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Dota: Dragon's Blood - Season 2

Dota: Dragon's Blood - Season 2

Dota: Dragon's Blood – Season 2 is an action-packed animated television series based on the popular video game Dota 2. Released in [year unavailable], this thrilling show takes viewers on a fantastical journey through a world filled with magic, heroes, and epic battles.

The second season of Dota: Dragon's Blood showcases an outstanding cast of talented voice actors who bring the characters to life. Yuri Lowenthal lends his voice to Davion, the Dragon Knight, a valiant warrior haunted by a dragon's curse. Lara Pulver takes on the role of Mirana, the Princess of the Moon, as she embarks on a quest to reclaim her stolen throne from the mysterious Invoker, voiced by Troy Baker. Tony Todd brings gravitas to the character Selemene, the powerful and enigmatic Moon Goddess, while JB Blanc voices Slyrak, the ancient and terrifying dragon spirit trapped within Davion.

As the story unfolds, viewers are immersed in a world torn apart by conflict. Davion finds himself entangled in a web of intrigue as he becomes the target of those seeking to exploit his powerful connection to dragons. As he struggles to break free from his curse, he discovers unlikely allies and faces formidable enemies. Mirana, fueled by the desire to reclaim her kingdom and restore peace, crosses paths with Davion, and their destinies become intertwined.

Dota: Dragon's Blood – Season 2 takes the intricate lore and distinctive visual style of the Dota 2 universe and adapts it into a thrilling narrative. With stunning animation, intense battles, and intricate character development, it offers an immersive experience for both fans of the video game and newcomers to the Dota universe.

The series also showcases a powerful and evocative musical score that enhances the storytelling experience. [Band/Composer names unavailable] have crafted an incredible soundtrack that captures the spirit of the show, from sweeping orchestral compositions during epic battles to haunting melodies that underscore emotional moments. The music complements the on-screen action, creating a truly immersive audiovisual experience.

To further engage with the world of Dota: Dragon's Blood, fans can play and download these incredible sounds at [website unavailable]. Whether it's the adrenaline-pumping sound of a clash of heroes or the ethereal tones of a mystical spell, these sounds allow fans to immerse themselves fully in the universe of Dota: Dragon's Blood – Season 2.

Beyond the enthralling narrative and captivating soundtrack, Dota: Dragon's Blood – Season 2 explores themes of redemption, identity, and the power of friendship. It delves deep into the internal struggles of its characters and their quest for self-discovery. As they face countless challenges, both physical and emotional, they learn valuable lessons about bravery, sacrifice, and the true meaning of heroism.

With its visually stunning animation, compelling storyline, and a talented cast of voice actors, Dota: Dragon's Blood – Season 2 is an absolute must-watch for fans of fantasy, action, and the Dota 2 video game. This thrilling television series offers a dynamic and immersive experience, transporting viewers into a world unlike any other.

So, gather your friends, equip your weapons, and get ready for an epic adventure with Dota: Dragon's Blood – Season 2. Stay tuned for more thrilling episodes and experience the magic, the battles, and the unforgettable characters that have made Dota 2 an iconic video game.

A bargain with a demon is no small transaction, it's true.
A broken old man desperate to conceal his agony.
A dragon's power. Dragon's resilience.
A fairer place. But now?
A few lost hours won't harm us, and a rest may help.
A fraud. I thought he would abdicate.
A goddess without worshippers. Without love.
A home you stole from us a thousand years ago.
A hundred men. They never saw home again.
A little girl who imagines she's a goddess.
A little less all the time.
A long time ago.
A meaningless death. You once told me to let go.
A pawn.
A physical expression of pure, collective will.
A princess? Well, you should have said so.
A real god?
A reckoning here. I was raised for better things.
A sad, bit player in another man's story.
A state wedding to redefine state weddings.
A strong leader to bring a new dawn to the empire.
A victim of her father's failure.
A weapon of a different sort. Imagine.
Across 15 planes and countless realities, I found one constant.
After a thousand years alone,
After everything that's happened, what I've done, what's started,
After last night, I think I do.
After my own soldiers saw what I did to him, what I enjoyed doing to him,
Again, doesn't matter.
Ah, Kinski.
Ah, the Scourge of the Plains.
Ah, the Scourge. Yes. You fail to grasp your own foolishness.
Ah, the squirrel learns to stand in its shade,
Ah, to hells with you.
