Alright. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Also that statue like Enemy is a suit of scuttler and can only be hurt from behind. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
And that's how you take out a boss. For future reference, face kicking isn't usually this effective. Get a move on before more defenses show up. Peter's right. We should go, even if it means taking... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
And there sure are a lot of underworld enemies around here while we are getting close to their turf. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Another clever skull. I'll handle this. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Are you ready for the final battle pit? It's now or never. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Attack that enemy with the Cape by Meleeing the little bugs back at it. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Did you see that they were no match for your arrows? The three sacred treasures have still got. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Equipped. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Face the direction you want to jump, then flick the circle pad forward. Give it a try. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Fingers crossed. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
First, make sure you're facing the direction in which you want to jump. Then take a deep breath and flick the circle pad forward and that's that. Get in position, stay calm, then Dash got. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
For this final battle, you're equipped with the three sacred treasures. Using the Pegasus Wings and power flight at the same time. Seems like overkill. Who knows how reliable the Pegasus wings are?... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Get rid of the shoot flies first so you can take your time with the suit of scuttler. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Good dog. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Hades. Who's hades? The true master of the underworld. Sorry to keep you waiting, but now that I'm here, let's get this party started. Welcome to my underworld, pitty Pat. YouTube. Pretty palatina.... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Head into that well. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Her head. Now, this is the Medusa I remember. She's hideous. I can't believe she's still fighting like this. But this is a battle we cannot lose. You must overcome the darkness of the underworld wi... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Hey, your secret area, you're one step closer to getting out of this place. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Hi, yeah. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Huge draw. Your chances of winning are lower than your belly button, which is really low. You're pretty pumped up, huh? Of course I am. If we defeat Medusa, we save the world. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Huh. Did you hear something? from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Huh. What the heck is that? It's a temporal wizard, a temporal whizzard. If he deep fries you, keep your distance. One bite and you'll be finished. Well, that's a step up from eggplant, I guess. No... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I find it very ironic that you would call yourself the goddess of light. After all, it was you who turned me into a monster. It was you who hunted me down. You shouldn't blame me for that. I only r... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I said, wait just a second. Got to be hearing things. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I set up a grind rail, but I had to get creative. It's going to be a wild ride, so good luck. Don't worry, I'm ready. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I think they're on to. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I think we're out of Shoofly territory. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I think we're out of Shoofly territory. Good, cause I'm ready to start shooting stuff. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I'm a little lost here. Hmm. Oh, I know. Remember that old saying about spikes? Don't count your spikes before they hatch. No, the saying is, if you can't go around them, go through them. Easy for ... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I'm all kinds of turned around. You seem to be passing between the floor and ceiling. How very strange you're telling me. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
I'm going to try to get you closer, thank you kindly, but Medusa is using her powers to hold you back. I know it's tough, but don't give up. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
It'll take more than some fake spikes to stop me. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Just gotta keep quiet. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Just like in air battles, these shoot flies respond to shots being fired. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Like it was. Since you're getting closer fit. There's nowhere left for you to run. You know. I'm very much looking forward to your arrival. I feel like Rapunzel waiting for her Prince. Sorry to bre... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Make your way to Medusa. I'm on it. May laying the little enemies into the big enemy will make things easier for you. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Me too. What did you just call me? What are you doing here? The same thing you're doing. Pummeling on the world, fools. I'm just way better at it. Maybe you also sense that pit could use your help.... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Nasty. Is there any part of her that isn't a weapon? I guess it's to be expected. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Nicely done, pit. You've destroyed all three statues. Then it's time to destroy Medusa. The path to Medusa is back the way you first came in. How is that even possible? from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Now pet the eye. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Now this is one place I wish I could forget the labyrinth of deceit, which means a second helping of crazy. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Now's your chance. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Ohh this place again. This looks like where you fought the huge drop. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Ohh, you won't be using the three sacred treasures. The sacred treasures look cool, but I'm going with my weapon of choice. Just in case. Though, let's take the Pegasus wings too. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Ohh. I'm back at the castle entrance. Look, a statue has crumbled. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
