A "housewarming" party, too, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A "Quinntervention." from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A "Quinntervention." from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A 24 hour dentist. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A and do you want to hear me go, uh... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A baby in a trucker hat. That's awesome. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A bar where no one's overcharged, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A bar... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A bathroom on Thanksgiving people I know. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A Big Foot is discovered in her husband's mouth. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A board game! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A bootleg VHS of a very, very popular Korean movie, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A Boy Scout is always prepared. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A Boy Scout is always prepared. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A Broath is the most sacred bond between okay, yeah, I did. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A bubble bath, especially one from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A catcher's mitt, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A child that just developed ears. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A city of eight million people, there's no escaping Karma. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A clue. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A Coca Cola Yankees party? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A complete idiot for not calling. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A couple, perhaps. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A different decoupage class in the same building. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A disaster backpack, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A dog collar and a hot pink thong. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A dog in Ottawa ran all the way to Saskatoon! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A few twists and turns, hasn't it? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A few years earlier, Barney lost a bet to Marshall. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A four star hotel this cost Barney a fortune. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A friend lonely enough to smoke his own meat from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A giant picture of me has no idea who I am. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A Greedo. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A guest room? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A guy has to be the first one to let 'er rip. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A half open hide a bed sofa, a top loading VCR! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A housewarming party in two weeks. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A hunter spots a hairy form in the fore. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A kick ass labor announcement e mail. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A kid needs a pet cobra, Ted. Don't be a pill about this. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A little awkward, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A little kid's imaginary friend. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A little longer than I thought. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A little sign next to the plate marked "Vegan"? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A little something. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A little tie pun. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A little? She just texted me from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A lot about what you said yesterday, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A lot of guys would be weird or jealous. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A lot of the intrigue out of life. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A man misses his daughter's high school graduation. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A man, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A new apartment themed bar called Puzzles. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A new ironing board. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A once in a lifetime shot at happiness. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A picture of her from six months ago. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A picture of my ding dong on your phone. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A playa's gotta play! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A preliterate society, their menus display pictures from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A priest and a rabbi walk into a bar from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A private moment with my dad, so... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A quick warning, America: from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A race of creatures indigenous to the second moon of Endor. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A ray shoots down, lifting the park ranger, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A really memorable night. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A really, really nice guy. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A regular Burt Reynolds. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A room devoted to reminding me that I'm still alone? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A slutty pumpkin. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A soft two. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A song? A poem? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A special welcome our four new interns: from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A stapler, a pair of sharp scissors, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A successful businesswoman, a world traveler. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A surprising gift from Lily's grandparents: from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A teddy bear or an Ewok? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A tributary of the Trout River that feeds into Clearwater Lake. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A war hero, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A week later, Robin's plane landed... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A woman answers her door to find something more enigmatic from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A woman calls her father to tell him she's pregnant. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A woman makes a chicken salad sandwich. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A woman, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
A.k.a Sliced Processed Alien Meat from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Aaaaaa... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Aaaaaaaaa... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Aah, ooh, ow! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About "this chick," because from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About Bigfoot playing quarterback for the Vikings? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About cats. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About dating a stripper, you ask? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About Enigmas of the Mystical is that, well... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About every detail from your past, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About having sex with a girl in a stormtrooper costume, right? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About her dream involving Frankenstein from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About how beautiful her smile is, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About how great our lives were gonna be, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About how we're all gonna die. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About Kevin's theory. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About Long Island. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About me bending your hard little body over the railing from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About me getting to second base in tenth grade from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About not going home for Christmas. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About ten years ago, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About the likelihood of that happening. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About the whole wife and kids thing. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About wanting to not lie to each other? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
About your not wanting to find out. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Absolutely not. Fine. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Absolutely. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Absolutely. And romantic! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Absolutely. Let's talk about last night. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Abuzz. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
AC/DC? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Accomplished. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Actually into you, did you? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Actually, her name is Sadie. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Actually, I'm trying to have from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Actually, it's a hard cider. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Actually, it's, uh, it's "epiphany." from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Actually, keep going. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Actually, the duck could be Polish, too. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Adamantly against having a... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Address... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Adjacent. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Adopt a baby. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Adopting a baby with a friend? Crazy. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Adopting a baby with Barney? Freaking nuts. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Adventurous... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Affecting your judgment. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
