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Home > Snowden (2016)
Snowden (2016)

Snowden (2016)

Snowden (2016) is a gripping and thought-provoking biographical thriller directed by Oliver Stone. This film tells the extraordinary story of Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee who leaked classified government documents, exposing mass global surveillance programs.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt delivers a compelling performance as Edward Snowden, brilliantly capturing his personality and internal struggle. Shailene Woodley shines as Lindsay Mills, Snowden's girlfriend, who stands by him throughout his ordeal. The talented cast also includes Zachary Quinto, Melissa Leo, Tom Wilkinson, and Scott Eastwood.

Immerse yourself in the tense atmosphere of Snowden with its captivating soundtrack, which enhances the thrilling narrative. From heart-pounding moments to contemplative interludes, the music perfectly complements the film's emotional depth.

Experience the intensity of Snowden by watching it or streaming its riveting soundtrack. You can play and download these sounds here, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in this gripping tale of government surveillance, individual privacy, and the pursuit of truth.

A career like yours? Where I'm miserable all the time? No.
A couple months ago.
A dragnet on the whole world, Corbin.
A friend of mine tells me about
A lot of them were American, which felt strange,
A program that could differentiate between foreign and domestic,
A stable love.
A warmer climate could help.
About how there's so many programs...
About how this is applied.
About less stress.
About what?
Absolutely, if it was a fair and public trial.
Act like a fucking journalist and stop stringing us along!
Actionable immediately. No one sees it.
After you. Oh, thank you.
Ah. Like an index.
Airborne or not, those bones will turn to powder.
All of which I read on the plane
All right, Glenn.
All right, let's see you strut it.
All right?
All right? Family comes first.
All right? It's issues of national security.
All right.
All right. Using your left hand only, pop the trunk.
All the people that he talks to.
All the way up.
All this fucking intelligence jargon is hurting our brains.
All you need to turn is one.
ALL: Happy birthday!
Allowed under the regime of President Vladimir Putin.
Am I a target?
Am I an engineer? Instructor and counselor, too.
An advantage in negotiations at the G8,
An amateur photographer,
An ambassador. Wow! (LAUGHING)
An ambassador. Wow! (LAUGHING)
An extradition agreement with Washington.
And a profile of every threat maker.
And a whole bunch of Russian billionaires.
And all the questions that used to keep me up at night,
And be safe, you pay the price of admission.
And because of Obama, actually.
And connection logs
And contacts over time.
And even so, I'm afraid that Salma will...
And go climb this fucking mountain. All right?
And going out all the time? You think you'd really want a career?
And has been questioned by the FBI
And he's currently banging Geraldine and Julie.
And he's not going to.
And heads of industry.
And hold it accountable,
And how this is a potential program run amok.
And I couldn't.
And I don't want anyone unauthorized in here again.
And I happened to notice you were on the site where we met,
And I lost that life,
And I need to be sharp for work.
And I promised her I'd change.
And I think
And I think anybody that's making that argument,
And I trust you.
And I went back to work at the CIA.
And I'm incredibly fortunate.
And I'm sorry. I never did it again.
And I'm very grateful you've looked out for me.
And I've been hired to shut them down.
And if his daughter had died?
And if I don't do it, then I don't know anybody else that can.
And if one unauthorized person knew? If Congress knew?
And if you want to stay, then we're staying.
And interrogated outside of the law.
And it was a matter of principle.
And it wasn't just the Japanese.
And it'll be turnkey tyranny.
And it's not easy reading.
And jammed it down our payload. Can you fucking believe that?
And justification is where I write...
And knowing where to pull from.
And lawyers, and policemen, and guards,
And let the people decide.
And Lindsay left pretty soon after that, and...
And no high school diploma.
And no one ever gets hurt.
And now that we've made contact,
And now, I...
And NSA post in the Middle East.
And protection around the globe.
And remains under investigation.
And restore it again.
And seizures without a warrant.
And the FBI raided their homes.
And the only thing you're really protecting
And the people won't be able to do anything, by that point, to oppose it.