Ah! Revenge.
Ah. "The Scourge of the Plains." There's a hefty price on your head.
Ah. Thanks.
All but the one hiding in my body.
All dragons are one, interlinked with creation.
All flailing arms, birth screams,
All of this might sound better coming from you.
All of this was a show.
All stories are lies.
All that sustains you is a spark of divinity
All that time, just to bring us one of our own.
All that's necessary is for you to feel. The words will follow.
All this time, I thought the worst thing that could ever happen
All we need is steel and courage to take it back.
Allow me to deal with Terrorblade at the height of my powers.
Almost as big as the Princess. Double if you're still alive.
Also, your wound has reopened.
Always beautiful, often unsettling.
Am I supposed to answer for you?
Amuse me with the reason.
An assassin's arrow nearly took my life, but I am not so easily dissuaded.
And all of this is part of my plan.
And all you have left is grappling with an inconvenient reality.
And at least a hundred spans of forest to cross.
And burn things down, maybe they were right.
And does not truly direct it.
And executive authority is limited.
And find again.
And for her goddess.
And for that, I owe you my thanks.
And for the longest time, I thought I was just Davion,
And for what? To aid your goddess?
And frozen peaks we have no tools to cross.
And get your tail out of my face before I choke you with it.
And he was busy wrecking the Praetorian Guard.
And him?
And hope that someday, her mother would return to her.
And I am not so self destructive as to aid you in your efforts.
And I cannot be both things. Priestess and scourge.
And I fear I will get my chance.
And I was afraid our lady would say no.
And I was hoping we could speak.
And I will not cede the width of a swamp spider's thorax
And I'm here?
And in how many realities do you and I have this conversation?
And in those millennia, I have loved you best.
And it was this Ore that changed you?
And make yourself part of another.
And mother's blood.
And my orders are to return you to Viceroy Kashurra.
And no. My ego is not in the way.
And now we have nothing. No throne, no Eye, no chance.
And Sal before him. What does it take to kill a god?
And save our reckoning for another time.
And so the truth dawns.
And somewhere along the way, you became this.
And still failed to bring the Emperor's assassin to justice.
And suddenly, it all makes sense?
And that's when I said, "Look! It's an Eldwyrm, okay?
And the girl?
And the place she occupies. A hole left by a little child.
And the rest of you?
And to know love, the light must know darkness.
And to make yourself untouchable by god…
And we're just supposed to accept this, and you?
And what is it I don't want to hear?
And with it, the whole of creation!
And with it, understanding of what you are.
And you overstepped.
And you were raised for better things.
And you, the brave Dragon Knight, tried to stop it.
And you're doing the same now.
Answer in blood, answer in fire.
Anything. I would do anything.
Anyway, it seems to me even if she was there,
Anyway, you can't fight every battle,
Apologies, but the, the boss is correct.
As Empress, you would command far more than an army.
As I knew you would.
As I told Viceroy Kashurra when I requested this meeting, I need
As is she.
As it has become clear to me.
As our empire rises, night and shadow fall.
As sole heir to this throne by blood,
Asar, give us a moment.
At first, then, it didn't feel the way I hoped it would.
At least I will die staring into your eyes.
At your convenience, of course.
Auroth spotted the wyrmling swarm.
Auroth told me a human caravan was passing through.
Auroth! [pants]
Barely here, but to haul carcasses in and take weapons out.
Be certain.
Because she is largely responsible for funding the rest of the army.
Because they wanted to gut us and hang us from the trees.
Because we'll still get what we want somehow?
Because we're vulnerable, because we hurt.
Because you plan to stay, uh, but on your own terms.
Because you were foolish enough to believe one lie,
Been years since I stormed a castle.
Before Selemene betrayed us, and the humans took it.
Beliefs change. Trust breaks.
Beloved servants.
Better quickly than not at all.
Beyond that, I, I just don't know.
Beyond the veil, the end of things.
Bit far from home, aren't we?
Blame for the Princess has fallen on you.
Blame her. Find her. Execute her.
Blood on my boots. Never polished. Never cared to.
Box them up before it wears off.
Bram, Dragon Knight!
Bram. Best damn squire in Dragon Hold.
Bram. Dear, dear, Bram.
Broken in every way.
Brother Kaden. Father requests you.
But a sword doesn't make you a Dragon Knight.
But didn't want him on the throne.
