A 20% tip, really, for that waiter? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A big guy live in a pros con from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A blt and gravy fries. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A blt and gravy fries. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A bottle of Dom Perignon, and can you put it on my tab? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A bunch of cobras got loose in Central Park. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A butterfly? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A Canadian pop star. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A clear winner and a clear loser. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A couple rules... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A crazy time unlike anything that ce before. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A drum circle! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A drunk jackass called "God!" from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A drunk jackass with a box of pencils? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A few minutes later, I could totally cut him down. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A few weeks ago, Ted dumped me as his wingman. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A G CWOK! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A giant boob wearing a suit of money. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A girl is allowed to be crazy from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A good one. He won full custody. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A great big knife... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A great friend, by the way. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A green tea with lemon for me, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A grizzly bear! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A hundred in the South Bronx at this time of night? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A hundred? We only got to 82 on our honeymoon. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A knock, knock joke. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A letter to the other person. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A list of do's and don'ts for all bros. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A little background. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A little bit closer to the way Gael from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A little crush on our sports guy. No. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A little. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A lot of cool people would hang out at. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A lot of people don't eat pork, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A lot. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A miracle took place today. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A new car! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A Panama City license plate. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A pencil went up Barney's nose, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A place like this really needs a lady of the house. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A rainbow! That's beautiful! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A rainbow? Sounds like that bitch had it coming. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A suit of boobs. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A super hot girl just because you didn't help me get her? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A terrible... terrible secret. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A tramp stamp. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A tramp stamp. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A two syllable "damn." from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A very important international business meeting. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A very rare frame from the turn of the century. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A veterinarian who works in the building, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A water slide park. That sure is different than what Robin does. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A while since I was intimate with anyone. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A whole sandwich by myself. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
A year. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Aah! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Abby and I are in love. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Abby goes bowling with her church group from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Abby is...? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Abby, I've told you before. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Abby, I've... I've got some bad news. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Abby, Pookie Bear... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Abby. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
About 1,500 bucks. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
About five years ago, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
About four or five gigs away from really exploding. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
About me and Wendy the Waitress? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
About something called a super volcano. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
About that... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
About what you might get to do later tonight? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
About whatever idiotic thing she cares about. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Absolutely not, Barney. We are not going to make a game out from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Absolutely. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Absolutely. I just have to go to the ladies' room. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
According to the bartender, I'm the guy from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
According to the Web site, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Account info, important addresses, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ace! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually she is marrying him from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually, I came to see you. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually, I have an idea. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually, I, I want to have four kids. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually, if he practices law in another state, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually, it's associative regression. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually, it's on its own island. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually, Kleenex is a brand. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually, you usually say that out loud. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Actually... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Adult Video Weekly? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Affirmative. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Afraid of getting hurt. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After a big relationship ends, you need some time to recuperate. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After a couple of drinks but tomorrow morning from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After a while, crocodile. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After a while, crocodile. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After four days without selling a single painting, Lily was getting desperate. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After he puked and cleared the line at the smoothie bar, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After lunch? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After that, her decision is made. She will not change her mind. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After they broke up, Robin went back to being Robin. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After they've broken up? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After this maybe. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
After we all finished talking last night, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Again and again and again, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Again? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Again?! Really?! Wait... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah ooga! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah, a hundred and thir... What? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah, damn it! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah, hey, Marshall. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah, make yourself at home. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah, never mind. No... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah, no, it's not. It's actually a type of bird. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah, the butterfly tramp stamp. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah, there she is. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah! Again, I'm kidding. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah! Just in time. It hasn't started yet. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah. Point Robin. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah. Thank you very... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ah... Stinson. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Aha! There it is! Robin's not going out with a guy with a kid. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Alan Alda? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Alan Alda. It was Alan Alda. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All done. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All I need is bobsled and the Apollo 11 space capsule. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All in one convenient location Yeah. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All Lily's gonna find from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All my friends told me, "Abby, be strong. