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Home > Batman 1966 Soundboard
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A fine job batman you allayed their fears magnificently
A harmless anesthetic necessary to prevent you from see
A not displeasing chore sir
A riddle in the form of a joke
A slender hope miss kitka more slender than you can kno
A speedy escape is our only hope
A unification and a container of hope
About that dream you had
According to rumor batman a transatlantic yacht approac
After i give him the bat wake we must be ready for anyt
Again the dynamic duo escaped our trap!
Ah good just as the blueprints said an abandoned constr
Ah of course how clever
Ah! there it is! seventy third street and concord avenu
Aha! aha! this is a kidnapping!
Aha! how did it go catwoman
Ahoy catwoman
Alfred do you have your driver's license in my wallet s
Alfred will see you to the door
All right all right
All right enough pictures
All right robin cut the bat charges
All right then i'll activate the computer link
All set batman
Altitude 3 1 7 sink rate 49
An egg nature's perfect container the container of all
And all my days are trances and all my nightly dreams a
And blasted out of the sky by an incredible coincidence
And boys don't anybody sneeze
And nothing to link us with the crime
And now to make him bat bait
And so my fine finkish friends you have heard my astoun
And that means there'll be more of the dreaded things m
And then carry him down to the submarine
And there's a special meeting of the security council t
And what the devil is this the captain's costume party
And when they solve that of course they'll be out to in
And who behind it not a clue
And you bungled it again!
Another sniff of bat gas and we'll all return to the ci
Answer affirmative batman
Any two of them might try that
Are you sure you're getting enough of the good old sea
As you truly remarked no one can make a seagoing vessel
At 'em me hearties! shiver 'em from stem to stern!
At first i thought it was some foolishness
Atomic batteries to power turbines to speed roger ready
Attention you unfathomable finks!
Avast and belay batman your tone sounds rather grim
Aw shut up all of you! i see the way to do it
Away robin away! but but
Banana russian i've got it! someone russian is gonna sl
Bat centrifuge at 32000 rpm's
Bat scanner tracking the stolen batmobile perfectly
Batman and robin are fully deputized agents of the law
Batman and robin are probably hot on our trail
Batman i
Batman says there's hope mr president what more can one
Batman wait a minute
Batman! batman!
Batman! polaris type missile coming right for us
Batman! we're helpless in this monstrous invisible grip
Batman's boots didn't even look damp
Batmobile to airport
Big ben distilleries you know
Bless my dustpan!
Blindfold the captive
Bon voyage pussy
Bonnie let's have the latest status report on known sup
Brace yourself robin we're going down this could be the
Break out the jet pack umbrellas
But don't you have a complete anti criminal eye pattern
But then i remembered
But wait it happened at sea
But we'll be there first if we hurry that is if we hurr
But we've lost the trail of that angelic miss kitka
But who are we going to kidnap ah i know the perfect vi
But your so curious costumes don't be put off by them m
Call down to our secret river bottom dock and prepare o
Catwoman catwoman will you get a dustpan and put every
Catwoman stop i said!
Catwoman you tend to this headquarters
Certainly not!
Chief o'hara dash to the roof flash the bat signal yes
Clever comrade wayne
Clever devilishly clever
Come on batman! batman!
Come on down commodore
Come on penguin time to rip off your false feathers
Come on robin to the batcave we haven't one moment to l
Come on!
Coming up batman on the closed circuit tv screen come o
Commissioner yes oh
Commodore schmidlapp is in danger to lure me into a tra
Commodore schmidlapp's invention in our hands
Commodore schmidlapp's the name
Compartments a b and c taking green water sir
Completely destroying their value as ace crime fighters
Comrade wayne my name is kitanya irenya tatanya karensk
Confound it! the batteries are dead!
Courageous warriors against crime they are off once aga
Da da keep your eyes closed continue with this dream
Damage the tail rotor disengaged
Dear colleagues let's see what's strapped about this fe
Devilish clown prince of crime if i only had a nickel f
Did this p n gwynne leave an address
Diminishing speed ready to board roger
Disengage go cart
Disposing of preatomic submarines to persons who don't
Dive mr bluebeard! dive! yo ho dive!