But do not delude yourself into thinking you have authority in this room.
But do not test my admiration.
But each Dragon Knight gladly bleeds for the cause.
But even I can add one and one.
But for now, you can take her to the infirmary.
But for the empire's sake, offer the crown to one of your own.
But I can serve the empire best as I serve it now.
But I have to know, how did my father die?
But I was clever. I learned the secrets of the forge men.
But I was ready to give my life to save you.
But I will talk to him.
But I'm the one who trusted the Devil.
But if you like, I can help.
But in my solitude, I had the most wonderful thought.
But is it really too much to ask that…
But it called to me in Slyrak's voice. Slyrak's song.
But it is quite unlikely the Scourge would
But it's difficult to argue against its existence.
But it's made you impulsive and intemperate.
But it's necessary.
But it's not enough to love the light for the light to truly shine.
But love is a powerful magic.
But lying to you makes me feel alone again and I can't live with that.
But my place would be here.
But nothing happened. I wasn't worthy.
But one fever dream with a little blue rock
But our bellies are full and we can sleep with both eyes closed tonight.
But perhaps I can help.
But since all this started, I've broken it over and over.
But surely, the truth must be clear to you now.
But the blame is not with her.
But the only way they'll listen is if I shed blood.
But the people beneath the banners, they were your father's strength.
But the Senate will name her Regent anyway.
But the weight of your burden, our regent, our voice,
But there are things that must be done in these events.
But there is something else I see.
But there was also a voice. It was gentle, but persistent.
But things have changed.
But this gets worse before it gets better.
But this sword. It's Ritterfau's.
But those wyrmlings are still loose. The demon's army now.
But we need it now, please.
But what if I have it wrong? What if I have it backwards?
But what would you have me do? I can't leave now.
But why did they need me when they have you?
But you cannot protect the people from themselves.
But you have to give me something more than the Dragon Knight dodge.
But you stayed here. You serve my uncle.
But you still are a mortal man.
But you… I barely know you.
But you've learned the most important lesson.
By chance, I encountered strange rocks.
Can I hold her?
Can you stand? Can you fight? Can you help me kill that thing?
Can't defend this position. No cover.
Can't move.
Carry them from battle to battle at this speed of thought,
Child of the moon, your head full of stories.
Civil war is inevitable.
Clever enough to expunge your own name from it,
Climb on! Hurry!
Clothed in the flesh of a man you call "brother".
Come to me, child. Fymryn. Closer.
Come, thief.
Come! Everyone! Fade to the forest! Archers ready!
Come. I will show you the way to Lina's family estate.
Confuse and scatter them. Delay them.
Congratulations. You're a Dragon Knight.
Consider the possibility, you don't always have to run into them.
Convincing him won't be easy. We have to make him feel like…
Could be worse. You could be inside the dragon.
Council is concluded. Your Highness.
Crazy. Stupid.
Crescent light upon us all.
Crescent light upon you, Princess.
Currently rotting in this shithole.
Damn sure don't let it do your thinking.
Dark for a thousand years, kept dark by Selemene.
Davion had just dropped the emperor off a roof
Davion would know. He'd walk away.
Davion, please be in there.
Davion, stop!
Davion, the turtle is now worth the [screams]
Davion? Davion, please wake up. I came looking for you.
Davion. Come with us. Please!
Davion. Dragon Knight.
Davion. He's, uh, he's a man of few words.
Dawn didn't work. Maybe noon is better.
Dawn Star.
Dead. They're all dead.
Death. [growls]
Demand a delegation from every ally and trading partner.
Deny his lies.
Do what you have to do. Just remember who you are.
Do you love me?
Does it matter why? You name yourself differently.
Don't let that thing inside speak for you, son.
Don't say it. I'll be fine. [breathes heavily]
Don't tell me this.
Doomed to die. Forgotten.
Dragon clan.
Dragons talk too fucking much.
Dyfed, Adara, Idwal. Oh, I'm sure you miss them horribly.
Dying here means you haven't learned a gods damned thing.
Earth wyrmlings. I feel it too.
Eat? Oh, yes. Maintain your strength.
Eh. Some more than others.
Enlighten us then.
Even if the Senate believes you too, they will never turn against the Slayer.
Even in the absence of a deity.
Even though he'd spent his whole life there.
Even to their death. Everyone knew it was your fault.
Even when you want to. Even when it breaks your heart.
