A clean slate. from Fever Pitch (2005)
A little train engineer hat. from Fever Pitch (2005)
A new season. from Fever Pitch (2005)
A race to the bag. Rivera is there. from Fever Pitch (2005)
A tip might be where it says "Time Called: 2:30." from Fever Pitch (2005)
A tip, Ben. When your girlfriend says, "Let's go to Paris for the weekend," you go. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Actually, I bought every book they had on the Red Sox... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Actually, I'm sorry. I ate everything cool. I just left you a pile of sauce. from Fever Pitch (2005)
After 11 years of never missing an inning, to suddenly not go to a Yankees game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Al I right, Little League, you wanna go? You want some of this? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Al I right. You've been waiting al I year for this. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Al should know. He was there actually. He's 136 years old. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Al Waterman. Have a sponge, young man. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All I ask for is the first Yankee game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All I'll think about every time I'm here is from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, all right. I'll go. I'll go. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, are you ready? from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, here we go. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, Lindsey, so what's the matter with this one? from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, Mr. Wrightman. I gotta bat. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, okay, okay. I see what this is all about. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, people, let's shut your piehole and speed it back up. Come on! from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, study, you maniacs. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, the client I'm working for right now... from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, we're almost there. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right, you guys. We're almost out of time. Pack up. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right. Go, Sox! from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right. I can pack my bags. We can put some stuff together. We can make this. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right. I thought of a million different reasons why I shouldn't be a father. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right. Let her go, buddy. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right. Look, look. Uh from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right. Okay. Here. Pick your head up. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right. Well, I'll see you tonight then. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All right. You and Lindsey are both very competitive, especially with each other. from Fever Pitch (2005)
All those things that you feel for that team... from Fever Pitch (2005)
All you have to do, Mr. Wrightman, is call in sick tomorrow... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Am I wrong? Am I wrong? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Amanda likes that song, Mr. Wrightman. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And a little size one Red Sox jersey... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And a little something I like to watch too when I feel sick. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And back there and back there. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And besides, you'll have such a better time if you go with Troy or Gerard... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And Carl taught him what he knew. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And every year I pick a few promising math students... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And has made practical use of that education. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And he can't cover his own ears 'cause he's got lobster fingers, so I do it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And I always have to leave at 6:00 to be here on time. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And I didn't have any friends or anything... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And I think I might be having his child... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And I think that we should give this another chance. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And I won't feel guilty for having to do my job. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And I'll be here waiting. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And I'm really relaxed, you know? Totally. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And I've never really been very good at servicing myself, my job and a relationship. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And if I still wanted to marry Scott Baio, I would think that my life went terribly wrong. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And if it gets rained out, guess what. They make it up to you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And if it is, "What's this going to be like?" from Fever Pitch (2005)
And if Lindsey gets that too, then she's definitely the winner... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And if you do, here's Mr. Hamper. Okay? All right. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And instead of becoming more open and available, I'm becoming less open. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And it's a passion. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And it's been a problem with me and women. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And it's like it's like an adorable stroke victim. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And it's very important to him every from Fever Pitch (2005)
And my sister's anniversary all in the same week. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And now she expects me to miss a Yankees game? from Fever Pitch (2005)
And rearranging them in your head to make more interesting patterns? from Fever Pitch (2005)
And seen the Red Sox dish towels and glasses and the Yankee toilet paper. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And she calls her brother Carl to take him somewhere... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And she even lets me dance around in her panties once in a while. " from Fever Pitch (2005)
And since 1918, the Red Sox have not won a World Series. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And sometimes... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And that night there was a blue moon and a total eclipse. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And that, milady, is the Curse of the Bambino. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And that's okay. I'm fine with that. But how far does it go? from Fever Pitch (2005)
And that's where the story begins. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And the dating market is, shall we say, bearish. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And the Mets win it! from Fever Pitch (2005)
And the thing is the Sox don't just lose, they raise it to an art form. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And the Yankees are playing, so I know I'm going stag. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And the Yankees are three defensive outs away from the World Series. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And the Yankees take game one. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And then he got cancer and he died. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And then some of us came back here after. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And then that's all time lost. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And then we don't get home till 11:00, then you and I go at it all night... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And then when this trip came up, I thought... from Fever Pitch (2005)