And the President will keep his promise that got him elected...
And the world now has an example
And the worst?
And then eventually, at some point,
And then I'd count on another eight weeks or so
And then the big new challenge,
And then the order comes down. Pretty clear. Hit 'em.
And then they're gonna come for me.
And then this new job hit. So...
And then to Ecuador for political asylum.
And then you can fully extend once you feel stable. Ready?
And then you do the corners.
And then you have to watch all of that guy's contacts.
And there's that moment when
And these are, like, existing targets?
And these court proceedings are classified,
And they are gone in a cloud of dust.
And they have a station right up the street.
And they'll come as SQL injections and malware.
And they'll demonize me, and my friends and family.
And they'll say I endangered national security,
And they're gonna figure out what I've done.
And this is my DIA instructor's badge.
And to protect against abuse.
And ultimately, the truth sinks in
And we didn't stop there,
And we don't have nearly enough of those.
And we issue warrants based on suspicion.
And we were saying there's so many programs nowadays,
And we won't give up, and we will not be silenced.
And we're close to our families. I... I understand.
And when they try to scare us into sacrificing our basic human rights,
And when those in power try to hide by classifying everything,
And you deserve it. (LINDSAY LAUGHING)
And you don't have to end up in a cage, one room, a prison.
And you realize that you might be willing to accept any risk,
And you rip it out.
And you start to think, what could be more important than this?
And you're gonna use an encrypted e mail that I'm setting up for you.
And you're just now telling me?
And you're willing to just rip it all up again?
And your camera phobia?
And, for that matter, they could
And, Linds, I think it'd be best
And, uh, how you gained access
And, uh, that was a while back, and now they need an answer.
And, uh, we moved back in together.
And, um, point in the direction of the State Department?
And... Glenn.
Another broad and secret U.S. government surveillance program.
Any luck?
Any moment.
Any other influences?
Any programs you were unauthorized for?
Any server, any connection...
Anything could happen.
Anything you want.
AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple.
Apparently the Army's training people to shoot straight.
Are all of our SIGINT programs specifically targeted?
Are aware that Janine has a leaked top secret FISA court order.
Are considered an issue of national security,
Are not in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Are tapping directly into the central servers
Are they watching us?
Are you going away?
Are you gonna post that on Twitter?
Are you serious? What, in the name of a promotion?
Are you sure? Yeah.
As an infrastructure analyst for NSA in Hawaii.
As discussed? Thank you.
As long as the Espionage Act is being used against whistleblowers.
As long as the public is able to make their own decision
As they extend the capabilities
Asking if I want turndown service.
At the NSA's op center on Oahu.
Atlas Shrugged. Yes, sir. I believe that.
ATTENDANT: Beer, sir? Thank you.
Because even if you haven't done anything wrong,
Because I left a digital footprint in my logs, so they'll figure it out.
Because I'm happy with what I've done today.
Because it still needs editing, damn you.
Because my own is just temporarily on hold.
Because of work?
Because the U.S. government has revoked his passport.
Because we've used our power generally for the good of the world.
Because you live in a fairy tale land
Before we get on to the stories, I need to know more about you.
Believe me, you do not want to live with that burden.
Best I can tell, for weeks.
Between Janine and the intelligence services.
Bill Binney, Ed Loomis, and Kirk Wiebe.
Break through that door any minute,
Breaking news tonight. Reports that through a secret court order,
Bro, how many languages you speak, again?
Bullshit! The government knows that we have these documents now.
But Alan's our editor in chief, and I really think that...
But all around the world.
But between you and me, it was closer to 45.
But how would they know what you did?
But I can't because you could get very hurt.
But I know you would think I was doing the right thing.
But I thought you had resigned?
But I've gained a new one,
But is scared of telling her parents.
But let's just... Will you come sit down?
But Maryland was where things started to turn for me.
But my editor said she'd make an exception.
But not wittingly.
But same village, two, three days later.
But shockingly different from what you'd expect.
But sometimes these warrants have to be issued by secret courts,
But that was never my intention.
