Aether And Lumine Humm
Ah Ah :)
Albedo The Truth
Ayaka (Take Damage)
Bouken Da Bouken
Can you truly understand the value of life
Dealing with you will be the easy part
Diluc Alarm
Genshin Teleport
Give me another 10 seconds too Sir
Hu Tao
I am no Knight of Favonius
I have my own hopes for this city
I just wanted to protect you
I wanted to deal with it myself
I wasn't trying to be a hero though
If you can change something, change it
If you lie on the grass, you can feel the heartbeat
Itto's Clearing Throat
Kokomi CD Theme [B]
Let's see how long it takes for you to crack
Now start talking Your plan What is it
One should never poke fun at death
Paimon Vengeance FULL
So too, do you gain more responsibility
Thank you for your service
There will be no need for that
To use your strength for the good of others
What Business
Xiao Ultimate Jp
Yanfei Tabibito
Yes, I can't explain it
Yoimiya BOOM!
You should know that all power comes at a price