Every gear, every cog, must do its job reliably.
Every great hero needs a weapon. This ring can be yours.
Every morning and every night, Filomena held that doll and prayed.
Every single time I told myself I had to do it, it was necessary.
Everyone but you.
Everyone does, eventually.
Everyone does.
Everyone is hiding a knife somewhere. You've even got me doing it.
Everyone knew them. How they loved you. They would follow you everywhere.
Everyone makes choices. Some wise, some less so.
Everyone out.
Everyone out.
Everything is personal. That's what makes us human.
Except this.
Except, I just wonder if we're not rushing to judgment a little?
Excuse me, I'm speaking to you.
Factions that emerged after your father's death never reconciled.
Facts are facts.
Faith endures. [inhales sharply]
Fall back!
Father is coming.
Father of Fire.
Father! [pants]
Father. Thank the gods.
Fear I may have wronged someone close to me.
Feast on the remains.
Feel. Right.
Fever's down.
Few have bled as you have bled.
Fewer mouths to feed, I suppose.
Fifteen years and a punch in the face. Well, that's a fine hello.
Fighting chance.
Filomena discovered these.
Filomena's thoughts were her own.
Find the Eye of the Worldwyrm!
Fine. We'll take this up with Lina.
For a thousand years, the exiled Coriel'Tauvi knew darkness.
For Dragon.
For god's sake, has she ever fought more than a persistent cough?
For my part, I was willing to give you a chance.
For now, try to enjoy the hospitality I offer you.
For the Dawn Star!
For us to stand and die, so he can take you.
Forgive my appearance, Your Highness. I've been in my cups.
Forgive one another. Restore me.
Forgive the informality, Princess.
Forgotten your manners already?
Foulfell. My battle with Terrorblade. The beginning of the end.
Four thousand spans to the Helio Imperium on the back of a dragon.
Free yourself.
From remaking the entire gods damned universe in his image.
From the paintings, the statues.
Gather around the fire.
Gather them all.
Gaze into her light!
Gaze into her light.
Get him up. We're leaving.
Get out!
Get out.
Give in. Let go. Change your destiny.
Give me Slyrak.
Give the word and take it.
Give us the room, please.
Give us the room. The Princess and I have a need to talk.
God Emperor Shabarra was murdered by a demon that remains at large.
Goddamn it, work!
Goddess. [breathing heavily]
Gods help us. Oh…
Gods, it's good to see you, to know you're safe.
Good luck in the sewer.
Good night, my Sunbeam.
Guess you made it back to Dragon Hold, warned the fathers. All that.
Ha! "Dragon Knight." Right.
Happy to be part of the team.
Hard to believe that each twinkle represents another soul.
Harm and pain are brothers, but they live apart.
Have any of us? And isn't that the point?
Having had my castle stormed, I can tell you it's not great.
He betrayed it.
He collects the bounty on us in exchange for Vanari's head.
He could not protect the Imperium. He could not even protect himself.
He feared no one. [grunts]
He gives you a lot to think about.
He got dropped off a roof by a half dragon man.
He has a pretty good judge of people. They have a connection.
He is an unlimited resource.
He isn't worthy of your rage.
He made up the cover story.
He promised we would find a way together.
He saw things he wasn't prepared to see.
He sent me to find the one thing that might stop Terrorblade.
He sent you to turn this place upside down.
He should know exactly who he's supporting.
He spoke to me. The music. It was him. I heard Slyrak.
He stood there and did nothing when I attacked.
He used you to take his revenge.
He will always lie. Always use you.
He's killed all the Eldwyrms and stolen their souls,
He's killing the Eldwyrms, stealing their souls
He's right over there.
Hellbear shit. I would know! I would feel it from you.
Help us or get out the way.
Help you adapt. But you made a terrible mistake.
Her journal. This was her room.
Her Royal Highness, Mirana, daughter of Zal,
Her Royal Highness, Mirana, Daughter of Zal, Princess of the Sun.
Her sister, Lina? Seems more ember dragon than human.
Her truth was shrouded in doubt. Her light eclipsed behind the moon.
Here. Enjoy the flowers and the weeds.
Here. Sit with me.
Here's your word.
Heretical in these halls…
Hey, is she supposed to be doing that?
Hey! I just wanna know about Mirana.
Hiding from the consequences.
Him? Jarl? I've owed him that for 15 years.
His Excellency is away on urgent business. Please, make yourselves comfortable.
