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The Simpsons - Season 25 The Simpsons is a beloved American animated television show that has been entertaining viewers since

The Simpsons - Season 25

The Simpsons is a beloved American animated television show that has been entertaining viewers since its debut in 1989. With its witty humor, clever satire, and lovable characters, the show has garnered a massive fan base across the globe. One of its standout seasons is Season 25, which aired in 2013.

The cast of The Simpsons is an ensemble of talented voice actors who bring the iconic characters to life. The main family, the Simpsons, consists of Dan Castellaneta as Homer Simpson, the lovable yet bumbling patriarch; Julie Kavner as Marge Simpson, the patient and understanding mother; Nancy Cartwright as Bart Simpson, the mischievous troublemaker; Lisa Simpson as Lisa Simpson, the intelligent and compassionate daughter; and Hank Azaria as a multitude of characters, including the hysterical family friend, Moe Szyslak.

Season 25 of The Simpsons introduced a plethora of memorable episodes that kept fans laughing throughout. One such episode is "Homerland," where a suspicious Homer returns from a convention and the family becomes convinced that he has been turned into a sleeper agent. This episode parodies the popular drama series "Homeland" and offers a unique twist on the concept.

Another standout episode is "Steal This Episode," where Homer develops a new illegal streaming website, leading him to be pursued by the FBI. This episode cleverly satirizes the changing landscape of media consumption and intellectual property rights.

In addition to the regular cast, The Simpsons often features guest appearances from renowned actors and celebrities. Season 25 was no exception, with stars like Kristen Wiig, Daniel Radcliffe, and Steve Carell gracing the show with their talent and comedic timing.

The Simpsons is not only known for its hilarious dialogue and engaging storylines but also for its iconic sound design. From Bart's signature catchphrase "Eat My Shorts!" to Homer's jubilant "Woohoo!" there are countless memorable sounds associated with the show. Fans of The Simpsons can now relive these iconic moments by playing and downloading these sounds from various online platforms.

If you're a fan of The Simpsons, whether you've been following the show for years or just discovering it, Season 25 is certainly one to add to your must-watch list. With its blend of social commentary, laugh-out-loud humor, and heartwarming moments, this season is sure to leave viewers entertained and wanting more.

So, grab a couch, settle in, and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of The Simpsons. Whether you're watching it for the first time or revisiting your favorite episodes, Season 25 is a timeless gem that will always bring a smile to your face. And remember, you can now play and download these sounds to keep the spirit of The Simpsons alive wherever you go!
A "same time next year" affair with.
A baby I delivered in an elevator
A baby, and a law banning air horns after 3:00 a.m.
A baby.
A Band Aid on its tail, aw!
A beer from the sky!
A box kite! (screams)
A brief one.
A brother can never be friends with his sister.
A builders competition!
A chicken feather?
A chocolate bowling ball and a fresh pork sandwich.
A contest? But, sir, we don't have
A corporation that does good work and cares about people.
A cycle you'll never ever,
A dashing Russian count with multiple lovers!
A devil of a time making friends.
A fat kid with a dream?
A few words with this young man.
A final field goal.
A fireworks show, I will.
A friend from high school.
A full evening of divertissement,
A functioning air conditioner.
A goat!
A good time for you to find out
A grasshopper in paint
A grip without a Jet Ski ain't no grip at all!
A gumbamel's a camel but faster and humbler.
A highly toxic poison.
A hole in your stomach the size of a silver dollar.
A house divided against itself...
A jalopy, an icebox,
A kid?!
A Lincoln Republican?
A little bit more.
A little bit.
A little broth will cure your mental illness.
A little older, kind of strange.
A little singing?
A local boy clings to life in a story
A lot of good things have been happening to me.
A man who loved Hollywood too much.
A meeting devoted to economic recovery and job creation.
A mere sip would have dissolved
A money cushion.
A mother's greatest fear.
A mystery now, we hope to have close up photos
A naked rooftop cookout, and... Oh, my god!
A napkin.
A night where you discovered I was cheating
A party monster!
A person on morphine all the time
A piece.
A pretty good place.
A professional freelance writer,
A pursuit!
A Reagan Republican?
A relationship I continued to this day.
