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Sliders - Season 1

Sliders - Season 1

Sliders: Travel Across Dimensions

Are you ready for a mind-bending adventure that will take you to incredible alternate worlds? Look no further than Sliders - Season 1, a thrilling television series that premiered in 1995. Strap yourself in, as we embark on a journey through time and space.

Sliders follows the extraordinary and perilous expeditions of a group of four travelers: Quinn Mallory (Jerry O'Connell), Wade Wells (Sabrina Lloyd), Professor Maximillian Arturo (John Rhys-Davies), and Rembrandt Brown (Cleavant Derricks). Created by Tracy Tormé and Robert K. Weiss, this science fiction series pushes the boundaries of imagination and explores the concept of multidimensional travel.

Quinn Mallory, a brilliant student, invents a device capable of opening portals to parallel universes. However, during their first test, Quinn accidentally opens a vortex that drags him and his friends into an odyssey across an infinite number of dimensions. Stranded in each new world they encounter, the Sliders must find a way back home while evading dangers and encountering bizarre societies.

The chemistry among the cast members is undeniable. Jerry O'Connell brings an infectious enthusiasm to the role of Quinn, the accidental genius who inadvertently initiates their interdimensional escapades. Sabrina Lloyd's portrayal of Wade Wells adds a touch of charm and resourcefulness to the group dynamic. Meanwhile, John Rhys-Davies's performance as Professor Maximillian Arturo showcases a delightful mix of intelligence, wit, and occasional arrogance. Finally, Cleavant Derricks's character, Rembrandt Brown, adds a dose of humor and soul to the team, making for a well-rounded and engaging ensemble cast.

Throughout Season 1, the Sliders encounter mind-boggling alternate versions of Earth. From universes without electricity to worlds where everyone speaks in Shakespearean verse, each episode offers a fresh and imaginative take on how society and culture can diverge. Furthermore, the character development shines as the Sliders face moral dilemmas and make difficult choices while striving to return to their own reality.

The series also explores themes such as friendship, loyalty, and the definition of home. As they navigate countless dimensions, the Sliders form unbreakable bonds and learn to rely on one another. Together, they become more than a team of travelers; they become a makeshift family.

To fully immerse yourself in the adventures of Sliders, you can play and download the series' iconic soundtrack here. The energetic opening theme, composed by Danny Lux, perfectly captures the essence of the show, combining a sense of intrigue and excitement.

Sliders has captivated audiences with its blend of science fiction, adventure, and social commentary. Through its exploration of parallel universes, the series raises thought-provoking questions about the impact of individual choices and the relativity of our reality. The show's success is attributed not only to its engaging storytelling but also to its ability to inspire viewers to contemplate the limitless possibilities of existence.

No matter which dimension you find yourself in, Sliders - Season 1 guarantees an enthralling experience. So join Quinn, Wade, Arturo, and Rembrandt as they slide through the multiverse, encountering peculiar worlds and facing thrilling challenges along the way. Buckle up and prepare for a captivating ride that will leave you questioning the nature of reality itself.

Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind series!