And there three members of the Red Sox are eating. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And they went, and lo and behold from Fever Pitch (2005)
And they'd raise their flags and they'd impose their culture and they'd colonize. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And this one is gone. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And those are the facts. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And what exactly am I looking for? from Fever Pitch (2005)
And what they do You know what? from Fever Pitch (2005)
And when you were both starting out, you were the more successful one. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And when you're done with your date, we'll get married. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And word is these tickets stubs are already getting $200 on the street. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And you Did you ever tell me what your dad does? from Fever Pitch (2005)
And your mom's on line one. from Fever Pitch (2005)
And, "Doctor, induce labor because the Oakland A's are coming in tomorrow. " from Fever Pitch (2005)
Another idiot. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Anywhere, just to get the kid out of the house. from Fever Pitch (2005)
April 1912. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Are any of you in the habit of looking at numbers from Fever Pitch (2005)
Are you allowed to do that? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Are you feeling Is this crazy? I mean, what are the odds? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Are you guys that rich? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Are you kidding? He ran out and bought him her from Fever Pitch (2005)
Are you okay? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Are you smoking? What are you doing? I'm a teacher. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Aren't those just practice games? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Armbrister runs into Carlton Fisk, costs us the Series. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ask for Kevin, and get your first drink free. from Fever Pitch (2005)
At 1:05 or at 7:05, there is a game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Audrey and Tammy, are you guys talking to each other on the phone? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Audrey, I'm very sorry, but you can have our home game. Don, what does she win? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Aw, come on, Ben. The kids listen to you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Awesome! Whoo hoo! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Back to Foulke. Red Sox fans have longed to hear it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Back! Hey, one of the 10 problems on your handout will be on the test. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because 23 years ago I was seven... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because frankly the men I meet are highly from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because I am bulletproof. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because I had nothing else. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because I once went on a date with this guy who got so angry I was on the phone... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because I trained Carrie. I like her. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because I'm tired of being the most ignorant person here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because if you didn't, I was gonna have to find three new friends. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because it would be ours. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because maybe that's something I've been lacking in my life. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Because that did seem special. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Behind the bag! It gets through Buckner! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Behind the bag! It gets through Buckner! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Behind the bag! It gets through Buckner! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben my Ben is selling his Red Sox seats? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben is selling Chris his Red Sox tickets. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben, all I got so far is the 21st and 22nd, man. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben, come on. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben, how do you know she'll even take you back? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben, I just got so hurt. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben, I'm concussed. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben, look at you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben, this isn't helping you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben, what are you doing? It's two hand touch. You were down back there. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ben. Ben! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Benny boy, I still can't believe you're not at the Yankee game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Benny? Lindsey. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Bernie Williams is there, and the Yankees have won it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Boston Red Sox have won the pennant! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Buckner. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Bucky friggin' Dent. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Business, music, art I mean, you can get lucky. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But between you and me, I was ready to wash his balls. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But don't worry. You're still going to opening day. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But fortunately she was released and she's gonna be all right. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But have they ever loved you back? from Fever Pitch (2005)
But he did know the greatest place to bring any kid from Fever Pitch (2005)
But I got a story you don't know. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But I have a 4:00 flight that I have to catch. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But if they ever do, uh from Fever Pitch (2005)
But now Lindsey's career has skyrocketed, so she's more successful. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But she's great. She's great. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But then I thought of a reason why I should. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But there's a reason why she's 30 and not married. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But we finally did it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But you've had the personal success, the marriage. from Fever Pitch (2005)
But, no, you don't see us tangled up in the sheets with the Eiffel Tower in the window. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Bye bye, Bambino. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Bye. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Call your mother. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Can I get anyone something to drink? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Can you hear this? It's bedlam here, man! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Can you turn it up, please? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Careful, kid. They'll break your heart. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Carl wasn't the kind of uncle who was gonna take you to the circus... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Carl, look at him. He's seven, you dope. Come here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Catches one in the eye at 22, he's finished at 26. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Check in later. Okay, bye bye. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Check's all made out. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Chris! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Clarence, look how everyone showed up. It's amaz from Fever Pitch (2005)