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All of it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All of them, but only about half buy a copy on the way out. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All of these women have a right to hate you. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All of us reminiscing about how we met me? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All of what? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, all right. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, Bob Marley. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, bring it home, boys. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, but you guys have to help me carry it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, cool. How many do you want me to do? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, everyone out. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, fine. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, first of all, this isn't one of those, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, guys, guys, guys. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, hold on. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, I didn't want to tell you this in front of Marshall from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, I'm gonna try something, and if this works... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, I'm taking off. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, Ignatius, one more hour. Nice. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, laugh all you want, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, let's do it. Let's do it. Let's go. Hmm. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, let's meet your new doppelganger. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, Mrs. Aldrin, I'm going to need your social as well. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, so if you're not allowed to date a patient, I'll just... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, Ted, if you're going to go for the belt, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, Ted. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, the beers are here. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, we're leaving, we're leaving, okay. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right, you're suited up, I'm bearded down. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. But spoiler alert. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. I can't find your video. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. It hasn't clotted but I think from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. Start with 100 push ups. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All right. We're ready. Let's hit it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All sorority girls are sluts. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All subsequent worlds that I rocked were only so rocked because of the confidence I earned from said first world rocking. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All that stuff. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All the telltale signs are here. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All the time on my grandmother. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All this time you were, uh, you were supposed to say no, but you didn't... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All this time, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All three right there. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All you are is me on vacation from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
All you need to do is go down to the bar, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Allow Ted to do this. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Also known as the Vickie Mendoza Diagonal. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Although it's weird. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Although, I'm gonna be hitting it pretty soon. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Always... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Am a jerk to women. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Am I dead? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Am I dead? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Amsterdam? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Amy was cool and dangerous. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Amy? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
An admission of guilt? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
An And you make a kindergarten teacher's salary, right? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
An idiot. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And lucky you I have room for one more student. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And "me" has the best game. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And a box of pencils called "destiny!" from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And a bunch of seventh graders from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And a clear loser. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And a funny list of things to do with my ashes. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And a lot of times boyfriends and girlfriends... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And a perfect way to end my scrapbook. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And a quality girl would pick me over you any day. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And after she takes you back, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And again with the Weinstein triplets. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And again. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And again. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And all I could think about was you being there first. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And and I have to get her back. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And apparently money's tight now, so... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And as fate would have it that someone was Marshall. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And as for the girl I made out with at the party, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And as the application erases itself leaving no trace we were here ever... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And as the customer, I'm always right, so... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And as you guys know, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And assume you were gay? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And because of my new job, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And before you know it, you're naked in my apartment shouting, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And beg for your old job back? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And besides, we've only just started to looking. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And best friends forever all sophomore year. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And break glass in case of emergency, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And BTW, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And by you, I mean her. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And can't control her bobowels. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And clear. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And coming out of the Upper West Side, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And conclude your association. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And could help pay for law school. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And dangerously close to the Shelly Gilespie Zone. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And dangerously close to the Shelly Gilespie Zone. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And do you know why I feel so bad? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And don't even pay attention to what we're talking about. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And don't even think about opening that can from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And even though that girl ended up giving me a fake number, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And flush yourselves back to "pretty much New York"? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And for God's sakes, Lily, you text him while he's on the can. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And for Lily and Marshall, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And for my friend here, the meatloaf, please. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And for the past five years, I've had no regrets. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And for what? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And Frank went on to traumatize Lily's entire class from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And go to the bathroom?! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And have a commitment ceremony to my body if you want. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And have sex with her ASAP. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And he carried you six miles to safety on his broken leg? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And he didn't seem to remember any of his old tricks. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And he died at the army hospital which once stood on this very spot. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And he had the most amazing collection of Hard Rock CafΓ© T shirts. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And he'll never need to know. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And he's made 125 movies. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And he's probably racist. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And Heloise. She helped me do the decoupage. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And her ex boyfriend's name is Steve. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And here I am at the drum circle. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And here is my card. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And here's your water, in case you're dehydrated, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And hope that I absorbed it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And how dare he deny you from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And how to listen. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And how would that help me with Stella? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And how would you know? Because I live here. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I am forced to mate with the same old lioness from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I buried the hatchet. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I can see that now. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I can't count on that car to hit you every time you do. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I couldn't wait to see if my friends were as crazy about Cathy as I was. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I definitely can't do that to her daughter. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I did. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I don't even have a kid. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I don't know which one to go for. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I don't scream at my kids, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I don't want that! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I figure I'm not gonna take this job anyway, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I figured, what the hell would a musk ox be doing in here? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I forgive you. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I forgot my underwear..." from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I found a porno starring Ted Mosby! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I got to think, somehow, they're saving my life. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I gotta say, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I have done some horrible things. I mean, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I have to do some kite flying or setething. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I have to tell you, for these prices, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I just slept from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I just want to make sure you're okay with this. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I know I have no right to be upset at you. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I know there's no way to undo what I've done, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I know this great place where we can go. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I made a huge mistuge last night, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I made a pile of money on the ipo, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I met Mason Raymond. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I now know for certain that I love you, Karen. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I only stirred that with my pinky. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I only stirred that with my pinky. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I really like him, and he's got a British accent. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I reassert my commitment to both the aforementioned paramour from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I resemble a young Harrison Ford. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I shall inscribe it on theacack of the Constitution. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I shl I include a provision from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I sleep on the couch. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I think at some point there was a fish in it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I think I'd actually prefer it if you were mad at me; this is too weird. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I thought I'd grab you something. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I totally got some over the shirt boob action from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I want us to have our dream home. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I want you to hear it from me first. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I wanted you to be from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I was in a really vulnerable place from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I was right. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I was right. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I will make us some waffles. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I would have been working there when, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I, I feel terrible from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I, I wand d to just pretend like it never happened, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'd just gotten a big raise at work, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'll be honest with you, I didn't even know what it was, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'll tell you something else, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm drinking for free the rest of the night. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm enjoying living my life from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm getting a little sick of the whole charade. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm getting rid of anything I have no use for anymore. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm not looking for a mother for Doug. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm not lying. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm only in town for a couple of days, but, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm sorry, but none of us can support it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm telling you you're fired, bitch. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And I'm Unreasonably Small Mouth Opening Girl. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And if anyone sees Heidi Klum dibs. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And if he's broken the Bro Code, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And if I chose wrong, I lose them both. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And if you ditching Holly in the woods from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And if you had those feelings once, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And if you're going to break up with George, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And in any other relationship, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And in that time, we will convince you from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And in this case, you're paying them... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And is a totally respectable size... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it always plays out in the same eight steps. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it changed my whole life from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it eats me up inside every day. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it may be a moot point. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it reeks in here. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it seemed like that was the end of it, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it turns out, her normal self. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it turns out, that fixing the floors of the new apartment from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it was 9:59. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it was a haze of cigars and scotch and Swayze, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it was a huge mistake. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it was a huge mistake. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it was a huge mistake. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it was good for you? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it wasn't peanut butter. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it'll be easier too, 'cause she knows me so well. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's a good thing I did, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's a good thing I didn't, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's all Lily's fault. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's awesome. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's definitely not you being miserable from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's gonna take some time, too, so from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's got a huge blind spot. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's not because I'm proud of you as a friend. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's not cheating if she's from a different area code. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's over a lot faster. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's so convenient. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And it's too late for them anyway, but Ted, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And just as she was about to lose all hope, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And just like that from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And just like that, the illusion was shattered. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And just what are you accusing me of? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And kids, that's exactly what she did. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And King Larry... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And last night, at the hockey game, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And last night... ...you burst out of that cocoon from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And later at the bar, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And lesson four: from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And lift heavy things. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And Lily because they're old and married, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And look who plays the navigator, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And lying on the beach from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And Mark is my present and my future. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And maybe a couple of Polaroids? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And maybe it's because of that movie Babe or something. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And money. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And more importantly, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And more importantly, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And move on with your life. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And moved into a one room apartment above a bowling alley. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And my girlfriend, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And no fiesta would be complete without... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And no one outside of this room, not even my husband, knows. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And nobody, not even artillery arthur, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And not at all macho and petty, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And not even remember her. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And not the early years... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now he wanders these halls, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now he's coming here? Robin, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now I'm watching my wardrobe disappear piece by piece. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now I'm working for the bad guys instead. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now is the time when I'm supposed to pay her back. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now it's literally driving me crazy. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now it's time for "Puppy Corner," from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now she's dry humping him on a hospital bed. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now the universe is punishing us for it, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now we wait. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now we're being rewarded with a sea of beautiful girls. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now you have to live with it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And now, here's from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And Number 3 from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And number 3 is please keep the noise to a minimum from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And obliterate all life on Earth, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And of those 33 vehicles, I have had sex in/on 31. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And offer them a free painting if they throw a private art party from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And old blauman was getting reamed out but good. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And old friend from Canada is in town and I'm meeting him for a drink. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And once you figure out if she's the girl from the bar, we run like hell. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And our hands touched for the first time, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And our hearts. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And punch you really hard in the face. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And resentment just isn't useful. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And retrieve passwords through secure servers. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And say my Uncle Linus can live with us? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And say we want to have a dinner party from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And send a glass of champagne from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she also sheds, eats out of the garbage from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she comes back from vacation with that guy? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she needed some help setting up her stereo. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she really wanted to invite you, but she's too shy. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she says yes. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she says, "No hard feelings." from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she thinks to herself, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she thinks to herself, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she was doing well. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she was talking about me? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And she's rather cute. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And since I'm a professional artist now, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And six months from now, I break up with her from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And slip in a little clean stuff? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And so marshall finally had to tell lily what happened. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And so now you never allow yourself from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And so the weeks went by. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And so they watched it again. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And so will all this. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And so, inevitably, you have to do the thing from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And some werejust plain disturbing. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And sometimes you space out from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And spend my 30th birthday in a strip club. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And stay away from the windows. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And step on it. We're in a hurry. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And strode into the world, Armani clad and fully awesome. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And suddenly I felt cold, so very cold. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And suddenly, I just felt all of it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And suddenly, it all came back to me. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And sure enough, by session seven, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And sure enough, there was a clear winner, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And swim around in it naked. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And Ted, here's that yellow legal pad you asked for. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And tell him that he's the best you ever had. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that asteroid that's headed for Manhattan, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that box was labeled "stuff I have no use for anymore." from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that I had restored her faith in God. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that little Web site went on to get 400,000 hits. Thanks, Barney. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that person becomes sheer perfection in your eyes. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that scares you. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that still doesn't count as a Christmas present. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that story begins, here. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that was my yoga mat. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that wasn't Spanish, that was cup size. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that, kids, is how you turn a "no" into a "yes." from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's all I remember until the hospital. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's all I remember. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's also how the sport of Apartment Roller Luge was invented. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's how your Uncle Barney from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's just wrong! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's sports. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's sports. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's Step 2. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's what happened when I met... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's when I discovered Indian casinos. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's when I realized from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's why Farmer Frank's breath smells like medicine. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And that's why Gael happened. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the best part is I'm not even going to be representing from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the boob is lactating scotch. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the consequences that follow. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the Gerards across the hall? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the guys will be in the booth, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the market is really hot right now. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the National Security Act of 1948, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the next day, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the only way you're ever gonna feel from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the philosophies he espouses. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the shark... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the truth is, I was doing really good. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the whole thing shifted. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the whole thing starts all over again, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the worst part of it from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the worst thing is, tomorrow morning I have to walk from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And the young metropolit was out on the town, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then a few weeks went by, and all of a sudden... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then a little later the same thing happened again with Tidbit... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then along comes Step 3: from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then Barney will make his move. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then go on a shopping spree? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then go shopping? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then he became a janitor at an old folks' home from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then he starts on his hair. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then his cat and new vacuum cleaner both went missing. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then his cousin's website tanked. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then I have from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then I'll come in, looking hot as all hell. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then in the meantime, I'll slowly work down my debt. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then it exploded like a volcano. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then it should have flames coming out the bottom. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then last night started coming back to me: from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then loses it on the arabesque. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then Marshall tried to storm out... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then she made me cry, using only her words. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then she says, "Give me another set." from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then snuck down the fire escape? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then Ted, the love of my life, started dating my boss instead of me. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then the strangest thing happened. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then this morning... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then we discover the movers lost all our kitchen boxes. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then we fell asleep on the beach while counting the stars. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And then... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And there is something here so awesome, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And there was one young man who stood out above the pack. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And there were some problems. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And they offered me, like, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And they will staying with us how do you say from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And they'll e mail it to you or something? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And they're going to come get her on Monday. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And they're going to take from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And they're kind of competitive. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And things were going really well. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And thinking about peace? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And this is my friend, Ted. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And this was the third and biggest. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And those rights are, um... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And through 22 wonderful years of marriage, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And to your point, Ted, Lily is a quality girl. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And told me I was far, far better from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And tonight, you're going to use The Force from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And Too Much Tongue Guy was Colin O'Reilly. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And true game is about quality, not quantity, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And underneath, it should say, "I win." from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And unless you're pregnant, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And was eating oneof Robin's washcloths and from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And was eating oneof Robin's washcloths and from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And was rewarded with two beautiful girls. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And we never went back to the gym again. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And we want to have a brunch double date from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And we'll charge it all to one of my evil clients. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And we'll still be friends and move on, but... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And we're getting a hotel room in the city Saturday night. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And we're not buying it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And we've been together for ten years, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And what about me? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And what appears to be a national fast food chain mascot. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And what followed was a new era in my life, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And what I do with these women should be between me and them. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And what was heading towards me. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And what's worse, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And when I got back... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And when it does fail, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And when Marshall gets really angry... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And when that happens, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And when they took him to the vet, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And when you do? Free drink. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And while I was down there, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And why? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And why? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And why's my doctor watching porn? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And win the whole thing. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And with a little luck, in a few days, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And yet people fell for it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And yet you can say with absolute confidence from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you actually said, "I want to break up"? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you bought all the tickets. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you call it a miracle. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you can't avoid them... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you did. Well, you didn't keep your promise either. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you feel a sense of camaraderie. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you get to keep the duffel bag. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you guys are trying to freak me out. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you guys. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you have to earn the right to call yourself a New Yorker. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you have to sleep with the one that I dated for a year! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you know how they say that your whole life flashes from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you know that girl I made out with from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you know what else? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you know what, "Gayle"? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you know why? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you need to earn it with her for real. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you need to find that woman. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you never noticed that most of what Ted says from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you realize... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you said I was the best you ever had. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you should have known I didn't want to know! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you smell something funny, and that is it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you start to let go of it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you want to take it for a spin yourself. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you would pay me for that? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you wouldn't expect it, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're a pre op transsexual nightclub singer from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're coming with us. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're constantly using lame catchphrases. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're doing what you always do in relationships: from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're getting sand everywhere. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're going to keep on having them. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're going to tell me which one approached you at the bar. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're just going to have to stand there and deal with it, okay? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're married to that little bit of a thing. How does that work? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're pointing it directly at Wendy the waitress's face. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you're, like, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And you've got the couples version of the hots for them. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And your hands are shaking. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And your mom was perfect. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And, and one day I was out behind the school from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And, boy, was I right, because what Missy the Goat from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And, of course, the robot makes an appearance in the sad love ballad. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And, Ted, next time you're online playing World of Warcraft, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And, uh, there's a motel just down the turnpike. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And, um, I think I finally figured out what happened. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And, well, I don't know. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And... date. Huh? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