A "little more" than you can afford?
A 22 point swing, just enough to win.
A bad dream?
A big difference. I got Harvard plus the points.
A big test today, for Cal, Tom.
A consequence of having to deliver
A considerable contribution to make from your political credit.
A few days here is going to be as tough as a weekend gig in Salt Lake City.
A few negative respondees are statistically insignificant.
A few. We can just squeeze you in.
A friend of mine has a headache.
A generous 2% decrease.
A hopeful skeptic.
A legend who had peaked,
A list of his specialties immediately.
A little more than five days.
A lot better. She just went back to sleep.
A loved one,
A making way as possible.
A man by that name was killed 12 years ago in the Detroit uprising.
A man who presses buttons, how interesting.
A man's got to do what a man's got to do.
A member of The Right To Life movement?
A million dollars a song?
A millisecond too early or too late
A moment, Ms. Wells.
A new kind of leader...
A nice vichyssoise to start with.
A paper airplane, Rubik's Cube,
A raid. Look, kid...
A remembered hallucination?
A sensitivity to the needs of all people,
A slight technical difficulty. However...
A smaller population is probably one of the antidotes
A star is born.
A taste test might be...
A time when it seems to many of you
A trillion bucks if they've had an accident on the job.
A university professor and advisor to NASA.
A very large tonnage of orthodox...
A vote for Arturo
A woman meets the man of her dreams.
Aah, stop it! What are you doing?!
ABC and NBC say CNN's all wrong!
About all the Americans who are moving
About everything being your fault.
About no "American Underground."
About playing with the electric trains while the cities burn?
About this scientific theory, so called, about "global cooling,"
About what I was doing before I started sliding.
Abraham Lincoln.
Absolute power over another, is to invite chaos.
Absurd as it may seem,
Abusive... degrading... relationships.
Accidents may happen.
According to the almanac, the U.S. Congress,
Acknowledge that Maurice Fish
Across the border illegally to live in Mexico.
Act a little dignified, ladies and gentlemen.
Actually, I ask to annoy you a lot.
Advance sales continue to break all records,
After days of careful analysis,
After everything Coach did for you?
After I split from the "Topps."
After one day?
Against "unreasonable search and seizure," right?
Aggression is limited. Now, please, my friends, please,
Ah ah ah, don't be too hasty, Mr. Mallory.
Ah, Mallory, how good of you to join us.
Ah, Mr. Brown,
Ah, well... that could take some explaining.
Ah, yes. Do you have any aspirin?
Ah, yes. It's my destiny.
Ah! A sign. A very good sign.
Ah... ah. Oh.
Ah... well, since you put it that way,
Ahem... So to speak.
Aide: He's addressed the core campaign issues.
Alias "Rembrandt Brown."
All because a "junior nutty professor" couldn't control his vortex.
All coexisting on the same multidimensional space time continuum.
All details of the concert remain top secret,
All eyes are on him.
All fame is fleeting, Miss Wells.
All female.
All in due time.
All in time.
All its permutations must be calculated.
All morning long, our first annual
All of my life I've dreamed of success like yours...
All of those kids worship the ground you walk on. You make me sick.
All of tonight's regularly scheduled programming
All our tax money going for his coronation,
All right now...
All right, all right.
All right, boys. This is for the championship.
All right, come on!
All right, cut along with Miss Wells.
All right, Jack, I'm in!
All right, just stay cool.
All right, let him go.
All right, let's go, Professor.
All right, look. You want to be heros?
All right, move it!
All right, we've got time for one more question. Sir?
All right, who's going to be first?
All right, you go in the front way,
All right!
All right.
All right. Close her up.
All right. Come on, Professor. You can do it.
All right. Hi, Wade Wells.
All right. Let me see what we can do.
All sales are final! (laughs)
All that stuff is wrong. I've never been on TV!
All that was left was winning the Lottery.
All the great ones were worth the headaches...
All the times that I coddled you and covered for you...
All the top Rembrandt impersonators are gathering there.
All them people clapping on the off beat... huh!
All they care about...
All vanished without a trace.
All you gotta do is sign this.
All: Hear, hear!
All: Stop the slaughter! Stop the slaughter!
