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South Park - Season 10 South Park - Season 10: A Satirical Masterpiece South Park - Season 10 is a television show that aired

South Park - Season 10

South Park - Season 10: A Satirical Masterpiece

South Park - Season 10 is a television show that aired in the year 2006. This season of the iconic animated series, created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, continued to push boundaries and deliver biting social commentary in its own unique and irreverent style. As the show's tenth season, it showcased the continued growth and evolution of both the characters and their creators.

The cast of South Park - Season 10 includes:

1. Stan Marsh - Voiced by Trey Parker, Stan is the level-headed and moral center of the group. He often finds himself leading the charge against the bizarre happenings in their small Colorado town.

2. Kyle Broflovski - Also voiced by Trey Parker, Kyle is Stan's best friend and often serves as the voice of reason. He frequently finds himself at odds with the town's residents due to his strong moral compass.

3. Eric Cartman - Voiced by Matt Stone, Cartman is one of the most iconic characters in the series. He is known for his selfishness, manipulative nature, and bigoted views. He adds a hefty dose of chaos and controversy to every episode.

4. Kenny McCormick - Kenny, voiced by Matt Stone, is the poor and unfortunate friend who frequently meets untimely and comedic deaths. Despite his constant demise, he always comes back in the following episode as if nothing happened.

During South Park - Season 10, viewers were treated to a plethora of unforgettable episodes that tackled a wide range of topics. From controversial current events to pop culture parodies, this season left no stone unturned.

One standout episode from Season 10 is "Make Love, Not Warcraft." In this unforgettable installment, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny become obsessed with the popular online game World of Warcraft. As they spend endless hours on the game, they do battle with a high-level player known as "The Sword of a Thousand Truths." This episode brilliantly satirizes the addictive nature of video games and the dedication players have to their virtual lives. It remains one of the most beloved episodes of the entire series.

Another notable episode is "A Million Little Fibers." This episode parodies the controversy surrounding James Frey's memoir, "A Million Little Pieces," which was later revealed to contain fabricated details. In the South Park version, Towelie, a talking towel, pens a memoir that is later also revealed to be a fabrication. The episode hilariously satirizes the media's obsession with scandal and the questionable credibility of memoirs.

South Park - Season 10 also features several memorable musical numbers. One notable song is "I'm Super," performed by Big Gay Al. In this catchy tune, Big Gay Al proudly declares his superpowers as a gay man. It's a humorous and empowering musical number that showcases the show's inclusivity and acceptance of diverse characters.

If you're a fan of South Park - Season 10 and want to relive these unforgettable moments, you can play and download the sounds here. Whether it's the iconic theme song, character catchphrases, or hilarious musical numbers, these sounds will bring back all the nostalgia and laughter from this satirical masterpiece.

