Alright from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Alright, man, get dressed. You're taking me out. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Alright, settle down, everyone from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Alright, will someone tell me already... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Amazing that word never fails to make an impression with you. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
And blamed us for what happened to Lenny. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
And fuck me in front of my daddy's video camera. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
And he says he's sure.. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
And he used to eat like that. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
And I couldn't stand my dad. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
And I don't want to die. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
And I know you'd never leave your sister alone with your father. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
And if anyone gives you any trouble, from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
And so are you from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Anything. A journal. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Are you sure you even packed it? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Besides, if you kill him now, from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Better than that, seven years, no blackouts. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
But I knew that if I went to live with my mum from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
But I knew that if I went to move with my mum from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
But I'm not so bad, am I? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
But you've got to take the only thing on this Earth... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Bye from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Can you protect me? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Carlos. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Come on, Lenny, let's go from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Come on, let's go. It's late. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Come on, yourself... it'll be fun. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Come on. Go on. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Couldn't make me stand up against the brotherhood. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Cricket, this is my well mannered roommate, Evan. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Damn it. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Did he ever say that he, like... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Did Mum get transferred again? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Didn't you? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Doesn't mean I'm gonna go crazy, Mum. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Don't you ever bring that shit up again. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Evan, stop it. It's not the time. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Evan? Get a towel. Get a towel. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Evan. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Evan... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Faster, faster from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Fight it, Evan, hurry. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Figured out a way to recall his lost memories... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Forever. Hell or high water from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Forget it. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Fuck 'em from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Fuck you, frat boy from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Fuckin' brutal. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Get him away. Get him away. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Get the pledges to do it from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
God. Can't a man get a little goddamned peace in his own house? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Good, because I really like to watch them. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Happy Birthday. Can I come too? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
He just wants to do a couple tests, that's all from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
He killed my dog from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
He might be watching from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
He saved Mrs. Halpern? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
He's not in his room. Search the grounds. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Hey, man. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Hey? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Hi. Hi from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Honey, are you alright? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
How are you doing this? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
How else would I know you have twin moles on your inner thigh? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
How long was I out? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
How... did... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
How's Tommy? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I can see that you're busy, from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I don't know from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I don't wanna go from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I have to concentrate if I wanna destroy the blockbuster. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I just needed to see a friendly face. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I just think that something really bad might have happened. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I mean, but that's not how things wound up. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I never want to go back. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I think he had it like the first day... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I think I was more focused on her hands on mine... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I think we should up your medication. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I thought you were someone else. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I was cold, so I wanted to wear my clothes from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I was just somewhere else. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I was pregnant three times, from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I was? Yeah. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I'd never see you again. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I'll be right back, Ev, okay? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I'm r.. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I'm so sick of this. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I'm sorry. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I'm sorry. I never heard of her. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I've been keeping them since I was seven. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
I've got no choice but to commit you to Sunnyvale Institution... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
In sure and certain hope... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
It should help me to understand the complexities... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
It smells like sex in here. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
It wasn't weird, was it? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
It'll lead to her suicide from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
It's going good. My Mum's good. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Kayleigh... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Know what? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Lay off, Evan. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Lenny'll be fine. You'll see. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Lenny's the best. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Let me get this shot. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Like grown ups do. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Like the grown ups do from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Listen to me good, Evan. I'll do whatever you want. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Maybe my father wasn't as crazy as everyone thought. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Maybe next time you'll pop up in some mansion... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Maybe one of the frat guys has got a gun. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Maybe there's a reason you repressed the day... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Me neither. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Mrs. Kagan, it's Evan... Treborn. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
My mum would've never started smoking in the first place. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No, go back to when I was seven... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No, I don't know. Fill me in. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No, I don't need it where I'm going. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No, it's cool. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No, it's my fault. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No, no from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No, take me back. Sorry, your mum would kill me. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
No. Kayleigh, no. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Not a bad piece of arse if I say so myself. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Not a problem. Here's my work number... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Nothing can hurt you. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Now, in this part of the story from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Oh God. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Oh my God from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Oh my god, Evan, you're bleeding from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Oh my God. Holy shit. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Oh, my gosh. My toes are numb from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Okay, let's do a rapid sequence intubation for a c section, stat from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Or that when you have an orgasm, your toes go numb? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Or... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Please save his arm. Can you open up my locker? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Please. The twisted fuck. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Plenty. Maybe he has severe coping problems... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Put your hands on your ears from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Read me something. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Relaxed. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Remember when we were kids.. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Remember, everyone, there's only two more weeks.. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Robin Hood has just married Maid Marian. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Save him. Not getting enough oxygen. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Seriously, Evan, lay off the blow. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
She... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
She's dead.. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Shit, no arms. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Shower that, bitch. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Shut up, faggot. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
So now you believe me. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
So, how's tricks? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Some help from you and the brothers.. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Somebody call 911. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Stop hitting him from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Stop it. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Stop. Oh my God. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Sweet girl, man. I found your shirt, bro'. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Thanks, George. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
That you wouldn't believe me, from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
The police have no leads, no suspects and no motive... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
There are no journals from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
There's no limits. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
This is the very moment of your reckoning from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
To ask a lot of stupid questions about Robin Hood? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
To me? Why? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
To see us together right now. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
To visit me after I moved away? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Together? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Tommy. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Unfucking believable from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Want a granola bar? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Was holding my hands over Kayleigh's ears. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Was rocked this afternoon... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Was to talk to you. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Wasn't enough room. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
We commend to almighty God, our brother Jason. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
We'll be seeing you later on tonight, little sister. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
We're pooling our student funds with the Hillel house... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Well, he couldn't remember doing it. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Well, I guess that's your game. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Well, they kept him in juvie for a few years, from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What are you doing, man? What the fuck? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What do you want to know, Evan? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What does that mean for Evan? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What happened? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What happened? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What is it? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What kind of stress can a seven year old have? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What the hell's going on? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What, are you kidding? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
What? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
When I'm out, I need you to watch my hands and face closely from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
When they come, from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Where are my goddamn books? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Where are we going? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Whose only concept of trust.. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Why are you doing this for me? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Why don't you fucking kiss her, Prince Charming? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Why don't you go back in time... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Without you breaking something? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Yeah, of course from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Yeah, they're right here. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Yeah. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Yeah. I'm not... I'm just saying it like... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Yes, Sir. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
Yes. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You ever think that I'll find someone? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You guys make a great couple. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You know how bad he had it when we were kids. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You know how spiritual he's gotten... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You know I love you from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You know the answer to that from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You know there's one major hole in your story. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You know, it's here somewhere. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You started chain smoking when I blew myself up from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You tell 'em I said it was okay from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You wanna open it? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You'll wake up feeling refreshed... What are you doing? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You're crying? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You're on my bed. Get out from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You're the girl that was with those arseholes... from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
You've seen pictures of me, right? from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
10 bucks says he eats it off the floor. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
...good, kiddo. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard
'It was like Tommy was possessed or something. from The Butterfly Effect (2004) Soundboard