His loyalists complicate Shabarra's rule.
Hm. Adorable.
Hm. Big bastard.
Hm. I could watch you do that every day. [chuckles]
Hold. Until we identify the assassin, this event does not leave this room.
Honor the Princess out of respect for her father, salute Tihomir's service,
Hope yet remains.
Hope. Someone in the dark, with fears, like you and I.
Horrible spider. Had the nerve to bite me. Me! Can you imagine?
How about someone tells me what is going on?
How convenient for your ambitions.
How do you think I met Kaden? Just tread lightly with Lina.
How is she? [Mirana sighs]
How very reassuring.
Huh. Such a frail little girl when you came to us.
Human stains.
Hunched over like a hellbear with the shits.
Hunting assassins is kind of her job. Her old job, anyway.
Hunting Slyrak.
Hurry downstairs before you're noticed.
I accepted the lotuses because I wanted to go home,
I admire your spirit. It has always brought me joy.
I already thanked you.
I also enjoy the view.
I am asking you to do what I can't.
I am bound only to collect the souls.
I am defeated. This victory is yours, Dragon Knight.
I am disinclined to end your life.
I am in command here, Kaden,
I am in your blood as you are in mine.
I am Mirana, emissary of Selemene.
I am no one's child! I am the fire! [screams]
I am so stupid. I'm so sorry.
I am the arbiter of banal ambition.
I am the light put in disguise.
I am the man you remember.
I am the song that murders the world.
I am the Void, the wastes between the stars,
I am uncertain.
I am your family.
I am your voice, your servant, your protector.
I am.
I ask only that you reclaim what is rightfully yours.
I assume you plan to do something about that.
I assure you, the true Eye is in the palace.
I barely remember any of it. It's a fog.
I bathed. Once.
I beg your pardon?
I believe you.
I broke his trust. I won't break that trust again.
I brought you a gift. I hope you like gifts.
I came to see the Emperor. I need to see the Eye.
I can be a warrior, a protector.
I can even live with you walking out the door and telling the world.
I can fix everything. But I need to stay here.
I can live with a lot of things.
I can only imagine.
I can protect us. Name me Regent.
I can recover from our errors.
I can see me. But maybe I'm supposed to be able to see me.
I can't get you an audience with the Emperor.
I can't hide anymore. My people want war.
I can't just let that pass. I can't just let her win.
I can't say I missed it. I did the best I could with what I had.
I can't stay here.
I can't. I can't leave Davion. I can't leave her.
I can't. Not forever. That's what makes this so urgent.
I cannot allow you to pass.
I choose them.
I collected books, began writing verse. The dragon songs never returned.
I could feel it in the wall. I just…
I could have remained inside of forever.
I couldn't save your parents
I couldn't. Sing it to me again while I'm listening.
I did not banish them from the Nightsilver Woods.
I didn't hear anything.
I didn't hurt her. I would never hurt her.
I didn't know before.
I didn't know what I was walking into.
I didn't say you could speak.
I didn't understand. I'm not sure he cared.
I didn't.
I do not.
I don't care about your politics.
I don't care.
I don't even understand what she was doing here.
I don't know how it happened. Truly.
I don't know if it's true, but you should probably hear about it.
I don't know what's sitting in the throne room, but it's not the Eye.
I don't trust him. I never will.
I don't understand why you would defend her.
I don't want anything from you.
I fear that's all you'll ever be.
I feel her.
I feel it.
I feel nothing at all. It's a fake.
I finally understand the connection I feel with him.
I fought them inch by blood dimmed inch. They showed no quarter, offered no mercy.
I found you in there, standing in front of that blue rock. Just staring.
I gave them her name.
I give up. I don't feel a thing.
I had been a part of its light, the source, and was lured away.
I had no idea what was happening to me, or why.
I had no idea you'd be here. I… I didn't even hope.
I had to help you. You're, you're my people.
I had to see her. I would have come sooner,
I hardly recognize my own home.
I hate those things.
I have come to collect what belongs to me.
I have never asked anything of you other than your trust.
I have never forgotten my home or my duty.
I have no idea how you came to be, but I know who you possess.
I have no interest in a fight. I had to see. I had to know.
I have no need of armies or gold. Your soldiers will secure the palace.
I have no title, a minor house, and you think they'd name me regent?
I have sung you the truth since the beginning.