All: Stop the slaughter! Stop the slaughter!
All: U... Cal!
Along with Rembrandt and the Professor.
Always a leader of men,
Always testing me, aren't you?
Am I going to be okay?
Amazing accidents.
An audience of billions
An Earth that exists in a parallel dimension.
And $5 million, too.
And 32 seconds left to play?
And a battalion of guardsmen outside the jail.
And a gentler nation.
And a higher standard of living, good riddance to them.
And a little bit of luck.
And a nude photographer's model.
And a slider.
And a wife that loves you.
And among white males you're back up to 98%, plus or minus 4%.
And because you miss your kitty at home,
And boom, we're on another planet?
And bought you dinner? You can't be serious.
And check us into that motel over there?
And collect her in a couple of minutes.
And Communism is virtually extinct.
And complimentary Ovaltine served daily until 10:00 a.m.
And crêpes suzette.
And deeply ashamed.
And don't be shy about using this.
And don't forget Quinn Mallory.
And Einstein attributed this failure
And everything is hygiene wrapped.
And everything you stand for.
And expeditious handling of this matter.
And feel grateful that you weren't born on some other godforsaken piece of rock?
And finally see what's on the other side.
And find our way back to the joy that we knew...
And furthermore, I think
And generously reward their beneficiaries.
And get us a police escort out of here, away from that mob!
And give her the satisfaction? I'm not gonna play mind games.
And give the Professor a little moral support.
And he did the work, he is the rightful King.
And he'll bring the army right to us.
And her 80 Year Old Grandmother."
And here it comes...
And how much fun we'd have exploring them.
And I admit to the world
And I am certainly not sticking around to find out.
And I believe that he wishes to apologize to me.
And I could've sworn he was driving a Cadillac.
And I don't think I can wait that long.
And I feel as if I've got guitars exploding in my head.
And I had no idea that I would have the opportunity.
And I hope you understand that I have to do this.
And I just read his thesis on Chiral field anomalies... it's killer.
And I know just the thing.
And I love every minute of it!
And I sentence you to 15 years
And I thought afterwards we would go to The Blue Note.
And I thought I liked adventure.
And I want all the cash from your register.
And I want us to go on together.
And I want you.
And I won't have to sleep in the bathtub. Ah! Cheese!
And I'll absolve the million bucks you owe me.
And I'll be damned if I let you have it.
And if there is any way...
And if there isn't, we take a plague there.
And if we are not, there will not be
And if we don't slide out of here in...
And if you're really lucky, hit the big jackpot.
And in San Francisco, the Union of Concerned Scientists,
And introduce the concept of democracy.
And is therefore, by the powers vested in me
And it is significantly larger than the asteroid
And it may give others the spirit to keep fighting.
And it will not shatter into smaller meteors
And it'll take a miracle for them to do it for me.
And it's run by former Professor, now Citizen General,
And it's safe, right?
And James Brown
And line up some of them replacement acts.
And look who's the Pope.
And make coffee for everybody...
And me being heir to the crown.
And most of all, my dear,
And my credibility... I hope you're satisfied.
And my lover. The two may look identical...
And my personality is just as disarming.
And no blood need be shed.
And nothing but the truth, so help you God?
And now we've found him.
And now, from the "Mindfield" at Berkeley,
And now, here are Ron Pitts,
And of course I don't want to die,
And only nine minutes late this time.
And overlooked because of your sex.
And paddle the Amazon before I was 30.
And pay per view around the world.
And pledge your support for public television...
And public relations guru, the sheriff.
And Quinn Mallory!
And ran a little short of cash,
And read about women basketball players?
And receive unlimited white card privileges.
And relax, no matter what the circumstances.
And released me into the population.
And remember,
And request a little privacy for me and my entourage.
And say something that a normal man can understand.
And shows flagrant disregard for the sanctity of public property.
And shows up in time for finals,
And so long as we don't interfere with the status quo,
And stay together all the time?