Clearly, it's not just a game! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come and get 'em at Cerrone Cadillac. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come and get 'em at Cerrone Cadillac. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come on, guys. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come on, people. Talking isn't burning calories. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come on, pull! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come on! Come on! Use your brain! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come on! Let's get some runs! Let's get some runs! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come on. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come on. You have to go. Please? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Come to Washington Square Tavern on Beacon Street... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Curse of the Bam bi no. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Damn it! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Damon's grand salami in game seven. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Decides to sell Babe Ruth to the Yankees to finance a Broadway musical. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Definitely the best girl I've ever gone out with. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Designated hitter. Number 18. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Did you clean up my bathroom, or did I dream that? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Did you know the Titanic sank the same week Fenway Park opened? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Did you tell Schuyler? Okay, al I right, listen. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Did, uh Did you want a baby? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Do you believe in this? "The Curse of the Bambino"? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Do you have a job? Do you work for a living? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Do you have any, like, pajamas or a nightgown? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Do you remember last winter? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Do you still care about anything you cared about 23 years ago? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Do you want to from Fever Pitch (2005)
Does anyone else in your life do that? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Doesn't it require some pliability? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Don, I hate to interrupt, but something is happening in center field. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Don't lie to me. Right. Do you have anymore of these? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Down here in Fort Myers, Florida, the story is always the same. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Down, set, hike. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Dwight Evans parked a couple homers, the Sox won... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Eighty six years of banging our heads against the big green wall... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Enjoy the game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ernie, don't eat that! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ernie, go away. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ernie! Ernie, be nice. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Eventually. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ever. This is like a nightmare. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Every April, they're here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Everybody knows when you say you need tickets, means you have tickets. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Everyone says, "You going out with Pukey tonight?" I'm like, "Yeah. Why?" from Fever Pitch (2005)
Eww! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Excuse me. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Excuse me. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Excuse me. Is there a ticket window somewhere? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Excuse me. Ooh. Sorry. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Excuse me. Sorry. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Extra innings again the next night. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ezra, I need those customer satisfaction data reports. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Fine. Hey, hold out for the Royals, huh? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Floyd the Barber, we're not in Mayberry, okay? Thank you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
For the second night in a row, the Yankees have beaten the Red Sox. from Fever Pitch (2005)
From his entire life. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Gave them a model predicting the impact of every possibility. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Gerard, I guess you don't want them, huh? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Get back in class. Come on. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Get him up on the shoulder there, Gerard. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Get in here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Get your arms through. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Give her a little credit. She's pretty impressive. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Go ahead. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Go back in and talk to him. He misses you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Go on! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Go, go. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Good. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Grady Little sticking with Pedro in the eighth inning. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Groundball to the right side. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hang on. Hang on. Okay. "I'm the luckiest man on the face of the Earth. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hardly any "chunk age. " from Fever Pitch (2005)
Has certainly taken a turn for the worse. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Has tried to get a free golf cart out of me. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He didn't cover first. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He got us a 10:00 a. m. tee time at the country club. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He had a professional come in and do his closet. It's like suit, suit, suit from Fever Pitch (2005)
He is scaring the dog. How can you stand it? from Fever Pitch (2005)
He is. I love him. He's a doll. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He left me his season tickets. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He looks great for his age. 1919, their miserable, greedy pig of a boss... from Fever Pitch (2005)
He looks like a skunk. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He took us out to breakfast. Right now he's washing your father's balls. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He was. It's just, you know from Fever Pitch (2005)
He's 60. It's a big psychological milestone. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He's buying Ben's baseball tickets. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He's gonna come back and haunt you for this. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He's holding champagne. Everybody's got a glass. I told him you're in the ladies' room. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He's not smart? He's not attractive? from Fever Pitch (2005)