Diving planes mr bluebeard
Do vechara
Do vechara comrade wayne
Do you think you and the boy wonder can separate that m
Don't sound so bossy if you please!
Doubtless it's the work of some harmless crank
Down periscope we're over the last bar
Down periscope! down periscope
Downed by one of riddler's polaris skywriters
Drop bat ladder bat ladder away
Edgar allan poe miss kitka to one in paradise first sta
Emergency! seal this building! and turn off the ventila
End of status report
Enter your holding pattern repeat enter your holding pa
Every one of them has a mother
Everything pip pip with the prisoner comrades
Excuse me i'll slip into something more comfortable whi
Farewell dynamic duo!
Faugh! that's too soon!
Faugh! they know how to jam our missiles!
Faugh! we have not yet begun to fight! attack!
Faugh! what's this an apparition
Feed in the various ethnic and national factors
Fine day for penguins looks like rain
Fire when ready robin
Five four three two fire one! fire one!
Follow me down to the terrace ho!
Fortunately i was able to dispose of that bomb in the n
Forward torpedo tubes prepare to fire
From something i happened to overhear i think we are me
Gentlemen gentlemen it is absolutely imperative that we
Gentlemen in the interest of peace you must hear me out
Gentlemen it has always been our policy to maintain
Gentlemen it is the considered opinion of her majesty's
Gentlemen my country understands your position but in t
Get him you mollycoddles!
Get ready for evasive action
Gives a feller a good feeling' to know they're up there
Gosh batman the nobility of the almost human porpoise
Gosh yes batman when you put it that way
Gosh! and the catwoman!
Gotham tower to all aircraft in the gotham control zone
Grave situation robin
Great day in the morning!
Great quivering icebergs! just as i hoped
Great scott still in the park it's been almost an hour
Great scott! batman take off his mask
Great scott! you can't dash off now where were you held
Ha! as i surmised
Have no fear robin i'll keep all my wits about me
Have you recently sold any war surplus submarines and i
He just keeps ringing for his confounded tea
He must be using a super energy reverse polarizer
He swallowed the cat bait
Hello admiral a routine question
Hello batman speaking
Here comes a third one batman!
Here comes another one!
Here they come
Here you are
Hey riddler where are you going to fire off some more o
Hmm perhaps yes yes
Hmm! hah! mr joker!
Hoist her three degrees yo ho! hoist three degrees
Hold her steady! up periscope! yo ho! up periscope
Hold tight robin this may be tricky
Holy almost
Holy bikini! that was close!
Holy costume party that's the penguin obviously
Holy halloween!
Holy heart failure!
Holy jumble! where's the hope of the world now
Holy long john silver! a pirate periscope
Holy marathon! i'm getting a stitch batman
Holy merlin the magician! get set for a shock
Holy polaris!
Holy sardine!
How do you divide seventeen apples among sixteen people
How purr fectly wonderful of you
How should i know they'd have a can of shark repellent
How strange i close my eyes and i dream of something qu
Howdy y'all how are those boys doin' up there
However you and robin will dog our footsteps in the bat
Huh! strange batman should have been here hours ago
I can't understand why batman hasn't dashed into our tr
I certainly hope you know what you're doing penguin
I don't get it batman think robin
I don't know about prudent but it's sure as heck the on
I don't think you mean that batman
I escaped with the aid of batman
I fear we have nothing to look forward to but death
I got them i got them
I hope penguin made it
I ignore your insipid insinuations!
I mean clever device miss kitka
I mean condemning me before the facts have been authori
I must say that your laboratory exceeds the limits of m
I needn't tell you ladies and gentlemen with whom i hav
I say it's crazy but i say let's try it
I say steward your face has the most ghastly pallor
I wouldn't worry about that either
I'll bash him brutally then we close in for the kill wi
I'll be waiting at the elevator
I'll check at once batman
I'll incapacitate the beast with my trick confetti
I'll just take one tiny tiny peek
I'll maintain curvature
I'll man the torpedo tubes
I'll rend you limb from limb!