After all these years, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
After everything that happened between us, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
After generations of adapting. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
After spending all day working on your art, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
After that night, we'll never be alone again. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
After that, background checks from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
After the second trimester, he made her stop stripping. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
After we dock, let's each do what we have to do, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
After you sleep with her, yes! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Again, for the purposes of this story... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Again, sorry kids. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Agreed? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah la la la... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, being pregnant is so much fun. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, cool. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, don't worry, Lil. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, even the tickets from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, hello, Ted. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, Lady Aldrin. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, Lily, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, on a separate note, guys, this is Maya. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, screw it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, something she said earlier. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, to really take us back, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, who cares what her name is; she won't be from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah, yes. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah! concert! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah. I I do... very much. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah. Smart. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah. Ted, you are a giant whining bummer. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ah... doesn't sound familiar. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Aha. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Ahem. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Aiding and abetting a kidnapping. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Aliens abducting people from their beds and probing them. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All 200 of 'em. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All aboard! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All beekeepers do this. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All day learning how to make kugel. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All day learning how to make kugel. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All I can think about is what Quinn is doing from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All I want to do is sit in the bathtub from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All I wanted to do was enjoy a night at home. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All I would find inside is a scared, trembling pile of crap. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All jobs suck, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All of my friends were in relationships. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All of my friends were in relationships. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All pregnant ladies have crazy sex dreams. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, fine. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, fine. I won't say anything. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, guys, I gotta go. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, I'll get my beekeeper's suit. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, just a little bit so no one will notice. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, let's watch this thing! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, Lily, legs up! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, maybe I could go for one more drink. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, thank you. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, that sounds good. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, this, this is exciting, okay? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, we got a lot of work to do. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, we're moving on. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, we're ready. Good. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, well, I will just cut to the chase. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, you got me. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, you know what, you guys? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right, you win! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right! It's trilogy time! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right. All right. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right. See you. See ya. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All right. We're moving on! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All that stuff from before. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All the meddling in Ted's love life, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All the other girls got a pretty dress from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All the smug hippie bands from the '90s in one big concert from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All these years, I never stopped thinking about you, Ted. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All three of which now need new names. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All we have to do is get our hands on that motorcycle. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All we have to do is sit back, play it cool, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All you have to do is admit that mystery is stupid from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
All your friends and family are waiting for you from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Almost as if your body was accustomed to low temperatures from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Almost every woman I've ever met was wrong from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Almost exactly the same sandwich. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Already checked. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Already had dinner in there, why not a movie? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Also Diary, I think writing in you is stupid, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Although I wound up fainting, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Although we seem to have picked up a German family. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Although you do realize that even ten years ago, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Although you know what is tied from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Although, it is paid for. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Always getting in fights about stuff from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Always good to tell a long story while people from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Am I right? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Am I right? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Amazing! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
American scotch from Scotland! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
An airplane ticket to Cleveland? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
An easy couple months for me. I've made mistakes. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
An extra slap could really come in handy. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
An Intro class. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
An Intro class. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
An oven mitt, a glass of warm water, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And 40 kilometers that way is the mining town of Smithers. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And a Boy Scout is always what? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And a broken home? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And a cake when they turned 14. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And a pretty decent Pinot Noir. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And a rental car that seats five, parked right outside. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And a sleigh ride with those guys, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And add Sandy, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And after pushing her to call him, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And after that, we're gonna shag. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And again, going through a tough time, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And against all logic, it was actually going well. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And all of a sudden, I had a piphany. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And all the e mail reminders said 9:00 a.m. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And all you cared about was some stupid bet? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And and now I'm about to lose my job. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And and your grandson's going to get stuck. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And assuming that epsilon approaches zero from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And await our inevitable doom. