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Summer Heights High - Season 1

Summer Heights High - Season 1

Summer Heights High is a critically acclaimed Australian mockumentary television series created and written by Chris Lilley. The first season aired in 2007, captivating audiences worldwide with its unique and hilarious portrayal of high school life. Set in the fictional Summer Heights High School, the show revolves around three main characters, all played by Lilley himself.

Jonah Takalua is a rebellious Tongan teenager with a mischievous personality. Mr. G is the flamboyant drama teacher with grand aspirations of turning the school into an artistic haven. Lastly, Ja'mie King is a self-absorbed private school girl on an exchange program at Summer Heights High. Through their interwoven storylines, Summer Heights High offers a scathing yet humorous critique of modern education and societal expectations.

The remarkable performances by Chris Lilley, who effortlessly switches between playing these contrasting characters, make the show truly unforgettable. Lilley's ability to flawlessly embody each persona won him praise for his comedic talent and dynamic characterization.

If you're looking to revisit or discover the sounds and moments that made Summer Heights High an instant classic, you can play and download the series at the provided link. Immerse yourself in the laughter and absurdity that the show brings for hours on end.

A dollar I'll do it. A dollar? A dollar each.
A fire in the school, everyone.
A massive commitment to you,
A ranga, sir. 'Cause he's got red hair.
A school that bans formals is a school than bans life.
A Year 11 formal could do so much for this school.
About four years ago, I did a show called 'Downloadin,
About having the little brothers around.
About the cutting situation, OK?
About what is appropriate sexually.
Absolutely brilliant. My wife's favourite show.
After a bullying incident,
Ah, you 're looking good, boys. I'll see you there!
All the couples go there. Yes!
All the handicapped kids are gone within 48 hours.
All the shit that you learn at school.
Alright, now, Jonah, as team leader,
Alright, switch me off.
Alright, we'll go through it again. Candice, watching me, please.
Alright, we'll try it out. Switch me on.
Alternatively, I'm gonna put an idea to you, Ja'mie, and all you girls,
Although, some of the non wheelchair ones aren't exactly easy on the eye.
Always interested in the performing arts singing, dancing, acting.
Am I hot? Yes.
An entertainment industry professional
An equally valid and valuable educational experience
An SRC, and all my friends are in it,
And 'Bully Elliot', earlier this year, was... was wonderful.
And a fat one.
And apparently she was quite known for partying quite hard.
And Ashley, 'cause she begged to be in it.
And asked me to repeat the whole story word for word for him
And because it's gonna be on the news and on TV and stuff, like,
And does that make it OK for him to be bullied,
And drop you off at school every day.
And experience a life that's nothing like
And have a look and see where we stand on formals.
And he didn't do any of it.
And he is from a dance and theatre background.
And he's a real asset.
And he's dead.
And he's got no good reasons.
And he's, like, freaking out and he doesn't want to.
And his nose is so cute.
And hot girls all come together at the formal.
And I also do what I call a random drill,
And I came up with that idea simply from sitting at home
And I can act every day and get paid for it.
And I come up with something, um...
And I don't need bloody special education nightmares.
And I don't think he's gonna be very happy, is he, Jonah?
And I feel as though I can teach them how to behave
And I go crazy sometimes.
And I guess they're hoping to prove that you can get
And I have kids that come up to me in the playground,
And I know that myself, along with other staff members,
And I like showing off and entertaining people.
And I make friends really easily.
And I reckon I'm pretty good at it.
And I remember doing...
And I started at Summer Heights at the beginning of this term.
And I think about where I could have been,
And I think it's a lot of fun.
And I think it's brilliant.
And I think that it's not really their fault, that's the thing.
And I think that will help her to fit in very well here.
And I thought... Hang on, I know a job where I can sing and I can dance
And I turn around to those kids and I say, Cool.
And I wanna do it professionally when I get older.
And I want you to be what I call a'big brother' to them.
And I was hands down, no bloody way.
And I write my own stuff, original musicals.
And I'm flatly refused.
And I'm gonna meet his mum.
And I'm good at sport and everything that Asians can't do,
And I'm so excited about it, is we're doing a Year 11 formal.
And I'm... basically, I've come up with a concept for my new musical.
And I've been a senior drama teacher
And I've been doing it for the last five years or so,
And I've been on cloud nine ever since.
