vice president,
Oh, my God, Raymond, it's been so many years.
Oh, my God.
Oh, no, no, no, senator, I would and I will
Oh, no. My plucky idealist.
Oh, that's sad.
Oh, that's what this is about.
Oh, we'll get on that right away.
Oh, you're not interested.
Okay, if Shaw is in the Hummer...
Okay, so before we get started, I'm just...
Okay. So your friend's gonna meet you here, then?
Okay. Well, have you discussed this with anyone? These discrepancies?
Old friend up there, an old Army friend that...
On the back stretch of the Kentucky Derby,
On the killing fields of Kuwait,
One of my soldiers.
Oppose deploying troops into Indonesia?
Or being taken by illegal immigrants.
Or most of your RAM.
Or some tomato juice. No? All right.
Or we can arm them.
Out of a total of 30 million Americans at arms.
Owens died of cancer in '97.
Paper or plastic, sir?
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