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And bang your patients. That's normal. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Barney wants to know the baby's gender? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And be carrying his child. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And be dating you by now. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And because for 37, you are keeping it toit! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And being optimistic all the time from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And being piloted by our own Robin Scherbatsky. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And bowls. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And boy, it's been a real nail biter. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And by the end of the night, one thing had become clear: from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And calling it Spam. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And carrying his child, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And caterer for the wedding. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And clearly you haven't seen the DeSalvo twins. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And clothes and a nice house, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And competing at the collegiate level? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And congratulations to you too, Ted, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And congratulations. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And consistency of your last period? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And count us into a better year, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And cut off a certain part of his anatomy with a cheese knife. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And dessert has fireworks in it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And did Marshall become a Ghostbuster? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And didn't call her, so she hunted him down from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And didn't get a scratch. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And don't say, "The Siamese Twins"" from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And don't so much as nudge it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And don't worry, Princess, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And dropped the weirdest deuce of all time. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And drunk to the point of talking like Yoda. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And dumber than this one. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And end this forever, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And enjoy the big surprise. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And ethically, I can't be your therapist from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And even have a deli sandwich named after her. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And everything's in place: the food, the wine. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And exciting and smart. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And feet I'm a kicker. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And filled out their online application. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And finally told Kevin her secret. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And find out if you're having a boy or a girl? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And funny... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And gave her panties... my hose. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And get all dry and cracked. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And get right down to me making love to you. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And get you back to your wedding. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And getting into a rhythm with my log. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And given me a rare glimpse into their bizarre way of life. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And go help Lily and Marshall, just like we promised. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Gouda! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And guess who thought my status update about Manitoba was from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And had a habit of lying to get attention. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And had a history of mental problems. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And have an awesome night and you're not there, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And have some cuddle free shut eye. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And he brought his two friends: from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And he is one of them. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And he realized that maybe private moments are overrated. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And he says that he's at peace with it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And he was all, like, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And he was even scarier without the toupee. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And he'd found a clever way to never spend a cent. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And he'll cave immediately. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And help me out? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And her mailbox is full of messages from you?! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And here he is now. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And here he is now. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And here I've been going on and on about babies. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And here it is: from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And here we go. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And here's another 20 for that word being "boner." from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And high school field hockey playoffs? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And hit in the nuts by skateboards, bitten by babies. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And how much I care for you, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And how's the sonnet coming, buddy? Dude. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Hurricane Irene was barreling towards New York. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I am so angry, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I asked him, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I begin to fear I am more captive than guest... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I begin to fear... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I can top every one of them. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I couldn't have been prouder. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I don't know about you, but I could really use one. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I don't know if I can handle a life from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I don't know if I can handle a life from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I drove all the way from Mom's, so get lost. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I gave the apartment to Marshall and Lily, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I got a big raise, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I got back boobs. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I got this: from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I have to deal with it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I have to respect that. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I hope you don't care about mine either. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I hope you have some aspirin at home, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I I know how much it hurt that I didn't say it back, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I I miss you. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I I... I I know it's for the best. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I just happen to be friends from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I just looked at her from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I just remembered there's a spare key from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I just want to make sure you're okay. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I know just the way to do it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I know people say that having kids means from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I like the way from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I need to assert my dominance as a man. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I ruined it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I should go. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I texted her, "What's up"" from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I think I finally figured out the best thing from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I think I got a sunburn on my cheek. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I think you do, too. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I thought we'd be cuckold. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I thought, "Man, Quinn is in such great shape, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I understand... Robin... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I want the gang to meet her. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I want them to keep an open mind, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I want to know everything. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I want you on it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I was there to meet her at the airport. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I was totally fine with that. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I would love to see you in the shower." from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I... think I want to say yes, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'd give you a really good price for it, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'd rather steer clear. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'd wind up comforting her. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'll give it to you. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'll go. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'll walk in on it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm alone without anything close to a girlfriend. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm always ready to roll. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm carrying this briefcase from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm getting rid of my mugs. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm married to that douchey guy in the trucker hat. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm not good at getting screamed at, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm not up here to videotape it from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm pretty sure I have a drumstick... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm rejecting their offer. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm sick of it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm so excited, because I've been trying months from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm sorry, Ted cannot pull off bald. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm stuck going with my roommate. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I'm the only girl for him. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I've been playing you like a fox. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I've been struggling with it, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And I've seen women from there; the city's aptly named. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if I do something colossally stupid, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if I don't have a guy for something, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if it's a little girl... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if nachos is all you seek... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if some hot woman gets all her clothes blown off, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if there's one thing I've learned, it's flarm. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if we want to do that. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if we're together long enough, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if you could ever do it, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if you don't mind my saying, your dad is from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And if, uh, you make her happy, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And in your honor... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And instead of going to Saint Marcus Hospital, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And invented a salad. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And it didn't pan out. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And it failed after a few months. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And it still makes sense that we all live together. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And it was... terrible. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And it's cold as balls, so get packed. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And just a hint of coconut. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And just as he was about to lose it... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And just know this: from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And just like that, I was taken back ten years... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And just like that, Lily and Marshall from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And just like that, the wall went up. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And keep lighting bugs on fire with my magnifying glass. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And kids, as I watched your Aunt Lily hold her baby boy, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And kids, as we now know, they did. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And leave it in the fridge for two days, nobody eats it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And left at the altar. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And look what happened. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And look, about all this... Just go. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And luckily, there'll be plenty of supply. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And majesty humbles us? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And make this our family home. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Marshall and Lily explained. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Marshall made an even 60. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Mrs. Madsen's friend thinks I'm gay, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And my doctor is at Saint Marcus Hospital! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And my facial hair just grows in patchy. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And my field trip is not going as well as I'd hoped. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And my piphany was this... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And my son is head of Cardiology. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And my ticket says 9:00 a.m. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And mysterious than Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And never, in a million years, will I ever want kids. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And not because of these these. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now I'll never have a mustache. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now my boss wants to see me Friday at 5:00, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now Robin Scherbatsky with traffic. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now that I know that... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now that you know what I did for you, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now the gentlemen! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now the gentlemen. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now they don't trust you. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now we're fighting. You know what? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now you're back on board. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now, to seal this sacred vow, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And now, we have an announcement. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And oddly enough, his name is Guy. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And once we iron out the whole pet cobra thing, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And one of them was even human. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And one of those appetizers just didn't sit right? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And open minded. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And our answers were just too different. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And our boss in the car downstairs said... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And our lungs fill up with salt water, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Patrice said that she would take me off your hands. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And pretending anyone who leaves you from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And put it up on the Internet, who will, FEMA? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And read a book, but now... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And reevaluate how I make life decisions. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And remember, not too much cream cheese. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Robin did. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Robin was staying with her coworker, Patrice. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Robin? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And ruined our relationships, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And said, "I love you." from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And scoop up some kids. Mmm. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And secondly, are you really saying from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And sexy and... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And sexy. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And she lies about her age, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And she prefers to trap her own dinner. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And she took it all weird. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And she wants us to check it out before the open house. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And she was from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And she was extraordinary. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And she was kind of mean. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And she's in a wedding dress. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And she's watching me right now. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And smiles. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And so Puzzles got a bouncer, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And so Robin and Kevin had breakfast alone, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And so the gender remained a secret, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And so today at work, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And so, as his best friend, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And so... by the immutable laws of the Ewok Line, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And some plates. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And somehow, despite sweet talk like that, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And sometimes a single second can last a lifetime. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And spit. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And squeeze until those greedy sons of... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And stand up for yourself. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And start growing down. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And still a guy who spends his whole life sitting next to from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And stole all of Lily's underwear. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And strangely obsessed with your adolescent sex life. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And taller. Just older. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Ted almost got into a fight with Mr. Cootes. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And ten points to you for pointing that out. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that feels good. But if you didn't have that slap left from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that from tonight forward, you're in this as much as I am. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that girl was muscular. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that I don't feel the need to keep score. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that magic moment starts in ten... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that might have been the end of it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that thing was to... eat a sandwich. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that your mom was a groupie for Supertramp. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's gonna be tonight! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's how Sandy rides. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's how you play the game. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's that. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's the story of how we met Quinn. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's the story of New Year's Eve. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's what happened in the dining room. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's when the night turned to absolute crap. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's why it's important to never keep score. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's why we don't ask him. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's why we don't ask him. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And that's why you love me. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the 9,000 points for banging Robin before me, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the anesthesia could suddenly just stop working, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the barroom debate was dead. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the biggest boob in here is you. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the firemen came and got it out, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the funny thing is, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the girl that the guy I cheated with cheated on. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the hot sweaty bodies. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the kid just ran with it! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the line starts out there. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the number of a man who can get me a kidney. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the only thing that Better Lily is better at than our Lily from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the rest of you may go. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the tea cup from Beauty and the Beast. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And the way she hugs him. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And their best friend, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then after Thanksgiving, Lily and I were thinking from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then Barney told me everything. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then came the smartphone. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then either texted me a bunch of symbols for profanity, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then he banged, like, a hundred chicks from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then her face turned... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then I can to tell you from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then I realized why Robin and I from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then it'll just be holiday parties. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then meet up at MacLaren's at midnight and... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then see if it's still a good idea tomorrow. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then she thought of the only other man she knew from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then the doctor said a bunch of medical stuff that... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then the lady at the thrift store said that for years, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then we agreed to "go back to normal." from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then we got dinner at the restaurant we hadn't been to in a long time. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then you'll have to explain why there's from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then you're going to hate me from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then you're going to have to explain all of this to the cops. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then, a week before the hurricane... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then, something wonderful happened. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And then, with any luck, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And there'll be swords and ninja stars lying around. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And There's Still Time to Reunite Genesis?" from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And these annoying notes he keeps leaving around? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And they had to put it all back in. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And they never saw her again. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And they never saw her again. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And they never saw her again. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And they're only 46 minutes away. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And this lamp absolutely cannot be here. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And this two dollar coin? A "toonie." True story. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And thus began the most harrowing journey of our lives. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And thus too old for something so cloying and cute. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And to be clear, this would add three slaps from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And to top it off, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And told him this is not how you treat your staff. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And tonight, I'm gonna have sex with it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And trying hard to be a better person. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And Uncle Marshall's fancy dinner. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And unexplained phenomena. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And unlike a certain JalapeΓ±o Coconut Vodka martini, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And until 10 minutes ago from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And watch out for my drum set. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And watch the Vikings make the Bears from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we all die! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we can talk about you leaving then. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we get the perfect picture in the perfect setting. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we have a baby. Just so you know. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we have an extra seat in the car, so... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we kind of sort of decided to... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we made a deal from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we still haven't found the nachos. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we sue the big guys from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we'll be riding the Drunk Train. Oh. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we'll have amazing weeklong parties, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we'll talk on the phone. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we're all going to hang out together forever. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we're all horny... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we're back... together! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we're gonna make it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we're here doing the limbo? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we're here tonight from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And we're not gonna miss the concert! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And what I found with mine from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And what you were saying about how women feel from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And what's funny is, three years from that moment, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And what's really scary is how quickly that can happen. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And what's up with the hand holding? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And whatever he's having. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And when I get there, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And when it is, I want you all to remember from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And when that didn't work, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And when they crawl back, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And when they walked in the door... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And when you reach my age, and height, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And where are we? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And where she is doing it and who she is doing it on. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And while you're distracting the nerds and fatties, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And who knows, by then, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And why doesn't anybody like these hats? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And why isn't anyone wearing the hats I brought up?! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And with your salary plus my salary, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And wore a lot of stupid hats. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And wrote "Vaginaville." from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And yeah, I promise, I'm practicing. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And yes, I'm gonna do something crazy, too. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And yet, suddenly today, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And yet... Whoa, whoa, whoa, fragile? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you all made fun of me. So guess what? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you also get... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you are so understanding. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you can't hang from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you didn't even recognize me the night we went out. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you divide that... No, no, no! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you factor in an aggregate of 32 boobs per car, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you find out Marshall's dead, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you got to third base with that slut. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you haven't settled down with anyone else, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you haven't stopped thinking about me. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you just lost five points for sass. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you know it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you know that I can't stand up to screaming. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you met Kevin. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you might find yourself worrying from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you must be "Principle." from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you should be at the fuse box. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you spent eight hours setting up Christmas lights from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you totally join in, right?! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you, with your blithe request, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you're already a terrible father. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you're not even trying hard! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you're nothing like her. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you're out at a bar with your friends, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you're sitting in the hummus from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you're there for Lily emotionally at first, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And you've used that bravery every day of your life. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And your cousins, and the guy that Robin thought was Neil Young. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And your father would bend over backwards from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And your soul mate. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And, and the day is still not over. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And, finally, we'll announce... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And, kids, that sign is still there to this day. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And, kids, they did make it. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And, uh, let's be honest, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And, well... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And, you know, few women have vaginal tearing severe enough from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And, you know, I want this baby to be born from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And, you know, this place from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And... I don't think time's going to change that. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And... I really don't want to mess that up. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
And... wrestle! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Annie Hall? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Another cake! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Another cake?! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Another thought popped into my head. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Another. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Answer: a hurricane. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Antoine Dodsons, and that jackass from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Any chance we could put that bad boy away for now? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Any inner city playground in your limo from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Any predictions for 2006? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Any thoughts? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Any way I can jump in with my thing? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyhoozles, just... long term bets, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyone born on this side loved the Ewoks because, why? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyone born on this side of the Ewok Line was from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anything about her before the date. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anything at all! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anything can happen. You could bleed to death... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anything serious. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anything. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, Dad, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, Dad, since it's just the two of us... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, Dad, Ted and Barney's, New Year's Eve from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, Dad, where was I? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, he's an important guy, okay? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, I had skinny arms, so I got up there elbow deep. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, I'm gonna call a real estate broker from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, I'm just working from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, I'm seriously contemplating purchasing from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, it was nice seeing you. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, let's make our own bets about this sex tape. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, she's still married to a death row inmate convicted... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, so back to my story. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, Ted Evelyn Mosby, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, Ted's right. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, that's the story of me and Robin, 2005 to the present. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, the next day, after the danger had passed... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, this VIP room has a maximum occupancy from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, uh, who wants to go up on the roof? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, uh... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anyway, while it's just us guys, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Anywhere. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Apology accepted. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Apparently, after child birth, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Apparently. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Architecture is my life's work. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are aiming guns at you. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are better now than they were three years ago. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are four minutes apart. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are going to be waiting. You don't understand! from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are gonna be here any minute. from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are they okay? Are they in the hospital? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are we forgetting about a certain Mr. Furter, from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are we running out of boring people? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are we still friends? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are we talking princess, ball gown, column? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you a fan of I don't know from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you a vegan? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you afraid of helicopters? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you any closer to deciding? Ooh... from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you at home now? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you aware that breaking a Broath from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you going to seize this slap ortunity from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you having a stroke? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you kidding me? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you kidding? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you kidding? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you kidding? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7
Are you kidding? from How I Met Your Mother - Season 7