He's selling his Red Sox tickets for me. from Fever Pitch (2005)
He's struggling with it. He thinks he looks good. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hello? Uh, no, she isn't. May I take a message? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hello. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hello. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hello. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hello. Troy. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Her, uh from Fever Pitch (2005)
Here comes Knight, and the Mets win it! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Here, I got it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Here. Drink this when you feel like you can, okay? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Here. It's for the urine sample. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Here's a 2 0. Mueller flies to center. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Here's the pitch. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, anything I've said about you would be an understatement, really. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, back off!. Back, back, back, you animals! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, Ben, are you going to watch the Celtics later? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, come on! God. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, hey, hey. It's not time to jump off the Tobin Bridge yet, okay? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, I asked you to behave. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, Rita, when did I get this message from Lindsey Meeks? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, speaking of baseball, Ben, wanna help me coach the J. V. team this year? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, Ump, get off your knees. You're blowin' the game! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, what are you doing here? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, what are you doing on Saturday? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, what are you doing? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey, Zimmer, you idiot, what are you batting this bum leadoff for? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey! Go, run a post. Go! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. Down in front. Come on, sweetie. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. I didn't tell you not to go. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. It's only a game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. Just slow down a second, okay? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. Linds. Uh from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. Linds. Uh from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. We're friends. Okay? They'll still be in his name. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hey. What are you saying? I mean from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hi, I'm Lindsey Meeks. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hi, Linds. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hi, Mom. Hi. Listen, where are you? Can I call you back? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hi. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hi. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hi. Al Waterman. Here, have a sponge. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hi. I didn't wanna interrupt. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hi. Would you like an omelet? from Fever Pitch (2005)
His parents had just got divorced, and his mom dragged him up here to Boston... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hmm? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hmm? For when we go to the games together. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hold it. Hold it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Hold your horses, buddy. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Honey, you're on television. from Fever Pitch (2005)
How How late? from Fever Pitch (2005)
How about 10? How about five? from Fever Pitch (2005)
How could you let him? from Fever Pitch (2005)
How has he not been tranquilized and tagged? from Fever Pitch (2005)
How you feeling? from Fever Pitch (2005)
How? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Huh? Where's your stash? from Fever Pitch (2005)
I ate at this new place. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I I just thought tonight was so different. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I I never miss a game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I It's me. It's Ben. Your date? from Fever Pitch (2005)
I already know I like Winter Guy. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I am going to have to push myself really hard this summer. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I came here for a reason. All right. Look. I love you, Lindsey. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I can always call up a rich old lady and give her some sweet lovin', you know? from Fever Pitch (2005)
I can put up with this. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I can take this. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I can tell you were sleeping, so I'll call you later. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I could tell them I'm leaving right now. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I date poodles basically. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I didn't realize how big this Red Sox thing is with you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I didn't want to go alone, so, you know Carrie and Ezra are here as well. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I do? from Fever Pitch (2005)
I don't know what's with him lately. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I don't know. Well, yeah, yeah. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I don't know. You want the tickets or not? from Fever Pitch (2005)
I don't really know much about it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I don't think so. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I don't think that I should go to the games anymore. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I don't wanna embarrass you. I'll just take this. Everyone just go. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I don't want this. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I don't want to talk now. I'm at the ball game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I even started to lose it, you know. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I feel them too for you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I figured it wouldn't matter, but every year during Easter vacation... from Fever Pitch (2005)
I got a program. I could show you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I got another anesthesiologist to cover for me. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I got it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I got some movies just in case you woke up. Not in case you woke up. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I got the shoulder right now. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I gotta be honest. This is getting me hot. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I gotta call her. Let her know they're here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I gotta get my life in order. Some perspective. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I have a meeting at 5:30 and had to leave work at noon to meet you here... from Fever Pitch (2005)