A respectful period of grief and whatnot, uh...
A series of reforms called the New Deal.
A sky tweet from Commissioner Sweeney!
A spit wad?
A steamer trunk full of fedoras!
A subsidiary of your penis.
A tainted victory that will haunt you forever.
A tall beer and no judgmental women.
A Transformer that transforms into a heart?
A true legend in the voice over community.
A used red nose
A very small time!
A very special tummy ache.
A what? I painted it!
A wife and three kids!
A word you should know
Aah, ooh, ah!
Aah! Bart Simpson got a teacher pregnant!
Aah! Dick Fiddler!
Aah! Monkeys!
Aah! My other baby mama.
Aah! Reality.
Abort! Oh, no.
About a chubby unpopular boy named Homer.
About a... a a wonderful, beautiful thing.
About all this hinting.
About each other?
About having all my dreams fulfilled,
About my life and start wallowing in the past.
About people standing up to big corporations
About premarital sex in the Middle East,
About some painting to my Mom and Dad?
About something else..
About that, things will be seen.
About the 65% that we're keeping.
About the glasses. Mm!
About the Simpsons today.
About time!
Absolutely. We're talking about Lisa, right?
Accessing soup kitchens.
Across the street?
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene,"
Actually, all the rest of the way.
Actually, half a kiosk.
Actually, Homer got up early to count and sort pills.
Actually, I think it... Lucas Bortner, competitive eater.
Actually, I'm a little surprised Lisa likes him.
Actually, I've been hit by the unfair labor practices bug.
Actually, it's more of a globular cluster.
Actually, July 2 is
Actually, Principal Skinner, I'm here to talk
Actually, Terrance,
Actually, the idea to do this came from a book.
Actually, there's a little more.
Actually, this is a collar button, see?
Actually, this one undoes the stuff
After 35 years of marriage,
After 35 years of wifely obedience,
After all that time and hard work, I'll have...
After all these years.
After all, we are all just children of Allah.
After checking the mailbox one last time,
After Korea, I was drowning in boobies.
After Korea, I was drowning in boobies.
After night...
After seeing all those pictures online.
After the Oscars, when he forces you.
After they're old and forgotten.
After this break.
After this procedure,
After this, we'll do makeovers.
After you wear that, you need to be hosed down for bedbugs.
Again? I was hoping you could spend some time with the kids.
Age guidelines are conservative, and everyone knows it.
Agent crawford, fbi.
Ah yes, seascape,
Ah, "July 4th..."
Ah, all good.
Ah, Brazil.
Ah, but she's sweet on the strong man.
Ah, give it a shot.
Ah, he is just riding that thermal!
Ah, he's doing it!
Ah, hey, Midge. Uh...
Ah, how eagerly I would wait for a letter
Ah, just let me say good bye
Ah, perfect.
Ah, reckless youth. He'll be okay.
Ah, shut your bone hole!
Ah, too much aggravation.
Ah, yeah, I knew you'd think it's dumb.
Ah, yes. Top of the hill.
Ah, you know Mozart?
Ah, young love.
Ah, your fluency is impressive.
Ah! 'Cause in a toy town,
Ah! Hide! Hide!
Ah! Ow! Yeah!
Ah. Always good to meet a fellow AMFOP.
Ah... Is it too soon
Aka ni taishte burei da!
Albert Knickerbocker Aloysius Snake
All (chanting): Convention! Convention!
All 12 of them.
All different and hard to get.
All eggnog is terrible.
All fixed up!
All four quadrants!
All girls, please move to cootie quarantine.
All has been tainted.
All he did was yell "traveling" at the screen.
All hurdles are the same size.
All I ask is that you set aside
All I ever had was you looking out for me.
All I got is a hole in my face!
All I had to do was click on...
All I have left is a phone message from my late wife.
All I have left is my drawing.
All I need to see this movie
All is forgiven.
All is not lost.
All movies should be shared freely.
All my dreams, lived?
All names for the mysterious elixir known as Strupo.
All of you!
All our friends are like that.
All patched up!
All right, '80s party! Where's the beef?
All right, Bob, you've created 5,000 patents,
All right, Homer, we shall do this thing.
All right, Homer.
All right, I'll come clean.
All right, I'll have the lasagna.