But that's... I mean, that's everyone in the Middle East
But the Guardian needs evidence that...
But the ultimate decision...
But then the next trial were just the judges,
But then, I would have to put it aside when visitors would show up.
But those who seek to make it known.
But we can post later tonight.
But when nothing worked, he did go to the press.
But when you actually look at the details,
But who's counting, right? Yeah.
But you'd be performing a critical service for your country.
But you're gonna have to do a lot better than that.
BUTZER: Another explosive article has just appeared,
By a senior officer at the CIA.
By social media standards, you don't even exist anymore.
BY Who?
Can I ask what happened?
Can I help you?
Can I take another one? Sure.
Can sometimes be hard on a man.
Can we look through his family? Mmm hmm.
Can you just please... I'm asking you, can you delete them?
Can you start by telling us why you did what you did
Can you tell me anything about it? (LAUGHING)
Can you tell me anything else?
Catastrophic site failure.
CATFISH: Hey, Trev.
CATFISH: in Vegas, looking at Afghanistan.
CNN can now project that Barack Obama, 47 years old,
Cold War's greatest encryption machine.
Collating from multiple agencies,
Come on, big ears. Check out Florida.
Come on, Corbin,
Come on, darling!
Come on.
Come on. You got this. Uh... All right.
Cool. You get to hack the hackers.
Costs $4 billion to deploy.
Couldn't they do us a solid and take out Bush?
Course we do. JSOC and CIA have their people in the field.
Credit Suisse. J.P. Morgan's on her arm. Grandma's with Deutsche Bank.
Crushed the language learning test.
Dad's in the Coast Guard, 30 year man.
Damn, CIA does not like to leave a trace, huh?
Dams, hospitals,
Dare I ask why?
Darth Vader when it comes to national security. Boom.
Dave. How wonderful to see you.
Day trading is a perilous sport. (LAUGHS)
De La Hoya, with World Trade Organization.
Defense. That's where you'll be working.
Deputy Director Lowell?
Did some skeet shooting with my dad a few times,
Did you access an unauthorized program
Did you ever say anything to anybody?
Did you get them?
Did you have a name?
Did you switch pharmacies?
Diplomatic cables to give the U.S.
Do I even have a choice?
Do we all get under there now?
Do we wait? Or go on our own?
Do you believe the United States
Do you, um, want anything?
DOCTOR: You know, you've been walking around on two broken legs...
Does that mean you're willing to go back and face trial?
Does the NSA collect any type of data at all
Doesn't give us permission to lie.
Don't be shy.
Don't just say that 'cause I wanna hear it.
Don't tell me you're involved in this, too?
Don't worry, don't worry. I know all the hooks for this kind of fishing.
DRILL SERGEANT: (SINGING) Went from driving Cadillacs
DRILL SERGEANT: Coulson? Help!
DRILL SERGEANT: Move it! Keep moving!
DRILL SERGEANT: Now get the fuck out of my face!
DRILL SERGEANT: So you wanna be Special Forces?
DRILL SERGEANT: To driving convoys in Iraq
DRILL SERGEANT: Your left. Your left, right. Your left.
Drop Bush, not bombs!
Drunk driving.
Dude, Facebook's my bitch.
Dude, what the hell are you doing here? (CHUCKLES) Wow!
During my first deployment at the CIA in Geneva.
Easy, Ed. I've gotta see a cleric in Milan. We'll talk after.
Easy. Sorry.
Ed, epilepsy is a serious condition.
Ed, rising to the top in our world
Edward Snowden has received a three year residency permit in Russia.
Edward Snowden, is he a traitor or a hero?
Efficiency, results? They go out the window.
Elevator's slow as shit, though.
Emails, chats, SMS, whatever.
Encrypt every signal we weren't targeting, so it would remain private.
Ending all of this.
Engage target.
Enjoy the view.
Epic Shelter was meant as a backup program.
Epic Shelter.
Especially not with Heartbeat.
Every day, I'd go in and I'd get starting points for SIGINT,
Every year to Chinese hackers.
