A damn, strong drink. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
A freestyle triple backflip from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
A ghost hunter. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
A little more. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
A little more. Stop. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
A source inside the Pentagon from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
A world without me in it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
About a drought in California. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
About a man named Xander Cage. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
About skateboards and swimming pools. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Access granted. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Adele, do you have eyes on the target? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Adele, Nicks! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Adolescent transportation. Then 1977 happens. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Adolescent transportation. Then 1977 happens. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
After all these years, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Agent Clearidge worked closely with Gibbons. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Ah. You're one of them, aren't you? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Ainsley, everything has a price. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Air velocity divided by distance. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
All active agents are to be erased from record from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
All right, guys, keep your earbuds in. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
All right. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
All right. Enjoy this party. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
All right. Twenty two and a half. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
All we need to do is track down the main signal, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
All you need to know. The rest is classified. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Almost never. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Am I right? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And a half. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And all I can hear myself think is, "Today's the day." from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And come out the other side like it was a damn gentle breeze. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And considered enemies of the state. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And fuel tanks big enough from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And have the signal disruptor on standby. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And how long do you intend to push your luck? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And I am not leaving here until I find out who. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And I bet a guy like you needs a lot of support. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And I did. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And I served only half the sentence. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And I think to myself from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you take it back to the NSA. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And I'm not talking about the first Terminator, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And I've got a tight grip. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And if I can't do my job, then people die. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And if I'm scared, I can't do my job. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And if you hold it too tight, I cut your arm off. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And if you needed retinal scans, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And in my mind, you guys could walk away nicely. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And it could be a wonderful world, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And just so you know, I am not a field agent. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And live rejoicing from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And live rejoicing from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And Pandora's Box can bypass all of them. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And possibly my fur coat. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And take the one device that can cause a global power shift. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And tell me you got your eye on me from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And that's because those righteous bastards, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And then Igor on the stairs. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And then we can approximate its location within a 20 mile radius. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And there was only one man who believed in the underdog. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And these guys have the real one? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And they don't care who or what gets in their way. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And they've got no problem running over from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And we're still scared of shoe and tighty whitey bombs at the airport. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And when Becky locks in his exact location, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And who do we blame for Moscow? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And who's to say I haven't already found her? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And you know how I am about keeping secrets. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
And you say you're no hero. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Any of you ever carve an R4 from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Anyhow, our hero starts doing things on a board from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Anyone who gets in their way. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Anything you need, Becky can source it within the hour. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Are you getting this interference? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Are you kidding me with those guns? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
At first, I thought Special Forces. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
At the end of the day, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Back on the plane. I want wheels up in 20. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Be honest. 250 is the hard max for my swing. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Be sure and send a postcard. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Be sure to send a postcard. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Because soldiers are built to take orders and fight wars. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Because the satellites orbit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Because this world has turned... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Before he chooses another satellite. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Betrayed us. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Better a living terrorist than a dead company man. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Big drought hits Southern California. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Biometrics of all the superpowers in the world, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Bit of a stalemate. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Brainwave scrambler. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Breakfast in the morning? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Breathe. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Building a ramp. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But Gibbons did. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But how often do these seven men all sit in the same room together? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But if you need a fifty of Purple Urkle, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But none of that matters. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But not you. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But now, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But only for a few minutes, so hurry. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But the second Terminator from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But they're taking Xiang. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But this is way cooler. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But we were getting along famously until somebody from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But we, my friend, are not at war. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But who would you trust? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But you're wrong, though. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
But your ink's all wrong. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
By whose definition? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Bye bye. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Can I have my jacket, when you get a sec? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Can you keep this behind the bar for me? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Can you tell me the real reason behind the crash of from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Captain Paul Donovan. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Cell phone data dumps, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Chad, wassup, bro? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
CIA? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Clarence from It's a Wonderful Life. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Come on out, Frankenstein! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Come on, eat up! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Come on, let's go! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Come on, man! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Come on, X, just say the word. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Come on. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Come on. Let me shoot him. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Cool. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Corrupt military software, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Cover me! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Crash a satellite out of the sky like a goddamn tactical warhead. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Damn it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Damn, Becky, that's some body armor. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Damn! I'm out of bullets. You got any? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Darius Stone. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