All right, I'll leave you and Bob
All right, I'll turn myself in.
All right, just for that attitude, turbulence.
All right, just so there are no misunderstandings,
All right, make sure there's some French bread sticking out.
All right, movie, you better be worth it.
All right, Simpson.
All right, so the rules are
All right, son,
All right, take off his hood.
All right, take them, take them!
All right, you're hurt.
All right, you've made your point.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. For some reason,
All rights revert to father."
All rise in the matter
All sales are final!
All seems quiet.
All thanks to Homer Simpson!
All that she did was switch seats on a plane.
All that's left are clever last words.
All that's left is Bart.
All the classrooms are skate parks,
All the crabs you could smash.
All the extra credit we can give out.
All the glamour foods: pizza, boiled eggs, chicken wings
All the people are doing is watching a movie.
All the way to a new contract.
All these guys are alive.
All we do bite, bite, bite.
All we hear is: ribbit, ribbit!
All we want is brand new, big budget entertainment
All you boppers going to the park tonight,
All you gals
All you have to do is...
All you need to do is open the box back
Allow me to introduce our guest speaker
Allow me to introduce our guest speaker
Also available in "Arctic Slut,"
Also helped America win World War Two.
Also means when you die, you die!
Also, Marge is in therapy, and she didn't even tell me.
Also, take out the trash.
Although Dickens was pretty well behaved.
Although I won't miss the constant yapping.
Always bragging about his watch band.
Always I'm increasing the tension.
Always with me.
Always wondered what that was.
Am about to be arrested for corruption.
Amazingly, the hamster's older than I am.
Amen, baby.
Amen! We're done!
Amen! We're done!
America faces an ominous new threat
American nerd snark
Among them artists, doctors and revolutionary chefs.
An afternoon off with eight kids and manjula.
An Angelica Button wizard robe.
An ATM receipt?
An Erin Brockovich but with more cleavage!
An exactly 12 and a half pound weight into the basket,
An experience free of all the nuisances
An illegal download?
An Incan sleeping mat,
An inspiring return to form for director Gus Van Sant.
An old one from the box.
An opening for you at MSNBC
Anchorman slop trough.
And 200 children!
And a fairly called match it was.
And a grateful nation gives thanks for some solid reporting.
And a guidebook on how to capture a monkey.
And a portrait of Marisol Espinoza,
And a store mannequin.
And a touch of corn for highlights on my hair.
And ad libbed by his friends.
And all he did was move to the Holiday Inn.
And all I have to do is not say anything
And all of our viewers.
And all of your practices
And all over town the blood sugar was soaring.
And all the trimmings. (chuckles)
And all you do is fill this joyous season
And an incredible educational toy I forgot to give Bart.
And anything else you could ever think of.
And as Homer officiates,
And as usual...
And attention please, valued customers.
And Bart agrees to promote and encourage use
And beat the crap out of me could end on such an up note.
And beer... Drinking.
And best of all...
And black guys on weekends.
And buy one copy.
And C) Grateful for an opportunity
And call your daughter like a man.
And came back with a southern accent.
And climb into bed with my loving wife.
And come from the heart.
And Comic Book Guy a housewarming present,
And created The Rockford Files. I t th one.
And cyber bullying has taken away
And Danny realizes he's been snubbed.
And David Blaine stunts where he could really die.
And discipline our sons.
And do a brief inventory?
And do you love lasagna, like me?
And don't believe what you've heard about me.
And don't even suggest race, 'cause I don't see that.
And don't forget my ripple.
And don't forget the brain freeze.
And don't skimp on the aromatic bitters.
And don't you hate being the middle child?
And done.
And drinking beer?
And El Divo goes down!
And every night before bed,
And every time they use the computer, the font is huge.
And everyone's very worried about Milhouse.
And faculty advisor.
And flown back to kenya.
And from you, I have learned
And get a five eighths inch Phillips head bolt.
And get clueless fanboys like you
And getting the termites out of the trees.
And go drinking from bar to bar.
And going to White Castle afterwards,
And gouging of modern day moviegoing!
And Grampa has nowhere to live!
And hang me.
And has been used to make art projects.
And has there been any improvement in Homer's drinking?
And have, abstained for two whole days.