Everything else is just pushing on it.
Ewen, I'm on the second floor.
EWEN: Hello, nice to meet you.
EWEN: Janine, how'd the White House conversation go?
EWEN: She won't be bullied.
EWEN: Uh, Glenn says you want to, uh...
EWEN: What was your assignment in Geneva?
EWEN: When does he land?
EWEN: XKeyscore.
EWEN: Yeah, before...
EWEN: Yeah, I think we should reassemble
Except instead of searching only what people make public,
Excuse me, Alan. Nice to meet you.
Excuse me?
Excuse me? Let that be a lesson.
Eyes on screens.
Fall out! Move, move, move!
Family. Future.
FEMALE DRONE PILOT: Hey, Trev. You likin' the show?
FEMALE REPORTER 1: The Hong Kong government does have
FEMALE REPORTER 1: The State Department is very disappointed
FEMALE REPORTER 2: Moscow airport officials say he won't be permitted
FEMALE REPORTER 2: So the big question here is, where is he now?
FEMALE REPORTER: his longtime girlfriend, Lindsay Mills,
FEMALE REPORTER: Come on, please let us know!
FEMALE REPORTER: not likely take action against him
FEMALE REPORTER: NSA leaker Edward Snowden has now been charged formally
FEMALE REPORTER: U.S. President Barack Obama staunchly defends
Fifteen year old daughter at the International School.
Finally. (LAUGHS) Yeah.
First direct link between Washington and Moscow.
Following U.S. suspicions that Snowden may have been on board.
For a second?
For America of these disclosures
For letting Snowden go.
For prosperity, order.
For some horseshit war over sand and oil.
For the CIA and directly for the Agency.
For the last nine years.
For the month of March
For yourselves now.
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
Four minutes past. We walk in one minute. He was clear on that.
From our friend at The Hill.
From WikiLeaks, Sarah Harrison.
Fuck that.
Fucking bullshit! I've done nothing to you!
GABRIEL: How about his sister in law?
GABRIEL: It's something else, huh?
GABRIEL: Poor bastards.
GABRIEL: This is the cleanest ****stani I've ever seen.
GABRIEL: Yeah, I need to head out. I'll see you guys.
GABRIEL: Yeah, so what difference does it make
Gentlemen, I'll see you inside. Last week?
Get the hell out here! Get the hell out of my barracks!
Get your hands off your dicks, and get the fuck out of my barracks!
Glenn, no one has ever seen a FISA court order.
GLENN: He reached the conclusion that what was happening
GLENN: This is Laura.
GLENN: We need to have alternatives.
Go back to the States and see your doctor.
Go work on the scrubbing pile.
God damn it. Is this it?
Good idea. Ed, can you bring it up again and walk us through it?
Good. Did you get the e mail that I sent you with the photos?
Got it? I'm not taking the fall for this.
Great shooting, Ed.
Great. Another language I can't understand.
GUARD: Thank you.
Hank Forrester. Where'd you study, Snowden?
HANK: Well, they never tell you why.
HANK: Yes. Top of my class. Like you. What, here?
Has anyone called here before? Not once. Not in three weeks.
Has boarded a flight from Hong Kong to Moscow.
Has graciously offered his help.
Has not been heard from.
Have a seat.
Have it ready to post by 4:00 p.m., 5:00 at the latest.
He agrees your talents are being wasted. You ready for a little action?
He can engage in the debate he started.
He doesn't know about your heat map conversations,
He may be able to give you some tips.
He said Iran, I said ****stan.
He, um...
He's also put a derog in your file.
He's been, uh, keeping me informed on your progress.
He's coming.
He's embarrassed. It was a lot of money for us.
He's going to die in Moscow. He's not coming home.
He's gone.
He's gonna win.
He's left with his Russian lawyer and a legal advisor
He's protecting his passwords. (KEYBOARD CLACKING)
Heartbeat. FEMALE DRONE PILOT: Six, five, four,
Hello, Dave. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
Hello, I'm Ewen MacAskill from the Guardian It's nice to meet you.