DARPA's new ground combat initiative. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Death sometimes just from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Dial nine. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Did I ever leave? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Did you lose weight? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Did your mother ever teach you how to zip up your pants? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Disable and dismantle all the world's spy programs from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Disappear on your skin, under your arms, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Do any of you know how to do it? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Do I get the girls for a weekend and two coconuts? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Do it for Gibbons. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Do we look like soldiers? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Do you feel safer today than you felt yesterday? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Do you have a shot? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Do yourself a favor. Burn this. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Does this mean you're not making me from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Doesn't belong in any kind of cage. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Doesn't matter. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Doesn't matter. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Dogtown and Z Boys. You ever seen it? It's a movie. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Don't do it. It's suicide. Nobody could survive that fall. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Don't move! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Don't move! Hurry up! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Don't say I didn't warn you. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Down on the ground, now! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Down! Get down! Don't move, asshole! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Drowning in my own blood. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Easy there, Rocky. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Easy. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Eighteen hours in a chair in Mexico. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Either way, somebody's getting turnt up tonight! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Empty. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Ended up losing both. That's why Triple X. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Even though you're shackled by the Queen, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Every day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Every Friday night for the last 20 years. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Everybody, get down! Move! Move! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Everybody, hands up! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Everyone needs backup. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Eyewitnesses in Moscow... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Fan out! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Fight and pray from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Fight and pray from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Figures they'd go to the Pacific. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Find cover! Move! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
First person to move, first person to die! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Fish in a barrel. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Five left. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Forty five U.S.P. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Gentlemen, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Get back! Come on! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Get the girl. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Gibbons never believed you were dead! Never stopped looking for you. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Gibbons thought you'd be back. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Gibbons was handed a blank check. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Gibbons was killed. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Gibbons would be proud to see you two working together. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Gibbons! Gibbons? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Give me one. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Give me the money! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Go figure. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Go, go, go, go! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Go, go, go! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Go, go, go. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Go, go! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Go! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Goal! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Got so bad, rich suburbanites couldn't afford to fill their swimming pools. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Gotcha. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Gotcha. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Guess this means Pandora's Box isn't exactly classified. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hands! Hands! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Happens all the time. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
He got you a new ride. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
He said I'd know why when I need to know why. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
He taught me how from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
He washed our sins away from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
He's on the top floor. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
He's trying to engage another satellite. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
He's turned the heat up. I can't see shit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Heard about it, you know? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hell of a friend. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Here we go again. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Here, honey. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Here's what you do. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hey, are NSA extraction teams from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hey, get back here! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hey, here comes the Red Bull freak show. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hey, suit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hi. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
High school. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hmm. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hold on! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hold that thought, G.I.Joe. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
How bad? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
How many of you have ever pulled from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
How the hell did you find it so quickly? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
How you gonna do "and a half"? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Huh? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Hurry. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I always was a better spy than a salesman. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I am not the girl to ask. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I bet they had a blast. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I can definitely make that work. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I can handle anything. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I can't guarantee it won't walk off on its own. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I do not go out in the field. Ever. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I don't believe in good guys. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I don't know you, but... I don't like to be tested. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I don't know, maybe I feel from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I don't understand. If I destroyed Pandora's Box, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I don't want a lover from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I dropped your soldiers over Eastern Europe. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I get caught even touching a computer, my ass goes away for 20. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I get started and then I can't stop and then I can't... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I go low. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I got mine after I left the NSA. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I got my eye on the king. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I got this. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I got to call bullshit on that! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I heard he was dead. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I just finally figured out that math problem. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I just happen to have the best hardware in the South Pacific. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I just moved again. I'm still alive. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I just need a friend from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I killed Gibbons because he was a self righteous prick. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I knew you would do it, Xander. You brought the world to us. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I know I don't. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I know I'm gonna regret asking you this, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I know mouth to mouth if necessary. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I know the feeling. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I know you. I saw you on TV! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I like your style, man. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I live for this shit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I love that song. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I moved. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I need a new map. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I need a power source! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I need the President on the phone... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I needed you to retain a sense of objectivity. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I promise you, no one would dare steal it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I see them bloom... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I tagged a skysc****r and got a year in jail for it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I told you he was fun to have around. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I took it on a date or two. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I used to think you were the man. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I was at Coachella and Guns N' Roses got back together, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I was never going to stop downing satellites from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I wasn't kidding when I said from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I will drop one satellite every 24 hours until my demands are met. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I would rather if you didn't... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I wouldn't have it any other way. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I wouldn't have it any other way. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'd forgotten how beautiful the view is up here. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'd say you're a couple inches off. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'll bet whoever sold you that shirt is in one of them. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'll go high. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'll have to replace the goddamn screen. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'll introduce you to your ground team. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'll make this easy for you. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'll see you later, X. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'll take it from you dead or alive. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm empty. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm gonna be honest with you. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm gonna crash yours. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm gonna have to take it out kamikaze style. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm gonna use it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm in this hospital bed. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm just doing the math. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm loving these odds. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm no hero. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm no hero. I'm just a footballer. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm not a soldier, I'm a baller. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm not a soldier, I'm a baller. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm not gonna destroy the one thing I can use to get what we want. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm not gonna have clowns watch my back. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm not the bad guy. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm only here for that. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm serious. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm showing activity in Pandora's Box. I can jam the signal, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm sorry, it's like a bad habit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm still talking. Oh, my God. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm talking about a happy day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm talking about the sweet Lord from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm talking about the sweet Lord from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm talking about the sweet Lord from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm talking about the sweet Lord from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm touched. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm walking out of here, Xander. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I'm whatever you need. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I've been saying the director of the CIA from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
I've never seen anything like it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
If Dance Dance Revolution from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
If I say yes, will you please just slow down? Look out! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
If we just stopped doing bad shit to it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
If you don't hear from me, remember, dial nine. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
If you lost your edge, just tell me and I'll understand. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
If you run into trouble, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
If you take this from me, you die first. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
If you wanted me out of retirement, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
If you're not gonna reboot the world, right? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Igor. That's another one you owe me, X. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
In a new video released just moments ago, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
In the blast along with the device itself. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
In this senseless act of violence. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Information like this doesn't have a price. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Is claiming to have the ability to use satellites as weapons. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Is he? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Is she always this much fun, or just on special occasions? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Is this the part where you act the basic bitch from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Is you've got something stuck in between your teeth. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Isn't it right? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It comes down to the same question I've been asking my wife from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It happened again. Another satellite fell. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It means we've been chasing a prototype. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It needs to be recovered intact. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It was the liquidy metal guy. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It'll be a little less fun. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's "kumquat." from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's a little early in the evening to slay someone. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's a party! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's an old Gibbons fail safe. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's been a while since I played hot potato. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's in a safe place. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's just never a good idea to point a gun at me. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's not like I have a safe word, or anything. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's okay if you're a little bad. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's seven thirty in the morning. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's the most important one, actually. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's their right. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's time to be a patriot. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's very, very breakable. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's what Gibbons would have wanted. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
It's when I decided to change the world instead of from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Junior, let's bounce! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Just be where the bullets aren't. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Just happened to know I spoke English. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Just improvising. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Just in time. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Just like a regular guy. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Just to keep that for yourself? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Just watch. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Keep screwing around. What could possibly go wrong? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Keep talking shit, little man. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Kick some ass. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Kidding. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Kumquat. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Kumquat. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Leningrad. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let me educate you on the difference. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let me guess. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let me guess. Everyone's jumping at the chance from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let me guess. Gibbons to the rescue. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let them come! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let them pass! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let's do this. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let's do this. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let's go, boys. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let's go! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let's go. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Let's go. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Lightningbolt and Burrito. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Like always, Adele, you're my eyes in the sky. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Like finding needles in a stack of needles. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Like you're just working for him. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Listen! From now on, I make the plans, you execute! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Live and in concert, one night only. This is crazy! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
London. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Low orbit freefall, no chute and big fireworks. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Low orbit freefall, no chute and big fireworks. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Lucky for me, you love to gamble. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Master says, "Fetch," and the bitch listens. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Mate, seriously? A grenade? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Me? I'm evening the odds. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Meeting's over. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
MI6? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Millions of people have died for nothing... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
More. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Moscow Mule by the bar. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Mountain Dew and Red Bull, you asshole. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Move in, move in! Show me your hands! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Move! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Must've seen a lot. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
My bad. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
My favorite. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
My friends, on the other hand, adore stiff odds. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Naked. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Name your price. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Nerds in the lab have coined it "Pandora's Box." from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Never really think about it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Next, he's gonna send you a fax. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Nice place. Spacious. Expensive. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Nice shot. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Nicks, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Nicks, you're gonna show 'em how we do it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No matter what happened. You know why? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No rope. No line. No chute. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No wonder our country's in debt trillions of dollars. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No, generally not. Watch the boys. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No, no, no! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No, no, no... Xander, you got to get to the top floor. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No. "Safe" isn't in my vocabulary. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No. But the mission was to destroy it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No. Nothing. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