I have season tickets to Fenway Park. I haven't missed a game in 11 years. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I have seen at least a dozen women celebrating topless in the streets. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I have seen police officers toasting beer with underage children. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I have to focus on my work right now. I have to. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I have to keep the peas on my forehead. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I just I got lost in the game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I just found out this morning, so it's been a rough 24 hours. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I just wanted you to know that you really got through to the kids today. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I kind of envy these guys. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I knew you were going to wake up. In case you woke up in the middle of the night. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I know what I'm doing when I'm here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I know why she wouldn't go out with me. She thinks I'm not in her class. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I know why you forgot. That's all right. I bet when you talk to your friends... from Fever Pitch (2005)
I like this work. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I lost 200 pounds. I had my stomach stapled shut. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I love the Red Sox. They're gonna win. All the way this year, baby! from Fever Pitch (2005)
I love you enough not to let you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I love you, birthday girl. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I love you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean I mean, you were from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, I have a friend who is interested. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, I wanted to wait for the right moment. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, I'm tough. I've been through a lot in this park, man. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, it felt like like we were from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, it's a very, very big part of my life. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, like, I went, and I got a whole bunch of Red Sox toys... from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, the ballpark and the people. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, this is as more as there is. There is no more. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, this thing is over. They keep swinging the bats... from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, you gotta see the big deal she's making about her friend's birthday party. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, you have wants and needs. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, you just kind of... slinked out of your chair. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I mean, you really, really went above and beyond. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I n fact, it's the only place... from Fever Pitch (2005)
I set aside some great games for you too. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I still don't think they're worth two Sunday tickets. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I still have it for... whenever. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I taught the boy what I knew about the game... from Fever Pitch (2005)
I teach honors geometry, ninth grade. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I tell you what. If you are not down here right now, you're missing one heck of a party. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I think from Fever Pitch (2005)
I think it's going good the way it is, you know? from Fever Pitch (2005)
I think this might be the greatest night of my life. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I thought you were becoming a teacher. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I told Lindsey. I said, "Her boobs look engorged. " Was Steve excited? from Fever Pitch (2005)
I told your bosses, but I wanted to tell you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I want my sponges back. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I wanted to ask you if I could ask you out sometime. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I was there. I was 10 feet away from him. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I was, um, just trying to get comfortable. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I won't be bringing the kids. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I would debate you, Ed, but that would only lead to me being dragged away in handcuffs. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I would never do that. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'd be at the game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'd say Red Sox, sex and breathing. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'll be like, "Paris, whoo! I'm in. " from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'll be waiting. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'll buy your seats. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'll hold him if you want. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'll invite you to some of the games. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'll see you tomorrow. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'll skip down because the first six are all body parts. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'll tell you why. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm being arrested. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm gonna ask myself, "Is this the guy?" from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm gonna help you change, all right? I won't look. I promise. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm late. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm not gonna have to change hi m or anything, am I? from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm Patrick. Who are you? from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm really, really sorry. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm sick. Come back. I'll call you tomorrow. Go away. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm sorry, Uncle Carl. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm sorry. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm sorry. I know this seems crazy, but I gotta go. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm sorry. Let me explain. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm telling you, there is a reason this Ben guy is still single. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm the luckiest man on the face of the Earth. from Fever Pitch (2005)
I'm, like, hey, what if I had to work that night? What if I had a second job? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ian. Sarah. from Fever Pitch (2005)
If I ever build a time machine, that's the first place I'm going back to. from Fever Pitch (2005)
If it was, then obviously I wouldn't care about it this much. from Fever Pitch (2005)
If Lindsey ever breaks up with you, I'll kill her. from Fever Pitch (2005)
If you give me a kiss and wish me luck. from Fever Pitch (2005)
In a hundred years, no team in the play offs has ever come back from that. from Fever Pitch (2005)
In fact, my friends, they call me "the seagull. " from Fever Pitch (2005)
In the top drawer. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Into the ninth. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Is it so horrible that I want my parents to like you? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Is this amazing? Is this crazy? Would you look at these seats? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Is this really cool company called Marquis Jet... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Is what I gave up for them. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Isn't it affecting your work? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Isn't that a part of it, accommodating each other? from Fever Pitch (2005)