I'll telephone if you'll excuse me to cancel a previous
I'm most grateful i wasn't aware of that
I've got it why didn't i think of it sooner
I've just thought of a clever ruse commissioner
If anyone knew that they could pierce the secret of our
If i can just get at it
If i can just reverse the polarity send out waves of su
If i hadn't let your beauty lull me off guard
If it were three of them i would say yes but four
If what i fear is true
If you please to take off the mask to give the better p
If you wish anything further just ring
Imbecile! how many times have i told you never use my r
In fact our own relatives we live with don't know
In my disguise as kitka i penetrated their press confer
In some baffling way she must have unwittingly stumbled
Increase angstrom force in vector x vector x up one not
Incredible i don't
Indeed i suppose they'll be broken up by your moldy jok
Indeed in this very batcave you saw a ghastly example o
Is that prudent master robin
Is there not a bourgeois criminal cad in this country c
It all adds up to a sinister riddle
It approaches a climax no nyet not so fast be more slow
It deceived our naked eyes but was blocked by the bat c
It looks bad batman this brassy bird has us buffaloed
It looks like we've got the whole ocean to ourselves
It may be worse than that gentlemen
It may not be that black comrade wayne
It works for peace and understanding
It's a low neighborhood full of rum pots
It's a painless operation
It's all right robin
It's clear that i've done you a cruel injustice
It's filled with human jetsam
It's five dehydrated pirates rehydrated
It's not for mortals like us to tamper with the laws of
It's now or never if we're to get through the channel
It's starting down
It's the batboat!
It's the famous bat signal flashed from the roof of pol
Jolly good service aboard this yacht
Just a post office box number would you like it
Keep an eye on the scope watch for suspicious vessels
Kitka kitka a charming acronym
Let that be an object lesson in the dangers of tamperin
Let's get him
Let's go but inconspicuously through the window we'll u
Let's hope it's a stitch in time robin that saves nine
Let's see the coordinates four position were 10 3 by 69
Lock computer on after deck set automatic bat hold
Look at this pair of joking riddles
Look out! look out please!
Look robin
Look! look! the dynamic duo!
Looks like it has a homing device in its nose cone
Loose to plague us with his criminal conundrums
May i see you home to that borrowed penthouse apartment
Maybe you can reach it with your fingers
Miss kitka dies if you take one more step go!
Miss kitka! miss ki
Miss miss kitka where are you
Missile ahoy!
Mmm perhaps i could lure him into the fatal embrace of
Mmm! i close my eyes and i dream of all those savage co
Mr bluebeard down 30 fathoms!
Mr bluebeard!
Mr joker fire three! fire three!
Mr joker fire two! fire two!
Mr joker would you drop one of your little dream pills
Mr morgan kindly activate the remote control penguin ma
Mr quetch what's their bearing i don't know sir
Mr riddler will you tell mr quetch to fetch the five gu
Mr riddler would you fire a surface to surface underwat
Mr stanley of the globe
Mr wayne must you be so impulsive
Much as one deplores indiscretion master robin
My apologies commodore schmidlapp
My dear sir as the poet says on land you may command at
Negative no legal bell buoy at that position
Never mind come on everybody out now
Never ones to shirk responsibility
Nevertheless shall we give this matter further consider
No robin not in this universe
No wonder we were fooled
Nonsense how can a yacht simply disappear
Not at all miss kitka
Nothing can stop us now
Now combine both answers
Now give our friend here a whiff of bat wake
Now heading up gotham river drive
Now hear this
Now hear this now hear this this is your captain speaki
Now hear this! now hear this!