And he can't even open a refrigerator.
And he comes from a race of celibate knights.
And he was right.
And he's uncut.
And here come the spirits.
And here's something that'll make you
And his friend, the kid with the lady's underpants!
And his relationship to me.
And his sidekick Wind Lad.
And hold it for 15 minutes.
And hopefully stage the prison suicide
And how did you spend your evening?
And I also want to say that if..
And I believe in you.
And I better hear some towels snapping.
And I flipped the sweaty cushions over.
And I flipped the sweaty cushions over.
And I forgot my scarf.
And I like to spend it in the warm embrace
And I love the Spanish
And I might just have a secret weapon.
And I refuse to concede a mind that thinks
And I say we move beyond name calling
And I think I'd have a shot with Mabel Maybe.
And I thought it best not to look like a monkey.
And I want to keep being friends with you.
And I want you to fix it.
And I was a false memory, too.
And I, my friend, have been doing them.
And I'd go back to that Café Artiste to prove it,
And I'll always love you.
And I'll knit a nice thnord from his leathery skin.
And I'll start by saving us.
And I'll throw in a piece of great advice.
And I'm already the boy who shared a comb with a boy
And I'm back talk allergic!
And I'm gonna follow her till I find out what.
And I'm gonna help you.
And I'm no different. Oh.
And I'm probably not going to get another one
And I've always kept it. Look at the balance.
And I've never yelled their names, not even once.
And if God needs money,
And if I did, it would be hershey, pennsylvania.
And if I our food is slow in coming,
And if someone handed me an issue of The New Yorker,
And if you are awful and nasty and cruel...
And if you don't find a dance partner within ten seconds,
And if you knew me, you'd know just how odd that sounds.
And if you really want a guinea pig,
And if you're dissatisfied
And in I go.
And instant messaging, are fragile weirdos.
And into a good circus.
And it better be devastating.
And it was 40 years ago.
And it was so nice of the movie company
And it'll change my life!
And it'll give me great material for whatever art form I choose.
And it's all thanks to you, kid.
And it's an honor, but I'm doing this.
And it's for all these reasons and more
And it's for all these reasons and more
And it's only the end of the first verse!
And its name is "global warming."
And keeping all the money!
And Kumiko Nakamura.
And leans into America's car window.
And learned important lessons about parenting.
And let him crawl on the paper till he died.
And like he did with every multiple choice question
And Lisa Simp a son
And Lisa Simpson, representing
And Lisa will get a friend.
And live like fat cats on Social Security.
And lost.
And make sure the kids sign their John Han bleeps.
And maybe check in on them?
And maybe that guy. Lincoln style.
And maybe you can help me with that.
And me, Will Lyman.
And me? I'm just a reliable source.
And men don't change that way.
And men take a stiff slug of circus whiskey.
And Milhouse, the boy nobody loves,
And miss the back half of Jimmy Kimmel?
And mocking in the rain.
And more on the kitch en.
And my badge is poking into my skin.
And my hands looked like snakes made of meat!
And my heart skipped a beat.
And my swimsuit under those.
And never explain why, but now forget it!
And never forget,
And never knew how much it was worth.
And never take the tray out of the caterer's hand.
And never, ever tell the Van Houtens.
And no digging up past relationships.
And no one suspects.
And no one was a bigger hero
And no one's making a big deal of that.
And nobody ever gets hurt. I know.
And not just the people who dream for a living,
And not just the people who dream for a living,
And not paying attention to the world around them.
And nothing can stop me from selling it
And now for their final debate,
And now I'm a man in pain in the naughtiest city
And now I've lost it.
And now it seemed like the whole world
And now the climactic Race around the School.
And now the results.
And now to Moe's.
And now we need you to fix the greatest game of all:
And now we've got nothing!
And now when I walk by it, I feel like a fool.
And now, the 79th running
And now, the moment of truth
And now, to take your minds off the massive concussion
And now...
And Olympian Edwin Moses.
And once crossed off, you stay crossed off.
And one of Firestone's finest vulcanized prophylactics.
And one senior with the mind of a baby so he should be free.
And only wanted it for money?
And our baseball fences are too close.
And play!
And put it in room three.
And Ralph?
And request I be taken off the list.