It is absolute bedlam down here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It sounded like you were involved with some major corporate hoo ha. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It was actually very ladylike. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It was awesome. Struck out the side. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It was pretty limber. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It was the best game ever. I I can't from Fever Pitch (2005)
It was unbelievable, man! It's the greatest night in the history of Fenway Park! from Fever Pitch (2005)
It wasn't just Buckner. Stanley screwed him. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's It's not just for her, okay? It's also for me, okay? from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's It's safe. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's a little like math. It's orderly. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's a real ticket. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's a work thing. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's about this schoolteacher friend of mine named Ben. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's almost impossible. I had to call the manufacturer of my golf carts... from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's authentic. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's Ben. Okay, go back to sleep. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's good for your soul to invest in something that you can't control. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's just that, um, well, he has this tradition, you know. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's like Not Not baseball. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's like a guy offered me $100,000 for these once. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's like Robin's birthday party. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's like, Sarah, when you cut your hair off because that guy liked short hair. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's not a curse. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's not like he's playing a flute with a hatful of dollar bills in front of him. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's official. I'm an idiot. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's over. It's finished. Bye. Wave to it. Bye, Charlie. Bye, Charlie. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's safe. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's she doesn't respect how I'm spending my time. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's so cute, I wanna kill myself. It's fantastic. Uh from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's Summer Guy that broke my heart. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's their job. It's not an obsession. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's unbelievable, right? You can't even believe how from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's what the players wear. from Fever Pitch (2005)
It's, like, not as confusing or as ambiguous as, uh from Fever Pitch (2005)
Jack is leaving the company next summer. from Fever Pitch (2005)
John Olerud. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Johnny Damon! You got the sweetest ass in the league! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Just go and enjoy your ball game. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Just take a mulligan. Lighten up. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Just to avoid the confusion we had last year, let me say this year... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Just too much has happened. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Known as Red Sox Nation. from Fever Pitch (2005)
L owe and Pedro find their form. from Fever Pitch (2005)
La la la la. La la la la. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ladies and gentlemen, throwing out the first ball today... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let me ask you this. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let me do it. Let me do it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let me get this straight. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let me just leave you with this thought. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's all pray for a boy. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's get this on. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's go, Murph. You're up. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's go, Red Sox! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's go, Red Sox! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's go, Red Sox! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's go, Red Sox! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's go, Red Sox! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's go, Red Sox! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's go. Come on. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's go. Start pedaling. Come on. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's hear it for Jordan Leandre. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Let's try to jerk one out of the park. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Like your father has a heart attack or something? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Like, for a player to be named later. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Lindsey, do you remember that guy Maureen Durst went out with? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Lindsey, will you go to opening day with me? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Listen. Do we have to settle this right now? I'm with a... person. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Listen. I just need Chris's cell phone number. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Listen. Um, you know, I saw you on ESPN. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Listen. You go to the games, and I'll stay at the office. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Little roller up along first. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Look. All I know is, when the Red Sox went to St. Louis for the Series... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Look. I I admit I should have reacted differently. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Look. If I keep these seats... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Losing the last three games, and today trailing to the Texas Rangers. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Losing tonight 19 8, now falling in the series three games to none. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Low blood sugar. I didn't eat yet. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ma'am, you're gonna have to come with me. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Manny! Manny! Manny! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Mary, look. Merry Christmas. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Maybe I should become a teacher or a college professor, you know. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Maybe you should date a different kind of guy. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Me and the girls and Artie told them... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Me? No. Uh, the vomit elves came in. And, uh, really adorable. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Mm hmm. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Mm, you tell me. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Molly? Okay, there's another phone call coming in, okay? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Moments ago I witnessed a nun dancing on top of a moving vehicle. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Mommy. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Mr. Myerson did call me into his office right after we spoke. I was trying to play it cool. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Mr. Myerson wants to see you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Mueller drives 'em in. from Fever Pitch (2005)