Help! (SIGHS)
Here we go.
Here. Exhibit A.
Hey, can you do me a favor
Hey, can you look at me?
Hey, Corbin. Uh...
Hey, Dad.
Hey, Ed. How are you? How's your health?
Hey, have a good weekend, man.
Hey, hon. Hey.
Hey, I'm Glenn. Look, we really appreciate this.
Hey, Marwan!
Hey, um, I've been meaning to ask you, by the way.
Hey, um, what about that idea that we were talking about?
Hey. Hey.
Hey. Hi.
Hey. Nice to meet you. Good to have you.
Hey. Patrick Haynes.
Hi, Ed.
Hi, Ed. How you doing?
Hi, Ed. Welcome. Thank you.
Hi, Ewen.
Hi, Stuart. Look, I've got one thing to say.
HILLARY CLINTON: He stole very important information.
Hmm? Hey.
Hmm. I always wondered what was under those.
Holy shit, he's gonna win it! (LAUGHS)
How am I going to make you see?
How are you? Dorian.
How can we defend ourselves against
How dare you question my commitment to this story!
How do you know he's wrong? You're just lashing out.
How do you think your government's going to react?
How is this all possible?
How was it? Being back in the States?
How was work?
How'd you like it?
How'd you make out today, Corbin?
How's Heartbeat coming?
How's that for mainstream media, Glenn?
Hundreds of terabytes a minute.
I actually bought this. It blocks UHF frequencies.
I actually just signed. Yeah. Okay. Thank you very much.
I always wanted to learn cryptography. What's this one?
I asked Corbin to start the conversation. But the offer is mine.
I asked for exposure to field ops, you gave it to me.
I believe in you, Ed.
I believe that, if nothing changes,
I can see just fine, thank you.
I can't figure this out.
I can't get anything done here. Yeah.
I could crack the market like a weak network.
I could stop a dirty bomb attack and save thousands of lives.
I did not want a manhunt.
I did, I just... I can't take that stuff, it makes me groggy,
I didn't go to London today 'cause I resigned.
I do.
I do. Yeah.
I don't know about this.
I don't know. (LAUGHS)
I don't know. I'll figure it out, but listen, I...
I don't meet any of those people.
I don't understand.
I don't want any other life.
I don't want him calling me again
I don't want to risk losing you
I feel like I'm just sliding out of control.
I got the go ahead.
I guess you couldn't talk about your work.
I had to make money. My parents were divorcing at the time.
I have been acting swiftly and effectively
I have many titles, among them Senior Instructor.
I have nothing to hide. I don't.
I have to go over the story once more Why?
I have to go to a Five Eyes conference
I haven't trusted anyone in years.
I just stood my ground with the goddamn White House!
I just wanted to get this data to established journalists like yourselves,
I know it slows you down, 'cause I've seen it in my mom.
I know it's been up and down with you and Lindsay since Geneva.
I know what they would do to my colleagues.
I let you go once, I'm not gonna do it again.
I made a bet with Ed about which country
I mean, all of them. (CHUCKLING) The whole fuckin' family.
I mean, China I can understand, or Russia, or Iran,
I mean, FISA judges are all appointed by
I mean, I just sent some initial background.
I mean, I'm not that great at orienting myself...
I mean, second degree contacts are off the charts,
I mean, seven in code, six spoken, two signs.
I mean, spending that kind of money? They're not stupid.
I mean, you're just buying into what one side is saying.
I mean... You think you're making strides,
I must tell you, Dave, since we met,
I need to see your ID.
I need you on my tower, gentlemen! Let's move!
I no longer have any access to these files myself.
I probably, uh, spent too much time looking at other people through cameras.
I remember every time a camera got pointed at me,
I say, Ask the State Department.
I should have told you. And I didn't.
I showed that it could be hacked.
I spent almost two years around CIA field officers.
I stopped taking the Tegretol.
I think I'd like you to have that.
I think Special Forces would be ashamed
I think we should all get some rest. We can use it.
I told him, I... Help them.