And I've been writing music and lyrics,
And I've sort of taken that on as a mission.
And if it wasn't for her,
And it had, um...
And it turns out she was very good friends
And it was drama teaching.
And it was such a crap formal.
And it'll be in full costume, so you boys can get used to the skirts.
And it's a real help.
And it's about... the one and only Annabel Dickson.
And just thrived.
And kids. We don't attack people.
And let them know what's going on, OK?
And letting her, you know, do her thing.
And Margaret's, Oh, you 've gotta talk to Meredith.
And meet the rest of the cast.
And more music.
And Mum always says that even as a baby,
And my dad will get pissed off.
And my group talks to the fugly girls.
And not to exploit her.
And nothing to report, then?
And one of the drama teachers wrote a musical about it.
And release. Finally. Good. Yay.
And remember no silly behaviour will be tolerated.
And say, Sorry, Ben. Sorry, Ben.
And shake his hand. Yes.
And she auditioned for a Best & Less ad in 2002,
And she was a very well liked, very popular student in this school.
And she was into the drinking and the drugs.
And she was... unintentionally, she was in the Pets' Paradise commercial,
And she's still only 16.
And she's usually got a good eye for the next big thing,
And staff always on at me,
And teachers are fully scared of us. Yeah.
And teachers at my school are always going,
And thank you to the traditional landowners of Summer Heights,
And thanks for breaking my heart, you fuckwit.
And thanks very much for not making a fuss.
And THAT means that your father's gonna have to pick you up
And that sort of thing, so...
And that, in a way, gives them confidence.
And that's how it usually is when you come over, isn't it?
And the craft of the stage.
And the hall wasn't big enough.
And the machine, I call it, is finding its rhythm.
And the next day he submitted my story under his name.
And the night before, he called me
And the other for defacing the principal's car.
And the other thing is, you 're not gonna catch the train anymore.
And the rest of you can go.
And the Year 7 s totally flirt with me. Have you noticed?
And then they end up being really fat when they're older?
And then we're gonna send it to all the teachers.
And there's no hope for him.
And there's one more thing
And there's plenty of mayhem going on in this production.
And these are our costume ladies.
And they have to go straightaway.
And they just look so cute together.
And they promise to organise everything,
And they really love it. For some it's a highlight of their year.
And this is, um, big show I did last year, 'T sunamarama',
And to bring into their lives a little bit of magic.
And we hit the floor and started breaking.
And we just can't be held accountable for...
And we see how they deal with it.
And we'll contact your parents as well
And we're all in shock.
And we're doing what we can
And we're looking forward to meeting our exchange student, aren't we?
And we're not gonna get it with 'A nything Bloody Goes'.
And we've got our state of the art gym down there.
And what's worse is I'm... I'm competing
And when he's sitting there,
And with our help, from the school, the staff,
And with the support of his family, we can do it.
And you can do fun stuff when you 're an adult,
And you can easily forget
And you give them extra responsibility,
And you younger guys, you know like we talked about,
And your American accent was pathetic last time.
And, as you can see, the kids have done an anti **** mural behind,
And, frankly, I'm left wondering
And, guys... these are your Year 8 mentors.
And, I've gotta say, I think Jonah is quite confused
And, like, that's why I'm wearing the jumper.
And, look, 68IOU 1.
And, um... yeah, so there's a lot of rumours out there.
And, you know, he's my little creative adviser.
And. Of course. Academia.
And... OK, well...
Annabel's story is perfect for musical interpretation.
Annoying. Yeah.
Apparently, one of the parents found human faeces on the classroom floor.
Are having to deal with at the moment is terrorism.
Are not actually going to be in the production.
Are we going to the canteen, or what? Yeah.
Are you really gonna do it? Yeah.
Are you serious? I know. Yeah.
Are you serious? I'm dead serious.
Arms, arms.
As one of her teachers.
As you can see, that's how you 're meant to hold them.
Ashley, shut up, please.
Asians share limos with lesbians.
Asians. Skanks.
Ask her what it is, man.
At Hillford Girls Grammar.
At Hillford. Girls like me are offered a world of opportunities.
Awesome idea. Let me get that down.
Back into the drama department that she loved so much.
Back two, three, four.
Barn dancing. Polka and shit.
Beat that, motherfucker.
Because he has red hair?
Because I've got it.