In conclusion, South Park - Season 10 remains a standout season in the long-running series. With its sharp social commentary, outrageous humor, and memorable characters, it continues to entertain and challenge viewers. If you haven't watched it yet, dive into the twisted world of South Park and prepare for a wild ride.
A cartoon is about to air on American television with...
A cartoon.
A glorious event that finally made all religion obsolete.
A grizzly bear!
A harebrained theory that says I'm a monkey.
A life that kept getting up whenever it was down...
A lot of people in town just aren't ready to drive hybrid cars.
A lot of us don't agree with the choices Chef has made
A Million Little Fibres is the true story
A minge needs attention! At least a scratch once in a while.
A mountain lion!
A perfect Family Guy joke!
A primitive gaming device used in his time.
A smuggy day
A ticket? "Failure to care about the environment."
A tie?
A towel? A talking towel? That doesn't make any sense.
A woman?
A... authority?
Abandoned long ago.
Abort system initiated.
About Ike staying after school all the time Potcan.
About the incongruity of some scientific statements.
About their characters getting killed.
About your school cafeteria chef.
According to your background check, when you were in kindergarten
Actually, it's Alain.
Acuras are really nice.
Adventuring around the world is gonna answer?
After blowing up the Pentagon with a Cruise missile.
After everything we've been through together,
After having tuh, to wake up early, you know.
After I made it my Book of the Month selection.
After the flight so I don't get grounded?
Ah, goddamnit!
Ah, Ike. Could you help me out, please?
Ah, the Crank Prank Time Phone. Sure.
Ah, yes! Splendid! Good afternoon, lads!
Aha! Do you see? Where did you hear that?
Ahead of the curve on social matters.
Air it.
Alcohol is a crush, wich we use to medicate ourselfs.
All across the Midwest, people are picking up the pieces.
All better now!
All I had to do was have explosives planted in the base of the towers.
All in all I'd say that treasure is worth about $14.
All it takes to kill a show forever is get one episode pulled.
All over the Middle East, Muslims are burning American flags
All right
All right, all right, I was not responsible for 9/11!
All right, all right, I'll do it!
All right, all right, put it back in!
All right, all you dreamers and creamers out there in South Park,
All right, boys, I know it's Halloween,
All right, but it's going to take more than one good player
All right, Butters, I'll be tethered to you through this cord.
All right, check it out.
All right, Clyde. Hit him with your crossbow!
All right, come on, kids.
All right, come on.
All right, dude, what the hell has gotten into you?
All right, Eric, are you all set to go?
All right, Eric, you can go next.
All right, Eric. You can count on us.
All right, everyone back! Get back, I said!
All right, everyone get in and get a seal on that door!
All right, everyone ready?
All right, everyone, if you'll step this way,
All right, fine, Kyle.
All right, fine. Go ahead.
All right, Gary, squeeze the walkie button.
All right, Gary, this isn't working. Let's switch. I'll listen, and you talk.
All right, gotta be strong. There's still a lot more treasure to go.
All right, guys, be sure to tip your waitresses.
All right, guys, how we feeling out there?
All right, guys, listen. I saw Nelson in the hospital.
All right, guys, tonight is our big game against Adams County.
All right, guys. Over here. Come over here.
All right, how about fresh underwear for one hostage?
All right, I'll just use my special getting high powers one more time.
All right, I'll stay with Kenny.
All right, I'll take him back.
All right, I'm back.
All right, I'm gonna get a little high.
All right, I've dealt with this before.
All right, I've got one chance here.
All right, is John Travolta available to be a guest the week after that?
All right, just let me just use my tools.
All right, just what the hell is going on here?
All right, kids, I need you to keep an eye out for ManBearPig droppings
All right, kids, it is now my job to teach you the theory of evolution.
All right, let's get this over with.
All right, let's go win!
All right, let's go! Move out!
All right, let's split up and look for a passageway.
All right, listen, you know how in space movies they put astronauts
All right, listen, you mugs. It's now 11:30.
All right, look, all you need to know is that I am definitely not Oprah's asshole.
All right, look, I've been doing a lot of research on the Web
All right, Major Stone Shield potions should be...
All right, Miss Stevenson, you got nowhere to go!
All right, now get your head in the hole.
All right, now here's the plan.
All right, now we have to switch over to Interbus 65.
All right, Oprah!
All right, people, we've got to work faster.
All right, seriously, you're starting to piss me off now.
All right, Sharon, now do me.
All right, that does it. Come on, Kyle.
All right, that's fine.
All right, that's it.
All right, that's it. Get out of here, you're fired!
All right, the gig is up. Just put down the gun.