My company can run a credit check on him. from Fever Pitch (2005)
My God! from Fever Pitch (2005)
My parents are here! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Never mind. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Never. from Fever Pitch (2005)
New England's own Stephen King. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Nice. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No Red Sox fan has forgotten last October and Aaron Boone. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, because I'm becoming someone that I hate. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, Ben. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, I I made I have a previous commitment. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, I just, you know from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, I know. It's just that I hate when people from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, I like golf. Great sport. It's just I don't really get out much, you know? from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, I mean, I really like you. I even wrote down a list of all the things I like about you. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, I mean, their proximity to the field. This is Fenway Park. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, it's not Yes! from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, it's okay. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, it's okay. The trip is already off to a weird start. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, it's very cute. It really is. Uh, number nine. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, no, it's not like that. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, No, Nanette. I would never ever see that piece of crap. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, no, no, not spring break. Spring training with the Red Sox. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, no, no. I'm up. I'm up. I'm up. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, no, yeah, I'm not gonna feel neglected. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, no. Hey. It's fine. It's fine. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, no. I got tickets. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, no. This is crazy. I'm sorry. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, not so much. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, she cannot have my assistant. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, they didn't find anything. She's fine. I swear. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, this is beyond that. This is like a punishment from God or something. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No, why? Did I look like I was just from Fever Pitch (2005)
No. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No. I mean, like, forever. For 125,000, it better be forever. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No. I'm okay. I'm just gonna go upstairs. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No. It is for me. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No. No, come on, tell me. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No. No. The TV. from Fever Pitch (2005)
No. Yeah, I also I came back because I just from Fever Pitch (2005)
No. You don't understand. They scored eight runs in the bottom of the ninth to win 8 7. from Fever Pitch (2005)
None have been successful so far against this powerful Yankee offense. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Not Not just physically. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Nothin', you know. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Nothing. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Now don't start with me. Listen, I forgot to tell you that Donna from Fever Pitch (2005)
Now I'm gonna take a chance. A big one. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Now I'm in love with you. I don't need this. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Now let me ask you guys a crazy question. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Now sit right here. Oh, God! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Now that's the Green Monster, kid. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Now who is Carl Yaz a strezem from Fever Pitch (2005)
Now, I understand that you're a teacher, right? You were? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Number 19, Gabe Kapler. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Number eight: I like sometimes you talk out of the side of your mouth a little bit. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Of course I do. Yeah, I'm a teacher. I mold young minds. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh Look, look, look. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, ah, I know those women. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, cool! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, cool. I just wanted to know how long I gotta put up with this at the ball games. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, God, here comes the bag of hair. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, God, no. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, God. If one of the windows would open, I would jump. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, God. She's making a federal case about it. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, good! This really is your night. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, ha ha. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, help me! Help me! Help me! La la la la! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, hi, seagull. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, I don't know. What'd she find? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, I feel the same way to be here. I feel very lucky. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, I got the bat speed. I got plenty of bat speed. I could hit her best cheese. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, I like that a lot. Yeah, that's Oh! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you. Donna called. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, it's a real ticket, but you're at the wrong entrance. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, my God, she knows my secret shame. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, my God. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, my God. What did I do? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, my God. What happened? You look fantastic! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, no. Do you have a lot of work? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, oh, God, that's today? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, okay. That sounds good. Oops. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, shit. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, shit. Who is it? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, thanks. Hi, Linds. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, thanks. They were They were great. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, that's easy. First we gotta beat Oakland or Anaheim on the road. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, that's great. That's great. Pile it on. Yeah. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, the schoolteacher. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, this is gonna be so great. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, yeah, uh, I I gotta be honest. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, yeah! Yeah! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, you from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh, you get to train with the Red Sox? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. Isn't that Jason Varitek? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. One more thing. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. So it's a double date. Well, that's that's perfect. That's great. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. Thank you. Okay. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. We looked like morons, didn't we? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. Well, I really appreciate you saying that. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Oh. Wha Wha Wha I want your job! I'm the boss! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay, here we go. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay, I looked. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay, I'm gonna cash in my first class ticket and get two seats. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay, I'm ready. Let's go meet Mom and Dad. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay, I've been avoiding this. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay, it stopped. It stopped. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay, so I asked for no ham, double turkey, but it looks like they gave me double ham. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay. I think we have enough stuff in this closet. We can fool 'em. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay. I'll see you in a couple days. Okay? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay. Okay. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay. Okay. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay. One more. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay. That's not that late. Right? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay. Well, you know what? I mean, we're not the first people to from Fever Pitch (2005)
Okay. You betcha. Bye bye. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Old men crying. Tears. from Fever Pitch (2005)
On the back of David Ortiz! from Fever Pitch (2005)
One day Ben's mom says, "Enough mopin 'around, " from Fever Pitch (2005)
One of his student's fathers has something to do with the sprinklers. from Fever Pitch (2005)
One, please. Mustard, please. Thank you. What do I owe? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ooh, stop it. You're killing me here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ooh, too fast? Too serious? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Open the door, man! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Or the bald anesthesiologist. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Ortiz in extra innings. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Outside! Out. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Peanuts! CrackerJacks! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Peanuts! CrackerJacks! Who wants from Fever Pitch (2005)
Pedro delivers. The ball is lined over Bellhorn's head into right center field. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Please, don't talk in my backswing. You know better than that. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Pretty good looking too. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Programs here! Get your programs here! from Fever Pitch (2005)
Really cute little things. I mean, little caps and little barf bags. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Really embarrassing. Really bad. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Really hurt. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Really? from Fever Pitch (2005)
Really? Well, you work 90 hours a week. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Remember, this Saturday is fall tryouts for next spring's J.V. baseball. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Remember, we got a big test next Tuesday, so st from Fever Pitch (2005)
Remember. The Deluxe on Chandler and from Fever Pitch (2005)
Right down the middle. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Right now I think we're witnessing the largest conga line ever. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Right on, buddy. Hey, Al, this is Lindsey. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Rivera walks Millar. Roberts pinch runs and steals second. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Road House. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Robin. Wait. No. I can't talk right now. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Rolling. One, two, three. And from Fever Pitch (2005)
Saturday. Schilling's on Friday. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Schilling's bloody sock in New York. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Seattle's coming in this weekend, and, I mean from Fever Pitch (2005)
See my point? It's not the time. from Fever Pitch (2005)
See, this is This always happens. Every time I from Fever Pitch (2005)
See, when I was a kid, I moved here from New Jersey... from Fever Pitch (2005)
Seven years in a row now, we finish with our faces in their butts. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Seven. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Seven. from Fever Pitch (2005)
She handled a project for a food service company like yours a few months ago. from Fever Pitch (2005)
She is bringing some serious heat, man. I don't know if you got the bat speed. from Fever Pitch (2005)
She likewise. from Fever Pitch (2005)
She wants to make the bed, so she goes to the closet. Guess what she finds. from Fever Pitch (2005)
She was transported to a local hospital... from Fever Pitch (2005)
She's at his place. He's in the shower. from Fever Pitch (2005)
She's killing me with the laptop. from Fever Pitch (2005)
She's lying down right now. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Shh. My story. Stand by. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Shoot, I wish you would have told me. I just took a whiz in your bushes. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Show him the house. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Sign by the red tab. Initial by the yellow tabs. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Since I... got pregnant. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Since you only need the one ticket, I'll buy the other one back for, like, 50 bucks. from Fever Pitch (2005)
Sitting there doing her homework. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So don't make me knock your teeth out. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So he doesn't wanna know the score. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So it might get mildly murderous around here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So my Uncle Carl started taking me to Fenway Park. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So please wait until they come back to die. " from Fever Pitch (2005)
So they'd have to buy more jets in order to meet the demands. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So what am I saying? That it was all karma because Lindsey came back to Ben? from Fever Pitch (2005)
So what? They're here. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So what? We're sitting here dining on our guts over the Red Sox. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So you're gonna have to figure it out for yourself, and I'll call you later. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So, is the conversation over? from Fever Pitch (2005)
So, thanks for having us. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So, the 30 year old is on course. He is the four time from Fever Pitch (2005)
So, uh, when they wheeled out Ted Williams at the all star game from Fever Pitch (2005)
So, what I'm saying is, I think this is perfect. from Fever Pitch (2005)
So, when do you find out about this promotion thing? from Fever Pitch (2005)
So, where's he been? Why is he still on the market? from Fever Pitch (2005)
So, you wanna pull the plug on this thing or from Fever Pitch (2005)