I told you she wasn't a pushover.
I voted. CORRESPONDENT: In Arizona...
I want you to reach way down in that pathetic excuse of a chest,
I wanted to talk to you about it at dinner,
I wanted to tell you.
I was building this round the clock backup system called Epic Shelter.
I was jealous.
I was really lonely there.
I was talking with Hank Forrester and I wanted to know,
I was wrong.
I will do this for you.
I will not forget my friends.
I wish I had your schmoozing skills.
I wish we could take credit, but the Brits wrote it.
I wish we could take credit, but the Brits wrote it.
I won't hold that against you.
I won't let you down.
I work as a private contractor for the NSA.
I work for Booz Allen Hamilton
I'd be good at it.
I'd learn something else, and I just couldn't ignore it.
I'd like to help my country make a difference in the world.
I'd say Joseph Campbell,
I'd say we pause a moment.
I'll see you soon.
I'll stop off in Hawaii on the way back.
I'll stop them with a press conference or something.
I'll take another pass at the PRISM story in the meantime.
I'll tell 'em it's the wrong number.
I'm 29 years old.
I'm asking you to trust me.
I'm doing analysis for the State Department.
I'm done, sir.
I'm gonna give you a shot, Snowden.
I'm gonna grab some food. See you guys inside?
I'm not sure.
I'm not talking about the troops.
I'm not.
I'm pretty sure that the State Department has no offices in Virginia.
I'm really sorry. But it's not a big deal.
I'm serious, it looks good!
I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't want any of this for you.
I'm sorry, who are you with?
I'm sorry. Stop!
I'm talking about the moron sending them to war.
I'm the 50 pound brain from the Council of Wizards and Warlocks.
I'm working on it. I'm waiting for a call back
I've also worked as a private contractor
I've been a systems engineer, uh, been a solutions consultant...
I've been briefed. Next door is NTOC.
I've been handling their cases for years. They're like you.
I've been thinking about what the doctor said.
I've been watching your inner liberal grow.
I've met a lot of astonishing people in my life, but you...
I've risked my career!
I've worked in various jobs in the intelligence industry
If both of us left at the same time, wouldn't that seem suspicious?
If Hawaii is something that we decide
If he tried to cross a border, he could be intercepted and detained.
If I was the only one that thought this was crazy.
If that's what you're thinking.
If you don't get this out in the next four hours,
If you have a seizure driving yourself,
If you see how it's put together?
If you take more than eight, you will fail.
If you want to play with all the new toys
If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I see dinner.
If you'll excuse me, it's...
If you're really not feeling well, dude, maybe you should, uh,
In 20 years, Iraq will be a hellhole nobody cares about.
In any case, I'd have to run it past Fort Meade.
In educating the American people
In her parents' home in Maryland,
In house. For $3 million.
In other words, turning your daddy into a CIA informant.
In Sydney in a couple of weeks.
In the authorities in Hong Kong
In the intelligence business.
In the most expensive city in the world.
In the U.S. as we are in Russia?
In the world without expecting to have some risk.
In this room after the call takes place,
In your home city,
Including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook,
Inside the U.S.,
Inside this really secretive agency
Insisting that they were conducted with broad safeguards
INTERVIEWER: ls that what you hope to do with us? Free people from oppression?
INTERVIEWER: Why do you want to join the CIA?
INTERVIEWER: You wanted to be Special Forces?
Is a list of every threat made about the President since February 3rd.
Is breaking the law.
Is everything okay?
Is everywhere.
Is fixed with a big ass antenna,
Is he now more whistleblower than he is a, uh, hacker?
Is in possession of the bad cell phone
Is it us?
Is that nothing will change.
Is the fact that I no longer have to worry about what happens tomorrow,
Is the greatest country in the world?
Is the greatest country in the world?
Is the supremacy of your government.
Is there some kind of trick to it?
Is there something you do hold against me?
It had something to do with her boyfriend, who was recently deported.
It has helped to talk it over with colleagues.
It means that if there is another 9/11, it'll be your fault.