I have to go back. I have to try and stop it. But you…
I have to wear the dresses after all.
I have to.
I have very specific tastes.
I hear singing.
I hired the assassin who tried to kill Mirana.
I hope they're prepared.
I hope this clarifies the mathematics of your circumstances.
I hope you sent for me because you found your way
I insist you find me a good one, then publicly remove her head.
I intend to rule as my father ruled before me.
I just had the most wonderful thought.
I just remember that sound, that terrible sound.
I just… The music seems like more than simply the wind.
I knew and I let it. I, I did nothing.
I knew it was gonna happen.
I know a secret way. Follow me.
I know only that they are dangerous.
I know what Father said. I know what father believed.
I know what I am. [sighs]
I know what I am. I am my father's daughter.
I know what you're looking for.
I know why you've come, little Coedwin.
I learned darkness meant nothing without the light.
I learned you can be absolutely right and still lose.
I lived by a code my whole life.
I lost 29 brothers to that Eldwyrm inside you.
I love it. It's my favorite.
I love my family, but you're my people too.
I love my father, but I will not repeat his mistakes.
I love you. I'm sorry. I love you. Kashurra, please!
I married the right dragon.
I mean, what?
I mean, you look okay, but
I mean, you.
I miss her, and Father as well.
I more or less took that option off the table when I killed him.
I need more.
I need some air.
I need the Eye so that dragon can travel to the hell of hells and stop Terrorblade
I need the Eye. The Helio Imperium needs a regent.
I need you to teach me.
I never asked her.
I never asked why or how.
I never have. But it is on my list.
I offered you an alliance.
I once did the same to an errant Helio Imperium patrol.
I prayed my Davion would not be lost to the monster he carried inside of him.
I prayed to the Goddess you were still in there.
I prefer we name our Empress.
I propose, we slay the abomination together
I protected your throne until you could return and protect it yourself.
I raged in horror and despair, unimaginable loneliness.
I ran into the fight. It was bad.
I read her words again. It's agony to remember.
I reject tyrants in all forms, elves, humans, gods.
I reject you.
I remember a feeling, a certain warm serenity
I remember my duty.
I remember rage about the Eye, about…
I remember what you risked for my sake.
I remember.
I risked my life time and again for the Helio Imperium.
I said I accept your proposal, you have not yet accepted mine.
I said there were things I could do, Sunbeam.
I saw it on my mother's face after her primary died.
I saw what one Enclave could do
I see how everyone reacts to you. They love you. You're their hero.
I see it.
I see that now.
I see the little man couldn't be bothered to visit her himself.
I see you. I know you.
I see.
I select you.
I sent you away to protect you. To serve you.
I served the Helio Imperium as your father demanded.
I set a terrible example.
I stared at it for days before I decided it was just a little swollen and
I started a war.
I still owe you so much.
I think he did it all out of loyalty to your family.
I think he knew Shabarra was a fraud. And I think he knew why.
I think I could tell you a similar story.
I thought he would be exposed for what he was.
I thought I had this figured out. I…
I thought I was so smart. I thought I could live with it.
I thought if only Shabarra would step down,
I thought maybe time of day.
I thought the Dragon Knights were all dead.
I thought the Senate would make him abdicate.
I thought the two of you would make things so much worse.
I thought you might want that.
I thought you were like him, like Shabarra.
I thought your people were back in Coedwig.
I thought, "Now there is a dragon with very fine motor control."
I thought… I was afraid she was dead for so long. And then I found her.
I tried to capture your agony in a poem. Would you like to hear it?
I tried to make them stop. I begged them. My own family.
I tried to stop that thing. I failed.
I tried what you're trying now. It didn't fucking work.
I trust them to be who they are as I trust you to be who you are.
I understand you knew the Princess.
I understand.
I used to have such dreams.
I used to sit in my father's lap in this chair.
I used to think how much better things would be with no Emperor,
I want blood.
I want my family back!
I want Princess Mirana's assassin, Vanari.
I wanted to throw you in the stockade. A nice concrete pit all on your own
I was able to properly suture and bandage the wound and treat the infection.
I was an outcast. Fallen. A hollow echo.
I was at peace until you needed the scourge.
I was empty and you filled me.
I was even happy.
I was gone forever, then you pulled me back. You saved me.
I was just a simple dragon, you see. Then I began to wake from my slumber
I was never so good at the mathematics.
I was only ever grateful for you.