Now i am merely going to temporarily extract every bit
Now my fine fishy finks
Observe that bell buoy
Of what comrade wayne
Of what use is a dream if not a blueprint for courageou
Off guard comrade
Oh a joke a day keeps the gloom away
Oh and what a pity that would be on the eve of the grea
Oh batman hello batman ahoy what can i do for you
Oh but i must i must oh outwitting batman is my sole de
Oh da da
Oh friends make peace have a shake on me
Oh go ahead penguin
Oh happy happenstance! (cackles)
Oh hello
Oh i really couldn't say sir
Oh i say what deucedly strange customs you colonials ha
Oh is this oh say!
Oh just a moment i'll have to look that up
Oh riddler joker do something!
Oh thank you steward
Oh the delicious irony of it all
Oh too bad too bad
Oh well gives me a jolly good chance to get caught up o
Oh what mere criminal genius catwoman!
Oh you cowardly kitten! do you want to live forever
Oh! into action comrade mmm!
Oh! well pip! pip! to you sir
On a peaceful afternoon motor ride
Once he is in their trap we will be released
One false move and you'll find out we'll hurl our batar
One hour one hour
One thing i don't dig batman
One thing is certain our strike cannot be postponed
Ooh it's like a dream pengy sweet
Oops too bad
Or i'll wreck this place with my dying breath!
Our blackest fears confirmed
Our instructions were to keep watch
Our objective the security council
Our poor united world in microcosm
Our task is not to sink that sub merely to drive it to
Out batarang and bat rope stand clear
Over there the drinking water dispenser is clearly mark
Penguin joker riddler and catwoman too
Penguin no my name's schmidlapp old boy schmidlapp
Penguin! penguin you know i can't take water!
Penguin's finished batman by now
Perfectly swallow this pill
Perhaps perhaps but i am appalled by your attitude sir
Please chief o'hara all of you
Please no more questions about that ship
Port two degrees and steady as she goes yo ho! port two
Precisely mr riddler
Precisely robin the only possible meaning
Prepare to fire bat charges in front of torpedoes when
Prepare to repel boarders!
Pretty fishy what happened to me on that ladder
Purr fect riddler purr fect mmm!
Purr fectly purr fectly
Quetch fetch the five guinea pigs yo ho!
Quick! everyone flee for your lives! into the street!
Quickly feed those figures into the navigational aid co
Quickly now send a jamming signal
Range 3500 get the bat charge launcher roger
Range 4000 bearing 8 8
Ready commodore
Ready for separation
Ready with super blinding bat pellets
Red alert prepare batcopter for immediate takeoff
Red alert! red alert!
Riddler! come back!
Riddler! you're mad riddler
Riddler's right for once
Right again now what would you say they mean
Robin listen to these riddles tell me if you interpret
Robin over here look
Robin prepare to rehydrate
Roger (2)
Roger correcting to port
Roger excuse us commissioner
Run silent run deep
Say no more robin it could be compromising of course
See c for catwoman
Send chief o'hara up to the roof and have him flash the
Separation accomplished
Sharpen your cutlasses there may be skulduggery ahead!
She will be disguised as kitka and as kitka
She's quite well mr wayne
She's right
Should be worth millions of yankee dollars pip pip!
Shut up you feline floozy!
Sic 'em hecate scratch out their eyes
Sitting like fat birds in a tree just waiting to be sna
So help me catwoman
So long for a minute
So say penguin failed
So to the penguin's princely plan is it yes or no
Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb
Sorry about that commodore
Stand back
Stand by to catch him robin i'll give him the bat gas
Stay on the alert robin
Steady robin i see one hope what batman if i can just p
Still i would like to get to gotham city one of these d
Strike your colors penguin
Success! success! they've done it! they've done it!
Success! success! we've done it! we've done it!
Suffice it to say that we're in the hands of the underw
Sure ma'am not even commissioner gordon and myself know
Surface mr bluebeard surface
Surface! surface!
Surrender you criminals!
Take away that ravenous panther!
Take her up!
Take it to him man oh!
Take the service elevator meet me in the batcave emerge
Taken to some secret island hideaway with every soul ab
Tell batman i salute him and wish him luck
Tell me commissioner what known super criminals are at
Tell me did you overhear any mention of any other priso
Thank goodness the caped crusader got there in time!