All right, this is the place. Now remember, you numbskulls,
All right, Time Child, we filled our side of the bargain.
All right, we'll work on it. Don't do anything foolish.
All right, you got the spot figured out?
All right, you guys, this is it.
All right, you guys. The moment of truth is here.
All right, you guys. This is it!
All right!
All right. All right, I'll go.
All right. All right, now get it into the masher. Hurry up.
All right. All right. Shut up. We're going to practise.
All right. Kenny, drink your Elixir of the Mongoose.
All right. Log in tonight from your computers at precisely 7:30.
All right. Maybe there is hope for me.
All right. Sorry, guys.
All she does is work, never gives her old minge a nice rub now and again.
All that treasure.
All the girls go out in the hall please?
All the...
All those hybrid cars on the road have caused heavy smug to develop
All you ever do since you got this car is drive around and show it off.
All you have to do is get an episode pulled.
Allright, cool, Rob. Go with Christ.
Allright! We're getting the hell out of here!
Almost all the evidence points one way.
Always the mom's maid, never the mom.
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
Ample parking day or night People spouting, "Howdy, neighbour"
An emergency?
And a secret that explains the mysteries of life.
And according to every movie ever made,
And ahead of the curve here in San Francisco.
And all the while your uterus slowly shrivelling away,
And as soon as the image of Mohammed appeared,
And be a part of destroying the Earth any more.
And be seen by everyone there,
And being read the Super Adventure Club manual.
And call upon the spirits of Hell's most evil souls!
And come up with real solutions to my problems!
And deliver it to the W Hotel.
And developing smug in Los Angeles.
And die hard modern hippies, young and old.
And eat KFC in front of me! Now hand it over!
And enjoy your favourite hobby.
And everyone gets a piece.
And everyone here will see.
And Family Guy posters.
And finally, of course, the Two Sisters.
And first used as a hideout for smugglers of the Old West.
And for dessert, how would you children
And form a part of the new script.
And full of messages that you've forgotten how to be funny.
And fusing with the San Francisco smug.
And get a blue wristband.
And getting XP with my party using TeamSpeak.
And give him his Luckiest Boy of America medal right away.
And grown up than the Midwest.
And hand out awareness citations to SUV cars in the parking lot.
And has a constant temperature of 57 degrees...
And he asked me one thing.
And he grows stronger every day.
And he had one of those.
And he lived for eternity,
And he most certainly exists. I'm cereal.
And he said that ManBearPig probably isn't in Colorado.
And he seems to be accepting it.
And he wants us to win this game really bad,
And his only way out is to coach a Pee Wee hockey team.
And how do I go about that?
And how Kid Two was always there when I needed him.
And I can't fight this feelin' anymore
And I can't... And I can't...
And I don't know how to tell him!
And I found an organization who says they can prove you weren't involved in 9/11.
And I have come up with a shocking discovery
And I need to report a crime. Anonimously.
And I need you to pick up Satan's Ferrari cake
And I think that people all over America...
And I walked up to Kelly Nelson and I said, "Do you smell lemon grrass?"
And I will get down on my knees and I will suck your balls.
And I will personally kill the Time Child and eat his entrails on my tummy!
And I won't take much of your time.
And I'll be rooting louder than anybody, saying, "That's my son!"
And I'm afraid that you kids have been double crossed.
And I'm calling it "Hell On Earth 2006"!
And I'm saying it and I'm totally cereal, but everyone just keeps digging!
And I've decided I have to kill my mom.
And if a plane hit it, where is the rest of the plane?
And if I don't get to play it real soon, I'm going to bust a nut!
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
And if I'm a monkey, then I might as well act like a monkey, huh?
And if we aren't willing to risk what we have,
And if you all don't want to work tomorrow,
And if you ask me, your show has become so preachy
And in the end, I know that somewhere out there,
And is going around killing innocent players.
And it had butt sex with a squirrel or something
And it isn't going to stop unless we move fast.
And it will be less painful for everybody! M'kay?!
And it's headed straight for the super cell.
And it's just not super cool, and you gotta leave.
And John Wayne Gacy.
And join the online sensation before we all murder you.
And just remember, Stan, win or lose,
And laid a turd right on top of Mr. Venezuela's head!
And learns the shocking secret behind the Family Guy writing staff.
And leave the house, leaving the back door unlocked.
And let's make sure nobody gets a stupid hybrid, right?
And made this, retard frog squirrel,
And make that anyone in the hall during class has an hall pass, m'okay.
And may be the end to the human race as we know it.