Before we go, I wanna give you guys an example
Ben says that you were the ringleader, Jonah,
Black shoes or you just don't get to play at lunchtime.
Bloody barn dance shit.
Boys, stop playing with balls near the windows, please.
Bullshit children's book. I don't fuckin' want to read it anyway!
Bullshit I did.
Bullshit. He's a fucking liar.
But also the perpetrators.
But as an added incentive, if you can do this program seriously,
But he can't breakdance for shit.
But he really is wasting his talent
But I choose not to, and they don't get that.
But I did little mini musicals.
But I think some of the Year 7 s are hot at this school.
But I would say they create better quality citizens.
But I'm actually really cool.
But if I put in effort, then I could be really smart.
But if I'd call out to Mum, rather than Mum like other kids,
But if you get stuck into them, they seem to respond quite well.
But less povo than I thought it would be.
But other stuff doesn't need to be taught at school.
But redheads aren't a race, Jonah.
But that you decided it was appropriate
But that's not your fault.
But there's a time and a place, you know.
But these days I couldn't feel more certain.
But they don't understand that I'm just choosing to be dumb.
But we allow them to play with the normal kids at recess and lunch,
But we had a girl ****d behind them, so we had to have them removed.
But we haven't got the money...
But we usually turn a blind eye with these ones.
But you said we couldn't have it and it was just humiliating for me.
But, I mean, I just can't change the plans now.
But, no, I find plenty to do when it comes to doing Meredith's shows.
But, sir, there's heaps of 'em. They're everywhere.
But, um... apparently, there's no denying she was one.
But, you know, he's getting to see how it works.
Butterfly. Foot.
By showing her the stains and then asking her what they were, right?
Can also seriously affect the development of a girl.
Can I bring my dog to school and take her to class?
Can I have a go?
Can I have the screen down, please?
Can you guys let me off for that one?
Can't believe you guys have never had one here.
Can't even dance without fucking it up.
Cap off, Jonah. I'm in time out, not actual school.
Celine is one of the smartest dogs you will ever meet.
Celine, you wanna go and see Rodney?
Chopped down.
Christ, I can't believe this is happening.
Christians sit with skanks.
Coffee, coffee, coffee before we teachy teachy.
Come in quietly, grab your balls and leave.
Come on down, boys.
Come on your pants, bro!
Come on, Lucas.
Come on, Lucas. Teach you some moves.
Could I get two strong boys to...
Cover the binge drinking, the...
Dance doesn't discriminate. Virtually anyone can do it.
Deal with it. We're starving for a cause.
Delete the photo, sir. You can't keep it for your private collection.
Diane and Jonathan. Hello.
Did you do around the lockers?
Did you guys ever go to her house? Yeah.
Did you or did you not agree to put in a decent effort on this program?
Did you teach her? Yeah.
Did you think I was hot when you saw me in the playground and stuff?
Didn't do what, Jonah? Nothing.
Disappointed in you this week. Not good.
Do it in front of crowds.
Do neat writing I have to hand this shit in.
Do you ever have wet dreams, Jonah? No, miss.
Do you ever think of Miss Wheatley in a sexual way?
Do you have lesbians at this school?
Do you know what I mean?
Do you know what I mean? Like, there's not that many trees.
Do you know what we're getting?
Do you know what wet dreams are? Yes, I do.
Do you know why I wanted to meet you here?
Do you reckon he's actually the one, though? Is he the one?
Do you reckon... is it love yet?
Do you think that's appropriate to say to a person
Do you understand?
Do you want Ms Murray involved?
Do you want Skunk Boy? Do you want Fatty?
Do you want this to go to Ms Murray?
Do you want to come back this afternoon and try this again, do you?
Do you want your phone back?
Doesn't matter. It goes off.
Doesn't mean you can't go off, you know?
Doing choreography on an old hat musical like 'A nything Goes'.
Don't eat, and say,
Don't freak out.
Don't have time for it, Toby.
Don't let you do anything.
Don't look at my dick, sir. Just hurry up!
Don't push me, Margaret.
Don't want to. You 're a fucking idiot.
Don't worry, I'll give him a hiding tonight.
Don't you even watch TV? TV show?
Drama teaching is where I'm supposed to be.
Elaine, be still, please.
Elliot's got a white arse, bro.
Emos can dance with the jocks.
Emos. Christians.
Enter the room.
Every morning, every recess, every lunchtime.