And thank them for their courageous
And that I became famous, like him...
And that's from being an early seven point underdog
And that's the fun of it.
And that's what I want to talk to you about.
And the Beavers of MIT.
And the big debate's tomorrow.
And the bomb will fail. This is a real long shot.
And the card that gives you everything...
And the Crimson of Harvard is brought to you by Weeties...
And the crowd goes crazy.
And the cunning of the actual fish.
And the days of the US imperialist war machine
And the fingerprints, I swear to you, it wasn't me.
And the new Pentium controller chips from Intel
And the other team tries to tag you.
And the pursuit of happiness...
And the Raiders will be eradicated.
And the right against self incrimination."
And the scoring is insane.
And the shapes are quite critical.
And the thought of going on without you
And the... sliding machine?
And then afterwards the relief brings hunger.
And then move in and out of it?
And then sync the timer to the new frequency,
And then...
And there'll be two tickets at "Will Call" for you. Thank you, Officer.
And there's a young woman in your office.
And there's about $3.98 left in the kitty after the Professor's pretzel.
And therefore shouldn't be expected
And they're restaffing for the campaign.
And they're still governed by a monarchy.
And this beautiful autoclave.
And this is not my game reserve.
And this is the defendant,
And thus the world was spared.
And thus, perhaps miss the possibility
And to the end of a journey.
And to those of you who would, in your frustration,
And Tom Jackson!
And two. Oh hh.
And vinyl, ladies and gentlemen, is here to stay.
And wait till you see my new look.
And we have positively identified the fourth individual
And we haven't seen a single person who didn't look content.
And we know that Mr. Mallory's double
And we start a campaign of random bombings
And we'd like your opinion. Go ahead and put it up.
And we've been at it a long time.
And what are you doing in my robe?
And what are you going to do in the light of this unexpected development?
And what do we really know about him?
And when did you become our resident expert, Miss Wells?
And when I get home tonight, we'll just put
And when she died, I discovered
And who are you, anyway?
And with that, we will bring this case to a close.
And yet disregards half of its population,
And yet, despite all of this,
And you are clearly not dead.
And you are in big trouble.
And you are not long for this Earth.
And you are?
And you don't wish to see it threatened.
And you just walk away from it.
And you look every bit as beautiful as the day we met.
And you owe me big, hombre.
And you still believe that?
And you're me.
And you're the one dropping by for a visit?
And your friends?
And... now!
Angle? You mean you haven't heard?
Announcer: By satellite, to 123 countries around the globe,
Announcer: It's the National Semifinals of "Mindgame."
Announcer: We interrupt this broadcast
Another couple of songs and we'll be able to afford a motel room.
Another lucky winner.
Another major lifeform on this planet for about 100 million years.
Answer, please.
Anthem? What do you mean, anthem? No, I'm the anthem.
Anti bacterial agents from molds.
Anti grav, uh uh. Something else, definitely.
Any chance the gadget can be fixed?
Any friend of "Big Max" is good enough for me.
Any luck? No dice.
Any unanticipated delays...
Anybody messes with us now...
Anybody want a licorice? Sure.
Anybody who pulls a vanishing act for half the season,
Anyone fancy a kielbasa?
Anyway, there are some inconsistencies in my calculations.
Anyway, you're gonna be king!
Anywhere is better than here.
Apatite, orthoclase, quartz...
Apparently they just weren't selling. The vinyl LP won the battle,
Apparently you can win or lose a bunch of 'em at one time,
Appeal noted and rejected.
Are a nanny situation out in Napa,
Are doing to solve the problem. Maybe we can give them a hand.
Are happy ones.
Are numbered!
Are reemerging simultaneously,
Are still in the 130 millisecond range,
Are wiped from the face of our land!
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Are you all right? You look terrible.
Are you blind, you stupid little strumpet?!
Are you crazy?
Are you gonna take me to this thing tonight, or not?
Are you guys all right?
Are you guys anybody?
Are you here on your own behalf, Mr. Mallory?
Are you here to oversee the operation?
Are you in love with Quinn?
Are you kidding? I love it!