And maybe, maybe you think it's a victimless crime.
And molest several Tibetan children on the east summit.
And Muslim terrorists continue to make threats.
And Nanny Stella is selected to set him straight.
And no matter what happens, Butters, you are not to unfreeze me
And nobody knows who's responsible?
And not be smug about it.
And not have his head in the sand.
And now back to the Dog Whisperer.
And now he's about to find out that to coach, you've got to grow.
And now he's about to find out that tying isn't the same as winning.
And now I'm calling you from the future.
And now know this!
And now please put your hands together
And now the worst appears to be over
And now, every day time is slowing down.
And now, Part 2 of "Life without Chef"
And now, the thrilling conclusion of "Cartoon Wars"
And of course Kid Four.
And one and two with 911 and you get 914! Drop the 4 and it's 91!
And one dog is always dominant, the pack leader.
And only you have to die. Everyone is going to die.
And our daughter, Mindy McDonahugh Beaumont McCallahan.
And over here we have
And part two is going to air next week with Mohammed uncensored.
And pinch one off in the urinal and leave it layin' there for everyone to have to look at!
And pretend to care about safety and sensitivity
And put Clyde Frog in the closet so nothing would happen to him, right?
And sex with Eskimo children requires some special skill...
And she smelled my finger and puked! Oh, guys, you should have been there.
And show the terrorists and the extremists
And so he remains frozen for 500 years.
And so on, and so on, until Family Guy is no more!
And so then, I put my finger up my butthole, right?
And so this shape with four sides, is what class?
And so we are here to honour Stan Marsh for making South Park
And so we'll need to have a...
And so, class, that is when Joe Lee countered back to Aniston and said things like
And so, Steven, I'm making your book
And some jokester took a poop in it! Okay?
And someday when the world is rid of ManBearPig,
And squeeze out a chocolate hot dog... m'kay?
And stay in the forest, killing boars.
And stops playing altogether.
And swim it over to the joke combine on the other side of the tank.
And take 2 1 + 9/11 and you get 12
And taken several people hostage.
And tell everyone in the past for us
And tell him he's not going to live?
And terrorist leader Al Zawahri has issued a threat!
And that monkey had a mutant retard baby
And that the only way he could get to the antidote in time
And that, too. Stop talking with your eyes closed.
And that's the end of the game. The result is a tie.
And that's the end of the second period, the score tied two all.
And that's when Frank got his biggest clue.
And that's why I've talked it over with your mother
And thats what I got principal brah.
And the first explorer to bugger all the underage mountain folk of Nepal!
And the government was more than willing to take the blame
And the manatees stop working.
And the next thing I know, I'm in some kid's bathroom!
And the retard baby was different, so it got to live.
And then all four of you go upstairs to kill my mom.
And then dump the sand along South Park Avenue.
And then layin' out a big fudge dragon for all the world to see.
And then make plenty of money to pay rent.
And then one day a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean
And then one day, a couple of fish had a retard baby.
And then people with disabilities can demand another show get pulled,
And then some cartoon comes along from a country
And then that had a retard baby, which was a monkey fish frog.
And then the main dance floor area can be this whole area right here.
And then this monkey fish frog had butt sex with that monkey,
And then told him I had poisoned his lunch milk
And then unfreeze yourself three weeks later?
And then we wheel in a Ferrari.
And then we'll go to Target and I'll buy you a Mega Ranger.
And there are nine members on Silverstein's board of directors.
And they can get whatever they want.
And they convinced him having sex with kids
And they're mature enough to handle anything.
And this fake moustache?
And this gets me a Nintendo Wii how?
And to show my gratitude,
And warn Kyle's family to get out before the storm hits.
And we don't unfreeze them, but you are special.
And we will all miss you, Chef.
And we will never forget the names of the brave, young kids
And we will rent out the entire W Hotel
And we're about out of time here
And we've decided to move!
And what about my Ferrari cake? Where's the Ferrari cake?
And what do we know about the places Muslims live?
And what exactly is this First Amendment, Mr. President?
And what exactly keeps me on the stool?
And what was that purpose again?
And when an adult has sex with a child, the Marlocs implode,
And when he gets older, he'll be able to be your friend, too.
And where you first heard about ManBearPig?
And while their ships are away,
And why do people seek adventure?
And why we can never show an image of Mohammed.
And with a tie, he's in a kind of cancer limbo.
And with one fell swoop, you try to destroy everything we did!