That class of missile receives on a wavelength of 164 1
That crazy missile it wrote two more riddles before it
That i cannot say
That miserable waddling mountebank of a bird he couldn'
That missile! look it's written something
That tricky mirage projector must be behind this plate
The bat camera was aimed right at the yacht when it too
The batman will never come here now but the police will
The charming russian journalist for the moscow bugle
The dream continues da da
The end the end oh
The entire security council may have been dehydrated
The fools are completely baffled eh but undrowned
The four of them their forces combined
The hope of the entire world tottering on the brink
The invention and its custodian are reported in grave d
The minute batman spots her he'll bop her with a batara
The pattern of myriad tiny blood vessels in the retina
The penguin in command of a preatomic submarine
The penguin that pompous waddling master of foul play m
The pompous fool he's played right into our hands
The security council gone!
The service on this yacht has gone to pot where's my te
The slightest impact was sufficient to instantly reduce
The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrou
The trigger one of my riddles of course
The truth sure and what is the truth
The united world building dear comrades in crime
The whole country
The whole world almost literally in our grasp
The woman must be mad!
The yacht we thought we saw was a mere illusion a trick
Their minimum objective must be the entire world
Then you did get the police to call them in for my prot
There are some things i cannot disclose miss kitka
There is a drifting submarine two miles east of sandy n
There we are
There's always hope you should know that sir
They are ready to rehydrate
They are ready to rehydrate (2)
They hold nine of the world's most eminent men in dehyd
They may be drinkers robin but they're also human being
They must be circling us
They'll head for sea by way of short island sound
They're used to curious sights which they attribute to
They're working together to take over
They've converted this buoy into a gigantic magnet it's
They've had about enough i imagine
They've spotted us set torpedoes to automatic homing yo
This bird has flown around the bend to cuckoo land!
This is extraordinary! it's absolutely extraordinary!
This may prove to be a most memorable night
This one's getting through it is it's getting through
This way robin!
This yacht i believe belonged to the famous big ben dis
This young lady is a stranger to our shores her request
Time for another check in is it not master robin roger
Time is getting short!
To be delivered to our secret island by the horde of tr
To deliberately trick batman and robin into inviting me
To the batmobile this could be the break we've been loo
To the elevator boys!
To think it might have been shattered before our very e
Tonight bruce wayne will go out on the town with miss k
Torpedo tubes armed
Torpedo wakes off the port bow
Torpedoes fire!
Torpedoes fire! (2)
Torpedoes! torpedoes! what are we waiting for
True i did think i'd spotted it out of the corner of my
True robin it was noble of that animal to hurl himself
Truer words were never spoken
Turn on the secret microphone yo ho!
Turn on the water faucet
Two minutes no more
Uh yes i understand
United underworld is through!
United world organization! precisely robin!
Up with you catwoman
Watch out batman this could be tricky
We are now passing through the grotto
We disposed of a war surplus submarine last friday a pr
We have just one trump card left robin
We haven't done anything foolish have we
We must hang together or most assuredly we shall hang s
We shall spring them from the joker's jack in the box t
We weren't meant for a watery grave! do something!
We'll check them against our mobile anti crime file in
We'll circle them at full thrust bat speed diminishing
We'll play each of our treacherous trumps in one hand a
We're about as united as the members of the united worl
We're almost there
We're approaching the tricky buoy
We've been given the plainest warning
We've got to get batman before he gets us
Well certainly if you say so boy wonder but why
Well make up your minds!
Well that's hardly necessary at the moment
Well we'll see about that
Well what do we do now
What a clue on how we made that ship disappear
What a curious device to carry
What a deliciously humorous trajectory
What a delightful haul!
