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Dr. Phil passionately speaking during a television appearance, showcasing his dynamic personality and engaging style.

Dr. Phil Soundboard #2

You can find and download these sounds on various websites. The collection includes phrases such as "Who are you," "Hello, I know that you're a drunk," and "I'll play this ridiculous game." These phrases are often used by Dr. Phil, the popular television personality known for his no-nonsense approach to confronting guests about their issues. The soundbites capture his direct and confrontational style, as he attempts to get to the bottom of his guests' problems.

One particular soundbite features Dr. Phil asking, "One last question for you." This phrase is typically used when Dr. Phil is wrapping up a conversation with a guest and wants to address a final issue before moving on. It signifies the end of the discussion and often leads to a crucial revelation or moment of clarity for the guest. Dr. Phil's firm demeanor and persistence can be heard in this soundbite, as he pushes guests to confront uncomfortable truths.

Another soundbite involves Dr. Phil bluntly asking a guest, "Tell me about the fake boobs." This phrase showcases Dr. Phil's willingness to address sensitive topics head-on, even if they may be considered taboo or inappropriate by some. By asking direct questions like this, Dr. Phil aims to get to the heart of his guests' issues and challenge them to open up about their motivations and choices.

In a particularly heated moment, Dr. Phil accuses a guest of being a "drug addict" and a "fat whore." These derogatory terms demonstrate Dr. Phil's willingness to confront guests with harsh truths, even if it may be uncomfortable or controversial. By using blunt language, Dr. Phil aims to shock his guests into confronting their behaviors and seeking change.

The soundbite "What do you want?" captures Dr. Phil's direct approach to addressing his guests' needs and desires. By asking this question, Dr. Phil challenges guests to articulate their goals and aspirations, pushing them to think about what they truly want out of life. This phrase reflects Dr. Phil's commitment to helping guests identify and pursue their deepest desires.

In a moment of frustration, Dr. Phil confronts a guest with the question, "So how are you doing overall?" This query reflects Dr. Phil's concern for his guests' well-being and his desire to see them make positive changes in their lives. By checking in on their overall progress, Dr. Phil encourages guests to reflect on their actions and consider the broader impact of their behavior.

At times, Dr. Phil's interactions with guests can become intense, as seen in the soundbite "How much have you had to drink today?" This question reveals Dr. Phil's willingness to address issues of substance abuse and addiction head-on, even if it may provoke a defensive reaction from the guest. Dr. Phil's direct approach to confronting difficult topics is a hallmark of his show and has earned him a reputation for being unafraid to tackle challenging issues.

Overall, the collection of sounds related to Dr. Phil captures the essence of his confrontational and direct style of addressing guests' issues. The soundbites showcase his no-nonsense approach to confronting difficult topics and challenging guests to confront their behaviors and seek positive change. Dr. Phil's willingness to address sensitive subjects head-on, even if it may be uncomfortable or controversial, has made him a popular figure in the world of daytime television.

These sounds can be found and downloaded on various websites, allowing fans of Dr. Phil to enjoy and share his most memorable moments with ease. Whether you're a fan of his tough love approach or simply enjoy a good confrontation, these soundbites are sure to entertain and inspire you to take a closer look at your own behaviors and choices.
NSFW Audio: Use caution, some sounds may be offensive
A whore
And retarded bitches
Answer the question
Are you a child molester?
Are you an absolute falling down nonfunctional drunk?
Are you gay?
Are you mad
Are you stereotyping people
Be very careful talking to me
Bitch you are divorced
Breast implant surgery
But I'm a playboy
But if we get into another one of these yelling things i'm done i'm sorry and that's this did I ain't gonna do it
But what we're not going to do is sit here and bicker back and forth
Can you better tell me the truth
Did it occur to you that you can go to jail
Did you follow him
Did you inappropriately touch your daughter in the bathtub when she was two weeks old
Did you mean that when you said it
Do not waste my time woman
Do you feel dirty do you feel cheap
Do you have a drinking problem?
Do you have a problem with alcohol?
Do you have a problem with drugs?
Do you have any ownership in that?
Do you think that what you're displaying here today is at all becoming to you?
Doctor Phil
Don't waste my time
Drew Peterson
Engaging in sex acts
Enough already with the fake boobs
Excuse me, are you gay?
Fat slob
Fat whore
Four four five
Four six one
Going to have the mexican mafia kill you
Have you smashed your face into the steering wheel and split your lip open driving drunk
Hold on
Hopefully you can bring it better than that
How are your finances going
How can I help here
How much have you had to drink today
How's it going
Hurry up
I could beat them unconscious
I don't care about
I don't know
I don't know I live in america
I hear what you're saying
I hope you get ass cancer and die you son of a bitch ill cut your throat
I know that you're a drunk
I know that you're a whore
I know that your brain is toxic and you can't reason
I live in America.
I need sex acts with underage male students
I pray to god that you find it in your heart to forgive peter
I want to go through the things that you are accused of and some of them you may agree to and some you may not so i'm just going to let you respond
I want to tell you the truth and I want the truth back and if I don't get it we should not even be doing this
I will walk your happy ass outta here in two seconds
I'll play this ridiculous game
I'm a man fifty eight years old full figured divorced
I'm gay
I'm gay
I'm going to take you down
I'm just going to give you my opinion do you want my opinion
I'm not ashamed not one bit
I'm OK
Is there anybody you get along with
It means that what you're wanting to hear
Let me ask you a question
Let me ask you something
Let's get real if we're going to be real let's be real
My sister yvette
One last question for you
Put a freaking leash on your wife
Seven four four five
So how are you doing overall
So how are you guys doing
So how are you guys doing
So how good looking are you
So i'm just gonna let you respond
Sugar mommas
Talk to me say something
Tell me about the fake boobs
Tell me about the retarded bitches
Thanks for talking to me
That wasn't a question
That's like a dog chasing their tail it's not ever going to get anywhere
That's OK
That's the question for you
The first question
There comes a time when you just have to tell the truth
Thinking about getting a penis enlargement
This is about peter
Those are good numbers I hope
Three two three
We have a report that the young man says that you rubbed his chest and his bum
We're talking about breast implant surgery
We're talking about engaging in sex acts
Well i'm alright how are you
Were you involved in a lesbian love affair
What are you so pissed off about?
What are you trying to tell me?
What did you just say
What do you think about penis enlargement?
What do you want
What do you want
What gives you the right to go out impaired and get in a car where all of us drive all of us walk our children up and down the street
What happened here
What is it that you want
What is it you gotta say that you think is so important
What's your major
When did you acknowledge that you were gay
Who are you
Why are you in greg 's business
Why would I believe that
Xanax vicodin oxycontin adderall klonopin speed
Yes or no
You are a bum a loser a lowlife and worthless
You are a drug addict
You are abusing your children
You are breaking the law
You are part of the problem you are not part of the solution
You crazy bitch
You crazy bitch i'm gonna take you down
You don't have the balls
You got a real credibility problem here
You got busted with drugs and drug paraphernalia
You got one answer and it's either yes or no
You jack with me and you'll be gone before you know it
You just seem to me to be like a really nice person
You need help
You need serious serious help
You not gonna disagree on some stuff today I can already feel it
You overdosed twice
You rubbed his chest and his bum
You send harassing emails from fake accounts