And you know what that leads to?
And you must be Eric
And you were right, Kyle, it backfired and I was frozen for 500 years
And you'll discover the truth.
And you're feeling like I have no right to come in and tell you how to live.
And you're studying before school?
And you've just spent two weeks supporting a lying, racist towel.
And young Eric Cartman cannot wait for the new Nintendo Wii to come out.
And, like, apply its lessons to their own lives.
And, so help me, I will kill you where you stand.
And, well, we feel that your new car is changing you.
Anti matter fusion cone, and thirty Blaine HF watt triggers.
Anybody wanna dance?
Anybody? Jack off.
Anyway I'm sure you'll find it much better here.
Anyway, I can't believe I invited my old sweetheart to dinner.
Anyway, the President of the network
Anyway, what were we talking about?
Apparently it could cause 120 damage per second
Apparently, Clyde could not have been the one who crapped in the urinal.
Are going to die and there's nothing we can do to save them?
Are in love.
Are people really going to be that mad?
Are starting to take offence at your actions.
Are they strong enough to defeat the evil one?
Are we going to get cancer if we play with Nelson, Coach?
Are you cereal?
Are you feeling angry at me because you think I'm here to change your life?
Are you going to do nothing?! All right all right, we'll make a report.
Are you guys dumb?
Are you ready, my love? Here we go!
Are you saying that one fourth of Americans are retards?
Are you spying on me?
Are you sure?
Are you telling me all those people's characters
Are you trying to tell us the smug from our hybrids
Aren't you spec'd to reduce cast time?
As a way to scare the network into pulling tonight's show.
As an entire nation buries its head in sand.
As long as I get to the party in time to party, everything will be all right.
As long as I get what I want, you have nothing to worry about.
As soon as everyone goes on their lunch break, I can sneak back in.
As the first man to have sex with the aborigine children at Uluru,
As the jolly old guy who always broke into song.
Ask you to leave.
Assholes need stimulation, too, you bastard.
At 9:45 tonight, I will sneak out of my room
At Cartman's house.
At least here in our own town.
At least I got to see Paris before I...
At least it doesn't get all preachy and up its own ass
At least we're smart enough to know better.
At midnight, all the lights go down. The music stops.
At that moment I will use Intimidating Shout.
Atheism? No.
Attention students.
Audience, if you look under your seats you'll find your very own torches!
Author of the acclaimed book A Million Little Fibres.
Aw geez. Come on in, kids.
Aw Jesus...
Aw, aw, awww!
Aw, come on
Awaiting confirmation.
Babbling about people's lives and carrying on.
Baby, I cant fight this feelin' anymore
Bark, bark, I'm sorry, Eric. Bark, bark.
Bark, bark! That phone is for crank calling only.
Bark, bark.
Bark, bark. Hello, Kyle. Bark, bark.
Bark! Bark! Hello, Eric! I have missed you.
Based on what is relevant and has a point.
Based on where the boys were seen last,
Be safe.
Be seen in full view.
Be sure to bury their heads in the sand before you bury your own.
Be wary.
Beauutiful money, hahahaha!
Because anybody who thinks 9/11 was a conspiracy is a retard!
Because Clyde had a colostomy at age 5. 'Kay?
Because everything he does gets a response from you.
Because everything he does gets a response from you.
Because Family Guy doesn't care who they insult.
Because I don't understand why you became a nanny.
Because it does.
Because it was me.
Because it's your turn to be the school hallway monitor.
Because that is what the pack leader does.
Because that would be, of course, your responsibility.
Because their lives have become dull and empty!
Because then you wouldn't learn anything.
Because they made fun of Muslims, and that's wrong.
Because they've wrongly grouped us together.
Because to some degree, Ike and miss Stevensen are having a
Because you don't have any friends
Because you took my Xbox.
Before it was having sex with children?
Before we get started, I do understand
Begin episode jettison sequence 0 2 900.
Behind the 9/11 attacks!
Behold the Sword of a Thousand Truths.
Being a delivery boy for the South Park Gazette
Being smug is a good thing.
Being tormented by him?
Believe in ourselves, and we win in the end.
Beth found out they have a room at the Airport Hilton. We need to search it.
Beth, you come with me!
Beth! Bear mace that guy!
Beth! Bear mace that guy! And that guy!
Better tell the guys upstairs.
Between Park County and Adams County.
Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Biggie Smalls.
Bill Clinton.
Bin Laden went on to say that if Family Guy shows the image
Bitch, I'll twist your nuts off.
Bombs have already gone off in six cities!
Boy, this is neato, huh?
Boy, was that ever weird!
Boys, I don't want you hanging out
Boys, there's no such thing as a ManBearPig.
Boys, we have a very serious problem!
Boys, you don't understand. People need to think we are all powerful.
Bring everyone you can to my ManBearPig meeting