And... go. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anna, hi. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Another couple? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Another girl I dated from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Another girl, Ted? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Another kid just went, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Another rainbow? It's beautiful! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Any better about it is if you tell Ted what you did. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Any last questions for Farmer Frank? Yes. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anybody would be stressed out meeting new people. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyone special in your life? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anything else? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, because your first painting worked so well, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, both of these girls are into you; take your pick. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, both of these girls are into you; take your pick. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, call me back when you get this. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, continuing... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, every year, Ted and I go in together on this from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, I am so psyched to be playing Sunsplash tomorrow. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, I was close to winning the bet when something unexpected happened. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, I'm calling to interview you about your latest project. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, it's been fun. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, one night, his band just finish playing this gig... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, Sir Scratchawan got really old, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, they picked a date, so, uh, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, this is serious. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway, uh, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anyway... I don't get it. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Anywhere but the face. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
AOBCD8663. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Apology accepted. Let's go. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Apparently you can. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Apparently, a very common complication from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Apparently, there's a rule that says I can't date Stella. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Apparently. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Apparently. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
April 2008. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Architect, huh? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Architecturally speaking, fixing that's going to be... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are the blinds closed? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are the blinds closed?! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are the colors "neat" or are they more "neato burrito?" from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are the girls in there hotter than our dates ? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are the girls in there hotter than our dates? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are they Betas? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are they friends? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are they ghosts? Can only we see them? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are those new earrings? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are we related? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you a former athlete? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you a model? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you a total idiot, Ted? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you being a little bitch in my gym? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you blind? I'm making out with a 12. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you certain you want to go through with this? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you hearing that? That's the universe. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you kidding me, Ted? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you kidding me? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you kidding me? Why didn't you tell me?! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you kidding? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you kidding? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you kidding? We're popping the champagne right now. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you legally certified by some type of governing entity? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you literally on cloud nine right now? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you mad at me? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you Marshall? Yeah. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you nuts? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you okay? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you okay? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you paying these women? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you positive? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you s... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you saying you dnon't want to be bros anymore? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you saying you don't want to be bros anymore? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you seeing anyone? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you serious? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you sure? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you sure? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you telling me that from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you telling me that we just spent our entire life savings and then some on... from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Are you trying to kill me? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Aren't you going to see the doctor about that mole? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Aren't you taking the bar tomorrow? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Arthur hobbes is one of the senior partners from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Arthur screamed at you now you have to scream at someone else. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Arthur screams at you. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Arthur? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Arthur's boss screams at arthur. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Arthur's boss's boss screams at arthur's boss. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Arthur's boss's boss. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Article 29 from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Article 53: from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Artillery arthur. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As a matter of fact, no, there isn't. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As a thank you, okay? from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As far as I'm concerned, if I leave you safe on dry land from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As his friends, we'll just keep him in the dark. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As if she knew from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As in "We're good." from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As in we'll be together six months from now. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As long as she is equally hot. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As old as the city itself: the Walk of Shame, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As soon as she started talking about the wedding, from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As surely as they happened to all of us! from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As we watch him walk barefoot down the aisle from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As you can see, I do just fine on my own. I don't need a baby sitter. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As you shall henceforth be known, Ted and I have a schedule to keep. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
As you would have them do unto you." from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Ashlee with two "e"s. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
Assistant Undersecretary of Only Okay. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
At dinner. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
At first she seemed great, beautiful, smart, way out of your league. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
At first. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3
At my doctor's the other day. from How I Met Your Mother (2005) - Season 3