Are you kidding? Is that true?
Are you kidding? Look around.
Are you okay, my friend?
Are you okay?
Are you ready? $1 million per song.
Are you serious?
Are you serious?
Are you sure it's safe? They look pretty crazed.
Are you sure you're okay with this?
Are your needs. It's getting to be a drag, Remmy.
Aren't we all?
Aren't you afraid you'll be spotted?
Aren't you forgetting something kind of important, Professor?
Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?
Around the globe, the world braced for the apocalypse
Around this great, big ego trip of yours
Arturo and Bennish built an atom bomb. They did what?
Arturo is our friend, right or wrong.
As a "fascist tool of immuno oppression."
As a result, his candidacy was instantly destroyed
As Captain Jack Brim has kept Rembrandt tightly under wraps
As Coach Almquist is calling his last time out.
As efficient and pleasant
As I live and breathe.
As in for headaches.
As in very.
As long as these hostages are alive,
As long as they work in the mailroom.
As many mood swings as I go through in an afternoon,
As millions of viewers prepare to tune in...
As much as I'd love to hear you beg,
As much as we envy you,
As none other than that great Italian tenor, Luciano Pavarotti.
As of 0900 hours this morning,
As part of my "Contract with America,"
As Ronald Reagan said, "I'd rather have been in Philadelphia."
As soon as they start to tie you down,
As the curiosity of a man who dares to buck the system.
As you yourself could find out over a fine candlelit dinner.
Ask what you can do for your country."
Assuming it ever ends and I get out of it in one piece...
Assuming the Professor's calculations are correct
Assuming we get out of here alive.
At $10,000 a house.
At a low, low price!
At a quarter to 10:00.
At approximately 3:00 this afternoon.
At ease... Private.
At least he's not biting you.
At least here, people are allowed to live out
At least I know they're going to go on.
At least I'm safe and dry.
At least it looks like San Francisco.
At least somebody's having fun.
At least until we find a sliding machine.
At least we gave it the good fight, huh?
At least...
At the end of this game. Playing like the Mallory of old.
At the Men's Correctional Center.
At the moment, Mr. Bennish, we have done nothing.
At the Motel 12.
At the risk of appearing sexist,
At University of California, is an international hero today.
Athletes today, all you see is dollar signs,
Attention, attention.
Attention, attention.
Attention, attention.
Attitude adjustment, Professor. Try and stay cool.
Attorney: Your Honor, I appeal on the grounds that the death penalty
Aw, they fit too.
Back by popular demand, the highlight of the evening...
Back there!
Bad knees follow me everywhere.
Bailiff: All rise.
Bailiff: Will all parties and witnesses
Bananas! Fresh fruit!
Baseball game, capiche?
Based on the exit polls, CNN just called it...
Basically the guy was heavy into the dinosaurs.
Be careful what you wish for, "other Remmy."
Be careful, comrade.
Beats me. I guess he doesn't like to be kissed.
Beautiful countryside,
Because he was perceived as a weakling.
Because I have the real schematics here.
Because I'm gonna be shedding lots of tears over you.
Because I'm starting to think we're never going to get home?
Because I'm tired of sliding?
Because it's totally '90s.
Because otherwise, they'd be rich."
Because the population would always increase at a faster rate
Because the sheriff's gonna kill him first.
Because we've been looking for you...
Because you're the only one here who's still healthy.
Because, Mr. Bennish,
Been married now, two years.
Before allowing your team to pass.
Before I let him take away my crown.
Before the last of their kind
Before we attract more attention to ourselves?
Before we go live to the execution, I have prepared a few remarks...
Before we go trying to upset the whole apple cart.
Before your class tomorrow.
Beginning with piloting the Minnow...
Being a man of the world and all.
Being issued by our government,
Being married to that loudmouth.
Believe it. Still think this is paradise?
Believe me, we can trust her.
Below the surface of the ocean.
Bennish: Damn.
Bennish: You ain't seen nothing yet.
Besides, we have more immediate concerns.
Better hurry up and find them. It's time, man.
Better than too little.
Big price on black market for "Topps."
Big time congrats!
Bits of metal of differing densities
Bizarre to the point of lunacy.
Blistering idiot.
Bloody devil!