I was paid to bring you in alive. He didn't say in what condition.
I was supposed to bring you back to the tower after it all happened.
I was there.
I was wondering how such big claws could write poetry with such a tiny pen.
I was wrong. My rage, it wasn't meant for you, but for me.
I will arrange your meeting. Praise the Dawn Star.
I will bring Mirana back alive.
I will feast on your flesh in her name.
I will give them your power.
I will inform the Senate and the War Council.
I will make deserts of their enclaves and I will call it peace.
I will not forget your kindness.
I will travel to the Nightsilver Woods myself.
I wish I did. I wish I could say.
I wish I knew where to start.
I wish it could be different.
I withdraw my name and rise in support of the Slayer.
I won't give you a damned thing, and I won't let you have him.
I won't leave her to rot and die. I'll just have to find another way.
I won't watch another home burn.
I would clear your vision.
I would never eat Bram. We shared the dance of ritual combat.
I would never harm you, my little Sunbeam.
I would not have had you repeat your father's mistakes.
I would not have you share the doom that came upon him.
I would rather you not.
I would speak to your captain.
I, I can't. I can't give you or anyone the Eye.
I, I think what Davion means is, you're right and we should do it quickly.
I… I don't remember.
I… I will serve the Imperium in any way you choose.
I'd rather call you by your name, Marci.
I'd scarcely allowed myself a hope.
I'll be brief, Highness.
I'll bring an army when I'm done.
I'll come. Don't lose it. With Father gone, those are precious.
I'll leave you to the task.
I'll lift the sewer grate, uh, then we run downhill.
I'll pray she hears it.
I'll send the Emperor your best.
I'll take Sagan. Leave before first light. Have the troops ready.
I'll take you to the little man. It'll be fun to watch him squirm.
I'll write a poem. It will be beautiful. It will be for you.
I'm a bit player in someone else's story.
I'm afraid I don't understand.
I'm afraid penetrating bone can be excruciating.
I'm afraid the Solar Throne must deny your request.
I'm brimming over with it.
I'm glad you made it, but it was all for nothing.
I'm gonna smash your dawn forsaken machine and build something new! Something better!
I'm guessing the Emperor said no, given you dropped him off a roof.
I'm inexperienced with human humor.
I'm just an asshole carrying another asshole's sword.
I'm just surprised. I didn't know you could dance,
I'm no Dragon Knight.
I'm not a prisoner. I found a way to return home.
I'm not defending Lina at all.
I'm not leaving.
I'm not sure if that's evolution or luck.
I'm not the little girl you helped escape all those years ago.
I'm proud of you.
I'm putting a new company together. Are you in or out?
I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour, Princess.
I'm sorry, I, I feel like we've met.
I'm sorry, Sunbeam. There is nothing you can do.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I hope you're not angry.
I'm sure he didn't. Your father was a decent man.
I'm sure of that as well. I'm more sure of that than anything.
I'm sure they want to. I'm sure they think it's worth it.
I'm, I'm just a squire.
I've been alone my whole life. Then you walked into it.
I've been playing with forces and people I neither know nor understand.
I've been stealing dragon souls since I was a boy.
I've dreamed of slaying dragons since I was a boy.
I've heard stories of what you're capable of.
I've never seen anyone make a shot that long, except Mirana.
I've never slain a dragon with my own hands.
I've seen that look before. Something troubles you.
I've taken her faith from you.
I've trusted him my whole life, since I was a boy.
If he has the Eye, we have to convince him to show us.
If I am to succeed, I need help.
If I could have saved her, I would have.
If I had stolen the most holy relic in the Imperium, I'd keep it here.
If I stitch the two of you together, I can make one healthy person.
If I were you, I would depart with haste.
If Lina were capable of something like this,
If Mene returns, it means the end of everything.
If Selemene is gone, if a new goddess rises in her place,
If Terrorblade gets to the Eldwyrms, those monsters at Dragon Hold won't matter.
If the Coedwei pursue us, at least we'll have help.
If the Imperium learns the truth, there will be civil war.
If there was true cruelty in you once, the taste of it has turned to ash. Hm?
If you had brought Davion home, this would all be over.
If you want revenge, you need to play clever.
If you won't run, neither will I.
In countless realities, you are the same,
In how many does the game progress so far?
In my shadow.
In the end, it would have only made things worse.
In the end, you will beg me to take the dragon souls from you.