Bring up your inventory screen. Ctrl I!
Broflovski! Did you put this crap on my windshield?
But a freak avalanche makes Eric impossible to find.
But did you know jet fuel doesn't burn at a high enough temperature to melt steel?
But every time he got somewhere, he realised
But every time we log in some other player comes in and kills us.
But everyone does it. I mean, it's not like everyone else gets to live
But everyone thinks Zazul's schoolgirl costume is hotter.
But Family Guy is going to show Mohammed on an episode
But first, maybe I'll get a little high.
But hang in there, all right?
But have no fear, because I am here to save you.
But he doesn't have the puck.
But how come we can't just take the bus on in to the city?
But hybrid cars are the leading cause of smug, m'kay.
But I am.
But I bet you're gonna find that without Kyle around to rip on,
But I do believe this steer I'm riding has the farts.
But I don't need lectures.
But I feel kind of bad for him, Dad. I don't think he has any friends.
But I got it fixed, so there won't be a problem any more.
But I hate you.
But I have some pretty exciting news for you.
But I just did what he told me!
But I need to be clear.
But I ran away from home.
But I think it's pretty amazing. And I think it's real.
But I thought you said...
But I want you to know I admire your passion.
But I wanted a Ferrari!
But I'll get by somehow.
But I'm like Charlie Sheen and Gloria Estefan.
But I've been out living on the streets for almost four hours.
But I've been told I have to teach it anyway.
But if we all log in together, we might have a chance.
But if we were super high level too...
But if you censor out Mohammed,
But if you give in to that, Doug, you're allowing terrorism to work.
But if you give in to that, Doug, you're allowing terrorism to work.
But in here,
But in the blink of an eye, what seemed important before
But in the hands of irrational people, Isms always lead to violence.
But it goes for a long, long way and it's pretty steep.
But it is the year 2546.
But it is the year 2546.
But it isn't supposed to end like this.
But it was foretold that one day
But it wasn't until he met his beautiful wife
But it won't make your dried up ovaries any more fertile.
But it works equally well on the child.
But it works equally well on the child.
But it's me, Satan. Steve Irwin. I am the Crocodile Hunter.
But just censor out the image of Mohammed again?
But maybe these new players are the ones the prophecy foretold of!
But nobody better show up as The Crow.
But nobody took any idea balls out of the tank, did they?
But not act like we're better than everyone else because of it?
But now heed my words!
But now I just sit here in the dark. Not even so much as a pinkie.
But now I see why you don't have any friends!
But now it appears that Satan will literally be among us.
But now look at this photo of the Pentagon. The hole is not nearly big enough.
But now that you're back here,
But now the moment has come to send you back to your time.
But now the most wonderful part.
But now, he's about to find out that getting his bike back isn't so easy.
But now, they're going to play in the big leagues.
But one fourth of the population is retarded.
But Oprah's always busy.
But people who drive hybrid cars are the leading cause of smug.
But probably the most damning of all is the evidence seen in this photo of Tower 2!
But some of the most intelligent otters I've ever known,
But someday your gonna realize it was for the best.
But that doesn't mean it has to go off the air!
But that inside he's still the same angry, spoiled child.
But the conspiracy site was run by the government?
But the ideas I come up with when I'm high keep getting me in trouble.
But the rest of us don't.
But the sword was considered to be too powerful for anyone to possess,
But there is help out there for people like you.
But there is to be no more throwing of faeces. Understood?
But there must have been some motive.
But there's no child too tough for Super Nanny.
But they won't leave, it's really frustrating?
But they'll make up a scapegoat, send him to detention, and make us all believe it.
But those are civilian otters.
But those times are going to come. And one of those times is right now.
But we can't let the events of the last week
But we don't defend it.
But we don't have years!
But we gotta get going to school now.
But we know you must do what your heart tells you.
But we're just going to try to get the Mohammed episode pulled.
But we're probably gonna want security at the dimensional vortex gate.
But what about me? I want to talk.
But what can I do?
But what if he does run away?
But when I drink, the alcohol makes me say and do things I normally wouldn't do.
But where there is loss, there is hope, for ManBearPig is no more.
But where will we find enough sand for everyone?
But who would benefit from crapping in the urinal?
But why do you need Chef?
But why me, Coach? Why?
But without her trying to run my life.
But you can't summon dead rappers in the mirror.
But you don't know what it's like...
But you have to think of something fast, and getting high makes you smart.