It means that we don't talk about anything anymore.
It sounds really cool to have top security clearance.
It was a fucking disaster.
It was a very empowering job, sir. (LAUGHS)
It was a welcome change when they put me on terrorism watch duty.
It was at Geneva. It was Lindsay.
It was elegant, streamlined.
It was in Glenn's blog.
It was like... Couldn't breathe.
It was originally some backup program for, um...
It was personal differences,
It was the best work I ever did.
It was, uh, it was really good to be home.
It was, uh...
It was, uh...
It'd be lights out.
It'll burn, but it's a good burn.
It's 1:00 p.m. in New York.
It's a simple bargain. If...
It's all about finding the pressure point.
It's also possible that the house is bugged.
It's been 40 minutes.
It's breaking news that it reveals
It's classified.
It's close.
It's essential you commit yourself to this medication.
It's fine. Thanks for asking.
It's going to take a few months
It's gonna... One sec. (LINDSAY CHUCKLES)
It's improved the response time
It's kind of impossible to keep track of them anymore, right?
It's like a search interface.
It's like I'm on a trajectory that I can't turn back from.
It's like who knew a secret underground World War ll era base
It's my bad, Trev.
It's my country too, and right now it has blood on its hands.
It's not a big deal? No.
It's not passive collection, it's full take surveillance.
It's nothing. I was just showing them
It's the truth.
It's tough to keep any relationship going. Few of us do.
It's very close.
It's you guys that have to start watching out
It's your ticket to the top.
Japan was difficult for us.
Japan was your first NSA 10b, fight'?
John and Cindy McCain voted, and then they landed in Colorado
Just in case ordinary jobs become criminal again.
Just one.
Just sayin;
Keep the focus on the stories, that's all that matters.
LAU RA: It's live.
LAURA: Try thinking of this as your friend.
LAURA: We can start by showing him XKeyscore.
LAURA: Were you thinking about going to journalists then?
LAURA: What was it like there?
LAURA: Why'd you go back after Geneva?
Let me think about it.
Let's at least wait for that, see what they say to her.
Let's get started. We have a lot to go through here,
Let's go to bed, and wake up in the morning,
Let's go! All right, gentlemen.
Let's say your target is a shady Iranian banker
Let's see what?
Let's see you strut it. Show me what you got, you know.
Let's try again.
Like the other three guys, Drake was trying
Like we finally have a house that we love,
Like, she fights with her parents, or...
Like, there were these three high level officials at the NSA,
LINCOLN CHAFFEE: The American government was acting illegally.
LINDSAY: Come on. It's been years. (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING)
LINDSAY: Ed, are you okay?
LINDSAY: Get away, don't touch him.
LINDSAY: I'll get some candles.
LINDSAY: So that's what the Band Aids are about, then?
LINDSAY: So what does that mean? What do we do?
LINDSAY: We're not usually supposed to submit our own work,
LINDSAY: Yes, I can.
LINDSAY: You can always turn back.
LINDSAY: You okay down there?
Listen, Ed,
Listen, Ed.
Listen, they're gonna investigate,
Listen, uh...
Little? Yeah.
Living in Hawaii, in paradise, and making a ton of money,
Look at him, he'll kill himself.
Look at me.
Look at me. I don't want anyone else.
Look at WikiLeaks. It destroyed their credibility.
Look, Ed, you said it yourself,
Look, I feel like I'm made to do this.
Look, I love these things. (CHUCKLES)
Look, I said from the beginning
Look, Mr. MacAskill, uh,
Look, there's things that I wish I could tell you,
Looks like you're being summoned.
Lowell is creating this position for you, Ed.
Lowell is very pleased. He, uh, sends his regards.
Ls it constitutional to bypass the Courts?
Make sure you don't buckle under the pressure.
MALE ACTIVIST: Excuse me, ma'am. Would you like to sign?
MALE MODERATOR. And now, here live from Moscow,
MALE REPORTER 1: It is now confirmed that Edward Snowden
MALE REPORTER 1: remember, that was back reportedly on May 20th.