What about that exploding shark doubtless an unfortunat
What cruelty stuffing a poor shark with a ton of deadly
What do you say
What does a turkey do when he flies upside down he gobb
What goes up white and comes down yellow and white an e
What has yellow skin and writes a ballpoint banana righ
What have you done with miss kitka
What kind of creature would gobble up a bird in a tree
What progress batman is there hope
What the riddler loose too so it seems
What unidentified small craft bearing 1 1 3
What weighs six ounces sits in a tree and is very dange
What well with the way the world is and all don't you t
What you don't know it's changing every second
What's the matter with it quite a lot i fancy
What's the matter with you all
What's your game penguin
When the crooks see it they'll figure batman and i are
Where does that elevator go downstairs obviously to an
Where is she catwoman show me miss kitka
Which naturally left them in a highly unstable conditio
Who else but a genius could conceive such an audacious
Who is it batman
Who knows this strange mixing of minds may be the great
Who needs him
Who on earth could you mean
Whoever dehydrated those pirates could not have foresee
Why of course it might be an amusing experience don't y
Why you pompous puffed up penguin!
Why you sniveling sardine!
Why your own picture has appeared countless times in th
With all modesty if we can't heaven knows who can
Won't take a minute oh yes it will!
Worse saints alive how can that be
Wow! what a set of superpower lenses
Yes boy wonder
Yes commissioner
Yes commissioner and you'd better return to police head
Yes gentlemen the criminal catalyst in this entire affa
Yes i scorched myself pressing a waistcoat
Yes separation accomplished ready to rehydrate
Yes unfortunately
Yes yes
Yes you are abrogating my constitutional rights sir
Yo ho ho sir! (2)
Yo ho ho sir! (3)
Yo ho! (2)
Yo ho! (3)
Yo ho! (4)
Yo ho! all engines full ahead
Yo ho! and away we go in my birdmobile!
Yo ho! dead slow astern
Yo ho! forward torpedo tubes prepare to fire
Yo ho! load torpedo tubes
Yo ho! my criminal co conspirators we meet as planned
Yo ho! sonar contact small craft at 7500 bearing 0 1 wh
Yo ho! steady on the diving plane!
Yo ho! up to periscope depth!
Yo ho! what
You abominable outlaws
You and your reconditioned war surplus torpedoes!
You and your trained exploding shark
You crazy bird fire them off! quickly!
You dismal bird! you and your submarine! where's it got
You do not think batman will get here
You don't understand joker
You filthy criminals
You grace us with your presence may i be of service
You know the fame of the wayne foundation is known from
You know what this means don't you
You mean it isn't true i stand on my answer mr merrick
You mean precisely robin
You mean while they were luring you to a watery grave t
You okay robin i sure am batman thanks to that anti pen
You risked your life to save that riffraff in the bar
You saw it yourself robin
You say you found these riddles written on wayne founda
You silly bird! they've just been through one of your f
You think you're pretty clever don't you mr wayne
You were duped brainwashed
You'd be willing to submit yourself to a test
You'll have worse than a parched sensation when we're t
You'll keep constant watch via the micro tv bat scanner
You're leaning on the current control
You're lucky the dynamic duo will talk to you at all
You're mad riddler
You're right alfred
You're right honey there was somebody walking up the wa
You're right they're surfacing fast
Your bat gas seems to have left me with a somewhat parc
Your discretion is admirable master robin yes
Your fingerprints will settle that hash penguin
Your jargon is quaint miss kitka (chuckles)
Your tea commodore schmidlapp
164 1
(all arguing and shouting)
(bell rings) commodore schmidlapp ringing for his tea
(giggling and cackling)
(giggling quacking and yowling)
(handset settles in cradle)
(high pitched giggling)
(in french) they are ready to rehydrate
(in french) they've done it! they've done it!
(in italian) they are ready to rehydrate
(in italian) they've done it! they've done it!
(in spanish) they are ready to rehydrate
(inhales) ah! (inhales) ah!
(knocking) come in
(penguin quacking)
(riddler giggles)
(speaking hebrew)
(speaking russian) comrade wayne
(speaking spanish)
(the joker laughing)
(whistle piping)
(whistling anchors aweigh)