But you just had to keep digging!
But you ruined the whole show!
But you would, right?
But you're going to have to stay firm and confident.
But you're here right now!
But you're his coach. You're like a father to him.
But you're still dead.
But you're telling me not to go with you.
But, Dad, he's gonna bust a cap in my ass!
But, Eric, meow, meow,
But, everyone thinks I was responsible for 9/11.
But, frankly, we believe his behavioural problems start at home.
But, honey, it's only September.
But, in the end, could not.
But, Mr. President, this is a matter of national security.
But, Peter, I don't want to cook dinner for your ex girlfriend.
But, to win,
But, unfortunately, you live
But... she's a woman.
But... she's hot.
Butters, come on, we've got to go!
Butters, do you think 9/11 was just a plot by some angry terrorists
Butters, get your coat. We gotta go.
Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer
Butters, I'll crash with you
Butters, if anybody else comes across my frozen body,
Butters, what the hell are you doing?
Butters, you don't really believe that, do you?
Butters, you haven't seen Eric Cartman in the past few days, have you?
Butters, you said you're on your computer all the time.
Butters! We told you to be in bed! What are you doing?
Butters? Butters, you black asshole!
Butters? Butters!
Butters. Butters, I think I'm here.
By myself?
By the greatest explorer of all time, William P. Finneus!
By the possibility of violence.
By trying to have a party like those spoiled, rich teenage girls on MTV,
By using approximately 18 dozen shovels,
Call security and make you leave!
Called Smugglers Den.
Called the Sword of a Thousand Truths into the game inventory.
Can all be put in perspective.
Can anything bad happen if you completely freeze yourself
Can I go now? You guys are blind!
Can I help you? You seen this woman, brah?
Can I just get you to sign the awareness sheet?
Can it. You otters may have evolved to the point you can talk,
Can we get going now, please?!
Can we just place our order, please?
Can we speak to the head guy or something?
Can you and your friends make it
Can you believe all these imbeciles in Texas?
Can you believe it, Stan? The Pepsi Centre.
Can you believe some people still don't drive hybrids?
Can you believe this? An SUV with a V8 engine.
Can you explain to the audience why you said you weren't a towel before?
Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me?
Can you imagine a world with no religion?
Can you understand me?
Can't I just stay and look at the sign a little longer?
Can't somebody else operate this?
Can't take it any more. All she ever does is work, work, work.
Careful, darling. The school board doesn't like it when we...
Careful, son. Just because their Science leads them
Carpal tunnel! Carpal tunnel!
Cartman reaches the Family Guy studio
Cartman, seriously, you need to see a doctor.
Cartman, stop hogging the goddamn ball.
Cartman, you okay?
Cartman? You see anything?
Causing a sound you can hear.
Cesar. I'm so happy you're back.
Chapters four through eight, however,
Character name... All right, I'm in!
Charmed to meet you, Ms...
Check out this sweet move.
Chef has been and still is a paedophile.
Chef said he's been bored,
Chef, are you okay?
Chef, come on!
Chef, the police are asking questions about you!
Chef, we love you.
Chef, we're leaving.
Chef, what kind of questions do you think
Chef! Chef!
Chef! I can't believe you're back!
Children, run!
Children, what have I done?
Chris, the people at table three need their cheque.
Christ, he's here.
Cities like Denver and Salt Lake are heavily damaged but still all right.
Close the door! I'm trying to freeze!
Clyde, you asshole!
Clyde! Clyde!
Clyde? Clyde!
Coach, does God hate me?
Coach, I have to go potty.
Coach, please don't let us lose to Adams County.
Coach, what the hell were you thinking?
Coach, what's it like when you die?
Coach, why do people get cancer?
Coach? Hey, Coach!
Code 234.
Come back here!
Come crashin' through your door
Come dressed like The Crow 'cause they wanna look hot and hook up.
Come here, sugar.
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Come on in, Bob.
Come on in, Eric.
Come on in, K 10!
Come on in, Mr. President.
Come on in, please. I'm just trying to get your son to explain why
Come on, boys, get in the car.
Come on, Butters, it's going to get dark!
Come on, Butters, we're going.
Come on, Butters, you stupid Jew.
Come on, Chef!
Come on, Chef! You can do it!
Come on, children. Let's all go home and make love.
Come on, children. Let's go home.
Come on, children. You're my sexual fantasy.
Come on, darling!
Come on, everybody, be people now
Come on, everybody, be people now
Come on, everybody, let's go buy wasteful gas guzzlers.
Come on, everyone. Let's sing!
Come on, guys, we might as well go.
Come on, Helen. Let's just go back to Hell.
Come on, let's take your son for a walk.
Come on, Mohammed, let's get some tea.
Come on, Ms. Cartman, you must become pack leader.
Come on, people
Come on, people Come on, people, now
Come on, people, let's be people now
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