And rightly so.
And rolled down a hill.
And run with your leg tied to someone
And saddest of all, those who do not have a friend
And send me ten percent.
And send.
And she put in salt instead of sugar!
And she's with her frumpy friend
And should be worn in moderation.
And so should you!
And so we mourn the loss of Homer J. Simpson.
And so, in a way, did Bart.
And so, with the conclusion
And some cinnamon!
And some of the angles
And somehow no one will talk to you.
And sometimes that's a dirty word.
And soon I hope I remember who Homer Simpson is
And spend a bunch of money, or...
And Stalin.
And started taking a DJ class,
And stay in the living room.
And stay out!
And stay out!
And steady stream of animated misfires.
And stubbornness by one Homer Simpson.
And subdural hematoma you just witnessed,
And sustain that for the rest of your life.
And take a look at the place...?
And teach you other fun ways not to get pregnant.
And tell her my good health starts now!
And tell her what I know, and how I know.
And tell your friends it was great!
And tells big mouth.
And thanks for being my friend.
And that day you didn't have a drink in you.
And that guy brought a baby to a 9:00 movie!
And that is half the battle!
And that is the man I sold it to.
And that kid cannot go one week
And that man sold it to me!
And that, kids, is how I met your mother.
And that's all you'll ever have.
And that's been true of scientists
And that's exactly what he did.
And that's what we'll end the story with.
And that's why
And that's why Nancy No
And the best part is I'm bombarding her
And the big enchilada, which is not enchiladas but hot dogs.
And the bop bada bop bada bop.
And the brilliance of my plan is its simplicity.
And the butter has to be open.
And the Christmas special on your television
And the first word out of my mouth is "Homer."
And the game comes down to this one play
And the guy who uses a computer to erase or enhance nipples.
And the hotsie totsie,
And the last thing she texted before she died was,
And the moon has broken apart into chunks of floating cheese,
And the most inhumane torture ever devised by man...
And the old guys waking up.
And the only kid who showed up is Gus freakin' Huebner.
And the only ones that could rescue them
And the other a pale brown.
And the really funny thing is I'm a doctor.
And the ring is just the icing on the cake.
And the the free snicker doodle cookies.
And the two hours it takes
And the worst one of all is...
And then it's too late.
And then runs away
And there are a lot of 'em.
And there you have it a family reunited.
And there's only one place we can get them!
And they also gave me an alcohol detox.
And they are the reason
And they invited me.
And they're working for terrorists. (gasps)
And think about her influence.
And this "cage" for my pet.
And this body will be all mine.
And this has to be in the fridge, next to the butter.
And this horse,
And those principles
And to find innovative solutions that will hel...
And to motivate you, some words of support
And to the bedroom.
And to turn in any cheater,
And together we are.
And toss them to the pigs.
And trips.
And utter disinterest
And wand.
And warned me not to talk to you.
And watch this.
And we give you one million dollars.
And we have lost a fortune!
And we shall have candy... And maybe some beer.
And we will have the most intense relationships ever.
And we'll be able to afford Christmas.
And we're done.
And we're going to be charming and witty.
And we're not going to stay too late.
And we're out of here.
And we're scared of that because...?
And we're...
And what do you get? Not one lousy superpower.
And what does he have to jump over?
And what if I don't?
And what programs would you cut to pay
And when I win, I'm changing my name.
And when Marge finds out, she's gonna kill me.
And when my Dad was a soccer referee,
And when the get excited, they jump straight up.
And when the time comes, burying or flushing."
And when we lose, we lose big.
And when you can't afford Christmas,
And whether I should destroy your happiness forever.
And while I'm at it..
And while you're there,
And who are you?
And who said that you could bring minors in here?
And with Brazil maintaining an insurmountable one goal lead,
And with Germany the victor, two nil,
And with that tardiness, you have at last crossed
And Wolveriskey.
And yelling, "Tiger is gone,"
And you are the racist Philadelphia manager.
And you are very virile.
And you can glide to earth
And you could win a Stuffwich college scholarship.
And you don't look happy
And you don't see those people getting all violent.
And you going to Moe's.
And you have, like, a goat beard stuck to your shoe.
And you hit her.
And you just can't toss your kids
And you just pissed off the wrong fat, furry drunk!