Everyone goes, Oh, Jonah, he's, like, a dumb arse Islander.
Everyone look innocent. Just do innocent shit.
Excuse me... Get out.
Find some new friends. Build a bridge and get over it.
Fine. OK?
Firstly, formals can give hope.
Five, six, seven, eight!
Five, six, seven, eight.
For a dog of her age and species.
For dealing with any antisocial sexual behaviour.
For kids that didn't get through the audition.
For me, Jonah Takalua is a lot more than he seems on the surface.
For the new special ed room.
For the price of a teacher,
Formals bring people together.
Four messages to Madeleine.
Friends do not write two text messages in an hour
From a weekend workshop on EPBSM,
From one of the teacher's clipboards.
From the special education centre that we have here at the school.
Fuck off, miss!
Fuck off, Year 7 s.
Fuck off!
Fuck you, Keiran.
Fuck you, miss. Not you.
Fuck you, motherfucker!
Fuck you, motherfucker!
Fuck you, motherfucker.
Fuck you, sir!
Fuck you! Why don't you kill yourself, Thomas?
Fuck you. Fuck.
Fuck you. I'm not talking. I'm gonna do it.
Fuck, man.
Fuck. Fuck.
Fucking gay.
Get a spot, get a spot.
Get back in the car. You 're not coming in with me.
Get down. Get in a tight ball, everyone...
Get fucked. I know how to manage my fucking anger.
Get it? Over 16. I mean... Like, rooting.
Get it? See where it's coming from.
Get me that strawberry milk first.
Get my bag it's in the back.
Get off the oval and get to class now!
Get on your stupid fucking bike and get out, 'cause I'm sick of you.
Get the fuck off. Oh, come!
Get to class.
Get with them one on one to try and locate the root causes
Get yourself changed and go and sit out the front.
Get yourself changed. No way, sir!
Giant tits or...
Giant tits, yeah. What am I thinking?
Gimme it!
Gimme the ball!
Girls, don't let me down. Oh, my God!
Give it to Elliot.
Give it to me. You 'll get it back at the end of the class.
Give me a... give me some...
Give me the Zinc.
Give us a formal, or else!
Go and get me a Strawberry Break from the canteen.
Go and get me my bag from my locker. And don't drop it.
Go around Year 11 lockers.
Go back to your games!
Go back to your games. I'm not interested anymore.
Go, Keiran.
Gonna help me or what, miss?
Good. We have some visitors. Stop you there. Thanks, Rodney.
Got a few other things to get through.
Got into teachers' college, majored in drama there,
Got Mr Gregson helping me out.
Greg and I went across incognito.
Greg, drama's important, I know that.
Greg, I need a copy of your script for your show, please,
Greg's really feeling the strain at the moment.
Guys, I can't breathe.
Guys, this might sound really random,
Guys, we have some new cast members.
Hand up if you think we should invite the lesbians.
Handles the performance side of things.
Hardly the words of a gentleman, Jonah.
Has anybody seen some dancers? Yes!
Have a look at the Year 7 s next time.
Have a look at them, seriously! They have small...
Have asked me why their children
Have you been thinking about it? Yeah?
Have you got nothing to say? You 're not gonna say anything?
Have you got your period or what, miss?
Haven't you got an assignment due tomorrow?
He auditioned for the show, didn't get in. He was devastated.
He called me a lard arse homo.
He cheated on me. Boys are so immature.
He comes from a single parent family. Lost his mother at an early age.
He doesn't even know basic moves, he just makes shit up.
He doesn't get it, it's not my fault.
He even made shit up that he met, um, 50 Cent in the fucking city.
He fucking provoked me. You promised me, Jonah.
He is hot. I'm in love with Sebastian.
He is, sir. Look at him.
He just didn't get that it was fun. Yes.
He just screws up the whole classroom really badly.
He knows that he's been behaving in an inappropriate manner.
He knows, man. He's worked it out.
He lifted my T shirt and said I had manboobs.
He looks a little bit uncomfortable. But only a little bit.
He made up he had a girlfriend too.
He provoked me!
He really doesn't seem to want to learn.
He said yes.
He should go to jail or something,
He takes it serious. It may be how you see it.
He took it serious. I don't get it.
He touches himself every day. Girls like this shit.
He was really into it. We've got a lunch date.
He was so definite, wasn't he?