No. We don't play on bikes. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Nobody knows I'm here. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Nor will he ever again, for that matter. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Normally armed like they're invading Fallujah? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Not exactly nice things to say about you. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Not if I jam the signal! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Not if we find him first. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Not if you drop the gun. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Nothing. Not even a match on a speeding ticket. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now I know why. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now I know why. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now what? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now, if you don't think you can pull it off, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now, it's a party. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now, that kid needed that drought. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now, that right there, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now, that right there, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now, these suits control every spy satellite in the sky. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now, this is a team I can work with. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Now! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Of all the places in the world to lay low, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Of course not. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Of course... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, happy day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, happy day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, happy day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, happy day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, happy day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, happy day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, happy day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, happy day from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, hell, no. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, I, uh, see you found your coat. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, my God, this is fucking awesome! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, no problem. How was your trip? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, no! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, shit! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, shit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, shit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, shit. Way too many. Let's get out of here. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, sweetheart, this is not a game. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, trust me, he's not laughing. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, we don't need any of it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, yeah from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, yeah? What math? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, yeah. Hall of Fame shit right here, bro. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, you don't play on bikes. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, you know, actually, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh, you're pissing up the wrong tree, Cage. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Oh. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, but you all from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, Cage, follow me. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, hang on. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, I actually have what you want. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, okay. I want to comply. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, so, you're worried that I might get hurt? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, Triple X, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, we have carte blanche to track this son of a bitch down. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, when Xiang broke the window, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay, you may sit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Okay. Easy. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
On a BMX bike before? All of you? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
On a snowboard from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
On the floor! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
On your knees now, you son of a bitch! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
On your knees, now. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Onboard drones, anti air countermeasures, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
One grenade, three people. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
One last time before we could stop him. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
One of you is behind this. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Ooh, bye bye, Moscow Mule. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Or I'll do it for you, one satellite at a time. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Or the lady that was running from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Or the security guard over there buying a soda with foreign currency? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Our bodies are such fragile things. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Ow! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Page one! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Pandora's Box is one of a kind. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Pandora's Box, very bad thing. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Pandora's Box? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Patriotism is dead. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
People like Gibbons and the two of you. And me. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
People might mistake you for one of the good guys. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
People scare me. Guns scare me. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
People with guns really scare me. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Perfect. Tennyson! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Pin 'em! Pin 'em down! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Please, please, please tell me you have a shot. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Pneumatic pistons drive the gears, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Point me in the right direction. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Power like that doesn't belong in anyone's hands. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Push forward! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Rage against it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Read between the lines. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Read between the lines. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Really? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Right there. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Roberta. I'll see you later. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Rock, paper, scissor, grenade launcher. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Roll it back. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Running from your problems never works out. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Sadly, the terrorist activated Pandora's Box from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Says a rogue satellite may have been used as a weapon. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Search and rescue will know where from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
See if I can't find G.I.Joe. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Serena played us for fools. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Serena? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Serena. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Seven workers are now confirmed dead, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Seventy feet across, 90 feet down. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Sexual consummation irrevocably ruins from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
She wants to destroy it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
She'll handle support for the operation. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
She's gonna drop a satellite on top of you. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
She's gonna drop a satellite on us! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Shh... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Shit happens. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Shit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Shit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Shit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Shit. He's trying to reconnect it. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Show him the love! Give it up for The Hood! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Shut up, "hero"! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Since when have we had a business relationship? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Skateboards used to be stuck on the ground. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Skateboards used to be stuck on the ground. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Smells like the same shit in a different suit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, how do we get it back? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, I'll leave you be, then. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, I'm looking for someone. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, let's be real and talk about what we all really want. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, what are you gonna do about it? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, what are you up to these days? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, when I stuff you down the toilet, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, which are you? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, why did you leave Lassie behind? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, you knew they were Triple X all along. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So, you're willing to kill from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
So? It's lunch or dinnertime somewhere in the world. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Some asshole living the high life at the Ritz Carlton penthouse from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Some jungle rave that's off the grid. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Some kid figured out he could skate those empty pools from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Some kid figured out he could skate those empty pools from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Somewhere along the way, made a deal with the devil. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Stay focused. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Stick to the path. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Stiff odds? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Still don't believe in good guys? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Stop, stop, stop, stop! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Stop, stop, stop, stop! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Suit yourself. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Sure you can. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Sure you can. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Take 'em out, now! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Take it with you always. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Take your time. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Tell Nicks to have that camera ready. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Tennyson! Some back up would be nice. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Tennyson? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Thank you, sir. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Thank you. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That doesn't belong in anyone's hands. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That goes back to kill the first Terminator. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That guy got through. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That kind of thing is almost impossible. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That must have been pretty cool, right? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That no one's ever seen before. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That was a hell of an entrance. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That was before the goddamn Russian invasion touched down, man! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That was my invite to the Oval Office. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That wasn't a part of the plan. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's 200! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's a hell of a car. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's all I'm saying. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's for talking shit about my friend, Gibbons. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's not gonna come off, you know that, right? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's refreshing. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's the problem. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's the wrong question to ask. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's what Gibbons would've wanted. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's when the light clicked on. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's when the light clicked on. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's why Triple X. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