OK. Next just one more to go before Medusa. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Pandora ready for round two? Seems Medusa could make her talk. What do you mean? I mean, that's not Pandora, but it looks just like her. That's just a soul dressed up to resemble Pandora. How cleve... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Pet, are you alright? I'll try to get you close again. Hold on. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Really defeated. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
She keeps throwing stuff at me. Try using a special attack. You can build up your gauge faster by deflecting attacks. How do you stay so calm? Panic isn't good for a goddess's image. Now just focus... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
She she's huge. Be careful. Listen well. Are you demons of the underworld? In the name of the goddess Palatina, the defender of all that is good, those who hide in the darkness will be made to face... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Slaying complete. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
So I finally meet again. Pissed. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
So this whole town is some kind of illusion. It's as real as I am. I built it myself using your and the hue draws memories. That's because you don't know what the original town looked like. No matt... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
So you've made it this far. You better watch your back. Isn't that just precious? Guess it's all that hot air that keeps you flying. You are darling, but you'll need more than bluster to defeat me.... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Thanatosis gym is shining. That means we're good to go. Get ready. Whoa. Ohh. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
The entrance to the underworld should be up ahead. I hope the gem from Thanatos works. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
The good news is that I've changed Medusa's legs in place for you. The bad news is that you'll have to get up close and personal with her. You'll pay for that. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
The metal backs on boogies resist everything, even arrows of light, so be careful. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
The underworld. We finally made it. That's a whole lot of enemies. Well, we are on their home field. Home or away, I fight to win. In your past adventures, the underworld was where you died the mos... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
There are hidden platforms nearby that you can jump on. 1st, reveal the platforms, then dash up to allege to jump. Well, that's easy. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
There sure are a lot of underworld enemies around here, yes? So even though the arrows of light do a lot of damage, don't get cocky. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
There's a whole bunch of. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
There's an arenus nearby. They split into two halves that you can take out one at a time. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
There's an ether ring. Why don't you try it out? from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
This appears to be the final guard, the last step before Medusa's defeat. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
This ether ring is pretty convenient, yes, like the EXO tank, it's a vehicle of the gods. The handling is a little soft, but it has a force field to protect you from enemies. Tap the icon on the to... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
This looks like where I had my first battle, and you've really come a long way since then, haven't you? from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
This ravine leads to the underworld I'm taking you in. Look at those trail tails drawing lines. Or trails, right? Maybe. Probably. I don't advise shooting for a little bit. The shoot flies here wil... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Twin bellows here, boy. Old pits gonna teach you even more new tricks. And if you're good, I'll take you for a walk. And give you a bath. And a treat. We're gonna wreck up some serious Nintendo's t... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Uh, I'm all set. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Uh, it looks like the bottom half lost its pants. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Watch out for orens ahead. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Watch out, pet. It's a clever skull. Yeah, I figured that part out. Got any other ideas of what I should do next? You'll have to defeat it to advance dodge to avoid getting hurt and go in for melee... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Watch out, Yikes. Do you like that? from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
We did it. We really did it. Congratulations. I know it wasn't always easy, but it was so worth it. With the world at peace again, even the sun feels warmer. Ah, you're so cute, pit. Now wait just ... from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
We're finally here. Look at these boss statues. It seems that each statue has a corresponding door. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
We're getting close to Medusa. Be careful not to fall. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
What is that? That's the last line of defense keeping us out of the underworld castle. It won't be keeping me out. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
What? from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
What? The huge eyes behind that door. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Where am I supposed to go? There's a path somewhere. Step on the switch and use the lights to guide your way. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Whoa. Now this looks familiar. But it's not exactly the same. Whatever we have to move forward, we have to defeat Medusa. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Whoa. What just happened? I think you just used a war of some sort. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Why aren't my texts doing more damage? Well, it is a boss, it's so annoying. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
Wow, warping that huge body must be a real pain. Who you calling huge? You insignificant little thing? Let's get you closer. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
You can use the ether ring to traverse gaps in your path. If you can make your way across all the gaps underground, you'll find a little prize. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
You did it. Did it? from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
You might wanna try getting behind the enemy. Just keep your reticle on your target and dash left or right. Stay close to the enemy and keep your stylus on the touch screen. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)
You're still too far away. She's so big that it's hard to get a feel for which shots will hit her. from Chapter 09 (English) - Kid Icarus: Uprising - Voices (3DS)