And you never bought a replacement?
And you said you'd drive me to the airport.
And you sat on the gas pedal when my foot fell asleep,
And you shall leave immortal!
And you should be dead, you're so wrinkled and gray!
And you stabbed me in the back.
And you weren't gonna tell us?!
And you will know
And you will make something in a kiln your mother can use.
And you're not supposed to tell anyone.
And you're okay with it!
And you're stricken from the list.
And your lasagna with cow blood, sir.
And your mom can't quit her job at Google.
And your son is out of control.
And your stumps a stumping!
And your talking phones,
And zigzag beard.
And, Bart, I'll pick you up after school
And, believe me, you shouldn't.
And, brother, I had the ass.
And, every day,
And, Homer, here's your bill for $4,000.
And, Homer, I think you'd enjoy the company
And, Lisa, I'm only appearing in this dream
And, Lisa, when you're older,
And, most importantly... Oops, we're here.
And, of course, tire fire particulate.
And, oh, uh, here, uh, my new card.
And, uh, Isabel Adolpho Guzman Lopez Gutiérrez.
And, uh, well, here's some diapers Maggie's too big for,
And, yet, still a little bitter.
And... Done.
And... here I go.
Andres Cantor,
Angry Birds fan fiction,
Another annoying commercial again!
Another drink!
Another freebie.
Another guy says he's a genius, and then he has an idea.
Another moppin' statistic.
Another Taco Tuesday.
Another woman's apartment.
Answer call.
Answer me!
Answer the question.
Any friends.
Any money to pay for prizes.
Any more questions?
Any of you kids got a Triple A card?
Anybody want to give me a ride home?
Anyhoo, this canister
Anyone who makes it to old age has got to be part coward.
Anyone's ever done for me.
Anyone's lunch money is there.
Anything else?
Anything she wanted I was willing to do.
Anything to please my man.
Anything, except...
Anyway, I'm giving them up.
Anyway, this intel says that someone in town has been turned
Anywhere in America, not even in Alaska,
Aooga! Aooga!
Apparently, including tying the knots on the hammock.
Apparently, our whole world is a fantasy in the mind
Apple tablets and phones.
Appropriate to period and palette.
Are a radical new technology
Are broadcast on a webcam.
Are coming out of it.
Are dissatisfied with my 75% cut of your take.
Are Funny Or Die.
Are going to be together for a long time.
Are low.
Are safer in a cage.
Are still together? Is she there?
Are the Pope's tweets infallible?
Are they, Marge?
Are we doomed to repeat an event
Are you calling me not fat?
Are you God?
Are you guys okay?
Are you happy?
Are you mocking me?
Are you nuts?
Are you okay, Chief?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you people talking about me?
Are you plotting revenge?
Are you real, or my imagination?
Are you really, really sure?
Are you saying I'm wasting my time?
Are you sure you can handle her?
Are you sure you didn't create a perfect habitat for you?
Are you sure?
Are you the boy that makes babies?
Are you wearing sock garters?
Aren't they really just the parents
Aren't those full of germs?
Aren't you going to work, Dad?
Arkham Asylum type hospitals.
Art created by writers, directors,
Art teachers don't have a desk.
As a favor to you,
As an adult who surrounds himself with child's toys,
As comic book guys go,
As determined by me
As early as 1859, shut up was used to shut up...
As good as you are evil.
As I always say,
As I told you when we talked last month,
As I type this sermon...
As in, what are you doing this Friday?
As long as our bellies
As long as the sequence doesn't a start.
As long as we keep drinkin' this.
As long as you load up on the kale and chia.
As long as your family is together,
As much money as they can.
As my mother used to say,
As of now, each of those nuclear nitwits
As our guest, and ref our games properly.
As research for my autobiographical manga.
As the 4:00 p.m. clown, I have complete control
As the great Kobayashi says,
As the kid who ate the dead frog.
As the pin on the back of the blue ribbon made its way
As the runners go into the first turn,
As the strong man pulls a wagon with his bare tongue!
As would the proud people of Sweden.
As you recall, these stickers came from last year's field trip
Ask Body Spray!
Ask your questions after all 50 "tates."
Asked me to fake my death to punish you,
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