That's why Triple X. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The best of the best like it was Sunday brunch. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The biggest, most expensive military in the world, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The bullets could've been real. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The good, the bad, the extreme, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The ground broke her fall. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The men in charge. The world beaters. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The nice old man that you had sit down next to me with the bag of bombs? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The President gave him a medal. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The same way Xiang and I found Pandora's Box in New York. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The tag was 30 stories tall. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The things I do for my country. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The whispers I hear, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The whole world gonna be looking for us. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The whole world is looking for us, Xiang. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The world is big, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The world is big, but always fits in your heart. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
The world's too stupid to realize that Moscow wasn't a bluff. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Then a man comes along, tells me a story from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Then Lieutenant Leningrad, who thinks he's got your back. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Then the body armor would've been real. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Then the two Ivans by the door. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
There are 30,000 satellites orbiting the Earth at this moment. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
There it is. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
There's a war out there. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
There's enough force in these bad boys from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
These assholes just took out from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
These days, a regular guy can't afford to be regular. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
These four assholes, very bad guys. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
These ghosts of yours are the real kind of trouble. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They bust in here, step on our throats, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They claim "that the violation of civil liberties from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They say it's the last great adventure, Cage. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They traded liberty for safety. And us, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They would send in a drone, bomb us to hell. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They're called exo gloves. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They're ghosts, in a day and age where from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They're ghosts, in a day and age where from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They're gonna send an extraction team from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They're gonna start shooting at us, aren't they? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They're practically invisible. Real MI6 kind of shit. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
They've got training, they've got funding, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Things the world thought were impossible. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Think you're the only one who knows how to play dead? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This ain't a party. This is a race. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This box only ever had the ability from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This fruit loop chooses Detroit? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This group is lethal, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This is a multistage signal disruptor. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This is all we've got. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This is some pretty surreal shit, being at your own funeral. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This is touching. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This is war. And either from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This isn't about Serena. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This shit is getting real, isn't it? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
This? Phoenix out of the ashes. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Those, I'll have within 15 minutes. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Thought he could hold the world ransom. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Three flashbangs, two bullets, and one body bag later, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Three inches of security glass? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Three. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Tied around your balls like a Christmas bow. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To be the hero we needed. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To catch a bus that doesn't leave for two hours. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To circumnavigate the globe three times without ever landing. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To dismantle their spy programs. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To fight and pray from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To find you between China and North Korea. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To get a chance to work with the legendary Xander Cage? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To pick you guys up. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To prevent some punk with a laptop from hijacking satellites. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To waste fuel and drive up profits? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
To watch from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Touché. You are Xander Cage. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Transmit false intelligence, or from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Turn the music off! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Turns out there's a new mission. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Twelve round mag. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Twenty two from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Two grenades, three people. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Two million hits on YouTube. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Two! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Uh, looks like East 404 Congress Street. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Uh, uh uh uh... from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Uh, where are you going? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Uh, yeah, I confess, I had my doubts. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Uncharted island down the block. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Undercover work. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Unless you want to continue our foreplay. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Until I get what I came for. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Unwrap me, then. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Us working as a team. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Using a standard issue armor deployment parachute system. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Wait. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Was there ever a doubt? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Was this always part of your mission, too? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Was trying to manipulate satellites. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Wassup, Nyjah? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Wassup? from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
Watch the watchers. Fight the enemy within. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We all have our embarrassing moments. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We are all Triple X. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We both know he's not the bad guy. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We discovered a high level intelligence officer from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We failed. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We found him. We found Pandora's Box. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We just have different agendas. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We just met. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We made it that way. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We made it that way. I mean, come on. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We make our move. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We must have over 100 redundancies in place from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We need someone who can move like them, fight like them. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We need someone who can walk into a tornado, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We ran facial IDs on every database in the world. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We recovered Pandora's Box. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We stop it today, or we watch the world burn tomorrow. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We the people, from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We thought we'd end with Augustus' favorite song. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We took custody of the device. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We were a new T riple X team Gibbons created. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We'll land in Manila and you will requisition from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We'll set up a triangulated signal tracking system around the city. from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure
We're a bit busy now! from XXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017) Adventure