He will inevitably abuse it.
He's a fuckin' homo!
He's a little homo who thinks he can break, but he can't.
He's a very... I mean, he's a good Iooking boy.
He's been on and off Ritalin. I made it in the centre.
He's disruptive, he interferes with other students' learning,
He's in the school get out. He's on the school grounds.
He's just a dick.
He's looking for you. Oh, fuck.
He's not really allowed to leave the desk.
He's one of my senior drama teachers.
He's physically a lot bigger than most of the students his age.
He's really a sounding board if I have ideas. We chat about that.
He's so cute. He's, like, way hotter close up.
He's such a fucking 12 year old arsehole.
Health department closed them down.
Heel and toe, heel and toe.
Heel and toe, heel and toe.
Heel and toe. Back two, three...
Hello, everybody.
Hello. Hello.
Hello. Hello.
Hello. I'll get you up on the stage.
Her brother's friend. Oh, my God.
Here at Summer Heights for nine years now.
Here's my dictation tag.
Hey, Jonah, come and have a dance!
Hey, Jonah's one. It says, Before I root you, are you over 16?
Hey, miss! See you at junior dance!
Hey, miss. Hi, miss.
Hey, ranga.
Hey, ranga. Ranga!
Hey, sir, just talking about life and social problems.
Hey, sir. Sir.
Hey! Get your arse in the car!
Hi. I'm Ja'mie.
Hi. I'm starting on Monday. Ja'mie.
Hi. Miss. Hi. Ja'mie.
High five.
High five.
Hip hop and rock and stuff.
Hmm. Don't touch, just look.
Hold it, morons.
Horsey, horsey. Shimmy and up.
Hot! That's hot as.
Hot. Look at that full body.
How do you know what my arse looks like, sir?
How do you spell fuck him up?
How does he fuckin' know? Maybe he's coming for Elliot.
How is that appropriate behaviour?
How random. Hey, when I was in Year 10, I went out with a Year 11 guy.
How'd you hurt your knee?
How's that making you feel, boys?
How's the, um, new special ed centre going?
Hurry up. Get out, sir.
I ... need to create my own stuff. That's it.
I always say to Margaret, You 've got yourself
I am excited. I'm excited.
I am not saying sorry.
I ask one little favour of the principal,
I can't be quiet if I don't know how to do it.
I can't believe that just happened.
I can't believe we're doing this shit.
I can't wait to start.
I choreographed the whole 'Xanadu ' soundtrack,
I could still ban you from it
I could tell him a knock knock joke and he'd start fuckin' crying
I dare you to go up to Miss Wheatley,
I decided that I'm going to do the show as an arena spectacular.
I did 'Cats'. It was just a cabaret, one man.
I did meet 50 Cent in the city. Shut up. Shut up.
I did three. It's such a great place to be.
I didn't do anything, sir.
I didn't do it, sir.
I direct every second production.
I do have a fuckin' girlfriend. What's her name?
I do special history. Yeah.
I do... my... I direct the big stuff on stage that she can't handle.
I don't know what you want from me.
I don't know why I trusted a Year 7!
I don't know. Amanda or some shit.
I don't know. Mr James is coming.
I don't make shit up.
I don't wanna brag, but I think they wanted someone decent Iooking.
I don't wanna go to time out. It's not my fault you farted.
I don't want to have to ask you again.
I don't want to. Do it!
I don't want to. Swear on our relationship!
I drew a Zinc bra on him.
I dumped him!
I dunno. I said meet me at the canteen.
I find it hard sort of sitting back
I find that I use my acting skills to create the drama of the situation.
I get pretty experimental.
I got big crowds at the State champs.
I got into State champs too, last year.
I hate school so much.
I hate you so much, you stupid Christian.
I have a bit of sad news here. The news has been life changing.
I have an announcement.
I have an urge to do it and I need to do it.
I have done Lord knows how many shows over the years.
I have got the most massive butterflies in my stomach right now.
I have no idea.
I have set up a time out desk,
I have some really very unpleasant news to share with you.
I have to admit I used to feel unsure.
I have to do it as a program.
I just don't think there's anything. Like, he will say no.
I just... I just let loose.
I knew you would love him.
I know he's not gonna like me saying it,
I know how to plan a good formal.
I know how to starve myself. I'm just saying...
I know it's really random, but can I have a go?