Bombastic ego, unprincipled aggression,
Bon appétit. (laughs)
Both: "I, Rembrandt Brown,
Both: ♪ Whoo! I got tears in my 'fro ♪
Both: Hello.
Both: Who's James Brown?
Both: Why do you...
Bottom line?
Bottoms up.
Boy, he is gonna be fabulous if we can ever get him out.
Boy, I need a refill, please.
Boy, I tell ya... those... boy...
Boy, talk about never really knowing a person.
Boy, you are cool as ice.
Boy: Mr. Mallory? Excuse me.
Boyer, in for Mallory.
Breathlessly waiting for "The Crying Man"
Brie is cheese!
Brought to you by The Lottery Commission.
Brutality is the only language these devils understand.
Burn them down if you have to.
But as a man of science, you cannot dismiss the result.
But assuming we can impanel the judges,
But at least this world goes on.
But come on... these guys mean business.
But considering that two supposedly dead stars
But don't let them take you alive, Quinn.
But enemies must be purged
But first, you're gonna do something for me.
But frankly, you look terrible.
But he was on his way to work.
But here it's the cold, hard truth. You don't believe me?
But his voice, it kept fading.
But how? You told me America has
But I believe we should consider destroying it.
But I could surely tell the difference.
But I do believe that we have a chance
But I don't know, maybe it's true.
But I don't think I'm supposed to alter the timer.
But I don't think Mallory will have much of an impact.
But I forget that yours is right there too.
But I have done more and seen more
But I just want you to know...
But I know we've never met.
But I really feel connected
But I think we should get off the streets.
But I'd never have the guts to say it to his face.
But I'm home, Mom, home!
But I'm not from this world. I'm from another Earth.
But I'm not from your world.
But I'm reasonably sure
But I'm touched.
But I'm... healthy.
But I've got hundreds and hundreds
But I've never...
But if anything were to happen,
But if I could make a reasonable showing,
But if they didn't slide, then where'd they go?
But in the ancient days before computers,
But in this day and age, how can you trust the folk that enter your home?
But it ain't over until the fat lady closes the book.
But it is definitely not my Earth.
But it won't cut the mustard with me.
But it'll do your neck very nicely.
But it's getting across the "Everyman" quality
But it's the prince's fault.
But maybe we ought to stop and think for a change
But Ms. Murphy, one of the other winners,
But my place is here with my music.
But no longer than that.
But no one seemed to be buying.
But nothing has so captured the public's fancy
But nothing like this.
But obviously, you were delusional and in need of help,
But on "Amazing Bargains," everything is just $49.95.
But people are packed in here like sardines.
But right now, I'm a nervous wreck.
But shouldn't we go to your room or something?
But since you're pretending not to know me,
But sometimes things just get out of hand.
But that's just it... why would I kiss you?
But the electrical field nukes the picture.
But the fact is, things are not so bad here.
But the more people we take in the wormhole,
But the poor will follow him to hell and back.
But the risk is too great. Explain.
But they can't stand me.
But they're not physics problems.
But think of the benefits.
But this is Quinn Mallory we're talking about, Ron.
But this woman is not your wife.
But to allow one gender
But to do this to a hamburger... it's just downright unkind.
But to imagine we have the technology to build a portal
But to sentence you to the maximum sentence
But to those of you who would advocate
But today I want to do something different.
But we do know who you are.
But we had to take precautions.
But we have to go!
But we should try and find our families.
But we're gonna have to order out. The food here bites.
But we're scheduled to make way in the morning.
But what was that all about? "I can tell the difference."
But what?
But when asked to provide an employment history
But while searching for the answer,
But you can't change your fingerprints.
But you can't control it,
But you had to set it on fire and see if it was flammable.
But you know my name, sir. Lieutenant Karpov.
But you made up for it in the final seconds.
But you, you still hungry.
But you've got experience at things like that.
But you've got to come to grips with reality.
But your tagging counterpart almost got you killed there.
But, I will need the handprint identification
But, if you contact the police,
