A place in the land of light and peace from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
All right, look. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
All right, man. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
All right! let's go! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Bolsa video. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Brian, don't. don't, don't. brian! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Brian, it's a rougher ride on the street. all they are is faster. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Brian, we ran a passport check. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Brian! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Brian's dead. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Brlan: I love that game. It's very exciting. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Brlan: there he is. lucero: got him. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
But I'm only taking one of you. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Come on. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Come on. you don't think he'd be protecting you right now, do you? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Could a screw up acquire such wealth, power and prestige? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Drlver: where?d he come from? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Failed him? you fail math, not brothers, right? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Follow him! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Freeway! come on! come on! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Get out of the way! get out of the way! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Get over here. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Get tina and go to tang's house. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Give me that. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Go to your uncle tang's house right away. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Have it acid washed, drained, just because these kids come in here. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
He was over there during the war, working in lntelligence. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
He's in real trouble if he's arrested again. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Helps cows get well so they live long enough to be turned into quarter pounders. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Hey, brian. catch this. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Hey! what is this? we've been waiting 40 minutes. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Hi, nick. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
His brother. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
How would you like it if I was talking and talking about your father all night? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
I'll walk you. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Jeez! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Jeez. what are you doing here? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Jesus! chill out, man. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Just one moment, please. harv. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
L don't blame him for what he's done. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
L don't think my brother killed himself. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
L figured something out. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
L have something to take care of. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
L really am sorry. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
L said run 'em down! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
L think you should talk to your father. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
L want us to be friends. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Lawndale: what do you think I pay you for? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Leave me now. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Lf it happened to one of us, it could happen to the other. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Listen, I'll tell you what. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Look, brian, from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Look, not today, ok, bobby? I'm late. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Lt has his name on it. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Lt wouldn't be any better for you than for me. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Lt's his brother, isn't it? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Lt's like... from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
No problem. I'll take it out of your pay cheque. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
No, um... from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
No. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Not the wipers! the lights! the lights! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Nothing I got right now says your brother didn't commit suicide. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Oh, god. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Oh, my god. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Oh, my god. this is still damp. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Oh, no? you gotta hear what it sounds like from where I'm standing. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Ok, we're gonna go through this one more time for the detective here. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Ow! god! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Practice. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Put the roof lights on. come on. lights! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Right. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Right. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Shine it on. you're different. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Shit. kids didn't kill themselves when I was going to high school. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Sit down. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
So do you. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Somebody had to shake their tree. you said so yourself. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Take a guess. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Tell me you can really afford to pass this up, all right? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Thank you, man. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Thank you, nick. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Thanks, brian. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Thanks. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
That was nice. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
That?s all. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
That's mean. I hear it's pretty expensive to get a pilot's licence. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
That's the first time in your life you've ever asked me that question. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
The american ambassador gave this to my father in 1 972. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
The kid says he works for you from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
They love you, you know. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Turn left, damn it! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Uh... culver and alton. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Very nice! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Well, it happens, you know. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
What about the call he made from the payphone at the gas station? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
What do you think? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
What does it look like? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
What happened to vinh? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
What the heck is this? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Where'd you get this? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Who was the other guy, the one that got lucky and rode off? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Whoa! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Whoo! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Will you sit down? sit down from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Y abbo. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Y our father? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Y our right door... from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Yeah, he was. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
Yeah, you just be there, both of you. I'm gonna go right now. y es. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
You don't know what the boy's done. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
You guys, this was a dumb move. or maybe you've figured that out already. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
You handle guns very well. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
You know, I really like you. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
You know, we still think about you. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
You ready to tell me about the fire? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
You wanna piss me off? l want you outta here right now! got it? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
You're after a stolen police car on harbour, heading south near cantella from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
can I ask you something personal? sure. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
come on, now! open the door! the door?s locked. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
come on. let's go! ok. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
geometry. I fixed a couple of the answers. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
I can't be in two places at once. I want a report on my desk first thing from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
I can't right now. nice threads, kelly. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
I was just having fun, ok? fun? that's what you say, fun? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
love that rock. rip it up. It's so rad. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
make sure the trucks are real tight. who are you? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
remember me? yeah. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
run 'em down. no! from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
thanks for the ride from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
this thing's less than an hour old. didn't have the trucks straight from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
what did you say? he's a communist sympathiser. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
what the hell... ? asshole. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
what the hell...? hi. still with you. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
what time is it? It's almost six. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
what was it? I don't know. I think they're inside. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
who is it? detective lucero. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
whoa! thanks for coming, man. y abbo. It's too early, man. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
y o, bro. y abbo? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
yeah. you take this. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
you all right? yeah, I'm all right. from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
..who paid you guys to run down that kid? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
(colonel speaks vietnamese) from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
(gunshot) (tina screams) from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
(horn blares) from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
(music stops) from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
(phone rings) from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
(speaks vietnamese) from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
(speaks vietnamese) from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
(speaks vietnamese) from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
(thunder rumbles) flreman: the help of the heavens, huh? from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
* brother to brother from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
* but that never stopped you no, it never stopped you from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
* dig deep, get down from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
* fear of rejection from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
* fear of rejection from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard
* get on or off from Gleaming the Cube (1989) Soundboard