I know what I saw and I know it belongs to you.
I know you 're into girls.
I know, I know. It's almost embarrassing.
I know, they're totally into me. Yeah.
I know. So weird.
I like being a leader.
I live for breakdancing,
I LOVE peace. Are you into peace? Yeah.
I love your bins they're so random.
I love your hair. It's so... I love it.
I love your personality, Sebastian. You 're just so out there.
I love your wristbands. They're so cute.
I mean, are they wheelchair or walking?
I mean, I'm dealing with a principal who does not seem to get
I mean, that's where I belong.
I mean, they'll never make it professionally as a dancer,
I mean, they're great kids. I love the kids, don't get me wrong.
I mean, we can't have a school with prejudice and exclusivity and so on.
I mean, wheelchair, we're screwed 'cause we'll have to build ramps.
I needed a fairly big space to put on the show
I never cook. Ooh, switch me off. Please.
I now have a show that is so important and so now.
I open your 'sent' box and what do I find?
I point out where she might be going wrong.
I pride myself on being able to come up with songs in a... in a flash.
I really want to recreate the atmosphere
I reckon they would make a cute couple.
I remember one excursion, we got to go to this park,
I remember the meeting. Do you remember that meeting?
I said I fuckin' love you. I fuckin' love you, OK?
I said, You got punk'd afterwards, and he didn't even get it.
I saw him on my first day here. He's cute.
I seek inspiration, I look around, take things in.
I so don't.
I spoke to her head teacher in the staffroom
I started going in Year 7.
I teach Jonah Takalua Year 8 English.
I tend to do the more modern or cutting edge productions,
I tend to do the wow shows, and then each year...
I think I'm really gonna love it here.
I think it's a really good idea.
I think it's a... it's a dumb thing.
I think it's important to stand up for yourself.
I think it's such a cool thing you 've done now.
I think they're wonderful. Toby and I get along wonderfully.
I think we should still not eat, right.
I think, like, the fact that they're hot
I think, one.
I thought you might like to run a little 'getting to know you ' session.
I usually try to avoid public school people, you know what I mean?
I usually... I say to people, Give me a word and I'll give you a song.
I wanna do it. You don't even know what this is, Ofa.
I wanna draw my dick on you.
I wanna get to the truth of Annabel
I wanna show these guys how to have a good time.
I want to assign to you a group of Year 7 boys
I want to see Thomas, Joseph, Leon and Jonah up the front here,
I want to thank you all for your role
I want you to swear on our relationship
I was always dancing and choreographing stuff.
I was at industry level at that stage.
I was just seeing if you believe me.
I was mature for my age.
I was on the phone to him last night for, like, three hours.
I was only showing her 'cause I wasn't sure what it was.
I was very, very known for the shows that I'd done there.
I wasn't the only ringleader!
I went with a black guy to my Year 10 formal for the same reason.
I wish I was going back to Hillford.
I worked out who Annabel is, or was.
I would emerge from various types of packaging.
I would go... ...Mum.
I would never go out with a guy that wasn't into peace.
I would, like, seriously consider going out with one.
I'd let you borrow it, but it's worth three grand
I'd like to see him get through a full term
I'd rather do fun stuff.
I'll assign one to each of you
I'll be happy for the SRC to do a presentation for us.
I'll do a rhyming one this time. Give me, like, a sentence.
I'll fucking hate you forever. You 're a fucking arsehole!
I'll let you do a breakdancing demo at assembly on Poly day.
I'll tell you what's gonna happen, OK?
I'm a dancer from way back,
I'm a fucking private school girl.
I'm confiscating it. Give me my phone back.
I'm finding that I'm weaving the character of Mr G
I'm goin' there. Come on, then.
I'm gonna bash the shit out of that motherfucker.
I'm gonna be fine. I'm gonna meet the little shit at the bottom gate.
I'm gonna go and see Mr Cameron.
I'm gonna slap you, Emily! I'm gonna slap you!
I'm gonna talk to them. Don't talk to them.
I'm gonna tell him that I've started cutting my arms.
I'm in my... what I call my search phase at the moment,
I'm joking around with him, sir.
I'm just allergic to some shit up here.
I'm just gonna go in and go, Oh, my God. What do you want me to do?
I'm not a lesbian, guys.
I'm not dumb, I'm just choosing not to be smart at the moment.
I'm not taking no for an answer, guys.