But, Mom, in the event something goes wrong and I don't return,
But, what are these trucks doing here?
But, your office is back there.
But... ah, the moment I saw her.
By a Christina Fox... I imagine
By heroically detaining his insidious passenger
By order of the Sheriff of San Francisco,
By the Second Magna Carta,
By the way, if he should call here... the kidnapper,
By traditional British pride in craftsmanship.
By your belief in my abilities, however, I should point out
By your good friend and benefactor
Cal gets the win. It's a miracle.
Calcite, fluorite...
California has squares six, seven, and 36.
California High School Academic Championship."
Camembert is cheese. This is yellow plastic.
Can I get your autograph?
Can I have a look at that?
Can I help you, son?
Can I help you?
Can I trust you? To my grave.
Can somebody get that hole a bit nearer the ground sometime?
Can you choose your destination?
Can't keep it just for the rich.
Can't you do something about that?
Candlestick, my man, and step on it.
Cannot produce a sufficient implosion to detonate the core.
Captain Jack Brim.
Captain Jack?
Captain, they found him.
Captured my essence so beautifully.
Carol Johnson with the story of the man who would be mayor.
Caroline: Coffee's in the back.
Carry on.
Caused in part by the fact
Certain uncomfortable realities.
Champagne, caviar, veal cordon bleu,
Charlie, for the big question, come on over here. How much?
CHC, nobody move! Right there, stay right there!
Check it out. It's Albert.
Christina, I am not the man that you think I am.
Christina, I need your help.
Citizen General is home... in bed.
Citizen General, sir, what are you doing here?
Citizens of the British Empire, I am Prince Harold.
Claiming to be from a "parallel Earth."
Class dismissed.
Clearly I have done you great wrong.
Coach is going nuclear. He sent me to bring you back.
Coach, I'm fresh. Let me get out there.
Coach: Come on, guys.
Coach: This is a mindgame. Being smart isn't enough.
Coach: Wilson, what's the matter with you?
Come along, Mr. Mallory. Behave.
Come back! Rembrandt!
Come here, sir, come here!
Come in, Rembrandt.
Come on in, make yourselves at home.
Come on in, Quinn.
Come on now. No!
Come on you two, we're tired and we're cranky.
Come on, baby.
Come on, for crying out loud. What's keeping him?
Come on, for God's sake.
Come on, Henry. Come on, old boy.
Come on, hurry up!
Come on, I've got my own private limo parked around the corner.
Come on, let's get going, let's get hopping.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, man, we have no time! Let's go!
Come on, now!
Come on, old fella. Come on, now.
Come on, open it up!
Come on, Quinn, come on!
Come on, stop being so...
Come on, Wade, don't talk like that.
Come on, Wade!
Come on, you guys.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on! A man in political office?
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Uh oh.
Come this way, please.
Come with me, folks.
Commander Wade Wells is a great leader
Commander Wells is about to be shipped to Moscow
Commando sergeant: All right, people, let's move.
Commentator: But the biggest story in the tournament
Communism will sweep the world
Completely distinct and separate from your own.
Computer hell? I did you a favor.
Computer: Initial decontamination complete.
Computer: Lmprint identification complete.
Computer: Q infection not present.
Computer: Q infection not present.
Conducted under the aegis of Dr. Lee Antonovich,
Congratulations, Professor...
Congressional response was swift...
Conrad Bennish, Jr, this is my friend and protégé, Quinn Mallory.
Continue to hit the highways today, clogging major arteries
Continued to hold.
Contrary to some of the blandishments
Cook? Honey, what woman cooks?
Could be the mouth of a tunnel
Could I speak to you for a second?
Could we maybe bring somebody with us?
Could you imagine?
Could you step on it a little?
Could you tell us how to get a taxi?
Could you turn that down, please? I'm trying to concentrate.
Couldn't accept the moral responsibility. Frankly, I don't blame him.
Crewman: Prince Harold, you're on!
Crowds have gathered for the final countdown.
Customer #1: All right.
Cut! Hendrick!
Damn it, you're doing something wrong.
Damn, girl, some people have all the luck.
Damn, I need a drink.
Dana Bingham, with Bay Point Realty.
Danny Eizenbach.
Danny: In business, in military,
Darren Morton, one of our foremost researchers.
Day Tripper: I have been skeptical