I'm not there merely to educate. I'm there to inspire them.
I'm not... I don't want them in my show.
I'm performing there, there, there, there.
I'm really a big pussy cat.
I'm really nervous this morning.
I'm sick of this behaviour. One last chance I'll give you.
I'm SO into him. Really?
I'm SO into him. That's a big step.
I'm sorry to drag you away from what you 've been doing.
I'm sorry, Ja'mie. Um, we can't have the formal.
I'm starting to... Yeah. Why don't you just ask him out?
I'm supposed to be doing detention!
I'm there to teach them the discipline of dance
I'm there to teach them to dare to dream
I'm trying to maintain a standard, I'm trying to put on a good show
I'm up to 1,000 friends on MySpace and I could always do with more.
I'm using Toby, the Down syndrome boy. He's back.
I've been breakdancing for about four years now
I've been in every special class since I got into high school.
I've got a BlackBerry. Oh, that's, like, the best phone.
I've got a compilation CD in my bag
I've got a feeling this musical could be my finest moment.
I've got a Year 7 boy out there crying,
I've got Jonah on an anger management course.
I've got the best phone.
I've got the junior dance on. You are lucky you are still going.
I've got to tell you, it's not appropriate.
I've got you as my background on my MySpace site.
I've gotta get in contact with child protection services.
I've had a fair bit of critical acclaim for that.
I've had the room fixed up and there's ramps there and so on.
I've just... I've strapped myself to the beast
I've never had a girlfriend before.
I've set up a Student Representative Council,
I've tried to reinterpret the songs with a modern perspective.
I've... I've been shot.
If anything ever happens at school,
If I get to break, it will be good.
If Meredith's feeling lost with anything, and, you know,
If shit goes missing or... or any kids are crying or some shit,
If there's something boring to do, we find a fun way of doing it.
If you 're gonna give me any more trouble, alright?
If you 're happy with the new girls' school uniform concept.
If you are in Year 7, you should not be here. Piss off.
If you can imagine coming on...
If you don't care about it, why would you do it?
If you fuck up in school, that's fucked.
If you have any issues, any problems, you talk to your big brother.
If you just move your way around the room, you find other things.
If you want the breakdancing demo, we have to fuckin' do it.
If your boyfriend's been sending you photos, it's not my fault.
In case we beat the shit out of pedestrians and stuff.
In either the public or the private system.
In front of my computer and thinking,
In meeting the deadlines with that.
In my office, is borderline cruelty.
In the real world, do you know what I mean?
In the whole of the school.
Into that space that they've occupied.
Into the musical a lot more than I expected I would.
Is a school that survives.
Is evacuation procedures.
Is I just perform for the kids for a whole lesson,
Is it true that she was anorexic?
Is that the arrangement you want?
Is that we might have a moment's silence for Annabel.
Is that why? Oh, I thought it was the povo factor.
Is the early stage weird, though?
Is there anything you 'd like to tell me?
It adds a lot of realism and it really freaks the kids out.
It comes from their parents.
It deals with the idea of possession in theatre.
It hardly seems fair at all. No bloody idea.
It just made me perform better.
It looks good anyway! I bet you I get some good comments about it today.
It really is giving an opportunity for one of our girls
It takes a long time for guys to warm up to girls.
It was a fantastic show.
It was full on. Everyone at school was freaking out.
It was pretty obvious from the way you were acting.
It will be on the news tonight, I reckon.
It's a baseball shirt, you fuck.
It's a big issue. So, I have a drill which caters for that too.
It's a deal, sir.
It's a formal. Just let us have it.
It's a poofo subject, there's no jobs in it.
It's a separate part of the school, down the bottom,
It's a shit idea.
It's a social and cultural melting pot that goes off.
It's a swap program.
It's a well rounded education in an amazing environment.
It's an upbeat sort of a production.
It's been a blanket rule now for five years that there are no formals...
It's been an amazing week.
It's boring to do work.
It's come out of my dick!
It's difficult for me sometimes taking the...
It's gonna be so cool! I can't wait!
It's gonna be so cool.
It's good to teach them things.
It's got the phone numbers of all the teachers. So we're gonna punk them.
It's just milk or some shit. Were you thinking of Ms Murray?
It's kinda good, kinda bad.
It's not appropriate because he's a homo.
It's not come. Oh, yuck, bro.